transforming safety performance by unlocking the power of

Transforming Safety Performance by Unlocking the Power of People and Processes Geni E. Stevens

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Transforming Safety Performance by Unlocking the Power of People and Processes

Geni E. Stevens

Transforming Safety Performance by Unlocking the Power of People and Processes

Geni E. Stevens Environmental Resources Management

Rising expectations

Safety performance expectations rising on the back of

• Declining tolerance of risk generally

• 24-7 media, chasing the story

• Company’s own actions

• Tightening regulation and more strident regulators

Improvement in performance must keep pace with rising expectations.

Costs of failure continue to ratchet up.


Performance Expectations

Actual Performance




December 2-3, 2014

Safety leadership and performance on the front line


Performance Expectations

Actual Performance




December 2-3, 2014

Leaders’ Behaviors, Culture they Create, and Processes they use

Behaviors of Front-Line Personnel

Risk Control/ Incidents and

Accidents Compliance /

Non-Compliance Acceptable / Unacceptable

Impacts on People

December 2-3, 2014

Behavior =

We can only change how people act if we get them to think differently



+ Action

December 2-3, 2014

• Better outcomes will occur only if front line personnel change their behaviors

• Behaviors on the front line will only change if front line leaders and their leaders up the line change

• Their behaviors

• Create different culture in their teams ….

• Use different processes and/or use the process they have in a different way …. to induce behavioral change on the front line

Having the right intent is critical … but not sufficient

Improving performance outcomes

Safety processes account for >20% of OpEx and >10% of non-material project costs

Performance Metrics/

Reporting Safety


Permit to Work

Job Hazard


Leaders’ Engagements in

the Field

Tool Box Talks

Behavioral Observation


Management of Change Processes



What percentage of this effort really impacts front-line behaviors?

In practice no more than 5-10% of this effort really impacts how people think and act

Performance Metrics/

Reporting Safety


Permit to Work

Job Hazard


Leaders’ Engagements in

the Field

Tool Box Talks

Behavioral Observation


Management of Change Processes



? ? ?

Leaders can unlock massive value from the processes by focusing on behaviors

Permit to Work

Job Hazard


Leaders’ Engagements in

the Field

Tool Box Talks

Behavioral Observation


Management of Change Processes



Safety Moments

Performance Metrics/


December 2-3, 2014

Three imperatives to improve performance

1. Creating a personal and organizational imperative for leaders* to change and making it personal

2. Equipping leaders to deliver cultural and behavioral change on the front line …. not by inventing new stuff, but helping them to make much better use of established programs and processes

3. Making it self-sustaining within the organization

*Front line leaders and those they report to up the line

December 2-3, 2014

Creating an imperative for leaders to raise their game

• Use incident/near miss data (event descriptions -- not numbers)

• Share observations of at-risk conditions and behaviors. Use photos. Focus on consequences.

• Identify causes of failure and animate these with quotes from leaders and folks on the front line.

• Help the leaders understand the impact they have on the behaviors of their people…. they get to decide if their people will have accidents. Telling leaders they should change doesn’t

work. Need to build a data driven case for change – focused on events and actual conditions.

December 2-3, 2014

Equipping leaders to deliver change

• Harnessing the full weight of the approaches they use to deliver performance in the areas they are passionate about and

• Teaching leaders to focus on areas of greatest need … hazard recognition skills so they recognize at-risk conditions and behaviors

• Coaching them to have transformational interactions with folks in the field, that change the culture in their teams.

• Educate them to breath life into established programs and processes

• Providing them with tools to measure performance

Equipping leaders to deliver cultural and behavioral change on the front line …. not by inventing new programs, but helping them to make much better use of established ones.

December 2-3, 2014






Transformational engagements with teams

December 2-3, 2014





Permit Writer


Leaders breathing life into safety critical processes

December 2-3, 2014

Making it self sustaining Building capacity within the organization to coach leaders to engage habitually with their people in a style which will impact their behaviors

• Carefully selected individuals plus safety functional staff

• Teaching them to target the leaders who need most help

• Working with them to develop their coaching skills

• Putting in place the tools to measure individual effectiveness

Designing additional support for the short- and medium-term

Building capacity within the organization to coach leaders to engage habitually with their people in a style which will impact their behaviors

December 2-3, 2014

Delivering Results

72% reduction in TRCF on $9B construction project

60% reduction in incidents at a refinery in Singapore

27% reduction in incidents at an integrated oil sands operation in northern Alberta

18 months without a recordable at a Gulf Coast petrochemical plant

December 2-3, 2014

Your questions and comments …