transit = opportunity presentation

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  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation


    Transit = OpportunityThe Critical Role of Public Transit

    September 15, 2015 

  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation



    • What is the problem?• Why is transit relevant to issues of poverty & opportunity?

    • How does public transit affect opportunity?

    • What does the research show?

    • What more can transit do to improve access to opportunities?

  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation


    What is the problem?

    % of People below thePoverty Level

    % of Households withoutan automobile

    City of Savannah 25.9% 7.9%

    Chatham County 19.1% 12.9%

    In order to escape poverty

    you must be able to access opportunity…

  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation


    Why is it relevant?

    • Transportation is a nearly universal requirement for all jobs –  Employers expect staff to be able to show up on time get to work.

    • Infrastructure currently supports one mode of transportation

    above all others: private automobile.

     –  Walking, biking, and transit make up less than 10% of commuters inChatham County.

    • Low income individuals and families pay a larger share of their

    income for transportation – and face difficult choices about

    how to use scarce resources.

  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation


    “Put simply, access to affordable

    commuting options is a key factor

    in the economic mobility of the

     working poor.”

    (Roberto, Commuting toOpportunity , 2008)

    Graphic Sources

     A Heavy Load: The Combined Housing and Transportation Burdens of Working Families, Lipman, Center for Housing Policy (2006)

  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation


    Increase Opportunities for Low Income Families

    • Location Matters –  Employment centers without transit service simply prevent those who

    most need jobs from getting them.

    • Limited Transit = Limited Opportunities

     –  Limiting transit service limits opportunities for those seeking work.• Shorter Commute Time = More Stable Communities

     –  Time spent traveling to and from work cannot be spent with family,

    community, education, or any other activity.

  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation


    How does Public Transit Affect Access to Opportunity? 

    • Location of Transit Stops –  Does the service take me

    where the jobs are?

    • Frequency of Service

     –  When my plans change, can Istill use transit?

    • Span of Service

     –  Can I use transit for early

    morning and late night shifts?

    • Speed of Travel –  Does the transit provider

    value my time?

    • Reliability

     –  Can I count on transit to bethere when I expect it?

    • Cost / Fare

     –  How much will I save

    compared to my options?

  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation


    Where do jobs and transit line up in our county?

    LHED, 2013

  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation


    Don’t take my word for it…

    • Commute Time Matters –  “Equality of Opportunity study

     –  Found that Commuting Time is the strongest indicator of a low income

    family’s chances of escaping poverty. Shorter commute times were

    associated with a higher probability of improved economic situation.

    This association was stronger than crime, test scores, or two-parentfamilies. This study tracked over 5 million people who moved during

    the 1980s and 1990s and controlled a variety of factors. (NY Times,

    5/7/2015, “Transportation Emerges as Crucial to Escaping Poverty”,

    Mikayla Bouchard)

  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation


    Don’t take my word for it…

    • High Cost of Driving –  Commuting to Opportunity study

     –  Driving to work is the most expensive commuting option for all

    workers and also imparts the highest cost burden for workers. Among

    the working poor, those who drive to work have a higher cost burden

    of commuting (8.4 %) than the working poor who use public transit(5.8 %). Both figures exceed the cost burden for other workers who

    drive (4.5 % of income) or take public transit (2.9 % of income).

    (Roberto, Commuting to Opportunity , Brookings Institution -

    Metropolitan Policy Program, 2008).

  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation


    Don’t take my word for it…

    • Benefits to Employers –  Employee Turnover study

     –  Recent research shows that access to fixed route bus transit confers

    benefits to low income workers and to the companies that hire them

    by reducing turnover. When employers can retain staff, they avoid

    costs for training and human resources – and transit service was foundto be a significant indicator of increased employee retention (Faulk &

    Hicks, “The impact of bus transit on employee turnover: evidence

    from quasi-experimental samples” Urban Studies. 2015)

  • 8/20/2019 Transit = Opportunity presentation


    What Can CAT Do?

    • Ensure that CAT riders can access all of our area’s employmentdestinations

    • Help local employers understand the value of transit services

    to their staff and the community

    • Respond to new funding initiatives that encourage theexpansion of opportunity by using transit

     –  Partnership for Sustainable Communities

     –  Ladders of Opportunity