title a resected case of icteric type hepatoma with tumor...

Title A Resected Case of Icteric Type Hepatoma with Tumor Thrombi in Common Bile Duct( 本文(Fulltext) ) Author(s) OSADA, Shinji; TOMITA, Hiroyuki; IMAI, Hisahi; OKUMURA, Naoki; TOKUYAMA, Yasuharu; SAKASHITA, Fumio; NONAKA, Kenichi; SUGIYAMA, Yasuyuki Citation [日本外科系連合学会誌] vol.[31] no.[2] p.[240]-[244] Issue Date 2006-04-30 Rights Japanese College of Surgeons (日本外科系学会連合会) Version 出版社版 (publisher version) postprint URL http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12099/29998 ※この資料の著作権は、各資料の著者・学協会・出版社等に帰属します。

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Page 1: Title A Resected Case of Icteric Type Hepatoma with Tumor ...repository.lib.gifu-u.ac.jp/bitstream/20.500.12099/29998/...hepatoma is a rare occurrence in HCC, which was reported 1.7-3.00/2)-')

Title A Resected Case of Icteric Type Hepatoma with Tumor Thrombiin Common Bile Duct( 本文(Fulltext) )

Author(s)OSADA, Shinji; TOMITA, Hiroyuki; IMAI, Hisahi;OKUMURA, Naoki; TOKUYAMA, Yasuharu; SAKASHITA,Fumio; NONAKA, Kenichi; SUGIYAMA, Yasuyuki

Citation [日本外科系連合学会誌] vol.[31] no.[2] p.[240]-[244]

Issue Date 2006-04-30

Rights Japanese College of Surgeons (日本外科系学会連合会)

Version 出版社版 (publisher version) postprint

URL http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12099/29998


Page 2: Title A Resected Case of Icteric Type Hepatoma with Tumor ...repository.lib.gifu-u.ac.jp/bitstream/20.500.12099/29998/...hepatoma is a rare occurrence in HCC, which was reported 1.7-3.00/2)-')
Page 3: Title A Resected Case of Icteric Type Hepatoma with Tumor ...repository.lib.gifu-u.ac.jp/bitstream/20.500.12099/29998/...hepatoma is a rare occurrence in HCC, which was reported 1.7-3.00/2)-')
Page 4: Title A Resected Case of Icteric Type Hepatoma with Tumor ...repository.lib.gifu-u.ac.jp/bitstream/20.500.12099/29998/...hepatoma is a rare occurrence in HCC, which was reported 1.7-3.00/2)-')
Page 5: Title A Resected Case of Icteric Type Hepatoma with Tumor ...repository.lib.gifu-u.ac.jp/bitstream/20.500.12099/29998/...hepatoma is a rare occurrence in HCC, which was reported 1.7-3.00/2)-')
Page 6: Title A Resected Case of Icteric Type Hepatoma with Tumor ...repository.lib.gifu-u.ac.jp/bitstream/20.500.12099/29998/...hepatoma is a rare occurrence in HCC, which was reported 1.7-3.00/2)-')