the thin brown dog

Upload: joherjunior16

Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/2/2019 The Thin Brown Dog


    The Thin Brown DogJulio just found the thin brown dog in front of his hut one cold

    morning when he got up from bed. It was an ugly dog, very dirty and

    stinking. He tried to drive it away but it would just run away and then

    come back. He was not found of dogs even if he live alone in his hut

    and badly needed a company. He got tired of driving the dog away so

    dog as if it would understand. He ate his breakfast and as was his

    decision, he didnt give the dog anything to eat. Then he went to the

    forest to cut firewood he could sell in the market. He didnt notice that

    the thin dog followed him. It sought cover from the bushes nearby. As

    he was pulling a large branch of a tree, a poisonous snake suddenly

    appeared. Before he could avoid it, he was already bitten in his foot.

    The snake was gone. It was the first time he was bitten by a snake and

    he did not know what to do. He tore a piece of his shirt and tied it in his

    foot so the venom would not spread fast . He tried to stand but his

    knees were trembling perhaps because of tension. He needed help but

    didnt knows how he could get help from anybody.

    Just then he saw the thin dog coming out from the bush. Barking

    loudly, it ran fast in the direction of his home. It came back after

    sometimes with three big men who were his neighbours. The man

    carried him alternately and took him to the hospital. He was saved.

    Since then, he adopted the thin dog and took care of it in gratitude forsaving his life.

  • 8/2/2019 The Thin Brown Dog


    Juan and His BrothersThere lived an old man who had three sons Pablo, Pedro, and

    Juan. He told his sons to go out into the world, find jobs and live


    A king lived near the edge of a forest. He had much money and

    lived in a huge palace and had everything but he was unhappy. A

    mighty balete tree grew in the courtyard covering the sun and nobody

    could cut it. The kings well had gone dry and a new well was needed.

    Nobody could dig a new one. The king announced that whoever cut thebalete tree and digs a new well, could have half of his kingdom.

    The three brothers set out into the world. On other way, Juan

    found an axe that kept on chopping and he took it with him. Next, he

    found an old spade that on digging and he also took it. And then, he

    found a shell that gushed out water.

    The three brothers heard about the contest in the palace. Pablotried first, but he couldnt cut the old tree. Pedro came next, but the

    balete tree grew bigger. The king ordered everyone to stop. But Juan

    asked that he should be given the chance to cut the tree. The people

    laughed at him but Juan ignored them. He took out the axe and it

    chopped the balete tree down. The spade dug a deep well and the shell

    filled the well with water. And so Juan got half ofthe kings kingdom.

    He lived in the palace while the two brothers continued their scarch for


  • 8/2/2019 The Thin Brown Dog



    There was once a widow who had two daughters. The

    elder was like her mother temper and face. They were both

    disagreeable and proud. The younger was exact I like her

    father- kind, polite, and good looking the mother loved her

    elder daughter, while she treated the daughter was filling her

    jug with water a poor woman came up asking her to give her

    some, water to drink. She offered her the poor woman gave

    her a reward for being kind-hearted-every time she spoke;

    flowers on diamonds would fall from her mouth. When the

    mother learned about this, she sent her elder daughter to fetch

    some water to drink. Instead of giving her water, she insulted

    her. The woman who was a fairy became very angry. She gave

    of toad or snake that fall from her mouth every time she would


    The elder daughter went home hurriedly and beat her

    younger sister. The younger daughter fled from to the house to

    the forest and his herself there. A kings a son found her and

    married her.

  • 8/2/2019 The Thin Brown Dog


    The Cave of GoldBerto went to the forest to look for some fruits he could pick

    and sell to the market. On his way home, he saw an old woman

    caught under a big rock. The woman could hardly more. She

    was crying in pain. Berto took pityon her and helped her to get

    free from being pressed down by the rock. In, the old women

    told him to go to a cave in the mountain were he could findbars of gold.

    Make sure that you take only one bars, the old woman

    reminded him. The others belong to other poor fellows like

    you who have heart of gold.

    I will remember that Berto answered. He went home

    and got a big bag where he would put the gold. He went to the

    mountain and was able to found hundred of gold bars,

    scattered on the ground. He picked up a bar and put accomme

    date it in his bag could .He left the cave with a bag full of gold

    bars. He was thinking of returning to the cave to get the

    remaining gold bars so she shortened. When he arrived home

    he and his wife took out all the gold bars from the bags but

    alas! All the gold bars were turned to the mountain , he could

    no longer find the cave of gold

  • 8/2/2019 The Thin Brown Dog


    The RewardA poor fisherman found a floating in the sea. He opened it

    and a cold of smoke escaped from it. The cloud of smoke

    suddenly it became a genie. You become the luckiest man on

    the earth for having freed me! The genie said and laughed

    heartily. Ican fill your boat was filled with gold for reward.

    With one swift movement ofgenies right hand, the fishermans

    boat was filled with gold. The fisherman was not all happy with

    a boat of gold. He wanted move for a different reward. He

    wanted his hand to change dangerous, the genie told him.

    But that is what I want for a reward, the fisherman said

    firmly. The genie acceded and granted the fisherman wish.

    When the genie left, the fisherman touched his paddle to test

    whether his wish was really granted. The paddle was turned

    into gold at once. When he went home, the fisherman saw his

    wife and son waiting for him at the shore. He was very happy

    and very eager to break the news to his wife that they were

    now riched that he ran to meet them. He opened his arms in a

    wide embracing the two most important people in his life. It

    was too late when he remembered that his hands had the

    power to change anything to gold. He was shocked to his wife

    and son turned into gold.

  • 8/2/2019 The Thin Brown Dog
