trends trade fairs forcasting

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  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    T h e I m p o r t a n c e a n dP u r p o s e o f T r a d e

    F a i r s , F o r e c a s t i n ga n d T r e n d s I n

    T e x t i l e s

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    We are going to look at

    how, why, where, what, when and who

    makes fashion

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    Trend forecastingis all about being inspirationaland innovative.Research is done into tracking trends globally and looking into

    consumer behaviour. These are all translated into future concepts.



    Trend forecasters are a small group of

    people from a $ariety of creati$e

    backgrounds. They are conceptual thinkers,

    fine artists, philosophers, product designers,textile artists, photographers, researchers,

    anthropologists, art historians, architects,

    marketers, specialists in technology and

    people with a holistic and intuiti$e approach

    to the future.


  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    Forecasting is a highly intricate % complex process.

    The idea is to interpret information and communicate

    it clearly through a combining of text and $isuals.

    To expressthoughts and philosophies in strong

    visuals with colours, materials, surfaces and shapes.

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    &$ery design company in &urope and the 'nited (tates of

    )merica uses trend forecasting ser$ices to gather $ital trend


    Textile Viewis one of the leading international trendmaga*ines that show colour and design predictions.

    +arns, wo$en, printed and knitted fabrics for the three

    following seasons are shown in the form of trend collages,

    sketched, photos and concise explanations. This

    information is complemented by examples of important

    trend setting styling- ideas for the ready#to#wear industry

    as well as themes and designs for home textiles.

    It is an inspirational "ournal showing professional high

    uality information and a comprehensi$e $iew of fashion

    de$elopments, including lifestyle reports, artistic trends,

    interior design tendencies and information about the

    international art and design world.

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    Forecasters and trend books are sold at International Trade

    showsand work 18 months in advanceof the seasons.

    /esigners and manufactures pay a lot of attention to the forecasts as

    these will dictate what will be hot and what will not-.

    Pantone colour palates are then put together by colour forecasting

    ser$ices. /esigner and manufactures in$est thousands of pounds in these

    as they help achie$e improved sales, increased profits and greatermarket penetration.

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    Textile trade showsare a $ital link for designers,manufacturers and industry to gather new ideas and gain growth.

    They pro$ide platforms to show the latest de$elopments in fibres,

    fabrics and yarn technologies.

    Trade shows are international affairs and bring together e$eryone in

    the textile industry to foster textile research and inno$ation in design.

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    Paris Pole 0ode 1 offering di$erse, creati$e yarns

    and fabric accessories for more than 23,333

    professionals from the clothing trade

    Premier 4ision 1 holding all the key trends andpredictions for the coming 56 months

    &xpofil 1 specialising in new fibres and yarns on

    offer worldwide

    0od-)mount 1 putting the new creations of

    functional and decorati$e accessories on the market

    Indigo 1 where fashion professionals meet

    designers from all o$er the world to showcase533,333 of new designs

    The most famous of these is remier Vision!held in Paristwice a year for the (pring!(ummer collections and the

    )utumn!Winter collections. The trade show is made up of fi$e

    salons- comprising

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    The internetis now a ma"or source of trend information fordesigners., the "orth #lobal $t%le &etwork!,

    is an online business#to#business news and information ser$icefor the fashion and style industry. 'nfortunately it reuires a

    membership fee, but students studying fashion and textiles at

    'ni$ersity can often ha$e access to it through their course.

    It is a fast#mo$ing up#to#date resource on

    e$erything that trend has to offer. It is a

    global pro"ect that pro$ides the latest

    access to catwalks, trend analysis, retailreports and industry resources all at the

    touch of a button. This is crucial in the

    fickle world of fashion.

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    F a d The hotpants of the 5783s. Fadcycles catch on well and peak uickly

    9 l a s s i c The little black dress. 9lassic fashion

    is practical, easy to wear and always

    in style

    ( t a n d a r d The mini skirt. )n example of a

    standard fashion cycle that lasts about

    two years

    ) product cycleis the way that designers and manufacturersidentify how well a particular product is doing and decide when to

    replace it

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    Fashion fads come and go, they are always short lived and often remembered. In

    1964 the New York and ! disco scene was "in#. $high%high skirts and bright calf%

    level &o%&o boots with a broad heel were the thing to wear. $hey originated from

    the 'arisian collection of !ndre (o)rreges, and that year his collection

    overshadowed many seasoned designers like (oco (hanel.It was the year that Nancy *inatra to++ed m)sic charts with her smash hit These

    Boots Are Made For Walking-. $he record sold almost fo)r million co+ies and she

    will always be remembered alongside the go%go boots fashion.

    y the s+ring of 196/, go%go boots began to fall o)t of fashion with designers

    showing shorter skirts and higher boots.

    F a d o r F u n k y :

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    9lassic- is a fashion style. It comes from a simple, chic and impeccably dressed

    wardrobe of key pieces. Think ;ackie a$ing lasting significance or worth? enduring





    Little Black Dress

    Three-Piece Suit

    Navy Blazer

    White Shirt

    Khaki Slacks

    Cashmere Sweater

    JeansTrench Coat

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    ( t a n d a r d

    ) standard fashion cycle generally lasts twoyears. It normally passes through four

    stages. From the time that a style leader

    buys a new exclusi$e design, through to the

    style follower who buys into the look when

    it becomes better known, simpler and costs

    less. Then the a$erage consumer buys it

    when the style is readily a$ailable, simpler

    still and lower cost. Finally the decline

    laggards will buy the style in the sales whenthe popularity has passed its peak.

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    9 o u t u r e 1 >igh fashion, 9atwalk

    9 u l t u r a l 1 +outh Intelligence, 9ultural Identity

    P o l i t i c a l 1 War, Peace, 9onser$ati$e, 9ommunist

    0 e d i a 1 9elebrities, Fashion Icons, 0o$ies, 0usic

    I n f l u e n c e s

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting





    F a s h i o n 9 o u t u r e

    Haute couture@French for =high sewing=A is a common term for highfashion as produced in Paris and imitated in other fashion capitals such as Bew

    +ork, Condon, and 0ilan. (ometimes it is used only to refer to French fashion?at other times it refers to any uniue stylish design made to order for wealthy

    and high#status clients.

    prt--porter @French for ready to wear-A&$ery haute couture house also markets prDt#E#porter

    collections, which typically deli$er a higher return

    on in$estment than their custom clothing. Failing

    re$enues ha$e forced a few couture houses to

    abandon their less profitable couture di$ision and

    concentrate solely on the less prestigious prDt#E#porter, perfumes, licensing and accessories.

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    0 e d i a

    )s seen on any best dressed list-, stars of stage and screen

    know the need for stylist=s and designer expertise in order to

    look their best. /esigners often get famous celebrity=s to

    wear their latest collections as PR and marketing strategies.

    )long with red carpet nights, famous faces also adorn the

    pages of maga*ines, for example (arah ;essica Parker for

    ap and, more recently, 0adonna for 4ersace.

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    P o l i t i c a l I n f l u e n c e

    Politics plays and important role in the influence

    of fashion and can be seen through the ages toreflect the feeling of the times.

    The abolition of corsets championed by the

    suffragette mo$ement and pioneered as far back

    as 573G by the designer Paul Poiret.

    The freedom enhanced shortening of skirts forthe flapper look of the 57H3s.

    The Bew Cook- from 9hristian /ior in 5728

    was a backlash from the (econd World War-s

    stringency and rationing. It was defined by

    generous use of luxurious fabrics, a wasp#

    waisted silhouette and widely flared skirts.

    +ou only ha$e to look at the recent fashion for

    camouflage prints and military wear to connect,

    @as it has been attributed in the pressA to the

    current climate of war.

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting


    Fashion is $ery fickle, especially in the teen market. 'outh intelligenceis a biggrowth area for fashion and there is an entire trend#prediction ser$ice de$oted to this

    area of the apparel industry. )s this market is $ery fast mo$ing, companies like

    )bercrombie and Fitch employ young cool hunters- to figure out what is going to be

    the next big thing-.

    They hang out in Ibi*a, go to lastonbury, and generally ha$e a cool time while

    checking out all the latest street trends and predicting what will be up and coming street


    9 u l t u r a l

    % ( t r e e t

    F a s h i o n

    9ool >unter 1 Cee -)ctually it=s a triangle. )t the top of the triangle there=s the inno$ator, which islike two to three percent of the population. 'nderneath them is the trend#setter, which we would say is

    about 58 percent. )nd what they do is they pick up on ideas that the inno$ators are doing and they kind

    of claim them as their own. 'nderneath them is an early adopter, which is uestionable exactly what

    their percentage is, but they kind of are the layer abo$e mainstream, which is about 63 percent. )nd

    what they do is they take what the trend#setter is doing and they make it palatable for mass consumption.

    They take it, they tweak it, they make it more acceptable, and that=s when the mass consumer picks up

    on it and runs with it and then it actually kills it-.

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting



    9ha$s 1 Jurberry 1 ilfiger 1

    baggy street wear 1 "eans 1 track suits

  • 7/23/2019 Trends Trade Fairs Forcasting
