tumorile cerebrale articol engleza

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  • 8/9/2019 Tumorile cerebrale articol engleza


    Brain Tumor Risk FactorsByJean Rothman| Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH

    Doctors don't know what causes most brain tumors. Genetics and

    exposure to certain chemicals play a role for some, but not all.

  • 8/9/2019 Tumorile cerebrale articol engleza


    There are more than 100 different types of tumors that can start in the spinal cord and

    brain. The tumors, which may be cancerous (malignant or non!cancerous (benign, can

    interrupt numerous normal acti"ities such as thinking, feeling, mo"ing, and e"en breathing.

    #octors may know the types of tumors, but they don$t yet know the risk factors for them.

    %&ome brain tumors occur as a result of a known genetic condition, such as neurofibromatosis

    'in which ner"e tissues grow tumors, but these represent less than ) percent of all brain

    tumors in adults as well as children,* says +ndrew &loan, #, director of the Brain Tumor

    and -euro!ncology /enter at ni"ersity ospitals /ase edical /enter in /le"eland. %2e

    aren$t sure what causes the other 3) percent, but there are se"eral new trials designed to gi"e

    us much more data on risk factors than e"er before.*

    ne study, called 4liogene, is gathering information from patients and family members

    around the world to help determine whether there are genes related to a kind of primary brain

    tumor called a glioma. + glioma is the most common type of brain tumor. These tumors form

    from ner"e cells called glial cells. These cells form the brain$s supporti"e tissue.4liogene$s

    goal is to e5amine tumor samples and blood from about 1),000 people who either ha"e a

    brain tumor or ha"e a relati"e who has one. 6f a genetic link can be identified, it may lead to

    better brain tumor treatment and pre"enti"e strategies in the future. The study in"ol"es

    research teams in the nited &tates, the nited 7ingdom, &weden, #enmark, and 6srael.

    Brain Tumor8 +re 9ou at Risk:

    There are some known risk factors for de"eloping a spinal cord or brain tumor. But keep

    in mind that ha"ing a risk factor doesn$t mean you$ll get sick ; and not ha"ing one is no

    guarantee that you won$t.The risk of brain tumor may be influenced by these factors8

    Gender.&pinal cord and brain tumors happen more fre

  • 8/9/2019 Tumorile cerebrale articol engleza


    Radiation. &tudies ha"e found that people who work in the nuclear industry are at increased

    risk for brain tumors. +lso, if you were treated with radiation therapy in the past, either to the

    head or brain, you may be at a higher risk for meningioma.

    Formaldehyde. &tudies show that certain workers who are e5posed to formaldehyde are at an

    increased risk for brain cancer. These include pathologists and embalmers. But people in other

    kinds of careers that in"ol"e e5posure to formaldehyde ha"e not been found to be at higher


    Vinyl chloride. Being e5posed to this chemical, which is used in the making of plastics, may

    increase a person?s risk of getting a brain tumor.

    Acrylonitrile. @5posure to this material, used in making te5tiles and plastics, may also be arisk factor.

    Genetic disorders. a"ing a genetic disorder can increase the chances of ha"ing the different

    kinds of brain tumors, including8 -eurofibromatosis (type 1 and type A, on ippel!Cindau

    disease, tuberous sclerosis, Ci!Fraumeni syndrome, Turcot syndrome (type 1 and type A,

    7linefelter syndrome, -e"oid basal cell carcinoma syndrome.

    a"ing the @pstein!Barr "irus or +6#&, or ha"ing an organ transplant may increase a person?s

    risk of central ner"ous system lymphoma.

    6f you are concerned that you may be at risk for spinal cord or brain tumors, talk with your

    doctor. Together, you can look at your medical history, talk about the possible risk factors, and

    determine a course of action.