the trinitarian principle

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  • 7/28/2019 The Trinitarian Principle


    Myself I


    Jeffrey A. Rader

    Last update:5/07/13

    This presentation is currently a semi-organized (incomplete) work in progress(a dynamic draft), uploaded to give you anopportunity to see my current train of thought

  • 7/28/2019 The Trinitarian Principle


    The Trinitarian Principle 2013

    By Jeff RaderBiblical Counselor

    & Hypnosis Researcher tardispilot.jr

    Email: [email protected]

    Disclaimer: This draft of my this presentation is currently available free for peer review and non-commercial personal use. Nothing presented here is specially copyrighted by others and was

    complied from freely available sources. Use this information at your own discretion. No liability iseither implied nor expressed with this content.
  • 7/28/2019 The Trinitarian Principle



  • 7/28/2019 The Trinitarian Principle


    Trinitarian Modeling

    Description: Presentation

    Draft notice: This is a work in progress.

    Purpose: Hypnosis research and biblicalcounseling

    Basis: theological and biblical foundation

    Personal request: I'm looking for useful quotes,anecdotes, testimonials and endorsements

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    Avatars of person-hood

    Each represent a singleMonoism model: Brain = mindDualism model 1: Brian = consciousmindDualism model 2: 2 Minds =

    conscious + subconscious

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    avatars of person-hood

    Trinitarian model 1: 1 body + 2 Minds = neurology+ conscious + subconscious

    Trinitarian model 2: 3 Minds = conscience +

    conscious + subconsciousTrinitarian That which pertains to a single

    object that by it's nature which can besubdivided into 3 distinct parts. This objectmay be anything from an organization to anentity.

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    Where to begin?

    With the Trinity, Psychology, the Bible?

    Who's driving this care, me, myself, or I?

    What's it like to hypnotize someone?

    What's going on when a person is hypnotized?

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    Part 1Thinking Trinitarian

    (The Trinitarian Mind Model)

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    How does _____ work???

    Why a trinitarian model of the human mind?

    Trinitarian -> 3 "parts" = 1 whole

    My quest was driven by long term cognitivedissonance.

    What I observed in life failed to match what Itaught.

    This research has been the result of 30+ yearsof adult observation

    Conclusions: conscious mind = soul,

    subconscious = spirit, conscience = critical

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    The quest for excellence

    From "wild hypnosis" to "self hypnosis" toconversational hypnosis" to "Street hypnosis" tohere.

    The Bible Dave Dobson - nothing is hypnosis, because

    everything is hypnosis

    Milton Erickson - Pioneer of conversationalhypnosis

    Grinder and Bandler - founders of NLP

    Igor Ledochowski - Conversational hypnosis

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    Needing a place to start

    If we're indeed made in the image of God, whynot the "trinity

    A dualism model is easy, but what is the 3rd

    part? Here are some trinitarian examples I've


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    The Son The Holy Spirit

    The Father

    The originalTrinitarian

    RelationshipGod as one

    These models are for perspective purposes only

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    Adam Eve



    Being onewith God

    These models are for perspective purposes only

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    Managers Workers


    ATrinitarianCompanyA united


    These models are for perspective purposes only

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    Conscious Subconscious



    mindA unitedMind

    These models are for perspective purposes only

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    This circle represents aperson's body. Morespecifically it represents aphysical mind, or the


    These models are for perspective purposes only

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    The human body represents the person as awhole.

    The body is basically a complex biological

    machine The body continuously unabatedly takes in input

    from all five senses

    The body itself doesn't judge. The brain is the host/home of the mind

    Physical reality

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    With input from all five senses, the physicalmind processes reality in real-time.

    Physical reality

    These models are for perspective purposes only

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    the body, the mind-less front-man

    the monoism mind model

    the monoism brain/mind model

    the brain is a 3 part multi-core parallel processor

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    From physical mind to artificialintelligence

    To understand the mind in order to train, useand correct it, we first ought to model it

    With a working model, we can then see the

    relationships between the parts and how theyinteract with each other

    From these models, we can then makedeterminations as to what to expect from thevarious parts

    Lastly, this can all be used to create usable AI

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    The following is a conceptual AI device

    The mind is made up of 3 individual avatars

    Each avatar is identical except in function and


    All 3 avatars function within a hierarchy

    Each avatar functions as if itself is the person

    Functioning healthily, the 3 act as one wholepersonality

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    Unprotected, being both submissive anddecision maker, the subconscious AI needsprotection

    Both the Conscientious AI and Conscious AIfunction to guard the Subconscious AI fromundesirable influence

    The Conscientious AI functions to gauge therelative trustworthiness of the source ofinfluence

    The Conscious AI functions to gauge the

    relative certainty of the reality being suggested

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    The Conscientious AI is the decision guider

    It oversees the Conscious AI

    The Conscious AI is the decision enforcer

    It oversees the Subconscious AI

    The reason for guarding the Subconscious AI isthat it is the actual decision maker

    It oversees interaction with dreams and reality

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    Without some sort of protection, theSubconscious AI is vulnerable

    Problems arise when either of the conscious AI

    becomes fixated, distracted, duped, lulled,overwhelmed, caught off guard (daydreaming)or otherwise tricked into sleep mode

    Problems also arise when the SubconsciousConscious AI becomes overly pressured,frustrated, fatigued, or eventually indifferent

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    While awake, all internal and externalexperiences (influences) are monitored,manipulated, translated into metaphoric symbols(recursive avatars and icons), and then stored inmemory

    During sleep, the diminished level of externalinput allows the subconscious to play risk-free

    in symbolic virtual-realities environment(dreams)based on the day's activities

    These dreams allow the subconscious tosafely learn from what was experienced whilethe bod is awake

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    While in the dream state, the subconsciousfollows its programming just does as it wouldunguarded

    Typical dreams are relatively not all that lucid, The elements (avatars and icons) of lucid

    dreams can be relatively consciously andconscientiously controlled

    A benefit to this is that subconsciousprograming can be altered by way ofconsciously and conscientiously altering lucid

    dream elements

    This simple model of the basedon the layout of the Temple in

    This model is not definitive butrather for perspective purposes

    This is a model of the triunehuman mind/spirit

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    Day to dayMemories






    on the layout of the Temple inJerusalem



    In the Holy of Holies (heart):Ark DirectionAKA: Conscientious thinking

    The Ark represents a place forGod's standards (Law)

    In the Holy Place (soul):Monera ObservationIncense alter CommunicationShow-bread Navigation

    AKA: Conscious thinkingThese represent Holy living

    In the Outer Court (mind):Laver Learning

    Alter AccomplishmentAKA: Subconscious thinkingThese represent carnal living

    The two pillars (Jachim & Boaz)represent God's Mercy (wisdomand strength). The Laver and

    Alter represent God's GraceImagination

    Last update:4/29/13

    Model inspired by the work ofChuck and Nancy Missler(khouse.og)


    rather for perspective purposes

    wisdom strength

    The carnal mind/the flesh








    human mind/spirit.

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    1) body meod YHVH ischui The Godheadembodied



    2) Spirit eb ruachYHVH

    pneuma The Godheadembodiedmetaphysically

    triune-mind & imagination?

    a)Heart ebab YHVHelohim

    kardias The Father(what God thinks)

    Conscience-mind?(what we think)

    b)Soul nephesh 't elohim psych The Word(what God says)

    Conscious-mind?(what we say)

    c)Mind lebab ruachelohim

    dianoia The Helper(what God does)

    Subconscious-mind?(what we do)

    The significance of the Jewish

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    The significance of the JewishTemple

    Each part of, and item in, the Temple hasspecific significance to each person in thetrinitarian Godhead

    The one symbol in the Holy of Holies issignificant to God the Father

    The symbols in the Holy Place are significantto God the Son.

    The symbols in the Outer court are significantto the Holy Spirit.

    The significance of the Jewish

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    The significance of the JewishTemple

    Each part of, and item in, the Temple hasspecific significance to each part in thetrinitarian mind

    The one symbol in the Holy of Holies issignificant to the Conscientious mind

    The symbols in the Holy Place are significantto the Conscious Mind.

    The symbols in the Outer court are significantto the Subconscious Mind.


    Physical reality

    B i t

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    GPU &cache & IO)

    (multiple realityrecursive-realityreality-engine(firmware basedOS & shared

    memory & IO)




    3 Role andfunctionbasedagents of

    free will(AIsoftware)



    Brain stem(multi-coreCPU &cache &I/O)

    Cerebellum( multi-corePPU &

    cache & IO)You These models are for perspective purposes only

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    Using this model for creating a usable AI

    Physical reality is filtered and processed by thephysical senses.

    The healthy and normal mind experiences life inthe form of reality and fantasy-basedhallucinations (awake) and dreams (asleep)

    The mind can not directly tell reality fromfantasy,

    it largely deals with the reality it has beenpresented

    Job: workSeat of: ingenuity

    Job: manageSeat of: will

    Job: administrateSeat of: authority

    Job: dream machineSeat of: identity

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    6d metaphysical(intangible) reality


    Brain stem

    Seat of: ingenuityLanguage: emotion

    Seat of: willLanguage: intent

    Seat of: authoritylanguage: attitude



    Job: sensorytranslationSeat of: imaginationLanguage: feelings

    The Imagination4d physical(tangible) reality

    Seat of: identitylanguage: symbolism

    Conscientious Mind

    Subconscious Mind

    Conscious Mind


    Job: motor controlSeat of: physicalinteractionLanguage: attention

    Job: autonomous bodyfunctionsSeat of: lifeLanguage: demeanor

    These models are for perspective purposes only

    Job: workSeat of:



    recursive-realityreality engine

    Job: dreamhi

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    Cerebellum Brain stem

    Seat of:ingenuityLanguage:emotion

    manageSeat of: willLanguage:intent

    administrateSeat of:authoritylanguage:attitude



    Job: unificationSeat of: physicalfunctionalityLanguages:feelings,attention, and



    Conscious Conscious Conscience

    machineSeat of:identitylanguage:symbolism

    The Imagination

    These models are for perspective purposes only

    Job: workSeat of:i it

    Job: manageSeat of: willL i t t

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    Language: intent

    Job: administrateSeat of: authoritylanguage: attitude



    Job: recursivereality engineSeat of:identitiesLanguage:symbolism

    Job: sensory I/OSeat of: physicalinteractionLanguage:feelings


    Your alternativeinfluencers: Self-createdoverlappingalternativerealitymatrices(completive

    recursive icons)


    Any given goal, fantasy or reoccurring dream


    Cerebellum Brain stem



    An alternate hierarchical authority structure or a moral code

    A temporary facade or an alternate personalityAn extra avatar for seeing alternate perspectives

    Others: authority figures, heroes, friends, lovers, and enemies

    Avatars of

    youroriginal &permanentrealitymatrices Your dreams

    Temporalrecursive icon forthe nightlyprocessing ofdaily events.

    Permanentavatars yet

    originallyempty.Each fillsas onegrows andmatures

    These models are for perspective purposes only


    Functional characteristics of the trinitarianmind

    The physicalrelationship

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    Part Subconscious conscious Conscience

    Physical location cerebrum cerebellum brain stem the whole brain

    Functional role Work Management Administrative Machine


    automates tasks handles tasks Handlesroutines

    facilitates action

    Seat of ingenuity will authority identity

    language(s) emotions intent attitude Attention & feelings

    assertion method Non-verbal(bodylanguage/handgestures)




    assertion mode indirect direct silence physical

    thought level background conscious conscientious instinct

    awareness level casual observant scrutiny animal

    Chief power submissiveness dominance unity cohesiveness

    Chief motivator tests boundaries enforcesboundaries

    sets boundaries Interacts withboundaries


    Driving motivational factors of the trinitarianmind

    The mentalrelationship

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    Part Subconscious conscious Conscience


    contemplation observation analysis computing

    administrative style learning teaching organization facilitating


    serving commanding controlling communicating

    administrative role judicial executive legislative morality

    gender association feminine masculine neuter physically determined

    expressiveness covert overt presence bodily

    personal interest what others think what it thinks attention todetail


    desires to please Be pleased act relate

    preferences to serve command abide sense

    cravings for affection obedience respect intimacy

    control mechanism others self External the metaphysical

    Authoritarian Role Recursive trinitarian relationships Metaphoricembodiment

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    Relationship Work Management Administration


    Spirit Son Father God

    mental relationship Subconscious conscious Conscience Body

    familial relationships Child Mother Father Home

    work relationships Crew Foremen Manger Factory

    Level of expertise Apprentice Journeyman Master Tool


    Student Teacher Dean school

    Civic relationships Individual Country God Citizen


    Recruit Follower Leader Organization


    Wife Husband God Family

    divine relationships Believer Disciple Jesus Church

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    These models are for perspective purposes only

    Th fi t t i th C i

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    The first part is the Conscience.

    New (non-authoritative) data is compared andcontrasted with old (authoritative) information

    Does an academic view of the metaphysical

    deny a supernatural? The effect of being asleep, distracted, startled,

    overwhelmed, too busy or too focused

    Bypassing the Conscience?

    th C i i ti

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    the Conscience in action

    The Conscience red-flags (doubts) questionableinformation

    Conscientious self examination

    Knowledge vs certainty

    We're purveyors of 2nd hand information2ndhand information

    Calibrating the Conscience

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    The Bible as a foundation is important

    The Bible is the "defacto" standard

    The Bible is our calibrator of certainty

    Humans are born flawed (without a standard)

    All human source calibrators are flawed

    Five-sigma (human) certainty = still flawed

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    we're all susceptible to any falsehood

    teaching, indoctrination, influence, brainwashing= same thing

    hypnosis = effective communication

    The Conscience communicates via attitudes.

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    These models are for perspective purposes only

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    Subconscious = seat of compliance

    Unguarded, The subconscious mind is easilyinfluenced

    Unguarded, The subconscious can take thecon

    Unguarded, The subconscious can become"willful"

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    ability to preform automatically and multi- task

    seat of emotions

    (body, soul and spirit) vs

    (Conscience, conscious and subconscious)

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    These models are for perspective purposes only

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    it cannot readily distinguish reality from fantasy

    speaks with intent

    aware of feelings, emotions, and attitudes

    protected by a Conscience.

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    seat of the human will

    actively relates to others?

    monoism vs dualism vs trinitarian


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    The core self

    These models are for perspective purposes onlyThese models are for perspective purposes only

    In this model, although not part, in and of itself, the imagination (the heart and core self) can besaid to be a part of all parts or rather the sum of them all. It passively takes in all experiences real,imagined and stores them for latter recall or for manipulating recalled, actual, and imaginedrealities

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    One function of the imagination is to store and recall such things as facts, past experiences, laws(behavioral regulations and boundaries), beliefs, faiths and fears for the purpose of exertingneutral control over the conscious and subconscious minds, as well as the Conscience. The

    imagination doesn't really care about the content, that's the job of the Conscience, it more ratherpassively applies one's core values to thoughts, words and actions.

    Another function of the imagination is to model, store and recall authoritarian arch-types. Theseare the beliefs and expectations perceived to come from external authorities and anything elsewe are consciously willing to allow control over us. The makes the imagination the real seat ofauthority. No matter how real or fictitious, whatever we imagine to have authority or control over

    us has a place of authority in the imagination.

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    Soul &Conscious


    Spirit &Subconscious


    Heart &Imagination




    In controlPassive

    These models are for perspective purposes only

    The hypnosis principle relies on both the trinitarian principle and the authority principle. In ahealthy leader-follower relationship, when a leader respectively engages a follower the follower'sconscious mind becomes respectively fixated and, at times even to the point of passivity.Defenses are normally off line and the subconscious mind takes in the reality being modeled by

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    Defenses are normally offline and the subconscious mind takes in the reality being modeled bythe leader. If/while the conscious mind is still active, it is willingly submissive in it's interaction withthe leader. If the conscious mind becomes passive, the subconscious mind takes over but beingsubmissive is highly suggestible.

    Whether lecturing, selling, debating, hypnotizing, teaching, counseling, motivating, preaching or

    commanding, in order to be influential or otherwise persuasive, the conscious mind and theConscience both need to be sidestepped at least to some degree. This can be done anynumber of ways.

    To accomplish this, first you need to have or develop rapport. Rapport, in this sense, is havingbelievability and trustworthiness. At the same time, you also need to to project a sense ofauthority. Authority can mean anything from being respected for knowledge to being

    respected for having command authority. The key to having authority is commanding respect.By developing rapport and being in the authoritative one then can naturally sidestep the subject'sConscience to various degrees. How far the Conscience is sidestepped depends on how muchrespect you generate and how much authority you command.

    Depending on the people involved, at times this can even go to the point of somnambulism, evenwithout a formal hypnotic induction. The mind is in learning mode and will take in (virtually)everything as fact. With imagination (the heart) being normally neutral, only the imprint of ahigher authority within the imagination, will override incoming suggestions that conflict with thatImprint. This effectively protects us from taking on competing realities, as well as prevents ourcore values from being altered without conscious consent.

    Rapport development can be virtually automatic. All anyone needs is to never give anyone areason to not believe, nor not trust, you. If a person is already generally suspicious of themotivations and intentions of others, then you may have to work at establishing rapport. Withoutfirst establishing rapport, being in the authoritative will produce various degrees of resistance.

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    If you do have rapport and are in the position of authority, the last step is to direct the attention of

    the conscious mind out of the way by causing it to be asleep, distracted, overwhelmed, relaxed,busy, startled, fearful, ecstatic or highly focused. The idea here is that you don't want theconscious mind to interfere with what you are trying to accomplish.

    Another way to affectively sidestep the conscious mind and Conscience is to be subtle. To dothis you must communicate covertly by any means that does not draw conscious attention to itnor cause suspicion. This can be accomplished by the creative use of language patterns,

    embedded commands, metaphors, symbolism, word choice, ambiguous word meanings,connotation, attitude, emotion, imagery, modalities, story telling, and more.

    first establishing rapport, being in the authoritative will produce various degrees of resistance.This will cause the Conscience to resist being sidestepped and make the conscious mind resistbeing directed out of the way.

    Once you have effectively sidestepped both the conscious mind and the Conscience, and afteryou are certain of establishing rapport, all that is left is to tell the subconscious mind what youwant it to do. However, even as submissive and compliant the subconscious mind happens to be,there is always the imagination that can run interference. For example, telling the subconscious to

    preform a task that the imagination knows it never supposed to do may cause the imagination tobalk. No matter how trusted or believed, being an authority not recognized by the imagination ashaving authority the imagination may also balk. Worse case scenario would be an alerted andsuspicious conscious mind having your attention and bringing it's defenses (the Conscience) backon line.