tiisj3mi weekly interior journal - library of...

tIISJ3MI = WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL STANFORD KY FRIDAY MARCH 3 1905 3 P M NO1 Duty For Lieutenant Brltr 3Sea rain J friend ot Lieut Curio B Drlt tain U S Navy will be iliad to learn f that be has K prospective tour oleli duty which will bo raoit Interesting and loitructlve and may become nota ¬ ble Toe President has tar tpcclal rattDQi requested Rear Admiral rob ley D Brans to take command of all our war ship In Atlantic waters Ad mlral gnu recently commanded the Alatlo heat and put It on a tulendld lighting baste Qe Is considered the ablest oflleer In the U S Navy and It was no doubt this consideration which prompted the President to place Ad tnlral Brans In command of the Atlan ¬ 1 tlo final comprising at It doe the rmale part of the whole navy To oecln with there Is tho squadron of tight battletblpi to which perhaps as many snore will be added before Admiral Bvansretloi uishes command the artI mored cruller squadron of four new w 14000tOQ cruisers of 22 knots peed and splendid batteries to which two inoro will be added within the year f here are two other orulor tquadront t composed of such flghtlnc cruisers ai the Ulyrahla and Brooklyn and the newer cruller of the Denver alas there are four writ defene monitors nod two training squadrons all oom posed of fighting ship With half a hundred warships and the collier tup ply ships and smaller try Admiral I Evans will have a Meet far exceeding la power any that the United Slates i t his ever heretofore a eraoled Among the ofllcors who arc to accom ¬ pany Admiral Evans on his personal staff and slat In the management of this powerful fleet wo see the name of Lieut Carlo D llrlttaln and with a high degree of pride for the Admiral has practically the whole navy from whlbh to cbooie bis slalT and It Is aI compliment to any ortloer to have been selected at bis aide One does not know what the next three years will bring forth With the Isthmian canal building the Monroe I doctrine to uphold the unsettled con ¬ dition of atJlre In several of the West Indian and Central and South Ameri ¬ can Stitcs there Is always the onance of trouble brewing for Uncle Sam Cnder Admiral Bu r a hero of two r wars and the recognized tighter of our y 0Ilea force wo may Sect assured that our fleet Is In able hand and service with him Is sure to be ervlce at the front or wherever there Is some ¬ thing doing hence the good fortune of our Lleutenantfrom Madison county Lieutenant Urittaln will accompany the Admiral on his flagship the Maine and will undoubtedly have a oruUe full of work and Interest Ho will leave his shore duty at Annapolis about six weeks hence and some two month sooner than he would bavo otherwise In order to accept this rood desirable sea duty Lieutenant llrlttaln last cruise wasln tbe PbUlpplncsand China and we congratulate him and his wife ace Mls Mamie Baldwin nlioof Mad ¬ hoe county that this cruise U to be tn home waters when their separations r need bo but short ones Mr Hrltttttn will expect to make her husband many visits at port all tbo way from New Orleans to liar Harbor und his grew once on the staff and flagship of tbo commander in cbleff will Insure that her visits are made under the most ploanni auspices Richmond Climax j Lieut nrlttaln married alstcrof Mrs W H Sbankj of this place v Incredible Brutality It would have been incredible brutal ¬ ty If Charles F Lomberger of Syracuse N Y bad not done tho beet he could for his aufloringson My boy ho says f cut a fearful gash over his eye BO I ap- plied ¬ Uubklens Arnica Halve which quickly healed it and saved his eye Al- so ¬ good for burns and ulcers Only 25c at Pennys Drug Store W C T U LadyIf I was your w Ie sir Id give you poison Inebriate gentleman soberlyif you was my wlfd bio madam Id bo blc dote glad to take It IPuck Loultvllo population Is now 232 ICO according to careful estimate fol ¬ lowing the annual Investigation by tbo Caron Directory Co WAYNEBSURG Uncle Logan Reynolds Is qulto 111 with paralysle Rev U U Noel Oiled his appoint ¬ ment at Olive iadt Saturday and Sun of daySome ono bad tho audacity to take a pair of shoes not belonging to him Sat ¬ urday from The Reynolds Co s store Miss Alice Singleton has been Visit ¬ lag her lster In law Mrs T El Sin gloton at McKinney Will Jones has gone to Indiana in search of work j Dr T U Singleton of McKinney was here tbls week U L Fagalv left for Somerset Tuesday Our school here Is progre ing nicely under Mrs Coch I rans care Rod talk of a new school- house tome tlmo In the near future Is heard Wo are glad to noto that W D D Hayes Is out again after a severe at ¬ tank of pneumonia Wlnfrod Goooh his family will leave soon for In dlana to mako their future home We are always sorry 10 lose a good citizen but wish them success In their new borne Miss Minnie Caldwell bat been quite sick Mlstes Ibihlcand Birdie Uoooh were with homefoks n few days tbla week after a snj Urn of several week In the Queen pity getting new and ocr teat style In millinery They have opened up a store In Somerset If you need anything In tbelr line call on the Misses Goocb Mr Jane Perkins hat been qulto ill with grip but Is dOle bettor Thomas Qutohlson and wife expect to go to Somerset to make their homo Mrs It E Ballard Is Improving Mrs H Sin- gleton 1s very sick Ucndrlx Hayes and Novice Johnson left for Lexington the foxtfcr to take a business course tbe latter to study telegraphy S P Shoopand J A Goochare In Somerset engaged In carpeoterfnp KINGSVILLE John Green Walls and fsmly hue moved hero from Stanford Matt Loach died a few days since and was burled at Pleasant Point Col Luther Lanbam was here Tue day K W Crelghton has accepted shoollJtalor man Hev Cbas Brans preached an Inter ¬ esting sermon at the Methodist church Sunday evening We beard a first rate Judge say that Mr Evans Is one of tbo best preachers who has ever preached at that church and they have had a number or good preachers Messrs Hodges and Campbell were down from Lexington a few day last week on business Manfred Chevo lette and Mack Williams attended tbe funeral of Will Fletcher who was kill- ed ¬ by the train on which he was em ¬ ployed as brakeman at Bubanks Sate urday night ExSheriff S M Owens and Mr D 0 Allen were here Sunday for a short while Mrs U C Penny backer now of Somerset was hero on business Miss Margaret Houtcn who has been In Lexington for the past six months has returned hotne Miss Ottle Faulkner brought Mies Meier to the train Friday and was later the attract- Ive ¬ guest of Mr J M MeCartv Miss Laura Dye is In Bowling Green taking a Normal course Mr James Hughes hat returned after n pniracted visit to relatives Mrs Sam Rigney 19 hero from Georgetown Pretty Miss Dora Rlgoev tll visiting friends at Wllllami town George Bradley ban a good po ¬ sition with a firm In Cincinnati Dr C M Thompson has been battling with the grip and teems to be now out of danger Jack Murphy is out after an attack of grip Startling Mortality Statistics how startling mortality from appendicitis and peritonitis To prevent and cure these awful diseases there Is jut one reliable romeily Dr Kings New Life Illla M Flnnnery of 14 Custom- House Place Chicago says They have no equal for Constipation and BUliout nose 25c at Pennys Drue Store The spots on tho sun may possibly be advertisements tbo face of the earth being already utilized Puck JOhnWhydontyoutkeawlle y I 1 JamesIm afraid herhueband u object I I TIU HOME OF VINOL To Old People If the people of this town only knew the good Vinol does old people we could not get enough to supply the demand comes feebleness and lose of With old age power lack of strength and vigor To I I prove our belief that Vinol is the great ¬ Oct strengthener body builder and in vigorator for old folks we say to all try it and if you are not satisfied we will return your money t i PENNYS DRUG STORE STANFORD ° a- t NEWS NOTES Six children were killed by on ava- lanche ¬ I In Austria 1 Henry C Whitney a noted lawyer Boston Is dead Calvin B Reed assistant attorney general of Colorado Is dead Crowds arc pouring Into Washington for tbe Inauguration tomorrow Over 8250001 In registered letters burned In a mall car at ConcelltvHIe PA The total coinage at the U S mints for the month ot February was 5001 100The First State Bank of ClarkBvlllc TWIU robbed by three men who ee ¬ coped Tbe now government dyke at St Louis was demolished by too hoes In the harbor The Lexington police station was damaged by Ore to tbo extent of sev- eral thousand dollars H S Flinch a Brooklyn coal man has submitted to an operation for the removal of hU tongue- J Plcrpont Morgan bought tho man usorlpt of Holmes Autocrat of tboI Breakfast Table for 1000 Tbo United States District court at Cleveland refused to quash two Indict mints against tyr Cbadwlck John Latham of Louisville despond ¬ ent rom domestic trouble and drink attempted suicide wtb morphine Wm J Caudell of Lelchcr county has a family of 15 children 110 grand- children and WJ IlreatgraodcblldrenJ Thomas Shelley years ¬ ful service In the Louisville police de partment has applied for retirement Urged by a mania for blood alarm caretaker near Cincinnati killed ev cry thing about tbo place and blew off hie bead A dozen new buildings Involving aDI expenditure or upward of 10 million dollars wilt beereoted by tbe Univer ¬ sity of Chicano Prof Jarqucs Loeb of tbe Unlversl ty of California claims to have discov ered a process of producing animal lIIeI by chemical mean The Illinois Central announces that It is able to handle export grain at New Orleans notwithstanding the de- struction ¬ of its docks The jury In tbe vase of the Com- monwealth ¬ of Kentucky vs William Taylor It In the mock trial at Des Moines failed to agree A petition for rehearing of tbe case of George B Warner tbe condemned murderer of Pulaikl Leeds was filed before the Court of Appeals Miss Mary Harding Ballard of Lou ¬ isville lost a 1500 string of pearls Sbe save that when she fell on the tae a thief tore them from her neck As the result of a dispute over wagee six big bat factories at Orange N1 bavo been shut down throwing over 0 000 men and women out of work Battling Nelson defeated Young Cor bott at San Francisco the formercham ploni helplessness causing his seconds to throw up the sponge In the ninth round Mr Leland Stanford widow of for mer Senator Stanford of California died suddenly In Honolulu under clr cumtlancee strongly suggestive of strychnine poisoning Firing through his overcoat pocket Assistant County Attorney Louis B Anderson ot Chicago shot and seri ¬ ously wounded one of two men who at tsmpted to hold him up to the Chad wick bankruptcy proceed ¬ ings at Cleveland W V Coons a broker testified that ho received from Mrs Cbadwlck a bonus of 812500 on an approximate loan of 175000 The chemists report of his analysis ot the bicarbonate of soda of which Mr Leland Stanford took a dose before her death at Honolula positively that It contained strych ¬ nineStocks of high gradeoll will bedrawn up from the fields of Ohio Indiana West Virginia and Kentucky at the rate of 25000 barrels a day to bo ship ¬ ped to Japan that country having pine ¬ ed an order for 10000000 gallons of re 1 Hoed oil to take the place ot the Rut slan product A Chicago Alderman Owes His Election To Chamberlains Cough Remedy 1 can heartily and conscientiously re- commend Chamberlains Cough Remedy for affections of the throat and lungs says lion John Shcnlck 220 So PeorIa St Chicago Two years ago during a- political campaign I taught cold after bo ing overheated which irritated my throat and I was finally compelled to stop as I could not speak aloud In toy extremity a friend advised me to use Chamberlains Cough Remedy I took two doses that afternoon and could not believe my liens ¬ es when I found next morning the inflam ¬ mation had lnrg ly subsided I took eev oral doses that day kept right on talking through the campaign and I thank this medicine that I won my seat in the coun ¬ cil This remedy Is for sale tpLyne Bros Oral Orchard N LANCASTER Hemp Is bringing II GO percwt corn 2 25 In this section Tbo young men ot the Euchre Club will entertain Thursday evening Mi R E McRoberts will leave Fri ¬ day for a short business trip to Cincin ¬ nati The Christian Endeavor of tbe Pres byerlan church will give a social at that church Friday evening Mr and Mrs It H Batoon left Wed ¬ nesday for Washington D C toat ¬ tend the Inauguration They will go to New York and other Eastern points before returning home Toe Kinescope entertainment IvI en upder tbe auspices of the Seniors of the Lancaster graded school was a success The show was good and the crowd exceptionally large The Democratic County Committee met Monday and ordered notices to be posted Inr tbe election of committee man for West Bryantavllle to till the vacancy caused by the resignation of AO Howling ScblosB Droll Jr Co of Baltimore be represented at Josephs store on the llb and 13th of March by an expe ¬ danced tailor who will toko measures Jar mans clothing This la one of the best houses In America At a mooting of Camp M D Logan U C V Monday Feb 27th 1005 j I the following oRlcers were elected to serve the ensuing term Josh A Ar nold Commander r R It Denton Ad- Jutant J W Hamilton Secretary and I obapllain S Embry bought a mule from Moore for 815 Joe Rubel sold GreenI o Daniels one for IUO J M Cress bought one from Thomas Stlgall for 8100 and fold tbe name to D M Ander ¬ son for S150 All hope for the recovery of Mr Jno F Lear bas been abandoned and his deatb Is expected at any time Mr George Allen McRoberta of Coving too Is visiting her aunt Mrs Charles Ballow Attorneys Herndon and Swine broad aro In Stanford today attending the Lincoln circuit court They have I several Important cases wblcb come up this lend Mrs John M willI ra thinks ot leaving shortly for Springs Ark to receive treatment lorI rheumatism Miss Ballard of antsvllle will be with Mlet Tomllnson for tbo euchre Thursday IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES Mrs Helen Myers died at Columbia alters long illness Tease N Bryants nomination for postmaster at Corbin has been confirm ¬ ed by tbe Senate The residence of J P Turner near Nlcbolasvllle was burned Mr and Mrs Turner were rescued by firemen Loss 83600 covered by Insurance After being suspended by his arms for a month In a Louisville hospital H L Smith whose back 1s broken Will ablp to be sent to his homo In lion county Tbe body of George Staley was found on Bennett Fork near Middlosboro i with a bullet hole through his heart Ho Is supposed to have been murdered and robbed Guards in tbe store of Nelson Hen dricks at Bubank Caught Bud War ¬ reD in tbe act of committing robbery and when ho attempted to escape fire on him Initiating slight wound Ic his remarks at the funeral of Mies Hassle Flannery President Frost o Berea College challenged the suicide finding of the coroners jury and de dared his belief that tbo college gin I took poison by accident ItMATRIMONIAL In her testimony Mrs Cody wife ot Buffalo Dill denied that she over tried to poison him or that she was profane or a liquor drinker Joseph F Fletcher and Mies Bettie Austin both of the Green river sec Lion were married by Judge James P Bailey at the courthouse yesterday Thatll do Mariebe said after she bad talked for five minutes without a break I admit that Ive fquander ed money foolishly but I dont want any curtain lecture about Jt Curtain lecture P she exclaimed John Henry youll find this Iii only a curtain raiser And she proceeded to demonstrate If it is ion attack ka Chamber Iains Stomach and Liver Tablets and quick cure is certain For sale by Lvp Bros Crab Orchard President Roosevelt + ill spend an en tire day In Louisville oa his approach lOll trip unless his present plans are changed HUSTONVILLE Glen Mary Coal 12o and cannel coal IGjo Coal on bands at all times W > WlghamMorelanU I tf 3altons C3 pe T8 Couse 5810T Thursday March 9th taeaastaffs The Mite Legitimate Prensentation of the Scagon v SIMVELLES Elaborate Scenic Revival of Shakespeares Immortal Tragrf edy of Love and Passion I ROMEO AND JULIET Special Electric Effects Scenery Properties Ac carried complete fur the entire SiX Acts lug and Historically Correct Costumes An Adequate Acting Company Including MISS PAULINE PAULI AS JULIET N Leave your order with W H HIGGINS For a big bill of Groceries Field Seeds Farm ¬ ing Implements Etc Garden Seeds now in stoc- kSTANFORD KY LaPorte Vehicles r 8 Over 100 of those vehicles have betas sold iu Lincoln which is of jtsolf evidence of their merits The follow 1 ing list of citizens who are using Lalort V le- Is made up from memory there are ninny others to all of whom wo refer tie to evidence of tho worth of this work Beakx lion J S OwtHy Sr J C ai F Cummins Hon M C Sanfley 1 n Iaxton non U C Warren Howan Saufley John Heok Bentley IJ H Co LiveryJ L M Bruce Livery Hughesd S Rocker Dank Presd John Lynn i r t OBannonf Cicero Reynolds 1F Holdam Honest Work Attractive Styles 1 pleasure county representative M S liaughman YJno Henry Traylor TB Newland Cal T P Hill J W Brooks jack Ueazley- Wre Underwoo- dslutherUndereood Crlt Uubanks r Robert Sims j K VanArsdale John Uingaman James Hays Bailey rhos Porter Robinson Sidney Dunbar K IVoodss Robert Woods James Woods W H Higgins J N Menefee Sam W Menefee S j Brabry Sr H Pence VE C Walton CV Gentry WC W W WithersJ J Q Ifays ames Lynn t Judge J P Bailey w R Denhain A C Carmaa C Vanoy II J Darst Full carload of these popular vehicles re ¬ cently received byE T Pence Co Agents for Lincoln County New Store Clearance Sale I r In solar to wake room for our Spring stock which will he coming illlhorlJrwo have decided to cut down the PRICES of our stockof Dry Goods Clothing Shoes Hats Caps vS t Ladies Cloaks lockets Skirts nod Ladies und Gents ahurnishinhs To ho appreciated jolt must sea tho bar- f a gains we urn oll ring to you therefore wo invite you tof come see lord he convinced of tho bargains we are offering Dont miss tho opportunity of seeing our w goods before you buy elsewhere x SAM ROBINSON i Next Door to Lincoln County Nat Bank STANFORD KY f 4 1X <

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Duty For Lieutenant Brltr3Sea rain J

friend ot Lieut Curio B Drlttain U S Navy will be iliad to learn

f that be has K prospective tour oleliduty which will bo raoit Interestingand loitructlve and may become nota ¬

ble Toe President has tar tpcclalrattDQi requested Rear Admiral robley D Brans to take command of all

our war ship In Atlantic waters Ad

mlral gnu recently commanded theAlatlo heat and put It on a tulendldlighting baste Qe Is considered theablest oflleer In the U S Navy and Itwas no doubt this consideration whichprompted the President to place Ad

tnlral Brans In command of the Atlan ¬


tlo final comprising at It doe the

rmale part of the whole navy To oecln

with there Is tho squadron of tightbattletblpi to which perhaps as many

snore will be added before Admiral

Bvansretloi uishes command the artImored cruller squadron of four new

w 14000tOQ cruisers of 22 knots peedand splendid batteries to which two

inoro will be added within the year

fhere are two other orulor tquadrontt composed of such flghtlnc cruisers ai

the Ulyrahla and Brooklyn and thenewer cruller of the Denver alasthere are four writ defene monitorsnod two training squadrons all oom

posed of fighting ship With half a

hundred warships and the collier tupply ships and smaller try Admiral

I Evans will have a Meet far exceeding

la power any that the United Slatesi t his ever heretofore a eraoled

Among the ofllcors who arc to accom ¬

pany Admiral Evans on his personal

staff and slat In the management of

this powerful fleet wo see the name of

Lieut Carlo D llrlttaln and with a

high degree of pride for the Admiral

has practically the whole navy fromwhlbh to cbooie bis slalT and It Is aIcompliment to any ortloer to have beenselected at bis aide

One does not know what the nextthree years will bring forth With the

Isthmian canal building the MonroeI doctrine to uphold the unsettled con ¬

dition of atJlre In several of the West

Indian and Central and South Ameri ¬

can Stitcs there Is always the onanceof trouble brewing for Uncle Sam

Cnder Admiral Bu r a hero of twor wars and the recognized tighter of our

y0Ilea force wo may Sect assured thatour fleet Is In able hand and servicewith him Is sure to be ervlce at thefront or wherever there Is some ¬

thing doing hence the good fortuneof our Lleutenantfrom Madison county

Lieutenant Urittaln will accompany

the Admiral on his flagship the Maineand will undoubtedly have a oruUe fullof work and Interest Ho will leave his

shore duty at Annapolis about sixweeks hence and some two monthsooner than he would bavo otherwiseIn order to accept this rood desirablesea duty Lieutenant llrlttaln lastcruise wasln tbe PbUlpplncsand Chinaand we congratulate him and his wife

ace Mls Mamie Baldwin nlioof Mad ¬

hoe county that this cruise U to be tn

home waters when their separationsr need bo but short ones Mr Hrltttttn

will expect to make her husband many

visits at port all tbo way from New

Orleans to liar Harbor und his grewonce on the staff and flagship of tbocommander in cbleff will Insure thather visits are made under the most

ploanni auspices Richmond Climaxj Lieut nrlttaln married alstcrof Mrs

W H Sbankj of this place

v Incredible BrutalityIt would have been incredible brutal ¬

ty If Charles F Lomberger of SyracuseN Y bad not done tho beet he could forhis aufloringson My boy ho says


cut a fearful gash over his eye BO I ap-



Uubklens Arnica Halve whichquickly healed it and saved his eye Al-



good for burns and ulcers Only 25c

at Pennys Drug Store

W C T U LadyIf I was your w Iesir Id give you poison

Inebriate gentleman soberlyif you

was my wlfd bio madam Id bo blcdote glad to take It IPuck

Loultvllo population Is now 232

ICO according to careful estimate fol ¬

lowing the annual Investigation by tboCaron Directory Co


Uncle Logan Reynolds Is qulto 111

with paralysleRev U U Noel Oiled his appoint ¬

ment at Olive iadt Saturday and Sun of

daySomeono bad tho audacity to take a

pair of shoes not belonging to him Sat ¬

urday from The Reynolds Co s storeMiss Alice Singleton has been Visit ¬

lag her lster In law Mrs T El Singloton at McKinney Will Jones hasgone to Indiana in search of work j

Dr T U Singleton of McKinneywas here tbls week U L Fagalv leftfor Somerset Tuesday Our school hereIs progre ing nicely under Mrs Coch I

rans care Rod talk of a new school-

house tome tlmo In the near future Is

heardWo are glad to noto that W D D

Hayes Is out again after a severe at ¬

tank of pneumonia Wlnfrod Goooh

his family will leave soon for Indlana to mako their future home Weare always sorry 10 lose a good citizenbut wish them success In their newborne

Miss Minnie Caldwell bat been quitesick Mlstes Ibihlcand Birdie Uooohwere with homefoks n few days tblaweek after a snj Urn of several weekIn the Queen pity getting new and ocrteat style In millinery They haveopened up a store In Somerset If you

need anything In tbelr line call on theMisses Goocb

Mr Jane Perkins hat been qulto illwith grip but Is dOle bettor ThomasQutohlson and wife expect to go toSomerset to make their homo Mrs ItE Ballard Is Improving Mrs H Sin-

gleton 1s very sick Ucndrlx Hayesand Novice Johnson left for Lexingtonthe foxtfcr to take a business coursetbe latter to study telegraphy S PShoopand J A Goochare In Somersetengaged In carpeoterfnp


John Green Walls and fsmly huemoved hero from Stanford

Matt Loach died a few days since andwas burled at Pleasant Point

Col Luther Lanbam was here Tueday K W Crelghton has accepted


Hev Cbas Brans preached an Inter¬

esting sermon at the Methodist churchSunday evening We beard a first rateJudge say that Mr Evans Is one of tbobest preachers who has ever preachedat that church and they have had anumber or good preachers

Messrs Hodges and Campbell weredown from Lexington a few day lastweek on business Manfred Chevolette and Mack Williams attended tbefuneral of Will Fletcher who was kill-



by the train on which he was em ¬

ployed as brakeman at Bubanks Sateurday night ExSheriff S M Owensand Mr D 0 Allen were here Sundayfor a short while Mrs U C Pennybacker now of Somerset was hero on

business Miss Margaret Houtcn whohas been In Lexington for the past sixmonths has returned hotne Miss OttleFaulkner brought Mies Meier to thetrain Friday and was later the attract-Ive


guest of Mr J M MeCartv Miss

Laura Dye is In Bowling Green takinga Normal course Mr James Hugheshat returned after n pniracted visit torelatives Mrs Sam Rigney 19 herofrom Georgetown Pretty Miss DoraRlgoev tll visiting friends at Wllllamitown George Bradley ban a good po ¬

sition with a firm In Cincinnati DrC M Thompson has been battling withthe grip and teems to be now out of

danger Jack Murphy is out after anattack of grip

Startling MortalityStatistics how startling mortality from

appendicitis and peritonitis To preventand cure these awful diseases there Is

jut one reliable romeily Dr Kings New

Life Illla M Flnnnery of 14 Custom-

House Place Chicago says They haveno equal for Constipation and BUliout

nose 25c at Pennys Drue Store

The spots on tho sun may possibly beadvertisements tbo face of the earthbeing already utilized Puck

JOhnWhydontyoutkeawlle y I

1 JamesIm afraid herhueband uobject


To Old PeopleIf the people of this town only knew

the good Vinol does old people we couldnot get enough to supply the demand

comes feebleness and lose ofWith old agepower lack of strength and vigor To


prove our belief that Vinol is the great ¬

Oct strengthener body builder and invigorator for old folks we say to alltry it and if you are not satisfied we

will return your moneyt iPENNYS DRUG STORE STANFORD °




Six children were killed by on ava-



In Austria 1Henry C Whitney a noted lawyerBoston Is dead

Calvin B Reed assistant attorneygeneral of Colorado Is dead

Crowds arc pouring Into Washingtonfor tbe Inauguration tomorrow

Over 8250001 In registered lettersburned In a mall car at ConcelltvHIePA

The total coinage at the U S mintsfor the month ot February was 5001

100TheFirst State Bank of ClarkBvlllc

TWIU robbed by three men who ee ¬

copedTbe now government dyke at St

Louis was demolished by too hoes In

the harborThe Lexington police station was

damaged by Ore to tbo extent of sev-

eral thousand dollarsH S Flinch a Brooklyn coal man

has submitted to an operation for theremoval of hU tongue-

J Plcrpont Morgan bought tho manusorlpt of Holmes Autocrat of tboIBreakfast Table for 1000

Tbo United States District court atCleveland refused to quash two Indictmints against tyr Cbadwlck

John Latham of Louisville despond ¬

ent rom domestic trouble and drinkattempted suicide wtb morphine

Wm J Caudell of Lelchcr countyhas a family of 15 children 110 grand-

children and WJ IlreatgraodcblldrenJThomas Shelley years ¬

ful service In the Louisville police department has applied for retirement

Urged by a mania for blood alarmcaretaker near Cincinnati killed evcry thing about tbo place and blew offhie bead

A dozen new buildings Involving aDIexpenditure or upward of 10 milliondollars wilt beereoted by tbe Univer ¬

sity of ChicanoProf Jarqucs Loeb of tbe Unlversl

ty of California claims to have discovered a process of producing animal lIIeIby chemical mean

The Illinois Central announces thatIt is able to handle export grain atNew Orleans notwithstanding the de-


of its docksThe jury In tbe vase of the Com-


of Kentucky vs WilliamTaylor It In the mock trial at DesMoines failed to agree

A petition for rehearing of tbe caseof George B Warner tbe condemnedmurderer of Pulaikl Leeds was filedbefore the Court of Appeals

Miss Mary Harding Ballard of Lou ¬

isville lost a 1500 string of pearls Sbesave that when she fell on the tae athief tore them from her neck

As the result of a dispute over wageesix big bat factories at Orange N1bavo been shut down throwing over 0000 men and women out of work

Battling Nelson defeated Young Corbott at San Francisco the formerchamploni helplessness causing his secondsto throw up the sponge In the ninthround

Mr Leland Stanford widow of former Senator Stanford of Californiadied suddenly In Honolulu under clrcumtlancee strongly suggestive of

strychnine poisoningFiring through his overcoat pocket

Assistant County Attorney Louis BAnderson ot Chicago shot and seri ¬

ously wounded one of two men who attsmpted to hold him up

to the Chad wick bankruptcy proceed ¬

ings at Cleveland W V Coons abroker testified that ho received fromMrs Cbadwlck a bonus of 812500 on anapproximate loan of 175000

The chemists report of his analysisot the bicarbonate of soda of whichMr Leland Stanford took a dosebefore her death at Honolulapositively that It contained strych ¬

nineStocksof high gradeoll will bedrawn

up from the fields of Ohio IndianaWest Virginia and Kentucky at therate of 25000 barrels a day to bo ship ¬

ped to Japan that country having pine ¬

ed an order for 10000000 gallons of re1

Hoed oil to take the place ot the Rutslan product

A Chicago Alderman Owes HisElection To Chamberlains

Cough Remedy1 can heartily and conscientiously re-

commend Chamberlains Cough Remedyfor affections of the throat and lungssays lion John Shcnlck 220 So PeorIaSt Chicago Two years ago during a-

political campaign I taught cold after boing overheated which irritated my throatand I was finally compelled to stop as Icould not speak aloud In toy extremitya friend advised me to use ChamberlainsCough Remedy I took two doses thatafternoon and could not believe my liens ¬

es when I found next morning the inflam ¬

mation had lnrg ly subsided I took eevoral doses that day kept right on talkingthrough the campaign and I thank thismedicine that I won my seat in the coun ¬

cil This remedy Is for sale tpLyneBros Oral Orchard N


Hemp Is bringing II GO percwt corn2 25 In this sectionTbo young men ot the Euchre Club

will entertain Thursday eveningMi R E McRoberts will leave Fri ¬

day for a short business trip to Cincin ¬

natiThe Christian Endeavor of tbe Pres

byerlan church will give a social atthat church Friday evening

Mr and Mrs It H Batoon left Wed ¬

nesday for Washington D C toat ¬

tend the Inauguration They will go

to New York and other Eastern pointsbefore returning home

Toe Kinescope entertainment IvIen upder tbe auspices of the Seniors of

the Lancaster graded school was asuccess The show was good and thecrowd exceptionally large

The Democratic County Committeemet Monday and ordered notices to beposted Inr tbe election of committeeman for West Bryantavllle to till thevacancy caused by the resignation of

AO HowlingScblosB Droll Jr Co of Baltimore

be represented at Josephs store onthe llb and 13th of March by an expe ¬

danced tailor who will toko measuresJar mans clothing This la one of thebest houses In America

At a mooting of Camp M D LoganU C V Monday Feb 27th 1005 j


the following oRlcers were elected toserve the ensuing term Josh A Arnold Commander r R It Denton Ad-

Jutant J W Hamilton Secretary and I

obapllainS Embry bought a mule fromMoore for 815 Joe Rubel sold GreenIo Daniels one for IUO J M Cressbought one from Thomas Stlgall for8100 and fold tbe name to D M Ander ¬

son for S150

All hope for the recovery of Mr JnoF Lear bas been abandoned and hisdeatb Is expected at any time MrGeorge Allen McRoberta of Covingtoo Is visiting her aunt Mrs CharlesBallow Attorneys Herndon and Swinebroad aro In Stanford today attendingthe Lincoln circuit court They have I

several Important cases wblcbcome up this lend Mrs John M willIra thinks ot leaving shortly forSprings Ark to receive treatment lorIrheumatism Miss Ballard ofantsvllle will be with Mlet Tomllnsonfor tbo euchre Thursday


Mrs Helen Myers died at Columbiaalters long illness

Tease N Bryants nomination forpostmaster at Corbin has been confirm ¬

ed by tbe SenateThe residence of J P Turner near

Nlcbolasvllle was burned Mr andMrs Turner were rescued by firemenLoss 83600 covered by Insurance

After being suspended by his armsfor a month In a Louisville hospitalH L Smith whose back 1s broken Willablp to be sent to his homo In lioncounty

Tbe body of George Staley was foundon Bennett Fork near Middlosboro iwith a bullet hole through his heartHo Is supposed to have been murderedand robbed

Guards in tbe store of Nelson Hendricks at Bubank Caught Bud War ¬

reD in tbe act of committing robberyand when ho attempted to escape fireon him Initiating slight wound

Ic his remarks at the funeral of MiesHassle Flannery President Frost oBerea College challenged the suicidefinding of the coroners jury and dedared his belief that tbo college gin I

took poison by accident

ItMATRIMONIALIn her testimony Mrs Cody wife ot

Buffalo Dill denied that she overtried to poison him or that she wasprofane or a liquor drinker

Joseph F Fletcher and Mies BettieAustin both of the Green river secLion were married by Judge James PBailey at the courthouse yesterday

Thatll do Mariebe said aftershe bad talked for five minutes withouta break I admit that Ive fquandered money foolishly but I dont wantany curtain lecture about Jt

Curtain lecture P she exclaimedJohn Henry youll find this Iii only a

curtain raiserAnd she proceeded to demonstrate

If it is ion attack kaChamberIains Stomach and Liver Tablets andquick cure is certain For sale by LvpBros Crab Orchard

President Roosevelt+ ill spend an en

tire day In Louisville oa his approachlOll trip unless his present plans arechanged


Glen Mary Coal 12o and cannel coalIGjo Coal on bands at all times W

> WlghamMorelanU I tf

3altons C3 peT8 Couse 5810TThursday March 9th


The Mite Legitimate Prensentation of the Scagonv

SIMVELLESElaborate Scenic Revival of Shakespeares Immortal Tragrf

edy of Love and PassionI


Special Electric Effects

Scenery Properties Ac carried complete fur the entire SiX Acts lugand Historically Correct Costumes An Adequate

Acting Company Including


Leave your order with

W H HIGGINSFor a big bill of Groceries Field Seeds Farm ¬

ing Implements Etc Garden Seedsnow in stoc-


LaPorte Vehiclesr

8Over 100 of those vehicles have betas sold iu Lincoln

which is of jtsolf evidence of their merits The follow1

ing list of citizens who are using Lalort V le-

Is made up from memory there are ninny others to all ofwhom wo refer tie to evidence of tho worth of this work

Beakxlion J S OwtHy SrJ Cai F Cummins

Hon M C Sanfley1 n Iaxtonnon U C WarrenHowan Saufley


IJ H Co LiveryJL M Bruce Livery

HughesdS Rocker Dank Presd

John Lynn ir

tOBannonfCicero Reynolds

1F Holdam

Honest Work Attractive Styles 1pleasure


M S liaughman

YJnoHenry TraylorTB NewlandCal T P HillJ W Brooksjack Ueazley-Wre Underwoo-

dslutherUndereoodCrlt Uubanks rRobert Simsj K VanArsdaleJohn UingamanJames Hays

BaileyrhosPorter RobinsonSidney Dunbar

K IVoodssRobert WoodsJames WoodsW H HigginsJ N MenefeeSam W MenefeeS j Brabry SrH Pence

VE C WaltonCV GentryWCW W WithersJJ Q Ifaysames Lynn t

Judge J P Baileyw R DenhainA C CarmaaC VanoyII J Darst

Full carload of these popular vehicles re ¬

cently received byE T Pence Co Agentsfor Lincoln County

New Store Clearance Sale Ir

In solar to wake room for our Spring stock which

will he coming illlhorlJrwo have decided to cut down

the PRICES of our stockof

Dry Goods Clothing Shoes Hats CapsvS t

Ladies Cloaks lockets Skirts nod Ladies und Gents

ahurnishinhs To ho appreciated jolt must sea tho bar-

f a gains we urn oll ring to you therefore wo invite you tofcome see lord he convinced of tho bargains we are

offering Dont miss tho opportunity of seeing ourw

goods before you buy elsewhere x


Next Door to Lincoln County Nat BankSTANFORD KY f


