transdermal clonidine: where oral clonidine is not tolerated

The Addition of L-cysteine to Penicillamine Treatment of RA . •. . . . doe. not improve response nor reduce adverse effects 33 patients with rheumatoid arthritis received a single daity dose of penicillamine 62Smg plus placebo (n = 15) or L·cysteine at a corresponding dosage (n "" 18). There were no significant differences between the groups over the 0-3, 3-6 or ().6 month study periods in haptoglobin, ESR, glutathione (GSH) disulphide, duration of morning stiHness, grip strength, pain score and articular index. Serum GSH (mmolfL whole blood) was significanlly higher in the placebo group compared with the l-cys teine group over the 3-6 month period. However, when observed over the 0-6 month period. or when corrected for changes in erythrocyte volume fraction, the difference became insignificant. 11 patients on L-cysteine vs 5 on placebo experienced side effects, leading to withdrawal in 4 vs 3 instances, Gas. lrointestinal upset was reported by 5 vs 2 patients, respectively. Fu rther, levels of GSH and GSH dlSulphlde dId not differ between patients with or without side effects. Her, /ev-Pelflrun, K.: 8eye(, J. Boesen. P D. P.: ./OurIW of RhetNnalOl1ogy /2" 637-6f() (Jut1 1965) 8 INPHAAMA" 7 Dec 1985 ® ADIS Press

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Transdermal Clonidine: where Oral Clonidine is not Tolerated Once weekly transdermal therapy maintains compliance in hypertensive patients

Oral clonidine treatment was replaced by transdermal clonidine in the form of skin patches (3 mg/patch) in 17 patients with essential hypertension whose BP had been controlled with oral clonidine (0.36mg daily) and hydrochlorothiazide (50mg daily). The number of patches applied was increased to a maximum of 3/week until the BP reached the level achieved during oral clonidine therapy (129/85mm Hg).

15 of 17 patients stabilised at this level within 8 weeks and continued with transdermal clonidine for a further 4 weeks. Two patients could not obtain adequate BP control using '3 patches weekly. Plasma clonidine levels measured after 4 hours (0.78 ng/ml), 4 days (0.89 ng/ml) and 7 days (0.78 ng/ml) did not differ from each other or from trough values (0.86 ng/ml) obtained during oral administration. Mild erythema and itching occurred at patch sites in 4 of 17 (24%) patients, but systemic side effects such as dry mouth, drowsiness and sedation appeared to be less pronounced. Once weekly transdermal application of clonidine can therefore adequately substitute for twice daily oral administration giving smoother blood pressure control and fewer side effects. Popli. S. et al. Clinical Therapeutics 5: 624 (No 6. 1983)

8 INPHARMA(') 17 Mar 1984 0156-2703/84/0317-0008/0$01.00/0 © ADIS Press