toefl 400 structure

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  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure




    Food Crops

    Target Words1. abandon

    2. adversely

    3. aggregate

    4. cultvaton

    !. "ertl#e

    $. ntens"y

    %. rrgaton

    &. obtan

    '. p(otosynt(ess

    1). precptaton

    Definitions and Samples

    1. *bandon v. terketmek, brakmak, vazgemek. To leave; to give upTo save their lives, the sailors had to abandon the sinking ship. Parts of speech abandonment n

    2. *dverselyadv. 1.+,t- elver/s#.2.0en"aatne ay+r aley(te.n a harmful !a"; negativel"#$cessive rainfall earl" in the spring can adversel" affect the planting of crops.%sage tips &dversel" is often follo!ed b" affect. Parts of speech adversit" n, adverse ad'

    3. *ggregatead. toplu, b(t(n, toplanmak, birara"a gelmek, ")n*athered into or amounting to a !holet is impossible to 'udge last "ear+s performance !ithout kno!ing the aggregate sales numbers.%sage tips &ggregate is often follo!ed b" a term like sum, total, or numbers.Parts of speech aggregate v, aggregate n

    4.cultvaton n. topragi isleme; tarim. . "etistirme. -. gelistirme. . k(lt(r, g/rg(Preparing the land to gro! crops; improvement for agricultural purposes 0ith the development ofland cultivation, hunters and gatherers !ere able to settle in one place.Parts of speech cultivate v

    !."ertl#ev. verimli klmak, g(brelemek, d/llemek, a1lamakTo suppl" !ith nourishment for plants b" adding helpfulsubstances to the soilThis farm fertilizes tomatoes more than an" other crop. Parts of speech fertilizer n,


    ntens"yv.1iddetlendirmek, "o)unla1trmak, ko"ula1trmak, kuvvetlendirmek, "o)unla1mak, peki1tirmekTo increase in po!er; to act !ith increased strength

    2acob+s long absence intensified his certaint" that he should marr" 3ose.Parts of speech intensification n, intense ad'

    %. rrgatonn. sulama

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    The suppl"ing of !ater to dr" landn dr" areas of the countr", "ou can see ditches all over the farmland for irrigation.Parts of speech irrigate v

    4. obtain v. elde et0e+ al0a+ edn0e+ sala0a+ ele ger0e+.To gain possession of; to get

    &fter a series of difficult intervie!s, he finall" !as able to obtain the 'ob.

    5. photos"nthesis n.fotosentez, 1k etkisi ile sentezlemeThe process b" !hich green plants make their

    o!n food b" combining !ater, salts, and carbon dio$ide in the presence of light.6$"gen is a b"7product of the process of photos"nthesis. Parts of speech photos"nthesize

    precipitation n. acelecilik, tela1, "a)1 miktar89. precptaton0ater that falls to the #arth+s surface

    n the Pacific :orth!est, the high level of precipitation ensures rich, green plant life.

    Food CropsTOEFL 5rep 6omplete each sentence b" filling in the blank !ith the best !ord from the list. hange the formof the !ord if necessar". %se each !ord onl" once.

    abandoned precptaton cultvaton "ertl#e p(otosynt(ess


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    Several agencies and organizations have intensified their efforts toincrease the productivit" of land in these countries.The" have introducedne! strains of seed, improved irrigation techniBues, and introduced ne!methods of fertilization and soil management. 0ith ample sunlight for

    photos"nthesis and modern irrigation techniBues, sustainable farmingtechniBues should allo! farmers to boost aggregate production in orderto meet demand.

    Still, crop revitalization faces an une$pected adversar"G institutionalincompetence. 0here crop specialists have convinced individual farmersto abandon old farming techniBues in place of ne!, the" can+t readil"obtain the governmental cooperation the" need. The biggest hurdles are

    political corruption, incompetence, and the absence of a marketinginfrastructure.8. n this passage, the !ord adversar" is closest in meaning toa. friend

    b. helperc. enem"d. leader

    . n the last paragraph, the !ord the" refers toa. crop specialists

    b. farmersc. farming techniBuesd. adversariesHesson 8 =ood ropsTOEFL 5rep 68. photos"nthesis . precipitation -. cultivation .abandoned ?.fertilizeTOEFL 5rep 66 8. c . a -. d . b ?. eTOEFL Success 8. c . a

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  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    L. persevere v. sebat etmek, direnmek, azmetmek To keep going, despite obstacles or discouragement; to

    maintain a purposeThe hikers persevered despite the bad !eather and the ic" trail. Parts of speech persist v, persistentad'

    K. plunge v. dal/ dal0a. To go do!n suddenl"; to decrease b" a great amount in ashort time

    Ce 'umped off the diving board and plunged into the pool.The value of the compan"+s stock plunged after its chief e$ecutive !as arrested.

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    Disaster%sage tips Plunge is often follo!ed b" an into phrase. Parts of speech plunge n89. unleash v. To release a thing or an emotion0hen the" sa! the strange man on their propert", the" unleashed their dogs.Ce is from such an unemotional famil", he !ill never learn to unleash his feelings.T6#=H Prep =ind the !ord or phrase that is closest in meaning to the opposite of each!ord in the left7hand column. 0rite the letter in the blank.

    8. persevere @aA to pass b" !ithout hitting

    . anticipate @bA to give up-. famine @cA to not see something coming. collide @dA harmless?. catastrophic @eA e$cess of food

    T6#=H Prep ircle the !ord that best completes each sentence.3esidents of Ca!aii must accept the possibilit" of a volcanic @eruption M

    perseveranceA.Nears after the accident, she !as finall" able to @anticipate M unleashAher feelings of anger.Couses along the river often face @famine M floodingA during the rain"season.

    >an" people think it is cruel to @collide M plungeA live lobsters into boiling !ater.& !ell7!ritten essa" should make some kind of @catastrophe M impactAon its readers.

    89 :atureT6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestions that follo!.

    :ature challenges humans in man" !a"s, through disease, !eather, and famine. =or those living alongthe coast, one unusual phenomenon capable of catastrophic destruction is the tsunami @pronouncedFtsoo7

    :&C7meeFA. & tsunami is a series of !aves generated in a bod" of !ater b" an impulsive

    disturbance. #arthBuakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, e$plosions, and even the impact ofmeteorites can generate tsunamis. Starting at sea, a tsunami slo!l" approaches land, gro!ing in heightand losing energ" through bottom friction and turbulence. Still, 'ust like an" other !ater !aves,tsunamis unleash tremendous energ" as the" plunge onto the shore. The" have great erosion potential,stripping beaches of sand, undermining trees, and flooding hundreds of meters inland. The" can easil"crush cars, homes, vegetation, and an"thing the" collide !ith. To minimize the devastation of a tsunami,scientists are constantl" tr"ing to anticipate them more accuratel" and more Buickl". ecauseman" factors come together to produce a life7threateningDonus StructureE .

    Despite this tsunami, foreseeing them is not eas". Despite this, researchersmeans Feven so; in meteorolog" persevere in stud"ing and predicting tsunamiregardless.F O behavior.8. 0hich sentence best e$presses the essential information of this passagea. Tsunamis could become a ne! source of usable energ" in the ne$thundred "ears.

    b. Tsunamis do more damage to the land than flooding.c. Tsunamis can have an especiall" catastrophic impact on coastalcommunities.d. Scientists can predict and track tsunamis !ith a fair degree of accurac", reducing their potential impact.. n the first sentence, !h" does the author mention !eather

    a. because tsunamis are caused b" bad !eatherb. because tsunamis are more destructive than !eather phenomenac. as an e$ample of a destructive natural forced. as an introduction to the topic of coastal storms

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    Disaster88Hesson DisasterT6#=H Prep 8. b . c -. e . a ?. dT6#=H Prep 8. eruption . unleash -. flooding . plunge?. impact T6#=H Success 8. c . c



    #volution and >igrationTarget 0ordsadapt L. inherentdiverse K. migrationevolve 4. ph"sicalfeature 5. processgeneration 89. surviveDefinitions and Samples

    8. adapt v. uyarla0a+ adapte et0e+. To ad'ust to the circumstances; to make suitable

    Dinosaurs could not adapt to the !armer temperatures.The teacher adapted the e$ercises for his more advanced students. %sage tips &dapt is oftenfollo!ed b" to. Parts of speech adaptation n, adapter n, adaptable ad'

    . diverse n. e/t e/t e/tl "ar+l.Qarious; sho!ing a lot of differences !ithin a group

    ndia is one of the most linguisticall" diverse countries in the !orld.%sage tips &n 7l" adverb @e.g., linguisticall"A often comes before diverse.Parts of speech diversif" v, diversit" n, diversification n-. evolve v. yava/ yava/ gel/tr0e+7 yava/ yava/ gel/0e+.

    To develop; to come forth

    >odern7da" sharks evolved from their ancestor #r"ops, !hich lived more than 99 million "ears ago.op"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

    #volution and >igration 8-%sage tips #volve is often follo!ed b" into or from. Parts of speech evolution n, evolutionist n

    -. feature n. y-#de+ organlardan br.Part, characteristic

    The best feature of this car is its heated seats. %sage tips =eature is often follo!ed b" of. Parts ofspeech feature v?. generation n. +u/a+ nesl.& group of people born at about the same time

    &s older managers retired, a ne! generation of leaders took control of the compan".%sage tips efore generation, an ad'ective like ne!, ne$t, earlier, or older is common. *eneration isoften follo!ed b" of.Parts of speech generational ad'

    L. inherent ad'. a"rlmaz,tabiatnda var olan :aturall" characteristic; al!a"s found !ithin something,

    because it+s a basic part of that thing:o 'ob can be interesting all the time. oredom is inherent in an" kind of !ork.

    %sage tips nherent is often follo!ed b" in. Parts of speech inherentl" advK. migration n. g/, g/me, g/menlik, hicret >ovement from one place to another b" a group of peo7

    ple or animalsThe migration of farm !orkers from one state to the ne$t depends primaril" on the harvest.%sage tips >igration is often follo!ed b" to or from. Parts of speech migrate v, migrant n,

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    migrator" ad'4. ph"sical ad'. "#+sel "#+.3elated to the bod"; related to materials that can be seen

    or feltecause of the shape of its throat, an ape does not have the ph"sical abilit" to speak.

    8 :atureThe mountains form a ph"sical barrier bet!een the !est and the east.

    %sage tips Ph"sical usuall" comes before the noun it describes. Parts of speech ph"sicall" adv5. process n. y,nte0 0etot yol8 & series of steps leading to a resultTo get a good 'ob, most people go through a long process of letter7!riting and intervie!s.%sage tips Process is often follo!ed b" ofplus the 7ing form of a verb.Parts of speech proceed v, process v

    5. survive v. (ayatta +al0a+7 sa +al0a+. To continue living @despite some danger or illnessA

    &fter getting lost in the mountains, *ordon survived b" eating !ild plants and catching fish.%sage tips Survive is often follo!ed b" a phrase !ith b". Parts of speech survivor n, survival nT6#=H Prep =ind the !ord or phrase that is closest in meaning to the opposite of each

    !ord in the left7hand column. 0rite the letter in the blank. 8. ph"sical @aA not an integral part. migration @bA sta" the same-. adapt @cA die. inherent @dA sta"ing in one place?. survive @eA mental

    T6#=H Prep hoose the !ord from the list that is closest in meaning to the underlined part ofeach sentence. 0rite it in the blank.

    #volution and >igration 8?diverse evolved generation process survive

    8. Qarious languages are spoken on the ndian subcontinent.

    . >aking bread involves a seBuence of steps that takesabout three hours.

    -. =e! sea turtles manage to live through their first "earof life.

    . This age group tends to support current educationalpolicies.

    ?. Cer thinking about economics has changed slo!l" inthe last several months.T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestions that follo!.The migration from &sia to :orth &merica across the ering Strait @perhaps b" land bridgeA !as amonumental event in human histor". The process of overspreading the &mericas took more than 8,999"ears, or -9 generations. This might seem to confirm common senseEthat slo! travel !as inherent inan" great migration !ithout !heeled . vehicles across unkno!n terrain. =urther thought sho!sonus StructureE that this process !as remarkabl" fastEabout 89 north7 =urther thought south miles

    per "ear, on average. The &mericas !ere means Flookingpopulated at an astounding pace, !hen one considers deeper;t+F mR more.F the ph"sical limits of the human bod" and the ph"sicalfeatures of the &merican continents. Hegs of humans can move onl" so fast under the best of

    circumstances, and the" !ork even slo!er over mountain passes or deserts. Populations spreadthrough the diverse regions of the &mericas @grasslands, eastern forests, coastal s!ampsA and needed toadapt to their ne! environments. The migrants+ lifest"le had evolved over the "ears to that of

    professional nomads ensuring that the" !ould find the resources needed to survive.8L :ature

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    8. 0hich sentence best e$presses the essential information in thispassagea. Cuman migration across the ering Strait !as remarkabl" slo!.

    b. Ph"sical limitations made migration across the ering Strait almostimpossible.c. Cumans readil" adapted to life in the ering Strait.d. The migration through the &mericas !as surprisingl" fast.. n this passage, the !ord monumental is closest in meaning to

    a. disastrousb. evolvingc. importantd. ph"sicalHesson - #volution and >igrationT6#=H Prep 8. e . d -. b . a ?. cT6#=H Prep 8. diverse . process -. survive . generation?. evolved T6#=H Success 8.a . c


    Petroleum &lternativesTarget 0ordsconstraint L. emissioncontaminationK. e$tinctiondeplete 4. reservoirdispose of 5. shrink elementall" 89. stableDefinitions and Samples

    8. constraint n. snrla0a ta(dt. Something that restricts thought or action

    The constraints of militar" life kept #ileen from seeing Private >orris more than once a month.Parts of speech constrain v

    . contamination n. kirletme, bula1trma, bula1ma, pislik, atk eing made less clean b" a germ or hazardous sub7

    stanceThe contamination in the river came from the factor" located 'ust upstream.

    Parts of speech contaminate v, contaminant n -. deplete v. t-+et0e+ btr0e+.

    To greatl" decrease the suppl" of a resource or materialThe prolonged !ar depleted the countr"+s national treasur". Parts of speech depletion nop"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

    84 :ature. dispose of v. (allet0e+ ta0a0la0a+. To thro! a!a"; to get rid of; to killShe disposed of her un!anted possessions before moving. The t"rant cruell" disposed of all his

    enemies.%sage tips Dispose of should be learned as a unit. n this meaning, dispose does not occur !ithoutof.Parts of speech disposal n, disposable ad'

    -. elementall" adv.

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    so"7diesel blend. &s the need for bio7diesel increases and the technolog" improves, !e ma" soon !itnessthe e$tinction of the fossil7fueled vehicle. This is good ne!s for the planet, as bio7diesel is a more stablesource of energ" than petroleum, and it reduces contamination of our air and !ater.&n introductor" sentence for a brief summar" of the passage is provided belo!. omplete the summar"

    b" selecting the three ans!er choices that e$press the most important ideas in the passage. n each blank,!rite the letter of one of "our choices.io7diesel is a promising alternative to fossil fuels.a. Cumans have sho!n little self7restraint in their consumption of

    fossil fuels.b. %nderground reservoirs of oil !ill soon be depleted.c. io7diesel burns cleaner than fossil fuels.d. io7diesel comes from a more stable source than petroleum.e. 3estaurants can save disposal fees on used cooking oil.He s s o n Petroleum &lternativesT6#=H Prep 8. c . e -. d . a ?. bT6#=H Prep 8. constraint . elemental -. reservoir .emission ?. deplete T6#=H Success a, c, d

    Scienceop"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

    This page intentionall" left blank.


    Time #fficienc"

    Target 0ordsad'ust L. ma$imizearbitrar" K. paralleldenominator 4. proportione$ponentiall" 5. rateinfinitesimal 89. seBuenceDefinitions and Samples8. ad'ust v. To change; to get accustomed to somethingTravelers are advised to ad'ust their !atches before arriving in the ne! time zone.

    Parts of speech ad'ustment n, ad'ustable ad'. arbitrar" ad'. hosen simpl" b" !him or chance, not for an" specificreasonThe decision to build a school in lackberr" To!nship !as arbitrar", !ithout an" thought to futurehousing patterns.Parts of speech arbitrate v, arbitrator n, arbitraril" adv-. denominator n. The number !ritten belo! the line in a fractionn the fraction Qi, the number is the denominator.%sage tips The phrase lo!est common denominatormeansFthe most basic and unsophisticatedthings that most people share.FParts of speech denominate v, denomination n, denominational ad' op"right J 99? b" The

    >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use. Science. e$ponentiall" adv. &t a ver" fast raten Turke", the value of the lira has decreased e$ponentiall" in the last several decades.%sage tips #$ponentiall" is taken from mathematics, !here an e$ponent is a number indicating ho!

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    man" times something is multiplied b" itself. =or e$ample, -contains the e$ponentF-,F indicating$$.Parts of speech e$ponent n, e$ponential ad'?. infinitesimal ad'. mmeasurabl" smallThe number of contaminants in the !ater !as infinitesimal, so the !ater !as safe to drink.Parts of speech infinitesimall" advL. ma$imize v. To increase or make as great as possible& coach helps each athlete ma$imize his or her potential. Parts of speech ma$imum n, ma$imum ad'

    K. parallel ad'. eing an eBual distance apart ever"!hereThe street !here live runs parallel to the main road through to!n. %sage tips Parallel is oftenfollo!ed b" to. Parts of speech parallel n, parallel adv4. proportion n. & part in relation to the !holeThe average emplo"ee spends a large proportion of each !orkda" ans!ering e7mails.%sage tips Proportion is often follo!ed b" of.Parts of speech proportionate ad', proportionall" adv5. rate n. The cost per unit of a good or service; the motion or change thathappens in a certain time.Postal rates in 2apan are among the highest in the !orld.

    Time #fficienc" ?Some grasses gro! at the rate of one inch per da". Parts of speech rate v, rating n89. seBuence v. To organize or arrange in successionQolunteers have been asked to seBuence the files and organize the bo$es.Parts of speech seBuence n, seBuentiall" advT6#=H Prep omplete each sentence b" filling in the blank !ith the best !ord from the list.hange the form of the !ord if necessar". %se each !ord onl"'ust arbitrar" denominator infinitesimal rateStudents felt that the e$am !as unfair and the grading s"stem !asrather

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  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    op"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

    omputers ---. derive v. To come from, usuall" through a long, slo! processThe "rillic alphabet !as derived from the *reek alphabet. %sage tips Derive is often follo!ed b"from. Parts of speech derivation n, derivative ad'. detection n. Discovering something that cannot easil" be found0ith ne! medical technolog", the detection of cancer is much easier no!ada"s.

    %sage tips Detection is often follo!ed b" an ofphrase. Parts of speech detect v, detectable ad'?. e$peditiousl" adv. uickl" and efficientl"%sing carrier pigeons, the militar" commanders e$changed messages e$peditiousl".Parts of speech e$pedite v, e$pedition n, e$peditious ad'L. implement v. To make use of; to carr" out

    :ot until after the ne! soft!are !as installed could !e implement the ne! filing s"stem.Parts of speech implement n, implementation nK. innovative ad'. &head of the times; novelThe innovative use of props and lighting dre! man" favorable comments.Parts of speech innovation n4. installation n. Setting something into position for use

    nstallation of the ne! soft!are takes onl" four minutes. Parts of speech install v5. maintenance n. The act of keeping something in good conditionThe onl" problem !ith living in such a big house is that it reBuires a lot of maintenance.Parts of speech maintain v

    - Science89. simulation n. &n imitation or representationTo test car safet", automobile makers stud" crash simulations. Parts of speech simulate v, simulator nT6#=H Prep ircle the most likel" meaning of the !ord part that is shared !ithin eachset of !ords.8. circulate, circumnavigate, circuit

    The root circMcircum probabl" meansa. around

    b. brokenc. fair d. straight. innovative, novel, renovateThe root nov probabl" meansa. clear

    b. oldc. ne!d. s!eet-. installation, implement, imprisonThe prefi$ in7Mim7 probabl" meansa. aside

    b. behindc. ind. outT6#=H Prep ircle the !ord that best completes each sentence.Please make sure this information @circulates M derivesA throughout theoffice Buickl".The @installation M simulationA of the ne! telephones took three da"s.

    n order to sta" on schedule, !e need to complete this pro'ect as@e$peditiousl" M innovativel"A as possible.

    omputers -?The smuggler moved cautiousl" through the airport to avoid

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    @detection M maintenanceA.Nears of neglect had caused the building+s !ater pipes to @corrode MimplementA.T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestions that follo!.&s dependence on computers increases, so does the need for technical support. =rom installation ofsoft!are to detection of viruses, computers reBuire constant vigilance. >ost larger companies find it moste$peditious to maintain in7house computer staff. >an" smaller companies, ho!ever, can+t fund their o!n

    full7time, in7house technical help. nstead, man" of them assign the task of computer maintenance to acurrent emplo"ee !ho ma" not have an" formal training. 3ather, these Fcomputer buffsF have derivedtheir skills through practice and self7training. These self7appointed tech specialists, ho!ever, oftencannot solve bigger problems. 0hat+s more, the" ma" see their office relations corrode !hen the" ares!amped !ith basic user Buestions that the" simpl" don+t have time to address. =or these reasons,man" small companies choose to emplo" a freelance technical assistant !ho circulates among clients onan as7needed basis. 0ith their professional training, these consultants ma" propose innovativesolutions to users+ uniBue needs, !hich could var" from tracking inventor" to simulating mechanized

    processes. The" can implement ne! programs, train personnel, and escape the !orkplace beforebeing asked,FCo! can cut this file and paste it some!here elseF8. 0hich sentence best e$presses the essential information of this passage

    a. Harger companies are better off using freelance technical consultants.b. omputer maintenance and troubleshooting cuts into emplo"eeproductivit".c. Self7trained technical support personnel are often as effective astrained professionals.d. Smaller companies ma" benefit from hiring occasional technicalsupport.

    -L Science. The article implies that the Buestion Co! do cut and paste a file isa. too basic to reBuire professional attention

    b. a good Buestion to give to in7house tech supportc. appropriate for a freelancer to addressd. a good topic for a training programHesson K omputersT 6 #= H P rep 8 . a . c - . c

    T6#=H Prep 8. circulate . installation -. e$peditiousl". detection ?. corrode T 6# =H S u cc e ss 8 . d . a



    Target 0ordscombustion L. permeatecomponent K. rotateconve" 4. solardiscretel" 5. source

    nucleus89. triggerDefinitions and Samples

    8. combustion n. yan0a tutu/0a.The process of burning

    0hen air Bualit" is poor, combustion of materials in a fireplace is prohibited.

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    %sage tips ombustion is often follo!ed b" of. Parts of speech combust v, combustible ad'. component n. ,e unsur para ele0an c-#. 6ne part of a s"stem or !hole

    Their home theater s"stem has a number of separate components. %sage tips omponent is oftenfollo!ed or preceded b" of.

    -. conve" v. ta/0a+ g,t-r0e+ let0e+ na+let0e+. To transport from one place to another; to transmit or make


    & messenger conve"ed the prince+s letter to the commander of the arm".op"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

    -4 ScienceThe !orst part about being a doctor !as !hen she had to conve" bad ne!s to a famil".Parts of speech conve"ance n, conve"or n.scretel" adv. ayr "ar+l.

    Separatel"; distinctl"n order to understand ho! the engine !orked, each component needed to be studied discretel".Parts of speech discrete ad'

    ?. nucleus n. e+rde+ ,# n-ve.

    & central or essential part around !hich other parts aregathered; a coreThe nucleus of man" #uropean cities is the to!n sBuare. %sage tips :ucleus is often follo!ed b" of.Parts of speech nuclear ad'

    permeate v. n-"u# et0e+ ne /le0e+.

    To spread or flo! throughout; to pass through or penetrateThe smell of cooking permeated the entire apartment building. Parts of speech permeation n

    . rotate v. d,n0e+7 d,nd-r0e+.

    To turn around; to take turns in seBuenceThe planet rotates on its a$is once ever" 8 #arth da"s. The children rotate classroom responsibilitieson a !eekl" basis. Parts of speech rotation nsolar ad'. g-ne/n et+syle 0eydana gelen.

    ?.6f, or relating to, the sun

    The ancient societ" kept time !ith a solar calendar.L. source n. +ayna+7 +,+en The point of origin or creation

    The reporter !as unable to identif" the source of the information for his stor".Parts of speech source v

    #nerg" -589. trigger v. To set off or initiate !as certain an" mention of politics !ould trigger a big argument. Parts of speech trigger nT6#=H Prep omplete each sentence b" filling in the blank !ith the best !ord from the list.hange the form of the !ord if necessar". %se each !ord onl" once.combustion conve" permeate source trigger8. t is often difficult to

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    hand column. 0rite the letter in the blank.8. rotate @aA separatel", as an individual part. solar @bA spin on an a$is-. component @cA sun. discretel" @dA center?. nucleus @eA part

    T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestions that follo!.

    >ost of the electricit" in the %nited States is produced in steam turbines. There are man" discrete stepsin this process. n a steam turbine,

    9 Sciencecombustion of coal, petroleum, or natural gas heats !ater to make steam. The steam rotates a shaft that isconnected to a generator that produces electricit". =inall", that electricit" is converted b" atransformer and conve"ed from the turbine to its place of use. >an" sources can provide energ" to heatthe !ater in a steam turbine. oal is primar", producing ?8 percent of the countr"+s electricit". &nothercommon !a" to heat !ater for steam turbines is through nuclear po!er. n nuclear fission, atoms ofuranium fuel are hit b" neutrons, triggering a continuous chain of fission that releases heat. n 998,nuclear po!er generated 8 percent of the electricit" in the %nited States. Solar po!er produces less

    than 8 percent of the %nited States+ electricit" needs, because it is notDonus StructureE regularl" available and harnessing it is more e$pensive thann this conte$t, still using fossil fuels. Dependence on electricit" permeates dail"means Ueven so; life in the %nited States. Still, fe! people are a!are of theF h is. V man" components of electricit" production.8. 0hat does the author sa" about solar po!era. t produces more electricit" than an" other source.

    b. t is a relativel" small source of energ" for heating !ater in steamturbines.c. #lectricit" producers are tr"ing to use it more regularl".d. 3esearchers are tr"ing to make it cheaper to use.

    . n the passage, the !ord transformer probabl" refers to aa. truck

    b. generator that produces electricit"c. t"pe of turbined. device that changes electric currentsHesson 4 #nerg"T6#=H Prep 8. conve" . source -. permeated. combustion ?. triggered T6#=H Prep 8. b . c -. e . a ?. d T6#=H Success 8 . b .d

    >ind and od"

    op"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

    This page intentionall" left blank.



    Target 0ordsacBuisitionanomal"

  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    consciousl"degradegapindisputableinterveneintuitivel"recede89. retrieve

    Definitions and Samples8. acBuisition n. elde et0e edn0e al0a. The act of taking possession of something

    6ur recent acBuisition of over ,999 books makes ours the biggest librar" in the region.%sage tips &cBuisition is often follo!ed b" of. Parts of speech acBuire vanomal" n. ano0al.

    . Something unusual

    0hite tigers get their beautiful coloring from a genetic anomal".consciousl" adv.

    -ble ble blnl olara+.

    0ith a!areness of one+s actionsCe ma" have hurt her feelings, but he never !ould have done so consciousl".Parts of speech consciousness n, conscious ad'op"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

    >ind and od". degrade v. ala+ br duru0a d-/-r0e+. To reduce in value or strengthThe roads in cold or !et areas of the %nited States degrade faster than those in !arm, sunn" regions.

    Parts of speech degradation n, degradable ad'-. gap n. aral+7 bo/lu+ ged+. 6pening; a big difference in amount or Bualit"

    The small gap bet!een the !alls in the old house caused cold drafts to come in.. indisputable ad'. su g,t-r0e# +esn tart/l0a#. e"ond doubt; unBuestionable

    The members of the 'ur" found her guilt" because the" found the facts of the case indisputable.Parts of speech indisputabl" advL. intervene v. ara"a gir,m(dahale et To come bet!een& good mediator intervenes onl" as much as necessar" to settle a dispute bet!een other parties.Parts of speech intervention n

    K. intuitivel" adv. se#gyle. " means of a natural sense about things that are hard

    to observe>an" mothers kno! intuitivel" !hen something is !rong !ith their children.Parts of speech intuition n, intuitive ad'

    4. recede v. ger e+l0e+. To move back or a!a" from

    &fter the age of -9, his hairline began to recede further back from his forehead.Parts of speech recession n, recessive ad'

    5. retrieve v. geri almak, kavu1mak, telIfi etmek To bring or get back

    >ost dogs can be trained to retrieve ob'ects that their o!ners have thro!n.Parts of speech retriever n, retrievable ad'

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    >emor" ?T6#=H Prep =ind the !ord or phrase that is closest in meaning to the opposite of each !ord in theleft7hand column. 0rite the letter in the blank.

    8. degrade @aA sta" out of a dispute. anomal" @bA improve-. recede @cA Buestionable. intervene @dA the norm?. indisputable @eA come for!ard

    T6#=H Prep ircle the !ord that best completes each sentence.& huge @anomal" M gapA bet!een the !ealth" and the !orking classoften leads to social unrest.The ne! computers enable us to @intervene M retrieveA informationmore Buickl".&lthough she !asn+t Bualified for the 'ob, she @ indisputabl" Mintuitivel"A felt that she should appl".0hen he 'oined the militar", he did not e$pect the officers to@degrade M recedeA him.The art in the fo"er !as an important @acBuisition M consciousnessAfor the museum.

    T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestion that follo!s.Hike other functions of the human mind, perception and memor" are imperfect. 0hen !e tell a stor"about something that !e !itnessed, !e ma" intuitivel" believe that our recollection is accurate.Co!ever, several factors bias our memories of events. To stud" this anomal", let us look at the threesteps of memor" creationG acBuisition of memor", storing of memor", and retrieval. &t ever" stage ofmemor" formation, distortion can occur. &t the first stage, acBuisition of memor", events are perceivedand bits of information are prepared for storage in the brain. Co!ever, it is impossible for us toremember ever" single thing !e observe. Through processes that are both conscious and unconscious,

    people determine !hich details the" !ill focus on.

    L >ind and od"n its second stage, storage, memories can become further distorted. 6ver time, our memories degrade,as !e forget portions of events. To compensate, !e ma" even creativel" fill in the gap created b" therecession of long7term memor". &dditionall", an individual+s memor" can be altered during the storagestage b" intervening occurrences, !hich can be subconsciousl" combined !ith previousl" storedonus StructureE T , , , ,memories. Hast but not least, !e search our memor" to locate n sum means Uto. W information. During recall, emotion also seems to pla" a parta short version of inmemor" distortion. n sum, our memories ma" not be the!hat has been indisputable source of information that !e !ould like themstated.F X to be.&n introductor" sentence for a brief summar" of the passage is provided belo!. omplete the summar"

    b" selecting the three ans!er choices that e$press the most important ideas in the passage. n each blank,!rite the letter of one of "our choices.>emor" provides an imperfect record of events.a. People purposefull" present a slanted version of events.

    b. >emories can be altered at an" point in memor" creation.c. People naturall" cannot recall ever"thing the" observe.d. >emories are an indisputable source of fact.e. Time and emotion contribute to memor" degradation.

    f. Past occurrences often displace current memories.Hesson 5 >emor"T6#=H Prep 8. b . d -. e . a ?. cT6#=H Prep 8. gap . retrieve -. intuitivel" . degrade?. acBuisition T6#=H Success b, c, e

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  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    4. Caving or e$hibiting religious reverence

    Sometimes she !as so pious that the rest of us felt like heathens. Parts of speech piousness n, piet" n,piousl" adv

    5. sacrifice v. +urban.&n"thing offered to a deit" as a religious thanksgiving; giving up something in order to havesomething more valuable later on

    #ver" harvest time, the =adeloni people sacrificed vegetables to their gods as a sho! of thanks.

    Spiritualit" 5n order to succeed in his career, he had to sacrifice his private life and his leisure time.Parts of speech sacrifice n, sacrificial ad', sacrificiall" advT6#=H Prep omplete each sentence b" filling in the blank !ith the bes t !ord or phrasefrom the list. hange the form of the !ord if necessar". %se each !ord or phrase onl" once.

    be inclined to contemplate deif" e$alted sacrificeTraditionall", the amerian societ"

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  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    forensics n. 0-na#ara sanat.?. The use of science and technolog" to investigate facts in

    criminal cases&dvances in the stud" of forensics have made it much easier to identif" criminals from ver" smalltraces of evidence.Parts of speech forensic ad'

    L. persist v. n9de srar et0e+ 9de aya+ dre0e+ 9de nat et0e+.

    To continue to e$ist; to hold to a purpose, despite an"obstaclef "our s"mptoms persist, "ou should go see a doctor. Hola persisted in her efforts to become a la!"er.Parts of speech persistence n, persistent ad'

    K. prognosis n. hastal)n sonucunu tahmin, prognoz&n educated guess of ho! something !ill develop, es7

    peciall" a diseaseThe room fell silent !hen the doctor gave Senator *rebe a grim prognosis of months of treatment.

    4. terminal ad'. son, u, terminal, gar, son durakHocated at an end; approaching death

    The cancer !ard at the hospital held both terminal and recovering patients.

    Parts of speech terminate v, terminall" adv5. vein n. da0ar toplarda0ar. &n" of the tubes that form a branching s"stem, especiall" those

    that carr" blood to the heartShe became fascinated !ith human anatom", especiall" !hen she learned ho! veins transport o$"gen.

    89. !ound v. . kIlbini krmak, "aralamak, incitmek To inflict an in'ur" on

    Sometimes he didn+t realize his sharp humor could !ound as !ell as entertain.Parts of speech !ound nT6 #=H Prep hoose the !ord from the list that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of eachsentence. 0rite it in the blank.

    disease fatal persist prognosis !ound

    ? >ind and od". 8. Ce sustained a serious in'ur" in the !ar, so he !as sent home immediatel".. . Cer sickness !as so rare, doctors !eren+t certain ho! to treat it.. -. Cis motto !as to keep tr"ing, no matter !hat happened.. . The medical staff could not kno! for sure !hether the treatment !ould !ork, but the" made aconfident prediction that the patient !ould recover.. ?. The airplane crash !as tragic, killing man" people immediatel" and inflicting in'uries on others that!ould eventuall" prove deadl".T6#=H Prep :e$t to each definition, !rite the !ord that most closel" fits it.aggravate decrepit forensics terminal vein

    8. the science involved in solving crimes. a vessel for carr"ing blood-. to make !orse. unable to be cured?. in ver" bad condition

    T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestions that follo!.The man !as decrepit. 0ith high blood pressure, cancer, and liver disease, he aggravated his situation b"smoking. Cis prognosis !as death. Cis advanced lung cancer !as terminal, and his famil" members

    kne! that he !ould pass a!a" soon. So no one !as surprised to find him dead on that sharp !interThursda", no one, that is, e$cept one sharp7e"ed detective,

    llness!ho noticed the bedroom !indo! a'ar on the morning of the old man+s death. 0ould a fatall" ill person

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    be likel" to sleep !ith the !indo! open on a freezing cold night

    onus StructureE ndeed indicates that an idea in an earlier paragraph !as actuall" true.This Buestion occupied forensic specialists from the medical e$aminer+s office.There, an autops"revealed an unlikel" !ound on the victim+s thigh. Such a !ound could easil" have been inflicted b"someone administering medicine . . . or poison. =rom there, the poison could travel through the veins,shutting do!n vital organs and causing death !ithin seconds.ndeed, the death turned out to be murder in the first degree. riminal investigators persisted in their

    Buestioning of friends and famil", onl" later finding the motiveG mone". T!o distant relatives !ho stood toinherit large sums from the old man+s estate plotted the death, believing that the old man+s death !ould not

    be Buestioned.8. 0h" does the author mention a !ounda. The !ound caused the death.

    b. t !as evidence of a struggle.c. t !as suspicious.d. t !as predictable, considering the man+s disease.. n the passage, the !ord inherit is closest in meaning toa. lose

    b. gain

    c. earnd. !antHesson 88 llnessT6#=H Prep 8. !ound . disease -. persist . prognosis?. fatal T6#=H Prep 8.forensics . vein -. aggravate . terminal?. decrepit T 6# =H S uc ce s s 8 . c , . b


    Target 0ords

    8. anesthesia L. implant

    . augment K. in'ect

    -. certifiabl" 4. obese

    . complication 5. procedure

    Definitions and Samples

    anesthesia n.duyu0 yt0 aneste#.8. TechniBues for reducing sensation and feeling, especiall"

    to control painThe ivil 0ar !as the first &merican !ar !hen anesthesia !as !idel" used in surger" on soldiers.%sage tips &nesthesia and anesthetic are often used interchangeabl". Parts of speech anesthetic n,ad'augment v. artr0a+.

    . To make bigger or better b" adding to

    n some t"pes of popular cosmetic surger" people augment parts of their bodies.

    The college augmented its course offerings because students complained that there !ere too fe!choices.Parts of speech augmentation nop"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

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    Surger" ?Kcertifiabl" adv. ona"lanabilir

    -. n a manner that is officiall" recognized

    Ce couldn+t be institutionalized until he !as declared certifiabl" insane.Parts of speech certif" v, certification n, certificate n, certifiable ad'. complication n. +ar0a/+ (ale getr0e.& factor that makes something more difficult or

    comple$The surgeons could not easil" stop the bleeding because of complications related to the patient+sdiabetes.Parts of speech complicate v

    . cure v. yle/tr0e+ tedav et0e+ saalt0a+ /"a ver0e+ To restore to health

    The" sa" laughter can help cure man" illnesses. Parts of speech cure n?. implant v. dikmek. . aklina sokmak, asilamak. To set in firml"; to insert in the bod" surgicall"

    The actress had cheek implants to make her face look fuller. Parts of speech implantation nL. in'ect v. 1rnga etmek, en'eksi"on "apmak. . katmak, vermek.

    To insert a liBuid b" means of a s"ringeThe doctor used a needle to in'ect the medicine slo!l" into her arm. Parts of speech in'ection n

    K. obese ad'. ok 1i1man,obez #$cessivel" over!eight

    >ore &mericans are obese no! because %.S. culture encourages overeating and discourages e$ercise.Parts of speech obesit" n5. procedure n. prosed(r, i1lem, & specific !a" of performing or doing somethingThe flight attendant e$plained the emergenc" evacuation procedure.Parts of speech proceed v, procedural ad'

    ?4 >ind and od"89. scar n. "ara izi. & mark on the skin left after a !ound has healed; a lasting sign of damage, either mental or ph"sicalThe surger" !as successful, but it left a large scar across her abdomen.Parts of speech scar vT6#=H Prep =or each !ord, choose the !ord or phrase that has the most similar meaning. 0rite theletter of "our choice on the line.8. scar@aA bandage @bA mark @cA shine @dA cover . augment@aA take a!a" @bA discuss @cA use @dA add to-. complication@aA added difficult" @bA improved performance@cA method of training @dA prediction about results. obese@aA attractive @bA health" @cA ver" over!eight @dA high?. cure@aA heal@bA stud" @cA diagnose @dA tie upT6#=H Prep ircle the !ord that best completes each sentence.The @procedure M scarA to prepare for the surger" took four hours.6nl" seriousl" @certifiable M obeseA people should get their stomachs

    surgicall" reduced.Ce almost died during the operation because the doctors did notgive him the right kind of @anesthesia M complicationA.Doctors are no! able to @cure M implantA man" t"pes of sickness that!ere usuall" fatal in the past.

  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    efore @augmenting M in'ectingA a painkiller, the dentist rubbed cloveson the !oman+s gums to numb them.

    Surger" ?5T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestions that follo!.Since 855, the number of cosmetic surger" procedures has risen 8K? percent in the %nited States.T!o of the most popular are liposuction and breast augmentation. n liposuction, the doctor inserts a small

    tube into the skin that sucks fat from the bod". &nd !hile it ma" sound . eas", it isn+t. Hiposuction is sopainful that people are often onus StructureE given anesthesia. 0hat+s more, liposuction is not reall"a 0hat+s morecure for obesit". 3ather, it should be used !hen diet and meansFinaddition;

    ' , , t7 , W , W u, i i 2. Z even moree$ercise do not reduce fat m certain trouble spots.importantl".&nother common cosmetic procedure is breast augmentation. n this procedure, an implant is insertedthrough the armpit, making the breasts appear larger. reast augmentation usuall" leaves onl" a small scar.Some common complications include the effects of anesthesia, infection, s!elling, redness, bleeding, and

    pain. To reduce these risks, consumers are advised to be sure that their surgeon is board7certified.

    8. 0hich sentence best e$presses the essential information of thispassagea. osmetic surger" is dangerous.

    b. >an" people do not have cosmetic surger" because of the pain.c. osmetic surger" is increasing in popularit" in the %nited States.d. reast reduction is almost as popular as breast augmentation.. n the underlined sentence, trouble spots refers toa. places !here people are commonl" over!eight

    b. methods of e$ercise that aren+t effectivec. parts of the bod" !here liposuction doesn+t !orkd. specific areas on the bod" !here fat is hard to minimize

    Hesson 8 Surger"T6#=H Prep 8. b . d -. a . c ?. aT6#=H Prep 8. procedure . obese -. anesthesia . cure?. in'ecting T 6# =H S uc c es s 8 . c . d



    *hostsTarget 0ordsastrologicaldivinationhaunthorrorintermediar"invokemeditate


    :e"ntons and Sa0ples

    8. astrological ad'. astrolo'ik 3elated to the stud" of the position of stars, the sun,

    and the planets in the belief that the" influence earthl" events

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    #ver" da", >ona read her astrological forecast in the ne!spaper, and she !as careful if the horoscopepredicted trouble.Parts of speech astrolog" n, astrologer n, astrologicall" adv

    . divination n. tahmin, kehanet, sezme =oretelling the future b" finding patterns in ph"sical

    ob'ectsn Turke", !omen offer divinations b" reading the dregs from a coffee cup.Parts of speech divine v

    -. haunt v. sk u)ramak, zi"aret etmek To continuall" appear @in the form of a ghostA in the same

    place or to the same personop"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

    *hosts L8Some sa" the ghost of Princess Cilda haunts this castle, appearing as a headless form !hile she pla"sthe piano.The pictures of children d"ing in !ar have haunted me for a long time.horror n. korku


    Strong fear mi$ed !ith disgust6n Callo!een night, all the horror movies !ere rented out. Parts of speech horrif" v, horrific ad'

    ?. intermediar" n. arada bulunan aracl+ eden.&cting as an agent bet!een people or things

    The plaintiff+s la!"er suggested that the" hire an intermediar" to help them discuss their case.%sage tips ntermediar" comes from the Hatin !ords meaning Fbet!een the !a"s.F

    L. invoke v. "alvarmak, "akarmak, dua etmek To call on for support

    n man" religions, believers invoke their god b" holding out their hands.Parts of speech invocation n

    K. meditate v. dalmak, d(1(nmek, tasarlamak

    To reflect; to think Buietl" and deepl" for a long time#ver" morning, the monks meditated for three hours in complete silence.Parts of speech meditation n4. phantom n. . ha"al. . ha"alet. -. g/r(nt(, aldan1. & diml" visible form, usuall" thought to be the spirit of adead person, a sunken ship, etc.>an" visitors reported seeing a phantom !ho appeared around the lake.%sage tips Phantom originates in a !ord meaning FdreamF; like a dream, a phantom leaves anobserver !ondering !hether it+s real or not.

    L >ind and od"5. ps"chic ad'. ruhsal, psi1ik, parapsikolo'ik, ruhani 3elating to the supposed abilit" of the human mind to sense things that cannot be observedThe governor+s assistant claimed to have uniBue ps"chic abilities enabling him to read people+s minds.Parts of speech ps"chic n, ps"chicall" adv

    88. self7perpetuati ng ad'.Caving the po!er to rene! oneself for an indefinite period of time

    t is difficult to escape from a lie, as the" are often self7perpetuating. Parts of speech self7perpetuationnT6#=H Prep =or each !ord, choose the !ord or phrase that has the most similar meaning. 0ritethe letter of "our choice on the line.

    @aA @bA prediction @cA problem rout


    @aA dr" @bA fail to sho! up

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    @cA to @dA search

    - meditate

    @aA clarif" @bA e$pose @cA purge thin


    @aA call @bA cr" @cA inspire re'e

    ? ps"chic

    @aA empt" @bA mental @cA po!erful vagT6#=H Prep ircle the !ord that best completes each sentence.8. The leaders of the religious group are said to have @astrological M ps"chicA po!ers that allo! themto move ob'ects 'ust b" the po!er of their thoughts.

    *hosts L-=or "ears after the earthBuake, she !as disturbed b" the @haunting Mself7perpetuatingA memories of destruction.The bo"s told their ne! friend that the" had seen @intermediaries M

    phantomsA in the cemeter" at night.During the scuffle, the citizens !ere prepared to @invoke M meditateAthe right of citizen+s arrest because no police officers !ere present.Cer @divination M horrorA of the results of their meeting impressedeven the nonbelievers.T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestions that follo!.Some sa" that sailors are a superstitious group. Hong nights of !atching stars predispose them to a

    belief in astrolog". Hong periods of isolation lead them to believe in ps"chic phenomena that others!ould laugh at. This ma" e$plain sailors+ freBuent reports of seeing phantom ships. =rom the *ulf of>e$ico, across the &tlantic, and to the South hina Sea, sailors often claim that such vessels hauntthe seas. 6ne of the most famous stories of ghost ships is the =l"ing Dutchman, !hich sailed in 8L49

    from &msterdam to Dutch #ast ndia under Cendrick Qanderdecken. 0hen the captain ignored thedanger !arnings of a storm, his ship !as smashed and the cre! !as lost. &ccording to legend, hisarrogance invoked the !rath of *od, !ho condemned the lost cre!7members to battle the !aters offthe ape of *ood Cope for eternit". Since then, there have been repeated sightings of the =l"ingDutchman, one as recent as 85-5. >an" sightings of phantom ships occur in areas !here vessels arekno!n to have sunk. Sailors can never divine !hen or !here the" !ill ne$t encounter a phantom ship.3ather, most of their sightings occur randoml", onl" later to bring forth information of a former seahorror. Some sa" that ghosts aboard a phantom ship are tr"ing to use living sailors as theirintermediaries. Still others think that the e$istence of phantom ships is merel" a self7perpetuating m"thfor bored sailors !ho are prone to too much idle meditation about the meaning of life and death on thehigh seas.

    8. Co! !ould the author e$plain phantom shipsa. Their appearance is tied to the stars.

    b. Sailors at sea have little to do.c. =og and high !aves can distort one+s vision.d. Ship!reck remains haunt oceans around the !orld.. 0h" does the author mention the =l"ing Dutchmana. as the basis of primitive navigation s"stems

    b. as an e$ample of a commonl" sighted phantom shipc. as the reason !h" man" sailors have mental problemsd. as an e$planation for sightings of phantom ships

    Hesson 8- *hostsT6#=H Prep 8. b . c -. d . a ?. bT6#=H Prep 8. ps"chic . haunting -. phantoms . invoke?. divination T 6# = H S u cc e ss 8 . b . b

  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure





    Target 0ords

    8. assimilate L. relic

    . cremation K. rite-. domesticate 4. rituall

    . folklore 5. saga

    ?. fossilize 89. vestigeDefinitions and Samples

    8. assimilate v. /z(mlemek, sindirmek, /z(msemek To consume and incorporate; to become similar

    :ot all of the overseas students could assimilate into the rigidl" controlled school.%sage tips &ssimilate is often follo!ed b" into. Parts of speech assimilation ncremation n./l( "akma

    . The act of burning the dead

    remation is particularl" common in 2apan, !here land for burial is ver" limited.Parts of speech cremate v

    -. domesticate v. evclle/tr0e+. To make something suitable for being in a home

    The arnes famil" hoped to domesticate the tiger, but their neighbors !ere skeptical.op"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

    %sage tips The ob'ect of domesticate is usuall" a plant or animal. Parts of speech domestic ad'. folklore n. folklor, halkbilimTraditional m"ths of a people transmitted orall"

    Through folklore, archaeologists have learned about the migration of :ative &mericans in :orth&merica.Parts of speech folkloric ad'

    ?. fossilize v. "oslle/0e+ ta/lla/0a+To become preserved in cla" or stone or ash after death, so

    that a natural record is left of the original organism; to become rigid and stuck in old !a"s

    The dinosaur eggs had fossilized over thousands of "ears. Parts of speech fossilization n, fossil nL. relic n. kalnt, eski eser, "adigIr, hatra, kutsal emanet Something left from a long7ago culture, time period, or person

    3elics of the !ar can still be found in the sand dunes along this shore.K. rite n. dini t/ren, a"in, & ceremon" meant to achieve a certain purpose>an" cultures have fertilit" rites that supposedl" make it more likel" for !omen to bear children.

    K. rituall" adv. dinsel t/ren, dini t/ren, a"in, a"in kurallar, a"in kitab &s part of a traditional ceremon" or habit

    The children rituall" kissed their parents on the cheek before bed. Parts of speech ritual n, ritual ad'5. saga n.destan

    & long stor" about important events long ago>an" &merican families tell sagas about their ancestors+ arrival in the %nited States.89. vestige n. # eser /aret. & visible trace that something once e$istedThe !ilted flo!ers !ere the onl" vestige of their romantic !eekend.

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    T6 #=H Prep hoose the !ord from the list that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of eachsentence. 0rite it in the blank.assimilate cremation domesticate folklore ritual

    8. n man" cultures around the !orld, "oung bo"s are circumcised in a traditional ceremon".

    . t is difficult to tame a bird that !as born in the !ild.-. ased on the oral legends about the fire, researchers es

    timate that about half of the to!nspeople died in theblaze.

    . &fter the burning of the bod", the remaining bits ofbone are transferred to a large urn.

    ?. Cer husband could never fit into her famil"+s !a" oflife.T6#=H Prep 0rite the best !ord ne$t to each definition. %se each !ord onl" once.fossilize relic rite saga vestige

    8. to harden after death. a customar" act-. a memento

    . something remaining from the past?. a long stor"

    T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestions that follo!.The aborigines of &ustralia ma" have been some of the first people on the planet. 3ecent discoveries ofrelics, including stone tools, sho! that humans lived near Penrith, :e! South 0ales, about K,999"ears ago.&ustralian aborigines migrated from northern lands b" sea, !hen the!ater passages !ere narro!er than the" are toda". This is the first evidence of sea travel b" prehistoric humans. The saga of thisonus StructureE !ater passing survives in modern7da" aboriginal folklore. To

    To put this m put thisinperspective, remember that ?9,999 "ears ago,perspec ive humans !ere nomadic. #arl" aborigines did not cultivatemeans Uto giveii , crops, and in &ustralia at the time there !ere no animals thatsome background cinformation F could be domesticated. :o one kno!s ho! long it tookaboriginal people to reach &ustralia, but archaeologists are searching through ancient campsites forvestiges of their earl" lifest"le. =ossilized remains indicate that these nomadic people not onl" gatheredfood from the land, but the" also subsisted on meat from large animals that no longer e$ist toda". &s

    part of their hunting tradition, aborigines rituall" covered themselves in mud to mask their o!n scentor for camouflage. &boriginal societ" marked the ma'or events of life !ith rites such as circumcision,marriage, and cremation. 6lder people !ere revered and cared for as great sources of !isdom. 0hen0esterners arrived in &ustralia in 8K44, the -99,999 aborigines !ho lived there !ere not eager toassimilate their !a"s. n the follo!ing "ears, disease, loss of land, and loss of identit" shaped theaborigines+ histor" perhaps as much as their first prehistoric crossing from the north.8. 0hich sentence best e$presses the essential information in this

    passagea. &ustralian aborigines !ere some of the #arth+s first people.

    b. 0hite e$plorers did not respect aboriginal culture.c. &ustralian aborigines probabl" migrated from &frica.d. The organization and functioning of aboriginal societ" is mostl"

    unkno!n.. n this passage, the !ord rituall" is closest in meaning toa. regularl"

    b. ignorantl"c. superstitiousl"

  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    d. dramaticall"

    Hesson 8 &nthropolog"T6#=H Prep 8. ritual . domesticate -. folklore. cremation ?. assimilateT6#=H Prep 8. fossilize . rite -. relic . vestige ?. sagaT6#=H Success8 . a . a



    Target 0ords

    8. amend L. discriminat

    . biased K. notion

    -. burden 4. oppress

    . counter 5. paradigm

    ?. de facto 89. pre'udicedDefinitions and Samples

    8. amend v. d(zeltmek, i"ile1tirmek, de)i1tirmek To change for the better

    The residents voted to amend their neighborhood polic" on fences. Parts of speech amendment n. biased ad'. /n"argl, tarafl, pe1in h(k(ml(, etki altnda kalm1 Heaning unfairl" in one direction

    Cer ne!spaper article !as criticized for being heavil" biased to!ard the ma"or+s proposal.Parts of speech bias n

    -. burden n. y-+len0e+ s+nt ver0e+. Something that is carried; a source of stress or !orr"The donke" !alked slo!l" under the burden of its heav" load.The failing compan" faced the burden of bad debts and a poor reputation.Parts of speech burden vop"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.Social neBualit" K-

    . counter v. kar1lk vermek, kar1 ko"mak, To act in opposition to; to offer in response

    The hocke" pla"er countered the punch !ith a smashing blo! from his hocke" stick.2ane countered ever" accusation !ith a specific e$ample of her achievements.

    Parts of speech counter n, counter ad'?. de facto ad'. gerekten "aplan, fiili, fiilen "aplan Trul" doing a 'ob, even if not officiall"

    Popular support established the itizens Part" as the de facto government.Parts of speech de facto adv

    L. discriminate ayrt et0e+ ayr0a+To choose carefull" among options

    The governor !isel" discriminated bet!een urgent issues and those that could !ait.Parts of speech discriminator" ad', discriminate ad'K. notion n. kavram, fikir, g/r(1, kan, e)ilim, heves & belief; a fanciful impulse

    The notion that older office eBuipment is unreliable is inaccurate. 6ne morning, she suddenl" tookthe notion to paint her kitchen red. %sage tips :otion can be follo!ed b" a that clause or a to

    phrase.K. oppress v. s+0a+ s+/tr0a+ bas+ yap0a+. To keep do!n b" force; to !eigh heavil" on

  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    =actor" management oppressed !orkers through intimidation. Parts of speech oppression n5. paradigm n. dlblgse+0 ,rne. & pattern or model; a set of assumptionsThe usual paradigm for economic gro!th in developed countries does not appl" to some poor nations.%sage tips Paradigm is often follo!ed b" for.

    89. pre'udiced ad'. /n"argl ausing to 'udge prematurel" and unfairl"

    >an" consumers are pre'udiced against commercial goods made in third7!orld countries.Parts of speech pre'udice v, pre'udice nT6#=H Prep omplete each sentence b" filling in the blank !ith the best !ord from the list.hange the form of the !ord if necessar". %se each !ord onl" once.

    biased counter de facto notion paradigm8. During the trial, the defense la!"erandela devoted his life to fighting pre'udice in South &frica. >andela traveled his state,organizing a fight against discriminator"la!s and racial bias. Ce encouraged civil disobedience as atool against the oppression of lacks. &s deput" president of the &frican :ational ongress, >andelaencouraged his fello! citizens to challenge the prevailing paradigm of po!er. >andela believed that

    pre'udice burdened not onl" the oppressed, but also the oppressors.The government countered >andela+s activities !ith a criminal conviction. Still, >andela+s de factoleadership gained him respect and authorit" among his fello! citizens. >andela+s courage .and popularit" !orried the ruling class, !ho did not !ant onus StructureE to share po!er. 0hat+smore, the" refused to amend the The ruling class state+s la!s. So !hen >andela returned from anoverseas means those !hotrip to gain support for his cause in 85L, he !as arrested, heldpo!ermostl"

    because of the'ailed, and sentenced to life m prison for various crimes. c , t families the" !ereThis onl" fueled >andela+s notions about ineBualit" borninto. and 'ustice. Ce took his demands to

    'ail , !here he demanded the same dress and safet" gear for lack prisoners as for 0hite prisoners.&fter 4 "ears in prison, >andela !as released, returning immediatel" to public life. n 855, he !as

    elected the president of South &frica.8. 0hich of the follo!ing best e$presses the essential information ofthis passagea. :elson >andela used illegal means to achieve his ends.

    b. :elson >andela fought pre'udice in South &frica.

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    c. :elson >andela inspired lacks around the !orld.d. :elson >andela !as driven primaril" b" his religious beliefs.. n the passage, the !ord amend is closest in meaning toa. ignore b. !rite do!n c.hange d. discussHesson 8? Social neBualit"T6#=H Prep 8. countered . biased -. notion . paradigm?. de factoT6#=H Prep 8. c . a -. b . e ?. d T 6# =H S uc c es s 8 . b , . c




    Target 0ords

    8. curriculum L. parochia

    . distinctl" K. rigor

    -. erudite 4. roster . fortif" 5. secular

    ?. implicitl" 89. suspendDefinitions and Samples

    8. curriculum n.The courses of stud" offered b" an educational institution

    The teachers met to design a ne! curriculum for the ntensive #nglish Program.. distinctl" adv.


    distinctl" remember sa"ing that !e !ould meet at noon. Parts of speech distinction n, distinct ad'-. erudite ad'.

    Cighl" educated#ven though Stella !as onl" a freshman, she !as considered erudite b" both her classmates and her

    professors.?. fortif" v.

    To strengthenThe high7priced drink had e$tra vitamins and minerals to fortif" the bod".Parts of speech fortification n op"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here forterms of use.

    K4 Societ"?. implicitl" adv. 0ithout being stated; unBuestioningl"" 'oining the competition, she agreed implicitl" to the rules. Parts of speech implicit ad'

    L. parochial ad'.3estricted in outlook; relating to the local parish

    >arla moved from her rural communit" to get a!a" from its parochial thinking.Sending "our children to a parochial school can cost as much as sending them to college.

    K. rigor n.Strictness; difficult situations that come from follo!ing rules


    The !restler follo!ed his diet !ith rigor. The rigors of militar" life toughened the "oung men Buickl".Parts of speech rigorous ad'4. roster n.

    & list, especiall" of namesT!o of the names on the roster !ere misspelled.

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    4. secular ad'.0orldl" rather than spiritual; not related to religion

    =e! private schools in the %nited States are secular.5. suspend v.

    To cause to stop for a period; to hang as to allo! free movementThe trial !as suspended !hen the 'udge learned that one of the 'ur" members kne! the defensela!"er.The circus acrobat !as suspended in midair. Parts of speech suspension n, suspension ad'

    T6#=H Prep =or each !ord, choose the !ord that has the most similar meaning. 0rite theletter of "our choice on the line.8. distinctl"@aA clearl" @bA full"@cA softl" @dA aggressivel"

    #$pertise K5

    @aA strong @bA !ise @c complicate @dA plain

    - fortif"

    @aA !eaken @bA contemplat @c strengthen @dA reshape


    @aA strictness @bA talent @c peace @dA

    ? suspend

    @aA tie @bA fill @c hang @dA thro!

    T6#=H Prep hoose the !ord from the list that is closest in meaning to the underlined part ofeach sentence. 0rite it in the blank.curriculum implicitl" parochial roster secular

    8. The class list sho!ed that onl" 8 students had enrolled

    for spring Buarter.. >an" parents feel that public schools are as good asprivate, religious schools.

    -. The principal reBuested parents+ feedback on the ne!set of math classes.

    . n the %nited States, man" private grade schools arenot affiliated !ith a religion.

    ?. The 'anitor agreed indirectl" not to turn in the students.T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestions that follo!.n the last three decades, universities across the %nited States have attempted to adapt their

    curriculums to meet the changing purposes of higher education. %niversit" education !as also onceconsidered an e$clusive opportunit", !ith erudite scholars establishing courses based on the goal oftraining a distinctl" academicFelite.F These da"s, not ever"

    49 Societ"undergraduate is destined to become a scholar, and the roster of students represents a more completecross section of societ", including minorities, !omen, and returning students. These da"s, mostlearners attend universit" to fortif" basic skills, primaril" learning ho! to learn and ho! to e$pressthemselves. =ar from its earlier religious or elitist image, the universit" is seen increasingl" as a secularcenter for career development, !here students kno! the" !ill graduate into a competitive 'ob market.>ost professors have embraced this evolution in the universit"+s role, letting go of the tradit ional,

    parochial vie! of higheronus StructureE education. 6n the other hand, man" feel that !hile the" !ant6n the other to accommodate an adaptable curriculum, universities musthand introduces an not suspend their obligation of establishing rigorous re7opposing point. OBuirements for education and graduation. mplicit in their

  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    stance is support for the traditional liberal arts curriculum !ith a core ofclasses reBuired across disciplines.8. &ccording to information in the reading, !hich of the follo!ing sentences !ould the author be most likel" to agree !itha. %niversities are becoming increasingl" e$clusive.

    b. & curriculum needs to be completel" adaptable to students+ needs.c. The role of higher education is changing, and so is the universit"curriculum.

    d. The cost of universit" puts it out of reach of man" populations.. n this passage, the !ord elitist is closest in meaning toa. superior

    b. academicc. populistd. elegantHesson 8L #$pertiseT6#=H Prep 8. a . b -. c . a ?. cT6#=H Prep 8. roster . parochial -. curriculum . secular?. implicitl" T6#=H Success 8. c . a



    >ilitar" 6perations

    Target 0ordsallegianceartiller"

    battleceasehierarch"in the trenchesmobilizerankratio89. strategicDefinitions and Samples8. allegiance n. Ho"alt">" allegiance to m" countr" is based on respect for its principles. %sage tips &llegiance is

    commonl" follo!ed b" a to phrase.. arti l ler" n. Harge guns that shoot po!erful shells; arm" units that han7dle such guns&n artiller" barrage broke do!n the cit"+s thick !alls !ithin seconds. The Kth &rtiller" fired on rebelscamped in the cit" center.%sage tips 0hen it means a part of an arm", artiller" is sometimes plural.-. battle v. To fight againstThe Qiet >inh battled =rench forces at Dien ien Phu for nearl" t!o months in 85?.Parts of speech battle n op"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms ofuse.

    4 Societ". cease v. StopThe lightning continued even after the thunder had ceased.%sage tips ease is found in official statements, not usuall" in ever"da" speech.Parts of speech cessation n, ceaseless ad'

  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    ?. hierarch" n. & s"stem of levels that places people high or lo! accord7ing to their importanceStarting as a lo!l" private, urt 2ones graduall" rose through the hierarch" of the arm".%sage tips Cierarch" is often follo!ed b" an of phrase. Parts of speech hierarchical ad',hierarchicall" advL. in the trenches adv+l. n the middle of the hardest fighting or !ork0ith their unrealistic vie! of this !ar, our generals don+t kno! !hat things are like out in thetrenches.

    %sage tips reates an image of soldiers fighting in a long, dug7out place in the battlefield.K. mobilize v. To put members of a group into motion&fter a terrible storm, the governor mobilized the :ational *uard to rescue victims.Parts of speech mobilization n4. rank v. To put into a man"7leveled order, depending on importance orachievementThe >arines ranked 2im Curst highest among all their officer candidates.Parts of speech rank n5. ratio n. The relationship of one number or amount to another>ilitar" anal"sts sa" that the ratio of attackers to defenders in a battle should be about three to onefor the attackers to !in.

    %sage tips 3atio is ver" often follo!ed b" an of. . . to structure.

    >ilitar" 6perations 4-89. strategic ad'. 3elated to long7term plans for achieving a goalThe %nited States has formed strategic friendships !ith Ta'ikistan and >ongolia to have entral&sian bases in the future.%sage tips Strategic is often used !ith nouns for plans. Parts of speech strateg" n, strategize v,strategicall" advT6#=H Prep =ind the !ord or phrase that is closest in meaning to the opposite of each !ord or

    phrase in the left7hand column. 0rite the letter in the blank.8. cease @aA sta" still

    . artiller" @bA not in the fighting-. mobilize @cA continue. battle @dA make peace?. in the trenches @eA light guns

    T6#=H Prep hoose the !ord from the list that is closest in meaning to the underlined part ofeach sentence. 0rite it in the blank.allegiance hierarch" ranked ratio strateg"

    8. Destruction of the enem"+s radar defenses !as rated ver"high in the plan of attack.

    . The president+s constant mistakes !eakened the arm"+slo"alt" to him.

    -. #ventuall", *ordon reached the highest level in the militar"+s s"stem of positions, that of five7star general.

    . The planet >ercur" is so small that the proportion of itsvolume to #arth+s is onl" about 8 to 9.

    ?. 0hile other officers !orried about da"7to7da" operations, *eneral Celvetski kept his e"e on long7term


    4 Societ"T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er the

    Buestions that follo!.%ntil a centur" ago, militar" medicine !as poor at battling disease. Theratio of soldiers killed b" diseases to those killed in combat !as probabl" at least t!o to one. =or strategic reasons, militar" camps !ereonus Structure 9en %p nearabod" of !ater. This gave some protection

  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    n il a cen ur" fromenem" artiller", but it e$posed soldiers to disease7ago indicates thatthe condition to carr"ing mosBuitoes. >osBuitoes also plagued troops in thebe described trenches. Ho!7rankingtroops suffered the most. 6fficers !hostopped about !ere advanced enough in the hierarch" slept in separate tents899"ears ago. on high ground.The long7held belief that disease resulted from evil spirits or bad air eventuall" ceased to rule militar"medicine. The germ theor" mobilized actual science against disease. *eneral *eorge 0ashington

    ordered that his men be vaccinated against smallpo$. Their allegiance to him can be measured b" thefact that the" obe"ed, for 0ashington+s doctors used the actual smallpo$ virus, not the safer vaccinationthat #d!ard 2enner !ould introduce in 8K54.8. 0hich sentence best e$presses the essential information of this

    passagea. &rm" officers !ere far healthier than common foot soldiers.

    b. =or a long time, a soldier !as more likel" to die of disease than inbattle.c. &rmies should camp on dr" ground, not near !ater.d. Diseases are caused b" viruses and spread b" mosBuitoes.. 0h" does the author mention that militar" camps !ere often set up

    near !atera. to e$plain !h" soldiers !ere not usuall" killed b" artiller"

    b. to sho! that officers and men did not mi$c. to e$plain ho! soldiers came into contact !ith disease7carr"ingmosBuitoesd. to sho! that !ater !as valuable in treating Fcamp feverF

    >ilitar" 6perations 4?Hesson 8K >ilitar" 6perationsT6#=H Prep 8. c . e -. a . d ?. bT6#=H Prep 8. ranked . allegiance -. hierarch" . ratio

    ?. strateg" T 6# =H S uc c es s 8 . b , . c



    0ar and onBuest

    Target 0ords

    8. anne$ L. invasive

    . ape$ -. collapse . conBuest?. devise

    K. 4. 5.89.

    prevailing resistseverel"violation

    Definitions and Samples8. anne$ v. To make something @usuall" landA part of another unitardsto!n gre! b" anne$ing several farms at the north edge of to!n.Parts of speech anne$ation n, anne$ n

    . ape$ n. The highest point*regor" kne! that his running skills had to be at their ape$ during the tournament.%sage tips &pe$ is often used to describe the high point of someone+s abilities.-. collapse v. To fall do!n, usuall" because of !eaknessParts of speech collapse n, collapsible ad'op"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    0ar and onBuest 4K. conBuest n. & takeover b" force or continued effortThe first recorded conBuest of >t. #verest !as b" Tensing :orga" and Sir #dmund Cilar".%sage tips onBuest is usuall" follo!ed b" an ofphrase. Parts of speech conBuer v?. devise v. To find an original !a" to make an ob'ect or a planThe soldiers devised a !a" to cross the river into enem" territor" !ithout being seen.Parts of speech device n

    L. invasive ad'. &ggressivel" entering into someone else+s territor"Surger" !ith a laser is less invasive than surger" !ith a knife or scalpel.Parts of speech invade v, invasion n, invader nK. prevailing ad'. Strongest or most commonThe prevailing attitude among our neighbors is to be friendl" but not too friendl".Parts of speech prevail v, prevalence n4. resist v. To refuse to give in to a strong force or desire&lthough man" native nations resisted, the %.S. government eventuall" took over almost all ndianland.Parts of speech resistance n, resistant ad'5. severel" adv. Carshl"; e$tremel"

    ommanders severel" punished an" soldier !ho criticized the battle plan.Parts of speech severit" n, severe ad'

    44 Societ"89. violation n. &n action that breaks a la! or agreement; mistreatment of something that deservesrespectThe arm"+s testing of ne! !eapons !as a violation of the cease7fire agreement.The sculptures at >t. 3ushmore ma" be a violation of sacred ndian land.%sage tips Qiolation is often follo!ed b" an of phrase. Parts of speech violate v, violator nT6#=H Prep =ind the !ord or phrase that is closest in meaning to each !ord in the left7handcolumn. 0rite the letter in the blank.

    8. severel" @aA invent. prevailing @bA fall do!n-. devise @cA add on. collapse @dA e$tremel"?. anne$ @eA most common

    T6#=H Prep ircle the !ord that best completes each sentence.The 'udge ruled that Carr" !as guilt" of a @violation M conBuestA of theseat7belt la!.ecause Dalmatia !as protected b" high mountains, the empire couldnot @ape$ M anne$A it.0e have to @conBuest M deviseA a !a" to fight this ne! disease.Several armed groups 'oined together to @resist M collapseA the foreigninvaders.The @prevailing M invasiveA belief held that the enem"+s peace moves!ere not sincere.T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestions that follo!.The 3oman conBuest of :orth &frica is, in the prevailing vie!, less interesting than 3ome+s#uropean adventures. n truth, one of the first

    0ar and onBuest 45

    lands 3ome anne$ed be"ond the talian peninsula !as the area around arthage in :orth &frica.arthage and 3ome had been in conflict @called the Punic 0arsA since L # for control of tradealong the >editerranean coast. n 9 #, during the Second Punic 0ar, the arthaginian generalCannibal devised a clever plan, in violation of most militar" !isdom, to march through the high &lpsto attack the 3oman heartland. The cold !eather and steep terrain severel" stressed Cannibal+s

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    forces, man" of !hom rode elephants. The 3omans resisted Cannibal+s attacks, and his bold invasionforce collapsed. n the end, 3ome finished off arthage in theThird Punic onusStructureE0ar @8578L #A. &t its ape$ in 88K #, 3ome ntheend

    introduces the lastcontrolled all of :orth &frica and territories from the st calPersian *ulf to ritain. X process.8. 0hich sentence best e$presses the essential information of this


    a. 3omans !ere ver" successful at resisting invaders.b. Cannibal tried crossing the &lps on elephants to invade 3ome.c. 3ome and arthage fought three !ars, kno!n as the Punic 0ars.d. 6ne of 3ome+s first overseas conBuests !as of the :orth &fricanstate of arthage.. The author of this passage believes that Cannibal+s attack on 3ome

    b" crossing the &lps !as

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    Target 0ords


    Definitions and Samples8. chronologicall" adv. n order according to time&llen+s book is arranged chronologicall", from the =irst rusade in895? to the fall of *ranada in 85.%sage tips hronologicall" is often used !ith arranged, organized, listed, or some other !ord fororder. Parts of speech chronolog" n, chronological ad'. coincide v. Cappen or e$ist at the same timeThe Qiking attacks on !estern #urope coincided !ith an abnormall" !arm period in the #arth+sclimate.%sage tips oincide is often follo!ed b" a !ith phrase.

    Parts of speech coincidence n, coincidental ad', coincidentall" adv-. conseBuence n. & result, often one much later in time than the cause6ne conseBuence of global !arming ma" be the flooding of lo!7l"ing islands.op"right J 99? b" The >c*ra!7Cill ompanies, nc. lick here for terms of use.

    Cistor" 58%sage tips onseBuence usuall" implies something negative or serious about the result.Parts of speech conseBuent ad', conseBuentl" adv. core n. an area or ob'ect at the centerThe core of ndia+s film industr" is in omba", !here all but a fe! film studios are located.%sage tips ore is often follo!ed b" another noun @e.g., core principleA or b" an ofphrase.

    ?. den" v. Sa" that something is not true>ovie star &llen utcher denied that he and the Princess of Denmark !ere getting married.%sage tips Den" is often follo!ed b" the 7ing form of a verb or b" a that clause.Parts of speech denial n, deniabl" advL. diminish v. >ake something smaller or !eaker; become smaller or!eakerThe Protestant 3eformation diminished the po!er of the 3oman atholic Pope.>r. Partridge+s influence in the compan" diminished after he relocated to a branch office.K. longitude n. & s"stem of imaginar" lines running from north to southalong the #arth+s surface, !here each line is numbered from 9[ to 849[ !est or eastThe prime meridian, a line running through *reen!ich, #ngland, is marked as 9[ longitude.Parts of speech longitudinal ad', longitudinall" adv4. milieu n. *eneral environment or surroundings>an" Qietnam veterans did not feel comfortable in the anti!ar social milieu of the 85K9s.

    5 Societ"

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    5. 6 r!e llian ad'. =rightening and overcontrolled b" a government that interferes in nearl" ever" aspectof personal lifeiometric devices like e"e7scanners allo! an 6r!ellian level of government kno!ledge aboutever"one+s location.89. reconciliation n. oming back together peacefull" after having been enemiesSouth &frica avoided a bloodbath after apartheid b" setting up a Truth and 3econciliationommission.Parts of speech reconcile v, reconciliator" ad'

    T6#=H Prep =ind the !ord or phrase that is closest in meaning to each !ord in the left7hand column. 0rite the letter in the blank.

    8.den" @aA sa" something isn+t true. chronologicall" @bA an end to being enemies-. conseBuence @cA middle. reconciliation @dA in the order in !hich events

    happened?. core@eA result

    T6#=H Prep ircle the !ord that best completes each sentence.0hen a nation becomes un!illing to listen to its allies, its internationalinfluence !ill @den" M diminishA.

    The release of man" ne! movies @coincides M conseBuencesA !ith thestart of the holida" period.The @core M milieuA of 3oman po!er shifted to onstantinople after3ome !as attacked repeatedl" b" armies from the north.&s our government becomes better at monitoring us, an @6r!ellian McoincidentalA future a!aits us.&s "ou move directl" east from one point on the #arth to another, "our@longitude M chronolog"A changes.

    Cistor" 5-T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er the

    Buestions that follo!.3evisionist histor" promotes a ne! vie! of chronological events, usuall" for political purposes. 3adicalrevisionists diminish the credibilit" of a previous vie! and ma" even den" that certain eventshappened at all. Some revisionist &sian historians have ignored long7standing conflicts among native

    peoples and have e$plained &sia+s conflicts as a conseBuence of colonialism and its class7orientedculturalmilieu. *ood motives among the revisionistsEto promote onus StructureE reconciliation amongtraditional rivalsEdon+t e$cuse bad *ood motives histor". Cistor" is valuable onl" if its storiescoincide !ith d o n t e$cu severifiable facts. =rom far a!a", an observer ma" see clearl" though revisioniststhat a given conflict had nothing to do !ith colonialism Wand a lot to do !ith 8,9997"ear7old rivalries. ut this is achieve a goodnot likel" to matter much to a confirmed revisionist social goal, the"historian. &t its core, revisionismEb" the government in shouldn+t distort

    particularEis an 6r!ellian e$ercise in thought control, histor" to do so.not honest science.8. 0hich sentence best e$presses the essential information of this

    passagea. Cistorians constantl" revise histor" in the light of ne! facts.

    b. 3evisionist histor" is less concerned !ith accurac" than !ith pro

    moting a point of vie!.c. & ne! !a" of stud"ing histor", revisionism, has been ver" successful in &sia.d. 3evisionist histor" is the onl" !a" to accuratel" relate events.. 0h" does the author of this reading mention &sia

  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure


    a. because it offers an e$ample of attempts at revisionist histor"b. because a civil !ar occurred bet!een revisionists and othersc. because it is the birthplace of revisionist histor"d. because it !as colonized b" #uropeans and needs a revisionisthistor"

    5 Societ"Hesson 85 Cistor"

    T6#=H Prep 8. a . d -. e . b ?. cT6#=H Prep 8. diminish . coincides -. core . 6r!ellian?. longitude T6#=H Success 8 .b . a

  • 8/13/2019 TOEFL 400 structure



    =inancial S"stems

    Target 0ordsallocatecommodit"declineeBuit"inflationnet

    per capitaregulatesubsid"89. tangible

    Definitions and Samples8. allocate v. To give out different amounts for different purposesThe budget allocates \?4 billion to the militar" and onl" about \ billion to education.%sage tips Things that can be allocated are things that can be FspentFEmone", time, energ", etc.Parts of speech allocation n. co m m od it" n. & thing that can be bought and sold, such as grain, oil,or !oodTulip bulbs !ere one of the most valuable commodities in seventeenth7centur" Colland.%sage tips & thing is called a commodit" onl" in the conte$t of bu"ing or selling it.-. decline v. To decrease in po!er or amount&merica+s railroads declined because the automobile dominated &merican life.

    Parts of speech decline n. eBuit" n. The value of one+s share in an investmentarnard+s eBuit" in the business !as one7third, or about \-?9,999.%sage tips n this meaning, eBuit" is al!a"s singular and usuall" follo!ed b" an in phrase.?. inflation n. & situation in !hich prices for man" items rise Buite fastDuring the rapid inflation of the 85K9s, prices for food and fuel sometimes rose 9 percent in a singlemonth.Parts of speech inflate v, inflationar" ad'L. net ad'. &fter all costs have been subtracted from an amount>" gross salar" is around \-?,999, but m" net pa" is closer to \5,999.Parts of speech net v, net nK. per capita adv. =or each person3esearch sho!s !e+re likel" to sell 8? light bulbs per capita per "ear in medium7sized cities.Parts of speech per capita ad'4. regulate v. ontrol according to a set of rulesTrading on the :e! Nork Stock #$change is regulated b" officials of the e$change and b" federal la!.Parts of speech regulation n, regulator" ad'5. su bsid" n. >one" given b" a government or other organization to sup7

    port an activit"=ederal subsidies to grain farmers have helped them sta" in business despite three "ears of bad!eather.

    Parts of speech subsidize v=inancial S"stems 5589. tangible ad'. 6bviousl" real because it can be seen, touched, or other!ise observed6ne tangible benefit of putting electrical cables underground is a clearer vie! of the sk".T6#=H Prep ross out the one !ord or phrase that doesn+t fit into each of the lists.

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    8. things that can be allocatedmone" time temperature attention. kinds of commoditiesoil sadness corn meat-. tangible thingsfairness a road trees mone". things "ou can have eBuit" ina compan" a house a child a racehorse

    T6#=H Prep ircle the !ord that best completes each sentence.u" a car no!, before @eBuit" M inflationA drives the price up.>ost investors make a mistake. During a stock7market @decline Msubsid"A the" get frightened and sell.The government is giving a @regulation M subsid"A to tobacco farmers so the" can compete !ith foreign producers.ortecal nc. estimates that it spends \49.99 @per capita M netA onits annual picnic and on its :e! Near part" for the compan"+s 8,-99emplo"ees. think that artificial Fholida"sF like Qalentine+s Da" or Secretar"+s Da"are 'ust an attempt to turn private feelings into a@nA @commodit" M

    eBuit"A.T6#=H Success 3ead the passage to revie! the vocabular" "ou have learned. &ns!er theBuestions that follo!.The great unsettled Buestion of economics isG FCo! much should the government regulate

    businessF onservatives generall" argue for a

    899 >one"decline in government involvement, but the" favor certain subsidies tofarmers, steelmakers, or airplane manufacturers. Some conservatives alsosee no conflict bet!een