the syrian arab republic is an arab country in western asia

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  • 8/11/2019 The Syrian Arab Republic is an Arab Country in Western Asia


  • 8/11/2019 The Syrian Arab Republic is an Arab Country in Western Asia


  • 8/11/2019 The Syrian Arab Republic is an Arab Country in Western Asia


    Playing it safe:This is a scenario already in play: provision of logistical support and arms for Syrian rebel groups to avoidthe pitfalls of more direct forms of intervention, while presumably giving foreign powers a degree of control over the conflict.

    Saudi Arabia and Qatar have spearheaded the calls for arming the Free Syrian Army.


    Who do you arm:Syrias armed opposition has no effective central leadership, and an influx of foreign money and weaponscould make the matters worse by proliferating the number of poorly coordinated and poorly trained armed groups. There are

    fears that some of the money would end up in the hands of militant Islamists.

    Unclear outcome:Unless senior commanders of the Syrian army started deserting Assad, Syria would still be looking at aprolonged conflict, including the risk of growing violence between the Sunni majority andAlawi minorityand tensions in


    The Syrian conflict is a sectarian war in a volatile region whose potential tospread and directly threaten American interests would only be increased by U.S.intervention.

    The struggle is between forces funded and armed by outside sponsors, notably

    Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Iran. Also participating are foreign religious groups notdirectly controlled by the sponsors, namely the Sunni Salafists and Iranian-aligned militias, not to mention intensely anti-Western al-Qaeda fighters.American involvement would simply mobilize the most extreme elements of thesefactions against the U.S. and pose the danger that the conflict would spill overinto the neighborhood and set Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon on fire.

    That risk has been compounded by the recent Israeli bombing of weapons sitesinside Syria. Whatever their justification, the attacks convey to some Arabs thesense that there is an external plot against them. That impression would besolidified if the U.S. were now to enter the fight, suggesting a de facto American-Israeli-Saudi alliance, which would play into the hands of the extremists.

    Read more:


    The international reactions to theSyrian civil warconcern the response of international bodies,

    foreign governments,non-governmental organisationsandmultinational corporationsheadquartered

    outside ofSyria.ManyWesterngovernments have condemnedBashar al-Assad's response as overly

    heavy-handed and violent, while manyMiddle Easterngovernments initially expressed support for Assad

    and the "security measures" his regime has taken, though as the death toll mounted especially

    inHamathey switched sides, often adopting the rhetoric of Western countries. Other countries, including(but not limited to)ChinaandRussiahave vetoed attempts atU.N.sanctions of the Assad government.
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    1 Supranational bodies

    2 UN member governments

    3 Non-UN member governments

    4 Political organisations

    5 NGOs

    6 MNCs

    7 Media

    8 Individuals

    9 References

    10 Further reading

    Supranational bodies [edit]

    Arab League

    Nabil Elaraby, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, called for an end to the violence on 7 August

    2011. He cited "growing concern and strong distress over the deteriorating security conditions in Syria

    due to escalating violence and military operations in Hama and Deir al-Zor and other areas of Syria" and

    said the government should "stop all acts of violence" at once. In a reference to the Syrian head of state's

    efforts to pacify protests, he added, "There is still a chance for the reforms that were announced by

    President of Syria|PresidentBashar al-Assadto be accomplished."[1]On 27 August, the Arab Leaguevoted to condemn the crackdown and call for an end to the violence. The next day, it said in a statement

    that it would dispatch Elaraby himself on an "urgent mission" to Syria in an endeavour to end the

    crisis.[2]After meeting with Assad on 10 September 2011, Elaraby told reporters, "I heard from him an

    understanding of the situation and he showed me a series of measures taken by the Syrian government

    that focused on national dialogue." He did not offer details of the conversation, but said he and Assad had

    shared proposals for ending the violence.[3]In early November 2011 after negotiations, the Arab League

    announced that the Syrian Government had agreed to end it's crackdown, remove troops, release

    prisoners, begin a dialog with its citizens, and allow observers and journalists free movement.[4]To date,

    Syria has not honored that agreement.[5]

    On 12 November 2011, the Arab League voted to suspend Syria from the organization if Al-Assad'sgovernment would not stop violence against protestors by 16 November, and invited Syria's opposition

    parties to join talks in the League's headquarters in Cairo. Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Mauritania, and

    Yemen voted against the action, while Iraq abstained from the vote. The League also warned of possible

    sanctions against Syria.[6][7][8]

    On 18 December 2011, the Arab League threatened Syria with taking their Arab peace proposal to the

    UNSC. Reportedly a draft resolution by five Arab League members asking the UN Security Council to end
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    overall stability and security of the Middle East. The future of Syria should be independently decided by

    the Syrian people themselves free from external interference. We hope the international community

    continues to play a constructive role in this regard."[31]On 4 October 2011, Russia and China vetoed a

    Western-drafted resolution which would have threatened the Syrian government with targeted sanctions if

    it continued military actions against protestors.[32]However, in the days following their opposition on the

    UNSC to derail a 'Libyan intervention scenario', both Russia and China issued rare public admonishmentsof the Syrian Government separately expressing their desire for them to reform and respect the will of the

    Syrian people.[33]


    Main article:Russia's role in the Syrian civil war

    On 6 April 2011,Russian PresidentDmitry Medvedevcalled al-Assad to voice support for the latter's

    decision to make reforms in his country.[34]

    On 28 April 2011, Russian UN ambassador Alexandor Pankin warned against "taking sides" in Syria and

    other Arab countries, as "such approaches lead to a never-ending circle of violence".[35]A number of

    Russian and other intellectuals affirmed that Russia would not tolerate any interference in Syria.[35]Onereasons given for Russia's opposition to any action by the UN or other organizations in Syria was that it

    Russians fear it could turn into another Libya scenario (with the West intervening on the side of the

    rebels). Alexander Fionik, head Arab Studies Center at the Russian Institute of Oriental Studies, said that

    "Russia has seen what happened in Libya. It would be logical to assume that Russia's stance on Syria

    would be more clear-cut that that on Libya".[35]Another reason noted was Russia's close relations with the

    Syrian government, which was one of the few governments to back Russia's military intervention in

    Georgia in 2008. Russian Middle East analyst Alexander Shumlin wrote that "The fall of the Syrian regime

    will mean the disappearance of Russia's last partner in conducting Soviet-style policies in the Middle East

    whose essence in many ways boiled down to countering the United States".[35]

    Russia has at various times used its UN Security council position to block resolutions that would harm theSyrian government (often in concert with China), including blocking the first and second drafts of a

    Franco-British sponsored attempt to condemn the use of force by the Syrian government.[36][37]A council

    diplomat said, in the case of the first, that Russia objected to "the publication of the report as an official

    Security Council document", but another council diplomat stated that "It's obviously an attempt to protect

    (Syrian President) Bashar al-Assad".[36]The vetoed report in March had apparently contained material

    incriminating both the leadership of Iran and Syria in matters related to the transmission of arms to

    militant groups.[36]In the case of the first and second drafts of the resolution sponsored by France, the

    UK, Germany, the US and Portugal and to condemn the Syrian government because it feared they could

    lead to an interpretation by Western countries that could allow for interference in Syrian affairs.[37]An

    interview in the government run-media outletVoice of Russiastated that "What arouses concern is that in

    this resolution of Britain and France declares illegitimacy of the regime of Bashar Assad. That means that

    the approval of the resolution will make it possible for others countries to doubt the legitimacy of the

    regime on the base of this document."[37]

    In response, the following Friday, diaspora Syrians in Lebanon rallied in front of the Russian and Chinese

    embassies in Lebanon to "express their gratitude for Russia and China's support Damascus and [to

    reject] the conspiracies sought against Syria",[38]while, on the same Friday, protestors in Syria itself
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    burned Russian flags and carried signs with anti-Russian slogans to show their anger at Russia's

    position, which they perceived as helping Assad.[39]

    On 2 June 2011, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, "It is not in the interests of anyone to send

    messages to the opposition in Syria or elsewhere that if you reject all reasonable offers we will come and

    help you as we did in Libya ... It's a very dangerous position."[40]Sergei Lavrov said furthermore that

    Russia opposes UN involvement because "the situation doesn't present a threat to international peace

    and security ... Syria is a very important country in the Middle East and destabilizing Syria would have

    repercussions far beyond its borders", and asserted that Assad had made attempts at major reform.[40]

    In the later parts of the month of June, both the US and other Western governments[41]as well as Syrian

    protestors[39]prevailed upon Moscow to change its position, and finally a Syrian anti-government

    delegation visited Moscow and met with Russian envoy Mikhail Margelov, who after the meeting noted

    that "leaders come and go" and called for "an end to any and all forms of violence", which some

    interpreted to be a shift away from Assad, once a major ally, in foreign policy.[42]This was considered to

    be potentially hazardous for the Syrian regime (if Russia switched positions) given the Syrian

    government's reliance on Russia for weapons, and diplomatic and economic support in the past.[42]

    On 19 July 2011, President Dmitri Medvedev said he was working with German Chancellor[Angela Merkel

    to find consensus for a strategy to persuade the Syrian government to abandon violence and begin a

    constructive dialogue with protesters. He did not threaten to use Russia's veto at theUnited Nations

    Security Councilto oppose a resolution critical of the Syrian government, as Moscow has previously said

    it could do. Medvedev also said it was imperative that Syria not slide into civil war the way Libyahas.[43]

    Amid thesiege of Hama,the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a 1 August 2011 statement documenting

    deaths in Hamas as well as condemning the violence, including the killing of eight policemen alleged by

    Assad's regime's slaughter. The statement beseeched the pro-Assad forces in addition to the violent

    protesters to "exercise maximum restraint".[44]

    On August 3, 2011, Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin stated that Russia will not oppose a UNresolution condemning the violence in Syria as long as it does not include sanctions or other

    "pressures".[45]Al Jazeera reported that Russia had "softened the blow" to the Assad government by

    insisting successfully that the UN would make a statement rather than a resolution on the matter.[46]On

    23 August 2011, the Russian delegation in the UN, along with those of China and Cuba, took to the floor

    to denounce a UN inquiry on human rights violations by the Assad government.[47]Vitaly Churkin stated

    that "We hope to see progress, we hope to see dialogue established in Syria...We think we should

    continue to work within the scope of that unified position."[48]

    On 26 August 2011, Reuters reported that according to UN envoys, the effort by the US, France, the UK,

    Germany and Portugal to impose UN sanctions on Syria was meeting "fierce resistance" from Russia and

    China, with Vitaly Churkin threatening to use Russia's veto power.


    According to Reuters, the armsembargo included in the sanctions would prevent Russian firms (the main source of Syrian weaponry)

    from selling to Syria.[49]Russia proposed a second "rival" resolution for voting, described as "toothless" by

    Western diplomats, which did not include sanctions or other punitive measures, but rather urged Syria to

    speed up the process of its reforms.[49]

    On October 29, 2011, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in Russia's Federation Council,Mikhail

    Margelovsaid in an interview toRIA Novostithe position of theArab League,which calls upon Syrian

    President Bashar al-Assad to stop killing civilians, is rather constructive and may lead to end of
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    United States

    PresidentBarack Obama's administration condemned the use of violence, stating: "The United States

    stands for a set of universal rights, including thefreedom of expressionandassembly,and believes that

    governments, including the Syrian government, must address the legitimate aspirations of their

    people."[61]Secretary of StateHillary Clintonstated that it was unlikely the US would intervene in Syria,

    since theUS Congressviews al-Assad as "a reformer".[62][63]On 9 April, it was reported that Obama hadsaid: "I strongly condemn the abhorrent violence committed against peaceful protesters by the Syrian

    government today and over the past few weeks. I also condemn any use of violence by protesters ... I call

    upon the Syrian authorities to refrain from any further violence against peaceful protesters ...

    Furthermore, the arbitrary arrests, detention, andtortureof prisoners that has been reported must end

    now, and the free flow of information must be permitted so that there can be independent verification of

    events on the ground...Violence and detention are not the answer to the grievances of the Syrian people.

    It is time for the Syrian government to stop repressing its citizens, and to listen to the voices of the Syrian

    people calling for meaningful political and economic reforms."[64]On 18 May 2011, PresidentBarack

    Obamaimposed sanctions on Syrian PresidentBashar al-Assadand six other senior Syrian officials as a

    response to Syria's bloody crackdown on political protests. Additional sanctions were imposed bytheTreasury Departmentagainst Syrian and Iranian intelligence services and commanders.[65]

    Robert Stephen Ford,the US ambassador to Syria criticized the regime on the

    embassy'sFacebookpage, stating "On July 9, a 'mnhebak' group threw rocks at our embassy, causing

    some damage. They resorted to violence, unlike the people in Hama, who have stayed peaceful... and

    how ironic that the Syrian Government lets an anti-US demonstration proceed freely while their security

    thugs beat down olive branch-carrying peaceful protesters elsewhere."[66]

    US Secretary of StateHillary Clintoncondemned both the attacks and the incumbent regime, stating that

    al-Assad had "lost legitimacy", and that "President Assad is not indispensable and we have absolutely

    nothing invested in him remaining in power."[67]

    On 31 July 2011, responding to a pre-Ramadancrackdown that resulted in the bloodiest day of the

    uprising to date, President Obama issued a statement in which he sharply condemned the violence,

    warning that Assad was "on the wrong side of history and his people", and added, "Through his own

    actions, Bashar al-Assad is ensuring that he and his regime will be left in the past, and that the

    courageous Syrian people who have demonstrated in the streets will determine its future. Syria will be a

    better place when a democratic transition goes forward." While he did not explicitly say that his

    administration believes Assad should leave power, he said the US would step up its efforts on the

    international stage to "isolate the Assad government and stand with the Syrian people".[68]

    The US government slapped a new round of economic sanctions on Syriantelecomcompanies and

    banks tied to Damascuson 10 August. The sanctions rendered US citizens unable to do business with the

    Commercial Bank of Syria, the Syrian Lebanese Commercial Bank, orSyriatel,and the US-based assetsof those companies were frozen.[69]

    On 15 August 2011, appearing on US late-night talk showThe Colbert Report,US Ambassador to the

    United NationsSusan Ricesaid that testimonials from Syrian protesters as reported by Ford were

    shapingWashington's policies on Syria. "What [Ford] hears every day and what [the protesters] want from

    the United States is more leadership, political pressure, and sanctions, but very clearly no military

    intervention", she said.[70],_D.C.,_D.C.,_D.C.,_D.C.
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    On 16 August 2011, media suggested that the Obama Administration was preparing to impose new

    energy sanctions against the Assad regime and officially call forregime change.[71]

    In a written statement issued on 18 August 2011, Obama said explicitly for the first time that Assad

    should resign: "The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al -Assad is

    standing in their way ... For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step

    aside." He again condemned the violent crackdown, but reiterated that the US will not intervene in Syria's

    affairs beyond placing political and economic pressure on Assad to leave power. Both the E.U. and

    Canada joined U.S. calls for regime change.[72]He also issued anexecutive orderthat blocks the property

    of the Syrian government, bans US persons from new investments in or exporting services to Syria, and

    bans US imports of, and other transactions or dealings in, Syrian-origin petroleum or petroleum


    The same day, Clinton announced a full ban on imports of Syrian oil or petroleum products into the United


    On 23 August 2011, Reuters reported that US ambassador Robert Ford made a surprise tour of the town

    of Jassem, which had seen government crackdown after popular protests.


    The Assad governmentdenounced the visit as "inciting unrest" (which was denied by the US), and banned Western diplomats

    from departing from Damascus; the US embassy was also attacked by a pro-Assad mob which broke

    windows and sprayed graffiti.

    On 26 August 2011, the media reported that U.S. Central Intelligence Agency chief Leon Panetta traveled

    to Turkey in March 2011 to discuss Syrian regime change with his Turkish counterparts.[74]

    On 23 November 2011, the U.S. Embassy in Damascus issued a call for American nationals to depart

    Syria "immediately while commercial transportation is available."[75][76]

    On 24 November 2011, a Reuters news dispatch reported the U.S. Navy'sCarrier Strike Group

    Twooperating off the coast of Syria to monitor the ongoing Syrian uprising, with an unnamed Western

    diplomat in the region noting: "It is probably routine movement. But it is going to put psychologicalpressure on the regime, and the Americans dont mind that."[77]

    On 24 February 2012, after a veto by Russia and China of an Arab League-backed initiative, Clinton

    blasted Russia and China by saying "It's quite distressing to see two permanent members of the Security

    Council using their veto while people are being murdered women, children, brave young men... It is

    just despicable and I ask whose side are they on? They are clearly not on the side of the Syrian


    On 20 August 2012, President Barack Obama warned that the use of chemical weapons in Syria by

    PresidentBashar al-Assadwould be a "red line" for America and would change Obama's views on

    intervening in theSyrian civil war.Obama said that the consequences of using these weapons would be

    enormous, and their deployment would widen the conflict in the region, and would concern America's

    allies as well.[79]


    The Egyptian government broke its silence over the uprising on 9 August 2011, with Egyptian Foreign

    Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr asserting that "reforms that are soaked in the blood of the martyrs who are

    dying daily are of no use" in an apparent criticism of the Syrian government's simultaneous promises
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    ofpolitical concessionsand use of force to suppress protesters. Amr said he feared the situation in Syria

    was "heading to the point of no return" and demanded an "immediate end to shootings". He also called

    upon Syrian authorities and citizens to come together in a national dialogue and bring an end to the


    IranIrans supreme leader,Ali Khamenei,spoke out in favor of the Syrian government in regard to the

    uprisingIn Syria, the hand of America and Israel is evident and Wherever a movement is Islamic,

    populist and anti-American, we support it.[81]The Guardianreported that the Iranian government is

    assisting the Syrian government with riot control equipment, intelligence monitoring techniques, oil

    supply, and snipers.[82][83]It has also been reported that Iran has sent the Syrian regime $9 billion to help

    it withstand the sanctions imposed upon it.[84][better source needed]

    On 15 August 2011, while visitingCairo,Egypt,high-ranking IranianparliamentarianAlaeddin

    Boroujerdicondemned the actions of Syrian protesters, claiming they were American agents trying to

    destabilise Syria in order to benefitIsrael.[85]On the same day, a report published in the BritishDaily

    Telegraphquoted an alleged defector from the Syriansecret policeas saying Iranian soldiers,includingsnipers,were working alongside Syrian police, paramilitary, and military units fighting to put

    down the uprising.[86]

    PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejadsaid in an interview with the Lebanon|Lebanese television news

    networkAl-Manaron 25 August 2011 that the violence should end and "the people and government of

    Syria" should join in a national dialogue. "When there is a problem between the people and their leaders,

    they must sit down together to reach a solution, away from violence", Ahmadinejad said.[87]However, he

    told EmirHamad bin Khalifa Al ThaniofQataron 26 August 2011 that he believed that any "interference

    of foreigners and domineering powers in the regional countries internal affairs would complicate the


    Foreign MinisterAli Akbar Salehidelivered theAhmadinejad government'ssharpest remarks to date on27 August 2011, saying the Syrian regime should respond to the people's "legitimate demands".

    However, Salehi also cautioned that a "power vacuum" in Syria could have "unprecedented

    repercussions" for the region.[89]


    Israeli reactions have been mixed, with some believing regime change in Syria would weaken their

    enemy Iran,[90]and others believing a change of regime might be more dangerous.[91]

    On 24 March 2011, Israeli Minister of Foreign AffairsAvigdor Liebermansaid: "The same principles,

    activities the Western world [has taken] in Libya ... I hope to see those regarding the Iranian regime and

    the Syrian regime."[92]Israel expressed concern that Assad will try to divert the attention from the uprising

    in Syria and try to provoke some border incidents with Israel in the Golan Heights, Lebanon or Gaza or

    even start a war with Israel in order to unite the Syrian people against Israel and to divert the media

    attention from the uprising in Syria.[93][94]On 4 March 2012, Lieberman called on the international

    community to intervene in Syria in order to stop the killings.[95]
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    On January 10, 2012, Benny Gantz, the Israeli military chief of staff, informed members of the Knesset

    committee that in the event of the Syrian regime's collapse Israel is getting ready to permit fleeing

    SyrianAlawitessettlement in the Golan Heights.[96]

    On 30 January 2013, according to Western reports, Israeli warplanes struck a convoy of SA-17 anti-

    aircraft missiles near the border with Lebanon[97]intended for Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Syrian state

    denied it was shipping weapons to Hezbollah and instead claimed it was a military research facility

    outside Damascus targeted and that the strike killed two people. Israel neither confirmed nor denied the

    reports of a strike. An official news agency of the Assad regime claimed that the attack proved that Israel

    was behind the attempts to overthrow Assad.[98]Both Syria andIranthreatened retaliation against Israel

    for the strike, while Russia also condemned it.[99][100]

    FormerMossadchiefEfraim Halevyhas suggested that Israel should exploit the Shia-Sunni

    conflict.[101]The president, Shimon Peres, said that the international community is not doing enough to

    stop the violence, and he urged the West to intervene. The Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu said that

    an "axis of evil" is behind the atrocities in Syria. Netanyahu told the Cabinet that Iran and the militant

    group Hezbollah in Lebanon are assisting the Syrian government in the massacre of civilians.[102]

    Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia's KingAbdullahbecame the first Arabhead of stateto openly condemn the Syrian

    government over its response to the uprising in the early morning of 8 August, saying, "What is happening

    in Syria is not acceptable for Saudi Arabia." He warned Syria "will be pulled down into the depths of

    turmoil and loss" if it did not immediately move to enact major political reforms. He also announced Saudi

    Arabia was withdrawing its ambassador to Syria.[103]Despite originally wanting to stay out of Syria's

    affairs, Saudi Arabia's head of state, King Abdullah, escalated the rhetoric, calling on the government to

    stop its "killing machine".[104]

    TurkeyOn 21 March 2011, Turkish Foreign MinisterAhmet Davutolusaid: "Syria is on an important threshold.

    We hope problems between the people and the administration [in Syria] can be handled without

    trouble."[105]On 2 May 2011,Prime MinisterRecep Tayyip Erdoanwarned that if the Syrian government

    replicated an incident like theHama massacreduring this uprising, Turkey will not stand by and watch

    idly.[106][107]On 10 June 2011, Erdoan condemned Assad outright, calling the images of Syrian protesters

    being attacked by security forces "unpalatable" and criticizing the "savagery" of the government's

    response to the uprising. He said Turkey may back a proposedUnited Nations Security Councilresolution

    condemning the Syrian regime over the crackdown.[108]

    PresidentAbdullah Glsharply condemned thesiege of Hama's escalation at the beginning

    ofRamadanon 1 August 2011, saying the Syrian regime's use of heavy weapons against the generalpopulace "has given me a deep shock". Gl said it was "impossible to remain silent in the face of events

    visible to everyone ... and accept a bloody atmosphere at the start of Ramadan". He called upon the

    Syrian government to stop the violence and institute reforms to restore "peace and stability".[109]

    Although on 5 August 2011, Davutolu said his government was not considering expelling the Syrian

    ambassador inAnkara,he visited Syria himself on 9 August 2011 to deliver a "decisive message",

    according to Erdoan.[110]After meeting with Assad and other Syrian officials for over six hours,
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    Davutolu said he had outlined "concrete steps" that the Syrian government should take, but he did not

    say how they responded.[111]TheHurriyet Daily Newsreported, on 13 August 2011, that the meeting had

    delivered an ultimatum from Turkey's president to Syria's president, and quoted an anonymous

    government source as saying Turkey could intervene militarily if Assad did not renounce the use of

    violence. The report suggested the Turkish government is concerned about Syrian ties toIranand the

    role both have historically played in destabilisingIraq,as well as the possible sectarian dynamic of theuprising and crackdown.[112]On 15 August 2011, Davutolu warned that the violence must stop

    "immediately and without conditions or excuses" or Turkey would take unspecified "steps".[26]Gl

    expressed disappointment in the regime on 28 August and said his government had "lost confidence" in


    Turkey stopped at least two shipments of what it said areIranianweapons being transported to Syria

    amidst the 2011 uprising, one in March 2011 and one in early August 2011.[113]

    On 10 April 2012, Prime MinisterRecep Tayyip Erdoanslammed Syrian Regime, he said "They are

    even shooting these fleeing people from behind. They are mercilessly shooting them, regardless of

    whether they are children or women." and added "Indeed, he(Assad) gave his word to Mr. Annan, but

    despite giving his word he is continuing to kill 60, 70, 80, 100 every day. This is the situation."[114]RecepTayyip Erdoanhas been trying to "cultivate a favorable relationship with whatever government would

    take the place of Assad."[115]


    On 3 April 2011, Iraqi Prime MinisterNouri al-Malikicalled Syria's President and voiced Iraq's support of

    Syria "in the face of conspiracies targeting Syria's stability".[116]However, on 9 August 2011, as violence

    continued during theIslamicholy month ofRamadan,theCouncil of Representatives of Iraqissued a

    statement demanding reforms and an immediate halt to violence, which read in part: "We call to stop all

    non-peaceful practices, and all actions for suppression of freedoms and bloodshed is condemned and


    SpeakerOsama al-Najaficondemned the use of violence by the regime and said, "Forthe sake of the Syrian people, we demand the government, out of its responsibility to safeguard the lives

    of its people and their property, take the bold and courageous steps to stop the bleeding." Even in the

    same week as his parliament voiced its condemnation, Maliki appeared unswayed in his support for

    Assad, blaming protesters for trying to "sabotage" Syria and saying they should "use the democratic

    process, not riots, to voice their displeasure", according toThe New York Times.[118]Iraqi Ambassador to

    the United StatesSamir Sumaida'iesaid in an interview with aForeign Policyblog, on 25 August 2011,

    that he believed Assad's regime was "steadily losing its friends, its credibility, and its grip" and would

    eventually collapse, which would "alter the balance of power in the region and will eventually weaken Iran

    and reduce its capacity to project its power through Hezbollah, Hamas, and other instruments". He

    saidBaghdadis not concerned about any potential instability that may arise from Assad's ouster.[119]

    Muqtada al-Sadr,the cleric that leads the IraqiSadr Movementexpressed support for al-Assad,

    saying: "there is a big difference between what is happening in Syria and the great revolutions in

    Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and Yemen, one of the reasons behind this difference is that Bashar

    al-Assad is against the American and Israeli presence and his attitudes are clear, not like those who

    collapsed before him, or will collapse." He also warned that the demonstrations could bring Syria into

    "an abyss of terrorism and fragmentation in the event of a vacuum in power.[120]However, in 27th