tips for staying healthy and fit


Upload: healthcareathome

Post on 30-Dec-2015




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Health has always been the most discussed subject in our daily lives. When people talk about health, they generally feel that they need to attain good health for just a disease free body. This tips will keep you fit & healthy and is useful in daily life. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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DAILY LIFEby Health Care At Home India (HCAH India)

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A lemon taken straight out of refrigerator is harder to juice. To get the most juice from it, microwave it for 15-20 seconds

before squeezing.

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Avoid using processed sauces in pasta. Use home-made Arrabiatta sauce instead to make it a healthy snack.

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Balance is the key to maintaining your child's weight. Here are some ways

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Change your attitude and see your future changing.

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Create a healthy and peaceful surrounding by decorating it with plants and inspiring artwork. It will lift your spirit and create a

stress-free environment.

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Depression can be really difficult to deal with and people experience it differently. While some may experience a mild one, others suffer from what is known as hidden depression.

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Do you know that hydrogen sulphide present in fart is produced by an enzyme that relaxes blood vessels and lowers

blood pressure.

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Don't throw away celery tops. They are a rich source of magnesium and calcium, vitamin C and vitamin E

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Eat steamed broccoli instead of boiled. Steaming broccoli increases its cancer fighting ability.

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Excess of everything is bad for health and so is alcohol. Limit your consumption (30-60ml per day) for good health.

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Excessive consumption of salt could lead to higher blood pressure and heart problems. Reduce your intake to lower blood


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Follow this easy kitchen hack for easy peeling of citrus fruits..

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Good sense and good health- One can lead to the other. It's up to you to find the enthusiasm and the commitment to attain

your objective.

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Here's a kitchen hack to keep your bananas fresher for longer.

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If you are looking to counter weight loss issues, juice cleanses may not work out the best. Smoothies could be your weight loss


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It's best to finish dinner by 7 o' clock at night. That way you are less likely to make unhealthy last-minute choices.

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Keep your head up while running uphill as dropping your head restricts how much oxygen you can take in and will cause you

to slouch.

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Keeping a food journal will not only help you track your eating habits but will also help you control your calories.

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Make it a habit to indulge in some form of physical activity everyday.

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Memorizing something new or pursuing a new hobby will engage all your senses and keep your brain active and healthy.

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Prefer fresh produce of fruits and vegetables to retain their nutritional content

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Sleep for minimum 7-9 hrs at night. It helps your body repair cells caused by stress.

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Submerging your lower body in a cold bath helps reduce muscle inflammation and pain after a workout session.

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Swimming can increase lung volume and improve asthmatic's general fitness thus helping them develop good breathing


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Take frequent micro-breaks to prevent any stiffness in your posture.

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There should be sufficient space under your office desk to provide adequate support to your legs and knees.

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Thinking about your achievement is the best way to celebrate your small success...

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Use as less cosmetics as possible. Some cosmetics have carcinogens that could increase the risk of breast cancer.

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Use coconut oil to avail the benefits from the antioxidants present in it.

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Your body burns as many calories while sleeping as it does while you are sitting around watching tv.

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Your daily wear jewellery could breed a lot of bacteria. Keep it clean to prevent infection.