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The Undercover Supplement Guide Book A Comprehensive Guide to the most EFFECTIVE Muscle Building supplements available By Leon Cruz © 2001-2008 Urban Publishing Co. LLC. This book is published by Urban Publishing Co. LLC. P.O. Box 70181, Brooklyn New York 11207-0181 Copyright © 2001-2008 Urban Publishing Co. LLC all rights reserved.

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The Undercover Supplement Guide Book

A Comprehensive Guide to the most EFFECTIVE Muscle Building supplements available

By Leon Cruz © 2001-2008 Urban Publishing Co. LLC. This book is published by Urban Publishing Co. LLC. P.O. Box 70181, Brooklyn New York 11207-0181 Copyright © 2001-2008 Urban Publishing Co. LLC all rights reserved.

The Undercover Supplement Guide Book

A Comprehensive Guide to the most EFFECTIVE Muscle Building supplements available

By Leon Cruz

A Leon Cruz Book / Original Copyright © November 2001& March 2008

All Rights Reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Leon Cruz Enterprises, Inc. LLC. Urban Publishing Co.

P.O. Box 70181 Brooklyn New York 11207-0181, USA


[email protected] [email protected]


The exercises and advice contained within this book may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people, and the reader(s) should consult a physician before engaging in them.

The author and publisher of this book are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury which may occur through reading and following the instructions herein.

Subjects partaking in this program are voluntarily assuming the risk involved with any exercise regimen. Consult a physician before engaging in any exercise program.

The Undercover Supplement Guide Book is Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

Please be advised that the enclosed information is for entertainment and informational purposes only. Urban Publishing Co. and the author do not recommend, advocate or promote the use of any medication or supplement. The views contained in this book may not necessarily reflect the views of the author nor Urban Publishing Co.LLC.

This book is not intended to be used as a how to book. This course is written solely to inform athletes on various supplements and training programs that are being used by athletes.

This course does not provide any type of medical advice. Urban Publishing and the author can in no way be held legally responsible for any negative outcome due to the use of any supplements or exercise program mentioned in this book.

Urban Publishing Co. LLC. and the author assumes NO LIABILITY for any information contained herein.

“We have the knowledge and technology today to make natural bodybuilding a viable alternative. Manipulating the anabolic and the catabolic hormones and growth factors with diet and supplementation has become a reality. By taking advantage of what we know about nutrition and supplements, you can now maximize your lean body mass and strength and minimize your body fat to give you that hard, muscular look that at one time was only possible with drug use.”

-Mauro Di Pasquale- Quote from the September 1997 issue of Muscle


INTRODUCTION In athletics, there has always been an insatiable quest to find and use ergogenic aids in which to gain an edge over the competition. Bodybuilding and powerlifting are no exceptions. Since the emergence of physique development, bodybuilders have been in pursuit of the perfect physique. This may not be true of all those who weight train, but I can surely say that most of the people who purchase a gym membership, or purchase a barbell set, set out to do one of two things; gain muscular muscle mass or lower their body fat percentage to get ripped. Bodybuilding has evolved into a very competitive sport and so have many of the supplements these athletes use. Many athletes are taking advantage of every opportunity to gain an edge over the competition. The hardcore bodybuilder needs the basics such as, motivation and goal setting, intense and consistent training and proper nutrition and supplementation. The hardcore athlete also needs loads of knowledge to stay ahead of the game. Ever since the steroid laws went into effect, many athletes turned their attention to the supplement industry to see if they could find something that would give them the edge they were seeking. The sad part of this at the time was that there were no supplements that gave them the edge they were seeking. The only things in existence were vitamin & mineral products and some very cheap protein and carbohydrate powders. After awhile, supplement companies & manufacturers took notice of the situation and began to research and develop products that have promise in helping athletes gain that athletic edge. Along with the evolution of the supplement industry there have been many supplement products that do not live up to their label claims. Many bodybuilders and athletes are not aware of the fraudulent claims that are taking place in the supplement industry today. Many athletes are misinformed and most of the supplement companies are in it for the money. It has become very difficult for consumers to purchase a supplement without wondering if it works and meets the label claims or if it’s completely bogus. This problem has been compounded with the bombardment of two and three page advertisements in magazines and false claims for products that do nothing but burn a hole in the consumer’s pocket. Have you been wondering which supplements actually deliver real results? Which products really raise testosterone levels giving you similar results to anabolic ergogens? And which ones are total rip-offs? The unscrupulous supplement companies and certain magazines are not going to tell you. These shystie characters would lose millions of dollars in profits if they told the truth. But rest assured there are many companies with research facilities testing and producing some really fantastic products, which deliver the results athletes, are looking for. The purpose of this book is to help bodybuilders and fellow athletes distinguish which supplements are the most effective and result producing products on the market. I am a firm believer that every athlete, regardless of his or her beliefs, are entitled to the truth about ergogenic aids and supplemental products and this includes the hardcore facts. Proper knowledge is essential to help one unleash maximum potential.

KEY TERMS In this supplement book there will be many terms and words used. It is necessary to

familiarize yourself with these terms that are presented in this book. You will be able to understand all the pertinent information and facts. These words are not necessarily in alphabetical order.

ASSIMILATION- This is the process whereby foods are absorbed and utilized by the body.


- (ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE); This is an intermediate high-energy compound, which on hydrolysis to ADP, release chemically useful energy.


- This means requiring oxygen. Aerobic metabolism occurs during low intensity, long duration type exercise.


- This refers to the simple form of protein after the break down of protein. Amino acids are also sold in the form of tablets or capsules. These are a group of nitrogen containing; carbon based organic compounds, which serve as the building blocks of protein and muscle.


- This refers to the promoting of anabolism, which is the actual building process of tissues, mainly muscle, in the body.

ANABOLIC STEROIDS - These are synthetic forms of the male hormone testosterone. This hormone promotes faster protein synthesis meaning an increase in strength and lean muscle mass.


- This word means without oxygen. Anaerobic metabolism in muscle tissue occurs during explosive activities such as weight lifting.

ANTI-CATABOLISM - This is the actual halting process of cellular breakdown in the body.

A.M.D.R. - (ADULT MINIMUM DAILY REQUIREMENT) A requirement established by the food and drug administration for various nutrients.


- These are vitamin supplements that minimize tissue oxidation and help control free radicals and their damaging effects.

B.M.R. - (BASEL METABOLIC RATE): This is the natural speed at which the body burns calories to provide its’ basic survival energy.


- This term refers to sublingual administration. These are supplements that are taken under the tongue for better absorption into the body.


- This term refers to chemicals that are added to medications and some

supplements in order to prevent stomach discomfort.


- These are organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and

oxygen. Carbohydrates contain four calories per gram. This macronutrient is a necessary substance for muscular contractions during weight training.


- This term refers to the breaking down of muscle tissue, it’s the opposite of anabolism. CORTISOL

- This is one of the primary catabolic hormones in the body. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for cannibalizing muscle tissue if training is taken to the ultimate extreme.

CREATINE PHOSPHATE - This is an inorganic phosphate molecule that binds with ADP to form ATP. Using creatine supplements will help increase your muscle’s CP reserves.


- This term means the designated amount of time in months or weeks one uses to measure the usage of a supplement or drug.


- This is a group of products, or product, that is used to rid the body of excess water. This is accomplished by the excretion of urine from the body. Some forms of natural diuretics include herbal tea, caffeine, black tea, guarana and dandelion.


- A substance that is man made and does not occur in nature. It is used for the prevention, diagnosis and/or treatment of disease, as well as the relief of symptoms.


- This term refers to a raise in ones athletic abilities. An ergogenic aid is a supplement or drug used to enhance athletic performance.


- This is the female sex hormone. Estrogen is the dominant female hormone in women. Men posses this hormone in very small amounts.


- (FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION). This organization is responsible for the approval and the safety of every drug and supplement sold in the United States.


- Fats or lipids are the most concentrated forms of energy in the diet. When oxidized, fats furnish more than twice the number of calories per gram furnished by carbohydrates or protein. One gram of fat yields approximately nine calories to the body. Fat deposits surround, protect and hold in place organs such as the kidneys, the heart and the liver.


- Glycogen is the form in which carbohydrates are stored in the muscle. This form of carbohydrates will be used as fuel during workouts. A low level of glycogen will result in loss of strength and early fatigue.


- This term refers to the underground distribution of supplements and

drugs that are not yet approved by the FDA.

GROWTH HORMONE (GH) - This hormone is naturally released by the pituitary gland; it is an anabolic hormone. GH promotes muscle growth and the breakdown of body fat for energy. This term is also used to describe certain drugs that contain synthetic versions of human growth hormone, (HGH).


- Is the increase in a muscles mass and strength do to an overload on that muscle, known to athletes as muscle growth.


- This is a hormone produced by the cells of the pancreas. Its main function is to regulate the metabolism of glucose and other carbohydrates. Insulin aids the body in maintaining proper blood sugar levels and promoting glycogen storage. The secretion of insulin speeds the movement of nutrients through the bloodstream and into muscle for growth. This makes insulin the most anabolic hormone in the body.

LACTIC ACID - The waste product from glycogen which is stored in the muscles. Lactic acid is a waste product due to the process that produces the energy for muscular contraction. If the heart, lungs and circulatory system have been able to provide enough oxygen in the area, the lactic acid will be reprocessed by the body into a new source of energy, if not, the build up will eventually prevent contraction leading to total muscular failure.

MEAL REPLACEMENT POWDERS - MRPs are a group of protein supplements, which contain carbohydrates, fats, and of course protein along with other key nutrients which are used to replace a regular food meal.


- The process of metabolism involves all chemical changes that nutrients undergo from the time they are absorbed to the time they become a part of the body or are excreted from the body. Metabolism is the conversion of the digestive nutrients into the building material for living tissue or energy to meet the bodies needs.


- Muscles are a fixed bunch of fibers, which produce movement by contracting and dilating. They increase in size and strength when subjected to progressive resistance like weight training.

MUSCLE HYPERTROPHY - This refers to an increase in the size of the muscles due to weight training.


- This term is often used to describe certain foods or supplements that are not highly refined and which do not contain chemical fertilizers or artificial flavors and colors.


- This refers to supplements or drugs that must be swallowed in order to be effective. Most of the supplements are in oral form.

OVER THE COUNTER (OTC) - This refers to drugs that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, for example: aspirin, caffeine supplements and cough medicine etc..

PER (PROTEIN EFFICIENCY RATIO) - This term refers to the quality of the protein in protein supplements such as protein powers and amino acid tablets.


- This is a useless inactive substance like a sugar pill, used in place of an effective drug or substance given to control groups in clinical studies.

PEPTIDE-BONDED - This refers to a superior form of amino acid which has been proven to be a much better amino acid supplement than free form amino acids.

PROTEINS - These are highly complex nitrogen containing compounds found in all animal and vegetable tissues. They are made up of amino acids and are essential for growth and repair in the body. Protein is used by the body to build, repair and maintain muscle tissue.

PRECURSORS - These are compounds from which another compound is formed. The hormone androstenedione is a direct precursor to testosterone production in the body.

PROHORMONE - This term refers to a class of supplement that are precursors to the hormone testosterone. They are typically found inside various glands in the body, such as the pituitary and adrenal glands. These chemicals are the direct precursors to hormone production.

SIDE-EFFECTS - This term refers to any unwanted (negative) reactions from the use of a drug or supplement that can either be serious or not serious, short term or long term.


- This refers to using two different supplements, or drugs, at the same time in hopes of creating a positive effect that cannot be achieved using only one product.


- This term refers to administering a supplement under the tongue for greater absorption into the body; also known as buccal.


- These are substances or products used by athletes to help enhance athletic performance, recuperation and health. Supplements usually come in the forms of tablets, capsules, powders, or liquid.


- This is the male hormone that is produced in the male testes. This is the primary hormone which makes muscles grow.

THERMOGENIC - This term refers to fat burning or heat production. Supplementing with a thermogenic agent will help to speed up the metabolic rate at which the body burns fat.


- These are organic compounds found in many foods, which are vital for a

healthy life and are vital for bodily functions. Supplementing with good quality vitamin supplements is essential for optimum health and the maintenance of a healthy immune system.

TRAINING FOR SIZE AND MASS There are many routines and nutrition programs available that produce significant results in the way of muscle gains. The purpose of this section is to introduce you to a synergistic approach to training, nutrition and supplementation. This is what is called an integrated program when weight training, cardio, nutrition and supplementations are incorporated. If any of these factors are missing in your muscle building endeavors you stand a very good chance of crippling your progress in the gym. As we all know there is not only one way to train. But there are some basic concepts to training that we should be aware of that are time proven and backed by scientific research. Knowing this will help you in not making mistakes and will speed along your muscle building goals. With this in mind, I will try to explain some basic principles that can be applied to the following proven routines to help you gain the most muscle mass possible.

You must stay motivated - There are many things you can do to stay motivated. Write your goals down. Make daily goals to apply to your training. Keep a daily training journal where you can write your training and physique goals. Whatever you do it is crucial that you stay focused on training so that growth continues to take place on a constant bases.

Train with intensity

- Intensity is increased when sets, reps, and weight are added to your workout. In order to make the muscles grow they must be exposed to large amounts of stress. Anything less is simply a waste. The most result producing principle we will discuss for adding intensity to the training session is the rest-pause training principle.

Train heavy

- Muscle growth takes place only when they are exposed to continuous heavy lifting. The muscle fibers need to be heavily stimulated in order to grow. The body becomes accustomed to the same poundage rather quickly so it is very important that constant weight increases are done. Remember this and always keep this in mind; HEAVYWEIGHT = STRENGTH = SIZE. There are those that may know this but it bears repeating. Along with heavy poundage's (Not sacrificing form) it is very important to increase weight whenever possible.

Use the following training principles: REST- PAUSE, FORCED REPS, TRIPLE DROPS AND PARTIALS. Let’s use the squat as an example in explaining the rest-pause technique. Begin the typical leg workout with the squat and warm up with a light poundage of about 100lbs for 12 reps. Your next set would be 10 reps of about 185lbs, keep in mind that these poundage's are just examples. Use the weight you are most comfortable using. Next do your next two sets with 225lbs and 315lbs of 10reps and 8 reps. These sets are preparing the quadriceps for your next set of 10 rest-pause reps. The next set is performed in the following fashion: Lets use 445lbs as our example. Begin by

doing 5 reps. Go very slowly on the eccentric (down phase) portion of the movement. Next place the bar on the rack and take 10 deep breaths and do your next 3 reps very slowly on the down phase and exploding on the up phase. Next rack the bar again and take another 10 deep breaths. Now begin your last 2 reps, again going down very slowly and exploding on the up phase. There you have your 10 rest-pause reps. next reduce the weight to 340 and try to do as many reps as possible. Once this is accomplished your squat workout is completed. Once 10 rest-pause reps are completed with the desired poundage, increase the weight by 5-10lbs in your next squat workout and do rest-pause with that particular poundage. This will constantly keep you moving up in poundage, which in turn will help your strength and mass gains. Now on to triple drops. Let’s use the dumbbell shoulder press as our example. Begin by using a light pair of dumbbells to warm up the deltoids. After this use a poundage you can complete 10 reps with. After this set is completed increase the poundage by 5lbs. Complete another 10 reps if possible making 8 reps acceptable. Now for your last set, increase the poundage by another 5-10lbs. Do as many reps as you can aiming for 8 reps making 6 acceptable. After this, without resting, grab a pair of dumbbells 5-10lbs lighter. Rep out as many reps as you can. Next without rest grab another pair of dumbbells 5-10 pounds lighter than the previous pair of dumbbells and rep out as many reps as you can. There, you just completed the triple drop principle. This principle is applied during your last set of the exercise to fatigue the deltoids. Now on to partials. This principle is best applied to pulling exercises such as barbell or cable rowing. We will use the barbell row as our example. Begin by warming up on the barbell row the usual way by doing 10 reps with a light poundage. After this, increase the poundage and do as many reps as possible aiming for 12 reps. next, increase the poundage by 5-10lbs and do as many reps as possible. Once it becomes impossible for you to complete full reps do not stop. Continue to try to row by moving the bar halfway up. Once this is no longer possible, continue to just move the bar 3/4 of the way up until you can no longer move your arms. You just completed the partials principle. These principles should be applied once every second or third workout to prevent over training. On the workouts that these principles are not applied, focus on doing straight set with forced reps. This will help you cement your mass and strength levels for your next increase in poundage's. By following these principles, you are constantly moving upward in heavy weight, which in turn means more strength, which means more mass.

Train consistently

- Avoid missing training sessions unless you are recovering from an injury. Every workout day should be followed by a complete day of rest to prevent over training. In order for continued progress to take place, you must train consistently and avoid lengthy layoffs. In order to maintain strength, you must train on a consistent basis.

Don’t over train - If you keep to the rule described above, to train every other day, over training will be avoided. Over training occurs when one doesn't take a sufficient amount of rest between each training session. The process of muscle growth doesn't take place in the gym; it takes place after the workout on your rest days.

Train twice a day - Train twice a day if at all possible. For example: Your cardio workouts can be done in the morning for 20 minutes. In the afternoon you can do you

weight training workouts. You can also use the morning to train your abdominal or calf or any muscle group that you feel is a pain to train and lagging behind. The next reason for training in the morning and afternoon is that it is the best time your post workout meals are utilized. The best time to eat your main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) is right after your workouts. The food that is eaten after the training session is less likely to be stored as fat and more likely to be used by the muscles.

Train with common sense and intelligence

- By applying the information in this chapter, you will be incorporating an integrated system that will help you succeed in your bodybuilding endeavors.


Nutrition for the bodybuilder plays a crucial roll in building muscle. Without proper nutrient intake, your muscle building endeavors will be thwarted. No eats, no growth. Without the proper muscle building fuel, the body will begin to take its’ nutrients from your muscles. This in turn will hamper the muscle building process and make your training completely useless and nonproductive. To maintain positive nitrogen balance, the body must have an abundance of nutrience for proper growth to take place. In order to gain loads of muscle mass, you must consume large meals. Not all in one sitting, but food that is nutrient dense and spaced out throughout the day. You should eat six to eight meals daily spaced out every 2½ to 3 hours. In order to ensure maximum muscle gains, you must train properly, use proper supplementation and maintain optimum nutritional intake. You cannot eat haphazardly and eat what you think is o.k. and hope to reap the rewards of your training. As a bodybuilder, your meals should be planned out in advance. You should be aware of how much protein, carbohydrates and fats your body requires. Also you must keep count of the calories you are consuming on a daily basis. Consistency is vital in order to make continued progress in your muscle building endeavors. NUTRITION BASICS - It is very important to have a complete understanding of the basic macronutrient profile. Supplements are important in bodybuilding, but should not be substituted for proper nutrition.

1) PROTEIN 5) WATER 2) FATS 3) CARBOHYDRATES 4)VITAMINS & MINERALS Notice that protein is listed first in the macronutrient profile. Protein is the only macronutrient that builds muscle. Muscle tissue is made of protein. The body must have an abundance of protein throughout the day in order to stay in a positive nitrogen balance. This will ensure that your body does not use your hard earned muscle as its’ main source of protein. The simple forms of protein are called amino acids. Amino acids are essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. Protein, in the past, has been under rated making carbohydrates the chief fuel. Carbohydrates are important for fueling the muscle with glycogen, which is the fuel needed for muscular contractions and recuperation, but

protein should be 40% of your daily food intake because as discussed previously, only protein builds muscle nothing else. The quality of the protein is essential to ensure muscular hypertrophy. Eating foods such as chicken, eggs and fish along with lean cuts of steak, will help you in building good quality muscle because these foods are very high in P.E.R. (Protein Efficiency Ratio). REMEMBER that protein is the main nutrient responsible for building, repairing and maintaining muscle tissue.


- Fat have been the recipient of negative press. This is a nutrient many bodybuilders misunderstand and avoid like the plague. Fats should be 20% to 30% of your daily nutrient intake. Fats serve four positive functions:

1) Fats are a major source of stored energy.

2) Fats provide a cushion to protect the major organs in the body.

3) It provides insulation to help preserve body heat.

4) And the most interesting one for us bodybuilders, fats help to increase our natural testosterone levels. The best type of fats to consume are your essential omega three fatty acids found in fish such as salmon and sardines also in supplemental forms like flax seed oil and Udo’s barrage oils.


- Carbohydrates are a very important source of fuel but they have been extremely over rated as the primary macronutrient for muscle building. Carbohydrates play an important role in that it provides the fuel for muscular contractions and helps in the recuperation process. Other important things carbohydrates do are as follows:

1) Carbohydrates are stored in the muscles as glycogen, which is the necessary fuel for anaerobic training such as weight training.

2) Carbohydrates are the muscles main source of energy, it is the nutrient that is readily available. Ingesting a sufficient amount of carbs will help the athlete experience a more intense training session.

3) Sufficient amounts of carbs will help keep the body from burning protein and using it as its’ fuel source, which is necessary for building muscle.

By keeping carbohydrates at 30% of your daily nutrient intake, you will be using carbohydrates in an efficient way. By keeping protein at 40% of your daily nutrient intake, you will be utilizing your carbohydrate stores more efficiently. An over

abundance of carbs will cause over spillage causing unnecessary insulin spikes and cause you to put on unnecessary adipose tissue (fat). Sudden insulin spikes cause sudden bursts of energy then causes a sudden drop in energy levels. This in turn will make you sluggish due to the sudden peak and drop in energy levels. By keeping your nutrient profile at the recommended 40%-30%-30%, you will not experience fluctuations in energy levels. Each macro nutrient will be effectively utilized. VITAMINS AND MINERALS - These are substances found in a variety of foods. These can also be supplemented by using the tablet forms. These are nutrients your body needs to help utilize all other nutrients ingested. These substances do not supply energy on their own, but help metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fats more efficiently. WATER

- Water is a vital nutrient in that without it you will die. Water helps to keep the body completely hydrated. Water will help in flushing out toxins from the body due to many impurities many foods may have. Water helps the body use food and nutrients more effectively. Muscle is about 70% water by weight. Without adequate fluid intake, exercise that results in fluid loss will cause muscles to weaken and reduce their size. It is recommended that you drink anywhere from ½ gallon to 1 gallon of water a day.


Carbohydrates consists of the following foods: Carbohydrate drinks, rice, potatoes, barley, pasta, wheat bread, oatmeal, pancakes, fruits & vegetables, fat free yogurt, popcorn, rice cakes, whole grains, tortillas etc..


consists of the following foods: Egg whites, chicken breast, turkey breast, beef, fish, canned tuna, low fat cottage cheese, milk, protein supplements etc..

Fats consists of the following foods: Vegetable oils, MCT oils, flax seed oils, avocados, seeds, natural peanut butter, low fat cheese, low fat salad dressing, olives & olive oil, safflower oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, etc.. Fats to avoid: butter, mayonnaise, sweets, whole fat dairy products, fried foods. Food additives: Sugar substitutes such as equal and sweet and low, salt substitutes such as no salt, vinegar, light cooking spray such as pam, imitation butter. Vitamin & Minerals: These are found in all the foods described above and can also be taken in supplemental forms. Water: This fluid must be consumed several times throughout the day. Aim to drink at least a half gallon a day or eight glasses daily.


To gain lean muscle size, you must consume enough muscle building calories as possible. Keeping tabs on what you eat is also important because you will be able know how much of a specific macronutrient you’re consuming. By keeping a journal on the foods you eat will help you in knowing the total amount of calories consumed for that particular day. Planning your meals on a daily bases along with your training will ensure that you are following an integrated system of total body conditioning.

How much should you eat in a day? Your meals should be spaced out in six to eight portion servings every 2½ to 3 hours. Your plate should be divided into thirds. In each section you should place a portion of carbohydrates, protein and a vegetable. A portion of protein and carbohydrate should be about the size of your clenched fist. Total calories to begin with should be ten times your body weight. For example: if you weigh 200lbs you would multiply that by ten. The result: You should be eating 2000 calories for that day every day. If you feel this is not enough for packing mass then increase it accordingly by adding another 100 calories. Keep doing this until you feel your gaining muscle size aiming for 3000 to 5000 calories. Remember that these calories must come from nutrient dense foods making protein the main macronutrient.


Plan your nutrition program with the foods described.

Eat foods that are nutritionally dense.

Eat six to eight meals a day. NOTE: Meal replacement and protein drinks, such as MET-Rx, are considered meals. Use them whenever possible.

Eat balanced meals by dividing your plate into thirds following this ratio: 40%-30%-30%. Protein at 40%, carbohydrates at 30% and fats at 30%. If you feel that the fat percentage is rather high for you, then reduce it by 10% making fats 20% of your dietary intake. With the ten percentage points that where taken away from the fats, you add them to your protein percentage. Now your protein profile is 50% of your total dietary intake. Protein is the ideal choice because as discussed previously, only protein builds muscle.

Eat your biggest meals right after your two training sessions. Food that is eaten after your training sessions are more likely to be used to build muscle and not stored as fat.

Eat your calories that pertain to the formula given above. Your calories should start with tan times your body weight.

Drink a half-gallon of water daily.

You may also have a cheat day where you may eat your favorite junk food within reason.


The supplement industry has made major improvements in the last ten years. Many of the sports nutrition products sold today are products that actually work very similar to mild cycles of steroids and other muscle building compounds. There was a time, not to long ago, that many supplement manufactures made bogus products that just did not live up to

the label claims. Many of these people were in the supplement business just for the lucrative money. There were companies that would use deceptive names on their products, names given to many of the pharmaceutical ergogens bodybuilders use, to make it seem that it would produce the same results as the pharmaceutical product it was named after. Bogus products are still being produced today, but keep in mind that these companies only stay in operation for very short periods, they soon go out of business. The companies with longevity are the companies that produce products backed by university studies, which would show that the supplement being studied has merit in helping athletes reach their goals. In this book, we will describe the supplement companies that produce real products that work; companies you should purchase products from. Today there are still companies that spring up every so often that could care less about effective products. Their main concern is whether products can be marketed effectively. In laymen's terms, will there be anyone who will purchase their product. Athletes must be informed and aware of the supplement industry and their motives.


There are many muscle culture magazines that will not give you exact information on muscle building supplements, of course there are some exceptions. Many magazines may try to give vague descriptions of certain products. This is done because the majority of the money made by the publication is made by the advertising dollars the companies pay to sell their products. Supplement companies make up to 80% of a muscle publications clientele. This is the reason why many muscle magazines are gun shy when it comes to giving bogus products negative press. They do not want to lose a customer.

FRAUDULENT AND DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING. There was a time not to long ago that It was legal for advertisers to make false claims about their products. The reason for this is because the advertiser was allowed to exercise their first amendment rights. This would allow the advertiser to make unsupported claims about their product as long as it did not appear on the labels. Now the F.D.A. (Food and Drug Association) have stepped up to the plate trying to make these companies accountable for their false claims. When a company claims that their product produces the results described in the advertising or the ingredients that are on the label are in the product, they must substantiate their claims with actual proof.


This chapter will reveal some of the worthless products that are being sold to many unsuspecting athletes. Some of these products are found in many magazines with some very elaborate advertising and claims. There is nothing more disheartening than purchasing a product that doesn’t contain its’ labels’ claim. This problem is a widespread one and it seems to be getting much bigger as sports nutrition gains credibility every year. Many small supplement companies are continuing to pop up every year and many magazines continue to accept advertising from these companies that it is becoming impossible to weed out the phony stuff from the legitimate products. The following lists of supplements are the products that do absolutely nothing in terms of bodybuilding. This list reflects not only my opinion but also the opinion of countless bodybuilders, powerlifters and fitness enthusiasts.


- Can you believe this supplement is still being sold today. It has been shown in many studies that Boron increases testosterone levels in post-menopausal women. What do the marketers do? They distort this information by saying that it increases testosterone on everyone including hardcore bodybuilders who obviously are NOT post-menopausal. Boron does nothing for strong athletes in the way of increasing testosterone. There is some evidence that Boron might help in preventing or helping to treat osteoporosis and arthritis.


- This is a product that hasn’t been seen marketed for sometime now, but bears mentioning because it may pop up again. This is not uncommon for phony supplement companies as it has been done before. Look at the G.H. (Growth hormone) homeopathic sprays being marketed. The marketers of this supplement claim that it can boost the effects of creatine. There is no evidence to suggest that this product does what its’ marketers claim. This product contains arginine, glycine and methionine, which happen to be the base amino acid elements of natural creatine production. This product would be a complete waste of money only because there is no scientific evidence that this product can help the body use creatine more efficiently.


- These products are still being marketed to bodybuilders to this day. These products are being touted as natural alternatives to steroids. There is absolutely nothing in the scientific literature to prove that these products do what the marketers say it does. Also there are no university studies that have shown this product to be useful to bodybuilders and power-lifters.


- This supplement is a combination of raw extracts from the organs of animals, mainly cattle. They contain raw extracts from the thyroid gland, adrenal gland, testical, pituitary, liver, heart etc.. The marketers of this product claim that by ingesting this product, it would basically enable athletes to enhance their testosterone output thus improving their muscle building ability. There is no scientific data to substantiate this claim. This supplement is not worth using.


- These supplements are pure junk. These

products are suppose to be an alternative to steroids. Nothing can be further from the truth. There are also many homeopathic growth hormone supplements. These are completely worthless as well. The theory behind homeopathy is that if a product or medication like growth hormone or testosterone work in its full drug form, then diluting it several thousand times to an inert liquid form can work just as well. There is no proof to this. don’t waste your money.


- These two substances have also been marketed as steroid alternatives. You may run into them at your local health food store. These two products have not proven to show any type of steroid like effects. Not recommended.


- Free form amino acids are mostly effective if taken intravenously. If ingested, you may experience only partial benefits. Use the peptide-bonded amino acids, they are a much more effective protein supplement.


- These are a complete waste of money. Amino acids do not hold well in liquid form. They have poor liquid solubility. Stay away from these scams.


- This supplement is be peddled as an IGF-1 (INSULIN GROWTH FACTOR) precursor. This means that if taken, colostrum should help stimulate IGF-1 in your body. BALONEY!! Colostrum is a milky substance, which is secreted from mother’s milk the first days of an infant’s existence. Colostrum is in abundance for a few days of breast-feeding a baby. This substance is rich in IGF-1. This is to help kick start new born’s immune system and to develop proper gut enzymes to assure proper digestion. This does not apply to fully-grown hardcore bodybuilders. Not recommended.


- These are products that contain the amino acids: ARGININE, ORNITHINE AND PYROGLUTAMATE. These amino acids have shown to increase growth hormone out-put when taken intravenously, but it is inconclusive if taken orally. You can give it a try to see if it works for you.


- Desiccated liver tablets have been around for many years and many bodybuilders still use them today. These are beef liver that is dried and vacuumed at low temperatures to form the tablets. The purpose for vacuum drying is to preserve all its’ nutrients to make it equal with raw liver. The marketers of these supplements claim that ingesting liver tablets is equal to actually eating raw liver and that it is a good source of protein, which promotes muscle building. There are much better choices for protein than liver tablets so I would not recommend them. If you wish to give them a try then do so, but keep in mind that you should spend your hard earned cash on something more worth while like a good whey protein supplement.

DIOSTEROL - This is suppose to be an herbal natural steroid, so the marketers claim. There has never been an effective plant sterol nor are they effective in the human body. This is just another bogus product.


- This is another plant sterol, which is suppose to take the place

of steroids. Another bogus supplement to avoid. Not recommended.


- Back in the mid to late

80’s and early 90’s, cybergenics sold an enormous amount of muscle building kits. They where the ones who started the before and after photo shots that claimed that their product would transform the body into a ripped physique in just weeks of using the training guide and supplements. What cybergenics introduced to the masses was an integrated approach to bodybuilding. By following the training, dietary and supplement recommendations, you would be able to dramatically change your body. This program proved to be worth while. There are many athletes who do not know how to incorporate these concepts into their muscle building endeavors. Even though the supplements were outdated, the supplements that came with the cybergenics kit, the actual training program can still be used along with today's updated supplements that actually are proven to work. The cybergenics kit would be recommended to those who do not know how to integrate a supplement, nutrition and training program.


This section will review the supplements that actually work in helping muscle building and enhancing athletic ability. With the supplement industry improving by leaps and bounds, it has become prevalent that one can build a quality physique with today's updated products like one could back in the 70’s while on a mild cycle of steroids. This section can be used to help you form a strategic supplement program and also aid you in purchasing products that are worth every penny. You’ll be buying supplements in confidence and that actually work.


- Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. As discussed earlier, the best form of amino acids are the peptide bonded amino acids. These are derived from egg albumin meaning that they yield a high protein efficiency ratio (P.E.R.). This translates to the supplement being utilized more efficiently. As bodybuilders, eating enough protein is vital for continued muscle gains. Peptide bonded amino acids are highly recommended. The recommended dosage is as follows: 2-4 tablets with 4 of your 6 meals. 2-4 times a day especially after training.

THE BEST BRANDS: Twin Labs - AMINO FUEL, Ultimate Nutrition - AMINO GOLD, Sports Pharma - AMINO MAX, Unipro - AMINO 1000 and Megapro - AMINO 1500.


- The three branched chain amino acids (B.C.A.A.) are Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. They are found in abundance in skeletal muscle and play a major role in muscle growth and recovery. They are the first amino acids oxidized during exercise. B.C.A.A. should be taken before and after exercise to assure that muscle not be sacrificed by the body and used as fuel, and to begin the

recovery process. These amino acids are responsible for preventing the muscles from being used as fuel during training. Consuming a quality whey protein supplement also ensures that you are taking in enough B.C.A.A.. The dosage that should be taken is as follows: 3-5 capsules 60-90 minutes before and after workout. Also advised: drink a quality whey protein supplement after training.

THE BEST BRANDS: Pro Labs - B.C.A.A. Plus, Ultimate Nutrition - B.C.A.A., Sports Pharma - B.C.A.A. 800, Twin Labs - Anabolic Fuel, and Unipro - B.C.A.A. Plus.

THE BEST BRANDS FOR WHEY PROTEIN: Next Nutrition - designer whey protein, Pro Lab - Ion Exchange Whey Protein, Ultimate Nutrition - 100% whey protein, AST Research - Vyo-pro whey protein.


- This category of protein supplement has been in existence since 1991 with the introduction of Met-Rx, which was created by a heart surgeon, Dr. Scott Connelly. MRP’s are intended to be used as a meal but its’ classification is of a dietary supplement. These products contain high levels of quality protein, moderate amounts of carbohydrates, minimal amounts of fats and loads of vitamins and minerals. As a hard training bodybuilder, eating frequently is vital. By including a quality MRP, you are making sure that your meal frequency is not disturbed.


- There are many brands to choose from that are top quality. Here are some of them: EAS - Myoplex and Myoplex deluxe, Met-Rx and Met-Rx Pro50, AST Research - Nitro-Pro 40, Optimum Nutrition - Opti-Pro meal, Complete Protein Diet etc.. These are just a few, there are many more quality MRP’s out there being put out by reputable supplement companies.

CREATINE - Creatine debuted back in 1993 by Anthony Almada and Ed Byrd and took the supplement market by storm. This supplement was the first over the counter product that actually delivered results that were ergogenic, results that were only reserved for muscle building pharmaceuticals. The study of creatine continues today. Scientists are coming up with better ways for using creatine and coming up with better supplement formulas. Creatine is found in small amounts in red meat. Creatine, taken in supplement form, has been shown to increase peak-power output and also cause significant weight increase. Creatine causes the muscle to hold more fluid by soaking up the creatine. Creatine is one of the muscles main energy sources. Up to 95% of the creatine in the body is stored in the muscles. When the muscles are saturated with creatine you can expect a major increase in strength and you will recuperate much faster. Creatine taken with simple carbohydrate drinks, such as grape juice, have shown to increase the absorption of creatine by spiking the body’s natural insulin levels, which help to drive the creatine into the muscle cells. Because of this unique discovery, There have been many supplement companies developing creatine transport system supplements. These products contain glucose, Alfa Lipoic Acid (a very potent insulin transport supplement) and sucrose. These formulas help the body use the creatine more efficiently thus ramming the creatine into the muscle cells. EAS, Phosphagen HP and Muscle Techs, Cell Tech are

two such products that deliver fantastic anabolic like effects. Creatine is highly recommended.

THE BEST BRANDS - EAS, Eclipse, Ultimate Nutrition, AST Research, Muscle Tech and Pro Labs. These are just a few of the credible companies that are putting out great creatine products.


- Glutamine is involved in a variety of metabolic processes and the main one is the prevention of muscle wasting. Our bodies use significant amounts of glutamine on a daily bases. Glutamine helps our immune system function properly and also is one of the few amino acids that cause a major growth hormone release. This is truly a must use supplement. Glutamine in conjunction with creatine have been shown, in many scientific studies, to help increase the muscle-cell volume.


- This supplement was introduced to the bodybuilding public back in 1994 by Bill Philips, Former publisher and owner of Muscle Media. It was marketed as a anti-catabolic compound with much to offer in the way of muscle gains. There has been many mixed views on this supplement. Many claim that it doesn’t work while others claim to experience results. There are conflicting views on this product. Bill Philips has pushed HMB pretty heavily in his 1996 supplement book. In clinical studies HMB has been found effective for gaining lean muscle mass and losing body fat. Athletes who like and use HMB claim that it improves training drive, increases strength and helps prevent stress-induced muscle breakdown, meaning it’s a potent anticatabolic agent. Give HMB a try to see if you have the same results. Results may vary from person to person.


- The concept that certain dietary fats help promote muscle growth was brought about by the late great bodybuilding expert Dan Duchane. CLA was introduced to the supplement market by EAS. Controlled studies have shown that CLA helps in the prevention of weight loss and enhance growth in animals suffering adverse effects of catabolic hormones. This study shows that it may be useful for weight training athletes due to CLA’s anticatabolic properties. CLA has also been shown to be a very powerful anti oxidant similar to vitamin E and beta carotene. CLA is highly recommended.

EPHEDRINE-CAFFEINE-ASPIRIN STACK. - Ephedrine is the first over the counter medication that gave athletes and sedentary people the opportunity to use an effective fat burning supplement that works. Ephedra is an herb derived from the Ephedra plant. Its’ main chemical constituent, ephedrine, is a beta-adrenergic agonist similar to that of clenbuterol. On it own it is a potent thermogenic compound, but studies have shown that when ephedrine is combined with caffeine and aspirin, their thermogenic qualities are multiplied and their fat burning effects become stronger. Along with fat burning, the ephedrine-caffeine-aspirin stack has also been shown to have nutrient partitioning effects. Ephedra is an ancient Chinese herb. It has been around for about 5000 years. Ephedras’ Chinese name is Ma-Huang. Many supplement companies are developing fat burning supplements that contain the herbal counter parts to the ephedrine stack, such as

ephedrine herbal form: Ma-Huang, caffeine: Kola nut and aspirin: White willow bark. Caution should be exercised when using ephedrine and its’ herbal counter parts as these products have central nervous system stimulating effects. Not everyone can tolerate these effects. You should definitely consult a physician if you decide to use these products.


- This supplement was created by the late great Dan Duchane. It

contains a combination of ephedrine, caffeine and fruit extracts that may prolong the effects of the herbal stimulants. The carbohydrates are of varying chain lengths. Some of them release slowly in the blood and will not mess with your blood sugar levels before training. It also contains whey protein, which may further prolong glucose release into the blood. Next Nutrition manufactures Ultimate Orange. Caution should also be exercised when using this product, like with the ephedrine stack.


- is the name for a collection of globular proteins that can be isolated from whey, a by-product of cheese manufactured from cow's milk. It is typically a mixture of beta-lactoglobulin (~65%), alpha-lactalbumin (~25%), and serum albumin (~8%), which are soluble in their native forms, independent of pH. Whey has the highest Biological Value (BV) of any known protein even egg protein. The protein fraction in Whey (approximately 10% of the total dry solids within Whey) comprises four major protein fractions and six minor protein fractions. The major protein fractions in whey are beta-lactoglobulin, cyclobenzene, alpha-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin and immunoglobulins. Each of these components have important disease-fighting effects.[citation needed] In addition, whey protein is easily digestible. Whey protein can be denatured by heat. High heat (like the sustained high temperatures above 72 degrees Celsius (160 degrees Fahrenheit) associated with the pasteurization process) denatures whey proteins, destroying some bioactive compounds, such as the amino acid cysteine. While native whey protein does not aggregate upon renneting or acidification of milk, denaturing the whey protein triggers hydrophobic interactions with other proteins, and the formation of disulfide bonds between whey proteins and casein micelles, leading to aggregation with other milk proteins at low pH. Whey protein typically comes in three major forms: concentrate, isolate and hydrolysate. Whey protein concentrates contain a low level of fat and cholesterol but generally have higher levels of bioactive compounds, and carbohydrates in the form of lactose — they are 29%-89% protein by weight. Isolates are processed to remove the fat, and lactose, but are usually lower in bioactive compounds as well — they are 90%+ protein by weight. Both of these types are mild to slightly milky in taste. Hydrolysates are predigested, partially hydrolyzed whey proteins which consequently are more easily absorbed, but their cost is generally higher. Whey protein hydrolysate also tends to taste quite different than other forms of whey protein, usually in a way that many find undesirable but can be masked when used in beverages.


– There are many scientific studies that show that soy protein products

have a positive influence on health. Soy protein can make a contribution in weight reduction, mainly by providing essential high-quality protein in a concentrated form for specially designed, low calorie – high nutrient density meals. Soy in its natural state contains more glutamine than whey. Soy has an extensive amino acid content. Soy imparts thyroid boosting activity, which has yet to be explained. A bodybuilder dieting for competition may choose soy protein for its thyroid boosting benefits, which in turn will help burn body fat. I recommend soy protein for extreme dieting conditions. Soy protein is generally regarded as the storage protein held in discrete particles called protein bodies which are estimated to contain at least 60–70% of the total soybean protein. Upon germination of the soybean, the protein will be digested and the released amino acids will be transported to locations of seedling growth. Legume proteins, such as soy, and pulses belong to the globulin family of seed storage proteins called leguminins (11S) and vicilins (7S), or glycinin and beta-conglycinin in soybeans. Grains contain a third type of storage protein called gluten or "prolamines". Soybeans also contain biologically active or metabolic proteins such as enzymes, trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinins, and cysteine proteases. The soy cotyledon storage proteins, important for human nutrition, can be extracted most efficiently by water, water plus dilute alkali (pH 7–9), or aqueous solutions of sodium chloride (0.5–2 M) from dehulled and defatted soybeans that have undergone only a minimal heat treatment so that the protein is close to being native or undenatured. Soybeans are processed into three kinds of protein-rich products; soy flour, soy concentrate, and soy isolate.


It has been known for sometime that insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the human body. Any food that is consumed automatically triggers an insulin response. This hormone can be easily manipulated unlike the other hormones in the body such as testosterone and growth hormone. Through properly times nutrient intake, the body’s insulin levels can be used to help the body efficiently use carbohydrates and protein. Insulin is transport hormone meaning that its purpose is to transport nutrients into the body’s cells. Insulin can do one of two things with the transport of nutrients; it can transport the nutrients into trained muscle tissue or it can transport them into fat calls. The likelihood of the insulin shuttling nutrients to the fat cells in a trained body is slim. For those who do not workout, the chances are much higher for the nutrients and carbohydrates to be stored in fat cells. This is a major contributing factor to obesity. Back in the 1980’s, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) made high carbohydrate, moderate protein and low fat the standard diet for all Americans to follow. This type of diet was suppose to be a diet that would help people lose fat lower their cholesterol and stay healthy. This type of diet may work for some but not most. Since the institution of this diet, we have seen America become an obese country; a country of fatsos. As athletes, we must not follow the FDA norm but use the appropriate macro nutrient profile, which is the following: Protein must be your main macro nutrient because only proten builds muscle, then carbohydrates because carbs are the fuel that gives the muscle

the capacity to work harder and fats because fats help stimulate testosterone levels and actually help burn fat if you use the correct type of fat. By using proper food timing, these macro nutrients will be stored in the muscle cells. Always combine your protein, carbs and fats together throughout the day. Never eat unbalanced meals. Eat simple carbohydrates immediately after your workout with a hefty dose of creatine to replenish glycogen stores. Your insulin level will spike upward, which is exactly what you want because insulin will favor your trained muscle tissue over fat cells at this point. To help make insulin more efficient we will discuss some interesting nutrients that will help.

VANADYL SULFATE – This supplement has been around since about the early 1990’s. I first saw this product being advertised in Flex magazine by Sports Pharma. Vanadyl sulfate comes from the trace element known as vanadium. The results of a few studies have shown that vanadyl sulfate may enhance many of the same anabolic processes controlled by insulin. Along with testosterone, growth hormone, and thyroid hormone, insulin is a very important and potent anabolic hormone. Insulin mimicking effects by vanadyl sulfate causes glucose and amino acids to be forced into muscle faster and in larger quantities than would normally be assimilated. Vanadyl sulfate also appears to help increase glycogen storage in muscle and to improve protein synthesis. This not only makes the muscle rock hard and pumped, but it also creates the perfect anabolic environment right in the muscle you trained. European physicians often use vanadium salts as a natural remedy for use in connection with diabetes. This is because of vanadium's ability to imitate the effects of insulin in the body, whereby lowering serum glucose levels. This enables some diabetics (type II diabetics) to use lesser amounts of insulin, or even stop taking insulin altogether. The form of vanadium used by the majority of doctors to lower serum glucose levels is in fact vanadyl sulfate because it is so easily assimilated by the digestive system. However, much more research is needed to determine with any degree of significance whether or not vanadyl sulfate can enhance athletic performance or be developed as an alternative treatment for diabetes.

Vanadyl may help shuttle amino acids into trained muscle cells, which may support muscle growth. For Vanadyl to work properly your carbohydrate consumption should be anywhere from 200-300 grams a day and you should also drink plenty of water. The best tabs to use are the 10mg tabs put out by Ultimate Nutrition co. Start with two tabs and increase it to four tabs. One tab taken with four of your six meals. Take one tab with your post workout carbo drink.


- Chromium Picolinate is s trace mineral. It plays an important role in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Chromium, unlike Vanadyl sulfate, needs the body’s natural insulin to work. This mineral helps metabolize glucose for energy. Studies have shown chromium picolinate may increase lean mass and accelerate fat loss. Research also shows that the body’s need for chromium increases with exercise. Use chromium five times throughout the day with five of your six meals. Use 200 mcg with your post workout carbo drink.


- Taurine is an amino acid like glutamine that is earning more and more

respect from bodybuilders and protein scientists. While taurine generally is the second most abundant amino acid in muscle, in several metabolic conditions, some muscle biologists like Eric Serrano, M.D., have determined that it, not glutamine, is the most voluminous amino represented in striated type 2 muscle fiber! Taurine has several critical functions and can act similarly to creatine in that it expands your cells by helping the muscle cell itself hold more water, increasing cell volume. For a lifter or bodybuilder, this is significant because expanded muscle cells can boost hydration resulting in a higher rate of protein synthesis and bodybuilders will appreciate the increased appearance of muscle fullness. Additionally, another 'theory' is that taurine preferentially enhances interstitial contractile leverage and this may aid the lifter in handling heavier weights.

Nowadays, you will often find taurine added to creatine or amino acid preparations in bodybuilding supplements for a heightened effect. The best time to consume these combinations might be 30 minutes before training and again immediately after. Studies also show that doses of 500mg of taurine may decrease protein breakdown. It makes sense to add this to you insulin mimicker stack.


– Alpha lipoic acid is considered to be the most potent glucose – disposal agent. Research has shown that alpha lipoic acid stimulates basel glucose transportation and positive effect on insulin stimulating glucose uptake. Research has also shown alpha lipoic acid to be a powerful anti oxidant. Alpha lipoic acid is prescribed in Germany for adult onset diabetes in doses ranging from 500mg to 800 mg per day. A must use supplement for your insulin mimicker stack.


– This is another glucose disposal agent, which comes from the banana tree. Research shows that colosolic acid seems to reduce serum glucose in a dose-response relationship. More research is needed to figure out the optimal dosage for results to be noticed. You can try out your own research and start with about 32mg stacked with the other disposal agents four times daily.


- D-pinitol is a naturally occurring compound that can be found in some plants, trees, and food, such as soy. D-pinitol has demonstrated effects similar to insulin that drive creatine and other nutrients into the muscles. D-pinitol is a methyl-inositol extract that promotes the transport of glucose and glycogen synthesis. D-pinitol is often combined with creatine and a small amount of carbohydrates. D-pinitol is claimed to exert insulin-like effects. The ability to increase muscle glycogen synthesis makes D-pinitol a compound definitely worth trying. Pinitol may work well as a glycogen promoter even when insulin is less than optimal concentrations. Athletes who are limiting insulin secretion to promote fat loss may still have the ability to perk up muscle cell quantity / volume. Amust try supplement to use with your stack.


What Is Flax Seed Oil?

Flax seed is 1/3 oil, and the rest of it is made up of fiber, protein, and mucilage. Flax seed oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids - it contains alpha linolenic acid, omega 3 essential fatty acid, and omega 6 essential fatty acid, and flax seed oil contains these 3 EFA's in just the right proportions. Flax seeds are also a great source of lignans, vitamins, and minerals. North Americans are usually lacking omega 3 EFA in their diet, and flax seed oil is an excellent supplement for this. The cells of the body need the omega 3 fatty acids from which they build their cell membranes, which protect them. The brain is largely composed of fats called phospholipids, which are made from essential fatty acids. Thus these oils are essential for the function and structure of the brain and improve cognition, memory, moods and concentration.

Research has shown that majority of diets are deficient in Omega 3 essential fatty acids, and this can lead to some serious health problems:

Coronary heart disease - Omega 3 helps reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, plaque formation, and cardian arrhythmia.

Arthritis - Studies have found that oils rich in Omega 3 (like flax seed oil) patients can reduce their drug use.

Cancer - Omega 3 has been found to kill certain cancer cells without harming normal cells.

Skin problems like acne, eczema, and psoriasis are shown partly to be related to Omega 3 deficiency.

Omega 3 EFA helps improve your response to stress.

Health Benefits of Flax Seed Oil

Flax seeds contain 12% mucilage, which makes it a gentle, natural laxative. Flax seeds are perfect for individuals who has a sensitive stomach.

Flax seed oil acts as a buffer for excess stomach acids

Flax seed oil soothes ulcers and irritable bowel disorders

Flax seed oil lubricates and absorbs toxins

Prevents toxic build up in the bowel

Flax seed oil also contains lignans that have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-cancer properties. Flax seeds have the richest source of lignans, 100 times more than the next best source, wheat bran. Flax seed also contains lecithin which emulsifies fat and cholesterol. These little seeds improve digestion, help stabilize blood glucose levels, fight tumor formation and enhance cardiovascular health.

Barrage Oil & Linoleic acids

- Linoleic acid (LA) is an unsaturated omega-6 fatty acid.

It is a colorless liquid. Chemically, linoleic acid is a carboxylic acid with an 18-carbon chain and two cis double bonds; the first double bond is located at the sixth carbon from the omega end. The word linoleic comes from the Greek word linon (flax). Oleic means of, relating to, or derived from oil or of or relating to oleic acid since removing the omega-6 double bond produces oleic acid. Oils and foods that contain linoleic acid include safflower oil (78%), poppy seed oil (70%), walnut oil, grass fed cow milk, olive oil, palm oil, sunflower oil, soybean, lard, coconut oil, egg yolks (16%), spirulina, peanut oil, okra, rice bran oil, wheat germ oil, grape seed oil, macadamia oil, pistachio oil, sesame oil. Research shows that ingesting fatty acids doesn’t make you fat, it may be the consumption of excess carbohydrates, which elicits a large insulin response. This not only moves the carbs into the muscle cells but may also move what is left over into fat cells. Ingestion of oils or good fats with a meal slows down the entry rate of carbohydrates into the blood stream.


Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. When our body cells use oxygen, they naturally produce free radicals (by-products) which can cause damage. Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals. Health problems such as heart disease, macular degeneration, diabetes, cancer etc are all contributed by oxidative damage. Indeed, a recent study conducted by researchers from London found that 5 servings of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of stroke by 25 percent. Antioxidants may also enhance immune defense and therefore lower the risk of cancer and infection. The prefix "anti" means against, in opposition to, or corrective in nature. In order to understand antioxidants, it helps to learn what exactly these agents oppose and correct. Within the human body, millions of processes are occurring at all times. These processes require oxygen. Unfortunately, that same life giving oxygen can create harmful side effects, or oxidant substances, which cause cell damage and lead to chronic disease.

Oxidants, commonly known as "free radicals," are also introduced through external sources such as exposure to the sun or pollution. Other mediums include stress, as well as things that people put into their bodies, such as alcoholic beverages, unhealthy foods, and cigarette smoke.

In much the same way as oxidation creates rust, causing a breakdown on the surface of inanimate objects, oxidation inside the body causes a breakdown of cells. Free radicals produced by this breakdown attack healthy cells, usually DNA as well as proteins and fats. This chain of events weakens immunological functions as well as speeding up the aging process, and is also linked to several diseases such as cataracts, various forms of cancer, and heart disease. Some studies indicate possible links to arthritis and several other chronic conditions.

Antioxidants, or anti-oxidation agents, reduce the effect of dangerous oxidants by binding together with these harmful molecules, decreasing their destructive power. Antioxidants can also help repair damage already sustained by cells.

Certain antioxidant enzymes are produced within the body. The most commonly recognized of these naturally occurring antioxidants are Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase, and Glutathione. Superoxide Dismutase changes the structure of oxidants and breaks them down into hydrogen peroxide. Catalase in turn, breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and tiny oxygen particles or gasses. Glutathione is a detoxifying agent, which binds with different toxins to change their form so that they are able to leave the body as waste.

Other antioxidant agents are found in foods, such as dark green leafy vegetables. Items high in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene are believed to be the most beneficial. These nutrients are commonly found in fruits and vegetables, those with the strongest colors being healthiest. Orange and red peppers, tomatoes, spinach, and carrots are examples.

Choosing raw fruits and vegetables rather than cooked, provides the highest concentration and best absorption of antioxidants. Dietary supplements are also available for those that do not consume enough antioxidant-producing foods.

Vitamin E : d-alpha tocopherol. A fat soluble vitamin present in nuts, seeds, vegetable and fish oils, whole grains (esp. wheat germ), fortified cereals, and apricots. Current recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 15 IU per day for men and 12 IU per day for women.

Vitamin C : Ascorbic acid is a water soluble vitamin present in citrus fruits and juices, green peppers, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, kale, cantaloupe, kiwi, and strawberries. The RDA is 60 mg per day. Intake above 2000 mg may be associated with adverse side effects in some individuals.

Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A (retinol) and is present in liver, egg yolk, milk, butter, spinach, carrots, squash, broccoli, yams, tomato, cantaloupe, peaches, and grains. Because beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A by the body there is no set requirement. Instead the RDA is expressed as retinol equivalents (RE), to clarify the relationship. (NOTE: Vitamin A has no antioxidant properties and can be quite toxic when taken in excess.)

Endurance exercise can increase oxygen utilization from 10 to 20 times over the resting state. This greatly increases the generation of free radicals, prompting concern about enhanced damage to muscles and other tissues. The question that arises is, how effectively can athletes defend against the increased free radicals resulting from exercise? Do athletes need to take extra antioxidants? Because it is not possible to directly measure free radicals in the body, scientists have approached this question by measuring the by-products that result from free radical reactions. If the generation of free radicals exceeds

the antioxidant defenses then one would expect to see more of these by-products. These measurements have been performed in athletes under a variety of conditions.

Several interesting concepts have emerged from these types of experimental studies. Regular physical exercise enhances the antioxidant defense system and protects against exercise induced free radical damage. This is an important finding because it shows how smart the body is about adapting to the demands of exercise. These changes occur slowly over time and appear to parallel other adaptations to exercise.

On the other hand, intense exercise in untrained individuals overwhelms defenses resulting in increased free radical damage. Thus, the "weekend warrior" who is predominantly sedentary during the week but engages in vigorous bouts of exercise during the weekend may be doing more harm than good. To this end there are many factors which may determine whether exercise induced free radical damage occurs, including degree of conditioning of the athlete, intensity of exercise, and diet.


A prohormone is a substance that is a precursor to a hormone, usually having minimal hormonal effect by itself. The term has been used in medical science since the middle of the 20th century. Examples of natural, human prohormones include proinsulin and pro-opiomelanocortin.

For peptide hormones, the conversion process from prohormone to hormone typically occurs after export to the endoplasmic reticulum and often requires multiple processing enzymes. For example, proinsulin is processed by PC 1/2, PC 3, and carboxypeptidase E to afford insulin.[citation needed] Proamylin, which is cosecreted with proinsulin, requires the above three factors and an amidating monoxygenase.

For small molecule hormones, the conversion is often one step, and is often used to regulate hormone levels.

A typical prohormone is intended to be a precursor of an anabolic steroid like testosterone, which is taken in order to boost the body’s available hormone supply. These precursors are intended to be converted to full, active hormones via an enzymatic process that occurs during metabolism, typically resulting in the addition of whichever atoms happen to be missing from the chemical structure of the compound. Prohormones are used mainly by athletes looking to increase size, strength, endurance, reduce recovery time or add lean body mass. They are most often used for increasing muscle mass or reducing body fat levels. Life extension groups are also increasingly using prohormones as a means of hormone replacement therapy, as an alternative to prescription drug use.

The use of prohormones has become popular among bodybuilders, since the effects can be similar (though normally much less drastic) to those achieved through the use of synthetic anabolic steroids, including gains in muscular strength and hypertrophy. There are currently many companies manufacturing prohormone products for this purpose.



Converts to: testosterone


o Research indicates a conversion rate of about 5.9%, which means that of the amount taken orally, 5.6% is converted to testosterone.

o Relatively high rate of aromatization to estrogens, and consequently higher risk of side-effects such as gynecomastia brought on by excessive estrogen formation.

o Exhibits significant androgenic properties, which may result in side effects such as male pattern baldness, acne, and enlarged prostate.

4-androstenediol (4-AD)

Converts to: testosterone

Characteristics: o Conversion rate of about 15.76%, almost triple that of androstenedione,

due to utilization of a different enzymatic pathway. o No direct conversion to estrogen, though some secondary aromatization

does occur through metabolism. o Appears to be less androgenic than its cousin, since it does not metabolize

into the potent androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT).


Converts to: nortestosterone (also called nandrolone)

Characteristics: o Only slightly less anabolic than testosterone. o Low rate of aromatization to estrogens. o Low occurrence of androgenic side effects.


Converts to: nortestosterone

Characteristics: o Same as -dione, except (as with the andros), the conversion rate is higher.

1-androstenediol (1-AD)

Converts to: 1-testosterone, a 5-alpha reduced steroid reported to be 700% more anabolic and 200% more androgenic than testosterone; 1-testosterone is better (although rarely) described as dihydroboldenone, the 5-alpha reduced version of the veterinary steroid boldenone


o Very high conversion rate, because the liver serves primarily to "activate" the compound as it passes through rather than to break it down and excrete it, as is the case with other prohormones.

o Cannot aromatize to estrogen either directly or through any of its metabolic products. However, 1-Testosterone, being a 5-alpha reduced steroid, is highly androgenic; it is very similar to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Many side effects associated with excessive levels of DHT, including male pattern baldness, testicular shrinkage, benign prostate hypertrophy and acne can occur with 1-AD usage. (Journal of Organic chem. vol, 27 1962 iss.1)

o As with other -diols, 1-AD cannot convert directly to estrogen.

1,4-androstadienedione (1,4 AD)

Converts to: boldenone

Characteristics: o High level of oral bioavailability. o Low rate of aromatization to estrogens (approximately half that of

testosterone). o Low occurrence of androgenic side effects.

Build up your Growth Hormone levels Scientists are still trying to find ways to help the body make use of its own growth

hormone production without resorting to synthetic GH injections. They are presently searching for different types of secretagogues. Secretagogue is a substance that stimulates secretion (as by the stomach, pancreas, and/or pituitary gland). The only supplements that have been studied in great detail that may help elevate GH levels are as follows: 1) Arginine 2) L-Glutamine 3) L-Lysine 4) GABA

These supplements have shown some promise in increasing GH levels. MHP

supplements, owned by world class bodybuilder Gerald Dante, manufacture a product named Secretagogue One,

which is considered the first of the GH releasing peptide formulas. Each packet contains a blend of amino acids, anterior pituitary peptides and a little naturally occurring L-Dopa. L-Dopa

uses the brain to accelerate production of dopamine. This in turn acts on the pituitary gland to release more growth hormone, which can significantly enhance anabolism and lipolysis. This may be a supplement worth trying but you must consult a physician first to see if it can be beneficial to you.


What are they?

Growth Hormone releasers are amino acids or other compounds that can stimulate the pituitary gland’s secretion of Growth Hormone (GH). The most commonly known releasers are L-Arginine, L-Ornithine, L-Tyrosine, L-Glutamine, L-Lysine, L-Glysine, L-Tyrosine and GABA.

Scientific studies have shown that if these amino acids are taken individually or in combination (stacked together), these compounds can show an increase in the body’s serum level of Growth Hormone. L-Ornithine and L-Arginine are the substances, which comprise the most highly advertised nighttime weight loss formulas over the past few years.

Growth Hormone is a natural hormone manufactured and stored in the pituitary gland. During our growing years, this hormone is responsible for the fast pace growth of our bones and muscles, for wound healing, resistance to disease, and for the metabolism of fat stores. The level of GH release gradually decline as we age, dropping rapidly after age 30 and becoming negligible after age 50. The pituitary does not stop production of GH, but the aging body gradually loses its ability to release GH.

Growth Hormone is normally released one half hour into sleep, during peak exercise, and in response to fasting or food deprivation. Vitamin B-6 is necessary for GH release and supplemental choline and vitamin B-5 also may help.


Growth Hormone has many functions in the body. It stimulates protein production and collagen production, so it maintains and increases muscle tissue mass and it improves skin quality and the tone of the deeper layers of the dermis. GH also causes fat stores to release fatty acids, which forces it to be burned for energy.

Two antagonistic hormones secreted by the hypothalamus gland of the brain control the release of GH. As its name suggests, the Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) causes the pituitary gland to release GH. The other hormone, Somatostatin, turns off GH release. As we age, we become more sensitive to Somatostatin and its inhibitory effects upon GH release. Aging slows down other aspects of GH release as well.

Changes in insulin response are heavily implicated in the decline in responsiveness to GHRH. Low blood sugar levels usually trigger GH release, whereas high blood sugar levels trigger Somatostatin release. Anything, which upsets the insulin mechanism of the body therefore, upsets GH release. Obesity, diets high in simple carbohydrates, diets lacking in chromium and other insulin potentiating nutrients, all will negatively affect GH release.

Not all of the factors, which cause declines in GH, can be influenced but certainly some can. The usual supplements employed are L-Arginine and L-Ornithine, either in single form or in combination forms. Most of the successful results involved the injection of these two amino acids, not their ingestion by oral means. Injection certainly produced dramatic results, but human tests with oral supplements often have shown only slight effects. Recent medical studies on burn and surgical patients have indicated that the alpha-ketoglutarate form of Ornithine successfully maintains muscle mass and protein synthesis during severe trauma, i.e., and the effects of GH release. GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) is another special amino acid, which appears to successfully cause the release of GH.

Those individuals suffering from seriously excessive weight gain tend not to respond well to GH releasers. Responsiveness to GH releasers decline in everyone after the age of about 30-35. The consensus is that we continue to produce adequate levels of GH, but that for some reason this GH is not as readily released into the blood stream as during our younger years.


L-ARGININE 1) Stimulates the immune system. 2) Promotes healing of wounds. 3) Blocks the formation of tumors. 4) Helps to regenerate the liver. 5) Increases spermatognics.


1) Stimulates the immune system. 2) Promotes healing of wounds. 3) Scavenges free radicals. 4) Helps to regenerate the liver.

These amino acids must exist in a balance with the essential amino acids L-Lysine in the body; excessive consumption of their pure forms may create a Lysine deficiency.


1) Helps control depression/anxiety. 2) Acts as an appetite suppresser. 3) Acts as a mild antioxidant. 4) Increases the production of melanin. 5) Is a precursor to a thyroid hormone, as is L-Phenylalanine.

L-Glysine 1) Effective for hyperacidity often used as an antacid. 2) Used as a food additive for its sweet taste. 3) An important component of the body’s antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase. 4) May promote healing, especially when taken with Arginine or Ornithine.

GABA 1) Lowers blood pressures and encourages sleep. 2) Considered an anti-stress, anti-anxiety nutrient.

L-GLUTAMINE 1) Improves and maximizes muscle growth. 2) May increase GH levels. 3) Natural antioxidant.

The quality of amino acids in formulas varies with the source, as does the price. The best method to use when using GH releasing aminos is to increase the dosage over several days until a maximal dosage has been reached. Best results are obtained by taking the amino acids in adequate amounts of water on an empty stomach at bedtime, 2 to 4 hours after meals. You can also get up in the middle of the night and take the aminos then. Sugars and refined carbohydrates should not be consumed in the meals eaten before or after taking GH releasers. Most amino acids can be taken upon rising and about 1 hour before meals. GABA, however, causes relaxation and should usually only be taken at night. Large amounts of pure amino acids may cause diarrhea, upset stomach and disturb sleep. Some authorities suggest that it is best to combine one gram of L-Arginine with one gram of L-Ornithine at bedtime. Others suggest higher dosages at around 5-6 grams. GABA is taken in dosages of only 1-2 grams. L-Glycine requires a higher dosage and should be taken according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For maximum effectiveness, vitamin B6 should be taken with Arginine and Ornithine.

More Info on Glucose Disposal Agents

Glucose disposal agents, such as colosolic acid and d-pinitol, may help the body process the carbohydrates eaten as fuel rather than storing them as fat. There is one product that I am aware of that contains both of these supplements. It’s called Insulene by Pinnacle. Tim Ziegenfuss, Ph.D., has been part of a research team examining this supplement at Kent State University. It has been reported that these glucose disposal agents in Insulene may aid trained athletes handle glucose more effectively. The study showed a beneficial effect on blood lipids, which indicates that Insulene supplementation may lead to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Insulene along with Chromium Picolinate, Vanadyl Sulfate and Alpha-lipoic acid stacked together can be used to help you use the most powerful hormone in the body: INSULINE. Insulene is a supplement worth trying.

Magnesium is a crucial component in over 300 different chemical reactions in the body. The mitochondria, which are responsible for energy production, depend heavily on it. Many Americans are deficient in this important mineral. This large deficiency has been linked to heart disease. A study performed in England showed that 7 out of 15 people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) reported increased energy after receiving magnesium injections.

By: Kris Gethin

What is the best supplement stack for a successful transformation? Here I will outline the use and benefits of supplements that I believe are essential for 12 week transformation success.

Imagine you have spent months, maybe years to get your car in prestige condition for a "Show and Shine" competition that has been looming on the horizon for more years than Dracula has candles on his birthday cake.

Countless hours have been spent putting chrome wherever necessary and even more hard labor has been spent getting the body to look years younger than people would assume. But then one day before the show, one vital mishap occurs, you forget to purchase the polish and wax to properly display your work.

Supplements can be just as important to your preparation to turn your body into prestige condition and make you want to show off your hard works so you can reap the rewards of self-confidence, accolades from others and of course the health benefits.

Some people use supplements in their regime religiously with huge success whilst others simply dismiss them. More times than not, this is because they are uneducated towards the benefits they provide. Here I will outline the use and benefits of supplements that I believe are essential for 12 week transformation success. This is the list of supplements I believe are required on a 12 week program.



Protein Powder

Meal Replacement Powder

Fat Burner

Taking a Multivitamin in the morning with breakfast can provide vitality and assist with better recovery from strenuous exercise. It will also help the battle against free radicals that are becoming more apparent within the modern era of pollution and air-conditioning, food colorings etc.

Protein supplements are extremely beneficial on this program considering you are required to consume five meals per day. Hardly any preparation is required and most brands contain the balance of ingredients of a balanced meal.

Ready to drink (RTD) are an extremely convenient way of getting in a quick meal. They come in the form of cans and soft side drink cartons making them easy to carry anywhere anytime. Protein bars can also fill the void of a meal whilst being a great alternative to a candy bar.

Try to go for the lower sugar selection of protein bars, some can be high. The other alternatives I recommend that you keep at home are meal replacement powders (MRP's). The MRP is to be used as a complete meal; protein powder is a supplement recommended added with carbohydrates.

Many of my clients like to mix in some chocolate powder with their oats in the morning to make a warm delicious chocolate breakfast or meal throughout the day.

I would add an ingredient called glutamine to the supplement stack to assist with a successful transformation. Glutamine is a form of protein (amino acid) which is released from the muscle at times of strenuous exercise. Not only is this does it protect the muscle from breaking down, but it also has enhancing properties to the immune system making it a perfect supplement for someone going through physical challenge.

These supplements will not only help the cosmetic appearance of your transformation but they also assist with energy production and overall internal health.

A fat burning product is one of the best choices for people wanting to lose a few extra pounds of fat and for those who would like to see more defined muscles and washboard abdominals. Some contain stimulants such as caffeine and guarana to give an extra boost when taken before exercise but there are also some great non stimulant products available.

How And When To Take These Products

Multivitamin I recommend that you take this product with your breakfast to provide the essential vitamins and minerals throughout the day. A time released formula can usually last throughout the day, others require that you take morning and night. Use as bottle recommends.


Universal Presents: Animal Pak Animal Pak won the Multi-Vitamin Of The Year award for 2005, 2006 and 2007! For hard-core bodybuilders and strength athletes, nothing beats Animal Pak for maximizing gains in muscle mass, strength and performance. There is no better nutritional weapon available to fuel intense workouts. [ Click here to learn more. ]

Top Multivitamin Sellers:

Universal Presents: Animal Pak

AST Presents: Multi Pro 32X

Optimum Presents: Opti-Men

NOW Presents: ADAM

Protein Powder

For a female 25-30gms of protein is usually enough, for a male I would recommend somewhere in the vicinity of 35-40gms of protein. If you are cutting your carbohydrates out after a certain time, this can be used as a tasty meal replacement.

By mixing the powder in water and shaking several times is usually enough to dissolve into a shake consistency. If you want a powder that dissolves almost straight away, I recommend you purchase a product that states that it is hydrolyzed. If you use this product to replace a meal, please try to have a solid meal as the following.


Optimum Presents: 100% Whey Protein Optimum 100% Whey Protein won the Supplement Of The Year and Protein Powder Of The Year award for 2005, 2006 and 2007! Since the very beginning, Optimum Nutrition has raised the standard by which all other whey protein supplements are judged. Now we're raising the bar again with the 3rd generation of ON 100% Whey Protein: ON 100% Whey Gold Standard. [ Click here to learn more. ]

Top Protein Powder Sellers:

Optimum Presents: 100% Whey Protein

BSN Presents: Syntha-6

CytoSport Presents: Cyto Gainer

MuscleTech Presents: Nitro-Tech Hardcore


A meal replacement is just that. It contains all the vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates and fats that you would expect from a healthy nutritious meal.

I personally like to choose meal replacements that come in the form of individual packets. These are easy and convenient to carry and have anytime anywhere. Please note that these do contain carbohydrates so only use as a meal replacement at times that you are allowed carbs. If you use this product to replace a meal, please try to have a solid meal as the following.


EAS Presents: Myoplex (New Formula) It takes a solid nutritional foundation to build your best body ever. Myoplex is designed to take the guesswork out of high performance nutrition, delivering the highest quality protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Perfect for adding or replacing 2-3 meals a day. [ Click here to learn more. ]

Top MRP Sellers:

EAS Presents: Myoplex

Nature's Best Presents: Isopure

AST Presents: Ny-Tro Pro-40

Met-Rx Presents: Meal Replacement


This supplement is most beneficial taken at times when the body is at its most catabolic, such as in the morning before workout, post workout and before bed. 5gms is recommended at all of these times to prevent your body feeding off its muscle to repair the damaged and sore muscles due to strenuous exercise.


SciVation Presents: Xtend SciVation Xtend won the Glutamine Product Of The Year Award for 2007. Xtend is a precise, scientific blend of Energy Aminos consisting of the proven 2:1:1 ratio of Branched Chain Amino Acids (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine), Glutamine, Citrulline Malate, and Vitamin B6 that will give you the energy you need to maximize your training while enhancing recovery at the same time.

[ Click here to learn more. ]

Top Glutamine Sellers:

Higher Power Presents: L-Glutamine

EAS Presents: L-Glutamine

Prolab Presents: Glutamine Powder

Optimum Presents: Glutamine 1000 Caps

Fat Burner

Using this product before cardio and weight training exercise is usually the best times to take this product. This can help enhance the fat burning properties of exercise to slice through fat with a double edged sword. Please note that some products do improve energy levels quite substantially so try not to take this too close to bedtime.


SciFit Presents: Fat Burner Plus Fat Burner Plus is enhanced with the increasingly researched Hydrocitric Acid (HCA) which is the active ingredient extracted from Garcinia Cambosia. HCA is a "lipogenesis Inhibitor" meaning that it slows down the production of fat from the metabolism of protein and carbohydrates. HCA enhances the ability of the liver and muscles to store glycogen, thereby reducing fat production. [ Click here to learn more. ]

Top Fat Burner Sellers:

SciFit Presents: Fat Burner Plus

Higher Power Presents: Fat Burner Extreme

Universal Presents: Tone And Tighten Fat Burner

Optimum Presents: Mega Fat Burner Tabs

For The Advanced User Only

The advanced athlete taking part in the 12 week challenge can go one step further in their stride to success by also adding a combination of supplements that will take training to the next level needed to have an advanced physique. Whilst maintaining the supplement menu above, add the "stack" listed below.

Nitric Oxide

Nitric Oxide is a vasodilator to the blood vessels and can improve blood flow to the working muscles. This can enhance the "Pump" and further strengthen the "Mind Muscle" connection to focus on the worked muscle. By taking the recommended dose (which comes in tablet or powder form) prior to your workout, you will noticed an almost immediate "Pump" within the muscle.


BSN Presents: NO-Xplode NO-Xplode won the Muscle Builder Of The Year and Nitric Oxide Of The Year award for 2005, 2006 and 2007! NO-Xplode is the world's first and only pre-workout supplement that produces immediate results in energy, size, strength, pumps, performance, mental focus, and training intensity [ Click here to learn more. ]

Top Nitric Oxide Sellers:

Higher Power Presents: AAKG Powder

Higher Power Presents: NO-XS

MRI Presents: NO2 Platinum

Pinnacle Presents: NoX2


There is one good reason why three out of four of the '96 Summer Olympic medalists used creatine: it works and it works well. This amino acid assists with enhanced speed and power of the muscle which is fitting for sports such as runners and weight trainers. It can help the muscle train harder for longer periods of time. Taking 5gms of this product pre and post workout is perfect for the serious trainer wanting serious results.


BSN Presents: CellMass CellMass won the Creatine Product Of The Year award for 2005, 2006 and 2007! A new breed of Esterified Creatine has arrived! An Esterified Creatine unlike any other in existence. One so powerful and effective that it adds new meaning to mass, strength, muscularity, performance, and recovery. [ Click here to learn more. ]

Top Creatine Sellers:

Higher Power Presents: Micronized Creatine

EAS Presents: Phosphagen

MRM Presents: Creatine Monohydrate

Prolab Presents: Creatine

Branch Chain Amino Acids

BCAA's are essential building blocks to muscle. Theses amino acids are such that are not produced by the body but are needed especially at times of intense exercise prescribed to the more intermediate to advanced athlete. 1-1.5gms of BCAA's should be taken upon waking, prior to exercise and prior to bed.


Optimum Presents: BCAA 1000 Caps BCAA 1000 contains a potent balance of Branched Chain Amino Acids which are building blocks of muscle mass and size. Metabolized directly in the muscle, BCAAs, may improve nitrogen retention by sparing other amino acid groups for repair and rebuilding. The Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's), so named because of their unique branched chemical structure, are essential in that the body cannot make them from other compounds. [ Click here to learn more. ]

Top BCAA Sellers:

Optimum Presents: BCAA 1000 Caps

Optimum Presents: BCAA 5000 Powder

Higher Power Presents: BCAA 1000

AST Presents: BCAA 4500


This protein is the slowest digesting protein powder available on the market. This particular protein is perfect as a meal replacement taken prior to bed. The amino acid profile in this protein has a trickling effect into the blood stream to slow down the absorption that is needed due to the long period of time you will "fast" whilst sleeping.

This protein mixes a little thicker than normal to further slow absorption rate which is perfect when you require and anabolic effect whilst sleeping.


CytoSport Presents: Muscle Milk Muscle Milk is an "evolutionary" muscle formula promoting efficient fat burning, lean muscle growth and fast recovery from exercise. Metabolically favorable ingredients stimulate growth and recovery in a similar manner to mother's milk nourishing a baby. [ Click here to learn more. ]

Top Casein Sellers:

CytoSport Presents: Muscle Milk

Optimum Presents: 100% Casein Protein

CytoSport Presents: Muscle Milk Naturals

CytoSport Presents: EvoPro

Supplement Plan For 12 Weeks

Follow the below supplement schedule for the entire 12 weeks to polish up your body so you can proudly display the hard work your supplements did for you. Supplements marked with (*) are for the advanced user only.


Multivitamin 1-2 caps

Glutamine 5gms

Fat burner as recommended

* BCAA's 1-1.5gms

Pre-Weight Training

Glutamine 5gms

Fat Burner as recommended

* BCAA 1-1.5gms

* Nitric Oxide as recommended

* Creatine 5gms

Post Workout

Glutamine 5gms

Protein Shake 25-40gms

* Creatine 5gms

Prior To Bedtime

Glutamine 5gms

* BCAA's 1-1.5gms

* Casein 25-40gms

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