top ten short science fiction films online

Top Ten Short Science Fiction Films Online Salik Shah The operating principle behind the following selection was: Gravity is good, but Moon is better. #10 Alive in Joburg (2006) Yes, Neill Blomkamp's Alive in Joburg is still one of the best scifi shorts of all time. The unique premise and documentarystyle presentation of the movie has already become a part of film history. Based on Alive in Joburg, Neill Blomkamp made District 9–the cult scifi commentary on the state of human societies around the world. The poverty of aliens was an unexplored theme for me until District 9. But its follow up, Elysium, was a total let down. The distinction between the poor and rich is never so simple. Nevertheless, Joburg is as relevant to the world right now as it was back in 2006. Witness the birth of a cult. 6 minutes. #9 Robots of Brixton (2011) Kibwe Tabares' Robots of Brixton paints a grim picture of humanity. The student film blurs the line between people and robots, and then goes on to effectively replace reduce us to the status of the robots. There is no God here and certainly no people. Violence is a meditation on the nature of humanity, and perhaps the existence of God. That's why riots and rebellions make a constant fixture in scifi films. Can machines feel guilt or have conscience? (Joshua Oppenheime's The Act of Killing might provide an answer.) Robots of Brixton is an abstract encounter with the mob. 5 minutes. # 8 From the Future With Love (2013) Science fiction is often an exaggerated expression of the reality, or the speculation about the fantastic. KMichel Parandi's short is a fastpaced scifi thriller set in a world where private cops sell protection plans in New York. From the Future With Love holds a mirror to our society in 12 minutes.

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A short guide to free science fiction films online


Page 1: Top Ten Short Science Fiction Films Online

Top  Ten  Short  Science  Fiction  Films  Online  Salik  Shah    The  operating  principle  behind  the  following  selection  was:  Gravity  is  good,  but  Moon  is  better.    #10  Alive  in  Joburg  (2006)    Yes,  Neill  Blomkamp's  Alive  in  Joburg  is  still  one  of  the  best  sci-­‐fi  shorts  of  all  time.  The  unique  premise  and  documentary-­‐style  presentation  of  the  movie  has  already  become  a  part  of  film  history.    Based  on  Alive  in  Joburg,  Neill  Blomkamp  made  District  9–the  cult  sci-­‐fi  commentary  on  the  state  of  human  societies  around  the  world.  The  poverty  of  aliens  was  an  unexplored  theme  for  me  until  District  9.  But  its  follow  up,  Elysium,  was  a  total  let  down.  The  distinction  between  the  poor  and  rich  is  never  so  simple.  Nevertheless,  Joburg  is  as  relevant  to  the  world  right  now  as  it  was  back  in  2006.    Witness  the  birth  of  a  cult.  6  minutes.      #9  Robots  of  Brixton  (2011)    Kibwe  Tabares'  Robots  of  Brixton  paints  a  grim  picture  of  humanity.  The  student  film  blurs  the  line  between  people  and  robots,  and  then  goes  on  to  effectively  replace  reduce  us  to  the  status  of  the  robots.  There  is  no  God  here  and  certainly  no  people.    Violence  is  a  meditation  on  the  nature  of  humanity,  and  perhaps  the  existence  of  God.  That's  why  riots  and  rebellions  make  a  constant  fixture  in  sci-­‐fi  films.  Can  machines  feel  guilt  or  have  conscience?  (Joshua  Oppenheime's  The  Act  of  Killing  might  provide  an  answer.)    Robots  of  Brixton  is  an  abstract  encounter  with  the  mob.  5  minutes.      #  8  From  the  Future  With  Love  (2013)    Science  fiction  is  often  an  exaggerated  expression  of  the  reality,  or  the  speculation  about  the  fantastic.  K-­‐Michel  Parandi's  short  is  a  fast-­‐paced  sci-­‐fi  thriller  set  in  a  world  where  private  cops  sell  protection  plans  in  New  York.    From  the  Future  With  Love  holds  a  mirror  to  our  society  in  12  minutes.            

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#7  Lifeline  (2010)    Andreas  Salaff's  Lifeline  is  a  film  from  the  mind,  for  the  heart,  and  with  a  soul!  This  award-­‐winning  student  film  can  teach  filmmakers  a  trick  or  two  about  the  nature  of  simplicity  and  intimacy.    An  old  man  keeps  searching  through  various  dimensions  of  time  and  space  for  his  lost  beloved.  Can  he  turn  back  the  wheel  of  time?  Yes,  but  there  is  a  price.    This  is  Wong  Kar-­‐wai's  In  the  Mood  for  Love  in  6  minutes.      #  6  Memorize  (2012)    Imagine  a  world  where  everyone  is  forced  to  wear  a  Google  Glass  and  record  everything  they  do.  Sound  horrible,  right?  Two  childhood  friends,  Eric  Ramberg  and  Jimmy  Eriksson,  took  the  idea  one  step  ahead  to  come  up  with  a  stylish  action  film.    In  Memorize,  every  person  is  implanted  with  a  chip  that  records  everything.  But  of  course,  it  cannot  deter  techno-­‐savvy  criminals  from  committing  crimes.  Rest  assured,  Agent  007  will  never  be  out  of  job!    Memorize  is  fun  because  it  doesn't  pretend  to  take  itself  seriously.  7  minutes.      #  5  Grounded  (2012)    An  astronaut  can't  escape  the  loop  of  a  crash  in  a  strange  planet.  Grounded  is  a  beautiful  piece  of  filmmaking  even  if  you  don't  consider  the  nerdy  intentions  of  the  superb  director.    Kevin  Margo  said  he  wanted  to  tackle  "themes  of  aging,  inheritance,  paternal  approval,  cyclic  trajectories,  and  behaviors  passed  on  through  generations…  against  an  ethereal  backdrop."    Grounded  is  a  short  metaphor,  which  captures  the  essence  of  films  like  Stanley  Kubric's  2001  Odyssey,  Andrei  Tarkovksy's  Stalker  and  Terrence  Malick's  Tree  of  Life.    It  is  a  speculative  poem  on  the  film.  8  minutes.      #  4  The  Final  Moments  of  Carl  Brant  (2013)    Duncan  Jones'  Source  Code  starts  to  look  like  a  cliché  after  you  watch  Matthew  Wilson's  The  Final  Moments  of  Carl  Brant,  loosely  based  on  The  Singularity  is  Near  by  author  Ray  Kurzweilwhich.    

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When  Carl  Brant  is  killed,  his  memory  stored  on  a  hard  drive  is  summoned  to  help  solve  the  murder  case.  This  one  is  probably  the  longest  short  film  in  this  list  but  I'm  sure  no  one  is  complaining.    Do  machines  have  souls?  You  have  16  minutes  to  find  out.          #3  Cargo  (2013)    What  is  science  if  not  the  ability  to  think,  rationalize  and  come  up  with  creative  solutions  for  difficult  problems?    Cargo  directors  Ben  Howling  and  Yolanda  Ramke  have  found  a  novel  way  to  turn  the  cliché-­‐plagued  zombie  genre  into  a  visual  treat.  Finally,  a  zombie  film  which  breathes  fresh  life  to  the  genre  of  the  living  dead.    Cargo  is  a  hi-­‐res  definition  of  fatherhood  in  7  minutes.          #2  The  Flying  Man  (2013)    Forget  Zack  Synder's  realistic  Man  of  Steel.  Watch  the  super-­‐realistic  Marcus  Alqueres'  The  Flying  Man.  While  Man  of  Steelwas  tedious  at  times,  there  is  never  a  dull  moment  in  The  Flying  Man.  It  keeps  you  hooked  right  from  the  beginning.    Shot  in  eyewitness  video  style,  The  Flying  Man  makes  us  want  to  believe  in  the  possibility  of  the  premise  and  the  existence  of  a  superhero.  I  think  Alan  Moore  was  the  last  person  who  pulled  it  off  so  convincingly  in  the  first  few  pages  of  Watchmen.    Marcus  Alqueres  has  worked  in  Hollywood  blockbusters  like  300  and  Source  Code,  while  his  partner  João  Sita  has  movies  like  Avatar  and  Twilight  on  his  belt.    The  Flying  Man  is  9  minutes  of  cosmic  orgasm!      #1  R'ha  (2013)    R'ha  could  be  for  Kaleb  Lechowski  what  Alive  in  Joburg  was  for  Neill  Blomkamp:  the  short  film  that  launched  his  Hollywood  career,  a  wild  ticket  to  his  dream  run.    In  R'ha,  we  see  something  totally  unexpected:  aliens  vs  machines.  Kaleb  takes  the  usual  tropes  of  science  fictionfantasy  and  turns  them  into  a  groundbreaking  film.    

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It's  hard  to  believe  that  he's  just  a  22-­‐year-­‐old  German  bloke  studying  digital  film  design  when  you  watch  this  epic  short  film.    R'ha  is  6  minutes  of  youthful,  confident  and  unrestrained  tour  de  force.      Written  in  April,  2014