the ward county independent. (minot, ward county, n.d...

-"•, •: mini .HI &iitiii,iVii,iill<i^illn : Mi,i j ,li,iir.•iin.^iVrr.l'i'';[ V: '''' iptW-V'*- y ."--ror— ^ The Interstate Land Oonipany rui regular excursions to Calgary to *#w 0. R. Ry. irrigated lands mn Aatwdar. rau |i» tar fond trttn H.L. Halroraon in Jaoot»on block Cor particular. FOR 8ALB CHEAP-On* Edlron $30 phonograph -with one hundred records all In good shape. Address P. 0. box 104. Minot, N. D. $T I'- .s; 8 12 9 2 r DAVIS & HANHAFORD We Cany Prime Meats and no other kind. Our aim is to have the beat qualities only and let othei butchers handle the inferior grades of meat. Consequently our regular CUB tomers know that for PR'ME ROAST, LAMB, MUT TON, VEAL OR PORK, tor all kinds of POULTRY in seasos and for CHOPS, STEAKS and CU1 . LEI'S, no competitor can approach w in quality. The same may be said »>• our splendid HAMS and BACON. Corner Main and Second Street*. MINOT, N. D. Real Estate and Loans Life, Accident and Tornado Insurance List your Farm andGity Prop- erty for Sale with S. W. NICODEMUS OVER SECOND NATIONAL BANK MINOT - NORTH DAKOTA L. O. WILSON, S ESE Gentlemen ol Minot and surrounding towns 6bould bear in mind that tbey can get their clothes made in Minot. Better, cheaper, up-to- date fit guaranteed. Save all trouble and expense of sending east for them WHr NOT PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY? My Ladies'.Tailoring Department, the best in the Northwest, should be a great •ccomnodBtiou to the ladles that want everything just so that would relieve them O. WILSON 27-28 PostofHce Bldg. MINOT. We Have Money To loan on all good city property, residence or business properties, on monthly payment plan or for a term of one to Ave years with iuterest payable annually or semi- annually. We make farm loans at lowest rates of interest and close them up promptly. Also write Are and tornado insurance on city and farm property, iu fact aDy kind insurance desired. Call and figure with us The Title, Investment and Trust Co. L.e8euer block Phone 117 •J Roosevelt believes in good farming and, ae President of the United States, fostered those interests. The A. A. Rwbinson Ele- vator €o. also baB done what it could in the intereot »>f good farming in Northwestern Norto Dakota and at this time wants to congratulate the farmers for the excellent prospects iu store for them. Many have taken great pains and, by careful farming, have Killed the noxious weeds, insuring a good crop, and a good grade. Bring your grain to the Robinson Elevator and be assured the highest market price ana careful grading. In doing so you will become a steady patron ot this concern, and neither you uor the .management of this elevator will have reason to feel sorry for having done bu iness. Again, let us congratulate you upon the success you have obtain- ed and upou letting the world know that North Dakota is a long ways from . .,x ~«s 1S> Africa, Hail alaiowt cleaned out the fine j p. Silverman has started The Da- crop of JOtou Bjora, north of Surrey kota Restaurant on Retiahus street, recently. Mr. Bjorn «ras Juefr getting f Mr - Silverman is serving an excellent ready to go into 100 acres of fine grain when the ihatt saved him the trouble. He carried no Insurance. mewl for 25 cents and announces board by the week at |4.50. Let the Stoltz Lumber Co. figure with you on that bill of lumber. A big, clean stock to pick from, and prices strictly right. Buy your hard coal now. C. H. Rudd, Mgr. Minet, X. D. tf FORSALE Two heavy draft mares, 6 and 5 year* old, North Da- kota bred and farm broke, with 4-months-old mare-colt. Sound and first-class animals. Write or phone J. M. DEVINE, Minot, N. D. UNION MINOT, N D. Citation Hearing Proof of Will •ttate of North Dakota, County of Ward,—ss. iu County Court. Before Hon. N. Davis, Judge. (n the matter of the isstate of Elizab- eth Sauer, Deceased. Joseph M. Sauer, Petitioner, vs. Geor- ge Sauer, Margaret Keller, Elizab- eth Leibel, John M. Sauer, Frank K. Sauer, Respondents. The state of North Dakota, to the above named respondents and all persons interested in the estate of Elizabeth Sauer, Deceased: You and each of you are hereby no- tified that Joseph M. Sauer, the peti- tioner herein, has filed In this court document in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Elizabeth Sauer, late »t the county of Ward and state of North Dabota, de- ceased, with bis petition, praying for the admission to probate of said doc- ument as the late win and testament of said deceased, and for the issuance to him of letters testamentary there- on, and that the said petition and the proofs of said purported will and tes- tament will be heard and duly con- sidered by this court on Wednesday, the 29th day of September A. D. 1909, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court rooms of this court, In the county court house, in the city of Minot, County of Ward and state of North Dakota; and You and each of you are hereby cited to be and appeal before this court at said and place and answer there be, why the prayer of said pe- said petition and show cause, if any tition should not be granted. By the Court, N. Davis, Judge of tbe County Court. C. Aurland, Atty. Minot, N. D. Dated the 10th da? of August, A. D. 1909. Let the services of the above cita- tion be made by publication thereof in the Ward County Independent, a weekly newspaper puollshed at Mi- not in said county three times for f hree successive weeks. 8-12 9-2 N. Davis Judge. INSURANCE of ALL KINDS Dr. Kermott bought a 2000 acre tinadt. of land near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, in the famous Nectoacd val'ley. The doctor was thru that country last spring, and thot so well of tbe proposition, that he fcos- itbned to possess himself of a tract of the fertile land, which he is certain will double in value within a short time. H. J. Herzog, a L>rady farmer, re- ports that lightning istruck ikls barn the other night, iand tore off a large patch of shingles. A colt in one of the box dtaiMs, was killed. College of Law, Un.versity of North Dakota. Strong faculty of able law- rs. Good library. Fall term opens Sept. 21st. For information address College of Law, Grand Forks, N. D. 91* H. D. Skrivseth's photographic Art Studio, first class work, all sizes. Second floor, Optic blcck, Minot, N. D. tf. Hunters, Take Notice No hunting is allowed on my land, nor on any land controlled by me. Hunters take notice, for I intend to prosecute to the full extent of the law. Andrew Jacobson, Burlington, N. D. t 3 Notice for Kids for Coal Notice is hereby tjiven that sealed bids will be received by the Minot ! board of education up to eight o'clock, i Tuesday, Sept. 14 th, 1909, for the fur- nishing of coal, to delivered to the 'schools where needed, and all coal to I be weighed on scales at the Central 'school. A certified check for the sum | of one hundred dollars must accom- pany each bid, to be forfeited iu case the party awarded thp contract fails to enter into contract or to furnish the bonds necessary. Dated this 14th day of August, 1909. By order of the Minot Board of Ed- ucation. W. H. Sibbald, Clerk. 8-19 9-2 of Offic* with J. M. Devine & Co. PHONE 104 LAME AND DISEASED FEET We make a specialty or correcting lame und diseased fee of horses We Invite all classes of horse shoe- •ng. General blacksmithlng, . plow work. etc. Opposite Scofleld's livery barn. Barlow & Slaybaugh. tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of North Dakota, County Ward,—as. County Court. In the matter of the estate of Torger A. Tofsly, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by Telda T. Tofsly, administratrix of the estate of Torger A. Tofsly, Deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to pres- ent them with the necessary vouchers, to the said Telda T. Tofsly and at the office of James Johnson, her attor- ney at Minot, North Dakota, within four months after the first publication of this notice. Dated this ninth day of August, 1909. Telda T. Tofsly, First publication Aug. 12, 1909. James Johnson, Atty. for the es- tate. 8-12 9-2. WOOL WOOL WOOL We fir" in a po^iMo*) to pay good prices h»r wool. Wool in good dpinaud and bring good prices. Hides way up and com- mand good prices. Write for price list aud prices. Square deal guaranteed to all- Minot Hide & Fur Co. A. BAKER, Prop. 310 E. 1st SI. Phone 580 Minot, N. O. Halvor L Halvorson '-t - I. GEO. PEDLAR Successor to Martin Daioalsou General Blacksmithing and Wagonmaker Plow repairing, horse-shoeing, and boiler repairing at reasonable prices. Your patronage solicited. Burlington, N. O. For Sale—Three c<*ws, also a good heavy work team. Inquire *' at 201, Conrad St., Minot, evenings. tf A. J. Ringisrud, a special represen- tative of the Oliver Typewriter Co. is in the city this 'week. He is meeting with great success, four machines havdng been disposed of to looa'l par- ities only thLs forenoon, with a large number of other certain prospects on the storing. The Oliver is really away ahead of any typewriter tlhat is manu- factured, the visible feature being one of the strong talking points. The In- dependent thinks so well »f the Oliver that the third machine has been or- dered tor our own use. Editor W. A. Myers of the Riussell Sentinel, Maxbass Monitor, Nowburg Sun and Kraemer Record, passed thru Minot this morning, o<n (his way hams from a brdp thru it'he Canadian North- . 'west. He went from Winnipeg to Ed- . monton and return, as a guest of th* Canadian Northwest and speaks high- i ly of the Canadian country. » MINOT FOUNDRY AND _ ^ .. MACHINE WORKS .. * Engine and boiler work, a specialty. General repair work. Up-to-date foundry. Woik guaranteed. Don't send your work to tbe Twin Cities when Minot can do it )uet as well. We will be pleased to have prospective customers visit our plant. Located along Soo right-of-way, old Teutsch factory site MINOT, N. D. R. GALLAGHER Economy Drug Co. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR SWEET CREAM DIKES HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES Dikes Household Remedies are conceded to be the best T**y Them Ws are Sole Agents for This Vicinity ECONOMY DrUC CO 213 Main Street Phone 713 Minot, N. D >000000000000000000000000000000 OOOOQOOuOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! THE GREAT NORTHERN LUMBER CO. " | MINOT, NORTH DAKOTA. We have on hand a complete line of all kinds of BUILDINQ MATERIAL at prices that are right. Don't fail to bet our figures before buying elsewhere. o "Hie Independent Dealers. The Great Northern Lumber Company. -OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOwvVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOeM SEE The Renwald Land Agency For the choicest tracts of good Farm Lands in the immediate vicinity of M'not, Deering, Clenburn, Ryder and Plaza. ^ * We buy ar'l sell more land than any firm in the county. Our motto, a fair deal in every in- stance. See us for farm loans RENMALD LAND AGENGY OFFICE K3: Jos. Roach, President James Johnson, Vice-President R. E. Barron, Cashier H. Byerum. Assistant Cashier GOOBADVIC& ir BANKING Good Advice in Banking can be given by shrewd old business men to their juniors, and the best advice is to bank in an institution which is cautious in its loans and investments. We are known as a very conservative bank and enjoy the implicit con- fidence of the best commercial men of the com- munity for that very reason. We are anxious to enlarge the list of our depositors and prom- ise you good treatment. Open Savings Account by depositing $100 or more. The small depositor is as welcome as the larger one. Interest al- lowed from date of deposit. No delay in withdrawal. FARM LOANS Excellent facilities for handling farm loans. Lowest rates. No commission or bonuses. We have a reputation for square dealing and will be glad to figure with any parties wanting farm loans. I: >is ta. of »• in ta a ie »n as ly >d ts id it to re cs ; SECOND NATIONAL MINOT. NORTH DAKOTA BANK . 4 ' i '• - ' "V i3 $

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Page 1: The Ward County independent. (Minot, Ward County, N.D · the admission to probate of said doc ument as the

- " • , • :

mini .HI &iitiii,iVii,iill<i^illn:Mi,ij,li,iir.•iin.^iVrr.l'i'';[V:''''

iptW-V'*- y • • ."--ror— ^

The Interstate Land Oonipany rui regular excursions to Calgary to *#w 0. R. Ry. irrigated lands mn Aatwdar. rau |i» tar fond trttn H.L. Halroraon in Jaoot»on block Cor particular.


$30 phonograph -with one hundred records all In good shape. Address P. 0. box 104. Minot, N. D. $T I'- • .s; 8 12 9 2



We Cany Prime Meats and no other kind. Our aim is to have the beat qualities only and let othei butchers handle the inferior grades of meat. Consequently our regular CUB tomers know that for


tor all kinds of POULTRY in seasos and for CHOPS, STEAKS and CU1

. LEI'S, no competitor can approach w in quality. The same may be said »>• our splendid HAMS and BACON.

Corner Main and Second

Street*. MINOT, N. D.

Real Estate and Loans

Life, Accident and Tornado Insurance

List your Farm andGity Prop­erty for Sale with




L. O. WILSON, S ESE Gentlemen ol Minot and surrounding towns 6bould bear in mind

that tbey can get their clothes made in Minot. Better, cheaper, up-to-date fit guaranteed. Save all trouble and expense of sending east for them

W H r N O T P A T R O N I Z E H O M E I N D U S T R Y ? My Ladies'.Tailoring Department, the best in the Northwest, should be a great

•ccomnodBtiou to the ladles that want everything just so that would relieve them

L» O. WILSON 27-28 PostofHce Bldg. MINOT.

We Have Money To loan on all good city property, residence or business properties, on monthly payment plan or for a term of one to Ave years with iuterest payable annually or semi­annually.

We make farm loans at lowest rates of interest and close them up promptly.

Also write Are and tornado insurance on city and farm property, iu fact aDy kind insurance desired.

Call and figure with us

The Title, Investment and Trust Co. L.e8euer block Phone 117


Roosevelt believes in good farming and, ae President of the United States, fostered those interests. The A. A. Rwbinson Ele­vator €o. also baB done what it could in the intereot »>f good farming in Northwestern Norto Dakota and at this time wants to congratulate the farmers for the excellent prospects iu store for them. Many have taken great pains and, by careful farming, have

Killed the noxious weeds, insuring a good crop, and a good grade. Bring your grain to the Robinson Elevator and be assured the highest market price ana careful grading.

In doing so you will become a steady patron ot this concern, and neither you uor the .management of this elevator will have reason to feel sorry for having done bu iness. Again, let us congratulate you upon the success you have obtain­ed and upou letting the world know that North Dakota is a long ways from . .,x

~«s 1S> Africa,

Hail alaiowt cleaned out the fine j p. Silverman has started The Da-crop of JOtou Bjora, north of Surrey kota Restaurant on Retiahus street, recently. Mr. Bjorn «ras Juefr getting fMr- Silverman is serving an excellent ready to go into 100 acres of fine grain when the ihatt saved him the trouble. He carried no Insurance.

mewl for 25 cents and announces board by the week at |4.50.

Let the Stoltz Lumber Co. figure with you on that bill of lumber. A big, clean stock to pick from, and prices strictly right. Buy your hard coal now. C. H. Rudd, Mgr. Minet, X. D. tf

FORSALE Two heavy draft mares, 6

and 5 year* old, North Da­kota bred and farm broke, with 4-months-old mare-colt. Sound and first-class animals. Write or phone

J. M. DEVINE, Minot, N. D.



Citation Hearing Proof of Will •ttate of North Dakota, County of

Ward,—ss. iu County Court. Before Hon. N. Davis, Judge.

(n the matter of the isstate of Elizab­eth Sauer, Deceased.

Joseph M. Sauer, Petitioner, vs. Geor­ge Sauer, Margaret Keller, Elizab­eth Leibel, John M. Sauer, Frank K. Sauer, Respondents. The state of North Dakota, to the

above named respondents and all persons interested in the estate of Elizabeth Sauer, Deceased:

You and each of you are hereby no­tified that Joseph M. Sauer, the peti­tioner herein, has filed In this court

document in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Elizabeth Sauer, late »t the county of Ward and state of North Dabota, de­ceased, with bis petition, praying for the admission to probate of said doc­ument as the late win and testament of said deceased, and for the issuance to him of letters testamentary there­on, and that the said petition and the proofs of said purported will and tes­tament will be heard and duly con­sidered by this court on Wednesday, the 29th day of September A. D. 1909, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the court rooms of this court, In the county court house, in the city of Minot, County of Ward and state of North Dakota; and

You and each of you are hereby cited to be and appeal before this court at said and place and answer there be, why the prayer of said pe-said petition and show cause, if any tition should not be granted.

By the Court, N. Davis,

Judge of tbe County Court. C. Aurland, Atty. Minot, N. D. Dated the 10th da? of August, A.

D. 1909. Let the services of the above cita­

tion be made by publication thereof in the Ward County Independent, a weekly newspaper puollshed at Mi­not in said county three times for fhree successive weeks.

8-12 9-2 N. Davis Judge.


Dr. Kermott bought a 2000 acre tinadt. of land near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, in the famous Nectoacd val'ley. The doctor was thru that country last spring, and thot so well of tbe proposition, that he fcos-itbned to possess himself of a tract of the fertile land, which he is certain will double in value within a short time.

H. J. Herzog, a L>rady farmer, re­ports • that lightning istruck ikls barn the other night, iand tore off a large patch of shingles. A colt in one of the box dtaiMs, was killed.

College of Law, Un.versity of North Dakota. Strong faculty of able law-

rs. Good library. Fall term opens Sept. 21st. For information address College of Law, Grand Forks, N. D. 91*

H. D. Skrivseth's photographic Art Studio, first class work, all sizes. Second floor, Optic blcck, Minot, N. D.


Hunters, Take Notice No hunting is allowed on my land,

nor on any land controlled by me. Hunters take notice, for I intend to prosecute to the full extent of the law. Andrew Jacobson, Burlington, N. D. t 3

Notice for Kids for Coal Notice is hereby tjiven that sealed

bids will be received by the Minot ! board of education up to eight o'clock, i Tuesday, Sept. 14 th, 1909, for the fur­nishing of coal, to b« delivered to the

'schools where needed, and all coal to I be weighed on scales at the Central 'school. A certified check for the sum | of one hundred dollars must accom­

pany each bid, to be forfeited iu case the party awarded thp contract fails to enter into contract or to furnish the bonds necessary.

Dated this 14th day of August, 1909. By order of the Minot Board of Ed­

ucation. W. H. Sibbald, Clerk.

8-19 9-2


Offic* with

J. M. Devine & Co. PHONE 104

LAME AND DISEASED FEET We make a specialty or correcting

lame und diseased fee of horses We Invite all classes of horse shoe-•ng. General blacksmithlng, . plow work. etc. Opposite Scofleld's livery barn. Barlow & Slaybaugh. tf

NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of North Dakota, County

Ward,—as. County Court.

In the matter of the estate of Torger A. Tofsly, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by Telda T.

Tofsly, administratrix of the estate of Torger A. Tofsly, Deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to pres­ent them with the necessary vouchers, to the said Telda T. Tofsly and at the office of James Johnson, her attor­ney at Minot, North Dakota, within four months after the first publication of this notice.

Dated this ninth day of August, 1909.

Telda T. Tofsly, First publication Aug. 12, 1909. James Johnson, Atty. for the es­

tate. 8-12 9-2.


WOOL We fir" in a po^iMo*) to

pay good prices h»r wool. Wool in good dpinaud and bring good prices.

Hides way up and com­mand good prices.

Write for price list aud prices.

Square deal guaranteed to all-

Minot Hide & Fur Co.

• A. BAKER, Prop. 310 E. 1st SI. Phone 580

Minot, N. O.

Halvor L Halvorson

'-t - I.

GEO. PEDLAR Successor to Martin Daioalsou

General Blacksmithing and Wagonmaker

Plow repairing, horse-shoeing, and boiler repairing at reasonable prices.

Your patronage solicited.

Burlington, N. O.

For Sale—Three c<*ws, also a good heavy work team. Inquire *' at 201, Conrad St., Minot, evenings. tf

A. J. Ringisrud, a special represen­tative of the Oliver Typewriter Co. is in the city this 'week. He is meeting with great success, four machines havdng been disposed of to looa'l par­ities only thLs forenoon, with a large number of other certain prospects on the storing. The Oliver is really away ahead of any typewriter tlhat is manu­factured, the visible feature being one

of the strong talking points. The In­dependent thinks so well »f the Oliver that the third machine has been or­dered tor our own use.

Editor W. A. Myers of the Riussell Sentinel, Maxbass Monitor, Nowburg Sun and Kraemer Record, passed thru Minot this morning, o<n (his way hams from a brdp thru it'he Canadian North- . 'west. He went from Winnipeg to Ed- . monton and return, as a guest of th* Canadian Northwest and speaks high- i ly of the Canadian country.


Engine and boiler work, a specialty. General repair work. Up-to-date foundry. Woik guaranteed.

Don't send your work to tbe Twin Cities when Minot can do it )uet as well.

We will be pleased to have prospective customers visit our plant.

Located along Soo right-of-way, old Teutsch factory site MINOT, N. D.



DIKES HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES Dikes Household Remedies are conceded to be the best

T**y Them Ws are Sole Agents for This Vicinity

ECONOMY DrUC CO 213 Main Street Phone 713 Minot, N. D

>000000000000000000000000000000 OOOOQOOuOOOOOOOOOOOOO


We have on hand a complete line of all kinds of BUILDINQ MATERIAL at prices that are right. Don't fail

to bet our figures before buying elsewhere.


"Hie Independent Dealers.



The Renwald Land Agency For the choicest tracts of good Farm Lands in the immediate vicinity of M'not, Deering, Clenburn, Ryder and Plaza. ^ *

We buy ar'l sell more land than any firm in the county. Our motto, a fair deal in every in-stance. See us for farm loans



Jos. Roach, President James Johnson, Vice-President R. E. Barron, Cashier H. J£ Byerum. Assistant Cashier


Good Advice in Banking

can be given by shrewd old business men to their juniors, and the best advice is to bank in an institution which is cautious in its loans and investments. We are known as a very conservative bank and enjoy the implicit con­fidence of the best commercial men of the com­munity for that very reason. We are anxious to enlarge the list of our depositors and prom-

• ise you good treatment. Open Savings Account by depositing $100 or more. The

small depositor is as welcome as the larger one. Interest al­lowed from date of deposit. No delay in withdrawal.

FARM LOANS Excellent facilities for handling farm loans. Lowest rates. No commission or bonuses. We have a reputation for square dealing and will be glad to figure

with any parties wanting farm loans.


>is ta. of »•

in ta a ie »n as ly >d ts id it to

re cs




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