traitor to the cause by black rose

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  • 7/29/2019 Traitor to the Cause by Black Rose


    Chapter 1

    To those that knew her, she was merely a shadow of her former self.

    Relena, pale and far too thin from endless hours of stress and strain, dressed in her diplomatic

    uniform and tied her honey tresses back in a long, soft braid. She knew what she was facing today, and

    had already made the arrangements for the shuttle to take her far away from the Cinq Kingdom, and

    Earth. Only a miracle could save her, now, and miracles were in short supply these days.

    Noin knocked lightly on the open door before entering the hotel suite bedroom of the Cinq

    Kingdom's representative to ESUN, a sad smile playing on her lips as she gazed across the room at the

    young woman who was like a sister to her. Her heart contracted painfully beneath the scratchy ruffled

    shirt in the stiff jacket she wore in order to escort Relena to what would be her political funeral.

    "You'll be fine," she said firmly, trying to believe it, but knowing that at the end of the day she

    would be accompanying the former Queen into exile.

    Relena stood up and smiled nervously at the woman that had become her confidante and advisor.

    "I know. This is what is right. As long as I play my part, I can't be blamed." She said quietly and walked

    across the room to the door. She ducked her head as she passed by the older woman and exited into the

    hallway. The two women walked side by side to the front of the hotel, dancing lightly down the steps

    before climbing into the waiting limousine. Relena made a wry face as the thought crossed her mind,

    "They should have sent a hearse."

    The Year was A.C. 199, the members of the Earth Sphere Unified Nations became increasinglyparanoid about potential threats to what they had hoped would be a lasting peace. The Preventers

    Organization received a record increase in funding, enacting a virtual `witch hunt' to scourge the known

    universe of possible terrors.

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    Over the past year, the alliance had come to focus on the irrational possibility that the Gundam

    pilots could start a new conflict with the guerrilla tactics they employed during the last great war. As a

    result, members of Parliament demanded to know the whereabouts of the former heroes and all pertinent


    There was one obstacle standing in their way - Relena Peacecraft. She was their sole protector,

    having declared all documents relating to their identities and activities remain strictly classified. All

    information had been deleted off public servers, and official papers sealed.

    Mercilessly, the upper echelon had turned against the young princess. They forced their way into

    every aspect of her life and duties. When an audit turned up nothing, and the dissemination of

    scandalous lies about her personal life were proved wrong, the leaders went for a more direct approach.

    Up until a few days ago, Relena was supposed to be attending a fairly boring summit meeting in

    Luxembourg. It was a faithful friend that alerted her to the danger she was about to face.

    Relena picked up the cardboard file box she had been ordered to produce and exited the car.

    Reporters shouted questions as flashes of light sparked instantly surrounded her in her vision. It wasdifficult to keep moving forward, but she carried herself with determination and pride.

    As she walked into the meeting room, she noticed the way it was set up. The long rows of chairs

    arranged in stadium seating and the high wood planked stage had not changed, however there was a new

    additiona small podium faced the stage in the center of the room, in a manner similar to a courtroom.

    "Civilized, for a public execution," she

    thought to herself.

    Taking the hint, Relena made her way over to the podium. She set the file box down on the

    ground to the left of her feet. It was lighter than it looked. She smiled at the intimidating assembly that

    looked down upon her from all sides, feeling the equivalent of a bug in a glass jar, but squaring her

    shoulders none-the-less as the Speaker began, calling the congregation to order.

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    "Miss Peacecraft, have you complied with the directive given by the Parliament, and brought the

    documents regarding the Gundam pilots?"

    Relena cleared her throat. "Ah-hem. Excuse me. Yes, Mr. Speaker, what you requested is in this

    box," she said firmly, a hint of anger keeping her voice steady despite the nervousness fluttering in her


    Instantly, a couple of clerks scurried over to her position and scooped up the box. They brought

    it over to the Speaker up on stage.

    The world caught their breath. Five young men in particular watched for what they believed

    would be their undoing. One with violet eyes and a long brown braid looked down at the floor, blinking

    back the tears in his eyes.

    Suddenly, an angry scream erupted.

    Duo looked back up at the television screen and couldn't understand what had happened. The

    Speaker was an unhealthy shade of red as he yelled across the room at Relena, who stood with her head

    held high in an act of defiance.

    The camera panned back to the stage and focused on a huge pile of ashes spilling out of the

    cardboard box.

    "I'll have you for treason!" the man screamed.

    "No, you won't." Relena held up a piece of paper, "Here in my hands, I hold the Soldier

    Protection Act which was passed just yesterday, and placed into action at twelve oh one this morning. It

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    provides for the total destruction of all records regarding the Gundam pilots' identities, activities, and

    loyalties. In compliance with this act, I

    took the liberty of burning all such documents."

    Murmurs of surprise were heard from the assembly.

    Relena put that paper down and picked up another. "This paper declares that as of twelve noon

    today, I resign my position as leader of the Cinq Kingdom. There will be an election to choose my

    replacement. I would like to take this time to apologize to my people for disappointing you. Thank you."

    Heero switched off the television screen and sighed. He had never doubted her. She had sworn

    she would protect them, and she had remained true to her word. He shook his head at the irony, that frail

    young woman having to protect the world's fiercest warriors. His train of thought was interrupted by

    Duo's face flashing up on the vidcom screen.

    "Heero! That was quite a show, huh?"


    "Yep, yep, yep," Duo leaned back and put his hands behind his head, trying to fix a serious look

    on his face. "You should thank me."

    Heero glared at him. "What for?"

    Duo grinned and leaned toward the screen. "For stopping you from killing her." He laughed at

    his own joke. He was not surprised that Heero didn't find it amusing.

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    The smile faded from his lips, and he grew serious. "Heero, do you think she'll be allright? I

    mean, they kill people who commit treason."

    Heero nodded. "She's survived this long. I'm sure she went in with an escape plan."

    "Yeah, I guess you're right. Oh, but wait!" He slapped his forehead, his trademark grin appearing

    once again. "She passed a law for permission. I guess she doesn't have anything to worry about." He

    paused a moment, his face clouding in confusion. "But why did she resign her position, then? She beat

    them.didn't she?"

    "Duo, she passed the law in her own territory. The Assembly doesn't have to recognize laws that

    apply only within the Cinq Kingdom's border. She knew that."

    "Oh, I see, so the Council could have declared the law invalid and demanded the records

    anyway? But, she had already enforced it, .oh. I get it. So, I guess, if they wanted revenge, they could

    still have her branded a traitor."

    "Yes, something like that."

    "Do you think they will?"

    "I think they'll try. But Relena's always been a shrewd politician. She can take care of herself."

    A slow, mischievous smile spread across the former Deathscythe pilot's lips. "Actually, perhaps I

    should amend my earlier statement - maybe we should be thanking you."

    Heero glared at him. "The only person you should thank is Relena."

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    The weight of that statement hit home. "We can never repay her for this, can we?"

    "The only thing we can do is try to live a good life."

    "Yeah, that's what she'd want, huh?" Duo said thoughtfully.

    Heero nodded, his face set in a grim expression.

    The former Deathscythe pilot suddenly grinned again. "That and maybe some TLC from" he

    didn't get to finish his statement before his friend terminated the connection. "He's just no fun," Duopouted.

    Heero looked back at the blank television screen. "Relena."

    Chapter 2

    Heero awoke in his dorm room and knew he wasnt alone. It was dark outside, typical for that

    time of morning, but his heightened senses could detect movement. He instinctively reached under his

    pillow for the gun that he usually kept there, but his hand came up empty. He sat up and glared at the

    shadowy figure.

    I didnt mean to wake you, a soft voice said.

    What are you doing here? How did you get in?

    Light melodic laughter erupted from the delicate form. You, of all people, ask me that? Youre

    no stranger yourself to sneaking into rooms and watching their occupants sleep.

    Heero turned on the light, and stared at the young woman in front of him.


    She stopped the rest of his sentence by placing a finger to his lips. Shhhdont talk. I just

    wanted to say goodbye. Im sure you had guessed I was leaving, but in case anything happens, or

    anyone needs me, Im going to Mars to be with my brother and Noin.

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    Heero nodded silently, meeting her gaze. His deep blue eyes always threatened to burn holes

    through her soul. She looked away, then moved back towards the window. Before she climbed out, she

    turned back to him, a sad look on her face. I love you.

    He looked down at the floor, Relena. But she was already gone.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    January 19, A.C. 200

    The Speaker looked out at the assembly, I believe we have heard enough arguments from both

    sides. We will send the issue to a vote. He paused a moment before continuing, And may I remind

    you to consider all that is at stake.

    All those in favor of declaring Relena Peacecraft a traitor and issuing a warrant for her capture,

    vote yea. Those who believe that her actions are not on the level of treason, and therefore her

    resignation was adequate, vote nay.

    There was silence on the television screen as the delegates voted by pushing one of two buttons

    in front of them. The world once again held its breath in anticipation. The general populace was widely

    split over her actions. Most still respected her regardless of whether they agreed with her decisions.

    Milliardo was pacing back and forth in their small dwelling underneath the Mars surface. Oh,

    for Gods sake, cant they hurry up?

    Noin put a hand on his shoulder, It will be all right, dear, I promise.

    Relena kept her attention on her stack of papers. Some things just didnt change; Mars hadreadily accepted her leadership in trade negotiations and general administrative duties. The result was

    that she was still ever mired in paperwork.

    And YOU Milliardo said in an accusatory tone, pointing at his sister. You just sit there,

    calm, like these people arent deciding whether you get to live or die!

    Relena looked patiently up at her older brother, Milliardo, I told you I took care of everything.

    I called in every last political favor I had to ensure that vote will turn out all right. It was a mad rush

    before I turned in my resignation, but I have enough votes. They have to have a 2/3rds majority.

    Just then, the Speaker came back on camera. We have come to a decision. The Unified Nationhas determined, via a poll of all its members that the actions Relena Peacecraft took on March 17th A.C.

    199, constitute treason. A warrant will be issued for her capture and execution.

    Relena didnt hear the rest of the sentence even though the house was deathly quiet.

    * * * * * * * * * *

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    Hilde buried her face in Duos chest and cried. He held her close as his own tears trickled down

    his cheeks. Its okay, shhh.shellbe okay, he whispered soothingly.

    No, it will never be okay! Duo, theyre going to execute her!

    Shhno way, Hilde babe. Those ESUN guys will have six* pissed off Gundam pilots to dealwith if they try anything, he said while rubbing her back. We wont let anything happen to her. He

    silently hoped he sounded more convincing than he felt at the moment.

    Trowa just stared at the television screen. Catherine had turned it off what seemed like hours

    ago, but he was still sitting in the same position as when they made that announcement. Oh, God, that

    announcement! How could they do this? And it was his fault, all the Gundam pilots faults. He shook

    his head, and wished it would disappear like the hazy mists of a dream.

    A stunned silence reigned over the Winner mansion as Rashid hung his head and said a prayer.

    Tears coursed down Quatres cheek as he switched off the transmission. He remembered how Relena

    had given him sanctuary in her Kingdom during the war, when he and Heero so desperately needed it.

    She had always been so strong, and he wondered again what cruel force kept testing that strength.

    Wufei narrowed his eyes at the monitor. Sally was crying, as were many of the other Preventers

    watching the television in the break room.

    Weaklings! They were beaten by a woman. There is no honor in executions, they should just

    accept their defeat! he growled and stalked angrily out of the room.

    In the middle of a college student center, the broadcast suddenly came to an abrupt halt, as the

    monitor was violently yanked from the wall and thrown aimlessly in a fit of fury. It landed with a loud

    crash as bits of glass and metal were thrown helter-skelter about the room. Everyone stared at the

    usually silent and reserved young man with the wild brown hair and emotionless blue eyes who stood

    over the remains of the recently deceased television screen. Every muscle in his body was so tense he

    was shaking. His fists clenched in anger at his sides. To those who knew him, and those who didnt,

    Heero Yuy looked ready to kill.

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    *Duo includes Zeches in the total count of pissed off Gundam pilots

    Chapter 3

    Heero crawled through the ventilation system, pausing at every vent to get his bearings. There

    was air in there, so he had left his stuffy space suit at the entrance to the ducts. He thought he heard

    something, like singing below him, and he stopped. Yes, it was definitely humming, and it was coming

    from the room right below him. Cautiously, he slid along the cramped space until he found the nearest


    It was late. He hadnt expected anyone to be up at this hour. But maybe time was somehow

    different here on Mars. His heart was pounding as he said a silent prayer, Please dont let Zeches be


    He deftly removed the grate and looked down. It appeared to be a hallway, and a quick glance ineither direction told him it was empty. He quickly dropped to the ground without a sound.

    Heero opened the door in front of him quietly and caught a glimpse of her shimmering blond

    hair. She was looking in the mirror, brushing her long tresses and humming softly. He quickly shut the

    door again and leaned back against the wall outside her room.

    His breath was ragged, and he wondered briefly if there was something wrong with the air in

    there, that he would run out of oxygen so quickly. His heart was pounding in his ears, drowning out the

    silence all around him. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on his mission. He opened them again and

    any fear or uncertainty at his decision had vanished.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    It had been three days since the declaration that she was a traitor to all of ESUN. Life as she

    knew it was over. What happened? she asked herself for the hundredth time. I had enough votes

    when I left. But nine months later, well, I guess loyalty is too much to ask these days.

    Relena looked at her reflection in the mirror; she was a fugitive - banished from her home and

    her friends. At least she still had her brother and Noin.

    Thinking of her brother, she sighed. Milliardo had taken the news hard. But her life really

    wasnt so bad - no ESUN soldiers had appeared on her doorstep to haul her away, Yet. She reminded

    herself, then pushed the thought aside. She just needed to stay positive.

    She forced a smile and brushed her hair out, humming the song she and Heero had danced to, so

    long ago. Her thoughts wandered to him and she wondered if he was happy.

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    Relena heard the door open and turned around, expecting to see Noin or Milliardo. But the

    figure standing just inside her room was neither. Heero! She exclaimed.

    Relena, his cold voice echoed eerily in the room.

    She bowed her head at his tone, she knew this was no social visit. Her golden hair fell forwardhiding part of her face. Underneath the single bright light in the room, she sparkled. Heero wondered

    again at the lack of air in the room. She seemed to be breathing fine, but he was fighting for every

    breath. Why?

    Relena, you cant do this. I came to turn myself in, he said quietly. I am a Gundam pilot.

    Hand me over to them.

    No, she said softly.

    Relena, his voice sounded more urgent. He started across the room, Turn me in. He reached

    out and grabbed her roughly by the shoulders.

    NO! she yelled.

    Whatever it is you think youre accomplishing by this, youre not doing me any favors. He was

    shaking her, trying to make her understand. I hate you, Relena! I dont love you - not now, not ever.

    Turn me in! He yelled in frustration.

    She wouldnt look at him. She heard his words, and knew he meant them. NO! I wont do it,

    Heero! His grip was bruising her upper arms as he continued to shake her.

    Suddenly the door flew open, and Heero released her. She staggered backwards a few stepsbefore regaining her balance.

    Milliardo stood in the doorway and glared, Yuy.

    Relena called out to him in a calm voice, Milliardo. Its all right. She moved across the room

    to where he was standing. Her brother could see the tears in her eyes that she would never shed in front

    of him. Mr. Yuy will be leaving shortly, she continued quietly, her hand coming up to rest on the

    door. He smiled faintly, watching her gain her composure.

    I would like to have a word with him before he goes, he said addressing himself to Relena, but

    glaring at the dark figure across the room. Heero nodded silently. Milliardo turned and left.

    She stood there a moment, looking at the closed door, then suddenly whirled around to face her

    sorrow. You, she began.

    Heero was startled. He had never seen her so mad, or so beautiful. Her whole complexion had

    changed to a lively pink beneath the lines of her delicate satin nightgown. Her eyes glittered in the

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    artificial light. ESUN may have beaten her, but they hadnt quashed her spirit. She was still fighting,

    even now.

    Why are you so angry with me, Heero? Because of what I did? Or because Im not as good a

    politician as you had expected me to be?

    Relena, youre doing this for the wrong reason. I hate you. I will never love you. Never. I

    hate you. Now turn me in, and stop this. He couldnt decide if he was glad she wouldnt look at him or

    not. He was afraid his eyes would give him away.

    Heero, no matter what your feelings are towards me, I will never turn you in. Not you or any of

    the other Gundam pilots, she said defiantly.


    She walked over to the door, and yanked it open - indicating he should leave. Go. Hate me all

    you want, Heero. But live to do so.

    He glared at her in anger. Damn she was stubborn! Didnt she understand the sacrifice he was

    making? He promised to protect her, and this was the only way he knew how. Why wouldnt she just

    let him? He wanted to lash out at something, but not at her - never at her.

    Defeated, he strode quietly to the exit. In the doorway, he paused and stared down at her face

    again. She was gazing at the ground. He silently willed her eyes to lookat him, to see that he didnt hate

    her; he could never hate her. She just turned away from him and shut the door.

    He stared a moment longer at the closed door, then bowed his head. He fought the anger holding

    his body rigid, then walked down the hallway to meet with Zeches.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    At the mouth of the hallway, there was a small sunken den where a television was set up across

    from a large couch. Behind the couch was a bar area, which opened into the galley-style kitchen. Four

    black bar stools sat in a small space between the bar and den.

    Milliardo Peacecraft stood in the kitchen still in his boxers and robe. He saw Heero and smirked.

    Would you like a beer?

    Heero crossed his arms and glared. Milliardo went over to the fridge and pulled out two bottles.He opened both, and handed one to his silent companion.

    You may not know it, but you just blew it, big time.

    Did you just call me in here to gloat? Heero asked in his usual monotone.

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    No. I was wondering if she told you what happened. She wont talk about it with me or Noin.

    Milliardo said, sitting down on a barstool.

    Well, she didnt say anything to me, either. Heero replied bitterly. He took a swig from his

    beer and flopped down on the chair next to the older man.

    They wont kill her, you know, Milliardo said looking at Heero out of the corner of his eye.

    They talk big, but none of them wants to be responsible for killing the beloved former Queen of the

    World. It would be political suicide. Shell be fine, as long as she stays here.

    You should have better security. It was way too easy to get in.

    Not too many people come out here looking for us. Im dead, remember?

    They sat there in silence for a few moments - each reflecting on their own thoughts. Finally,

    Milliardo spoke again, She believes you. That you hate her. You realize that, dont you?

    Heero looked over at the hallway leading to her room. Who says its not true?

    You spend all this time worrying about someone you hate? Milliardo laughed. She cant see

    it, but I can.

    Heero didnt respond.

    What did you really think you could accomplish? Did you think she would really turn you in?

    That she could somehow get out of this situation by handing you over to those arrogant, paranoid


    Heero shrugged.

    Well, she cant. And she wouldnt even if she could. You know that. So why are you here?

    Who did it, Zeches? Who betrayed her?

    The delegates have sealed the vote, so I dont know. If Relena knows, shes not telling me.

    Milliardo looked at him. What would you do, anyway? You have a life, now, dont you? I thought

    Relena said you were going to college? Just let it go. Youre out of her life now, go live your own.

    Heero stood up and glared at him. She doesntdeserve this.

    No, youre right, she doesnt. But whats done is done. So, go. Its what she fought for.

    Heero turned and walked toward the hallway.

    Oh, and Yuy! Milliardo called out. Heero stopped in his tracks. Thanks.

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    Heero whirled around to face him. He saw the evil grin on his old enemys lips and his stomach

    turned. For what?

    I was concerned.

    Heeros face darkened.

    Since shes no longer a princess, I thought you might show up and try to take her away with

    you. You know, offer her a new life, and finally admit your feelings. Seems I was worried about


    Chapter 4

    Damn you, Zeches! Heero yelled and punched the control panel of his shuttle. It was a long

    ride back to L1, and all he had was time. Time to think, about everything he had done wrong. Why am

    I so stupid? I didnt even think of taking her with me!

    He ran his fingers through his hair and tried in vain to block out the scene of a few hours ago.

    But in his mind he saw himself shaking her, yelling that he hated her. And he knew that those feelings

    she had professed so long ago died within her this night. He was certain she hated him now.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    He woke up to sunlight dancing in his dorm room window. His eyes opened, and he tried to sit

    up, but the blinding light was causing the back of his head to ache. A groan escaped his lips.

    Ah, so you've decided to rejoin the living? His roommate, Brian, a young man his age that

    played on the college soccer team with Heero, called out from across the room. He was sitting at his

    desk, but at the sound of his roommate waking up had turned around in his chair to face Heero. Its

    about time.

    Heero tried to sit up again, taking in the rather blurry appearance of the blond-haired brown-eyed

    young man. Ugh. Why do I feel like I self-destructed a mobile suit? he wondered briefly, but didnt

    dare say it out loud. Instead he asked what time it was.

    Oh. What time is it? Brians voice was sarcastic. Hmm, let me see - its Tuesday, fuckin

    four oclock p.m.! Youve been out for two days!

    Shit. What the hell happened?

    What are you asking me for? You show up here falling down drunk Sunday night at two a.m.,

    after being god-only-knows-where for the last three days, and youre asking ME whathappened?

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    Heero shook his aching head lightly from side to side, trying to clear his befuddled brain.

    Memories of what he said to Relena came flooding back, and he groaned again and lay back; he pulled

    the pillow over his head. Relena.

    Oh, no you dont. You have some explaining to do. Get up, Brian commanded his roommate,

    teammate, and supposed friend for the last year and a half.

    Heero groaned again and sat up. What?

    Well, first off, youre going to have a shower. And shave! God you look like shit. Have you

    even bathed since you disappeared Friday?

    Heero glared at him from his position on his bed.

    And then youre going to tell me who she is.

    Heeros usual death glare dropped from his face.

    Dont look so surprised. Youre as transparent as glass. Only a woman could do this to a man.

    And for her to have done this to you, who are normally so immune to their charms, she must be someone

    pretty special, he said knowingly. So, Im all ears! Brian declared, rubbing his hands together


    I thought you were usually all mouth, Heero retorted dryly.

    Go shower. Then well talk. Brian smiled mischievously.

    I never said Id talk, Heero growled at his friends cheerful expression.

    You owe me on this one, and my payment will be information. He looked way too smug for

    Heeros liking.

    I dont owe you anything, Heero scowled.

    Yes, you do. While youve been battling self-induced alcohol poisoning, I covered your ass. I

    went to your teachers and got your assignments, he ticked off an imaginary list with his fingers. and

    told the coach you were sick. He bit my head off and demanded a doctors note! So, then it cost me a c-

    note to get the Master Forger to give me one with your name on it. His usual fee is ten bucks, but since

    it had to have your name on it, he charged me ten-times that amount.

    Heero rubbed his temples as his roommate rambled on. He slowly rose to his feet and shuffled

    towards the bathroom to take a shower. When he came out, clean and clean-shaven, a towel wrapped

    around his waist, his roommate was still ranting.

    and if that isnt enough, Ill just keep pestering you until you talk, Brian finally finished.

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    It wont work. Im used to dealing with loud-mouthed idiots, Heero said flatly.

    Brians cheerful face fell. As if almost on cue, a call came through on Heeros laptop.

    Hey hey hey! Theres Mr. Sunshine! Where ya been, Heero buddy? Duos smiling face

    appeared on screen.

    See what I mean? Heero glared at Brian, before sitting down in front of his desk.

    What? Duo asked, his smile fading.

    Nothing. What do you want? Heeros voice was flat.

    Duo glanced up at where Brian was standing. Heero turned and looked up at his roommate.

    This is personal.

    I know when Im not wanted, Brian tossed over his shoulder as he opened the door. But Ill

    be back, and youre going to tell me, he said and left.

    What was that about? Duo asked.


    OkaySo, I tried to call a couple of times this weekend, but you were out. Go anywhere in


    Nah, just around. Whatd you call for?

    This line secure? Duos voice turned serious.

    Heero nodded.

    Well, we need your help to locate her.

    Whos we?

    Me, Quatre, and Trowa, of course! Wufeis around for back-up purposes, but with his job in

    the Preventers, its a little more difficult for him to get away.


    Were not going to let this go down without a fight. We owe her that much. Duo grinned.

    So, are you in? He asks knowingly, Duo joked.


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    WHAT? Youre saying no? Youre going to just abandon her? Theyre gonna kill her for

    Gods sake! I mean, what happened to Ill always protect you no matter who your enemy may be?

    Duos expression turned solemn.

    Heero winced at Duos words. Shell be fine where she is.

    Where? Shes been declared a traitor to the government of the Earth and all of the colonies!

    Where could she be safe, except under our protection?

    Shes with her brother- on Mars. Its not a member of ESUN; its still just a territory.

    Oh, so you looked up Zechess number in the Mars yellow pages under ghosts, and asked him

    where his sister was? Duo asked sarcastically.

    No, she told me where she was going. Heeros voice was flat.

    Oh-ho! Realization dawned on Duos face. So thats where you went this weekend! Duo


    I really dont want to talk about it, Duo. Whats done is done, and no one can change it.

    Duo frowned, Change it? Whos trying to change anything? He looked at Heero searchingly.

    Heero glared at him.

    Oh, you didnt! Duo paled. Are you a total idiot? he screamed. How could you? I never

    gave you the authority to turn me in!

    Shut up. I didnt ask her to turn you in His eyes flickered. Just me.

    Oh, nice. Way to slap her in the face, Yuy. Duo glared at him. Should she lay on the ground

    so you dont have to lift your foot quite so high to kick her?

    Duo Heeros voice held a hint of warning.

    Youre not human. Youre still that cold machine you always were. Im beginning to believe

    you always will be. Duos sad expression suddenly made him look years older. I cant believe I ever

    called you a friend.

    Heero felt like he had been punched. And what should I have done? Kept silent? Taken herback here with me, so I can drag her down? What? Tell me what should I have done? Heero asked

    with quiet pain in his voice.

    You should have told her how you felt about her. And if you couldnt do that, you should have

    at least thanked her. Anything, but tell the girl to turn you in after she gave up everything for you!

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    Heero had never seen Duo so angry. His face was flushed, his violet eyes blazing. Heero just

    glared at the video screen. He sat back down, and ran his fingers through his hair. Zeches can protect

    her better than I can, Duo. Just drop it.

    Thats typical. The two of you always decide what you think is best for her, then play your

    little war games with her as the prize. Youre pathetic, Duo sneered. Thanks for the info on where tofind her. Id tell you not to worry, but itd be a wasteof breath.

    There was a pause in the heated discussion. Both men glared at the image on the video screen.

    Finally, Heero broke the silence.

    I do worry, he said quietly.


    I do worry. About her. All the time. He took a deep breath. Just promise me something.

    What is it?

    Promise that youll take care of her, if she decides to go with you and Quatre.

    You know well protect her with our lives, Duo said solemnly.

    I know. I just dont think. He bowed his head as his voice trailed off.

    You dont think what?

    Heero looked back up at Duo, his blue eyes blazing with emotion. Nothing, he said and

    looked away.

    Duo remained silent.

    Ill transmit the secure line information to Quatre so you can contact them on Mars. Keep me

    posted, Heero commanded.

    Will do, Duo sounded a little more cheerful.

    Oh, and give my regards to Zeches when you see him, Heero said with a smirk.

    Duos smile turned mischievous. Oh, I will, dont worry!

    Heero terminated the connection and sighed. He clicked the laptop shut and buried his face in

    his hands. He sat there a moment, then got up, and opened the top drawer of his desk. Something was

    missing. He glared at the drawer, and then turned to the door.

    Brian! he shouted.

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    Chapter 5

    Heero got up and walked over to the door, yanking it open. His eyes scanned the hallway.

    Nothing. He walked back into the room, his jaw clenched in anger. Ill kill him.

    Heero quickly dressed and then sat down to wait for his roommate. He crossed his arms and

    leaned back in the chair. Ill kill him, I swear.

    About a half-hour later, the door opened. Brian walked in carrying his coat, whistling a tune and

    smiling happily. In a flash, Heero had him pinned against the closed door. Where is it? Heero

    demanded, his right forearm pressed ruthlessly against the young mans throat, crushing his larynx.

    What? Brian croaked.

    You were in my desk. You took something that belongs to me.

    Brians face was an unhealthy crimson color. Amidst desperate gasps for air, he managed to nod

    his head slightly. I.I..just looked. I..was.going to giveback..

    Heero released him, and Brian bent over to try and catch his breath.

    Where is it, Brian?

    Onesecond, Brian declared breathlessly.


    Brian stood up sharply and saw the look on his friends face. His brown eyes widened in fear.

    He stepped over to his dresser and opened the bottom drawer. He pulled a picture frame out from under

    some folded shirts and handed it to Heero.

    I saw it in your desk one day, and thought it belonged in a frame. It was going to be a surprise.

    I thought a girl that pretty didnt belong hidden away in a desk drawer, he said quietly.

    Heero looked at his roommate, then down at the newly framed photograph. Thank you, he

    said tersely, the words sounding foreign on his lips.

    Brian shrugged and turned away. Youre not going to tell me who she is, are you?

    Heero was still gazing at the picture. It had been taken the night of theparty at St. Gabriels

    Academy. They were both wearing their school uniforms; his looked like a tux with a lacy collar from

    another time, hers a pretty burgundy dress. They appeared deceptively young and carefree. The camera

    didnt seem to know their conversation. She had asked if he was still going to kill her. He had

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    answered yes while dancing with her; it had felt so strange to hold her close - so strange, yet so


    Hello? Brians voice interrupted his thoughts.

    His head snapped up and he glared at Brian again.

    Shes no one you know, Heero growled.

    You look good together. Yall were a lot younger then, huh?


    High school sweetheart?

    Heero glared daggers at him. Brian laughed. I guess not. He crossed the room to look at the

    picture again.

    She looks familiar, Brian said pensively.

    Suddenly, the photo was jerked away possessively, and Heero put it back in his desk.

    Brian looked confused. Whatever, man. I dont get you. Ive been rooming with you for a

    year and a half, and I still dont understand you at all. He shook his head.

    Heero shrugged. Its not for you to understand, he stated simply.

    Brian walked over to his desk and pulled out a folder. He tossed it on Heeros desk. Here.

    These are your assignments. I wont bother waiting for a thank you, so Ill just tell you that yourewelcome. And you owe me a hundred bucks for that doctors note. The coach was gonna bench you.

    Heero snorted. Yeah, right.

    You know he doesnt tolerate prima donnas. He thinks youre getting a big head, being the

    starting center striker and only a sophomore.

    Heero shrugged and picked up the folder on his desk. He flipped through the assignments, and

    stopped. What is this? he asked, pointing to a paper on essay requirements.

    Oh, that. Brian looked down nervously. Dr. Minsler changed up our history syllabus in light

    of current events.

    Reading from the paper, In your own words, explain why the Earth Sphere Unified Nation

    declared Relena Peacecraft-Darlians actions regarding the Soldier Protection Act treasonous. Base

    your opinions on prior case law and the wording of the E.S.U.N. charter. He looked up from the paper,

    and demanded furiously, What the hell is this?

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    A required essay assignment? Brian said weakly. He remembered the scene at the student

    center a few days ago and took a step back.

    Like hell it is! He tore the paper from the binder, and crumpled it in his fist.

    Heero, thats a whole test grade. Dr. Minsler.

    Heero smirked. I wont write it. They cant make me write it.

    If you dont, you could fail the class. Then youd be out your scholarship, and the soccer


    Heero shrugged. I wont write it.

    I dont understand why its such a big deal. So, you dont agree with what they did. Get over

    it. No one said you had to believe what you write for a school assignment.

    Heero glared at him. You wouldnt understand.

    No! I guess I dont. I watched those conventions; I saw that final meeting. She overstepped

    her bounds. She thinks shes so high and mighty 'cuz she was once Queen of the World and somebody

    finally stepped up and put her in her place. The rest of his sentence was cut off by Heeros fist

    smashing into his face. Brians head jerked to the right from the force of the blow. Suddenly, in his

    mind the last piece to the puzzle seemed to fall into place.

    Its her, isnt it? He asked, rubbing his jaw painfully.

    I dont know what youre talking about, Heero said flatly.

    In the picture, thats why she looked familiar. Youre in love with her. Brian would have

    smiled if his face didnt hurt so much.

    I dont love her- the girl in the picture. I still dont know what youre saying about her looking

    familiar, Heero lied, shooting his friend a warning glare.

    Okay, let me spell it out for you. He walked over to his desk and picked up the newspaper he

    had been reading. This is Relena Peacecraft-Darlian, he said and pointed to a picture. Then he went

    over to Heeros desk and started to open the drawer, but Heero moved to block him. Brian smiled in

    triumph. Its her. Youre dancing with the former Queen of the World in that photograph. Thats whyyouve been so upset lately, because thats your girl those ESUN guys are after.

    Heero grabbed him by the shirt collar. She hadnt been Queen of the World, yet, in that picture.

    And shes not my girl, he hissed. And if you tell anyone I know her, Ill kill you where you stand.

    But you admit it!

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    Admit what?

    That youre in love with her.

    I told you that I dont love her, he said and released Brians collar.

    Brian smirked, Then whyd you destroy that poor innocent television set in the student center?

    Shes a friend. And she was just doing what she believed was right. ESUNs wrong on this.

    Youre not afraid of the Gundam pilots?

    I live in fear of them everyday. I dont want to go back to fighting. Theyre not any more or

    less likely to cause trouble than former OZ soldiers, or White Fang members. But I dont see ESUN

    locking them away.

    Brian frowned. Good point. I never thought of it that way.


    So, whats she like? I always wondered Brian smirked. I mean, she must be something

    really special that keeps you so faithful. I mean you dont even date.

    Heero cut him off, Shes not my girl. He glared at Brian again.

    Oh, come on! Any idiot can see the way she was looking at you in that picture. When was that

    taken, by-the-way?

    Heero sighed and rubbed his temples. His head still ached from his hangover, and he knew thatBrian was never going to shut-up without giving him a few details. We were fifteen.

    Chapter 6

    March, A.C. 202 (2 years later) in a University Stadium on L1 colony.

    The artificial light gleamed off the bleachers and concrete walls that held advertisements for everything

    from after-shave to batteries. Bright green Astroturf crunched under cleats as a man sprinted down the

    length of the soccer field. He was just a flash of blue and gold as he ran, then jumped into the air to head

    the ball over his opponent. He landed, and quickly gained possession of the black and white checkered

    sphere, leaving the challenger far behind. He quickly advanced toward his goal.

    The crowd roared as number 01 beat his defender and buried the shot in the back of the net. The game

    announcer screamed, "GGGGOOOOOOOOAAAALLL!!!!"

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    Relena smiled widely and clapped. Duo shouted, "YES!" then cupped his hands around his mouth and

    yelled, "Way to go, Heero!"

    Heero jogged back to the half-line, slapping high fives as his teammates came over to congratulate him.

    They got back in position to wait for the other team's kickoff.

    "And Bulldog Senior Heero Yuy proves once again that he's ready for the big leagues" the announcer

    continued as a shot of a young man with dark brown hair and blue eyes appeared on screen with

    statistics on height, weight, and goals scored this soccer season.

    Relena sighed, and looked over at a grinning Duo sitting beside her in the front row. He had pestered

    Heero into giving him tickets for some of the best seats in the house, right behind the Bulldog home

    bench. "I told you this would be fun!" Duo shouted above the noise.

    "Yes, I'm glad you talked me into this," she said and smiled back. Her smile still held that tinge of

    sadness. Duo felt something tug at his heart for the young woman.

    "You want to wait around after the game and say hi?"

    Relena looked down at the ground. "I don't think so, Duo." In her mind she heard Heero yelling at her "I

    hate you!"

    "Aw, come on," he said, nudging her with his shoulder in a friendly gesture. "You know you want to,"

    he gave her a sly grin.

    Relena was no longer smiling. "I have work I should be doing, you know."

    "Oh, you're already here. What's a few more minutes?"

    Relena shook her head. "You're right, it's not about the time. I just can't."

    Duo looked at her, the smile on his face fading at her serious expression. Then he got an idea. "You

    know he doesn't have a girlfriend..." he said with a mischievous look.

    Relena blushed. "Duo!" The rest of what she was going to say was drowned out by the sound of the

    scoreboard running out of time, and the crowd cheering loudly. The Bulldogs had won again.

    Heero and his teammates shook hands with the other players, and then jogged towards the bench. Duo

    jumped up on the railing and shouted at the top of his lungs, his right arm waving wildly from side toside. "Heero! Hey Heero, buddy!"

    Heero looked up and caught sight of his best friend. He nodded and started to make his way over, but

    suddenly was attacked by a group of fans. Female fans.

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    Relena watched as they ruffled his hair, and asked for his autograph. She turned pale when one of them

    kissed his cheek. "I have to go," she told Duo, trying to move around him to get to the stairs. She never

    saw Heero push the girl away and shoot her a cold glare.

    "Relena," Duo started to protest, but was caught by surprise when she shoved him up against the railing

    and broke into a sprint up the stairs.

    "Ow," he said rubbing his ribs where he connected with the railing, and looked down at the field. Heero

    had stopped a few yards away and was looking at him oddly.

    "What?" he yelled out.

    "Who was that?" Heero asked, walking forward again.

    "Who was who?"

    "The blond girl - the one that shoved you."

    " one."

    Heero had reached the railing by this time, and hoisted himself up. His little groupies were still lingering


    Heero arched an eyebrow at his old friend.

    "What's it matter to you, anyway - looks like you have plenty to keep you busy." Duo said sounding


    Heero looked over his shoulder at the groupies, and turned back to Duo. He shrugged indifferently.

    "I hate them. So, what's with you?" he asked Duo, a small frown forming on his face.

    "Nothing. Hey, good game, buddy!" Duo said a little too cheerfully. He was nervously trying to turn

    Heero's attention elsewhere and to another topic. He had just noticed Relena's purse under the bleacher


    "What are you trying to hide? What's wrong with you?"

    "Nothing's wrong. I just said you played a good game - that's all. Sheesh, can't even congratulate..."

    "Can it. What's going on? Who's the girl, Duo?"

    "Okay, okay. But don't tell Hilde, all right? She's just some girl I invited to the game, that's all."

    "You're a terrible liar," he said, and snatched the purse out from under the aluminum bench.

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    "Oh, wow! She forgot her purse. Here, I'll give it back to her," he said and grabbed for the leather

    satchel. Heero grabbed the front of Duo's shirt with his free hand as they grappled for the object.

    "Actually, that won't be necessary," Relena said calmly striding down the steps toward the pair. Duo and

    Heero froze.

    She looked beautiful in just a pair of white shorts and a light blue sweatshirt. Her golden hair was pulled

    up in a ponytail. Heero noticed how much more mature her face seemed now, with a sad wisdom

    warming her ice blue eyes. There was definitely something different about her.

    She reached out and plucked the object from their hands, and settled the strap on her shoulder.

    "Relena?" Heero asked, surprise registering on his face.

    "Hello, Heero," she said with a slight smile. "You played a good game."

    He blinked, but didn't have a chance to reply before she leaned over and kissed Duo's cheek. "Thanks,

    Duo. We should do this again, sometime." She turned around and walked back up the stairs.

    Heero frowned at her retreating back, trying to get over the shock of seeing her here. He blinked and

    turned his attention back to his supposed friend. Duo noticed that in the four years he had spent

    'loosening up' at college, Heero still hadn't lost his touch with the 'death glare'.

    "What is this? What's going on? I still have my gun, you know."

    "All right. I invited her to the game. Hilde couldn't make it. Relena was here on the colony for business,

    but I talked her into playing hooky to come see you play. We came, we saw, we had a good time. I had

    just talked her into staying to say hi, when your little fans showed up. She just left after that."

    Heero frowned, "That's not like her."

    That memory came back to punish him. Relena standing there in her nightgown, eyes flashing

    while her

    hair shimmered in the incandescent light, "Go. Hate me all you want, Heero"

    "Maybe you don't know her so well. It's been two years, you know."

    Heero glared at him again. "What's that supposed to mean?"

    "It means that in two years, you've never contacted her. She cares about you, and the only reason she

    knew you were still alive is because she has ESPN (Entertainment Sports Public Networkthe worlds

    largest cable news channel)."

    "You've given me all necessary information over the last two years. Are you saying you were keeping

    something from me?"

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    "No, just that you could've talked to her."

    "I've been busy."

    Duo looked over Heero's shoulder at the groupies still staring at them. "I can see that," he said dryly.

    He was rewarded with another glare. "I told you, I hate them. Everywhere I go, these people just hound

    me. They want to know which team I want to play for next year and can they have my autograph? It's


    "I guess you know how Relena felt all those years," Duo laughed.


    Duo's smile faded as he thought of Relena's expression when she saw those girls fawning over Heero.

    "Hilde wouldn't have gotten mad, she would have just gotten even," Duo thought with a laugh. Then

    suddenly, his eyes gleamed with mischief. "You know, she's not so set on pacifism anymore. I bet she

    could kick their scrawny little butts!" Duo grinned, and mentally pictured Relena punching the vacant

    looks off those girls' faces.

    Heero shook his head in amusement. "I'd like to see that."

    "Hey, you wanna grab something to eat?"

    "Yeah, let me go shower first."

    "Please do!"

    Heero glared at him again, then hopped the railing and jogged over to collect his stuff from the bench.He ran right past his group of fans, ignoring the hopeful looks on their faces.

    Chapter 7

    So which team do you want to play for next year? Duo asked Heero as a waiter delivered two

    beers to their table at Donells Bar and Grill. The bar had a cheerful atmosphere with patrons favorite

    sports playing on the monitors scattered about the room. Smoking was allowed, but not many people on

    the colonies smoked, so the air wasnt hazy. And though the place was known to be the college

    hotspot on a Friday or Saturday evening, Sunday afternoon was more subdued.

    The restaurant portion was altogether totally different. White tablecloths and tuxedo-clad

    waiters attracted professional types as well as those there to celebrate special occasions.

    Heero shrugged in reply. Why did you come here?

    Duos face fell. Gee, thanks.

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    Heero felt a slight twinge of guilt at his friends expression. Over the last two years, he had

    purposely become more adept at reading the facial expressions of others and equating them with his own

    feelings. One might almost refer to that as growing more sensitive, but the former Gundam pilot was

    still far from the meaning of the word.

    I havent decided on a team, yet. Theyre not technically allowed to start formal negotiationsuntil my last college season is over.

    Oh, Duo said and checked his watch.

    Got somewhere to go? Heero inquired.

    No, just wondering. Im supposed to call Hilde tonight.

    Hn, Heero said and started to take a sip of his beer when something, or rather someone caught

    his eye. He stopped his movement and just stared.

    Duo didnt have to look to know what his friend was staring at. Relena had a dinner meeting in

    the restaurant part of Donells; according to his watch, she was right on time. It was a non-existent

    meeting for trade contracts that had already been signed. He smiled to himself at his cleverness as he

    turned to follow Heeros gaze.

    It was easy to understand why Heero was staring. Dressed in a navy blue skirt that didnt quite

    reach her knees, and matching double-breasted wool suit jacket, she looked every bit the accomplished,

    self-confident, and striking woman she had become. Duo noted she was getting more than just his

    buddys attention, as several men nudged each other at her entrance.

    A hostess appeared and asked her if she would like a table. She declined in favor of waiting forher date, and chose a seat near the door. Duo smiled and excused himself, but not before saying

    something to the effect of, Wonder what shes doing here?

    Heero watched from his vantage point at the table as Duo made his way over to Relena. He

    drained his beer quickly, trying to douse the fire that had ignited in his chest.

    When he saw the greeting Duo received, however, his blood suddenly ran cold with a silent fury.

    His lip curled up in a snarl as he watched the two exchange an intimate embrace. When did this

    happen? Heero wanted to know; it was as much a question as to the nature of the relationship between

    Duo and Relena, as it was a question to himself of when he had started to care so much. He signaled thewaiter and ordered another beer.

    Relena, Duo smiled and grabbed both her hands as she stood up. She hugged him and pecked

    his cheek. Quatre just called. Mr. Baker isnt able to make it. He said he would sign the contracts and

    forward them to you right away.

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    Oh. Relena frowned. I guess I can go home, then. This was my last meeting here. I had to

    stay over an extra day. She sighed.

    Hey, but we got to go see Heero play! If it wasnt for this meeting. He trailed off at her dark

    expression. Relena?

    I dont know if that was such a good thing, she said softly.

    Why not?

    She looked up at him with sadness in her eyes. It still hurts. Even after all this time.

    Duo winced. Relena, were having some drinks over there. I was hoping you would join us.

    Relena felt that sense of dread in the pit of her stomach. We? She asked, afraid of the answer.

    Yeah, Heero, and me. He watched closely for her reaction.


    Heero could tell they were arguing about something and smirked. Good, he thought and

    ordered another beer.

    Duo took her arm and led her to the table. Heero was glaring daggers at him. This isnt good,

    Duo said to himself, and then noticed the glare had lifted somewhat as Heeros gaze traveled to Relena.

    They sat down.

    The waiter delivered Heeros third beer and asked Relena if she would like anything to drink.

    Water, she answered, smiling faintly.

    Duo knew that the burden of conversation would rest solely on his shoulders. Heero was staring

    at Relena, who was in turn staring at her napkin, the floor, the window, anything but Heero. Its a

    shame about your dinner meeting, Relena, Duo began. Relena shrugged. Mr. Baker is nice enough.

    Imjust so busy that to have spent an extra day here for no reason is a bit frustrating.

    Well, at least we didnt spend it working, Duo said smiling at Relena. She didnt smile back.

    Yeah, we got to go see wonder-boy over here play in person. Wont Quatre be jealous?

    Relena glared at him. Heero stopped hating Duo long enough to wonder briefly about that

    exchange. Why would Quatre be jealous? he asked Duo.

    Hes a big fan of the Bulldogs, Duo lied easily. The waiter came back with Relenas water and

    took her order.

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    Ill have a dinner salad, thank you.

    Heero frowned and stopped the waiter before he walked away. He whispered something to the

    man that the others couldnt hear. The server nodded and scurried off.

    Duo didnt pay any attention. He pulled two envelopes from his jacket pocket and gave one toeach of them. Relena seemed to brighten immediately as she carefully opened hers. Heero got his open

    first. It contained a beautifully engraved invitation on cream-colored stationery. Duo Maxwell and

    Hilde Scheibecker cordially invite you to their wedding. Heeros eyebrows shot up, and instantly all

    daydreams about how to kill the loud-mouthed jerk touching his Relena stopped.

    Congratulations, Heero told his friend. It came across gruffly, but he was sincere.

    I, uh, well, I know youre busy and all, Heero Duo stuttered sheepishly. But I was hoping

    you would be my best man.

    Heero was shocked. I dont know what to say. He said as warmly as his monotone couldconvey.

    Duo smiled. How bout sure, Id be honored.?

    Heero smirked and said the line. Duo was speechless. He almost felt like crying. He turned his

    attention to Relena. She was smiling and tracing over the lines of the engraving with her hands. Hilde

    wanted me to ask you if you could squeeze in a few days for her three weeks from now.

    Of course!

    Actually, we were really kind of hoping you might be able to stay the week. You have to comefor the final fittings on the bridesmaid dress, anyway, and shed really like to have your advice on

    decorating and just to spend some time with you. He noticed her expression turn melancholy with

    the mention of bridesmaid dresses. She looked like she was going to cry.

    Relena ducked her head, using her golden hair to hide her eyes. Excuse me, she mumbled, and

    got up from the table. She walked quickly towards the restrooms located at the front of the dining area.

    Duo went after her.

    He caught up to her quickly, blocking her path. She hadnt made it out of the bar area, yet.

    Relenas back was turned towards the table she had recently left, and Duo was facing her. From his

    seat, Heero read Duos lips.

    Since he could only read one half of the conversation, Heero got little insight into the situation.

    He picked up snippets like, You wont ruin the wedding. And Thats their problem.

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    Why would Relena ruin their wedding? Heero wondered, taking another sip of his beer. He

    was pleased that the feeling to kill failed to rise within him when he saw Duos arms around her this

    time. Duos getting married.poor Hilde. Heero thought, shaking his head.

    Duo pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to Relena. Heero looked up and read

    his lips again. You still wont let him see you cry, huh? Duo said and glared over at Heero. Theireyes met, and Heero was surprised by the anger he saw flashing in those usually cheerful violet orbs.

    Relena shook her head in answer to Duos question.

    Why wouldnt she want me to see her cry? Heero asked himself.

    Duo led Relena back to the table. She was still attempting to hide her face behind her beautiful

    honey tresses. Heero looked at her intently, trying to find traces of those secret tears. She was good.

    Except for the slight glassiness of her light blue eyes, there was no other evidence that she had been


    The waiter appeared with her salad. She picked at it absently, ignoring the conversation around

    her. This new Relena that no longer seemed to need him or his attention perplexed Heero. He could

    tell by her posture that she was much more confident and reserved. Her eyes no longer told him her

    secrets. She was so much more beautiful than he remembered, and so much more melancholy. He

    burned with desire to touch her hair, to hear his name on her lips. He never realized how much

    influence she had over his thoughts and feelings. Perhaps if shed just look at him.

    His self-reflection was interrupted by the waiter setting down a huge plate full of food in front of

    a perplexed Relena. She was arguing with the server, saying she hadnt ordered any of it. The man

    gestured towards Heero, and three sets of eyes looked at him. One set was the pair of light blue orbs in

    question. He stared across the table into those eyes, wishing for the right words to say to her to make

    her love him again.

    You cant live on water and salad, he said gruffly.

    Whatever the right words were, those werent them. Relena waved the waiter away, and grabbed

    her purse. She pulled a few bills out of her wallet and slammed them on the table. Shimmering blond

    hair danced away angrily as she stormed out of the restaurant, unaware of the Prussian blue eyes

    following her every movement.

    Chapter 8

    Heero grabbed the waiter. Wrap this up to go, he ordered, pointing to Relenas untouched


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    That confused him. He pondered for a moment, Which one is the right answer? He could tell

    she was angry with him, he didnt pretend to know why. He stared at her, dumbstruck while she opened

    the door and started to climb in. Offering? he guessed weakly.

    Without any change of expression, she said coldly, Then I respectfully decline your offer, Mr.

    Yuy. The door clicked shut and she gave the address to the driver. She was so preoccupied by theinfuriating man she left behind, she didnt notice familiar brown eyes staring at her in the rearview

    mirror from the front seat.

    She closed her eyes and leaned back, resting her head on the headrest. She tried to settle her

    nerves and forget about her encounter with him.

    A stunned Heero watched the taxi pull away from the curb, carrying away the girl that always

    wreaked such havoc on his emotions. He felt emptiness where his heart had once been. He turned and

    went back into Donnells.

    Duo watched his friend come back into the bar and sit down across from him.

    This was a set up, Heero said flatly.

    Duo looked at his friend, and took another gulp of his beer. Yeah.

    Heero muttered a curse under his breath.

    I take it you blew it? Duo asked rhetorically.

    Heero just glared at him. Did she know?

    Duo sighed. No. She wouldnt have come, if she had known. I could barely get her in here

    once she found out youd be there.

    Thanks, I feel much better, now. Heero remarked dryly, lifting the beer bottle to his lips.

    Whats it matter to you, anyway? I thought you hatedher.

    Heero slammed the bottle down on the table, shattering it and cutting his hand. People turned to

    stare at them.

    Duo smiled inwardly at his friends reaction. Oh, dont worry, Relena never said a word about

    it; Zechs told us the whole story.

    Heero ignored the pain shooting up his arm, as he seethed at Duos words. You knew I went to

    see her.

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    I didnt know you told her you hated her! How could you say that to her? Even if it were true,

    which I dont believe for a minute, how could you hurt her like that?

    Heero shrugged indifferently. Whats it matter to you?

    Duo was becoming even more agitated. Shes my friend! I dont like to see her hurting!Thats why I had hoped Quatre he stopped abruptly.

    Heeros eyes narrowed to mere slits as he growled, Quatre what?

    Duo paled. Nothing, he said weakly.

    Does this have something to do with the Quatre being jealous remark earlier?

    Hes a fan.

    Heero stood up and lunged at his friend in a swift cat-like movement. He seized Duo roughly by

    his shirt collar, and shook him. You cant lie to me Duo, you dont have it in you. What about Quatreand Relena?

    Duos eyes went round. What do you want to know? If theyre dating, sleeping together,


    Heero felt the breath leave his body as if Duo had punched him. He released Duo almost as

    quickly as he grabbed him, and turned away. He ran a shaky hand through his wild mane, and choked

    out, Just dating.Thats all I was asking.

    I dont want to know about the other, he added silently, trying to block out irrational thoughts

    that she could ever be what he would have considered unfaithful (Even though he had no right to).

    Duo grinned. Gotcha! He said to himself. No. On both accounts. Quatre cares for her a

    great deal, even loves her, but she doesnt want to make things difficult for him. Theyre just friends.

    Momentary relief washed over Heero, as he turned back towards Duo. That idiot was grinning

    like a Cheshire cat. He knew he had been played. He glared at his friend.

    What are you hoping to accomplish? Do you want me to kill you?

    No, I wanted to know if you still love her. I guess I got my answer, Duo replied, his blue eyes

    twinkling mischievously.

    The taxi continued its way to Relenas motel on the outskirts of town. She had to travel

    incognito everywhere she went, paying with cash and leaving false names. She couldnt check into

    expensive hotels anymore. Relena Darlian-Peacecraft was a fugitive.

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    If it hadnt been for Quatre, Duo, Trowa, and Wu-fei, she didnt know what she would have

    done. They took care of her, taking turns accompanying her on these business trips for the people of

    Mars. Quatre always made her travel arrangements, usually providing her with one of his private

    shuttles. If anyone ever found out about his friendship with Relena, it could jeopardize his business and

    sphere of influence. And he wasnt the only one that had something to lose.

    Wu-fei always kept them updated on the situation within the Preventers. He would provide

    clearance for Quatres shuttle anytime Relena was traveling, and would accompany her whenever he had

    time off. He was a silent companion, but Relena respected him greatly. She had only heard him

    complain oncewhen he grumbled to Duo, Whens Yuy gonna start taking care of his girl? It was a

    good thing Zeches wasnt around at the time.

    Heero Yuy. The name always brought a tidal wave of emotion with it. She loved him, and he

    hated her. He had made a name for himself, a future as bright as hers once was. Regardless of his

    feelings for her, she felt great consolation in just knowing he was happy. She had traded her own

    destiny for his, and as painful as the last two years had been, she never regretted it. Every time sheturned on her TV at home and watched him play, she knew that what she had done was right. Just like

    when Duo and Hilde announced their engagement.

    She was so happy for them. Nothing should be allowed to ruin their day. Thats why it pained

    her so that Hilde had wanted her to be a bridesmaid. Relena had become so close to the two; she

    couldnt disappoint her friends, but being there, in the wedding party only spelled disaster. What if

    someone recognized her?

    The smooth, comforting ride abruptly came to a halt in front of Relenas motel. She absently

    paid the driver and climbed out of the backseat.

    Relena made her way up the outdoor stairs to her room on the second floor of the motel. She

    stopped in front of her door. Still lost in her own thoughts, she didnt hear someone calling her name.

    Relena fumbled in her purse for the key, and thought she heard her name. She slid the

    ridiculous-looking card with a series of punches into the magnetic lock, as she looked around for who

    could be calling her.

    The LED on the lock turned green, and the magnets released the door. Relena didnt notice; she

    walked back towards the stairs.

    The taxi driver, or rather, Wu-fei was calling her name, holding out that infernal white to-go bag.

    She smiled in spite of herself, and started down the stairs.

    Just before she reached the bottom, there was a strong gust of wind, blowing her hair into her

    face. She saw Wu-fei sprinting towards her, as the air around her erupted into a fiery blaze. She felt

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    something push her violently from behind, and she fell forward Relena put her hands out to break her

    fall, bracing herself for impact with the unyielding pavement that rushed to meet her. An explosion

    sounded in her ears, and suddenly, the world went black.

    Chapter 9

    Wu-fei couldnt reach her in time to stop her fall. She fell to the ground, her right shoulder

    taking the brunt of the blow. Debris fell everywhere, as the blast subsided into a raging fire. He dove

    for the ground, and covered her with his body. A second explosion sounded in the distance.

    He didnt know how long he had been out. Only a few seconds, he guessed. His body was sore

    and it was difficult to breathe. As consciousness gripped his senses once again, Wu-fei remembered

    where he was and what had happened.

    He pushed himself off of Relena, and dug himself out of the rubble. He checked her wrist for a

    pulse. Faint, but still there. He pulled her gently out from under the wreckage and carried her over to

    the cab. He cursed under his breath as he surveyed the damage to the car. The back windshield was

    shattered, glass shards covering the backseat and floorboard. The top had a huge dent where a large

    piece of concrete was resting. A large beam lay across the hood of the car. He could tell he wouldnt

    make it far without attracting attention.

    Wu-fei opened up the front passenger-side door, and placed a battered and bleeding Relena

    gently in the seat. He picked the large rock off the top of the car, but didnt bother with the beam before

    he slid behind the steering wheel. He started the engine, and threw it into reverse. The wooden beam

    fell to the ground in front of the car.

    He made the quick turn-around, and headed away from the motel. But he needed a destination -

    someplace close. He thought quickly.

    Maxwell! Wu-fei yelled into his wrist-com device.

    Hey hey hey Wu-man! Good to see ya!

    Shut-up! Where are you? Relenas hurt, I have to get her out of sight!

    Shit! Duo cursed, his tone instantly became serious. Were in Kendall Hall.Heeros dorm.

    What happened?

    Where the hell is Kendall Hall? And I dont have time to explain, just tell me how to get

    there! he yelled, swerving down a back alley to avoid a patrol vehicle he spotted on the main highway.

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    It took a major feat of skill, but Wu-fei finally arrived and parked in the lot adjacent to Kendall

    Hall. He didnt have time to worry about what people thought. Relena was still unconscious and losing

    blood. He threw open the car door, and picked her up, carrying her lifeless form into the lobby.

    Heero and Duo were waiting inside. They saw him enter, and Duo gasped. Heero was stunned.

    Wu-fei was covered in dirt and dust, bleeding from a cut over his left eye, and presumably under theblood-soaked right sleeve of his jacket. In his arms, lay an equally dirty, dust-covered Relena, blood

    and soot matted in her honey tresses and soiling her once-beautiful suit.

    Heero rushed forward to take the burden from Wu-feis arms, as the Chinese man staggered

    forward. Duo caught him, and half-carried the Preventer as they followed Heero down the hall to his

    room. The few heads that poked out into the hallway as the foursome passed by quickly disappeared

    under Heeros glare.

    Heero kicked the door to his dorm room open and stepped inside, carrying the bloodied body of

    Relena Peacecraft in his arms. Brian immediately stopped what he was doing as he stared in horror at

    the sight in front of him. Shit! What the hell happened? he gasped in surprise. Is she. His voice

    trailed off as Heero turned to glare at him.

    Heero laid her down on his bed, ignoring the blood now covering his hands, and smearing his

    sheets. Her breathing was shallow and ragged. He checked her arms and legs for trauma. She had

    several shallow cuts on the appendages, but nothing requiring more than a few stitches. So why was she

    losing so much blood? He wanted to scream.

    He patted her face with a firm hand, trying to wake her. No response. He shook her, nothing.He was getting desperate; the sheets were growing dark with blood. He turned her over; the sticky

    substance seemed to be oozing from the back of her head. He dug through her matted hair, and found

    the hideous gash located at the base of her skull.

    Brian, I need some medical supplies go get Mikes bag, Heero commanded without tearing

    his gaze from the girl lying in front of him.

    Mike was the Bulldogs team trainer. He had a vast assortment of first aid supplies, including a

    surgical needle and invisible thread.

    But he wont just give it to me without an explanation! Brian protested, though he didnt knowwhy.

    I dont care how you get it, just get it! Heero shouted and pressed a washcloth to the back of

    her head in an attempt to stop the flow of blood.

    Brian jumped at the sound of his roommates voice. He had learned when not to push the man,

    and this was definitely not the time. He quickly exited and ran down the hall towards Mikes room.

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    An eternity seemed to pass before the bleeding started to slow. She was so pale, her blood

    seeming to be everywhere but inside her needy body. Wu-fei emerged from the bathroom where Duo

    had been bandaging him up. He started to slip on his bloody shirt, when Heero told him to borrow one

    of his.

    How is she? Wu-fei asked in a worried tone. Heero was surprised. He didnt think Wu-fei

    had cared anything about Relena before.

    Heero glared at him. She needs medical attention, why didnt you take her to the hospital? He

    demanded angrily from his position on the bed, too afraid to jar her head and possibly start the

    bleeding again. He needed to stitch up the wound quickly.

    We cant take her to the hospital, you fool! Shed be detained and extradited to Earth so they

    could execute her!

    What? Heero didnt understand. She needed medical attention. She was dying here in his arms,

    what was Wu-fei talking about?

    Wu-fei started across the room in anger, but Duo held him back.

    A few seconds later, Brian entered with a lanky, dark-haired young man, wearing glasses and a

    worried expression. Heero glared at them as they walked in.

    Oh my God! Shes lost a lot of blood. She needs a doctor, not me! Mike exclaimed.

    Not an option, Wu-fei said, from across the room. He chose to ignore the icy glare he receivedfrom Heero.

    What? Why not? She could die. Mike protested. Ill call an ambulance, they can be here

    in a few minutes, he said, and picked up Brians phone.

    Duo raised his gun, leveling it at the young man holding the receiver. Put it down.

    Mike looked up in fear at Duo, and then turned to Brian. The blond man nodded and told him to put it


    Heero was getting impatient. Stitch this up, Mike. Now.

    He nodded and removed the necessary supplies from his duffel bag.

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    The wound stitched up, Relena lay quietly resting on Heeros bed, the sullen young man

    watching the labored rise and fall of her chest with a growing sense of alarm. Mike spoke to Heero in a

    hushed tone.

    Shes lost too much blood. Depending on the force of whatever it was that caused that injury,

    she could have some sort ofneural damage as well. We wont know unless a doctor does a diagnostic.She could use a prescription of antibiotics to combat infection of that gash as well as the various other

    lacerations I stitched up on her arms and legs. The longer she remains unconscious, the worse her

    chance of survival is. I strongly urge you to seek medical attention.

    Heero glared at Duo and Wu-fei. She needs to go to the hospital. Im taking her there, he said

    flatly, bending down to scoop her up in his arms.

    Wu-fei raised his weapon. You will put her down, Yuy, or I will shoot you.

    Heero straightened up and snarled at him from across the room, She could die, you idiot!

    Better here with us than at the hands of her enemies. You were a soldier once, Yuy, youd want

    the same thing, Wu-fei spat at him, while keeping the gun trained on his former comrade.

    Heero, she once told us if something ever happened to her, shed rather not have to face an

    executioner. Shed rather die like this, Duo tried to sound soothing, but he was miserable on the inside.

    Mike turned to Brian, What are they talking about?

    Well, I guess Heero wont really be able to keep it a secret anymorehes in love with Relena

    Peacecraft, Brian whispered.

    Heero turned around and glared at him. You were supposed to keep your mouth shut. And I

    never said I loved her.

    But.but the radio report said she was killed in the blast, the explosion at that motel a few

    blocks from here! Mike exclaimed. You mean, this is her?

    Thats really nice Yuy! Shes dying and you still cant admit your feelings for her! Duo yelled


    Heero whirled around to confront his friend, rage contorting his features. His whole body went

    taut with anger, and a tremor visibly passed through his body. He quickly gained control of himself, andwalked over to his desk. He opened his bottom drawer and pulled out a metal box. Everyone watched

    as Heero unlocked it, and withdrew a 9mm pistol from the container. He checked the clip, tucked it in

    between the waistband of his jeans and the flesh of his stomach, then moved toward the window.

    Determination gleamed in his eyes.

    Where are you going? Duo asked, putting a hand on Heeros arm to stop him.

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    Im going to get a doctor, he said flatly. I wont let her die.

    Youre going to kidnap a doctor? Thats rich, then your precious kickball career will be over,

    Wu-fei sneered.

    Heero lunged at him. The two grappled on the floor for a moment before Duo and the otherscould move to stop them.

    Brian watched the sleeping face of the pale girl on Heeros bed. She looked so peaceful,

    completely oblivious to the chaos erupting around her. Suddenly, her brow twitched. Um, guys? He

    called out. No one heard him. The three still wrestled on the floor for supremacy.

    Eyelids fluttered like tiny wings. Guys! Brian yelled. HEY!

    Her head rolled to face the voice; a soft sigh escaped her lips. Heero?

    Everyone stopped. Wu-fei pushed Heero off of him. Seeyou pathetic coward. She still calls

    for you even though you abandoned her.

    Relena, he said and moved to her side. He felt a tremendous sense of relief to see those

    beautiful blue eyes staring up at him.

    She saw the blood all over his clothes, hands, and face. Are you hurt? she asked him with


    If he hadnt already felt like the worlds biggest ass, he did now. No, Im fine. How do you


    She shivered involuntarily. Im so cold, she whispered and brought a hand up to touch his

    face. Her fingers felt like ice.

    Suddenly she frowned. Wu-fei. He was there. He drove.the cab. Is he all right?

    Wu-fei called out from across the room, Im fine, Relena.

    She smiled. Good. Her eyelids drooped, as she started to fall back into darkness.

    Relena! Heero called to her sharply; her eyes snapped open.

    Hmm? She replied softly.

    You cant sleep. We need you to stay awake. Stay here with me, Relena.

    She smiled. But Im so tired. Her eyelids closed again.


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    Heero, she started shaking. Im cold.why cant I sleep just a little longer

    Relena, you have a head injury. You cant sleep right now. We need to make sure youre okay

    - otherwise, you might not wake up.

    Her hand dropped from his face. He found himself missing her touch. Relena

    Maybe that would be for the best, she said softly. Im so tired of fighting, Heero. I need

    some rest. Let me sleep forever.

    I cant do that. Look at me, Relena.

    She moaned and another tremor passed through her body.

    Look at me! Heero screamed.

    There was no response.

    Chapter 10

    Heero stood up from where he had been kneeling by the bed. She seemed to be breathing fine,

    but her heartbeat was erratic. I promised I would protect you, Relena. His hands clenched into fists

    as the room remained silent. His eyes glinted dangerously. He looked at the different expressions on

    the faces of the occupants of his dorm room. Mike was fearful, of death or Duos gun, Heero wasnt

    certain. Brian just seemed extremely sad. Duos eyes were cast downward; he was hiding his face

    behind his long bangs. Wu-fei glared at him angrily from in front of the window, blocking Heeros

    escape. Out of my way, Chang.

    Youre not leaving, Yuy. I wont let you turn her over to the enemy. Ill kill you first.

    Heero snarled at the hatred burning in the depths of those dark brown eyes. Everything in Wu-

    feis world was black and white. Heero wished for a moment his world could be that clear-cut, but he

    was unfortunately always being called on to make difficult judgments such as the one facing him now.

    He took up a fighting stance and dared his chosen opponent to make a move.

    Heero, if youd set up a secure connection, I could talk to Quatre and he could send a doctor

    and a shuttle. He could probably have someone here by morning, Duo suggested, trying to calm the


    No, was Heeros only response. He easily dodged Wu-feis punch, and counter-attacked. He

    threw the Preventer over his shoulder, and Wu-fei landed on the ground with a loud thud. Heero lunged

    for the window, but Duo rushed over and grabbed his shoulders. Heero backhanded him, and hefted up

    the windowpane.

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    Wu-fei climbed to his feet and rushed over to stop him. He slammed the pane back down, and

    was rewarded with a solid punch to his face. He staggered back, then charged at Heero, knocking him

    down to the ground. They wrestled on the floor.

    Wu-fei had the upper hand, his Preventers training being much more strenuous than Heeros

    soccer regimen, which concentrated more on endurance than brute strength. As he suffered anotherpunch to his face, Heero remembered the gun in his waistband. He pulled it out and aimed it at the

    Chinese man, disengaging the safety. Wu-fei instantly stopped, placing his hands over his head in a

    gesture of surrender. He wasnt sure he was ready to die just yet.

    Heero staggered to his feet, blood trickling down the side of his face, and one cheek already

    swollen. He motioned for them to step back, as he moved to the window. Brian, youre coming with

    me. Pick her upwere going.

    Mike interrupted, Without knowing the extent of her head injury, I would advise you not to

    move her, unless it is on a stretcher of some sort, with her neck properly stabilized.

    Fine. Shell stay. But you two, Heero said, pointing at Duo and Wu-fei, had better not move

    her, either. Mike here says she needs to stay where she is. His voice was cold.

    Duo nodded as he grasped the item in his hand tighter and waited for his chance to strike. Heero

    backed up toward the window, but had to turn around to lift the windowpane once again. Duo seized the

    opportunity to deliver a crushing blow with his pistol to the back of his friends head.

    As Heero slumped to the ground, Duo let out the breath he had been holding. Sorry I had to do

    that, buddy, he said with a twinge of regret. He knew he would be in deep shit when Heero woke up.

    Wu-fei kicked the body lying on the floor. Youve become weak, Yuy.

    Wufei, stop. We have to contact Quatre. She does need medical attention, and we need to get

    her out of here fast, he said glancing over at the two young men watching them intently.

    Wu-fei grunted in response, and moved to Heeros desk. He opened the laptop and broke the

    security codes to access the communications setup. He used his Preventers clearance to set up a direct

    line to the Winner residence on L4.

    Duo and Brian picked Heero up off the floor and moved him onto Brians bed. Duo didnt miss

    the strange looks he was receiving from the blond-haired young man. He had some questions for Brian,too. But first things first, Duo decided. He addressed Mike, Is there any more that you can do for


    The young man turned a wide-eyed expression to the strange boy who had threatened him and

    then knocked out his friend. Uh, no. He said, taking a step back.

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    Duo fished out some bills from his pocketemergency money Quatre had given him. He

    handed one to Mike, crushing it into his palm, with a menacing smirk. Then we will no longer be

    needing your services. Get lost and remember nothing. Capisce?

    Mike nodded, gathered his stuff, and ran from the room.

    Duo turned around at the sound of Quatres voice. He and Trowa appeared on the laptop screen.

    Duo grabbed Brian, and suggested they take a little walk.

    Once outside, Duo started the conversation. So, how much did he tell you?

    Nonothing, Brian stuttered slightly while trying to keep up with Duos fast gait.

    Then howd you know about Relena?

    He told me that, but nothing else.

    My friend isnt exactly the talkative type, I find it hard to believe he would volunteer

    information to anyone.

    Well, he probably would never have told me, if I hadnt found her picture in his desk drawer

    and recognized her. Brian said quietly.

    Duo smiled inwardly. Ah. Okay, well that makes sense.

    Brian looked relieved.

    One more question, Duo said, coming to a stop.

    Yes? Brian asked. He stopped a few steps ahead of Duo and turned around to face him. He

    froze when he came face-to-face with a gun barrel instead.

    What did you mean by, he told me that, but nothing else? What would that nothing else be

    that he didnt tell you? Duo glare