third grade e-book


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Summaries of Charlotte's Web: Students read their summaries / their illustrations inlcuded


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Page 2: Third Grade E-Book




Standards Addressed ELA 3R3a) Reads a variety of Textse, f) Recognizes and makes judgments about plot, setting, and characterg) Summarizes textsh) Makes connections between texts and personal experiencesp) recognizes author’s purposeq) Formulates and defends an opinion about textELA3W1student demonstrates competency in the writing process – Response to Literature

Spring Board Activity for

Writing State Mandated

Response to Literature Essay

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In the beginning, eight year old Fern learned a runt pig was about to be killed by her father. She was adamant that it was unjust that the small pig should be killed. She cried, “But it’s unfair. The pig couldn’t help being born small could it?” (p.3) After a while, Mr. Arable agreed to let Fern raise the young pig. She taught him to drink from a bottle and hugged him. The bus soon arrived to take Fern and Avery to school. In the end, Fern looked back at the pig, and she knew she loved him right away. Fern was a good caregiver.


Model Paragraph Summary

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In the beginning, Wilbur sat in a large, cold, and old barn with good smells. Fern sat happy on the old milking stool. Wilbur ate his slop gladly because he knew Fern was right there on the stool. Fern was watching and listening to everything Wilbur did. The next day, Fern did not come at the time she usually came. It was lonely and dark. Wilbur asked goose to play with him, but she said she was laying on her eggs. Then she said there was a loose piece of wood on the fence so he could get out of the pigpen. So he did. He liked being free. In the end, Mr. Zuckerman saw Wilbur. “LURVY!” he yelled. “Get the pig ! ‘ he continued. (page 18 ) Everyone started to chase the pig. The horse said, ‘GO TO THE RIGHT,” the cows said, “GO TO THE LEFT ,’ the goose said ,’ GO DOWN THE HILL ,’ and the lamb said,” GO UP THE HILL ! Wilbur did not know what to do or who to listen to. Then Mr. Zuckerman got some slop and Wilbur got the good smell of it and followed him back to the pigpen. Mr. Zuckerman leaned on the fence and scratched Wilbur’s back. Wilbur could feel the milk in his stomach and felt happy as Mr. Zuckerman said, “Good pig.” I think it would be boring to stay in a pen.


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In the beginning, of the chapter it

was very rainy. The rain messed up

Wilbur’s plans. Wilbur wanted to play

with some friends. Many animals did

not want to be his friend. The lamb

declared, “I don’t play with pigs’’ (p.

28). Wilbur was sad and lonely. In

the end, Wilbur heard a voice tell

him they wanted to be his friend.

Wilbur will make good friends.


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In the beginning, Wilbur heard a

voice that remarked “I’ll be your

friend”(p.33). Wilbur thought the

night was long. He can’t sleep.

Later on, morning came. He met a

spider named Charlotte and Wilbur

at first thought she was bloodthirsty.

At the end, Wilbur thinks Charlotte is

loyal and kind. Charlotte is nice.


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In the beginning of this chapter,

Wilbur was admiring how thoughtful

Charlotte was to her prey. He was

enjoying the beautiful morning and slops

until he overheard the old sheep

mumbling. “You know why they are

fatting you up, don’t you?” warned the old

sheep. “No, why?” replied Wilbur. “Well

when Christmas comes you’ will die.’’

explained the old sheep (page 49)

Wilbur was fearful and started crying that

he did not want to die , but Charlotte was

able to calm him down she was nice and

promised to save his life.

CHAPTER 7: Bad News

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At the beginning, eight of

goose’s goslings had hatched and

one did not hatch so goose gave

it to Templeton. In the middle,

Fern was telling her mother about

the animals. Towards the end,

Mrs. Arable complained, “I think I

will ask Dr. Dorion about Fern.”

(page.54) Mrs. Arable was

worried about Fern. Mrs. Arable

asks too many questions.


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In the beginning, Charlotte and Wilbur

were talking about what Charlotte does in

here life. Wilbur wondered how to spin a

web, so he tried to, but it did not work.

Then after awhile, Wilbur was very sad

because he could not spin a web. Charlotte

tried to cheer up Wilbur and he got cheered

up a little bit. Wilbur stretched out on his

back thinking about what the old sheep had

said. “Charlotte I don’t want to die.” (page

62) Wilbur was shivering with fear. Finally,

Charlotte calmed him down. It was the

weirdest moment of all.


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In the beginning, Lurvy saw the

words some pig in Charlotte’s web.

“I’m seeing things.” Whispered Lurvy.

( page 78) Then he went to get Mr.

Zuckerman. Before long, the whole

county knew about the miracle. Wilbur

was filled with joy. In the end, Fern

thought being alone with the animals

was better than being with every body

in the county. This chapter is terrific!


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In the beginning, Charlotte held a

meeting for suggestions for writing . A

lamb suggested “Pig Supreme.” (page

87) Charlotte decided that it would not

work because it sounded like a tasty

desert. In the middle, the gander

suggested “Terrific, terrific, terrific.” (page

88) Charlotte replied to cut that down to

one terrific and it would do fine. In the

end, the sheep talked to Templeton about

getting some magazine clippings the next

time he went to the dump. I think the old

sheep is smart.


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In the beginning, Charlotte worked on

her web while all the animals slept. She

spelled the word terrific to describe

Wilbur. It was a lot of hard work. The

next morning, Wilbur stood under his

web. The Zuckermans were shocked to

see words in the web. “Terrific!’’

breathed Mr. Zuckerman, in joyful

admiration. (page 96) In the end, Wilbur

asked Charlotte to tell him a story and

sing a song. I think that Wilbur will not be

killed because Charlotte’s words will save

his life.


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One Saturday morning , Fern and her mother were washing dishes. After that , Fern began to tell stories that Charlotte had told to the animals at the barn. Mrs. Arable did not believe her. When Fern was headed on her way to the barn, Mrs. Arable got dressed to go to Dr. Dorian’s doctor’s office to talk about Fern. For a while, Mrs. Arable talked about Fern with Dr. Dorian. Dr. Dorian added, ‘’ I never heard an animal say anything , but that proves nothing.’’ (pg.,110) At the end of the chapter, Mrs. Arable felt better about Fern. I think Fern had better prove to her mother that the animals talked!


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In the beginning, the crickets were

singing their end of Summer song. Their

song was making everybody anxious for

the end of Summer. In the mean time,

Wilbur is trying to live up to Charlotte’s

words on her webs. Mr. Zuckerman would

say to the crowd, “ That pig is radiant.”

( p .115 ) It was almost time for the fair.

Wilbur is trying to talk Charlotte into going

to the fair with him. In the end Charlotte

said that she could go to the fair with him

if she possibly can. That made Wilbur

happy. Charlotte is a good friend.


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In the beginning, The Zuckermans wanted to

go to the fair. They were looking forward to it.

The morning of the fair, everyone woke up at

daylight to prepare for the big day. Wilbur got a

buttermilk bath. In the middle, the animals decide

who is going to the fair. Templeton does not

really want to go until the sheep tells him about

all the yummy food. “Everywhere is loot for a rat –

in tents, in booths, in hay lofts. Why- a fair has

enough disgusting leftovers for a whole army of

rats.” exclaimed sheep (p. 123). In the end,

Wilbur faints just before he is shoved into the

crate. Wilbur is emotional.


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At the beginning , Wilbur was being

unloaded at the fair . Everyone wanted to

do their own thing . Mr. Zuckerman

wanted to look at tractors . Mrs.

Zuckerman wanted to look at a deep

freeze . After a while , the people left the

pigpen . Wilbur met an lager pig .

Charlotte went to the other pig’s stall and

asked his name . In a hearty voice he

replied, “Just call me Uncle.”(p.134) . In

the end, everyone met at the truck for

lunch . I think Uncle is a weird pig.


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In the beginning, the county fair had

just gotten to town. The Zuckerman's

are going to enter Wilbur in the most

RADIANT pig completion. In the

middle, Henry Fussy asked Fern to ride

on the Ferris wheel. Templeton goes to

the dump to get a word for Charlotte. “

The word is HUMBLE” exclaimed

Templeton. (page407) In the end, we

find out that Charlotte is getting weak.

Charlotte is the best character in the



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In the beginning, Charlotte and

Wilbur woke up and saw Charlotte’s egg

sack. “What’s inside it?” asked Wilbur.

“Eggs? Five hundred and fourteen of

them,” she replied (p.145) In the

middle, everybody started crying. It was

all because Uncle the heavier and older

pig next door won first prize. Finally,

Wilbur got a buttermilk bath and people

changed their mind about their decision.

Wilbur is the cutest and cleanest pig.


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In the beginning, Wilbur the pig

went to the judges booth. After

that, Wilbur fainted because he

got dizzy from the loud speaker.

To wake him Templeton bit him

on the tail. In the end, Avery

started acting like a clown so his

mom cried ‘’Avery, stop it!’’

[pg.162] Wilbur is a fine pig.


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In the begging, Charlotte was feeling

very ill. Charlotte was talking to Wilbur

and saying that , “you will live secure and

safe” Wilbur “Noting can harm you now”.

(page 163) In the middle of the chapter,

Wilbur did not want Charlotte to leave.

Charlotte was at the fair to die. Wilbur lay

and sobbed for Charlotte because he did

not want Charlotte to go to heaven. Soon

after , Charlotte died Wilbur was sad.

Wilbur always remembered Charlotte .

Charlotte was a good friend.

CHAPTER 21: Last Day

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In the beginning, the fair had ended

and they had came home. Wilbur put

Charlotte’s egg sac and laid it in the

corner of the barn. After awhile, the egg

sac hatched and all five hundred

fourteen babies looked just like

Charlotte. The babies were balloonist.

Balloonist are spiders with strings that

look like balloons. In the end, only three

of the five hundred fourteen stayed at

the barn. ‘’Joy! Aranea! Nellie! welcome

to the barn cellar.” exclaimed Wilbur

(p.182) I think Wilbur is generous.


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