the wisdom of the lotus sutra-chapter six

8/12/2019 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra-Chapter Six 1/24 The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra Chapter Six "Bestowal of Prophesy"  The Purpose of the "Bestowal of Prophecy" Is to Enable ll People to Enter the Path of bsolute !appiness Saito The #reat discussion meetin# mo$ement toward the new century has be#un% I would li&e to do my best to ma&e our current dialo#ue on the Lotus Sutra somethin# that members in 'apan and throu#hout the world can use widely at discussion meetin#s and in conductin# Buddhist dialo#ue% I&eda I completely a#ree% Let(s redouble our e)orts% The discussion meetin# is li&e a #reat ri$er% nd all acti$ities are li&e tributary streams that *ow into this ri$er% cti$ities to broaden the circle of friends in society and meetin#s of $arious &inds for faith and study all contribute to the #reat ri$er of the discussion meetin#% nd this broad and deep ri$er+ created by the con*uence of these myriad streams+ proceeds toward the ocean of the century of the people% ,n its ban&s+ $ast fertile plains of human culture will open up+ producin# rich fruit of  various kinds. The heart of the S-I is found in the discussion meetin#% 'osei Toda+ the second So&a -a&&ai president + often noted The .rst president /Tsunesaburo 0a&i#uchi1 would be the .rst to arri$e at the meetin# place% When someone else arri$ed+ he would en#a#e the person in discussion% When a second person came+ he would spea& with the two of them+ and when a third came+ he would tal& with those three+ instructin# them in all matters with the #reatest &indness and courtesy% / 21 Endo President 0a&i#uchi would arri$e .rst at e$ery meetin#+ and he would put all his ener#y into conductin# dialo#ue with the participants% I&eda That(s ri#ht% President Toda also once said It(s .ne e$er if there(s 3ust one person /at a meetin#1% The important thin# is that we earnestly and ener#etically explain the teachin# and relate our experience to that one person+ and wholeheartedly discuss 4osen 5ufu and life% E$en if there 1

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The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra

Chapter Six

"Bestowal of Prophesy"

 The Purpose of the "Bestowal of Prophecy" Is to Enable

ll People to Enter the Path of bsolute !appinessSaito The #reat discussion meetin# mo$ement toward the newcentury has be#un% I would li&e to do my best to ma&e ourcurrent dialo#ue on the Lotus Sutra somethin# that membersin 'apan and throu#hout the world can use widely at discussion

meetin#s and in conductin# Buddhist dialo#ue%I&eda I completely a#ree% Let(s redouble our e)orts%The discussion meetin# is li&e a #reat ri$er% nd all acti$itiesare li&e tributary streams that *ow into this ri$er% cti$ities tobroaden the circle of friends in society and meetin#s of $arious&inds for faith and study all contribute to the #reat ri$er of thediscussion meetin#% nd this broad and deep ri$er+ created bythe con*uence of these myriad streams+ proceeds toward theocean of the century of the people% ,n its ban&s+ $ast fertileplains of human culture will open up+ producin# rich fruit of  various kinds.

The heart of the S-I is found in the discussion meetin#% 'oseiToda+ the second So&a -a&&ai president + often notedThe .rst president /Tsunesaburo 0a&i#uchi1 would be the .rstto arri$e at the meetin# place% When someone else arri$ed+ hewould en#a#e the person in discussion% When a second personcame+ he would spea& with the two of them+ and when a thirdcame+ he would tal& with those three+ instructin# them in allmatters with the #reatest &indness and courtesy% /21Endo President 0a&i#uchi would arri$e .rst at e$ery meetin#+and he would put all his ener#y into conductin# dialo#ue withthe participants%

I&eda That(s ri#ht% President Toda also once saidIt(s .ne e$er if there(s 3ust one person /ata meetin#1% The important thin# is thatwe earnestly and ener#etically explainthe teachin# and relate our experience tothat one person+ and wholeheartedlydiscuss 4osen 5ufu and life% E$en if there


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are 3ust two people+ if they each #o homefrom the meetin# with a sense of 3oy andful.llment from ha$in# discussed the-ohon6on and inspired one another+ thenit(s a success% If three people come to a

meetin#+ you should consider it wellattended% /71

Suda While ha$in# #ood attendance is important+ the real &eyis to create discussion meetin#s where each participant canfeel truly satis.ed and lea$e with the desire to come toanother meetin#+ and perhaps next time to brin# a friend%I&eda: It(s not about bad#erin# people to attend the meetin#simply to #et a #ood turn8out9 the thin# is to connect with oneanother on the le$el of the heart% :iscussion means one8to8onedialo#ue% It is essential+ therefore+ that each person be

treasured% This is the &ey to #eneratin# a rhythm of li$ely+successful discussion meetin#s%We don(t spea& of the "tradition" of the discussion meetin#simply because the pattern of holdin# such meetin#s hascontinued for many years% 5ather+ with the discussion meetin#as the central focus of our acti$ities+ we ha$e stri$en totreasure each person9 this spirit to $alue and respect theindi$idual is the tradition of the S-I% The S-I has unceasin#lyencoura#ed people in their ordinary yet $aliant stru##les% Thisis the tradition of the discussion meetin#%;rom a societal $iewpoint+ the number of people participatin#

in these meetin#s is not lar#e9 nor is any particular attentionpaid to these meetin#s% Indeed+ no #atherin# of people is moresimple or down8to8earth% But discussion meetin#s are#rounded in a philosophy that thorou#hly explains the Lawper$adin# the uni$erse% They produce a nourishin# "moisture"that nurtures and opens up the li$es of people from all wal&sof life% They are per$aded with hope that inspires people88nomatter how o$erwhelmed with destiny they may be88with thespirit to stand up and try a#ain%Endo They lea$e one feelin# wonderfully refreshed andexhilarated%

I&eda That is the ideal% <outh may rush to #et to a meetin# after wor&in# hard all day%nd the moment they arri$e+ they may relax+ thin&in#+ "I madeit in time+" and suddenly become drowsy% But their slumberwon(t last lon# because a perennially &ind but .rm women(sdi$ision district leader is sure to tell them roundly+ "Show alittle life=  <ou(re still youn#+ after all%"


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There are pioneer members who explain the #reat 3oy of faithwith poi#nant words infused with rich experience% nd thereare children in the future di$ision who are deli#htful+ e$en ifsometimes they may ma&e a commotion%There may be a father who comes to a meetin# for the .rst

time in a#es+ attributin# his presence to the constant needlin#of his spouse% nd when+ beamin#+ he announces hisdetermination to ".nally #et serious about my practice+" hiswife+ amid the applause+ smiles tearfully%There is lau#hter+ there are tears+ there is emotion% The S-Idiscussion meetin# is an oasis of the people that re$erberateswith a spirit of determination and appreciation+ wheresu)erin# turns into coura#e and fati#ue #i$es way to a warmsense of ful.llment%This small #atherin# is the $ery ima#e of human harmony% It isa true model of democracy% It has the pulse of 4osen 5ufu

lin&in# faith and the family and the community% It is per$adedwith the spirit to de.nitely enable the noble children of theBuddha and precious friends to become happy% This is thespirit of the Lotus Sutra%Endo s you ha$e described in The >ew !uman 5e$olution+your e)orts for world 4osen 5ufu+ President I&eda+ be#an withyour attendin# a discussion meetin# in the ?nited States%Suda ;rom readin# The >ew !uman 5e$olution+ too+ it seemsto me that the occasion where Sha&yamuni .rst expounded theLaw for a small #roup of former fellow ascetics was also a &indof discussion meetin#% There were .$e participants in addition

to Sha&yamuni% This $ery small #atherin# mar&ed the brilliantdawn of Buddhism% lso+ it is said that to #et to the placewhere his former companions were pursuin# their asceticpractice+ Sha&yamuni wal&ed a distance of more than twohundred &ilometers%I&eda: The Buddha(s preachin# too& the format of dialo#ue% Inthis we .nd an important point of commonality with thediscussion meetin#s of the S-I%nd the Lotus Sutra itself+ which is the summation ofSha&yamuni(s preachin#+ could be thou#ht of as a #randdiscussion8meetin#% To people of see&in# spirit searchin# for

and earnestly in@uirin# into the meanin# of life+ Sha&yamunireplies with sincerity+ relatin# his own experience and s&illfullyemployin# metaphors and parables to clarify his meanin#%Those who see and hear this #i$e8and8ta&e are en#ulfed in the

 3oy of expandin# their own state of life% There is a brilliante)ul#ence of determination+ a spiritual chain reaction+ awondrous heart8to8heart exchan#e%


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!ow does Sha&yamuni cause the eternal sun of the 0ystic Lawto rise in people(s hearts at this "discussion meetin#"A nimportant focus in answerin# this is the concept of "bestowalof prophecy%" Today+ therefore+ let us discuss the "Bestowal ofProphecy" sixth chapter of the Lotus Sutra%


The Bestowal of Prophecy upon the ;our -reat Doice8hearers

If+ because you understand our innermostminds+you bestow a prophecy of Buddhahoodupon us+it would be li&e sweet dew bathin# us+washin# away fe$er and impartin#

coolness%Suppose that someone comin# from aland of famineshould suddenly encounter a #reat &in#(sfeast%!is heart still .lled with doubt and fear+he would not dare to eat the food at once+but if he were instructed by the &in# todo so+then he would $enture to eat% LS+ 22F/G1

Endo "Bestowal of prophecy" refers to Sha&yamuni(sconferrin# upon his disciples of words of assurance" that in thefuture they are certain to attain Buddhahood%In the "Bestowal of Prophecy" chapter+ Sha&yamuni confersprophecies of enli#htenment upon the four #reat $oice8hearerdisciples84ashyapa+ /H1 Subhuti+ 4atyayana /1 and0aud#alyayana% This is the second bestowal of prophecy in thesutra+ the .rst ha$in# been the prophecy of enli#htenment forShariputra in the "Simile and Parable" third chapter% lso+

this in a sense brin#s to a conclusion Sha&yamuni(s preachin#to the four #reat $oice8hearers+ which be#ins in "Simile andParable" with his expoundin# the parable of the three cartsand the burnin# house% /1 


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cceptin# and ?pholdin# the Law Is Itself Enli#htenment

Saito 0embers often as& what+ speci.cally+ attainin#

Buddhahood means% In Sha&yamuni(s predictions ofenli#htenment for the $oice8hearers in the Lotus Sutra+ theattainment of Buddhahood is presented as somethin# that willhappen in the distant future% By contrast+ >ichiren :aishoninteaches that we can attain Buddhahood in this lifetime% In thatcase+ when we spea& of attainin# Buddhahood in this lifetime+what &ind of state are we tal&in# aboutAI&eda That is a diJcult @uestion to answer+ but to put itsimply+ attainin# Buddhahood is not so much a matter ofarri$in# at a destination or reachin# a #oal as internali6in# theprocess of continually stren#thenin# the world of Buddhahood

in our life% This is termed "enterin# the unsurpassed way%"In the theoretical teachin#+ or .rst half+ of the Lotus Sutra+Sha&yamuni had not yet departed from the $iew that attainin#Buddhahood necessitates practicin# for countless eons% So+naturally+ the prophecies Sha&yamuni ma&es for his disciplesare of attainin# enli#htenment in the distant future%But Sha&yamuni(s true intention is to enable all people toad$ance alon# the same path as he% The bestowal of prophecyassures the Buddha(s disciples that they ha$e de.nitelyentered the "path of life+" the "road leadin# to absolutehappiness+" alon# which the Buddha himself has tra$eled%

This is not the enli#htenment expounded in the earlier sutrasor the theoretical teachin# .rst half of the Lotus Sutra9 it isnot a matter of becomin# a Buddha "endowed with au#ustattributes%" d$ancin# alon# the same path as the Buddha isitself attainin# Buddhahood%Speci.cally+ followin# the same path as the Buddha meansacceptin# and upholdin# the Lotus Sutra9 that is+ to en#ra$e inone(s life the Buddha(s spirit as re$ealed in the Lotus Sutraand to li$e in accord with that spirit% It means li$in# in such away as to ne$er depart from the spirit of the Buddha+ underany and all circumstances% Such unwa$erin# commitment

ensures that we will ne$er de$iate from the Buddha way%In the "Supernatural Powers of the Thus Come ,ne" twenty8.rst chapter+ Sha&yamuni says

Therefore a person of wisdom%%%after I ha$e passed into extinctionshould accept and uphold this sutra%Such a person assuredly and without


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doubtwill attain the Buddha way% LS72+ 7K

This means that those+ who accept and uphold the Lotus Sutracan ad$ance% without fail alon# the path of the Buddha+ and

are certain to attain Buddhahood%Saito In a sense+ the $ery @uestion+ "What is the state ofBuddhahood li&eA" re*ects an understandin# of enli#htenmentthat is basically informed by the earlier sutras and thetheoretical teachin# of the Lotus Sutra% ,ften people supposethat Buddhahood is a "state of attainment+" and that inattainin# Buddhahood one becomes a radically di)erentperson% We may tend to thin& in these terms because we spea& of someone becomin# a Buddha%I&eda That(s ri#ht% >ichiren :aishonin teaches that attainin#Buddhahood is not a matter of becomin# a Buddha but of

re$ealin# the Buddha in one(s own life+ of culti$atin# the life of Buddhahood within%President Toda said

ttainin# Buddhahood does not meanbecomin# or tryin# to become a Buddha%It means honestly belie$in# in the:aishonin(s words that the commonmortal is the supreme bein# and that allphenomena manifest the true entity+ andawa&enin# to one(s identity as a Buddha

existin# from the remote past andthrou#hout the in.nite future%

In "Bestowal of Prophecy" chapter+ when Sha&yamuni predictsenli#htenment for 0aud#alyayana+ he spea&s of a time "whenhe has cast o) his present body" LS+ 22% !e says in e)ectthat in future existences when 0aud#alyayana has "shed hispresent body+" he will practice under a #reat multitude ofBuddhas and .nally become a Buddha himself% The :aishoninsays re#ardin# this passa#e

To assert that one must cast o) his or herpresent body before attainin#Buddhahood is a doctrine of thepro$isional teachin#s% But the true act of"castin# o) one(s body" consists incastin# aside feelin#s of attachment tosuch doctrines% -osho enshu+ p% KG2


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lso+ the :aishonin says that "cast o)" should be interpretedas meanin# (o)er up+ and that "cast o) his present body"means "o)erin# up the .$e elements /K1 /that ma&e up one(sbody1 to the :harma8realm" -osho enshu+ p% KG2% The:harma8realm is the uni$erse+ the world+ all li$in# bein#s% The

.$e elements indicate life% To "o)er up the .$e elements to the:harma8realm" means to carry out the actions of bodhisatt$aswho ma&e an o)erin# of their li$es to brin#+ bene.t to others%In other words+ followin# the path of the bodhisatt$a is itselfattainin# Buddhahood%The essential teachin#+ or second half+ of the Lotus Sutrapresents a new $iew of attainin# enli#htenment% This is foundin the re$elation in the "Life Span of the Thus Come ,ne"sixteenth chapter that the Buddha enli#htened from theremote past has+ since attainin# Buddhahood+ beencontinuously carryin# out bodhisatt$a practice% In becomin# a

Buddha Sha&yamuni did not cease to be a bodhisatt$a% Inconcrete terms+ the Buddha(s actions and stance in societyconsist of bodhisatt$a practice% E$en after attainin#enli#htenment+ the Buddha continues to adhere to the path ofbodhisatt$a practice% This+ in other words+ is "the Buddha way%Saito t the $ery end of the "Life Span" chapter+ the Buddha(swish to "cause li$in# bein#s to #ain entry into the unsurpassedway and @uic&ly ac@uire the body of a Buddha" LS2+ 7G7 isexpressed% We can ta&e the expression+ "cause li$in# bein#s to#ain entry into the unsurpassed way+" as meanin# to enablethem to attain enli#htenment or ac@uire the Buddha(s

enli#htened properties%I&eda ;rom the standpoint of the essential teachin#+ attainin#Buddhahood is not so much a "#oal" or a special "state+" but apath% We could probably e$en #o so far as to say that the onlydi)erence in someone(s condition before and after attainin#Buddhahood has to do with whether this path is .rmlyestablished in the person(s life%";irmly establishin# this path" means solidifyin# in our li$es aspirit of yearnin# for the happiness of oneself and others+ andcontinuously ta&in# constructi$e action with that spirit%Suda It will be wonderful when this spirit of see&in# the

happiness of both oneself and others becomes an inte#ral partof people(s li$es throu#hout the world%Saito <our point about ".rmly establishin# the path" perfectlya#rees with the ori#inal meanin# of the words "bestowal ofprophecy%"Endo The Chinese character for "prophecy" 'p% &i is a $erbori#inally meanin# "to clearly distin#uish and #i$e coherentexpression to%" The term "bestowal of prophecy" 3u&i


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appearin# in the Chinese translation of the Lotus Sutra wascoined by 4umara3i$a when he rendered the sutra from theIndian lan#ua#e% In earlier translations+ Chinese8charactercombinations meanin# "expression of distinction" &ibetsu or"bestowal of decision" 3u&etsu were used% !ere+ "distinction"

means "clearly distin#uishin#"9 and "decision" means"decisi$ely 3ud#in#%"Suda "Bestowal of prophecy" is thou#ht to ori#inally deri$efrom the Sans&rit word Dya&arana+ whose meanin#s include"distinction+" "analysis" and "de$elopment%" In Buddhist texts+it is used in the sense of #i$in# a clear reply to a @uestion%Saito In short+ "prophecy+" in "bestowal of prophecy+" means"clear statement%" By statin# thin#s clearly+ the Buddhaenables people to ad$ance unfailin#ly alon# the path toattainin# Buddhahood%In the installment before last+ we con.rmed that belief and

understandin# indicate a spirit to ad$ance and impro$eoneself% By comparison+ it is the "bestowal of prophecy" thatempowers one to en#ra$e this spirit in the depths of one(s life%I&eda ,ri#inally+ "bestowal of prophecy" meant #i$in# a clearreply+ and so resol$in# the doubts in people(s hearts% Leadersshould always spea& with forthri#htness and clarity% Da#uenessis bad+ because it causes people to feel uneasy% -i$in# peoplecon.dence is the &ey point in the "bestowal of prophecy%"Saito 0ost of the prophecies bestowed in Buddhist textsrelate to conditions after death% !uman bein#s cannot &nowwith any certainty how thin#s will be after death or in the

future% This may ha$e been precisely why it was necessary forSha&yamuni to it spea& clearly" on these matters%The -reat Teacher T(ien8t(ai of China says that "bestowal ofprophecy" refers to the Buddha(s ability to "employ words and#i$e people a true understandin#% "I&eda The Buddha bestows prophecies upon people in order tocause them to clearly understand+ to #i$e them the awarenessand con.dence+ that they themsel$es can attain Buddhahood%Suda In the "Bestowal of Prophecy" chapter+ 4asyapa is the.rst of the four #reat $oice8hearers to recei$e a prediction ofenli#htenment% ,bser$in# the scene+ 0aud#alyayana and the

others beseech Sha&yamuni to bestow prophecies upon themas well% Sha&yamuni then confers prophecies upon Subhuti+4atyayana and 0aud#alyayana+ in that order%Endo The parable of the #reat &in#(s feast is related in thescene where 0aud#alyayana and the other two $oice8hearersre@uest predictions of enli#htenment%With this parable+ the three disciples explain that in as&in# theBuddha to bestow a prophecy of enli#htenment upon them+


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they feel as thou#h they were people from a land of faminewho had suddenly encountered the feast of a #reat &in#+ thatis to say+ the most ex@uisite and sumptuous cuisine%People in such a situation would be almost beside themsel$eswith the desire to eat% But at the same time+ so .lled with

doubt and fear would they be that they would dare not touchthe food until the &in# has #i$en them permission% In the sameway+ while these disciples ha$e heard and accepted theteachin# of the one Buddha $ehicle that enables e$en $oice8hearers to attain Buddhahood+ they cannot feel true assuranceunless the Buddha ma&es a clear prediction of enli#htenmentfor them+ too%Suda Incidentally+ in this re@uest spo&en in unison by thethree+ Sha&yamuni(s #i$in# a bestowal of prophecy is li&enedto "sweet dew%" This is a translation of the Sans&rit termamrita+ meanin# "immortality+" a mystic elixir of eternal youth

and immortality said to exist in the realm of hea$en% The useof this term implies that the bestowal of prophecy thatin*uences not only this life but future existences as well%I&eda The bestowal of prophecy has the e)ect of remo$in# thesense of unease the disciples had felt in the depths of theirli$es and #i$in# them profound peace of mind% Throu#h thebestowal of prophecy+ which is the Buddha(s assurance thatthey will ultimately attain Buddhahood+ they #ain profoundcon.dence in the future%It is probably to bolster this sense of con.dence that theBuddha #i$es the title and the speci.c &alpa and land in which

the four #reat $oice8hearers will attain Buddhahood%Saito Sha&yamuni indicates the name of the &alpa in whichthey will attain Buddhahood+ the name of the land where theywill attain Buddhahood+ and the title they will assume asBuddhas% The prophecies bestowed upon the four #reat $oice8hearers are as followsIn a &alpa called -reat dornment and in a land called Li#htDirtue+ 4asyapa will become a Buddha named Li#ht Bri#ht% In a&alpa called Possessed of 'ewels and in a land called 'ewelBorn+ Subhuti will become a Buddha named 5are ;orm%4atyayana will become a Buddha named 'ambunada -old /M1

Li#ht no &alpa and land are #i$en1% nd in a &alpa called 'oy5eplete and in a land called 0ind :eli#ht+ 0aud#alyayana willbecome a Buddha named Tamalapatra /N1 Sandalwood;ra#rance%While Sha&yamuni says that he is bestowin# prophecies on hisdisciples because of their di#nity and $irtue+ it seems that thedesi#nations of the &alpa+ land and name bear some relation to


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the particular stren#ths and personality of each of thedisciples%I&eda That(s ri#ht% I thin& these desi#nations encapsulate thedrama of each one(s life%Suda ;or example+ in+ the case of 4asyapa+ the .rst to recei$e

a prophecy of the four+ the word li#ht as in brilliance isincluded in both his name+ Li#ht Bri#ht+ and in the name of theland+ Li#ht Dirtue%In Sans&rit+ Li#ht Bri#ht has the sense of "shinin# #lory%" Thename of the land+ Li#ht Dirtue+ means "world of honor" or"world replete with #lory%" nd -reat dornment+ the name ofthe &alpa+ means "a .#ure of #reat brilliance%"Endo 4asyapa was from a presti#ious family+ but he had infact entered upon the life of a reli#ious mendicant e$en earlierthan Sha&yamuni+ and had lon# led an itinerant life in searchof truth% E$entually+ he met Sha&yamuni+ and is said to ha$e

decided to become his disciple the .rst time he saw him%Tradition has it that because Sha&yamuni wore clothes e$encoarser than his own+ 4asyapa exchan#ed his own #armentsfor Sha&yamuni(s+ and that he then wore these exclusi$ely%4asyapa is said to ha$e de$oted himself to ascetic practices%nd while it appears that some insensiti$e people amon# theBuddha(s disciples loo&ed down on 4asyapa because of hisdishe$eled appearance+ Sha&yamuni beha$ed exactly theopposite% 5espectin# 4asyapa as someone who had practicedlon#er than he+ Sha&yamuni let him sit on an identical ele$atedseat to his own+ and praised him as the foremost in ascetic

practice%I&eda Sha&yamuni+ in other words+ saw in 4asyapa+ who hadri#orously de$oted himself to the most plain and arduous ofpractices+ a person who shone most bri#htly%Saito Spea&in# of asceticism+ in a parable found in the latterhalf of "The Parable of the 0edicinal !erbs" .fth chapter ofthe Lotus Sutra+ in a section not contained in 4umara3i$a(stranslation of the Lotus Sutra+ /2F1 a man whose blindness hasbeen cured by medicinal herbs from the Snow 0ountains!imalayas is said to #ain "the transcendental power to seefor a thousand miles" by carryin# out further ascetic practices%

/221 In this parable+ I thin& we can see a connection betweenascetic practices and the name Li#ht Bri#ht%I&eda The bene.t of the blind man(s ascetic practices issymbolic of the bene.t that comes from belie$in# in andunderstandin# the Lotus Sutra% That bene.t is to ac@uire a"li#ht bri#ht heart" that will remain one(s eternally% Possessin#such a bri#htly illuminated heart is the #reatest human #lory%


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The aim of the practice of asceticism is to dispel all desireconcernin# matters of clothin#+ food and shelter% The li#ht ofthe Buddha(s wisdom has the power to dispel the dar&ness ofsu)erin# in human life% It may be that Sha&yamuni bestowedthe name Li#ht Bri#ht Thus Come ,ne on 4asyapa because this

aspect of the Buddha(s enli#htenment coincides with thelatter(s stren#ths%>ichiren :aishonin says

>ow+ >ichiren and his followers illuminatethe mur& and dar&ness of slander of theLaw with the li#ht bri#htness of >am8myoho8ren#e8&yo% This is in fact the$irtue of 4asyapa+ the Li#ht Bri#ht ThusCome ,ne% -osho enshu+ p% KG2

Propa#atin# the 0ystic Law that dispels the dar&ness ofslander is itself the foremost "ascetic practice%Suda In the prophecy bestowed on Subhuti+ 3ewel becomesthe &ey word% 'ewel Born+ the name of the land+ literally meanssomethin# that #i$es birth to or produces 3ewels% nd the&alpa name+ Possessed of 'ewels+ means "brilliance of 3ewels%"5are ;orm+ Subhuti(s title in that existence+ means "one ha$in#the appearance of renown%"Endo Subhuti was the nephew of Sudatta+ the wealthymerchant who built the famous 'eta$ana 0onastery as ano)erin# to Sha&yamuni% /271 Subhuti is said to ha$e become

Sha&yamuni(s disciple upon meetin# the Buddha at the timewhen the o)erin# of the monastery was made% E$en afterlea$in# secular life+ Subhuti continued to constantly ma&eo)erin#s of whate$er he could+ and he was held to be theforemost in inner tran@uility and most worthy of recei$in#o)erin#s%I&eda !is ha$in# excelled in the practice of alms#i$in# mayconnect with the ima#e of "3ewels%" But+ more fundamentally+the recurrence of this word probably the fact that+ inthe Lotus Sutra+ he #ains the true "3ewel of wisdom" and "3ewelof life%" In the "Belief and ?nderstandin#" fourth chapter+ the

four #reat $oice8hearers deli#ht at their disco$ery that theworld of Buddhahood exists in their own li$es+ sayin#+ "Thiscluster of  unsurpassed 3ewels has come to us unsou#ht" LSH+MK%Saito It may be rele$ant that at the $ery start of "Belief and?nderstandin#+" Subhuti is called a man of "lifelon# wisdom"LSH+ MF% person of "lifelon# wisdom" is one who bases his


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life on wisdom9 it is another name for the Buddha% It alsomeans "person of stron# life force" and "person of lon#e$ity%"Subhuti excelled in wisdom% mon# Sha&yamuni(s disciples+ hewas re#arded as the foremost in understandin# the doctrine of non8substantiality% Sha&yamuni(s preachin# in many of the

!annya Wisdom sutras+ which explain the doctrine of non8substantiality+ is addressed to him% In particular+ in the:aihann$a -reat Wisdom Sutra and elsewhere+ Sha&yamuni#oes so far as to direct Subhuti to instruct the bodhisatt$as inthe Buddha(s perfect wisdom%I&eda: But Subhuti was himself still con.ned to the wisdom ofthe two $ehicles% While he could explain the Buddha(s wisdomto others+ he did not see& to ac@uire the Buddha(s perfectwisdom himself% In "Belief and ?nderstandin#+" he re*ects onhis former attitude%Then+ when he hears the Lotus Sutra+ he can enter the path for

#ainin# the Buddha(s wisdom+ that is+ the path of attainin#Buddhahood% This is no doubt the reason why he recei$es theprophecy that he will become a renowned Buddha whose lifeshines with the inner "3ewel" of the world of Buddhahood%Suda In the prophecy bestowed upon 4atyayana+ no mentionis made of either the &alpa or the land9 only his title+

 'ambunada -old Li#ht+ is re$ealed% This name means "shinin#of #old dust from the 'ambunada 5i$er%" The 'ambunada is ari$er held to *ow throu#h an idyllic realm said to lie on thenorthern side of the !imalayas+ called the 'ambunada ;orest%The #old dust ta&en from the ri$er was supposed to shine with

exceptional beauty%Saito It is related that 4atyayana(s s&in shone with a beautiful#olden hue% It seems to me he may ha$e been #i$en the nameon this basis%I&eda The name probably indicates the Buddha(s character+which shines li&e #old with compassion and wisdom%When we loo& at thin#s in this way+ we see that the disciplesare #i$en names that match their indi$idual personalities%Their personal procli$ities+ moreo$er+ are transformed into the$irtuous @ualities of the Buddhas they are destined to become%Suda Lastly+ 0aud#alyayana(s name in the prophecy+

Tamalapatra Sandalwood ;ra#rance+ means "fra#rance of thelea$es of the tamala and sandalwood trees%" The wood of thesetrees was pul$eri6ed and turned into perfume that wassprin&led on or applied to the body% The wood was also burnedin festi$al .res%The name of the &alpa+ 'oy 5eplete+ means it abundant easeand 3oy%" nd 0ind :eli#ht+ the name of the land+ means "placethat puts the mind at ease%"


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Endo This &alpa+ land and title would seem to relate to thefact that 0aud#alyayana was &nown as the foremost intranscendental powers% There are many stories about histranscendental powers+ but one episode in particular is oftendepicted in murals and other Buddhist art% That is when he

causes 4in# Brahma 'p% Bonten to re$ere and become ade$otee of Sha&yamuni%s the story #oes+ 0aud#alyayana once climbed up to theplace in hea$en where 4in# Brahma and the other #ods dwell+and demonstrated to them meditation within a *ame% Theblindin# li#ht was so bri#ht that not e$en 4in# Brahma+ whowas held to personify the fundamental uni$ersal principleBrahman+ had e$er seen anythin# li&e it% When0aud#alyayana declared himself to be a disciple ofSha&yamuni+ 4in# Brahma as&ed throu#h an intermediarywhether there were many amon# Sha&yamuni(s disciples who

possessed such #reat transcendental powers% !earin# thatthere were+ 4in# Brahma was o$er3oyed and $owed to becomea follower of Sha&yamuni% 4in# Brahma+ the ruler of the Sahaworld+ was #reatly elated+ and 3oy spread throu#hout andper$aded the entire world%I&eda By showin# his own power+ the disciple of the Buddhatau#ht 4in# Brahma the #reatness of his mentor+ brin#in#honor to both mentor and disciple%Suda It may be because of the ima#e of the *ame in thisepisode that the title bestowed on 0aud#alyayanaincorporates the name of the wood burned in festi$al .res%

lso+ we can con3ecture that the &alpa and a#e are named 'oy5eplete and 0ind :eli#ht+ respecti$ely+ because the brillianceof this *ame of 0aud#alyayana(s meditation .lled the entireworld with 3oy%I&eda The important point here is that+ upon attainin#Buddhahood+ the personality and total life experience of eachof these disciples come to shine as $irtuous enli#htenedattributes% s lon# as we ha$e faith+ no e)ort is wasted% This isthe #reat bene.t of the Lotus Sutra%>o doubt hearin# the wonderful names of the &alpa+ land andtitle88perfectly matchin# the character of each88enabled the

four $oice8hearers to profoundly sense that they would indeedattain Buddhahood% nd all those around them couldunderstand+ by extension+ that they+ too+ would becomepraiseworthy Buddhas% In conse@uence+ ripples of 3oy spreadamon# those who heard the bestowal of prophecies%Suda I am reminded of the presentation of commendations inthe S-I to indi$iduals for meritorious achie$ement% I am alwaysmo$ed by the heartfelt re3oicin# of all participants at meetin#s


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where such awards are made+ and by how people+ seein# theircomrades and peers reco#ni6ed in this way+ determine toreali6e similar #rowth in their own li$es%I&eda Those selected to recei$e such reco#nition representthe entire membership% Therefore+ a commendation awarded

to one person is a commendation awarded to all who aread$ancin# alon# the same path%E$en so+ in these self8centered times+ it is truly noble the wayour members re3oice when their fellow members are honored+an e$ent that becomes a source of inspiration for them tostri$e further in their own personal #rowth and de$elopment%Where else can you .nd such comradeshipAThis is the world of the S-I which is for#ed by stron# faith% spirit to applaud others arises from con.dence in one(s ownlife% By contrast+ a spirit of en$y re*ects a lac& of self8con.dence%

Saito En$y produces a &ind of ne#ati$e e@uality% En$iouspeople try to hold others bac& in a minimalist @uest for parityon the model of "hammerin# down the nail that stic&s out%" spirit to applaud others produces true+ positi$e e@uality% Itmanifests in the tendency to reco#ni6e all people+ alon# withoneself+ as noble and worthy of respect+ and in the desire forall e@ually to #row% This+ I belie$e+ is the attitude of a #enuineBuddhist%Endo This is what we .nd in the world of the Lotus Sutra%Sha&yamuni teaches that all people can attain Buddhahoodand ur#es them to ad$ance to#ether with him alon# the

"unsurpassed way%" Such a world emer#es+ it seems to me+ asa result of the Buddha re$ealin# the one Buddha $ehicle%I&eda Precisely% The one Buddha $ehicle is li&ened to an actual$ehicle that ta&es one alon# the sure path toward thedestination of attainin# Buddhahood% It can stay on the correctpath because it is propelled by the Buddha(s compassion and#uided by the Buddha(s wisdom%Enterin# the correct path leadin# to Buddhahood is the bene.tof belie$in# in and understandin# the one Buddha $ehicle ofthe Lotus Sutra% The bestowal of prophecy is the Buddha(sassurance of this% These predictions of enli#htenment+

furthermore+ elicit 3oy and con.dence in others% In this way+the networ& of people ad$ancin# alon# the unsurpassed way of attainin# Buddhahood expands further still% This is the world of the Lotus Sutra%Endo In fact+ the number of those who recei$e prophecies ofenli#htenment steadily increases as the sutra pro#resses%;irst+ in "Simile and Parable+" Shariputra alone recei$es such aprophecy% The four #reat $oice8hearers see this and re3oice+


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and then they recei$e their own prophecies in the "Bestowal of Prophecy" chapter%>ext+ in the "Prophecy of Enli#htenment for ;i$e !undred:isciples" ei#hth chapter+ similar predictions are bestowedon Purna and .$e hundred mon&s% In the followin# chapter+  

"Prophecies Conferred on Learners and depts+" assurances offuture enli#htenment+ are conferred on Onanda+ 5ahula andtwo thousand disciples%Thus+ in the preachin# from the "Expedient 0eans" secondchapter throu#h "Prophecies Conferred on Learners anddepts" ninth chapter+ predictions of enli#htenment arebestowed on $oice8hearers a total of four times%Suda The number of recipients of prophecies #radually#rows88startin# with only Shariputra in the be#innin# andexpandin# to the four #reat $oice8hearers+ the .$e hundreddisciples and+ .nally+ the two thousand mon&s%

I&eda In the "Teacher of the Law" tenth chapter+ the scope of recipients expands further still%Endo  <es+ up to that point+ only $oice8hearers had recei$edprophecies of enli#htenment% But in "Teacher of the Law+"Sha&yamuni predicts enli#htenment for all who deli#ht fore$en a moment upon hearin# a passa#e or $erse of the LotusSutra% This+ Sha&yamuni says+ is the only condition forrecei$in# the prophecy of enli#htenment

:o you see in this #reat assembly theimmeasurable number of hea$enly

bein#s+ dra#on &in#s+ ya&shas+#andhar$as+ asuras+ #arudas+ &imnaras+mahora#as+ human and nonhumanbein#s+ as well as mon&s+ nuns+ laymenand laywomen+ those who see& to become$oice8hearers+ who see& to becomePratye&abuddhas+ or who see& theBuddha wayA ?pon these $arious &inds ofbein# who%%% listen to one $erse or onephrase of the Lotus Sutra of theWonderful Law and for a moment thin& of

it with 3oy+ I will bestow on all of them aprophecy that they will attain anuttara8samya&8sambodhi% /2G1 LS2F+ 2F82

0oreo$er+ this is not limited to only those li$in# inSha&yamuni(s time% It also extends to people in the world afterhis passin#%


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In other sutras+ prophecies ofenli#htenment are #i$en only tobodhisatt$as+ and not to $oice8hearersand Pratye&abuddhas% They are #i$enonly to #ood persons+ and not to e$il

persons% They are #i$en only to men+ andnot to women% They are #i$en only tohuman and hea$enly bein#s+ and not tobein#s in the realm of nimality% In theLotus Sutra+ prophecies of enli#htenmentare #i$en to all% /2H1

The bestowal of prophecy of enli#htenment upon allpeople is the heart of the Lotus Sutra

Suda In the !o&&e -en#i Profound 0eanin# of the LotusSutra+ T(ien8t(ai cites the reason for the centrality of thepredictions of enli#htenment for the $oice8hearers in the LotusSutra as follows

:octrine expresses thin#s clearly and inconcrete form% Speci.c matters can beunderstood clearly throu#h words% In theLotus Sutra+ speci.c prophecies arebestowed on the $oice8hearers% Thisexpresses the idea that all people can

attain Buddhahood% /21

In other words+ these words speci.cally addressed to the$oice8hearers clearly indicate that all people can attainBuddhahood% Since prophecies of enli#htenment ha$e beenbestowed on e$en the $oice8hearers88who+ as persons of thetwo $ehicles+ were thou#ht to be furthest from attainin#Buddhahood88Sha&yamuni(s subse@uent prediction ofenli#htenment for all people comes as no surprise%I&eda: The spirit of the Lotus Sutra(s bestowal of prophecy is toenable all people to become Buddhas% It is probably

Bodhisatt$a >e$er :ispara#in# 'p% ;u&yo who puts this spiritmost directly into practice% This bodhisatt$a re$eres alle@ually+ tellin# them that he deeply respects them because inthe future they will become Buddhas%Saito The words that Bodhisatt$a >e$er :ispara#in# spea&son approachin# people are certainly a bestowal of prophecy%They constitute the so8called twenty8four8character LotusSutra% /21


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I ha$e profound re$erence for you+ Iwould ne$er dare treat you withdispara#ement or arro#ance% WhyABecause you are all practicin# thebodhisatt$a way and are certain to attain

Buddhahood% LS7F+ 78KThose whom Bodhisatt$a >e$er :ispara#in# salutes in thismanner scorn him% They $ilify+ moc& and attac& him+ retortin#+in e)ect+ "I don(t need any false prophecy of enli#htenmentfrom a nobody li&e you="Endo T(ien8t(ai+ interpretin# the prophecies of enli#htenmentin the Lotus Sutra in terms of the three inherent potentials ofthe Buddha nature+ says that the predictions of enli#htenmentmade by Bodhisatt$a >e$er :ispara#in# represent the"bestowal of prophecy of innate Buddhahood%"

The three inherent potentials of Buddha nature are 2 innateBuddhahood+ the world of Buddhahood existin# in all people97 the wisdom to percei$e or express the world ofBuddhahood9 and G #ood actions+ or practice+ to de$elop thiswisdom% These three potentials are the causes for attainin#Buddhahood%ccordin# to T(ien8t(ai+ Sha&yamuni(s predictions ofenli#htenment in the Lotus Sutra for the $oice8hearersrepresent the "bestowal of prophecy of the wisdom to percei$ethe world of Buddhahood%" The explanation that one can attainBuddhahood throu#h the practice of praisin# the Buddha+ as in

the ten &inds of o)erin#s /2K1 discussed in the "Teacher of theLaw" chapter+ T(ien8t(ai says+ represents the "bestowal ofprophecy of #ood actions or practice to de$elop this wisdom%"nd+ as I 3ust mentioned+ Bodhisatt$a >e$er :ispara#in#(spercei$in# the Buddha nature in all people and bowin# to themin re$erence correspond to the "bestowal of prophecy of innateBuddhahood%"Saito The bestowal of prophecy of innate Buddhahood meanscausin# people to awa&en to the existence of the world ofBuddhahood in their own li$es%I&eda <es% In other words+ the inherent potential of innate

Buddhahood indicates one(s heart and the inner realm of lifeitself% Therefore+ causin# people to awa&en to the #reatpotential of their li$es corresponds to the bestowal ofprophecy of innate Buddhahood%Expressed more simply+ it is to con$ey to each person "<ou+too+ reali6e the #reatest happiness without fail%" It is to #i$ehope and re$i$e a spirit of challen#e in the hearts of thosewho+ mired in the dar&ness of su)erin#+ ha$e #rown resi#ned


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and weary% In a sta#natin# and deadloc&ed society+ it is toassert that human bein#s ha$e the limitless potential toresol$e all diJculties%Each person is an entity of the 0ystic Law% Each person isworthy of respect by $irtue of his or her humanity% This is what

Bodhisatt$a >e$er :ispara#in# re$eals with his life throu#h hispractice of re$erin# others% >ichiren :aishonin declared thathis own practice is the same as that of Bodhisatt$a >e$er:ispara#in#% To chant and propa#ate >am80yoho85en#e84yo isto bestow the prophecy of enli#htenment in the Latter :ay ofthe Law% The :aishonin says+ "The word (prophecy( refers to>am8myoho8ren#e8&yo" -osho enshu+ p% KGF%5e#ardin# this bestowal of prophecy throu#h >am80yoho85en#e84yo+ he says+ "It is the bestowal of prophecy of the0ystic Law+ and therefore it is a bestowal of prophecy uponthe :harma8realm" -osho enshu+ p% KG2% "Bestowal of

prophecy upon the :harma8realm" means bestowal ofprophecy upon all bein#s in the Ten Worlds% The bestowal ofprophecy of >am8myoho8ren#e8&yo indicates that all bein#s ofthe Ten Worlds are entities of the 0ystic Law% To illustrate+e$en those in the world of !ell+ because they are entities ofthe 0ystic Law+ can de.nitely attain Buddhahood% It is tobestow a prophecy of enli#htenment to this e)ect% This is theLotus Sutra(s ultimate "bestowal of prophecy for all people"and "e@ual bestowal of prophecy%">ichiren :aishonin(s Buddhism is the Buddhism of sowin#%Carryin# out its bestowal of prophecy+ the bestowal of

prophecy of >am80yoho85en#e84yo+ means plantin# the seedof the 0ystic Law in people(s li$es and so enablin# them toform a connection with the 0ystic Law% It is to plant thereali6ation in the depths of each person(s life that he or she isan entity of the 0ystic Law and clarify the boundless potentialof life%lso+ >am80yoho85en#e84yo is the seed of happiness andpeace% The bestowal of prophecy of >am80yoho85en#e84yoputs human&ind on the sure path to happiness and peace%When the profound $iew of life and of human nature that allbein#s are entities of the 0ystic Law ta&es root+ human&ind

will de.nitely lie able to ad$ance alon# this sure path%ttainin# Buddhahood seems li&e a #oal9 but it is not% It is anunmista&able path% It is hope itself88hope to ad$ance eternally toward self8impro$ement+ #reater ful.llment+ and increasedpeace of mind and en3oyment in life% The future attainment ofBuddhahood that the Lotus Sutra predicts teaches the attitudeof focusin# on the present and the future+ the pro#ressi$e


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excitement of speed+ steppin# harder andharder on the accelerator of anautomobile%" /2N1 "We are%%% ris&in#catastrophe at any moment%" /7F1

Endo 4nowin# neither where we are headed nor in whatdirection we ou#ht to #o+ we continue to careen rec&lessly intoimpenetrable dar&ness without a "sure path%" That is the stateof human&ind today%I&eda Since my dialo#ue with :r% Peccei more than a decadea#o+ the situation in the world has not impro$ed in the least%nd I am deeply perplexed by the sense that recently e$en theener#y to try to chan#e thin#s for the better seems inincreasin#ly short supply%Saito It seems to me that the cause may lie in the fact that

people ha$e+ in some sense+ been left behind%" 0achines ha$ead$anced in both power and speed% nd althou#h the"automobile" of a ci$ili6ed society that brin#s to#ether thefruits of this pro#ress has been created+ the people who mustsit in the dri$er(s seat ha$e not themsel$es matured to thepoint where they can properly ful.ll that role% s a result+ it isas thou#h children are causin# the automobile of society tocareen out of control+ and thrillin# at the speed%I&eda That(s ri#ht% !ow can we reduce the speed of this out8of8control $ehicle and point humanity in the ri#ht directionAThis is only possible% throu#h human re$olution88a re$olution in

the life of each indi$idual%This was the conclusion that :r% Peccei and I reached% Peoplethemsel$es ha$e to chan#e% We ha$e to foster people who can"put themsel$es on the ri#ht trac&%" /721 It stands to reasonthat as the number of such people in society increases+ thedirection of society will also chan#e% Peccei remar&ed+ "Thehuman re$olution is the &ey to positi$e action leadin# to theadoption of a new course and the re$i$al of human fortunes%"/771Buddhism culti$ates in people the ability to put themsel$es onthe "ri#ht trac&%" The "ri#ht trac&" could be ta&en as meanin#

the path leadin# to happiness for both oneself and others% Weare enterin# the sure path toward that #oal oursel$es andhelpin# others to do the same9 this endea$or to pro$ideinspiration and hope is the mo$ement of human re$olution% Itis the mo$ement for peace+ culture and education based onBuddhism that we in the S-I are promotin#% In a broad sense+this accords with the spirit of the bestowal of prophecy in the


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Lotus Sutra% 

:iscussion 0eetin#s re 'oyful ;orums for the (Bestowalof Prophecy"

Suda In that li#ht+ the discussion meetin#s we hold in the S-Ita&e on increased8 si#ni.cance% ;or discussion meetin#s areforums for human re$olution9 they are the $ery forefront of oure)orts to pro$ide people with the hope and inspiration to li$elife to the fullest%I&eda Precisely% That(s exactly what I would li&e to stress%President Makiguchi, designated these gatherings "discussionmeetin#s to pro$e experimentally the life of ma3or+ #ood%" Thismeans+ in other words+ showin# throu#h actual proof88in a

manner that anyone can accept and understand88the wonder of "faith manifestin# itself in daily life+" which we experiencewhen we base oursel$es on the 0ystic Law+ and the wonder ofhuman re$olution88a way of life dedicated to the #ood ofsociety and the well8bein# of others% ;rom the outset+ thediscussion meetin#s of the So&a -a&&ai and S-I ha$e beenopen to and attended by people from all wal&s of life%Endo If people want to learn what the S-I is doin# andunderstand why it has de$eloped+ I hope they will comere#ularly to discussion meetin#s for their of research%" Theymi#ht try+ for example+ #au#in# how the "experiment" is #oin#%

I&eda The discussion meetin#s of the S-I are #rass8rootsforums that pro$ide society with wisdom and $itality%,n hearin# others( experiences of bene.t+ people renew theirdeterminations "They fou#ht hard+ and they won% That(s ri#ht=I+ too+ can chan#e my destiny% I will #i$e it my best e)ort="nd people encoura#e fellow members who are stru##lin#amid $arious obstacles "Let(s try to #row+ 3ust li&e this person=Let(s ma&e this person our model="The #i$e8and8ta&e at discussion meetin#s encoura#es andreassures people that they can attain Buddhahood in thislifetime+ and arouses in them a sense of mission for 4osen

5ufu% In that sense+ it has the same e)ect as the predictions of enli#htenment in the Lotus Sutra% We could say+ therefore+ thatdiscussion meetin#s are "forums for the bestowal of prophecy"where children of the Buddha encoura#e and are encoura#edby one another%Suda This is similar to the si#ni.cance of the commendationsawarded to members who ha$e made important contributionsto 4osen 5ufu that we tal&ed about earlier%


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I&eda <es% !a$in# the spirit to praise others ma&es us worthyof praise oursel$es% I want to add one more thin#% It was inShimoda+ in I6u+ where he had #one to attend a discussionmeetin#+ that President 0a&i#uchi was arrested% t the time+ durin# the Second World War+ discussion meetin#s were held

under the super$ision of Special !i#her Police% nd thou#h hehad been harassed many times because of his refusal to acceptthe Shinto talisman+ 0r% 0a&i#uchi did not retreat a sin#lestep% The discussion meetin# for him was thus also the harshbattle.eld for a spiritual stru##le a#ainst the country(smilitarist authorities%We can also $iew >ichiren :aishonin(s stru##le for reli#iousreformation as ha$in# be#un with #atherin#s for dialo#uecomparable to the discussion meetin#s we hold today%Saito While the :aishonin was in exile+ his followers #atheredto#ether+ to read his letters+ and this #a$e them the stren#th

to o$ercome #reat ad$ersity% I thin& that these #atherin#s formutual encoura#ement could also be termed discussionmeetin#s%I&eda: Since the time of >ichiren :aishonin+ therefore+ and thetime of Presidents 0a&i#uchi and Toda+ a spirit of #reatstru##le has been part and parcel of the tradition of thediscussion meetin#% -reat si#ni.cance attaches to our e)ortsto cause this spirit to *ow in abundance and ma&e eachdiscussion meetin# 3oyful and bri#ht%In a directionless a#e+ we are bla6in# a solid path towardhuman happiness% I hope that this stren#th and optimism to

sur$i$e and triumph o$er any diJculty will pulse in the #reatdiscussion meetin# mo$ement+ spreadin# from the heart ofone person to another% 


2% Toda 'osei enshu Collected Wor&s of 'osei Toda To&yoSei&yo Sbimbunsha+ 2NM+ $ol% H+ p% H77%

7% Ibid%+ p% HKH%G% Editor(s note ll @uotations from the Lotus Sutra are fromThe Lotus Sutra+ trans% Burton Watson >ew <or& Columbia?ni$ersity Press+ 2NNG% ;or purposes of con$enience+ allcitations from this wor& will be #i$en in the text andabbre$iated as follows LS followed by the chapter number+and then the pa#e number%H% lso &nown as 0aha&ashyapa%


Page 24: The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra-Chapter Six

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% lso &nown as 0aha&atyana%% This parable concerns the replacement of the three $ehiclesof the $oice8hearers+ Pratye&abuddhas people of Learnin# and5eali6ation and bodhisatt$as with the one Buddha $ehicle%K% ;i$e elements The .$e constituents of all thin#s in the

uni$erse+ accordin# to ancient Indian belief% They are earth+water+ .re+ wind and space% The .rst four correspondrespecti$ely to the physical states of solid+ li@uid+ heat and#as% Space is interpreted as inte#ratin# the other fourelements%M% 'ambunada #old -old found in the ri$er runnin# throu#h theforest of the 'ambu trees in 'ambud$ipa%N% Tamalapatra The leaf of the tamala+ which is a &ind ofsandalwood tree%2F% ;or further discussion of this point+ please refer to thepre$ious installment in this series%

22% uiryu >a&amura+ -endai#o <a&u !o&e&yo 'o The LotusSutra in 0odern Translation+ Part 2 To&yo Shun3usha+ 2NN+p% 2G7%27% 'eta$ana 0onastery monastery in Shra$asti whereSha&yamuni is said to ha$e li$ed and tau#ht durin# the raiiiyseason for the last twenty8.$e years of his life% It was built asan o)erin# by Sudatta on land pro$ided by Prince 'etri% lon#with the Bamboo -ro$e 0onastery in 5a3a#riha+ it was one ofthe two ma3or centers of the Buddha(s propa#ation acti$ities%2G% nnutara8samya&8sambodhi Supreme perfectenli#htenment+ the enli#htenment of a Buddha%

2H% !o&&e 0on#u Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra+ $ol%K%2% !o&&e -en#i+ $ol% %2% Twenty8four8character Lotus Sutra Words that Bodhisatt$a>e$er :ispara#in# spo&e to all people9 in Chinese+ they arecomprised of twenty8four characters+ hence the name%2K% Ten &inds of o)erin#s Presentin# $arious o)erin#s of*owers+ incense+ nec&laces+ powdered incense+ paste incense+incense for burnin#+ sil&en canopies+ streamers and banners+clothin# and music+ and pressin# their palms to#ether inre$erence

2M% urelio Peccei and :ai#a&u I&eda+ Before It Is Too Late>ew <or& 4odansha International Ltd%+ 2NMH+ p% 2HM%2N% Ibid%+ pp% 2787%7F% Ibid%+ p% 2HM%72% Ibid%+ p% 27%77% Ibid%