toward a sustainable water future (visions for 2050) || water resource management modeling in 2050

Chapter 36 Water Resource Management Modeling in 2050 Daniel P. Loucks ABSTRACT Water resources development projects inevitably have economic, environmental and social impacts. Impact prediction using computer modeling is a major activity of water resources systems planning and management today and will be no less so in 2050. Computer-based optimization and simulation models incorporated within interactive graphics-audio based decision support systems will continue to help us identify those plans, designs and policies that maximize the desired impacts and minimize the undesired ones as well as making clearer the tradeoffs between the two. By 2050 participants using these decision support systems should be able to embed themselves within and interact with these systems that provide a dynamic virtual reality environment in ways that facilitate and enhance the political process of planning and decision-making as well as provide the desired physical, socio- economic, environmental, ecological information. 341 Toward a Sustainable Water Future Downloaded from by University of Alberta on 11/09/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

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Chapter 36

Water Resource Management Modeling in 2050

Daniel P. Loucks ABSTRACT Water resources development projects inevitably have economic, environmental and social impacts. Impact prediction using computer modeling is a major activity of water resources systems planning and management today and will be no less so in 2050. Computer-based optimization and simulation models incorporated within interactive graphics-audio based decision support systems will continue to help us identify those plans, designs and policies that maximize the desired impacts and minimize the undesired ones as well as making clearer the tradeoffs between the two. By 2050 participants using these decision support systems should be able to embed themselves within and interact with these systems that provide a dynamic virtual reality environment in ways that facilitate and enhance the political process of planning and decision-making as well as provide the desired physical, socio-economic, environmental, ecological information.


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Page 2: Toward a Sustainable Water Future (Visions for 2050) || Water Resource Management Modeling in 2050

INTRODUCTION When design and management decisions are made about environmental and water resource systems, they are based on what the decision-makers believe, or perhaps hope, will take place as a result of their decisions. These predictions are based on very qualitative information and beliefs and on quantitative information provided by measured data and mathematical computer-based models. Today computer-based quantitative modeling is used to enhance mental models. These mathematical models are considered essential for carrying out economic, environmental, and social impact assessments. Mathematical simulation and optimization models packaged within interactive computer programs, together with judgment, provide a common way for planners and managers to predict the behavior or performance of any proposed water resources system development plan, design and/or management policy. Having some idea of the impacts of any plan, design and policy before irreversible commitments are made not only saves money (often a considerable amount of money), but also helps reduce, if not prevent, unwanted adverse environmental, social and political consequences as well. It is hard to imagine any major water resources planning and management activity taking place in the world today without involving the application of computer databases coupled to some form of optimization and/or simulation modeling. Anyone associated with water resources planning and management today is surely being exposed to, and possibly assisted by, the use of computer models. The same will be true in 2050, but those models will be adapted to computer technologies not even imagined today. I’m going to try to imagine that future, realizing I will probably never know how far off the mark I was by the time 2050 occurs. The past fifty years have witnessed what we consider major advances in our abilities to model the engineering, economical, ecological, hydrologic and sometimes even the institutional or political components of large, complex, multipurpose water resources systems. Applications of models to real systems have improved our understanding and hence have often contributed to improved system design, management and operation. They have also taught us how limited our modeling methods and skills remain in comparison to the multiple interdependent physical, biochemical, ecological, social, legal and political (human) processes that govern the performance of water resource systems. These processes are affected by uncertainties in things we can measure, such as water flows, volumes, constituent concentrations and demands. They are also affected by the unpredictable actions of individuals and institutions that are affected by what they get or do not get from the management and operation of such systems, as well as by other events having nothing directly to do with water.

Anyone associated with water resources planning and management today is surely being exposed to, and possibly

assisted by, the use of computer models.


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Page 3: Toward a Sustainable Water Future (Visions for 2050) || Water Resource Management Modeling in 2050

Developing models of water systems is an art as well as a science. It requires knowledge of the system being modeled, the client’s objectives, and goals and information needs (which are often changing), and also some analytical and programming skills. Models are always based on assumptions or approximations, and some of these may be at issue because of differences in opinion among model users. Applying these approximations of reality in ways that improve understanding and eventually lead to better decisions clearly requires not only modeling skills, but also the ability to communicate effectively. The models we build to guide us in water resources systems planning and management produce information. They inform decision-makers; they do not produce decisions. With few exceptions (e.g., the closing of the Rotterdam gate to prevent flooding), I believe this will be true in 2050 as it is today. Computer-based modeling is not going to take the place of humans. What computer modeling analyses tell us may be ignored by those who requested such analyses. To know, for example, that there are less expensive alternatives than forcing every wastewater treatment plant to produce drinkable effluent that gets discharged into dirtier water bodies, or that cloud seeding may, on average, reduce the strength of hurricanes over a large region does not mean that cheaper treatment strategies or that such cloud-seeding activities should be undertaken. Managers or operators may know that not everyone will benefit from decisions they may make to say, save money or reduce damages, and those whose net benefits, however measured, are reduced will likely scream louder than those who gain. In addition, decision-makers may feel safer with inaction than action (Shapiro 1990; Simon 1998). There is a strong feeling in many cultures and legal systems that failure to act (nonfeasance) is more acceptable than acts that fail (misfeasance or malfeasance). We all feel greater responsibility for what we do (the sins of commission) than for what we do not do (the sins of omission). However, our aversion to risk should not deter us from addressing sensitive issues in our models and communicating the results to those responsible for decision-making. Modeling efforts should be driven by the need for information and improved understanding. It is that improved understanding (not improved models per se) that may eventually lead to improved system design, management and/or operation. Models used to inform or aid water resources planners and managers are not intended to be, and rarely are (if ever), adequate to replace their judgment. This we have learned, if nothing else, in over fifty years of computer-based modeling experience. And I think it will be the case in the next 40 years, even though our modeling and communication capabilities will be much greater than they are today. The remainder of this chapter presents a brief example to demonstrate how models can be used to address water management issues. Then some general thoughts on the major challenges facing water resources systems planners and managers are offered together with how those challenges might be met over the next four decades with the help of technology that has yet to be developed. We humans will certainly not evolve as fast as our technology, and it is the social-political aspects of decision-making that will continue to constrain and guide us and that will dictate what modelers or analysts


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must accomplish to provide the right amount and quality of information at the right time to those who can benefit from it. This chapter concludes with a discussion of the impact new computer technology will surely have on the development and use of models for water resources planning and management by 2050. A VISION OF MODELING IN 2050 What I would like to see in 2050 is the ability of each of us to enter and interact with a virtual environment of what we are modeling. First of all we should be able to tell our computers, maybe even orally, what our planning and management problems or goals are and from that, and maybe after some additional vocal dialogue between the computer system and us, it should be able to automatically call upon all the associated databases of all the needed disciplines and create a virtual environment that we can enter and manipulate to learn what is best to do, for example, to enhance the welfare of shellfish and fish impacted by excessive nutrient concentrations in an estuary and at the same time mitigate against any hardship of the upstream farmers and residents that are the sources of the nutrients. These options for displaying data, whether historic, obtained from environmental sensors, or the results of modeling, will be in 3-D on Google Earth’s world-wide geographic database. This database will be a very high resolution one obtained, in part, from cameras that can take and process over one million pictures of the earth’s geosphere, biosphere and cultural features per second and, again in part, from digitizing and assimilating the world’s published literature, all resulting in a massive amount of spatially and temporally indexed physical, environmental, ecologic, economic, and social data needed for practically anyone’s analyses. In 2050 we can look back and be amused at just how crude 2010’s technology and databases were for creating tools we called decision support systems that could, and indeed did, help achieve shared visions among stakeholders. What I can’t see in 2050, and what I really do not want to see then as I look up or down from where I’ll be, is our ability to model and predict individual human behavior. I (unlike Simon (1998)) don’t believe it is or will be possible, and it is a good thing it isn’t. If we could predict human behavior it would be a boring world. We need surprises. We need the challenges of adapting to these surprises. We need to have reasons to keep learning, and among other things, keep improving our new “modeling” abilities to better understand and manage the physical, biological, social-economic and geopolitical world we live in. My virtual reality vision involves humans and their interactions among themselves and with the world’s data and models. It does not see models substituting for humans when used for informing or even making planning and management decisions.

In 2050 each of us should be able to enter and interact with a virtual environment of the system we are modeling.


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CHALLENGES ON THE ROAD TO 2050 Planners and managers of water resources systems will continue to be responsible for solving particular water-related problems or meeting special water resources needs. When they fail, they will hear about it. The public will let them know. What will continue to make their job particularly challenging is that the public will still consist of individuals with different needs and expectations. Furthermore, institutions where water resources planners and managers work (or hire consultants to work for them) will be like most institutions these days: they must do what they can with limited financial and human resources and authorities. Their clients will be everyone who uses water, or at least who are affected by the decisions they make when managing water. The overall objective of these planners and managers and their institutions will be to continue to provide a service, such as a reliable supply of water, an assurance of water quality, the production of hydropower, protection from floods, the provision of commercial navigation and recreational opportunities, the preservation of wildlife and enhancement of ecosystems, or some combination of these or other purposes. Furthermore they will continue to be expected to do this at a cost no greater than what people are willing to pay. Meeting these goals (i.e., keeping everyone happy) will not get any easier if indeed it will be even possible. Simple or even sophisticated technical measures or procedures will not necessarily ensure a successful solution to any particular set of water resources management problems, at least not the types of interesting and complex problems of concern to so many who have insufficient water for even drinking and sanitation as exist today. Everyone who has had any exposure to water resources planning and management knows that one cannot design or operate a water resources system without making compromises. In 2050 these compromises will continue to be over competing purposes (such as hydropower and flood control) or competing objectives (such as environmental enhancement versus economic efficiency, or who benefits and who pays, and by how much and where and when). After analysts with their models identify possible ways of achieving various objectives and provide estimates of associated economic, environmental, ecological and social impacts, it is the planners and managers who have the more difficult job. They have to decide what to do. This is true today and I predict it will be also true in 2050. Planning and managing involves developing among all interested and influential individuals an understanding and consensus that legitimizes the decisions and enhances their successful implementation. Water resources planning and managing are processes that will continue to take place in a social or political environment. They involve leadership and communication among people and institutions, and the skills required are learned from working with people, not with computers or models. Moving an organization or institution into action to achieve specific goals involves a number of activities, including goal-setting, debating, coordinating, motivating, deciding, implementing and monitoring. Many of these activities must be done


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simultaneously and continuously, especially as conditions (objectives, water supplies, water demands, financial budgets) change over time. These activities create a number of challenges that are relevant to modelers or analysts. They include how to identify creative alternatives for solving problems, finding out what each interest group wants to know in order to reach an understanding of the issues and a consensus on what to do, and developing and using modeling and computer technology to facilitate this “shared vision or understanding” among all stakeholders. By 2050 we will surely have a technology that far exceeds what today’s analysts have available and can use to contribute to this stakeholder participatory process. Even if it includes being able to witness in virtual reality alternative model solutions that identify all associated impacts, the challenge will remain of incorporating all this into the largely political planning and management process so that everyone can effectively contribute to that largely qualitative socio-political processes. Research and development in this social science area coupled with improved technology is sorely needed if we are going to achieve an effective use of this new modeling environment and technology by 2050. 4 This challenge underscores the continuing need for improved communication among the analysts, system planners, managers and operators, and policy-makers. Objectives stated at one point in time often change over time. Even those individuals participating as analysts and stakeholders may change over the course of a decision-making process. Communication should be made easier and more effective in this virtual environment that technology can provide, and we need to work towards making it happen. This virtual environment must include all interested stakeholders and decision-makers throughout the decision-making process in an effort to indeed achieve a shared vision of not only how a system works, but also how it should be developed and managed. Over the next 40 years increasing developments in computer technology will motivate the concurrent development of an impressive set of new models, modeling methods and computer software that will improve our ability to identify creative alternative solutions to problems as well as facilitate interaction and communication between the analysts or modelers and their clients. Maybe we won’t be talking to each other within interactive hologram environments (or maybe we will), but in any event these new technological developments in modeling and computer hardware and software will give planners and managers improved opportunities to increase their understanding of their real (not just modeled) water resources systems and at the same time reduce the costs of modeling.

Regardless of available technology in 2050, water resources planning and managing will continue to take place in a

social or political environment, i.e., an environment dominated by humans and their institutions


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Even if we have and can use virtual reality to our advantage, and as impressive as that may be, we should continue to have a healthy skepticism about what we see, hear, and read in such computer-generated environments, especially concerning what might happen in the future. If we are looking into the future via computer technology or crystal balls, we must admit that many of our assumptions, such as parameter values, cannot even be calibrated, let alone validated. Changes in our land cover and uses and climate make us question the use of what has traditionally been a backbone of all hydrologic modeling, the historical record. Our conclusions or estimates can be very sensitive to those assumptions. One of our major challenges is to deal with this so-called deep or severe uncertainty (where often we don’t even know what we are uncertain about) and to communicate this uncertainty in understandable ways to those who ask about the uncertainty of our model predictions. If there is truth in the expression “decision-makers don’t know what they want until they know what they can get,” how do modelers know what decision-makers will need before even they do? Obviously modelers cannot know this. Over the last two decades or so this challenge has been addressed by developing and implementing decision support systems (DSSs) (Fedra 1992; Georgakakos and Martin 1996; Jakeman et al. 2008; Loucks and da Costa 1991). It has not always been easy to involve all concerned stakeholders in the DSS development process in a way that they feel ownership and trust the model and software. Will it be any easier in the future if these DSSs are extended to include virtual environments? Maybe so, and maybe not, but the ability to interact with that (computer-generated) environment should and must foster trust and faith in the environment’s responses. While there may be no agreement on the best of various assumptions to make, or objectives to achieve, stakeholders can learn by witnessing in this simulated 3D environment which of those assumptions matter and which do not for each considered objective. In addition, just the process of interacting in this virtual environment by stakeholders will create discussions among stakeholders that can lead toward a better understanding of everyone’s interests and concerns and just maybe to more widely acceptable decisions. The year 2050 may not be that far away for those needing to make informed decisions about parts of our environment that could be better understood by witnessing and reacting to them within a virtual hologram environment. Consider for example the possible increase in temperatures in parts of Asia due to carbon emissions and how it could impact millions, if not billions, of people. In my visualized virtual environment you could travel in real time to where you could witness about 12 million people and assets worth over 2 trillion dollars being exposed to coastal flooding from sea level rise, and other regions being flooded due to much higher frequencies and amounts of rainfall. These regions have been painted red, an indication of the possible devastation. In other regions agricultural production is dropping due to ozone levels that interfere with plant photosynthesis. You could see large areas colored light brown showing increased risk of drought. And if you keep looking you could see where moist and dry savannah forests are declining by one-third, as well as areas where tropical seasonal forest cover would increase by the


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same level. However, loss of evergreen forests would mean loss of biodiversity and extinction of many species. Finally, or maybe not, the melting glacial zone in the Himalayas could also be highlighted, indicating concern over projected ecological devastation and the regions where there is an increase in the malaria season due to the rise in temperature and humidity. If anyone thinks this vision is too far-fetched, you can observe this now, if not in virtual reality, on maps provided by Google Earth. It cannot help but make one think about how and at what cost such adverse impacts might be avoided. CONCLUSION The users of water resource system models are typically the planners and managers who have problems to solve and who could benefit from a better understanding of what options they have and what impacts may result. They want advice on what to do and why, what will happen as a result of what they do, and who will care and how much. Modelers need to provide planners and managers with meaningful (understandable), useful, accurate and timely information. This information serves to help them better understand their system, its problems, and alternative ways to address them. In recent years both the state of the science and the state of practice of water resources systems modeling has noticeably advanced. The tools available to professionals have become increasingly easier to use, and those trained in universities in the subject area are increasingly being employed in international and national governmental organizations and consulting firms that are dealing with complex integrated water resources planning projects. Furthermore, as water resource systems are increasingly stressed due to the growth of demand accompanied by increasing uncertainty and variability of supply, and increased pollution, the economic and social benefits of using these modeling approaches has become more pronounced. Improved decision support software and shared vision modeling together with increasing stakeholder involvement in the planning and management processes provide additional evidence that we are indeed witnessing a renaissance in the use of the systems approach to water resources planning and management. Models, including ones that create virtual realities, developed and used to assist in the planning and management of complex water resource systems, even if based on real-time data from the actual system, are by design simplifications of the real system. Model predictions of how real systems may function or will perform under alternative designs and management policies or practices may therefore be controversial or uncertain. Future events and conditions are always unknown and of course any assumptions incorporated within models may affect their predictions. While modeling has become and will continue to be a necessary part of any planning activity in this field, the results of any quantitative analysis are always only a part, albeit a key part, of the information that must be considered by those involved in the overall planning and management decision-making process. That, I believe, will apply in 2050 just as it does today.


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The challenge for us today is to create a decision support environment where we are not only able to generate useful physical, environmental, ecological, economical and perhaps even social information relevant to the system being studied, planned or managed, but also the right level of information useful to decision-makers when they need it. We also need to have a technology-based environment that facilitates and enhances the political planning and decision making process itself. With the help of those now creating new computer technology, and creating applications such as Google Earth for example, we can all work towards achieving this modeling capability for water resources planning and management by 2050. REFERENCES Fedra, K. (1992). “Advanced computer applications.” Options, International Institute

for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, December. Georgakakos, A. P., and Martin, Q. W., eds. (1996). “An international review of

decision support systems in river basin operation.” Proc. of the Fifth Water Resources Operations Management Workshop, ASCE, Arlington, VA.

Jakeman, A. J., Voinov, A. A., Rizzoli, A. E., and Chen, S. H. (2008). Environmental modeling, software, and decision support, Elsevier, The Netherlands.

Loucks, D. P., and Da Costa, J. R., eds. (1991). Decision support systems, NATO Series G, Vol. 26, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Shapiro, H. T. (1990). “The willingness to risk failure.” Science, 250 (4981), 609. Simon, H. A. (1998). “Prediction and prescription in system modeling.” Proc., 15th

Anniversary of IIASA, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.

AUTHOR INFORMATION Daniel P. Loucks obtained his formal education at Pennsylvania State University; Yale University, and Cornell University. Since 1965 he has been on the faculty of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell where he teaches and conducts research in the development and application of economics, ecology, environmental engineering and systems analysis methods to the solution of environmental and regional water resources problems. He has been a consultant to various international and national agencies and organizations and private firms and has taught at various universities in North America and abroad. Email: [email protected]


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