toor dal a gym in itself


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Post on 09-Feb-2017




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Page 2: Toor dal  a gym in itself

What if someone told you that you can be as muscular and strong as your non-vegetarian or gym-going friend without any need to gulp those protein-barrels and pills? Would be hard to believe for sure.

As unbelievable as it may sound, there is in fact, a simple source of protein that is not so high in calories and low in saturated fats and cholesterol. To add to that, eating this thing does not let you feel either ways – feeling starved and cranky between meals or feeling bloated.

They feed you with enough protein for your gym goals and at the same time they boost the rate of your metabolism without the side-effects of any weight gain by converting all the rich elements into usable energy instead of storable fat.

Page 3: Toor dal  a gym in itself

Yes, this food is better known on our tables as Toor Dal.

They may look too simple and plain but watch before you brush them aside as a boring staple.

Pulses have always been popular with conventional nutrition experts because of the easy basket of multiple benefits they bring.

Besides the above benefits Toor Dal has the following advantages:

Rich Source of Vitamins: They are excellent mines of Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, and Vitamin B9 besides supplying adequate iron, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, and other important proteins, minerals, and lipids.

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Great for Expecting Mothers: The folate they contain has been acknowledged as a rich and ready diet for special categories like pregnant women for handling anemia and neural tube defects prevention in an unborn.

Excellent for curing health issues: All these nutrients help these pulses to be a multi-pronged tool in addressing many health areas.Cardiovascular issues like blood constriction reduction, blood pressure control, and hypertension or atherosclerosis conditions can be handled sufficiently due to the presence of Potassium.Due to a variety of organic compounds, these pulses also help in inflammation cases while protein and other elements make them a good diet for those looking for growth and development, which spans across a formation of cells, tissues, muscles and bones besides helping in the healing process and cell regeneration.

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Great for Weight Loss: At the same time, Toor Dal consists of low amount of calories, cholesterol and saturated fat which makes it a superb choice for those looking at growth but without the danger of acquiring unwanted body mass. That brings us to another advantage of consuming these pulses. With Vitamin B, Riboflavin and Niacin one can amplify energy levels and carbohydrate metabolism, and at the same time avoid unnecessary fat storage.

Other Pluses: Particularly for digestion, this category of food has been exceptionally strong when it comes to bulking up stool, ensuring regular bowel movements, controlling constipation, bloating, and issues like diarrhea by the sheer ability to help the gut absorb nutrients in a better way.Today, pulses are available in many packets. Avoid the ones with too much processing and look for the ones that still retain the original richness of nutrients, like organic toor dal.

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