tourist guide ourense

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Tourist Guide Ourense



1) Top 10 attractions2) Visitor Info3) Getting around 4) Ourense's Regions5) Bus Routes6) Bank Holidays7) Celebration Dates8) Useful Tips


Alameda: located behind the typical food market. Quarter composed of wooden benches, a botanical garden, a kid's park,a fountain...where you can relax or take a drink..

The therms (Chavasqueira,Outariz, Muio da Veiga) & spa: thermal circuit you can make just to relax or to improve your health with the healing properties of water.

The Burgas Fountain: Very old hot springs, located near the Alameda, with healing properties too. They were declared a Historical Site in 1975.

The Cathedral: Dedicated to San Martn, is the main religious monument in the city. It was built between the twelfth century and half later in the XIII. Declared a National Monument on 1931.

San Tom : Is a neolithic fortified settlement, located in Ourense, about 3km from the capital. There are also magnifient views of the city.

San Francisco's Cloister: Its existence is known in about the thirteenth century . The temple suffered a serious fire and was rebuilt in the year 1305 and the reconstruction was completed in 1348. With it gothic style, is one of the most interesting places to visit.

Santsima Trinidad's Church: Founded between the late twelfth and early thirteenth. With gothic style, is related to an pilgrim hospital. Awesome structure and altarpieces.

Millenium Bridge: Made of concrete and steel. Its the newest bridge of the city. Which has a curve elevated 22m, with extraordinary views of the river. All this makes it a symbol of progress in the city.

Ponte Vella Bridge: It only retains some original Roman stones in the foundation. It links the suburbs with the city center.

Mayor Square: Its the only square built crooked in Spain, next to the Town Hall and near the old town.

2.Visitor info


Isabel la Catoloza Street, 2 Padre Feijoo Garden.Tel: 988.36.60.64ScheduleWeek: 9:00 14:00 / 16:00 20:00Weekend: 11:00 14:00


Ponte Romana Street (Casa do legoreiro)Tel: 988.37.20.20ScheduleWeek: 9:00 14:00 / 16:30 18:30Weekend: CLOSED


Progreso 28 street988.39.10.85ScheduleWeek: 8:30 14:30Weekend: CLOSED

3.Getting around


Bus station-988216027Taxi-988210011Touristic train-988510672Ourense's buses-988510672




Santa Maria Nai's Hospital-988385499


Help on the road: 913018281Firefighter-080Civil Guard-062Local Police-092State Police-091

4.Ourenses Regions"There are three importants places in Ourense: O Santo Cristo, a Ponte e As BurgasOurense is the only province in Galicia don't has coastline. In Ourense predominate the rural tourism. What are the most important cities of Ourense province? you going to Allariz, don't hesitate to walk through the village. You will find a amazing landscape's of river Arnoia.Allariz is history, tradition, modernity and future.

CarballioCarballio consists of a large number of natural and cultural resources from the national park to Arenteiro, Castro Cavadoso or Pazo de Banga. A festa do Pulpo" in Carballio is the most famous party in Ourense

RibadaviaRibadabia is a cozy village, has got a lot of services. The dates most important is when the people imitate the population of medieval times, they celebrate "A festa da Istoria."

5.Bus Routes

This is the map of the line's bus of Ourense. The bus service is well organized. You can move around Ourense easily.But the most famous transport in Ourense is the touristic train. This train travels around the city, coming until therms Chavasqueira and Outariz.The advantage is that it has several stops in the city center (Plaza Mayor and Parque de San Lazaro), is the most convenient for tourists because they can discover the streets of Ourense and the best views of Rio Mio.

6. Bank Holidays

We highlight as holidays on February 12 that would be the Carnival. Has to highlight El tringulo mgico that corresponds to the carnival Verin, Laza and Xinzo de Limia are 3 important places of Carnival of Ourense.

-What is El Tringulo mgico? (The Magic Triangle) of these places have a peculiar and traditional character. Vern with Cigarrones, Laza to their peliqueiros and Xinzo de Limia with the Pantallas.In laza the most typical act is throwing ants with vinegar and rags wrapped in mud.

In Verin is celebrate Sunday Corredoiro, is a expected date because this day is the day of the flour. Other important day is Comadres that always is on Thursday, and in this case the men have to go disguised as women, this day is typical in Xinzo de Limia too. Xinzo de Limia, carnivals begin on Fareleiros Sunday, followed by the Oleiro, and the next Sunday, is the Corredoiro, it is the Carnival opening's party.In this dates the people don't have problems to move around this villages, because there are more buses that run continuously for the three locations.

Laza: From the 8th to the 12th of February.Vern: From the 3th to the 12th of February.Xinzo de Limia: From the 26th of Januray to the 12th of February.

6.1 Celebration Dates

Major holidays we found over a year ourense are:

These two dates, Friday and Holy Thursday to Easter corresponds to that in this case this year would be on March 28, are made for religious reasons because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On 1 May is dedicated to all the workers, because it is a day that is typically used to perform different social and labor claims.

The Feast of San Juan is an ancient festivity that is linked to light the bonfire to celebrate the summer solstice.

And finally on July 25 is dedicated to St. James, because this was the day he was beheaded, held a big party with fireworks and big concerts.

7.Useful Tips

In ourense the best transport for travelling is the bus or walking, because Ourense is a small town.If you want to enjoy the party you must to go to the old zones. The ambient is excellent.The best dates to visit Ourense are in September, because the weather is not extremely, is not hot or very cold. The temperature is warm.If you have the opportunity to travelling to Ourense in November don't hesitate to celebrate "A festa do Pulpo" in Carballio is the most famous party in Ourense.

Celia Prez Rodrguez. Olalla del Amo Gonzlez.Raquel Mateo Gonzlez.