tripura final story

weaves a story on myth-marketing!

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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weaves a story on myth-marketing!

How do you talk about a concept which is considered myth?

A concept which is still on the drawing boards?

A story which is yet to penetrate the public conscience?

Storytelling. It’s easy!

1. Tell a story which is beautiful.

2. The language should be easy and relatable.

3. As a storyteller, give something new. Give the audience an experience.

A beautiful story.

Take Apple. They turned the ordinary into something beautiful.

Take the 3D doodling pen; it literally creates out of the air.

Communicating in the language of the audience is very important.

Until recently, Coke talked about a simple proposition.

Let’s talk about extending the experience now.

How about Coke Studio ?

Analysing the learning

Give the targeted mass a beautiful product.

Communicate in their language.

Experience is the key word!

Bottom-line: Tell an engaging story!

The blue-print

We need to tell a story from the Brand’s perspective; however, we believe that there’s a science behind the telling.

Presenting our #TellerLogy model!

India as a destination and the burgeoning Indian middle-class!

The state of Tourism Industry gives India the third rank among fastest-growing countries.

2011 saw an 8.9% rise in FTA.

2012 saw an increase of 16.5% in domestic travelling.

The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013 ranks India 65th out of 144

countries overall.


All the major states and their PoA

All the prominent states of India have arrived when it comes to promoting and advertising.

Some of the major states have started exploring the new media apart from the

traditional media.

New states and how they have joined the bandwagon.

Take the example of Uttarakhand. Take the example of Chhatisgarh.

The way the new states are

promoting themselves is exemplary.

Stakeholders – direct and indirect: A vital cog in the wheel

When it comes to promoting a travel attraction, every hand is needed on the deck.

From the office coordinator to that taxiwallah at the airport gate, every one is a part of the picture!

The model takes into consideration each one of them while proposing a campaign

to the concerned Brand!

Competition picture

When it comes to State Tourism, the competition is exclusive. The vacation destinations matter on a lot of factors, and demands a top-of-the-

mind recall.

The campaigns thus talk about their own strengths keeping the ecosystem in mind.

The Tellerlogy model will propose all the campaigns along this same line.


Budget Intention

Manpower Logistics support

Cutting out the guesstimating factors and analyzing reality

Attributes > Distinctiveness > Novelty

Attribute-mapping: Tripura as a destination has a very less connection with tourists and travellers. The land, it

seems, is lost behind a veil of time.

Distinctiveness: The state of Tripura is lost in tranquility, shrouded in veils of time. This, to us, is giving an

unique distinctiveness. The state possesses a strange mythical element which can be a pull-element to potential travellers and tourists.


Tellerlogy model thus upholds the fact that Tripura is still a land yet to be discovered. The proposed communication route is thus ‘Discovering Tripura’.

Decoding the Brand

No visible campaign around the Brand

Minimal spent on Advertising

Digital and New media space packs huge potential

Doesn’t have a specific brand personality!

Decoding the Consumer

Age: 25-45 Male

Working Profession/College/Post Graduate

Ambitious and traveller

Wants to do more in life than just work

Travels the unbeaten path and seeks adventure

Kind of lives her / his parallel life on Social Media through images


The current perception is pretty bad and vague

Competition Analysis Competition has moved miles ahead in terms of advertising and promoting

Target Consumer Behavior

The target is to slowly inject Brand Tripura as an option in the travel itineraries

Untapped Consumer The percentage who are still unsure about Tripura as a destination

Adaption Method

Change the mindset. Talk to the travellers and not the tourists. The Tellerlogy model will try to convert the weakness into a strength


We have two distinct and definite routes merging to form a single conversation point.

1. People are ignorant about a travel destination called Tripura. 2. Tripura has a huge surprise quotient up its sleeve in terms of places like Chabimura,

Unakoti etc. apart from the more known ones like Tripureshwari and others.

The conversation point thus is the fact that ignorance is not always bliss. People are really missing out on some deliciously intriguing places when it comes to Tripura.

What we have is a vague image of the state and a not-so-attractive picture regarding state tourism


Vox-pop 1: Mitu Sarkar, 47, Tourist, Travels with family

Vox-pop 2: Divya, 32, Corporate Banker, Avid traveller, Travels

with family

Vox-pop 3: Saswata, 25, Wanderlust, Nature lover

Common voice: Tripura has never been in my bucket list

Lesson: The desired image is not there inside the consumer’s head!

The tourists / travellers / wanderlusts do not consider Tripura as a coveted destination.

What if we dissect Tripura Tourism in its present state?

Tripura Tourism: Strength/s

Unexplored lands and the surprise elements in the form of Unakoti, Chabimura, Devatamura et al.

Proper facilities across the State regarding food, stay and transportation.

Tripura Tourism: Weakness/es

Lack of proper knowledge regarding the infrastructure

Lack of Reason-To-Believe regarding Tripura as a travel destination

Tripura Tourism: Opportunity/ies

Positive sentiment among the travel operators regarding travelling to Tripura

The element of surprise

Tripura Tourism: Threat/s

Travellers are still not sure about travelling to the State

Lack of perception regarding the positive sides of travelling to Tripura

What do we propose then?

Building Trust

Today’s audience believe in the brands they interact with. And with belief, comes trust. From a Brand’s perspective, building a trust factor with the audience (travellers in this case)

is very important.

Proposed goal

In order to build a trust-based relationship with all the potential travellers, there needs to be a goal.

Proposed goal for Brand Tripura Tourism would be:

To create a Top-Of-The-Mind recall among the travellers / tourists when it comes to planning a trip in India

Probable challenge

The lack of knowledge and perception regarding the State has resulted in low footfalls till date.

The challenge is to override this and create a scenario where travellers would meet the Brand Tripura halfway in getting to know each other in a better way.

Proposed voice

In pursuit of a relationship with the travellers, the Brand will develop a voice of its own. What would that be like?

We propose a voice that would be assertive and firm yet warm and cordial.

Proposed promise

Every brand promises something while going into a relation with its consumers. The consumers also expect something out of the brand while the courtship phase is on.

In this case, the promise would be the element of surprise present behind discovering

Tripura in a new light. Travellers who have never been here, tourists who have never considered Tripura, will now be pleasantly surprised.

Proposed philosophy

The definition of travelling has changed over all these years. Today’s travellers are more connected in terms of enquiring about a place they are supposed to visit.

The philosophy of Brand Tripura Tourism would be the fact that in spite of all the

connectivity and information overflow, Tripura contains in itself a sense of time-travelling. There is a sense of discovery attached to the various sites across the State.

Proposed positioning Tripura is still unexplored. There is a sense of adventure in Tripura. People are yet to discover

the magic.

Our intended positioning: Tripura is for those who seek new lands.

Tripura is for those who seek new truths. Tripura is for those who seek roots.

In short, Tripura is for travellers.

Proposed imagery Discovery

Time travel


Tripura Tourism: Strategy The strategy is two fold:

Weakness to be converted to Strength Threat to be converted to Opportunity

The lack of knowledge and perception regarding Tripura would be used in a positive frame. Travellers would be encouraged to come down to Tripura and unveil the State according to

their own taste.

In short, the fact that Tripura is still a place beyond the common choice is not a weakness to us. It is to us a point of strength.

Long term

A brand always needs a long-term solution with the entire picture in mind. A macro view of the entire journey needs to be planned from the point of view of the brand.

Roadmap for Tripura:

Brand building exercise Creative Strategy

Operational Strategy Digital Strategy

Audience Listening and Analysis

B2B exercise: Stakeholder involvement and empowerment B2C exercise: Reaching out to the relevant audience

We foresee

Travellers who have not yet considered Tripura as a destination, Tourists who are not sure about Tripura, would be in awe of the State post the new positioning.