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LabOnt. Notiziario 71 (15 luglio – 25 agosto 2013)

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Il LabOnt augura a tutti una buona estate. Arrivederci al 26 agosto!

Eventi Book Launch Warum es die Welt nicht gibt, aber das Recht Bonn, July 15

Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Recht als Kultur” Internationales Kolleg für Geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung Centre for Advanced Study Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1-3 53227 Bonn, 18.00 Uhr „Forum Recht als Kultur“ zum Book Launch: Warum es die Welt nicht gibt, aber das Recht zum neu erschienenen Werk von Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel: Warum es die Welt nicht gibt (Ullstein Buchverlag) 18.00 Begrüßung und Einführung durch den Direktor des Kollegs Prof. Dr. Werner Gephart Die Welt im Katalog und das Problem der Rechtswahl 18.30 Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel: Warum es die Welt nicht gibt, aber das Recht 19.15 Prof. Dr. Maurizio Ferraris: “Things as certain as death and taxes, can be more firmly believed” 19.45 Diskussion mit dem Autor 20.30 Empfang

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WebTV Zettel

Prosegue, durante l’estate, Zettel.2 su Rai Scuola con le puntate dedicate a CONOSCENZA (16 luglio), LIBERO ARBITRIO (23 luglio), POSSIBILITÀ (30 luglio), MUSICA (6 agosto), FELICITÀ (13 agosto). Si può seguire e partecipare alla discussione su Sul canale RAI Scuola – presente sia sul digitale terrestre (in genere, il canale 146) sia sul satellite (se avete Sky, il canale 806) – va in onda Zettel, trasmissione di filosofia realizzata e condotta da Maurizio Ferraris con la collaborazione di Mario De Caro e numerosi ospiti. Zettel dura mezz’ora, e va in onda tutti i venerdì. Altre notizie seguendo la pagina Facebook di RAI Filosofia. Su Twitter, si può seguire @raifilosofia e commentare usando l’hashtag #Zettel.

International Congress 19th Jubilee International Congress of Aesthetics Krakow 2013, 21-27 of July

July 25th, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Auditorium Maximum, Exhibition Room A, 18.00 Tiziana Andina: “A Quasi-Definition for the Works of Art. The Philosophy and the Critics in Action”. 19th Jubilee International Congress of Aesthetics (Berlin 1913 – Krakow 2013): Aesthetics in Action - 21-27/07/2013. The International Congress of Aesthetics is held every three years under auspices of the International Association for Aesthetics and is a main event in aesthetics worldwide. The 19th, Jubilee Congress will take place in Krakow, July 21-27, 2013. Home page:

International Congress XXIII World Congress of Philosophy Athens 2013, 4-10 of August

XXIII WORLD CONGRESS OF PHILOSOPHY ATHENS, 4-10 AUGUST 2013 The World Congresses of Philosophy are organized every five years by the International Federation of Philosophical Societies in collaboration with one of its member societies. The xxiii World Congress of Philosophy will be held from August 4 through August 10, 2013, in Athens, Greece, under the auspices

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of the Hellenic Organizing Committee, which has been constituted by the Greek Philosophical Society. IS 28, Wednesday, August 7, 14:00-15:50 Invited-sessions New Realism: Philosophy in a Cosmopolitan Sense Chair: Maurizio Ferraris, Università di Torino, Italy. Participants: Peter Bojanic, University of Belgrade, Serbia Maurizio Ferraris, Università di Torino, Italy Kurt Hilgenberg, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Riccardo Pozzo, Dipartimento Scienze Umane, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy CP01 Aesthetics and philosophies of art 628, Sunday, August 4: “An Ontology for the works of art”, Tiziana Andina (Università di Torino, Italy) FISP General Assembly AULA, SS10 Session 10 42, Friday, August 9: “New Realism and its Moral Implications” Leonardo Caffo (Università di Torino, Italy) & Sarah de Sanctis (UCL, University College London). Download the program:

Pubblicazioni MANIFIESTO DEL NUEVO REALISMO ANALÓGICO Mauricio Beuchot y José Luis Jerez, Circulo Hermeneutico 2013

En este breve libro apuntamos y defendemos una vuelta al realismo, pero de tipo analógico. ¿De qué se trata este realismo analógico? Simplemente de la idea de lineamiento factual que nos lleva a dar cuenta de la existencia de una realidad independiente de nosotros,

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es decir, de una ontología autónoma con respecto a nuestro sistema de representaciones e interpretaciones del mundo. En otras palabras, nos sumamos a propuestas como la de Maurizio Ferraris, que desean restablecer un realismo y se oponen a expresiones antirrealistas y muy ligadas al pensamiento posmoderno, que afirman que toda nuestra realidad se encuentra socialmente construida, lo que la vuelve manipulable al antojo; o bien, que tanto la verdad, como la objetividad son nociones vacías, netamente teóricas y lo que es peor aún, nocivas para una sociedad que se piensa democrática. Entonces, este libro –el cual se posiciona desde un enfoque analógico– puede ser tomado como frente de resistencia a expresiones de esta índole, las cuales diluyen los problemas de nuestra actualidad, antes de emplearse en su resolución. Tampoco deben abordarse los trabajos aquí reunidos como una vuelta unívoca hacia las nociones de verdad y objetividad. Nuestra propuesta es ante todo, matizada, moderada, analógica; se trata de buscar salidas reconociendo el laberinto, y no negando su existencia. Un realismo analógico acierta –o se emplea en ello– en el punto medio que liga a la ontología con la epistemología. Es decir, que hay –tal como lo hemos mencionado anteriormente– una realidad independiente de nuestra mente, pero esta realidad no es captada en su inmediatez, sino, a través de una mediación epistémica, hermenéutica, dada siempre dentro de un contexto específico, social, cultural. ------------------------ È uscito l’ultimo numero della Rivista di Estetica Rivista di Estetica n.s. n.53, (2/2013), anno LIII. NUOVE TEORIE DELL’IMMAGINAZIONE A cura di: Daniela Tagliafico L’immaginazione è da sempre una delle facoltà più discusse in ambito estetico. Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, una crescente quantità di dati sperimentali, provenienti in particolar modo dall’ambito psicologico e neuropsicologico, ha aperto nuove linee di ricerca e sollevato nuovi interrogativi circa questa facoltà. Per esempio, possiamo concepire l’immaginazione come uno specifico tipo di stato mentale o dobbiamo intenderla piuttosto come un’euristica simulativa, una capacità di riprodurre altri tipi di stati mentali? È davvero possibile distinguere l’immaginazione dalla memoria? È possibile interpretare disturbi psichici quali il delirio come specifiche “patologie dell’immaginazione”? Quale ruolo svolge l’immaginazione nella nostra capacità di fingere e di comprendere la finzione, e quali altre capacità richiede? I saggi raccolti in questo volume offrono un quadro ricco e variegato dei dati sperimentali oggi a disposizione e degli sviluppi che le teorie dell’immaginazione hanno avuto negli ultimi due decenni. Le conseguenze di queste ricerche non possono essere ignorate da chiunque sia impegnato a comprendere il ruolo che questa facoltà svolge nella produzione, comprensione e valutazione delle nostre attività artistiche. Indice: Daniela Tagliafico, Introduzione

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Gregory Currie, Sul godimento della tragedia Fabian Dorsch, Hume e l’immaginazione ricreativa  Philip Gerrans, Kevin Mulligan, Immaginazione, default thinking e incorporamento Cain Todd, Immaginazione, attenzione e raffigurazione Daniela Tagliafico, Che cos’è uno stato mentale fittizio? Margherita Arcangeli, Immaginare è simulare: cosa e come? Gaetano Albergo, L’impegno ontologico del pretense varia Tiziana Andina, L’importanza degli affetti. Note per una ontologia sociale incorporata Stefano G. Azzarà, Ermeneutica, «Nuovo realismo» e trasformazione della realtà.Una radicalizzazione incompiuta per la filosofia italiana Babette Babich, Genius loci – Lo spazio scolpito e il mistero di Nietzsche, Lou e il Sacro Monte Filippo Domaneschi, Scambi di sensi e comprensione metaforica recensioni Paolo Babbiotti, Andy Warhol: Sublime Superficiality di Michael Angelo Tata. ---------------------------- È in libreria il nuovo libro di Maurizio Ferraris: Filosofia Globalizzata, (a cura di Leonardo Caffo), Mimesis, Milano 2013 Che cos’è il nuovo realismo? Gli scritti e le lezioni raccolti in questo volume ne offrono una presentazione viva e chiara, e manifestano il progetto di una filosofia positiva, che superi la negatività caratteristica di molta filosofia del secolo scorso, così come la contrapposizione tra “analitici” e “continentali” nel quadro di una filosofia globalizzata. ---------------------------- [Announced] Goodbye, Kant! What Still Stands of the Critique of Pure Reason By Maurizio Ferraris Translation by Richard Davies SUNY series in Contemporary Italian Philosophy Release Date: November 2013

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Website: A penetrating and freewheeling evaluation of Kant’s magnum opus. A best seller in Italy, Maurizio Ferraris’s Goodbye, Kant! delivers a nontechnical, entertaining, and occasionally irreverent overview of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. He borrows his title from Wolfgang Becker’s Goodbye Lenin!, the 2003 film about East Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall, which depicts both relief at the passing of the Soviet era and affection for the ideals it embodied. Ferraris approaches Kant in similar spirits, demonstrating how the structure that Kant elaborates for the understanding of human knowledge can generate nostalgia for lost aspirations, while still leaving room for constructive criticism. Isolating key themes and concerns in the work, Ferraris evaluates Kant’s claims relative to what science and philosophy have come to regard as the conditions for knowledge and experience in the intervening two centuries. He remains attentive to the historical context and ideals from which Kant’s Critique emerged but also resolute in identifying what he sees as the limits and blind spots in the work. The result is an accessible account of a notoriously difficult book that will both provoke experts and introduce students to the work and to these important philosophical debates about the relations of experience to science.

CFA – Second Lisbon International Conference. Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century 4-6 December, 2013 | Lisbon, Portugal

Centre for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (Deadline September 15th) The Centre for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon (CFCUL) is pleased to announce the Second Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of Science: Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century – Challenges and Tasks, that will be held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal, in December 4th to 6th, 2013. The conference intends to identify and to discuss the main problems, questions and research lines that Philosophy of Science faces today or will be forced to face in near future. The CFCUL invites submissions of abstracts for oral presentations and proposals for symposia on topics that address emerging research issues in current Philosophy of Science.We have identified the following topics but we are open to considering your own proposals: - New Cartographies of Knowledge; - The Metaphysics of Science; - New arguments in the Realism/Anti-realism controversy; - Image and Visualization;

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- Models and Fiction; - Science and Democracy; - Science, Ethics and Bioethics; - Philosophy of Technology; - Argumentation, Decision and Action; - Humanities and Cognitive Sciences; - Current debate on Emergence and Reductionism; - Philosophy and Complexity; - Philosophy of Science and Post-human question; - Philosophy of Biodiversity; - Philosophy of Science and the Internet; - Science and Art; - Others… Guidelines for abstract/proposal submission ORAL PRESENTATIONS Abstracts for oral presentations (not exceeding 20 minutes) can maximally contain 300 words (references, heading and authorship not included), should be written in English, and include the following information: - Title (as concise as possible) - First and Last name (+co-authors) - Affiliation - Contact address - E-mail (Main body of text must be justified; Single spacing throughout) SYMPOSIUM A proposal for a symposium should consist in a thematic session in which 3 speakers present their approaches to the common proposed subject matter, problem, or question. The symposium should consist of a chairperson briefly introducing the topic, followed by 3 individual speakers (in any case, no less than 2 but no more than 4). The symposium is expected to end with a discussion period (of about 30 minutes) where audience will have the opportunity to address questions and proponents to present concluding remarks. A symposium session will run for 120 minutes. The symposium proposal cannot contain more than 500 words (references, heading and authorship not included), should be written in

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English, and should be structured as follows: - Title of the symposium - List of authors (including the symposium organizer as first author) - Introduction and objectives of the symposium - Preliminary program of the symposium including: Speakers presentation titles, first and last names of each one, cities and countries (Main body of text must be justified; Single spacing throughout) How to submit an abstract/proposal? Abstracts and proposals should be formatted as Word documents (.doc or .docx) and be sent as an e-mail attachment to Mr. Ricardo Santos with the subject line ‘Philo-Sci21_abstract’. Please include your full address and contact details of the main author and the presenting author in the email and indicate whether you are submitting an oral presentation or a symposium. Important dates Deadline for abstract/proposal submission is 15 September 2013. Decisions on submitted abstracts will be made before 30 September 2013. Acceptance and rejection e-mails will be sent to all applicants on or before this date. Please remember the Author Registration Deadline: All speakers from accepted presentations, and all organizers of accepted symposiums and their invited speakers and attendees must register by the registration deadline of 30 October 2013. Proceedings The proceedings of the Conference will be published in a special issue of an international journal. Contacts and Further information Ricardo Santos: [email protected]

CFP – The Monist CFP: THE MONIST Special issue 97:3 July 2014 ‘Documentality’: Deadline for Submissions: July 31, 2013 Advisory Editors: Maurizio Ferraris [email protected] and Leonardo Caffo [email protected] Almost every day we engage with documents of a variety of different sorts. We buy plane tickets, collect receipts, sign contracts, request

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certificates, pay bills, renew passports, and change our bank account files. This issue of Monist will focus on “documentality,” i.e. the role and importance of documents for social ontology. Do documents embody some essential feature of modern society? And, if so, what role do they play in the constitution of social reality? What kind of entities are documents? Why do so many social and institutional acts require documents? How are changes in documents relate to changes in the social sphere? People strive to obtain green cards; they seek degrees and licenses that will enable them to obtain work and money. What, above all, are the sorts of things that we can do with documents? What is the relation between documents such as diplomas and the social status they bestow? What are the consequences of recent technological innovations which have magnified our capacity to create and store documents, but also made more urgent problems of document management and security. Contributors are invited to address these and other questions that are raised by the ubiquitous presence of documents in our lives. Gli archivi delle newsletter sono disponibili al seguente indirizzo: Il LabOnt è su Facebook all'indirizzo: Il sito sul Nuovo Realismo: