the top 5 healthy - the pain free...

Jonathan Tait, DO and Nick Pineault THE TOP 5 HEALTHY Causing Your Pain

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Jonathan Tait, DO and Nick Pineault



Causing Your Pain

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Legal NoteCopyright © 2013 and beyond. Jonathan Tait, Nicolas Pineault

All Rights Reserved. International Copyright

You are welcome to share this life-changing information with others. You may NOT, however, edit it, extract from it, change the contents or offer it for sale in any way, shape, or form. Trust me. It’s not worth the felony charges, fines, possible prison time and bad karma.

This book is for reference and informational purposes only and is in no way intended as medical counseling or medical advice. The information contained herein should not be used to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease or medical condition without the advice of a competent medical professional. The dietary changes described herein are for informational purposes, and the reader should consult a physician before engaging in them. Keep in mind that most physicians may know very little about dietary prescription for treating pain. If your health professional believes food choices have nothing to do with pain, you are encouraged to seek another opinion.

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Pain, Injuries and Inflammation

Webster’s dictionary defines injury as “hurt, damage, or loss sustained”. When a tissue is injured, inflammation is a process coordinated by the immune system, or the body’s defense and repair system, to heal the damaged area.

In the case of an ankle sprain, typical signs of inflammation include mild swelling, pain, and functional limitations. The body triggers this process as a way to wall-off the injured tissue in order to allow an appropriate environment to heal. Importantly, this also limits engaging in repeat bouts of exercise before the injury has had proper time to heal.

When exercising, a certain amount of stress is applied to muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint cartilage and other structures. The pain and soreness experienced after a workout is the result of a low-level injury causing inflammation within these structures.

With inflammation, specialized cells are signaled to the site of the injury to clean up the damage. Other cells arrive to heal, repair, and rebuild the injured tissue stronger than before. In this context inflammation is very helpful and quite necessary. As long as the tissue is given adequate time to heal, repair, and rebuild, it will become stronger and more resilient as a result, and the inflammatory response will decrease in time.

This Invisible Injury Is Slowing You Down...

Most likely you’ve suffered some type of painful injury in your lifetime and these can be broken down into a couple of categories:

Serious injury – An acute, or one-time, injury to the system such as a muscle tear, bone bruise/contusion, or more significant injury like a torn ligament or broken bone.

Overuse injury – This is usually a result of what is called a sub-acute trauma, or repetitive low-level injury to the system. Initially there is inflammation as tissues attempt to heal, but when not given the proper recovery time to repair, chronic inflammation ensues. This is very commonly encountered with repetitive everyday tasks or training programs that are lacking in variety or adequate recovery time.

But there is a different type of injury that you may not be familiar with:

Dietary Injury – Dr. Seaman, a leading researcher on diet, pain, and inflammation, coined the term “dietary injury.” With this injury, the immune system, or primary defense system, experiences a constant low-level attack, or trauma, of a different type.1

This injury is happening under your hood. Because it cannot be visibly seen, confirmed with a physical exam, or found with an x-ray or MRI, many health care professionals are left scratching their heads. Often they are unable to explain your pain because “all the tests are normal”.

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Some commonly consumed foods – even many considered “healthy” – can cause significant dietary injuries in susceptible individuals. When eaten on a regular basis they can inflame the gut, and begin to overwhelm the immune system.

This low-level inflammation affects the cellular junctions and causes the walls of the pipes to become leaky. Toxins then begin to affect the rest of the system, like a toxic gas leak. This starts to weaken the immune system on a more systemic level.

Because of the leaky junctions, undigested food particles are also allowed entry into the bloodstream. This creates a different problem. The body now begins to see healthy food particles as foreign invaders, and begins to mount a defensive response with repeat exposure.

The gut function becomes more compromised by toxins and inflammatory foods, and it is not able to process and extract the vital nutrients from the good foods being consumed. The end result of repeated dietary injury is chronic gut inflammation. When chronic gut inflammation persists, it can become more widespread causing what is called systemic inflammation. This can have an effect on the body as a whole, increasing joint pain or stiffness and triggering many other symptoms as well.

The Side Effects Are RealWithout getting deep into the science right now, persistent gut and systemic inflammation can have a host of downstream effects. It can impair the production of serotonin, a “feel-good” chemical, or neurotransmitter, naturally produced in large part within the gut. Serotonin has a direct effect on growth hormone production, and growth hormone can have a significant impact on testosterone levels.

The end result of disrupting these neurotransmitters and hormones can be far reaching including:

• Chronic pain

• Impaired healing and recovery from injuries or training

• Fatigue

• Poor sleep quality

• Lack of mental clarity and focus

• And many other symptoms such as digestive problems, irritability, anxiety, and depression

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Should You Just Pop A Pill?

Rather than figuring out that dietary injury may be the root cause for all of these issues, what has become common place in “modern medicine” is simply treating the symptoms.

How? You guessed it – pills.

This is the equivalent of having a mechanic close the hood of your car to avoid seeing the puff of smoke from the exhaust manifold, or the drip from a radiator hose, and saying “problem fixed”, even though the car continues to perform poorly.

And what about the trusty ibuprofen (Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve) you take on a regular basis “to not let the pain slow you down” in life or in the gym.

This is a little scientific, but bear with me.

Ibuprofen is known to impair perfusion to the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract by inhibiting COX-1, and inhibits another enzyme (COX-2) which is thought to compromise immune function in the GI lining, potentially resulting in an inflammatory response.2

You read that correct. Anti-inflammatory medications can actually cause inflammation in the GI tract of susceptible individuals.

In another study, 800 milligrams (a fairly common prescription dose) of ibuprofen before exercise was enough to cause exercise-induced small intestinal injury, further inducing gut barrier dysfunction.3

Think those few pills a day are still harmless? And you may want to think again if they are really helping you heal, recover from pain or an injury, or if they are really harming your health in the long run.

It is hopefully becoming clear how certain foods may be contributing to chronic, widespread inflammation within the body, and in turn contributing to your pain. It also should be clear that stacking inflammatory foods with commonly used anti-inflammatory medications can have significant negative effects in the short and long term.

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1) Dairy products


� Milk, butter, ghee,yogurt, kefir, cream cheese, sour cream, ice cream, and all sources of whey protein


� Consistently ranks as one of the top 8 most common allergens

� Even if we could as infants, 70% of all adults in the U.S. cannot digest milk properly, mainly because we lose the enzymes to do so

� As a result of the body’s inability to break down the fats and proteins, repeat exposure will lead to increasing gut, and eventually more widespread inflammation.

The 5 Worst "Healthy" Foods For Your Pain, Injuries & Inflammation

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2) Gluten-containing grains

There has been a lot of buzz about gluten in recent years. Generally, when gluten is discussed, the reference is being made to wheat gluten, however all grains that form a seed such as rye, oats, barley, corn, rice, sorghum, amaranth and millet contain some amount of gluten.

Gluten is composed of varying amounts of smaller proteins called prolamines and glutelins. Gliadin is the prolamine found in wheat, and makes up nearly two-thirds of the total protein, far more than the prolamine of other grains, which is why it is thought to be so problematic.

The other leading reason why there is believed such issues with wheat gluten is the fact that modern wheat has undergone significant genetic modification. This Frankenstein-engineering for maximal crop yield, resistance to drought, etc. makes wheat very tough to digest.

In combination with corn (also heavily genetically modified) and soy, this makes up about 70% of what is consumed in the average SAD. 70 years ago, this was probably around 5%.

Theories abound tying this significant spike in consumption to many health issues, including inflammation associated with many chronic disease states such as high blood pressure and diabetes.


� Any product that contains these grains, whole or refined: wheat, barley, bulgar, couscous, kamut, oats and oat Bran (unless tested and guaranteed gluten-free), rye, spelt, triticale


� It is now estimated that 10% of the world’s population is allergic to gluten4

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3) Peanuts


� Peanuts, peanut butter, peanut oil

� Non-certified chocolate products (due to cross contamination)


� Also one of the top 8 most common allergens. It is felt to be very allergenic as a result of aflatoxins that can develop in the mold commonly found on peanut shells

� Allergy to peanuts appears to be on the rise. One study showed that from 1997 to 2002, the incidence of peanut allergy has doubled in children

� Prone to rancidity from long “shelf-life”

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4) Soy products


� Soy milk, soybean oil, soy patties and meat substitutes, soy spread, soybean (curds, granules), tofu

� Soy lecithin and soy isolates can be found in nearly every salad dressing and condiment on grocery store shelves

� Fermented soy products: soy sauce, tamari, miso, tempeh, natto, etc. (these can be very healthy be still problematic for allergic individuals)


� The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates soy is among the nine most common food allergens for pediatric and adult food allergy patients

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5) Nightshade plants

This family of plants produces alkaloid compounds that act as a natural protection mechanism, or pesticide, protecting the plant from being eaten by insects.5

You may have experienced this bitter taste when eating potatoes. It is better not to eat any potatoes containing green spots or sprouts (as they usually correspond to increased alkaloid content) even if removed.

Interestingly, steaming, boiling, or baking can decrease the alkaloid content by as much as 50%, making consumption tolerable for some. However, for one in three people suffering from joint pain and stiffness, eating anything from this group may cause significant problems.


� Vegetables - potatoes (other than sweet potatoes and yams), sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tomatillo, jalapeno pepper, pepino, pimento

� Fruits – tomatoes, tomatillo, goji berries, ground cherries, huckleberry, naranjillas

� Spices – paprika, cayenne pepper

� Tobacco – just one more reason why smokers have more pain


� Pro-inflammatory – triggering an immune response in the gut that can contribute to systemic inflammation causing more pain

� Can interfere with calcium metabolism causing demineralization of bone and deposition in soft tissues around joints

� Block an enzyme in nerve cells called cholinesterase.6 A high level of cholinesterase inhibition can cause muscle twitching or even paralysis. Although the low levels found in nightshades are unlikely to cause this extreme effect, it is theorized that they may have a negative effect on optimal control of the nervous system and muscles.

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The Harsh Truth

Without even knowing it, you are triggering more inflammation in your body because of foods you’re eating every day – like the 5 you just read about in the last few pages.

These foods aren’t bad per say; they are a potential trigger of pain, inflammation and injuries for some people.

The problem is that unless you follow a specific protocol designed to identify these problematic foods, you will likely continue to...

• Increase your inflammation

• Feel more pain

• Get sore more often

• Slow down your recovery

• Disrupt your key hormones like testosterone

It Was IMPOSSIBLE To Kill Pain, Heal Injuries And Get Rid Of Inflammation With Food... Until NowReducing inflammation and healing pain doesn’t have to revolve around dangerous pills, shots or

risky surgeries.

I’ve created a brand new solution that makes it possible to dramatically reduce your pain and get rid of excess inflammation… using only common foods you might already have in your home.

It’s called The Pain Free Diet.

In the book I will explain why our current food supply is the reason for much of the pain and suffering (as well as sickness and obesity) spreading like wild fire around the world.

Using foods instead of pills, you will prepare your own healthy and great tasting "prescription recipes" that will extinguish the inflammation, kill those nagging pains, and dramatically improve your health at the same time.

It is the culmination of everything I've learned and apply each day in my practice to help patients get out of pain quickly and safely.

Using a systematic and strategic plan you will learn to take control of your pain once and for all.

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Here’s How This Unique Program Works

1) You follow our meal plans and prepare the mouth-watering anti-inflammatory recipeswe’ve created using our unique S.O.S. Solution.

In short, this method removes every single potential pain trigger in your diet for two weeks in order to reduce inflammation and soothe your pain, while using the power of nutritious anti-inflammatory foods.

2) After following the program to the letter for 14 days, you start adding back your favorite foodsin a very systematic way. This part is critical as it will help you identify the exact foods that could be directly responsible for your pain and poor health.

For example, if you add nightshades back and your pain doesn’t increase… it means nightshades are NOT likely to be a problem for you, and you can continue to eat them.

3) Enjoy the dramatic reduction in your pain levels in as little as two short weeks - the pain-killingtools you will learn you can keep for the rest of your life.

Are You Ready To Kill Pain with Food Instead of Pills?I would like to show you the truth about how what you eat each day could be the very reason you

continue to suffer in pain. I will be emailing you some content directly from the book over the next

couple of weeks for you to review and make sure this book is right for you, so watch your inbox.

Thank you for reading this free report.

To a more functional life with far less pain,

Dr. Tait

P.S. – Will you be our next success story?

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RefeReNces 1. Seaman DR. An Anti-Inflammation Diet for Pain Patients. Practical Pain Management.

2012; Volume 12, Issue 10, 36-46.

2. Martin MJ, Jimenez MD, Motilva V. New issues about nitric oxide and its effects on thegastrointestinal tract. Curr Pharm Des. 2001;7(10):881-908.

3. Van Wijk et al. Aggravation of exercise-induced intestinal injury by Ibuprofen in athletes.Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. Dec;44(12):2257-62.


5. Beier, R. C. Natural pesticides and bioactive components in foods. Rev Environ ContamToxicol. 1990; 113:47-137.

6. McGehee, D. S.; Krasowski, M. D.; Fung, D. L.; Wilson, B.; Gronert, G. A., and Moss, J.Cholinesterase inhibition by potato glycoalkaloids slows mivacurium metabolism.Anesthesiology. 2000 Aug; 93(2):510-9.