tracking the birth pains - 12 shocking examples of lawlessness in 2015!

Tracking the Birth Pains 12 Shocking examples of Lawlessness in 2015

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Page 1: Tracking the Birth Pains - 12 Shocking Examples of Lawlessness in 2015!

Trackingthe Birth Pains12 Shocking examples

of Lawlessness in 2015

Page 2: Tracking the Birth Pains - 12 Shocking Examples of Lawlessness in 2015!

“Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s

love will grow cold (Matthew 24:12).”

Sign #10Lawlessness

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According to the Bible, Lawlessness is much MORE than breaking

man’s laws.

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Lawlessness includes:-those who refuse to

submit or acknowledge the Law of God

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Let’s take a look at 12 of the most egregious

examples of law breakers of 2015…

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President Obama approved a nuclear deal with

America’s sworn enemy- Iran.

# 1- Lawlessness & Stupidity Working Together!

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Hundreds of Muslims were trampled to death by fellow

worshippers at the Mecca “Stoning the devil” ritual. While

the stampede took place, many continued to flock to the

stoning ritual without any concern for the dead!

#2 - The Trampling Deaths in Mecca:

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A second terrorist attack in Paris killed 130

people & has Paris on high alert.

#3 – Terrorism in Paris, France:

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A radical Muslim husband and wife team killed 14 people &

injured 22 others at an office Christmas party.

#4 – Terrorism in the U.S.A.

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12 employees of Charlie Hebdo were killed by Muslim

terrorists who were angry that the magazine drew pictures

of the Prophet Mohammed.

#5 – Murdered for Drawing Mohammed!

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A teacher in Sweden was killed and three others were

injured by a mysterious man with a sword.

#6 – Sword Wielding Man Kills Teacher!

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In October, a gunman opened fire in a college classroom-

killing 10 & injuring 7. The gunman specifically targeted


#7 – Christians Targeted at Community College!

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A lone gunman went on a shooting spree at a Planned

Parenthood, killing 3 & injuring 9!

#8 – Shooting at Planned Parenthood!

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Investigative reporters videotaped confessions of Planned

Parenthood employees who talk about the price of aborted

baby parts!

#9 – Planned Parenthood Unashamed to Sell Aborted Baby Parts!

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A road rage incident in New Mexico resulted in the death of

a 4 year old girl. The shooter opened fire on the moving

vehicle because he had been “cut off!”

#10 – Road Rage to the Extreme!

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In late August 2015, the State of Arizona

encountered a rash of shootings prompting fears

of a serial shooter!

#11 – Serial Highway Shooter!

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An 11 year old boy shot and killed an 8 year old girl

because she wouldn’t let him hold her puppy!

#12 – Murdered Over a Puppy!

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“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even

so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”

- Matthew 24:32-33

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