this week at community c - christ community church

“The purpose of Christ Community Church is to make known and to promote the worship of God in obedience to the Great Commission and the Great Commandments.” THIS WEEK AT CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, April 16 8:30am Morning Prayer Parlor 9:00am Worship Service Sanctuary 10:30am Worship Service Sanctuary 7:00pm NO Sr. High Youth Group Monday, April 17 5:45pm Kids Bell Choir Choir Room 6:30pm Jr. High Youth Group Youth Room AWANA 7:00pm GriefShare Parlor Tuesday, April 18 9:00am ESL Classes 6:30pm Quilting Group Room E 7:15pm Men’s Bible Study Chapel Wednesday, April 19 7:30am Morning Prayer Group Parlor 5:45pm Young Family ABF Humphrey House 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal Choir Room Men’s Bible Study Parlor Moms in Prayer Night Darms Chapel Thursday, April 20 9:00am ESL Classes 7:00pm Worship Team Rehearsal Sanctuary Friday, April 21 10:00am Homeschool Group Fellowship Hall Audio messages available at Phone: 847.746.1411 Christ Community Church Building on the Word

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“The purpose of Christ Community Church is to make known and to promote the worship of God in obedience to the Great Commission and the Great Commandments.”


Sunday, April 16

8:30am Morning Prayer Parlor

9:00am Worship Service Sanctuary

10:30am Worship Service Sanctuary

7:00pm NO Sr. High Youth Group

Monday, April 17

5:45pm Kids Bell Choir Choir Room

6:30pm Jr. High Youth Group Youth Room


7:00pm GriefShare Parlor

Tuesday, April 18

9:00am ESL Classes

6:30pm Quilting Group Room E

7:15pm Men’s Bible Study Chapel

Wednesday, April 19

7:30am Morning Prayer Group Parlor

5:45pm Young Family ABF Humphrey House

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal Choir Room

Men’s Bible Study Parlor

Moms in Prayer Night Darms Chapel

Thursday, April 20

9:00am ESL Classes

7:00pm Worship Team Rehearsal Sanctuary

Friday, April 21

10:00am Homeschool Group Fellowship Hall

Audio messages available at Phone: 847.746.1411

Christ Community Church Building on the Word

Christ Community Church Resurrection Sunday – April 16, 2017

Welcome! Our worship service and sermon are shaped by hope – hope of the eventual destruction of death secured by the

resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. _____________

The last enemy to be destroyed is death.

(1 Corinthians 15:26)

We worship our risen King Use the time before the service to prepare for worship

Call to Worship and Songs of Victory, 364-367 Invocation and Musical offering

Welcome and Opportunities Worship in Prayer and Giving

We hear from God’s Word “But Christ has indeed been raised" (from 1 Corinthians 15)

Songs of Easter Hope Message from Scripture, “The Last Enemy”

Song of Response Benediction and Postlude

Pastor James Kratz

Stephen & Rachel LaBelle

John Langley

Lelon Leech

Loren Leech

Dale & Lois Lother

Maryon & John Lush

Hugh & Ione Mainord

Violet McElroy

Herbert Merson

Michael E. Mintern

Michael S. Mickey Mintern

Stacy Naffziger

Gene Neave

Jack Nelson

Marion & Gordon Ohmstead

Richard Olson

Harley Palmer

Paul Patenaude

Jack & Mabel Periolat

Carol E. Peters

David Alan Peters

Robert & Genevieve Peters

Edwin & Mary Peterson

Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Peterson

Michael Philyaw

George Robbins

Robert Russell

Rose L. Russell

Ruth & Len Shafer

Grant Sisson

Ron & Cheryl Stare

Burt Storey

Peter Meyer Stried

Robert & Grace Stried

Wilma Studebaker

Carolyn Switzer

Michael S. Watson

Arthur & Doris Wedekind

Dan Whittington

Wendell Wright

Jerry Zoephel

Easter Flowers today are in memory of...

Margie Agnew

William & Pearl Allen

Roy Anglada

Wilbur & Ida Ball

Maurice Ball

Lester & Cleota Baughman

Bernard Beem

George & Esther Beem

Jack Bier

Sheryl Blasco

Karol Brandt

Joe & Olive Bullivant

Ralph Burgess

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur O. & Iva Capp

Arthur “Ollie” Capp

Cora & Frank Coppen

Essa & Juliette Dabbeekeh

Nicholas Dabbeekeh

Cindy DeNinno

Lloyd DeTienne, Sr.

George & Delores Eliason

Robert Eliason

Joseph & Ethel Emmanuelson

Dorothy Flinn

Janice I Gonzalez

Art & Marie Hacker

Jeanne Hahn

Dalton & Hilda Heimerman

Christina Heiser

Dan & Eleanor Heiser

Frank & Henrietta Heiser

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Holinski

Dale & Diann Humphrey

Ed & Marion Humphrey

Woodrow & Millie Huyck

Greg Jesiel

Blanche Jester

Sandra Kaye Johansen

James T. King

Jim & Vivian King

E. James Kness

Leburn & Bernice Krapf

Matthew Krapf

Henry & Cora Kratz

Easter Flowers today are in memory of...

CCC NEWS & NOTES Memorial Easter Flowers If you purchased a flower in memory of your loved ones, please pick them up today after the second service. Flowers not picked up by April 19 will be donated. Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands Ken and Jennifer will lead a home study of this excellent book. We’ll take seven evenings to discuss two chapters/week, on a night to be chosen by those interested – either Sunday or Thursday. Child Dedication On Mother’s Day If you’d like to participate in a parent and child dedication on May 14, let Pastor Ken know by email or pew response card. A one-hour orientation session after worship on April 26 is required. Donations For Youth Group The annual Sr. High Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Sunday, April 23. We are looking for donations of candy, prizes, and/or plastic eggs. They can be dropped off in the church office. CCC Golf League at Shepherd’s Crook begins May 2 For more info or to sign up call or email Mike Geisser at 847-207-9554 or [email protected]. Need both players and subs. $100 deposit and league fee of $40 per player due at sign up.

SUPPORTING OUR LOCAL MISSION FIELD You’re Invited! YOUTH FOR CHRIST Campus Ministry Celebration April 20, 7:00pm at Grace Missionary Church. We hope you can be there! Tickets are free when you RSVP. (Adults only, please.) For more info or to RSVP call or email: Dennis LaBelle at 847-417-6219 or [email protected]. Walk for Life Calling all Small Groups! Walk as a team at the Annual Walk for Like on Saturday, May 20. Give yourself a team name and start asking people to sponsor you. Making a difference in the life of an unborn child really is that easy. Get a pledge sheet from the Welcome Center or office.


Our Thoughts and Prayers are with the families of Esther Leech who passed away April 6, Arthur “Ollie” Capp who passed away April 11, Rumi (Wendy) Driver whose father passed away April 10 and Gloria Pushee who passed away April 14.

MEN’S MINISTRY Charter Fishing Trip Sign up in the office for a Lake Michigan salmon fishing charter out of Waukegan Harbor on Friday, May 12. The cost is $95. Paid signups are needed by a deadline of April 27th in order to guarantee the trip. There are 3 slots left. You’ll need an IL fishing license with a Lake Michigan Salmon Stamp. We will leave on site at 5:00am for a 5-hour trip with Windy City Salmon. Fish will be cleaned and bagged for you. Colorado, Here We Come It’s almost time for the annual men’s hiking trip to Colorado. Well, time to get in shape for it, anyway. And to let Pastor Ken know of your interest. Dates are July 12 (Wednesday evening) through Sunday July 16.

WOMEN’S MINISTRY Join a Book Discussion on April 27 - The Broken Way "There's a way that beckons you into more time, more meanings, more authentic relationships. There's a way, especially when things aren't shaping up quite like you imagined, that makes life take the shape of more - more abundance, more intimacy, more God. There's a way of honest, transformative power. Dare to take the broken way - to abundance." Susan Wimmer will be leading our discussion of Ann Voskamp's new book, The Broken Way on April 27th at 7:00pm in Darm's Chapel.


Vacation Bible School (VBS) is June 19-23, 9am – Noon. CDs are available to purchase for $6. The CD includes the songs we’ll sing at VBS this summer. You can get one in the Children’s Wing, Church Office or Lobby.

Special Resurrection Sunday Easter Treat Children, see Children’s Ministry Director Mrs. Allen, for yours! Find her after the service in the Lobby with a big basket of Easter Eggs! Thank you to those who served in the nursery today.

YOUTH MINISTRY No Senior High Youth Group Tonight Have a great Easter.

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt for the Senior High Youth Group is next Sunday night, April 23 at the Hoover’s home (6210 107th St in Pleasant Prairie, WI). Transportation will be available from CCC at 6:15pm and will return by 9:45pm. Bring a flashlight and wear your boots.

Steve Angelos will be sharing his testimony during Senior High Youth Group on Sunday, April 23.

Prom Alternative On May 6, we leave CCC at 3:30pm and head to Greenfield, WI for an Escape Room experience ($30 per person) and then have dinner at the Alem Ethiopian Village at 7 PM (dinners range from $15-50 depending on what you order). Due to limited space at Escape Chambers we have only 12 spots available. Registration is open to sophomores through seniors. Sign up by contacting Pastor Leo at [email protected] or at any youth event.


F OR MORE INFO OR TO REGISTER , VIS IT WWW .CAMPZION .COM TODAY ! Summer Camp at Camp Zion can be one of the greatest experiences in a child's life. Spaces remain for all age groups. Take a Camp Zion brochure and give it to a neighbor, friend, co-worker, or grandchild!

Craft & Sew Retreat Calling all crafters! Join us April 20-23 for this annual craft extravaganza. Lots of time to work on your own projects, with few distractions and plenty of fellowship with others. Cost is $137, includes supper Friday thru breakfast Sunday. Arrive Thursday for an additional $30 (includes breakfast Friday). Register at: Men's Lumberjack Work Weekend is early this year, May 5-7. Help us get camp ready for summer! No charge, but advance sign-up is required.