true growth is inclusive

Upload: abhinavjha7

Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 True Growth Is Inclusive


  • 8/10/2019 True Growth Is Inclusive


    economics have caused ma=or havoc. India has seen a remarkable growth rate over the past decade,

    second only to +hina, the ma=ority population is in tatters. !bout nline5. The Green

    ?evolution" essential in providing food security to citizens" has caused disastrous effects in some

    spheres due to its unregulated nature. e.g. >verconsumption of water and heavy use of pesticides in

    ;un=ab has led to the local population living in a heavily to$ic environment with the groundwater

    table disastrously low@ ;un=ab faces uranium poisoning in its water which is ()3 more than WA>

    guidelines 4#engupta5.

    'Inclusive growth' simply means focussing on growth that allows every participant of the economy

    to benefit euitably and sustainably. This means considering the poor, socially disadvantaged and

    the environment when forming economic policies. The market only recognizes buyers, not citizens.

    !nd not all citizens have the potential to be buyers. #ome are victims of social e$clusion and

    historical ineuality, such as :alits in India. #ome are born poor and are stuck in a poverty trap.

    !nd it is these people who suffer the most whenever the country faces a crisis. Beglect of theenvironment has also caused ma=or issues as seen in the e$ample about the Green ?evolution. In an

    article titled, '#ynthesis of 2cology and 2conomics'. :r. %ihir #hah makes a strong case for

    creating a more realistic economic model than the current where the environment is treated as a

    perennial source and sink. Ae says, 0This dual conception of 'free gifts of nature' and the imperative

    to e$ercise 'control over nature' runs through the entire gamut of thinking in economics1 4#hah5.

    Bot taking an inclusive perspective towards growth causes social problems too e.g. Insurgent

    movements when a people resort to violent action against the government because they have been

    e$cluded from growth benefits for generations and been left to oppression amidst poverty. 2ven in

    strict monetary terms, the I% 4International %onetary und5 recently proclaimed that 0ineuality

    is a drag on growth1, positing data that showed the link between low ineuality and higher growthlevels 4Talley5.

  • 8/10/2019 True Growth Is Inclusive


  • 8/10/2019 True Growth Is Inclusive
