things to know about filing bankruptcy

Things To Know About Filing Bankruptcy Filing for bankruptcy can be a difficult time for an individual or a company. While it is considered as a last resort for many, it is also a way to clear debt and start anew in your financial life. One should also keep in mind the bankruptcy in USA can be granted only by federal or a state court. Any individual filing for bankruptcy also needs to attend credit counseling from an agency that is approved by bankruptcy courts. Through all these legal activities, it is essential that you have a professional bankruptcy attorney at your side to guide you through the paperwork and legal processes. Making any mistake in the paperwork or filing can cost you dearly in the long run as the court might not approve your bankruptcy application if any information is incorrect or missing. While you can always approach a large firm for bankruptcy advice, you might have not get attention on a personal level from them. It is always a better choice to go with a dedicated bankruptcy attorney who can give you a one-on-one counsel by going through your financial history. You also need to look at your future financial plans and

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Things To Know About Filing


Filing for bankruptcy can be a difficult time for an individual or a company. While it is

considered as a last resort for many, it is also a way to clear debt and start anew in your

financial life. One should also keep in mind the bankruptcy in USA can be granted only

by federal or a state court. Any individual filing for bankruptcy also needs to attend

credit counseling from an agency that is approved by bankruptcy courts. Through all

these legal activities, it is essential that you have a professional bankruptcy attorney at

your side to guide you through the paperwork and legal processes. Making any mistake

in the paperwork or filing can cost you dearly in the long run as the court might not

approve your bankruptcy application if any information is incorrect or missing.

While you can always approach a large firm for bankruptcy advice, you might have not

get attention on a personal level from them. It is always a better choice to go with a

dedicated bankruptcy attorney who can give you a one-on-one counsel by going through

your financial history. You also need to look at your future financial plans and

aspirations before filing for bankruptcy as there are several long-term effects of

bankruptcy that you should know beforehand.

The process can often be extremely complex with a lot of paperwork and it can take a lot

of time too. You need to plan things out at-length and explore all the options before

deciding on filing bankruptcy. While in some cases filing bankruptcy can clear all your

debt, in other cases it clears only a portion of your debt. But it will always have an effect

on your credit score and any future financial transactions that you might be involved


At Law Office of Ronica Scales, LLC, you can get personal and pertinent advice on

filing bankruptcy. Whether it is Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, attorney Ronica

Scales can guide you in a thorough manner by taking an in-depth look at your financial

history and your current financial condition. She will also discuss your future financial

aspirations with you so that you can take a look at all the options available to you. To

know more, please browse through or give a call at 404-767-2253

to schedule a free initial consultation. Remember, filing bankruptcy doesn't have to be a

difficult experience when you have an experienced legal advisor by your side.