the variable star 62.1907 scuti

'87 + I 6' 46' 911 +16 50 42.9 +16 39 38.5 +16 34 22.3. +16 28 54.4 +16 38 52.3 +16 17 13.9 +16 2 1.3 +IS 47 3.3 +IS 44 1.7 +IS 33 4.6 +IS 34 11.7 +IS 23 24.1 +'5 '5 '3.3 +I5 11 9.4 +IS 4 7.2 +14 49 35.1 +14 55 20.6 +14 25 32.2 +14 30 2.7 +14 21 25.7 +14 22 19.5 +13 56 32.1 +13 50 46.6 4403 rapportbe A 2 Bord ph 902.55, 555.286 n 902.25, 555.105 W. 905.10, 550.175 n 904.93, 550.118 W 610.131, 555.213 ' 901.49, 549.75 n 903.35 rapportee it 10 AGBerlA 1171 rapporteek 12 AGBerl.4 1148 W I105 1083 * I070 rapport6eB 17 AGLpz I 1154 1129 rapportbeit 20 AG Lpz I 1074 rapport6eB 22 AG Lpz I 1042 rapport6e B 24 I AG Lpz I 992 IS8 2 24 25.33 2 6 53.51 2 o 42.96 I 45 26.58 I 48 14.46 I 34 21.66 I 26 22.77 I 24 27.27 I 16 16.56 o 56 0.15 o 55 3.62 o 49 58.51 o 49 18.55 0 39 '9.15 0 34 19.26 o 33 42.87 0 3' 56 2 10 5.92 2 3 18.44 I 35 31.73 I 30 31.54 0 28 3.19 1910 Few. 6 I I1 I2 21 22 28 Mars I 3 9 +II 51 19.2 +IO 53 26.6 +IO 49 6.9 +IO 3 27.1 + 9 59 31.6 + 9 30 15.4 + 9 18 47.3 + 9 12 46.1 + 8 44 43.1 + 8 13 1.4 + 8 o 10.8 + 7 58 1.6 + 8 6 14.2 + 1 43 6.0 + 1 59 4.4 + 7 58 32.0 + 7 53 +I1 18 45.7 +I0 45 45.7 + 9 38 55.2 + 9 27 40.6 + 8 0 39.9 r. m. d'Algei Ih 4Srn40* 7 '3 10 7 32 '5 I 4' 44 I 3 40 7 10 48 6 57 32 8 48 '5 7 16 28 6 58 12 Aa +om 0?87 -0 20.76 +o 11.46 -0 15.06 +I 2.1.5 +o I1:OI +o 12.29 +o 1.05 +o 13.27 -0 27.68 Ad - 4' 2013 + 6 35.0 + 2 50.2 - 6 45.0 +I0 51.5 +IO 40.2 - 5 2.3 - 4 11.9 + 2 4.0 - 2 52.8 - CP. - I2,IZ 12,' 2 I2,IZ I2,12 14914 I2,IZ ro,Ia I2,12 I2,12 I2,12 a aPP. Oh 5Srn59'I 5 o 50 8.63 0 49 2-13 o 40 19.84 o 39 28.69 0 34 30.03 0 33 42-40 0 32 8 0 21 33.95 0 54 41.58 - l0gp.A 9-607 9.66 I 9.599 9.626 9.664 9.643 9.665 9.66 I 9.612 9.614 aPP. + 8' 8'3512 + 8 6 39.7 + 8 0 45.3 + 7 59 22.7 + 7 $3 50.0 + 7 53 38-7 + 7 53 54.2 + 7 54 12.1 + I 55 + 7 51 38.7 - 1ogp.n 0.669 0.692 0.668 0.676 0.696 0.684 0.696 0.693 0.704 0~70.1 j * - I?27 - 519 -1.34 - 6.5 -1.28 - 6.1 -1.36 - 6.5 -1.46 - 1.5 -1.52 - 7.9 -1.52 - 8.0 -1.56 - 8.4 -1.47 - 1.5 -1.54 - 8.1 39 40 41 42 43 43 44 45 46 47 1.a comete a l'aspect d'une petite nebulosite ronde avec une condensation centrale. Eclat du noyau: Nov. 14 12m5, DCc. 3 II~O, Dec. 9 10m5, Dtc. 30 10m5, Janv. 24 10"s. Le diametre du noyau a Cte trouv6 sensiblement egal B 9' pendant toute la d u d e des observations. - Few. 11. Le noyau de 8' brille avec un Cclat comparable B celui dune etoile de 10' gr. ; la nebulositk, large d'environ 2', est allongte suivant l'orientation P = 68'. - Mars I. L'tclat du noyau parait Ctre de 9' gr. La queue naissante est dirigee suivant P= 64'. Positions moyennes des etoiles de coinparaison. - * __ I 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 I1 I2 '3 I4 '5 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 1909.0 Sh 28"31?93 5 28 26.06 5 26 6-37 5 23 30.15 5 9 5.04 5 5 55-68 4 52 13-79 4 34 25.63 4 22 8.99 4 20 25.25 4 18 14.16 4 16 48.39 4 6 1.10 4 o 46.28 3 57 1.14 3 52 46.08 3 48 2.62 3 34 43-14 3 37 6-57 3 30 0.77 3 28 31.25 3 I7 5-40 3 15 23.18 3 53 27-68 d 1909.0 I Autorite Bouzareah. IQIO Mars IQ. - * - 25 26 27 28 29 30 3' 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 CC 1909-10.0 I d 1909-10.0 Autoritt (AG LPZ I 159 + Paris 3218) Tou ph +11'18.87 n 17.16 n. 16.112 W 16.85 W 16.68 rapportte B 32 Tou ph +9'14.86, 14.15 rapportCe B 34 Tou ph +9'12.33 W 12.7 n I 1.28 B 11.11 * 10.65 W 7.7 5 Tou ph +7'7.59 n 7.8 W 7.3 n 5.34 W 5.9 B 5.3 BD +7'78 Tou ph +9'4.68 F. Gmnessiat. The Variable Star 62.1907 Scuti. BD - 10~481418~43~40' - 10" 21!0 1g00.0. By Naozo 1dino.h~. The variability of this star was detected by Miss Can- I remarks: )>Thisstar has been observed on 39 photographs, non and the discovery was announced in the ~Harv. Circ. No. 129 (A. N. 4186) by Prof. E. C. Pickering. The Harvard number is H. 2916. In the announcement Prof. Pickering taken between June 10, 1892 and July 22, 1905. It was at first thought to be of the Algol type, but later observations make it more probable that it belongs to Class IV.((

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Post on 06-Jun-2016




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Page 1: The Variable Star 62.1907 Scuti


+ I 6' 46' 911 + 1 6 50 42.9 + 1 6 39 38.5

+ 1 6 34 22.3. + 1 6 28 54.4

+16 38 52.3

+ 1 6 1 7 13.9 +16 2 1.3 + I S 47 3.3 + I S 44 1 . 7 + I S 33 4.6 + I S 34 11.7 + I S 23 24.1 +'5 ' 5 '3.3 + I 5 11 9.4 + I S 4 7 . 2 +14 49 35.1 +14 5 5 20.6 +14 2 5 32.2 + 1 4 30 2 .7 +14 2 1 25.7 +14 22 19.5 + 1 3 56 32.1 +13 50 46.6


rapportbe A 2

Bord ph 902.55, 555.286 n 902.25, 555.105

W. 905.10, 5 5 0 . 1 7 5 n 904.93, 550.118

W 610.131, 555.213

' 901.49, 549.75 n 903.35

rapportee it 10

AGBerlA 1 1 7 1

rapporteek 12

AGBerl.4 1148 W I 1 0 5

1083 * I 0 7 0

rapport6eB 17 AGLpz I 1154

1129 rapportbeit 2 0 AG Lpz I 1074 rapport6eB 2 2

AG Lpz I 1042 rapport6e B 24

I AG Lpz I 992


2 24 25.33

2 6 53.51

2 o 42.96 I 45 26.58 I 48 14.46

I 34 21.66

I 26 2 2 . 7 7

I 24 2 7 . 2 7 I 16 16.56 o 56 0 . 1 5 o 5 5 3.62 o 49 58.51 o 49 18.55 0 39 '9.15 0 34 19.26 o 33 42.87 0 3' 56

2 10 5.92

2 3 18.44

I 35 31.73

I 30 31.54

0 28 3.19


Few. 6 I

I 1

I 2

2 1

2 2

28 Mars I

3 9

+ I I 5 1 19.2

+IO 53 26.6

+IO 49 6.9 +IO 3 27.1 + 9 59 31.6

+ 9 30 15.4

+ 9 18 47.3 + 9 1 2 46.1 + 8 44 43.1 + 8 13 1.4 + 8 o 10.8 + 7 58 1.6 + 8 6 14.2 + 1 43 6.0 + 1 59 4.4 + 7 58 32.0 + 7 53

+ I 1 18 45 .7

+ I 0 45 45.7

+ 9 38 55 .2

+ 9 27 40.6

+ 8 0 39.9

r. m. d'Algei

Ih 4Srn40*

7 '3 10

7 32 ' 5 I 4' 44 I 3 40 7 1 0 48 6 5 7 32

8 48 '5

7 16 28 6 58 1 2


+om 0?87 - 0 20.76 +o 11.46 - 0 15.06 + I 2.1.5

+o I1:OI

+o 12.29 +o 1.05

+o 13.27 - 0 27.68


- 4' 2013 + 6 35.0 + 2 50.2 - 6 45.0 + I 0 51.5 +IO 40.2 - 5 2.3 - 4 11.9 + 2 4.0 - 2 52.8

- CP. -

I 2 , I Z

12,' 2

I 2 , I Z

I2,12 14914 I2,IZ ro,Ia I 2 , 1 2

I2,12 I2,12

a aPP.

Oh 5Srn59'I 5

o 50 8.63 0 49 2-13 o 40 19.84 o 39 28.69 0 34 30.03 0 33 42-40 0 32 8 0 2 1 33.95

0 54 41.58

- l0gp.A

9-607 9.66 I

9.599 9.626 9.664 9.643 9.665 9.66 I

9.612 9.614


+ 8' 8'3512 + 8 6 39.7 + 8 0 45.3 + 7 59 22.7 + 7 $3 50.0

+ 7 53 38-7 + 7 53 54.2 + 7 54 12.1

+ I 55 + 7 5 1 38.7

- 1ogp.n

0.669 0.692 0.668 0.676 0.696 0.684 0.696 0.693 0.704 0~70.1 j *

- I?27 - 519

-1.34 - 6.5 -1.28 - 6.1

-1.36 - 6.5 -1.46 - 1.5

-1.52 - 7.9 - 1 . 5 2 - 8.0

-1.56 - 8.4

-1.47 - 1.5

-1.54 - 8.1

39 40 41 42 43 43 44 45 46 47

1.a comete a l'aspect d'une petite nebulosite ronde avec une condensation centrale. Eclat du noyau: Nov. 14 12m5, DCc. 3 I I ~ O , Dec. 9 10m5, Dtc. 30 10m5, Janv. 24 10"s. Le diametre du noyau a Cte trouv6 sensiblement egal B 9' pendant toute la dude des observations. - Few. 1 1 . Le noyau de 8' brille avec un Cclat comparable B celui dune etoile de 10' gr. ; la nebulositk, large d'environ 2', est allongte suivant l'orientation P = 68'. - Mars I . L'tclat du noyau parait Ctre de 9' gr. La queue naissante est dirigee suivant P= 64'.

Positions moyennes des e to i les d e coinparaison. - *




3 4 5 6 I 8 9

1 0 I 1

I 2

'3 I4 '5 16 17 18 I9 2 0 2 1


23 24


Sh 28"31?93 5 28 26.06 5 26 6-37 5 23 30.15 5 9 5.04 5 5 55-68 4 5 2 13-79 4 34 25.63 4 2 2 8.99 4 2 0 2 5 . 2 5 4 18 14.16 4 16 48.39 4 6 1.10

4 o 46.28 3 57 1.14 3 5 2 46.08

3 48 2.62 3 34 43-14 3 37 6-57 3 30 0.77 3 28 31.25 3 I 7 5-40 3 15 23.18

3 53 27-68

d 1909.0 I Autorite

Bouzareah. IQIO Mars IQ.

- * -

2 5

26 2 7 28 29 30 3' 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

CC 1909-10.0 I d 1909-10.0 Autoritt

(AG LPZ I 159 + Paris 3218)

Tou ph +11'18.87 n 17.16 n . 16.112 W 16.85 W 16.68

rapportte B 32 Tou ph +9'14.86, 14.15 rapportCe B 34 Tou ph +9'12.33

W 1 2 . 7

n I 1.28 B 11.11

* 10.65 W 7.7 5

Tou ph +7'7.59 n 7.8 W 7.3 n 5.34 W 5.9 B 5.3

BD +7'78 Tou ph +9'4.68

F. Gmnessiat.

The Variable Star 62.1907 Scuti. BD - 10~4814 1 8 ~ 4 3 ~ 4 0 ' - 10" 21!0 1g00.0.

By Naozo 1dino.h~.

The variability of this star was detected by Miss Can- I remarks: )>This star has been observed on 39 photographs, non and the discovery was announced in the ~Harv. Circ. No. 129 (A. N. 4186) by Prof. E. C. Pickering. The Harvard number is H. 2916. In the announcement Prof. Pickering

taken between June 10, 1892 and July 2 2 , 1905. It was at first thought to be of the Algol type, but later observations make it more probable that it belongs to Class IV.((

Page 2: The Variable Star 62.1907 Scuti

Since the publication of the announcement, I did not see any other notes on this star put in prints and as far as I know the star is still remaining a suspected variable, without receiving a name from the AG committee. My re- cent observations may perhaps make firm that this is a variable of the Algol type, not of Class 11' and of very short period.

My observations began on the first of June, 1907 at Williams Bay; but only a few observations were obtained there before my leave from the Yerkes Observatory. From the first of August, 1908, this star was again observed at this observatory and I have now 122 observations, up to date. Until April 2 7 of this year (1909)~ I could not ob- serve the star deviated from the normal brightness so much as I can judge the variation; but in this evening, the star was found unusually faint so that observations were con- tinued and. I could see the star passing an eclipse. For- tunately, on the first of May, the same phenomenon was again observed and these two observations gave me a rough idea about the value of the period; I thought 3.96 days as the period or its multiple. Continuing the observations, I was able to determine the epochs of the following seven minima ((keenw. M. 'I'.) :


4 .




Observed 2 4 I842 4.2 7

428.25 444.2 2

527-24 535.22 561.13


7, ,



Computed 24 18424.2 7

428.26 444.20 448.19 5 2 7.2 5 535.23 561.13


6 30 36

' 5 5 167 206


0--c odoo

- 0.0 I


+ 0 . 0 1

- 0.0 I

- 0.0 I


Although at the first glance the period seemed to be about four days, the true value must be one sixth of it, in order that all these seven observed minima might be satis- fied. Thus, 0.66440 day was derived as the period and the following formula was formed for minimum:

Min. = 2418424d27 Gr. M. T. + od66440 B .

By means of this formula, the second column in the above table was calculated and comparing the observed with the computed time the last column resulted. The smallness of these residuals is sufficient to establish the period; thus, the above formula was taken for the reduction of my ob- servations.

The mean brightness, and corresponding mean phase, according to the observations is given in the following table.

Phase Steps 11 Phase Steps 11

odoo7 - - ? I 5 od150 5?6 5

0.054 5.7 5 0.185 6.5 5 0.082 5 .5 5 0.206 7 . 0 5

0.023 +2.6 5 0.165 7.4 5

0.107 6.7 5 0.218 7.8 5 0.134 6.5 5 0,244 7.6 5

Phase Steps 11 Phase Steps II

od282 7?6 5 Od590 5?6 5 0.367 6.9 5 0.613 1.8 5 0.471 6.6 5 0.622 0.0 5 0.500 6.9 5 0.635 - 0 . 5 5 0.523 6.0 '5 0.654 -0.3 5 0.549 6.8 5 0.666 - 1.8 5 0.563 5 . 2 5

In the following figure, these results were plotted and the smoothed curve drawn. This curve shows that in nor- mal condition the star is in the brightness 7.2 steps and at the minimum, the brightness sinks till - I .8 steps : thus, the range of variation is 9?0 in my steps. The complete

I 0.7 0.8 10

duration of the eclipse is nearly 0.34 day so that the star shows the normal brightness only for half of the period. The ascending and descending branches are quite sym- metrically represented, and the epoch of minimum is esti- mated od655 instead of od664 and thus, the preliminary formula for minimum should be corrected as follows :

hlin. = 2418424d26 Gr. M. T. + od6644o-fi = 1909 April ~7~ 6h2 Gr. M. T. + 15~56"'44~.&.

According to Prof. Pickering, this star varies from 8m9 Among my comparison to 9m8, so that the range is om9.

stars, the following six appear in the BD catalogue.

Star BD Mag. Steps

- 10°4809 9m6 45!4 - 10 4817 9.0 11.8 - 10 4820 9.2 7.8 - 10 482 I 9.5 rar. l )

- 10 4822 9.8 1.9 - 1 0 4825 9.0 1 1 . 7

From the comparisons with these stars, if we adopt the BD system of the magnitude scale, follows that my ob- servations give 9mg for the normal brightness and 1om3 for the minimum: thus, the range of variation being 1910.

The Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, 1909 Dec. 13.

I ) 26.1910 Scuti, see A.N.4397. - .

Nmzo lchimh.