three-dimensional model of biofilm growth in porous media

Abstracts / Journal of Biotechnology 136S (2008) S460–S495 S493 Bai, F.W., Anderson, W.A., Moo-Young, M., 2008. Ethanol fermentation technologies from sugar and starch feedstocks. Biotechnology Advances 26, 89–105. Bayrock, D.P., Ingledew, W.M., 2001. Application of multistage continuous fermenta- tion for production of fuel alcohol by very-high-gravity fermentation technology. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Technology 27, 87–93. Jones, A.M., Ingledew, W.M., 1994. Fuel alcohol production—assessment of selected commercial proteases for very high gravity wheat mash fermentation. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 16, 683–687. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2008.07.1150 V5-YP-004 Kinetic model for substrate utilization and antibiotic produc- tion using immobilized penicillin G acylase V. RadhaK , R. Lavanya Anna University, Chennai, India E-mail address: [email protected] (V. RadhaK). Penicilin G acylase is an important enzyme for the industrial pro- duction of 6-aminopenicillanic acid from penicillin G. Studies were made to predict kinetic behavior of immobilized penicillin G acy- lase (Luedeking and Piret, 1959), their optimal temperature, pH and deactivation kinetics on polyacrylic beads by using Ludeking piret model parameter. It was found that the substrate utilization grad- ually decreases with time as the enzyme activity increases which results in the product formation and the substrate concentration (Cardoso et al., 1993) was obtained from the Ludeking piret param- eter as 0.266 g cells/g substrate. From the biomass growth curve, the maximum specific growth rate was obtained as 0.588 h 1 .The optimal conditions for the penicillin G acylase activity were found to be higher at an operating temperature of 45 C and at pH 6.5. Therefore, this period was chosen as being suitable for investigat- ing the effects of process conditions on the kinetics of hydrolysis of cephalosporin G by penicillin G acylase rate (Duan and Chen, 1996). The kinetic parameters were determined as K m = 300 mM, V m = 2.5 mM. Activity in the temperature range of 25–45 C was characterized by an activation energy of 994.9 kJ mol 1 (Erarslan and Kocer, 1991). Beyond this temperature, deactivation is another significant effect and it was characterized by deactivation energy of 1191.4 kJ/mol. References Cardoso, J.P., Cabral, J.M., Fonseca, L.P., 1993. Immobilization studies of an industrial penicillin acylase preparation on a silica carrier. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 58 (1), 27–37. Duan, G., Chen, J.Y., 1996. Kinetic analysis of the effects of products removal on the hydrolysis of penicillin G by immobilized penicillin acylase. Process Biochem. 31, 27–30. Erarslan, A., Kocer, H., 1991. Thermal inactivation kinetics of penicillin G acylase obtained from a mutant strain of Escherichia coli. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 55, 79–84. Luedeking, E., Piret, L., 1959. A kinetic study of the lactic acid fermentation batch process at controlled pH. J. Biochem. Microbiol. Technol. Eng. 4, 231–241. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2008.07.1151 V5-YP-008 Three-dimensional model of biofilm growth in porous media D.A. Graf von der Schulenburg a,, L.F. Gladden a , M.L. Johns a , C. Picioreanu b , M.C.M. van Loosdrecht b a Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge, Pem- broke Street, Cambridge CB2 3RA, UK b Department of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 67, 2628 BC, Delft, The Netherlands E-mail address: [email protected] (D.A. Graf von der Schulenburg). A variety of one and two-dimensional models of biofilm growth have been developed and reported in the literature. To simulate the entire complexity of biofilm growth and its spatial hetero- geneity three-dimensional models are necessary. These models are highly complex and so far only three-dimensional models with two main simplifications have been published. One is the reduc- tion of the interaction between bulk liquid and biofilm to a simple infinite constant concentration source boundary condition, which does not include the coupling of hydrodynamics and mass trans- port and is only valid in very specific systems, with an unlimited nutrient and oxygen source and no gradients within the bulk liquid. Another simplification often made is the consideration of simple geometries such as a flat surface. This might be of interests for the study of for example biofilm pattern formation, but is often not sufficient to model a variety of complex and relevant biofilm sys- tems and applications: e.g. biofilm mediate soil filtration, biofilm impact on oil recovery, paper manufacturing and food processing operations, membrane biofouling, bioremediation processes and biofilm growth on medical devices. All these systems and appli- cations involve complex geometries such as porous media and consequently demand the computation of the physics of hydro- dynamics and mass transport for the entire system including the bulk liquid. In this study we present the first three-dimensional biofilm model of biofilm growth in porous media. The lattice Boltz- mann (LB) method is known for its high performance in simulating hydrodynamics and mass transport in any arbitrary complex geom- etry (LIT). The LB model was coupled with an individual based biofilm growth model (IbM) and follows an algorithm similar to the one shown in the literature by van Loosdrecht et al. (2002). The LB method is used to simulate the flow filed through a porous media which provides the pressure, shear and velocity field. The LB method further uses the velocity field to simulate the mass transport where different chemical species (e.g. nutrient, oxygen or products) are consumed or produced by different bacteria based on a biofilm concentration map. The resulting species concentra- tion maps are then used by the IbM to simulate the growth, division, death, detachment (based on shear rate) and shoving of the bacte- rial cells. This provides new resulting biomass concentration maps and a new input geometry for the LB simulation. The decoupling of biofilm growth and mass and momentum transport is possible due to the different time scales of the two processes being more than six orders of magnitude apart. During this study the model is presented and the cases of 2D and 3D simulations of biofilm growth in porous media will be com- pared and discussed. A case study will be the clogging of a sand-like porous media due to biofilm growth and its impact on the velocity and pressure field. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2008.07.1152

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Abstracts / Journal of Biotec

ai, F.W., Anderson, W.A., Moo-Young, M., 2008. Ethanol fermentation technologiesfrom sugar and starch feedstocks. Biotechnology Advances 26, 89–105.

ayrock, D.P., Ingledew, W.M., 2001. Application of multistage continuous fermenta-tion for production of fuel alcohol by very-high-gravity fermentation technology.Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Technology 27, 87–93.

ones, A.M., Ingledew, W.M., 1994. Fuel alcohol production—assessment of selectedcommercial proteases for very high gravity wheat mash fermentation. Enzymeand Microbial Technology 16, 683–687.



inetic model for substrate utilization and antibiotic produc-ion using immobilized penicillin G acylase

. RadhaK ∗, R. Lavanya

Anna University, Chennai, India

-mail address: [email protected] (V. RadhaK).

enicilin G acylase is an important enzyme for the industrial pro-uction of 6-aminopenicillanic acid from penicillin G. Studies wereade to predict kinetic behavior of immobilized penicillin G acy-

ase (Luedeking and Piret, 1959), their optimal temperature, pH andeactivation kinetics on polyacrylic beads by using Ludeking piretodel parameter. It was found that the substrate utilization grad-

ally decreases with time as the enzyme activity increases whichesults in the product formation and the substrate concentrationCardoso et al., 1993) was obtained from the Ludeking piret param-ter as 0.266 g cells/g substrate. From the biomass growth curve,he maximum specific growth rate was obtained as 0.588 h−1.Theptimal conditions for the penicillin G acylase activity were foundo be higher at an operating temperature of 45 ◦C and at pH 6.5.herefore, this period was chosen as being suitable for investigat-ng the effects of process conditions on the kinetics of hydrolysisf cephalosporin G by penicillin G acylase rate (Duan and Chen,996). The kinetic parameters were determined as Km = 300 mM,m = 2.5 mM. Activity in the temperature range of 25–45 ◦C washaracterized by an activation energy of 994.9 kJ mol−1 (Erarslannd Kocer, 1991). Beyond this temperature, deactivation is anotherignificant effect and it was characterized by deactivation energyf 1191.4 kJ/mol.


ardoso, J.P., Cabral, J.M., Fonseca, L.P., 1993. Immobilization studies of an industrialpenicillin acylase preparation on a silica carrier. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 58(1), 27–37.

uan, G., Chen, J.Y., 1996. Kinetic analysis of the effects of products removal on thehydrolysis of penicillin G by immobilized penicillin acylase. Process Biochem.31, 27–30.

rarslan, A., Kocer, H., 1991. Thermal inactivation kinetics of penicillin G acylaseobtained from a mutant strain of Escherichia coli. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 55,79–84.

uedeking, E., Piret, L., 1959. A kinetic study of the lactic acid fermentation batchprocess at controlled pH. J. Biochem. Microbiol. Technol. Eng. 4, 231–241.





y 136S (2008) S460–S495 S493


hree-dimensional model of biofilm growth in porous media

.A. Graf von der Schulenburg a,∗, L.F. Gladden a, M.L. Johns a, C.icioreanu b, M.C.M. van Loosdrecht b

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cambridge, Pem-roke Street, Cambridge CB2 3RA, UKDepartment of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology,

ulianalaan 67, 2628 BC, Delft, The Netherlands

-mail address: [email protected] (D.A. Graf von der Schulenburg).

variety of one and two-dimensional models of biofilm growthave been developed and reported in the literature. To simulatehe entire complexity of biofilm growth and its spatial hetero-eneity three-dimensional models are necessary. These models areighly complex and so far only three-dimensional models withwo main simplifications have been published. One is the reduc-ion of the interaction between bulk liquid and biofilm to a simplenfinite constant concentration source boundary condition, whichoes not include the coupling of hydrodynamics and mass trans-ort and is only valid in very specific systems, with an unlimitedutrient and oxygen source and no gradients within the bulk liquid.nother simplification often made is the consideration of simpleeometries such as a flat surface. This might be of interests for thetudy of for example biofilm pattern formation, but is often notufficient to model a variety of complex and relevant biofilm sys-ems and applications: e.g. biofilm mediate soil filtration, biofilmmpact on oil recovery, paper manufacturing and food processingperations, membrane biofouling, bioremediation processes andiofilm growth on medical devices. All these systems and appli-ations involve complex geometries such as porous media andonsequently demand the computation of the physics of hydro-ynamics and mass transport for the entire system including theulk liquid. In this study we present the first three-dimensionaliofilm model of biofilm growth in porous media. The lattice Boltz-ann (LB) method is known for its high performance in simulating

ydrodynamics and mass transport in any arbitrary complex geom-try (LIT). The LB model was coupled with an individual basediofilm growth model (IbM) and follows an algorithm similar tohe one shown in the literature by van Loosdrecht et al. (2002).he LB method is used to simulate the flow filed through a porousedia which provides the pressure, shear and velocity field. The

B method further uses the velocity field to simulate the massransport where different chemical species (e.g. nutrient, oxygenr products) are consumed or produced by different bacteria basedn a biofilm concentration map. The resulting species concentra-ion maps are then used by the IbM to simulate the growth, division,eath, detachment (based on shear rate) and shoving of the bacte-ial cells. This provides new resulting biomass concentration mapsnd a new input geometry for the LB simulation. The decoupling ofiofilm growth and mass and momentum transport is possible dueo the different time scales of the two processes being more thanix orders of magnitude apart.

During this study the model is presented and the cases of 2Dnd 3D simulations of biofilm growth in porous media will be com-ared and discussed. A case study will be the clogging of a sand-like

orous media due to biofilm growth and its impact on the velocitynd pressure field.
