tristar estonia 2012 briefing 11.1 & 33.3 english

RACE BRIEFING TriStar 11.1 TriStar 33.3 TRISTAR ESTONIA 2012

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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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TriStar Estonia 2012 Briefing 11.1 & 33.3 English


Page 1: TriStar Estonia 2012 Briefing 11.1 & 33.3 English


TriStar 11.1 TriStar 33.3


Page 2: TriStar Estonia 2012 Briefing 11.1 & 33.3 English

Starter Pack Contents for TriStar11.1 and 33.3 atheletes

« 1 swim cap « 1 start numbers « 1 bike sticker « 1 helmet sticker « 1 athlete guide « 1 timing chip

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Check In TriStar11.1 08:00 – 9:30 TriStar33.3 13:30 – 14:30 « Transition area « Check in is mandatory for participants! « Check in – you have bring your bike, helmet

shoes and the rest whats needed for race! You can use only Checked equipment!

« Check in will be closed 9:30 for TriStar11.1 participants and 14:30 TriStar 33.3 participants! NO EXEPTIONS!

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« TriStar11.1 Swim + Bike + Run: 1:30

« TriStar33.3 Swim: 00:30 Swim + bike: 2:00 Swim + bike + run: 3:00

Cut-off times

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TriStar 11.1 MAPS

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0.1 km SWIM map

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10 km Bike map

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1 km Run map

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TriStar 33.3 MAPS

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0.3 km SWIM map

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30 km BIKE map

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3 km RUN map

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Enjoy your last metres on the Finishline! Yes, you can!

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Rules & Regulations


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SWIM Rules « It is not allowed to swim with

your race number, except under your wetsuit

« Wetsuits are allowed water is 22 C

« You have to but your wetsuit beside your bike

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BIKE rules 33.3 « No DRAFTING!!! « The helmet on! « The race number on the back. « Respect the rule of the road. « Keep on the right. Do not cut corners!

« Escorting and assistance are forbidden. « NO energy station on the bike

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BIKE rules 11.1 « DRAFTING is ALLOWED!!!

« The helmet on! « The race number on the back. « Respect the rule of the road. « Keep on the right. Do not cut corners!

« Escorting and assistance are forbidden. « NO energy station on the bike

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No Drafting in 33.3 « The distance between two athletes

(Drafting zone) is 3 x 10m (front tyre to back tyre)

« You are responsible for going to the Penalty area upon your return in the Transition. « If you do not go to the penalty you are


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Karistused/kaardid = 15 sek samll mistakes = 3 minutes penalty in Penalty area

= disqualification =

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RUN rules « Race number at your front « Do not run topless « Escorting and assistance

are forbidden « Energy Station at 200m

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