thin-layer chromatography, a laboratory handbook : edited by egon stahl (in english), published by...

BOOK REVIEWS 429 Thin-Layer Chvosutatogra$&y, A Laboratory Handbook, edited by EGON STAHL. (in English), published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York and Academic Press Inc., Publishers, New York-London, 197 figures and 2 plates in colour, XVI + 553,pp., 11965, price plastic bound DM 68.00. The English edition differs from the German original only in that lists o$ ad- ditional references on work in 1963 have been added to each chapter. The translation adheres closely to the wording of the German text and is accurate but not always elegant. For example “Trennung der Walogenide” is translated as “fractionation of halides” while the reviewer would have said separation, “Rinderblut” is transl.ated as “cow’s blood”. There are also several unhappy attempts to translate “im UV- Licht photographiert”. However, what is more important, there are no errors in chemical nomenclature and terminology nor in numerical data. The book although already 3 years old is still the most complete reference work on thin-layer chromatography and will be very welcome as such to all English speaking chemists. Paper, illustrations, cover etc., are identical in the English and the German editions, the English has only 19 pages more and its price is (of course) somewhat higher. J. Chvomatog., 20 (1965) 429 Erratum J. Chromatog., Ig (1965) 354 Troisi&me paragraphe, zBre. et z&me ligno: veuillcz rcmplacer “Oxydation chromique la. On ajoutc au r&Mu SC oxyder, 0.3 ml CrO, B 0.5 o/0 dans acidc ac&ique glacial. On lake IO minutes B temp&ature ordinaire. Ensuite on.. ,” par “Osydation clwomique. On ajoute au rQsidu L oxydcr, 0.3 ml CrO, $ 2 Oh dans l’eau. On laisse 18 heules Zc tempdrature ordinairc. Ensuite on.. .“. 1. ChrowZto~., 20 (1965) 429

Post on 02-Jul-2016




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Page 1: Thin-layer chromatography, a laboratory handbook : edited by Egon Stahl (in English), published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York and Academic Press Inc., Publishers,


Thin-Layer Chvosutatogra$&y, A Laboratory Handbook, edited by EGON STAHL. (in English), published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York and Academic Press Inc., Publishers, New York-London, 197 figures and 2 plates in colour, XVI + 553,pp., 11965, price plastic bound DM 68.00.

The English edition differs from the German original only in that lists o$ ad- ditional references on work in 1963 have been added to each chapter. The translation adheres closely to the wording of the German text and is accurate but not always elegant. For example “Trennung der Walogenide” is translated as “fractionation of halides” while the reviewer would have said separation, “Rinderblut” is transl.ated as “cow’s blood”. There are also several unhappy attempts to translate “im UV- Licht photographiert”. However, what is more important, there are no errors in chemical nomenclature and terminology nor in numerical data.

The book although already 3 years old is still the most complete reference work on thin-layer chromatography and will be very welcome as such to all English speaking chemists. Paper, illustrations, cover etc., are identical in the English and the German editions, the English has only 19 pages more and its price is (of course) somewhat higher.

J. Chvomatog., 20 (1965) 429


J. Chromatog., Ig (1965) 354

Troisi&me paragraphe, zBre. et z&me ligno: veuillcz rcmplacer “Oxydation chromique la. On ajoutc au r&Mu SC oxyder, 0.3 ml CrO, B

0.5 o/0 dans acidc ac&ique glacial. On lake IO minutes B temp&ature ordinaire. Ensuite on.. ,” par “Osydation clwomique. On ajoute au rQsidu L oxydcr, 0.3 ml CrO, $ 2 Oh dans l’eau.

On laisse 18 heules Zc tempdrature ordinairc. Ensuite on.. .“.

1. ChrowZto~., 20 (1965) 429