the sun. (new york, ny) 1877-10-10 [p ]....odlm hiill-e- n-t alb--becaum mr. hnilth cwu u--in myack,...

VOL XI.V.--N- O. 40, JSb. ..rptm NEW YORK, WKDXKSDAY, (HTOUKR 10, 1H77. jjUCE TWO CENTS. jiYACK'S NOISY CONVENTION, Aiiniivis vrnnor KKOCKtHe DOWX in I t.uAit: i has. W, JOShs. A nrokrn, aaa u. ,.n. run. i.. .1 Taking g I mil lh Alilermnn hud .. Hull Hi-T- a tfMtlCS of (he rriKC The RaSttBMtaa f "I Klthiird II. I at tarn. Tbo Democrats of the Ninth BenttoDte m tri i. embracing Wcstehcster, Putnam, uud 4 Rockland eountii meAi in convention In smith - ODlM Hiill-e- n-t alb-- becaUM Mr. Hnilth cwu u-- in Myack, yestardsy, Three s (.1 tin' nutnlnatmn if .r -- .. .TUn- - f .ii. x President ol the Boardof Supervisors tf VY Ht county ; Pur-dro- ( Morrlsanla, and Col. Richard M. Lnthors of w Rochelle were In the Held. President I iSirroi of the N w York Aldermen wasa dele :m Ire m the Twenti ihlrd Ward, the annexed district, bs pertol the Aeeemblf end Senate districts not ret having been apportioned to New tore, With Alderman Purroy were in brother John and two other ran who wore not general- ly known, but ware spoken ol ai "heelers." ii. li n. Clsrkeon N. Potter. It was said, wee In us it ol Col. Lathers, and am man Purroy, en n representative ol 'riinimnny Hull, wat n'. In tar r .. biro, and it was said by the country delsgstes thai Alderman Purroy was prepared tn run the Convention. 0 L itoonoy, alderman Purroi 's friend, was the temporary Chairman, hut it. ither gentloman was selected t.. preside daring n short discussion, Col. iloonoy i wn t" tii' Hi ...r. ti ail of the delegates win made quietly until a small district in Putnam county was rah- d. Then a delegate's seal was contested, The chairman ol tha delegation bad a paper ready, srhleh Alderman Purroy proeeeded to read, li was lo the . fT t thai the delegates had p issi i resolutions authorising one "f the dele- gates to subetltuUi u man in bis place, Mi Charles W. Jones, a hotel keeper in Nyack, Without manlli sting any feeling on the subject, quietly Intimated that AI lernien Purroy was misinterpreting the contents ol the paper. Alderman Purroy reddened in the face, and, ti it illy walking across tb ball lo Mr. Jones's side, elonohed his tlx;, drawled out, " What .iy' s .17' 'and planted ' - net on Mr. Jonoe'e cheek, knocking blm don I Immediately, the Contention wni In uproar. Alderman Purroy's friends joined In. andai rrul "t lb unty delegates' beads were punched. The chairman's r p and erlea ol "Order I order I" were unh hid. Men darted across the room and wildly waved tholr hands In one another's laces, shouting t the top of their rol s. Delegate Jones'siface began to swell, bis jew-Ikh- having been broken l his eye became black, and a rough b rUlse "li his hand grow redder and redder, until be bandaged It with bin I. .a Ikt r. bief. Meanwhile somcb. idy pul a motion lo adjourn, lli. understanding being that Alderman Pur-- r y and his friend should be allowed to appear it pidh-- Jutti-- n and giv- - hall. Whether tio motion Was oarrted under parliamentary rulsa d id not seam to bother tho delegates, for Hie room wss soon cleared, Alderman Purroy in, 1 friends, followed by a large crowd. then walk- - I to the Police Justice's ofllee to surren- der themselves. As Mr. rurr-- y entered the ofllca a constable arrested him. Mr. Jonss, who had a lew minutes start, having made a eem plaint, Mr. Purroy was evidently much Bur r: J v this iirrot-- of affairs. Bs it b lliSVed to have Isuclsd that an sppearnnca before the fustics, en explanation, and than a little busi- ness transaction in which the amount "f hail would b msldoredi was .ill that would be re nuln-- ,,f him Mi Jones's eomphtlnt seemed loops I things generally, tho Convention In 'ludedi for if the Aid rnian and bis friends could n t by th-- ir presence on tho Boor sustain th-- ir candidate I ir the Henato ha must be defeated. Hr.Purroy riUi2"d the importance ol this, and shouted ha k to the crowd: " Hold the Convention until I some back." Th Justice took his seat behind hih llttletable and opened court, Mr. Jones'sbit k- -n lawbons forbade bis saying muehi but the explanations ol friends who bad seen what bad beon done, and the testimony of several .1 wboss disordered garments suggi ib .1 familiarity 1 tha case, satisfied lbs J usthe, and bs held Alderman Purroy, Jvbn Purroy, and the two ' ' - A i t an Purroy n sdo a shorl explanation, e ti 'tisaidi " I'll put up (1, hull for my- - Sell I en-- h of thesn gentlemen." The Alder- man'' Irl ii l I'rowded around him and offered pei'unlai ass itan The Justl was In dim d toS'.fpi hall, and after little parleying 1'Mil ii, a small amount wax accept, d tor each of the itunts for their appearanee before the Grand Jury. Then tho crowd vanished froin li,.. luri r on. Ai l rnian l'urrov'a Msek moustache bristled njU ii n he d the way tnHmithsonlnii Hall. Mm Ir. - ilow 'd I'loHu behind him npid.ui - In.-- . Wl enthui ent Tod th. hall t, .mooftnad - w .'.- thore, n I att.-- th stragglers had p.. u drummed up th"C .nvnth "i was f .rian-U-- l. M inlr ri S. II .Imeii 0 dell o Tarrvl wnwaasle tednsChalrmiin, a r i hud iill. il thu dol 'uup s Ui order. Aldormim I'urr rtook H- i- floor. II- - w it inmewhut ex 'U- -I ..- - b said that he wished lo make a por-Sun- ..Milan. it. i. n. II- - h xplalneil. no deslri to i.r.-a- up lb Convention ushe id aTway boon a JJ'! rat and hoped to always ha n I' n . The littlu oisturhun-- o was u i.r itr, whl-- h lliei 'onvonl ..n had nothing to du with. " I vrna by pimslon. he auld, ' It's a H'rsonal matter, and my passion gutth" le'ttor of I noK it won t hurt the imru for I am for it." H mad" an up. d. gy f. .r inn a in t, an. i a. led Hint wbn a man's (.."-S- h li- - are aroUkt'd be not kin iW what 1, in U ' iik'. Mr. ,f. ti- -, whr .. rt l'ddyto hi eonnlltuents ha l n .i a roan from hit sent, II n arm Was tightly lNitidau-i- l, tno na ,.r i, . .. fiod been Mil-n- ill d. and Hie side id bis fu- -e w.u. .y puffed up, He ko with gr it dirn-nit- if, laying, "1 wou't nvuept uny mi ii us that." M r. Purroy eprang lohU feet.snd aim l ep-i- t riy'. Hi- - w .rdn us li shouted, " Thai wi no per- gonal apologj : thai '.van t.. tin- Convention. .Another tiiinu i n, ,,..,! imtiiliiontt l ut tha Oualrmiin "Ordr, gehthunen, order," and H- i- delegate khi down, Th" routine ..f tha Convxutlon was dul-k- ly liiiUh-- d, ol. th. ii th- - iididiip K ware li mil . d. i Blehard M, Luther was Ihg su essful 'audi-- I date. A M OUH '.' s I II m; 17. Tbo Kouliii l.uii tin. i yra Pmitn by ilo ( in riiilui. lii i ros . TBOT, K. Y. Oct. 9. A body of workli a i Ms holding Bitate Convention hers, 'i lowing Is syno 'sof th- - plntl M . .,r a in in., is Bulit in n fro nil nut li r. in. .': i't ol IISII liul lisnk Ttil ..ii i.r lata .vr.i-i.- ruiil to lull br ul tin WfSltli it rr.,..i-g- l lavaUn of tut .t' l nti n I - In I'ffvrl 01 Ti lining III,- Ii.nir- - III Isliul Wi um lilf nr.iiniii -- I jatlic Inn - tu luilrnr, r..r I r ttilr iltttrMiuiiua U. sriunl I iiii iiuvriiiuaislu ssiasy bs ascsHsry utMcuio .r.,. Uifta. A ... . ,. i. u, ,. iaoI'I .rnpr rty inafti. nn thr- rnii.ii. Ill li llici,lt, ... r, tin' .a, SCSOrdilNJ Uj I'- -' ST, - . ownrd, m ot juaUct in sll cnurttof law. TI il ul liurtau ol labor sUUsuv by iut H ' as by th iiaboiial ilutrsriinicMi hl Ui r tlir ... .. . I..... at is lii ooulrsi.i la (111 H r ' i .. ..,!. ,r ii, lUluUuUs ul Um llslt o..n Vi tti hsanrM lntits s wtllsiths swirsri H l m a ... - r. Hint r. ..Ir.. h.I Inn ul H . it ioiiu iw uii.t-- lii control anil instiage "I il. aiatot. Uiroiiuh witieb lby paw. and thai Uit J iieloaoi inislit aivl swnri il i.i.i.... . ! ', a puMllit. ri.iM.ii.ii.iu iiiU it'iii I of niffrag tn Ii n .i and will rii r 'a , i.ttr tor ti... U'lflnlstur win. m.t H I. eim imisl siai ntiiient wbiob m.aa to n.ui..i 4 r ."i is th slats H .. n... i. flrniv. ' in t t i - a. u. i. n nl ul i. n. in.- iit.iu.u- - fsvbetsi, and s W( H .. irrvul ....'I-..- wmb. - or V ' i rj a,'. Lv IfuUI Uuitf Ul B n la offlct and brlbsrs r iltctort, Iriitla. w g, tu i. a. i. ... a i, v ti. ..ti- in hitainoui jm ." ' "'' a- - l 'i'i i 'I r ar If. . ,. al In). or. .1. Uare J KB c lllrv, VuUIIS, Ul Willi, a"!!!!! Ill CbUrt, l 1 fc" . ' Ul ciUiala-- auJ ... latai a , . . bOo, AS OUt MAS' il'tCtDH, Leaping rrom IfeS I'liriiB! or High Ilrlrl lulu II .il. in RIVSTi An old ninn jumped from High Bridge and was killed t i o'elooB yesterday il- - win unknown to th- - reeldente of that hamlet, and no one saw him spring from the bridge, and only two saw blm strike the water. Two boys saw the stranger walk on to the bridge at th- - WCSl end. II- - WSJ aln.ilt SB years of age. The two boys went on their way acmes the bridge, but before reaching tho east end tin v turned loeeo whether the old man was following n. ti- - wan not vlelMei but ble cap was banging on a post of the ir.n rail- ing. At about the sum- - Instant twoOermane, who were tithing in a boat near th- - western slu r- - of th- - Rarlem river. Wore startled by a heavy splash in the Water under th" fourth arch of the bridge, about eighty f.i. t from th" They rowed to the si...iai.d found the stranger lying on bis side, l(iiti u"kon hlsl-- ft h'pand lag, and then lay in that position, li d even sinking under the surface, tin- - lego! hit pantaloons and draw- ers waaaplll from anklelo waist, and the side of one th-.- was also burnt-.- !, when th- - fisher- men reached hlin hit had pot yet tou 'had H- i- water, ntnl tb" upper edge of hit was y- -t dry. Th- - fishermen raised him upright, and ha opened his pyre. moaniH, and died. Tha body 'va then laken to th- - Cnrmansvllle poliee station. Titero being no Iduntlflcatlon. it was senl to the 'lh- - dlstaneo fhnl H- i- man fell i 139 h I. Th- - Iron railina- - on the bridge in four feel high, ntnl th pickets ar n .t over four in hes apart, it being Impossible for him to fall over the rail- ing, tha Inference Is that he clambered up the raiiiim'. hung hie cap on a bnel ami prang oul with lb- - int. ntlon nf Stlh'hle, II- - -ll i...-- -r niost.liui turned slightly when he ncaredlhe water, n in' tl'im ntru-- k Ills hip. Lnal evening Uapt, ry ! th- - Carmans-WlTl- ) police telegraphed t the mil-- . " Look for Abraham 7a five I -- i eight in liea, gray hair and inrdi worstod ni'k"t, Idaek trousers and Vest, and Ida k eloth .an. low .nt tin n." 1- 1- bad - aped ti.'iii Bloomlngdalu Asj lum. nonoKK!cn tt ism so hoskt, om. tot Retinrts Cjneeni1sw feenaweer Kmor. nu's kllegeg Uellilesiilsa. Tbo px led revolatlons in relation to City Tn usurer Kamena's defalcation attra -d n large throng to the Hoboken Council Chamber last night, A number of well-kno- taxpayers oceupled seats In th- - lobby, and waited patiently during tlx dull routine of business for the re- port ol tho expert aoeouotant appointed to ex- amine tho City Treasurer's books. The report wan ad by City Clerk Dueker ami I breathless silence. T " report begins with showing that on May 1. in77.ii irdiug t.i th- - Treasurer's be l;s be had II 16.743. 7 1 . and that In r Ipts mi thai date wer- - Mil. I Il.l'l.atnl hls-x- p. n litir-- n f in.. Nn:.43. Tint w. iil. I lenvonbitlan n hand at that date of IM.7uS.78. He profess t i have paid . nt f IS.n:, ot tint on strl Improv-m-t- it Mubsequenl paymonts by the City Ch rkt-- th- - Treasurer on Sept. 3 and 4 show total .a 131,414.80. oi thin latter amount the i'ti- Treasurer professes to have Htld to I ounty Treasurer Klngsland I1S.00U on a nut of county taxes, Th- - books. In conclusion, show that th- - City Treasurer should have lunl on blind in th- - Flint National Hank ol Hoboken, on i' t. B, 183,403.(4. If an expenditure of 84.383 and an Item ul 19.0(a) on lnier,st for bonda .t -- al ulated, tin.- amount ii. bank tin. uM be ul.out 7(I.U00, Tn- - report of Chairman Prissy of the Finance Committee shows that Mr. Kamena ha.ia.i--po- lt yeet-rd- qr ot IftSO.flt. and that the -- hooks ..f i ity Clark Ducker have i n repeateitly dis- honored, Th- - report aim. nln ws lhal tn- - tbediffereni committees in re- lation to strset lmprovemeuts have been over- - drawn. Councilman Crlssr. lifter th- - report had been read, offered a resolution that tho City Traa-Ure- r i'- - summoned belt ire the Council in Com-nu- ll 'f th" Wind- - and directed to answer suefa qunatione a shouM bo put i ' kJsj reward-In- n bin disposition ol tho ettt funds. This r so- lution was opposed by Coundlmen F.llts. h. unit, and Piunkett It was. however, adopted. till I t MOW OOt s; .Ml Hill l I.) Keltber Mr. Roosevell nor Mr. C'owUla tan I. 4 .illr. i.,r ul lit.- It was ascertained, yesterday, to tie' t llei ..I th- - Custom House rumor-mongsr- s, ti .t Collector Arthur's t. Home was u. 't a iall to Benator li.-- Conkllng. The poiitlclani In Waahlngton continue lo insist that either Mr. Theodore Roosevelt ..r Mr. Elliot ('. L'owdln in to be made Colled t. forgetting thai neitherol those gentlo- man ean lawfully take th- - offl - und r a section oftheaetol Congress oi Mai hii.lT'JU OS tub lows: Si. i n smplnyi 'i aadi r ttu- sstbsrtty uf Ihs Pnlb t St.,l.-- ill tin' ..111. ti.. a ..1 .lull, a in. rt- - of .'tin.i uao r in wl i In part, say n i, ur s t ni. allorM y. or contutn tot tii owurr or uwuvra ot any vrasrl. or t snv or Udtm on bnsru lbs sain, aur ansll aurh psrann iiaborl or la rcn i n r- to ur on in. to in th- Import ol an, pit . hudia.. tor Mis into ti- - i i. a, .. t.vt-r- prs..ii wbw vtutauis tin . cUvn ai. a, i iiv llabb to i naiiy oi Suuu Tim paction Is the one under which Senator Buinner had tii- - ii iiatn.n th- - it" Ah'Xnn- - der T. st. wait an t. tan ot tin- Treasury in H- i- Benute in inn. i. Air. often d to iraw froni active partnership m the linn. ut us II uld ii 'l take hi- - Rp tal out ol the business, he was deelared Imdiglhlo tn th-- -.- ol of the Treasury. Mr. House- - veit and Mr. Cowdin bay- - ' n Importers, and have r. i ri t from busiuess oiili within a your, but it - undorstood thai their busin-s- s ban not l ii entirely wound up, and it m Iw- - Moved thai their cnihlul fs tml n wtit- - ilruwn. It Is known that Mr. Kvarls fuvors Mr, liiHiiuividt for Col lei tor, I ii t IS said III rovntlU" and more intil l. - lhal lie with g I gruc- - intorfere in th--- ulout HoU. p itron ige, at he hits tuken Imavj iis oiina- -l from lu- -r htttiit, ngtiinst whom suit for iriuids on tb- - I'liMoins revenue uru pi udiug in lii- - L'liiti bi..i -- ourts. mi hRooklvs 11 la vi.ooitf.n, PtlVetls BrH'srs Burallus nn4 Ovcrgeulng in lh- - Keeoul . Tho si irm of night boforo lasl provodn (ran. ..ii l- i- defitive sewer system if llr... iklyn. The sewers were alrendy filled uii bidng blah tide, and tho torrent of raincuused mi uverfluw in many places.rAl Waahington ami Fiiinhlng nvenuee th- - sewer burnt, causing u wut r hi .ut of groat power. Thosewerutyiuah-in- g iiveuuu nin I ItyarsoQ street also burst, throwing water several feet high. The streets a1 ut Puttiiim and Kostrand avenue wore filled with Wat- r. th- - sowers lieing unable to properly .111 1' off j and from Mitr-- y aveuuu to the City park thu water wits two 1. -- t de-- p. The many cellars Which Were deluged by th- - previous gr-- al rain at' ' mi, and which were partly lain p.-- out, Were roil I led. rii- - defect Tn lho m mi .1 I., l- i- that they bave no material Iii-- Ii nation tow ard 1- .- emptying point, no that th - tid it ebb nn I flow in tht ni as In the river. At III" lust II I tig ol tho Aldermen 11 reeolU" 1. 11 wan fi rred appropriating .nu lur Hm I'liijiloyinenl of an oxpi rt I'lialneer to - xn in in- - mid on the n-- n m ' ti it v. It was H .1 by Al b i n. 1111 l!:y i'nal ol 140.0110 tin-li- ut. tor new sewers.'H.oOO was spent In nilliuiusiiurgh.nuil lhatihe syst-t- n not ii h li- r- -l hi H- i- After lasl w k's storm si ti i th- - strei tn u'-- t have bin n ira.v . 111 ii gomlolu, T n' pant tigers on tb" South H ndstreid .'ait were lor I lo stand on rtn- in passing throughthul ntr t. The - Ii i nl millions of dollars, and it will i i.i i n uuy ihous .mis moru tu i riu t ih- m. Ilenrlvlta Nnilth'i mmii. ii .I .nn smith, IS, who waa employed Its li ii poltaluir in tin- I' taciury ol Wuit. r bork-woo- in w it. urn i. Hrouklyo. in Juiuj lt. in ilooplni I.- up k uii a bruah, bad in r toiut, HowinH bslr osusnl in iin- i. ni, which - rvolvlns ..' tb rst -- i t oi ri'vi lutiuiia ,i ubi. ti - a. sum i utuh . tbs tstav, si t hrr bs.'k wsa lirokii a -r mu torn loii-- ah ill I III IWSt dSl VvaU'rd'lJ. Kla idlt'll nn ill. In r lalln r. l W I...' ia lo rjiini - ,r tin- lnal ..I In - a iijiiht! Tb' di ii lin aa lliui Ul-- a Siidtli lisd r pi all II, a timl Hint .tn- tdlollltl llol la i in .In- la. n i V Hill, hsir liuwlns - i iiinuiili ra. but - i t. ink. A irillti'd llnlii' wna in ill not. .ii an tin- mi. wsriiiai tn ni. ii .. 'ii,i jury U I urmsuiS isaisd v, ni,i i no. a. oi tuns, 'rnioniani 'a lli lila Mill In hs FlSldi Tim Dai ruts a III holdth-- lr Counts "a ho tia I Ti ti in-- Ik in ' Poiivslitions on Ha' UOltit A r in. nn. hn Irtlki. smi tb t'niiveiiiloas lorUi iluiulii'ibu Iioin-- a .... I. mi ii. i 'i nil. Th iirittisrioa lor lb rlni'll n i , u. Un a Cnio i nUi.aa an- lo bi In nl ua II. i- IjIIi lusb iin ef Iks aierss's Vlollsssi The body of a sailor, sutiiioti'd to have boon drio.ii.'i in i. in- ol ilu- nt ssfea. ws waatail s hors in ii I'll N J , li nliiy. Iin- Illsa'aViuUl III .... uisrssd "J II T Tom'- - lloi r, N- J." PrlSSSa I Ri nd th- - advertigemuBl un lasl page. rAthk IBPgOtl PSVMI NT IlKHUMRD. -- Tho beat lino oul Ui'l- in 11 01111. JJa. Si;iZlN( ; A C. UK AT STLA MSIllP. Tin: KXQt llfB t v Tilt' BAltlttorCVt' m i inn si; orm isits. Knninra float lllhrr Vaarle nf th rtllnnal I. In nrn It, b .,.,, a Itrrnklnc up Milk Mmutciiiitf Ppesssllsa r.r DayH. Bmsltalt. The etetnieblp Kngluinl of tho Matlong Company's line was lelecd on ii- -r arrival from Liverpool yestorday, the oharjra being thai tho hat brought smuggled go. ids Into the port ol Now York. Tim selcure had been ordered by the t olltor and lb- - Sury-y- r. umbT iBatrttetlOBB (r un s nshlngton. Custom Rouse Officers Reg il- - and West brook took command aftorths th- - passenger! nt Pier Mi North river, and will hold until a libel la pro-nr- ignlnal th" vessel, The United States Marshal's officers will thon take poeeeeeton,and will da tain hat r.' until bonds are given for her. sh. is valued at B7oo,000, Sim is announced to Mil on Saturday but h- -r clearance will be withheld until hor owners lib1 bonds iiitijo.uoo or 1800,000, Deputy Collector Phelps says thai the tekrare grows out "f tin- searching Investigation that was liiad- - i.y Bpeclal Treasury Agent Braokett in tho tilk smugKling Irauds 'iirn-- d mi (or years i.y officers ..f the National Company's steamships, In complicity with manufacturers um i agents In Knglnnd, and capitalists, sue-- Honours, oxprcssmoni and others in this elty, Thomas 0. Owens, the purser of th- - England, was r ntly arrested at one ol the principals in H- i- smuggling! and Is a prisoner In Ludlow street jail. Me has confessed to 8 IslAgenl lira ketti exposing ail ill- - smugglers' He says that his first smuggling of silk was f. r John Bcott.a speculator, who lives la Drooma street, near Varlck, Tho latter paid him twenty percent, ol the vslue of th- - goods that he smuggled, smuggling was to profitable that he n ion -- iiiliarki'd in :'. m.i t.n.l"tit oi S tl. and devls-- il a now for I iodwlnk" log Hie New lork Custom House. ad all his tukt shipped to " ord-r- " in Liverpool, by wi.i h means ne avoided diwcnblng the goods on thu steamship's man I feat 11- -r vedtour eaaesol eeatly sTIks, and th-- v were entered on th- - manifest, with tii-- ir marks ami numbers, as four eases of merctiandlao, On th- - voyage, Purs rOwonsenipl iyed tbs storekeeper of the tnglnml make op four small eaeeapf oat- meal, worth a few cents each, and mark them letters and numbers like those on th- - pack-e- g t oi tilk. tu th- - arrival of lh- - in ti. . t in- - ha.i th" esses oi silk landed and smuggled Iroui th- - wharf unknown to Hi" I ll II ni-- "". I irs. Ahin lirair, tin- pier snt rlntendenl of th-- N itioual i n- -, and James Towers, th- - wharf de- livery clerk, ossIsUmI him in getting th- - g in i it. They were tuken n express ofncfl m I rnnklln street, nisir ncsl nroa.fwny.nnd there reiwieked in other cases, and suIsm quentiv lliey were delivered to an auction house in white stfeetto be sold, Th- - cases of oat al were -it untouehed .a the steamship, to correspond with the entry of four cases of merchaiiidlse "tt th- - mnnifeat When that lush m House offleers res ined tlo in. seeing Ibe word order" marked on them, thei sen) (hem lo n gt'nera order bonded warehouse, There thnywern un- claimed, and after a yeur had elspaed they w.-r-- nt I ' the Custom H un.' sail' of unclalinod g. Is, purser Owona sars that be paid Buperlntend- - nt iir.,!T. i rk Towt r- -. th- - rtorekis-pe- r "f the lii 1, und others v- -: y li' .'rally -r th- - part they took In th- - smuggling. He Ian. -1 over 1 1 50,000 Worth of silks, and n every dollar's worth i- t- delrauded th- - ilovernmenl of alxty cents, th- - aggregute ul his Iruu in amounting to about llWiOOO, Importers ami dealers in American silks In tint city sav that in- - frauds have alinosi de Btriredth Irtrade. nonce tbey have appealed to Washington t. have tb- - tuiuggb-rt- ring prosecuted and sent to prison. Itisaaid i n lit to- - selsursof th- - steamships Italy, t'ainola sud Hpalp la eontemplated some nf tnetr ofllcers Laving ueen guilty of extensive tmiiggling. Tho -- hi"f authorities ul the Clis- - t House aver thai tin- v "l-- ti - a- - iiinulnt- ! by th- - Treasury ofBtvrs i ufil - run- - demn th- - entlM Iin- - if th" suits ar- - pr- 'UUhI, John Meott. one ot ti rlglnnlors of Ibe gi- gantic frauds, saw th- - Distrl- -t Attorney a few davn llg", It it nai l, and told hull What In- km W a'-- . in H- i- operations u I'll- -. St. ml Agi i.t Ilril-ke- tt, who w it the Ural t" expose l mug- - glors, Una been otlet I proliiotlou at IhulliuiuS of tb- - Secretary of u,- - Tre isury, 11(1.1 I X M II It Hilt M.' I . Tiii' si i i una I'm ion in lissom basstto A it -- in. lot Hi Prohibitive liefest. BrisTOK, Oct. 0. Th- - Woman RufTrago Stat.- Ci UVCht! n lii- -l here being -- a! ml to ord- -r by T. '. litlirop "t Taunton. Mi.- -. Lucy St' ti- - wan eloctod President Hesolutlons were priwiited led trlngthnl the Woman BufTroge party has no faith In Repub- licans -- r Demo rat- -, slid an n deals exelusively with the rights of women, there Isnon nnity of making nominations, Another r ution was Introdu -- ' re nmmendlng tha frien Is ta- - party tot ip for It. C, Pitiuan.tue Prohibi- tion I'lllldldilt", At the niiornoon aoaslon the oommlll u ii d .i. favor of Hie Pilnian ft solution and an leldltioliul ribs ilution urging t.n- noiuiliulloii "i rloltul ra and lpr-- t litil- - lives favorable t" n a use, The resolutions wero ink a up seriatim and H- i- firsti i otidi an third were ndoi ted ithout debate. Ull tho fourth, jo tlie itiuxpedien vol making uouiinatiotis, Mr. Kane "t inov-- d lo amend, so that it ahould apply only to Btale ofll-er- a, Tiie ituiendmenl prevailed, and upon lit" adot'ti ii"i Hi" resolution asnmeml- - it Mr. N, 11. I'rh no "I lh mmlllen look th" fiisir and oipoS'Hl the ion on the ground that whim w "i.i in suffrage was a constitutional iiuestiott. prohibition Was only pulley, H" did i, .a believe in prohibitionists, and did not want lo Imi tho tail of Hie prohibitory party. "" wan ivilling t" yotu i"r Ju'lge I'itniiin, o- -- ua hu I li wan an hotteel man. bul tl.- - i -t of th- - prohibitory ticket ouhi lo be d .1. lln- w.iM" bank-- t. i lie IP v. j.. . v, iisoti of Maiden said it would i nslst-- ul to rofralii from making iioiuinaiiona mi i go i.vor to tb- - Probtbiiory i ni rt v. uiid u hi the moral loreo ol their action of Ktyouru i, iis their entire vute was en. .i.t- - -- d to the lirohlliillotusts, AH r .in . ii- -.i ii tin r solution piunn-- d. mi I ri ill I iiy nil. UTUIIM. What Is Thought is llsvs nsAtllsa on 113a. PilSillj In lh.- OalS, Mr. Joint Hm l it, u colorod man, resided wilii inn wife and thr children In 11 Sfnilil house mi thu Newark bay shore at Pamrapo, N, j. bliortly after midnight yesterday morning, when the storm was nt its height. Commodore misworth of H- i- Uuyonno Vaclil Club was aroused from sloop by a rapping m his door. II-- t Mr, Harris's youngest son, John, who told him that H- i- storm had enrrind lln 11 house out into th- - hay. and that he WHS the only on who naeupod, Th- - boy add". I that lie wan nrouseil by the shaking ol tin house, and s.ain b 11 it pipble over. II- - rushed lor the r, ntnl in th- - blinding wind and ruiQ escaped, li s father w in bohind bun. Commodore Ellsworth hastily gathered the neighbors together and went in sear--h ..f 11." house and the missing family, no sign of fhe In. an il.l bo seen along tho shore, and bonis Were Sent Ollt to look th" missing persons, The house was found off the K)m Park steam-- I ml landing, nn Utter wr- - k. It it believed by many thai Harris, hit wife, and Iwochihlren louud nh-i- t-r ou Htiiten Island. Harris was on uysturman. and well known m Dayunnu. 1 a. CummlMtonsrs gaspesdsdi It iii" intention of th- - Law and Order Asso-rliuo- u ul v nki-r- to viols sll barrooini nd is that thi auudsv las ii ubasrvsd. not only by all lUjsof asslora I. nl nl... i) Ihl I'lllSI 101. 111t1.l v al.'l.a. gs)or IllbSolt tm- - M!pitdi'd John s Whit, John w in hii-- Sainu.'l JoIlL', I' o rlsi'iHi, th) I'"-- slilioul suthuiily, ... ii, a in nr uai ul lh I. i 1. , .. v.. ri mo. t, slauta . n in 11,1 fiavi a r.i 1. t a. . - in ', u tn..' not a 'iii n. a 10. nil I.. NIIMI III. Inn il Itlllkl l' - II. lo. - .1 ...1.. v Ilu -i iiaial) t. ' l irvtn n' una .. ., . llol 1 uik in 'I U" ' - Aii .ti.iu.-ii- uff felulsn Island. In Hut gal- - ol Monday night th- - hdmon-- r Abbott, ii 'ia ti.., 1. ti inr lUi'huioiid, Mthlio al surhorotl Slut. lalalldi vt .- 11. k lo Ilu- A iin inn lit. - .11- all nil, jr.. a. n. ary, nin. h liuililrsian-- her sisilmr Tin a.. ..11 lnal aiit mid nil iirar Sllij it....... .... On- .11. .il.. had In r tail .0 k . - .11 Slid 'a r I....I dalllBKl l. boaidtfl tu r bouiu. .n I... .... Wessaa's Usstk. Patxiison, N. J., ti t. u.- - Maria OruseJio, n I' ti ti usUi'nl In Ua i' Aayluui si Morris Plaint, was loatlrd sssinM by inuUisr patiiu yt n o. iy. a ua 1. a .Ii .id nn.- vv a- - luia... ana n ... supuoaml ilu l"'i bl sisal T8B KAiTBMI WAh. Ituaalnn Uiitrmrnli that InSIl aa ArtWS Aalwms imsiiii. London, Oct. 2mra' Pttctf.rWt Ipedal says the RuselSM have la gun their parallels before Plevna under the superintend-neoofOe- TodtoheB. The heavy masses ol tmopB which are being lent to Buhraria oertalnty Indicate tksk pur-poa- e to prosocute sotlve operations during the autumn, as the Ruaslsat do nol need th-s- o to retain tholr present positions. Tim nmet' Belgrade oorreeponderd says he bears from a diplomatic sou ros that tho Porte ha demanded explanations regarding h nia'a pttrpol - in arming uud DOgotiatlng with ltustln ami lioiiniiitila. Th- - l'ort- - declares ii will bs obliged to "nd a si lui Commissioner t" Helgrnds to Inquire wb-H- i-r Its hu.. nil 11 rights urn not bnlng d with. aii first-cla- ss militia brlgadoa, escara moae of Hhalaita, and vallovo, have uatn-hn- I., th- - frontier. Tin, seepgd oIsm will follow III davt, ore money and several noses, ol nhoos liavr. arrived irt m RusslSa negotiations with Bussla nave nt lat e.,mr to a aatisfaetory close. A Cabinet council has upon warlike measures! though not before tin- middle "f N ivel r. Rusalan nstinistu plaees Mukhtar raahai ions on th- - Id aud Bd oft) Itober nt 6.000 aoma uomk tuhovom i BsTrTra, An Employee vrbs ivas n, ,1 tn t.,, i,,at fettrprlslso Tfcss in SesrsS si 11 in. intoimo oxcltornenl was crew tod in lyn hmt evening by th- - rumor that Robert it- rrv. an employ f th- - Board of City Works, who was nt w..rk inspecting the sewers ol the oily, had been lost. His tallow workmen, who entered the lewcrln Atlantic avenue, began to search th- - main that leads 1 Platbush avenge, They missed Berry, and whon they oama oul they waited f "r him to appear, and ss be did not soma to tii" surface Ihey spread the story that he was lost, Rwss supposed that ad been overcome by tb- - noxious gases, and it was feared thai th- - next tide would -- airy his Irody Intptne riv--r- Th- - workmen. In greni iemcnt. cot s and poles, and iu in lo Inapaettheaewers at th- - dljfi r ni mnnl Th 1 supposed Hmt. at he had n- -t n Sistn m lit- - Platbush av-n- u- I raii h. pnssttl through th" Huyiin inl r.triv"t mniti, on- - of the sewers in the "itr. Theyentered this sewer at Ds Kulb avs- - Raymond str t.and an a pntn-n- search vv it ii UtnternSa which they h Id aloftou polos. Th-- v waded knee de-- p In wat r, crying out. "B.b H rry." As th- -r w a.-.- -- up d ,n this work. Berry, dress-- 1 in 11 t Iry suit "f -- lollies, pushed Quo the throna iiin.nt th- - manhole, and nsked, ' What tin- d-- m nintter with yes nil v" When told thai lho exettemegl was all about hlmt if. an I that he w.i- - SUpp sed to I'" losti he saldi An can't a man go through th" sewsr to Ms home at Well n through th- - str t?" he bad inaported the Raymond strei-- t sewer, and. knowing that it wan marly time b.stoo work, he - ni 'ti -i not logo back wh-- r- ho -ft hit comradee, bul loleavelhs ar Til-lnr- y -- tr.-. t. vi I, r- li" I' v d. and go hoiti" for dry -- 'thing. He pushed off the cover of tlifl man-- b tb- - tti-'- In iiirrliHl. 11ml, bailing a pasaing wagon, gota man to help him out, ua ;iint storting oul for a walk w in n th- - throng With lunt-r- nt urrouudibg th- - aOVt HKSIHtlCKH'M HI II IIS. Btlsfel OlaS lo Tsask Awerlraa Soil Anrrs ansiMer in Bump, Among ti.- - IBB saloon passengers by lho Botbnlai which arrived yeaterday, irsrs Gov. mid Mrt. t. a. Hendricks, Th- - Oovernor ik d strong and hearty, mid smiled pless-Sntl- y ua ne deseunded Hi gang plsnk and greeted tb" frlsBds win. bad gmhersd loglvs him a kindly, ii informal, welcome borne, Mrt. Hendricks, plainly attired in blue, ' mod heartily glad lo t. ai-- h Ian-- again. " I'm gin it.. See rou I ." Said n 'r. nd. "N it ball a glad nt I am to tie home, wat the renlr, v- - had 11 boiiutllul vovac" oul In the S ythia." tho Oovernor mini, "but the joynge was terribly temiiestuouSi Whv. Mrs, II- lidrn-k- ut-- d l" nay that III- - ivav- -t inoliut. d clean ovr th- - smoke sbvks. It wnsone rolli roll, Irom th- - .lav we start-- d un- til we got into Ann wnt'TS aga-n- I bk" Iran Ibtig iilsi u l. aud I dou't like :t. I like tho cliuugu ..nd 11- 1- moveniHhti and th- - exeib m-- and tn- - seeing ..f strange things nil nov- -i slumes, but I don't tike lo It baggag- - inur-t.-- In la t. 1 d in I know hi vv. I'm- n ...i a .v. truvnllod you -- 111. t o U" ivo What a bother baggage it." 1 1- .- Oovernor dev. the flrsl woeis of his European tour to r.ugland, Ireland, nt - land,Diing es laiiy ebnrmed by t..- scenery in tii- - hmt nat country, Tn- - V'.iiig ! n t iienio ratleClub Lave len- der, d lo- - Oovernor u serenade. ; 1 tun 1 trim johkvu'm Tlir I'Msudlsn Pallrr Asked in Prevent Bll-lln-s Hon fress Crosolss Ifes Chicago, Oct. 0. Tlio concluding portion of th- - report ol Col. Miles ol the engagomenl with Joseph's ' ml, th- - tlrnt ..f which was si in Sun lay n. glit. hat jutt I u received, the w r- -a having I n repaired. It is aa follows! "To keep th- - companies with linn another escort wan it. v Thin lasl isjcort will now bo u - I I nvev a train -- I wagons whl"h will in in- - morning i".- Hnnke Creek w ih sup. p. 1. 1. I hare nnaumod ill. reeainaibildy of Cut, M' l.uod, lho Coniinission- -i ..f the Canadian Poli.-o.o- f t..- - situation, anti inviting l.m ati. nt. mi to the iintirtun I Hitting Hull ami inn followers Irom crossing the bn -- .' Th- - T' 'a p ltd fr m F rt V nt "i. tana, dat-- 't t I. says tb- - t .nil who hrotlgiil tb- - report "I in- - hit- - light .1 tseiih's band an I the United Btul s tl lit say Hint h was a nrisiiner in Mihts's liands. but was I'T Lli'Ut. Jeron f id- - i aviilfy, wl. had boon II pt rod by lln- lad. aim. Tn- story Uvitidseonllruiiitiou. i in: I.r A FH.tSriHCO nt u I mi nr. riiiii -- i iin- Managers IVurrasts nn i rur i in-- Air.--:- svn FBAXcraco, Oct. B.-- Warrants have I. ii Issued tor H- i- artesl of Joseph C. Dunean, manager of the Pionee r Hunk, and th- - prlit stockholder in the Bufo linpoall Company, and linnjumiu V. Le Wnrne, Buoruiary -- t the Safo Heposit Company, who are charged with tl verlaaue of stock of Hie Bute Com- pany. The amount ol tb- - fraudulent Issue in hot y t usocrtnitii .1. but t kiiown lo be large, Th" overissue wat ninnfpulab'd by Lo Wurnsi while nin an li) potiiei al-- d the tto-- k. Th- - du- - ii. .t in iii ti.- - vault ..( th- - company ur- - all right. N- ither I nin nn nor Lo Wm u- - have I n seen sineo Hntttrday. Thopolleeol ml thotaiwiisln th- - Slat- - bav" li "id'-U'- lo hi' on tho look- out lor the fugitives. Thres School bo jri SlabhsS. Charles B 'hetlng, aged it, of a rand itroet, s sUldsnt in tin' Hurl, i mil Mm-- mailt lchou, wna ItSbbOd tu On- I. a. k la-- l lima- Tin .ti. - M "(It) im an-- J.... i. a gcOlyiin Slid - - ra .a Inr buya win- ,t.n. hiu in in. iii i.t S West Thtrti-rnt- ilrosl whsn BohsUni tin iii Si in hint purtaas'ly an in a tin- t. ulyna boys They lhB ittarki'd Schetliis, Stnnrssnd pbnrsi oi wood win thrown i.aiii n uoiii' .iti-.-- i.i p. uii.t, aii.t tin' ii. lo Ullhsui bowury, wniaa tin- ut a luiio, said ilisl in iin- Ilittit kiuv, - lunl t. i n and that he lisd draws lo- - In .111... II then wslked sws) i. t ir ti.iii avvnue II.- - lather kei'iii a k tun. uii nivtit ivoaiie si'hrtitii aaid a.'iii.i not klioH dial In' lul l Ktalila-i- until la 1. It lln hloiai ruiniitis duwa In- - bai'l. The wnuiul - luur lut'lir iti Ii 1111. Itllli - tl IlltllS WSI Mllll lo lln- I nil . nth nin ,1 win- - Tl - in. o. MS Msdlann street , to Mii'liail Buid In. ni Hul Uadi-n- ii io.t, Wer laaiiius out ol ttu M nllaoii Hi. ai-r- an k. a to aeiersl buya nt lb curlier -- Jai kaoh tn A imi ...... .. atsbbud Uivull slid ShevbaU 1'bi vv uuuda 111, l.ut - lull. l.iiiuor in Vaiistl Thsalres. Mr. Juke llerrv, Um proprietor of thaColum-ki- i upvia lloaasi a - timl Uis wcupiiit of privsu. buies there sro nut .ii-a.-i sith drltiki Mr Herry ssyi thai to- iii give ssu in say nuo whu .u iruve thst h evei luriU-- d Willi oiiytbilii lo drink m .1 .u. si bul in l... Itniuni Ua in ... Ml i..l- - pslla, iinui.o. of ) tinil Una, ttlsodl- - nn a li i.'.r is sold ill bis llaiujlug lllmssiriu a IVIL Prank dried of 71 street, Williams-bttfh,- s hobsd besit irrsalod lor tin Ibinl Uuie toi beaUoti in- - site. eisiunUUvd sulci t yssttirdsy u n il a Uis n.atti el.-- uni Puliui SUiUoa by hsnsihi nunauli wna biablarl. InUlstsd rur ISmbssslssianl. Nvvi-s- . Oct S of tho Ib.-k- laii.i'. .-.- Hank, lis u mii.-- Sad but boud lorisihsi. iKiiaaUiu oatiia tu ni.oou THE CANVASS FOR SPEAKER. VSSV'"r;SHFfr. ATTKMrTH TO COMMBTM AOAtnt ". KASIIAU.. Th Herrtses-Hlaskha- ni prnpi.aiiton Or. SffWlly I i. r. Cm Il A UVSly PNffel Tor (ha Irl kahlp. Wabrihoton, Oct, 9, Then la no changa in th- - Bpeakershtp contest. An effort has been mnd" by n lew of th- - bitt-r-- st opponents ol Mr. Han. tall lo g- -t the opposing candidates to ogron to nllow n OOfflmlUSS to dsddc who Is lho strongnst man to set Ui against him. This device B""in to have bSOII proposed by Mr. Bpiingsr of Illinois, one of Morrison's most active friends, l ima been generally laughed ati however. Msmberswho um in tho of exercising tholr own lodgment object to having a candidate selantod for tbem by s commlttcsi They tnv that if the ndi-datce opposed to Mr. Randall think they ean dictate to the caucus in this manner they will find themselves mlstakeni A facetious friend of Mr. ltntidnll. wh-- n told of tills propo- sition to app dnt a committee to sol t an oppo-t- n lit P r him, Mid that it Work would bo In tho nature of a certain legal Inquiry rli raaatlco fagufren in. or - timl out whether or not nil the ambHtous gentlemen who have s- -t tbemsslves ui. ua candidates were oos oompot meafia, Tho '"'"""r.t tiiad-- ' lum sir. Baylor una telegrspneu hi - insenl to I hit committee arrangement wat unfoundedi li- - bat more sense, and so lms Mr. Q le. Mr. Olnckburn ami Mr. Morrison appear to be th- - only candidates who oonsented to the arrangement. Indeed, it originated with Mr. M a r on. w ho.aeolng lb" eff"- -t th" publi- - catlonol it hat bad. now dsnlcs Hmt ha ever agreed tolt Mr. ": ahw says that ho is no party to any arrangement as to n unity of forces sgalnsl Mr. Randall. Ho has no desire to transfer any of bis friends, if bs had Ihs power, an i ii nt bis colleagues appear and ho -- an advise with tin tu ii" kss strenuously avoided sit complications. Thi statement shows that Mr. Cox had been approached ami urged to agree to tint MorrlsonBhsimburnDpr!ttger committee pion. At to Mr. Cox pnlrlne with Mr. Bcwltt, he mskes tbo following staternenti If- - baa d bit desire to fair bimsull with Mr. II w ii in esse snothei Is th- - competitor "f Mr. Randall. If tin r- - are many npetitors Mr. Cox expressed hit senseoftha unfairness ol pairing Mr. Bewltl with a Cox man. Tim ehan - remsri in Mr. C .'a letter to Mr. ti. .! Mr. itt might ! pair-- . I w th n waa simply a blocs of pleasat Tbit Statement does ind impugnthe ir .as "f the atatament of Mr. Cox's agreement .tbMr. Cooper to f "are a pall or Mr. Hewitt, aiad" in t'-- 't despatches hurt night, Mr. t'-- ' Intends I .do the proper thing, but ho Sppnrently did n- -t t th- - ui.falrri-- h of liia Mr. I'- - rt ntil to dis iver that CoX tm it Were s nr-". Th" light for th- - Cli rktiiip i decidedly more liit-- i- thiui Ihl ht'-t- for th- - tbi.. The two csndldates, Mr. Adams snd Mr. i Iwell, are pretty equally matched, and their frlemts sro making strenuous effortii Thus far Mr. Caldwell appears to be gaining ground rapidly, although th- - alwenoe ol so many msm-bar- s makes ii'tilt to sstlmats liio reui str- iigth of either of th- - candidates. Tl sndldatea for Doorkeeper are vsry nu- - mtvrous. Maryland West Virginia. Virgiina. North i 'ar- li ti a. andueorgia baveomi each, and ti... in tumbent, Mr. PaPrson from Hew Jeraey, it also in th- - Held, For Bergeant-at-Arm- s Thompson it th- - only candldatq vol in tin. although it in Mini that i.uv-- u fiiriiiiil-nh- l iMmpetltor, but just Who he will be is not mud- - ku-w- u. HI'OUT turn tiie i its. An i x.liliiu ( i llroir.-- lh and Ihi Arammiilii llunl t lull. The Nereid Boat Club of Brooklyn lunl Its annual regatta yesterdsy afternoon. The moot int-- r. t ug part of It wna the gig race with the Argonaut at "I Is. rg. n Point f.r a set of colors, i nmu a four-ourc- d g.g race between the toll .wing rrewst f Horn- - How, H w- V"-ri- v . W. S ft '.I.t; 3 r T. !'.- rt k,C M II I'oai Hioii How, P I, ii . i i: M Waidi; a Kra.,k B Ton y: alrok. Uywoial f Broun: ensawain, .1 a I'hllllpa. I 1. glddlriuni II It n tii, a w 0, w atroii w v to an. 1. tl Uonard, PuikIi Mow.'I w b vml J v Bunii'i B, O. A. i, w i Johuaon; . H s MorruoB. Th ra e was for g M ba Igoa, and th- - En. lorn and Cm p" also bad a side contest tor a set ol -- .dors. Tb- - eourse wat from stakeboata in ii snnus buy to the Manhnttan Bsaeh Railroad a dintaii i two miles, vlaspsr T.Oood w.n w n ami William Ulaikie siarter, I'm- -- rows -- a ug i.t tn- - -r nil. bow evt r. np lathing badly, They rowed along very i:i r .1 n Inn- -, vvln-- H- i- Punch craw shoved their how tip to the front a ti ill". At tha in lethe Dion" "r"W wan out of Hie race, which was a hot one ti,.- other three. At th- in. - and a I. iif ih- - Puuoh erew had over two leugtha lend, whlidt Ihey maintained 10 the tin- - ith. It w;in n. a dead heal between the Pun p ai i I.uilora crews, th- - fornn-- wiunittii th lore i.y a load of Inehes, Th-- ra - l.t.."ii Hm Argonauts and Nereid u - a. f. two in In straightaway from landing ba. k t th- - starting point of tin- lirst race. Th- - crews weret Arsunaula How S'sluti Hantnlt, Bd Smith iS 11 V R. Senin t atrob, 1 K Dunhaf eosawshi I". M Bentna Nereid How, .tsa H -. II - K I KlehoU; n WlUUni in.: rlmkr I". Kai . sawaln.J Kserton Tn.- r.:-.- is won y night lengths in IS minutes "tJ t hda. In iaiiaeiiii"h I lh" liimpv wat-- r nml gath- - : iIii-- k, it 1'oliiiulttocwun UUUOUU' -- d thai lh- - singles olT. All-rt- hu ri n there waa a collation at Ilia oliii. house, und afterward the steamer Idlewihl mad- - imtiiillglil trip up the Uinlsou with tho mumbers and their friends. i 11 IKK'S ill tun It BI.KCTtOS, l ln- It. .t. 1. . an IV In I.y a OlSSll BsgWSSg Usmocrallo Uulus. S'ewaiik, Out. 10, The vote in tho Charter elect n In this city yesterday wss light. Henry J. Villi's, Republican, wns r- Bleated Mayor by a majority ol ini over Win. v.. Pine. Demoerat, Tn n in a g.iu ,.f j,093 over the vote in 175, wh-- n Vales waa elected bys majority ol d. iT.l. Th- - Demo rain wade the Presidential frauds n leading Issue, and m this they attribute this great r- - l a lion. Th- - Dei rats elect tlol the I.i tblerni-- n, gaining nnn each In til" He end. Iiiurih, I'.lth. and Tenth Wardt. Th- - xi Coiiiluol) Couii-- il will stand Hi II "in- i nt- -. Tb- - also gam fniir M hmd Coniinlsalojiers mil Freeholders. It Imi I J Ward. II, the Workiugmeu's cniidiilute Mayor, polled ,6tM mainly in tho Uerman wardt Tenth, and Thirt-elit- h. In lh- - U' baiiin r wards, the Bitvenlh and Twolfth, th- - vote ivns light, at least 1,000 voters not sp penrilui I'"' polls. Th- - llepubl loans eoneeda Hint th" r.'tnlt is damaging '" th-- ir Iuhh-- s i..r Noveniber, uud lliu lioiiio'-riit- now say that will give in n niaiorlty i.t liov-rno- r. Newark ban u mi d- -i Itepublieuu majority of l.too ou u parly vote. V l.'li. rv Air an AmSrlrSS IforSO In rnulmnl. I.oniiov. o.vt, (I. M. II. Banford's br. t. Btart, to huporuid lUeaels oul of SUinpa by Utsinilon, iiir.- v. to. won tin- tu i Waller llsndn hi- at Hu- Ns ... r k. i hs "i"i ib i"i" r nisoUns rish rosy trotn twslvi couv neulers Tlie ttetltns wsa - to I lis I nat St srt, I ail 9 to I asstiisl bord fctaiiuurd's en r i. to rruiniieUtr ..ut ... Bsrniiea, three years .1.1, sod Mr. wliiijiker's M. ii .. Usndi ik- nut "' rtirtreaa, three yesra wi I'll rsee lor i... t an .t. a tiak. lor ihree-yesf- . uia- - snd utiwsr.1, took place st Mte Newuisrkej ml r llleettlljl Slsl vvn- - vv,.u lo It llila loiia, Willi Ur Hersrd'a gaoatoou Hivuudi iill..a.l llarhaib n'l aslpnuilM tin. a Tin. Uoalh ut in n. Ueiidla, Oen. John Ei Uendlx dla in hit b 77 It ink on t. a Sun lay ih- nil red tin b'atioual inmrd a- ii urlvate in ni7. beeanie t !otonel 01 Ibe Soli t.t't KSP an ta ... It. i. arsaconutuaalitiii .1 II I'olflli. nl the mh Voiuiitei'i - in trill vv.i-- i. In ilu .. .a... il - a hrii toll' iii IMiit ana m.i' Hrev.'t Hriaiidit-- in p.. .nl iv - ii, i led Htls.idli-- Ib'lli-u- lie .ill. II Ussi'd iu isou lie wsi bU yt ir ol se, UvsreruH'iled Bd kaola Prln dpnl It. ii. Ward, of s i No. II, Jersey (Illy, declare Ihlt Ihe inpili an breidtns dlai'sts from a is t.r.'i ... vsitlilittnn ind riutai i hwe i in i met lorij rfiildreii al ideil Inlii iniuil ipui;e,iud iin i'laa roonii srs not ..v.-- Ulte, a li t Uusrs. Illsen Ai'uulttsg ul MurUve, PHIPOPTOM, N J0 't. lb Tb- - tin v In th. trial of Jstii--a III loll lor ki' in. lisrlea Prsitela l in- in - ill, I verowil oi guilty yoiWrdsy. fctisoa aspt inr joy. Tlir Kogiairatlea. Thirty two thousand 'our hint li-- d and fl'tv nun t u ... tin- - ilk)- yvaU'ldsy, Slsl ".aoo vwo Ian alaU-li- Ui lirwosnu. i BKSATOH ItroKHtSSKVS OiM Aa t im. u or Arm li, i.m. ii,,u AlarraeS hla I'lii.l. Inn. Bona tor .li.lin Ti.niRoy in lying sorlottsly Hi in ids residence in Enat Twenty-seooa- d Stroct, For ninny yean h" lint suffered with nn affection of the throat, nml been peculiarly sua esptible to bfonehlal oomptalntai On Monday ho mail-h- is usual round of Visits downtown, and osilsd on several of his political friends At noon he complained of pain tn bis throat, and by the advice of frb nils h- - took nenrrlag-nn- d rode homo. Townrd evening in. began to eg parlance a difficulty in breath I ngi ThlsdlfS-cult- y Increaslngi be inmmoned hit phyaieian. Dr. Edward Bradley, Mr. .1. Hurry F. r.l. and on-- or two other Intimate friende. When they ftrrlv-- d nt th- - reeldeaos ho wns coughing vlolently,gnsplng for breath, and giv- ing evt ry Indication Hint the bronchial tubes Were filled up. Ba made strenuous efforts to speak, but his voice wat think and unusually husky, and his so lnditin I that his w words worn bandy beard, Tim physician comprehended nt on that tho senator's trouble wss s severs attach ot acute branchltla,acoompanlod by a passive oong-ttio- n or th- - lung llsetlt a. A v- that pneu- monia might set in, llr. Itradl-- y large doses of Hm medicines moat effective in brohehlBl tflsesses. For torn- - Hm-t- ho iti. .nt.. resisted the rsmedvand for two Con oours ths airuggie between itis atju Went on. Hi" strong frame of Mr. Horrlssoy n.Hially intiverliig uuib-- his violent efforts to breathe. At about ! o'clock th- - rem-d- y got the better of th- - malndy, nml ih- - Benator experienced some relief. All through th- - night be was rest has, nml at Intervals the difficulty of breathing re- turned, but nvery time in ii milder form. Tho senator's wife, who It herself r- covering from s severe slckni tn with which si-- lum Is -- u iirontrat-- d sines lb- - death of b- -r son, nerved by tim knowledge tbsl h- -r buslsAnde Illness iirtt nil ntlon, snl by hit most of H- i- night 'ring t hi want. Bat ly yesterday morning Mr. Horrlssey, an th out by tno shoes Hoit his nervous aystoin had reeelved, sans Int.. .. deep sleep. He iiw .kn ref by his rest, but almoal as week aaa child. Hit phyalclan sdmlnJaterid mild ntinni-liuit- s. nml Inst evening Mr. M-- ri Issey bad to far rmoveredas lob- - ablfl lo nil up fi ran hour. At a bit- - hour hint night lr. Bradley pro- noun I hi in ..tit of tl'ing-- r. nnd nxpr-n- n f the million that if tho to it no rulspse lie w.iibo etitir-l- y well in u fi w dan. Mr Morrlssey s friends saythsl ho has not been well .'or many months. The desth of hla only a- ti In T latl wat n severe blow to him. and from that day hit Wife hat been a con" staut i-". th- - having been taken on the day of h- -r son s desth with a n 'km nn Irom which th- - bas n. t yet r vered. li t strong pbysi al con stltution battled su ssfullyWljh bis troubles until Mnnday night, when, at be tm i to his fri-t- nl Mr. Ford, "Nature gave way," on ho lltnl to ti"-uin- b. Mr. Charles Walsh, onn ol bin oldest friends, snid Mr. Morrlssey bad i ti unusuit In- - of late in the preparations lor the al campaign, and na i overworktMl himself Whon Im should bav- - been taking earn ol hit wdi i It b- - liin-- lf kin vv h ul n im- paired by hit unmiiiittuig attention to bis sick wife. He added, ss a sure indication Hint tlie Benstor Is iii a fair Way to roeover. that niu.-it- t thing that he said, after be had arisen from ins i.- -.i hmt evening, was that Tammany would not elect one oi tit candidates ut the oom lug election. Th- - veteran politician. Tburlow Weed, called on Mr. M. irrissey at lo o efock btst evening, and expressed hit grutill-'iitioi- at lludnig lie wu itkidy to reoover from bin uiu ItEITBLICASISM IS PAHIS. Th r'raneb r.iltlt.-M- I nnialn (jjamtielta Ak-i- o I'i nn . iii a. PAWia, Oct. 9. Tim ministerial rnp-- i j an- nounce Hint of the 303 RepUblloaO tho winning by the Cio"rnmint of 117 is v-- ry probablo, fndoed, ulunvat -- urtain, wbil- - In months prospects are lavorable. so that the Oovernmsal will have a majority of at least twenty. Th- - Left, however, still reckon eon fldently on tOOsests. M. Oambctts in prosecuted for placarding his manifesto to the electors of the Twentieth Ar ronduwemeni on the stroets, not for itt publtoa-Ho- n. The printer of tint manifesto bssbcen summoned before Ibe Correctional Tribunal. M. Oamhetta w.n address a great meeting this evening. Six thousand cards of admission bavobeen Issued, Every precaution has I u taken by the organd r.n..f tho meoifng to pre- vent disturbance, Tho military authoritlea. on th-- ir part, have taken, special measures. They bav- - stationed detaehmenta of troops in the Plains Chateau d'Eau, wbl eh la eloss to the pin-- .. of meeting, und posted s guard oi police ill the neighborhood. Th- - great Republican meeting passed "fr Without uny disturbance. In bit i h M. Qambetta said that the exislen. f universal suffrage wa at ntak", and pointed "lit Hi" dan- - ger win d, t nt Institution would iti-- ur If, ntu r bat ing at th-- :.m: lions pronoun i in favor of th- - republl", it should noa give itt- It tit- - lie in ti-..,n i; - of Ooverumentul pressure. In timl -- nt- Hi- - publiu - would ll pro- mised, for uniyeranl suffrage was possibly its only defenoe. ltn tall would involve thedeva tl- li - and death ol H- i- ' uiurv. H. Oarnbettn g:.--- M. flr-v- y aa the man i" m iiit-- d tor continuing the a'ork oi iitn-or- d, conciliation. and rcsj t tot Hm law, ami dm. claimed anrdeslre lor r wer for himself, i. enncluded hit ni It with n violent stttiek mi Hi tri a!n. wh i, he said, excite l th- - fears Bur ipe by tlio preseucooi mi ooalitioni UTHIKIXa iUXHUB, Tn BiiSnSutBsnnn soil i iirafinny! ll-- mini lo HrSUMS VV ink. VV ixkkhb AJtRE, pa., Out v. Yostorday at a meeting of tit- - miners employed bytheSus-gu- t Uanon Coal i' impuiiy a' Naulicoko the m-- n. i.y a unanlmi us vote, decided to r sumc w.n k, Th-- v will roeelve .. ten p r nt. inlvan . begin n soon ii Hie iniu.-- Oo put iii .rder, vVkst 1'ht-to- x. I' t.. O t. p.- The min-- r of thu Lehigh Valley Railroad Company held a meeting ut which thu problem nl a eon- - H nun n i th- - strike was spiritedly ilisi'iiasi'd. 'i'ln- feeling ajratnal (ho iomptniy wat niuuifesl- - lv Intense, Those in favor of m.t Ilittii re- - sumption pleaded for coneervntivu m. uud siHUretl a p atHnement oi i. Unite a tlon until In the iii-- au time, tfley in arnert- - Iv at work to nitlti ii - ii rid uru to work up- u tie- tortus in ta- - Company, miii; n'Amnsoro.y roi'icM, Tim Varssl kiiiii-i-iiu- JudgrshlSi WasiiimiitoKi i '. ih-- It it well undersbiod ti.-- tin- Preiidvni hssdeeldml upon gio sppoinlim in to lln- ttu. re. ti.- JuilleitllPi but it i, illUllllUtd tu dsy tho snuoutwsuieni ihervui will nol i.e uin.ii mini iter Ih enintraUnn at Cnnyrris Otreull Judii Wat n Wouii is the riiili tliMlleisI laturt Umore aironslvsisi nnniernuily reeoiiiiuended -r ths ih a any other person tlie South Ml cireuii Itielude Uis BuUsi ot ih'ursis, I' -- ii int.. nni. MinattMlppi, an in. snd Teas an InUinstiuni howsvvr, hsi yctlnoo ri ua lo tin prebsbiu sppouiies. aiephsss sad Teomlii oi in tviiiie n ..... WASRINOTOg, U t. lb Th- - II ot. A. 11 Stsphsm drove hi ths gsscuUv Ningnn loalsy to pay Hat..- - Ovvln. tu Mr. Slrpliens'i Mr lliyoa went dawn pi hti esrnsse, aherv Im arm tiut'-l- ii n. tin. Him Bohorl Ttsanhs, whnsiii rianpsiued Hi Swollen Tho thrva. slb-- a ahurtcoU' in i' ni au a um. t. pleiisd ana i a. ii otusri Tlie Kallosal I'oeiioi N.ii Plregrsof, v asuimit.iv, Oct, B, Jiiartcrmaater-Oe- n irsl Moiyi in s coiiuuuuicitlou )ui publlahed iiiyi u at ...rl I. a at ilu root itt Ut" SrlWOiH tin- ITsitlttil slid irus pari ut n ut ol iwtral I' nn- - an- imtiie tu i ibv buiidiuis sro uut Uivroiurs nreprooti 'I'll.' A lO. rl. an I I. ig In I mil l. nn- - Brown took lodging in Congr as fTa'Mn ntdUlSIS a. ali-- rill up it in. Pill, Will I. v.-- . huwovt r. Ion larje lor llllll 1" ny. Hlltloll'll h lit " preprlrtoii put liim mu snd fcepl in- - iruiik. I n ti'llsllurin Uierenpoii ipta sred ind rdsluu ' Inn Isonis Aiuerieait Baa ol Isne pritiiirioa, ind worth f Mil, Mist wa... ir Broa n'l effeeta. Imi tbit lie elsl I a lila . ou .... .. lv vv'i I. In- lie I. ..v. n III. nv loj'ii ...i ii mi ,t,.n. to aiirreinlit i, il lln lln i ... I. .i.i Inill a" aled Ilu il ' ore Iss m i v. til til' II u aaa ik il slonu II UlllUI'b'il, llui i Inn. -i- i" I of tile II I... Ill In Ilu' II , Ii I't ill I llllll-li- til ttl an lie, l ii. J.i.l. . .to; "- - nl n ijiit atioii Iwiore linn la sti Ara I. ..ui h.i'l. iiiiabl dune, lh- urdi rod Hie "I His eouri tn take ebsme ol the Hal iiuhls urj deetdea whu i.vMiH it, slid nu Hiilime relesaa-- tin lireurivlur ul tlou kiiaa Hal, in ai inn "' lit Urqueilsg lo BISS Awagi Mr. ,I"t"ili ll. ilinnte, Prosldenl ol ths I' ui-- Isinus i ..a., sssoiajlilsd Saai ssois the ipssk' - nt in. llayesaeinoiiatrsUoii Uiissvsuuii, hul it aria on linuneed yealsntiy Hill in- bsd Hlddenb deehnrd In par lielisle Ho- explihlUon siven wsa UihI be bud soli letier iriau hlalsw ini r.ihe iloii. wihiset M Kvarla, reniiealiiul In... tu ,u ....... ... uiu on iUo lot tin auku ol III 11 iyi a. OHIO TtEPUDIATlNG HAYES. airisa a tlKMOCHATtC MAJOBXTt o MOM lo.txto to 13,999, Ann Heeiirlag nnlhr llemoeralle llttal- -. KmWhatlS I .,n.lmnatli,n of Ih FraaS Ktiat Triumphant In Amrleita llUlorr. CisriNSATi, Oct. 9 9 M. Tbo Dom- - 0- - rats nr- - jubilant. They OlalB to hnve private advices from forty-fo- townships w n Democratic gain of 1,118 as eoinpared with Hm vot" for ami llarn-- t in !s. Th ih gain thronghoul th- - stat- - would elect ltishop by over 15.000 majority. T-- n out of is? voting pln-t- n Iii Hamill m -- ..unty indicate DMhV Ocrtltlc gain. 10:18 '. If. Throughout the ItatC - gains oontlnue about th- - same, nml liithop's election by ov- -r 90,000 it olaimed by the Danto crnts. Tho Republicans nro depressed nn.i mnk" no olalmsi Th- - Democratic legislative; .'t in thit (Hamilton) county i ondonbtedlf sleeted, whleh, with no other "hang" in tha Hint", wouiii gve the Democrats the Legtshrture by eight majority ; but nil Indloatloni are u it the Democrats gain also in other parts of tint HUite. It is bsllgyadjmy Bjshop's majority in Hamilton -- ounty will BS lolly l.issj. but It Is hard to nnik inipartsons on seoounl of the ehnnge In tAO Vol ng places, hia ! oy rudiatri-- U Ing Hp; OOUntV, lines Ih" bint -- I Hon. 0 t. :15 A. M. Returns are still sags Incomplete, but enough are in to inture ths el Hon of Blanop mi l n Democratic In this county, at midnight, only vj out of 1 1" voting places have boen heard from. These give Bishop I.6T1, West 1933, r.. .r.4 1,00(1, The worklngmon's vote oomes mainly from th- - Republicans, Ths Kloventh, Beventht ami Thirteenth Wards, carried by the work Ingmen, are all Repubilnan wards. PssV' sstp mates put Bishop's majority at 10,000, Returns to midnight from 81X) voting ptsoea, scattered over mi parte of the Mtato, show Dam o "rati" gains of 7.OO0. This Indicates the eleetlon of th- - DemocratH Btatetieket Iry over 10,000 majority, Tho Cbm i. in in-- puta it at aboul thai flgurSi whil- - ths fysxrffi stlmab s it b igh-- r. l li.l III s FROM I in. IV HIS. Large Dr ml le l.nlna Hull lii.lli-at- ..ooe II nt. l y 111 lho StMtOi I'm. 'Mitt s, Oct, 9. The day ban ltn pleasant throughoul Ibe Mat- -, which it uaualtf considered favorable - th- - ReDubitcansi but tb- - fair Weather it ll- -. t y apathy and till ..f lb piil li an v. -n to the Work- - Ingmen'snnd (ireunbnck tickets. The returns nr-- - mlng In slowly, nnd Indleato DemocrstM gain-- . I.i th compilation of th- - Vote no BO couni Is tuken of tho or Workings men's vi b Itbough t1'.. latter llckel taid to have ro i .. heavy vote in Hamilton inly. Comparlr tia na to n im. rat--o- Renublloag ginimw .i 1. a v. a i the vot" for of M lie in O 'tola r, 'I'h- - elettion ui tint city paaaed off more quietly than for years, s ..r--- ly m.y attention wan pnld to the reniatry law, bnl itt provlalons requiring sub division of words was generally commended, at tending t" keep ohjedtonabls crowds nwny troublesome pre- cincts, A fair vote has been po II I. Put it is very badly scrat bed on the local ticket. It will Im int.. Hi... lul.r nuns of -- an bo obtained. Returns received Irom seventy voting t uit ritu: thr Ugh ul th- - M.t- -. but not tin.ny loin -- in. s, allow u gain ol ITfOfJk At lltM P. Mi retnrna had bean received, from 800 pr- - n it. in duding sonu from n urly every portion ot the Huite, Tii t Demo -- rati" gain In these Is A. Its. In ,,, g un in ih- - nl su.tksi ,md thu r loot ion oi Bishop, Democrat, i : liovornor, bi 25,000 major ly, ToMCDfl. CM. B. Alight is polled pr ibeblv twenty p rt'onl. li nn than that ..I hmt your. Th- - nail 'hill luirty develiiiMal un look st r ngt it i i d -- f t.i.i th- - Hon of a part of ibelr couni y ti ket, in t.i v irlous polltleal rlrees. at an early hour Is in tlie IT I that thu i;- publicans hnve : I tin ir Treasurer. oorder, ami one It'tpf-o- hi t v , with th- - re- mainder of the tli'k t divided between the Dent i. nin ami Natn nalSi U turns Irom thirteen warda, townships ami pt in In in Iowa give the following aggr-ga- te ol votes: Ueiir(ltp ,2,220! sh 0 m. ). 1,863) JessuplProbOiition.) 4 pi ! nnd Htiiblsj lOroen; ba k. n',7. Tw-t.iy- -. ai- - other precinetS and townships and oi r iw untrics give ms lorfties for Oenr 1.H1H nml ftr Irish 585. 'I'h- - vol t lor s- natoi-- and 11 laid y hut do not van great ly lh- - r u:t on the Governorship. The other Btatu officers scorn to be ruiinlng priity evenly, ti. i. in i .i. V. The Dcmoerntlot ommittee claim n 1'ftiou of Bishop by from 10.000 to 25. l, und also u maiority in ili hrancheao ta ii- ral Aseenibly. Th- - Rnpuhll an ommlttoe con -. Bishop's eleetlon by over 10,000, bul srolu doubt aboul ti." Assembly, There is no basis f r computing tho numbei of votes east by the two Wot ingnteit'a partu-s- hul it is mi). on I to i ntnl. table, as il is claimed ih ii they i ust volt in II itmlltoa county It w ill i. notl I Hint th- - Demn rntiegaini Couie largely Roptiltll an strongholds "U the S'l'St-r- il In ..a- towttslilp iii i ti rlln ii.- - Dei 'uts uiiiiiotl 325 votes, Thi llopiibiiean t 'ommittee, In giving rnnei ut for Hnj lulling ..rT in their vote, any thai u wiuieausng by Rnpubllouna who ahsUtllieil Iroitl voting, Ihey Intending in this wav t" alii w their dis sutiafaetiun with tho Prosldont's kouihura poliey. TIIE IOWA I I l i iins. Rulny v in her nml a I. lulu Vat ThsBtuM Urpuhlleau bj u Hsduced ii.m iiy, CHIOAOO) i' t. 9, Reports from Isolated points iii Iowa Indicate thai a light vote is being polled, and that rainy weather prevails is nearly every section ol th- - stat- -. There an four tickets in th- - field, heuded by Oenr. It publiean, f"i- Oovernori Irish, Demoerati Still Im. Ur : and Jesstip, ProhibltloQi lonat'iiietitly tit ere it an iihitsuul nmount o n rat di'iig. ir- aaiimmari ol lln day' work w ,11 fje mint d iul". M irshall ot t u gives Oonr Rep.) from l.isie p. I,!!'' mil it i v. tit im l'. nil.-- , - pr ibnbly Don rath" bv 104 to 150 majority. Irish ruim -- oiinnl. r.ibly lie bind. Returns from ir towns. ling Si..ur im v. inili.'iit- - n It i ul l in illusorily oi irom id p. "oo ii. w.i idbiiry ounty. in r. I" i .i. 1 (..wu returns eorno In slow ly, nrd figures ciuinoi be gly-- u mors tin. ii npproxilliut-l- v, Th- - Oreenbnek vol.. u showing up lirelly heavily! thus, in Cento township, the Ro) '. an leglsluiivu tlekel liaj 020, th- - tii - 2U3i -- nd H- i- Democratic il v uteSt Tlie aSSlSglea Fn nt t'n. r v. .r kv Wllkf t Il I; Hail Jim t.i.i lluiiiholilt, Uiatauicil I line i Wa, It , .' I i - '"- - tin ... it eliai .proline i I Pisuis'y, J, J. Buahaiiavker. a. I. I - - a an 2 lie llunl f rot-- Pol t il elsii. MssenU. I 1.1 illeitdsls I., j... i... , ni ... i a rim. - - . - ' It ralhrr OIBi s lroUli lien. K .rhw-ti-rl- v. slllfl llg to warmer SOUthaSBt er.v winU- - .... .. linrlly iini.i Wsakuvr, luin. lot luvv. ..v ..nana MSrouteltir. JIITITMIH MIDI T ItH.V. Ur ."kiyn in to have im first rollor skating Mm 01 ii i ii ill a- III ik I. lit a ..vv i Thu Adiatiy day boats Hatti-- I Hr-- w and 0 f i IllSke II. II t.i ll.,.llnlU UlU i it j '.l ii iu nun row. The Colored llnpuhllouns if III" K- -v Aa- - a. nihil plallii I Will .en II S. Ital-'- I't ItKill at till yilltl Avi inn II .'ti on Iii. i -- t eVl lllllJ Inaa- - Henderson, ii v l ran ofTl-- er nt till Print tri el .uhti it If irom i'ltlriil al U u blot li )v. lentil) luortiinii sisl ibetl ihoi tij s terasril. lira, lui n M I. .1 87.1 I Ith uv nun cnm n... o 'I.- t ne l ni. ra .vealeoily llliit UM i I...-- - a. lint) niuUl io t slsl r'UUi SIVUIW ar III. I' I. John I.uav, irntnp, wishing totssnl tot' a work honw 'ur tin- aim. - n vv n pavini lion a o.-- al.1".... -- .ii ni I. ot rweltlll alreel lis llllll luali. Morssll III wa. tai v oig Culiill mi l John ' igitn were expolletl froiu the raiuinaiiy ileuersl l.uiiiiurtti'1 ilie Kiri Ihsi In-- 1...I . v. 11104 Mi I'stilll, Who wsas in n... i o .a hlnli Unllilllltli i, i, In a. .iiii-- i Mi II gldil at UlSSp liaj ua pievioui to tin- Suui Uoiivonuoii A well dr ami wotnnn who, it In lupnuseda snlered a Kss tiav. Kstlr. i si hniiaei-or- sS on lav, nut um i Noiillt Korwulk, lesvnm su liiulesa, in .in..-- - nhl I. a.'.- ana a lie nl I. a n ell mi ua mis ot the - . a. .... trVu4uisa took Uts seas Is list Pouiv, Ueutril ou- - o.

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1877-10-10 [p ]....ODlM Hiill-e- n-t alb--becaUM Mr. Hnilth cwu u--in Myack, yestardsy, Three (.1 tin' nutnlnatmn if

VOL XI.V.--N- O. 40,



Aiiniivis vrnnor KKOCKtHe DOWX

in I t.uAit: i has. W, JOShs.

A nrokrn, aaa u. ,.n. run. i.. .1 Takingg I mil lh Alilermnn hud ..

Hull Hi-T- a tfMtlCS of (he rriKC TheRaSttBMtaa f "I Klthiird II. I at tarn.

Tbo Democrats of the Ninth BenttoDtem tri i. embracing Wcstehcster, Putnam, uud

4 Rockland eountii meAi in convention In smith -

ODlM Hiill-e- n-t alb-- becaUM Mr. Hnilth

cwu u-- in Myack, yestardsy, Three s

(.1 tin' nutnlnatmn if .r -- .. .TUn- -

f .ii. x President ol the Boardof Supervisorstf VY Ht county ; Pur-dro- (

Morrlsanla, and Col. Richard M. Lnthors

of w Rochelle were In the Held. PresidentI iSirroi of the N w York Aldermen wasa dele

:m Ire m the Twenti ihlrd Ward, the annexeddistrict, bs pertol the Aeeemblf end Senatedistricts not ret having been apportioned to Newtore, With Alderman Purroy were in brotherJohn and two other ran who wore not general-ly known, but ware spoken ol ai "heelers."ii. li n. Clsrkeon N. Potter. It was said, weeIn us it ol Col. Lathers, and am man Purroy,en n representative ol 'riinimnny Hull, wat n'.

In tar r .. biro, and it was said by the countrydelsgstes thai Alderman Purroy was preparedtn run the Convention. 0 L itoonoy, aldermanPurroi 's friend, was the temporary Chairman,hut it. ither gentloman was selected t.. presidedaring n short discussion, Col. iloonoy

i wn t" tii' Hi ...r.

ti ail of the delegates win made quietlyuntil a small district in Putnam county was

rah- d. Then a delegate's seal was contested,The chairman ol tha delegation bad a paperready, srhleh Alderman Purroy proeeeded toread, li was lo the . fT t thai the delegates hadp issi i resolutions authorising one "f the dele-

gates to subetltuUi u man in bis place,Mi Charles W. Jones, a hotel keeper in Nyack,

Without manlli sting any feeling on the subject,quietly Intimated that AI lernien Purroy wasmisinterpreting the contents ol the paper.Alderman Purroy reddened in the face, and,ti it illy walking across tb ball lo Mr. Jones's

side, elonohed his tlx;, drawled out, " What .iy's .17' 'and planted ' - net on Mr. Jonoe'e cheek,knocking blm donI Immediately, the Contention wni In uproar.Alderman Purroy's friends joined In. andairrul "t lb unty delegates' beads werepunched. The chairman's r p and erlea ol"Order I order I" were unh hid. Men dartedacross the room and wildly waved tholr handsIn one another's laces, shouting t the top oftheir rol s.

Delegate Jones'siface began to swell, bis jew-Ikh-

having been broken l his eye becameblack, and a rough b rUlse "li his hand growredder and redder, until be bandaged It withbin I. .a Ikt r. bief.

Meanwhile somcb. idy pul a motion lo adjourn,lli. understanding being that Alderman Pur-- r

y and his friend should be allowed to appearit pidh-- Jutti-- n and giv- - hall. Whether

tio motion Was oarrted under parliamentaryrulsa d id not seam to bother tho delegates, forHie room wss soon cleared, Alderman Purroyin, 1 friends, followed by a large crowd. thenwalk- - I to the Police Justice's ofllee to surren-der themselves. As Mr. rurr-- y entered theofllca a constable arrested him. Mr. Jonss, whohad a lew minutes start, having made a eemplaint, Mr. Purroy was evidently much Burr: J v this iirrot-- of affairs. Bs it b lliSVed tohave Isuclsd that an sppearnnca before thefustics, en explanation, and than a little busi-ness transaction in which the amount "f hailwould b msldoredi was .ill that would be renuln-- ,,f him

Mi Jones's eomphtlnt seemed loops I thingsgenerally, tho Convention In 'ludedi for if theAid rnian and bis friends could n t by th-- ir

presence on tho Boor sustain th-- ir candidateI ir the Henato ha must be defeated. Hr.PurroyriUi2"d the importance ol this, and shoutedha k to the crowd: " Hold the Convention untilI some back."

Th Justice took his seat behind hih llttletableand opened court, Mr. Jones'sbit k- -n lawbonsforbade bis saying muehi but the explanationsol friends who bad seen what bad beon done,and the testimony of several .1 wbossdisordered garments suggi ib .1 familiarity 1

tha case, satisfied lbs J usthe, and bs heldAlderman Purroy, Jvbn Purroy, and the two' '-

A i t an Purroy n sdo a shorl explanation,e ti 'tisaidi " I'll put up (1, hull for my--Sell I en-- h of thesn gentlemen." The Alder-man'' Irl ii l I'rowded around him and offeredpei'unlai ass itan The Justl was In dim dtoS'.fpi hall, and after little parleying1'Mil ii, a small amount wax accept, d tor each ofthe itunts for their appearanee before theGrand Jury. Then tho crowd vanished froinli,.. luri r on.

Ai l rnian l'urrov'a Msek moustache bristlednjU ii n he d the way tnHmithsonlnii Hall.Mm Ir. - ilow 'd I'loHu behind him npid.ui -In.--. Wl enthui ent Tod th. hall t, .mooftnad

- w .'.- thore, n I att.-- th stragglers hadp.. u drummed up th"C .nvnth "i was f .rian-U-- l.

M inlr ri S. II .Imeii 0dell oTarrvl wnwaasle tednsChalrmiin, a r i

hud iill. il thu dol 'uup s Ui order. AldormimI'urr rtook H- i- floor. II- - w it inmewhut ex

'U--I ..- - b said that he wished lo make a por-Sun-

..Milan. it. i. n. II- - h xplalneil. nodeslri to i.r.-a- up lb Convention ushe idaTway boon a JJ'! rat and hoped to always han I' n . The littlu oisturhun-- o was u

i.r itr, whl-- h lliei 'onvonl ..n had nothingto du with. " I vrna by pimslon. heauld, ' It's a H'rsonal matter, and my passiongutth" le'ttor of I noK it won t hurt theimru for I am for it." H mad" an up. d. gy f. .rinn a in t, an. i a. led Hint wbn a man's (.."-S- h

li- - are aroUkt'd be not kin iW what 1, inU ' iik'.

Mr. ,f. ti- -, whr .. rt l'ddyto hi eonnlltuentsha l n .i a roan from hit sent, II n armWas tightly lNitidau-i- l, tno na ,.r i, . ..fiod been Mil-n- ill d. and Hie side id bis fu- -e

w.u. .y puffed up, He ko with gr itdirn-nit- if, laying, "1 wou't nvuept uny mi ii

us that."M r. Purroy eprang lohU feet.snd aim l ep-i- t

riy'. Hi- - w .rdn us li shouted, " Thai wi no per-gonal apologj : thai '.van t.. tin- Convention..Another tiiinu i n, ,,..,! imtiiliiontt l ut thaOualrmiin "Ordr, gehthunen, order,"and H- i- delegate khi down, Th" routine

..f tha Convxutlon was dul-k- ly liiiUh-- d,ol. th. ii th- - iididiip K ware li mil . d. i

Blehard M, Luther was Ihg su essful 'audi-- Idate.

A M OUH '.' s I II m; 17.

Tbo Kouliii l.uii tin. i yra Pmitn by ilo( in riiilui. lii i ros .

TBOT, K. Y. Oct. 9. A body of workli a i

Ms holding Bitate Convention hers, 'ilowing Is syno 'sof th- - plntl

M . .,r a in in., is Bulit in nfro nil nut li r. in. .': i't ol IISII liul lisnk

Ttil ..ii i.r lata .vr.i-i.- ruiil to lull br ul tinWfSltli it rr.,..i-g-

l lavaUn of tut .t' l nti nI - In I'ffvrl 01 Ti lining III,- Ii.nir- - III Isliul

Wi um lilf nr.iiniii -- I jatlic Inn - tu luilrnr, r..rI r ttilr iltttrMiuiiua U. sriunl

I iiii iiuvriiiuaislu ssiasy bs ascsHsry utMcuio.r.,. Uifta.A ... . ,. i. u, ,. iaoI'I .rnpr rty inafti. nn thr- rnii.ii.

Ill li llici,lt, ... r, tin' .a, SCSOrdilNJ Uj I'- -'ST, - . ownrd,m ot juaUct in sll cnurttof law.

TI il ul liurtau ol labor sUUsuv by iutH ' as by th iiaboiial ilutrsriinicMi

hl Ui r tlir ... .. . I..... at is lii ooulrsi.i la (111

H r ' i .. ..,!. ,r ii, lUluUuUs ul Um llslt o..nVi tti hsanrM lntits s wtllsiths swirsri

H l m a ... - r. Hint r. ..Ir.. h.I Inn ulH . it ioiiu iw uii.t-- lii control anil instiage

"I il. aiatot. Uiroiiuh witieb lby paw. and thai UitJ iieloaoi inislit aivl swnri il i.i.i....

.! ', a puMllit. ri.iM.ii.ii.iu iiiU it'iii

I of niffrag tn Ii n .i and will riir 'a, i.ttr tor ti... U'lflnlstur win. m.t

H I. eim imisl siai ntiiient wbiob m.aa to n.ui..i4 r ."i is th slatsH .. n... i. flrniv.' in tt i - a. u. i.n nl ul i. n. in.- iit.iu.u- - fsvbetsi, and s W(..lyH .. irrvul ....'I-..- wmb. - orV '

i rja,'. Lv IfuUI Uuitf Ul

B n la offlct and brlbsrs r iltctort, Iriitla.w g, tu i. a. i. ... a i, v ti. ..ti- in hitainouijm ." ' "'' a- - l 'i'i i 'I r arIf. . ,. al In). or. .1. Uare JKB c lllrv, VuUIIS, Ul Willi, a"!!!!! Ill CbUrt, l1 fc" . ' Ul ciUiala-- auJ ... latai a, . . bOo,

AS OUt MAS' il'tCtDH,

Leaping rrom IfeS I'liriiB! or High Ilrlrllulu II .il. in RIVSTi

An old ninn jumped from High Bridgeand was killed t i o'elooB yesterday

il- - win unknown to th- - reeldente of

that hamlet, and no one saw him spring fromthe bridge, and only two saw blm strike thewater. Two boys saw the stranger walk on tothe bridge at th- - WCSl end. II- - WSJ aln.iltSB years of age. The two boys went on theirway acmes the bridge, but before reaching thoeast end tin v turned loeeo whether the old manwas following n. ti- - wan not vlelMei butble cap was banging on a post of the ir.n rail-

ing. At about the sum- - Instant twoOermane,who were tithing in a boat near th- - westernslu r- - of th- - Rarlem river. Wore startledby a heavy splash in the Water under th"fourth arch of the bridge, about eightyf.i. t from th" They rowed to thesi...iai.d found the stranger lying on bis side,l(iiti u"kon hlsl-- ft h'pand lag, and then layin that position, li d even sinking under thesurface, tin- - lego! hit pantaloons and draw-ers waaaplll from anklelo waist, and the sideof one th-.- was also burnt-.- !, when th- - fisher-men reached hlin hit had pot yet tou 'hadH- i- water, ntnl tb" upper edge of hit wasy- -t dry. Th- - fishermen raised him upright,and ha opened his pyre. moaniH, and died.

Tha body 'va then laken to th- - Cnrmansvlllepoliee station. Titero being no was senl to the

'lh- - dlstaneo fhnl H- i- man fell i 139 h I.Th- - Iron railina- - on the bridge in four feel high,ntnl th pickets ar n .t over four in hes apart,it being Impossible for him to fall over the rail-ing, tha Inference Is that he clambered up theraiiiim'. hung hie cap on a bnel ami prang oulwith lb- - int. ntlon nf Stlh'hle, II- - -ll i...-- -r

niost.liui turned slightly when he ncaredlhewater, n in' tl'im ntru-- k Ills hip.

Lnal evening Uapt, ry ! th- - Carmans-WlTl- )police telegraphed t the mil-- .

" Look for Abraham 7a five I -- i

eight in liea, gray hair and inrdi worstodni'k"t, Idaek trousers and Vest, and Ida k low .nt tin n." 1- 1- bad - aped ti.'iiiBloomlngdalu Asj lum.

nonoKK!cn ttism so hoskt,om. tot Retinrts Cjneeni1sw feenaweer Kmor.

nu's kllegeg Uellilesiilsa.Tbo px led revolatlons in relation to

City Tn usurer Kamena's defalcation attra -d

n large throng to the Hoboken Council Chamberlast night, A number of well-kno- taxpayersoceupled seats In th- - lobby, and waited patientlyduring tlx dull routine of business for the re-port ol tho expert aoeouotant appointed to ex-

amine tho City Treasurer's books. The reportwan ad by City Clerk Dueker ami I breathlesssilence.

T " report begins with showing that on May1. in77.ii irdiug t.i th- - Treasurer's be l;s behad II 16.743. 7 1 . and that In r Ipts mi thaidate wer-- Mil. I Il.l'l.atnl hls-x- p. n litir-- n f in..Nn:.43. Tint w. iil. I lenvonbitlan n hand atthat date of IM.7uS.78. He profess t i havepaid . nt f IS.n:, ot tint on strl Improv-m-t- it

Mubsequenl paymonts by the CityCh rkt-- th- - Treasurer on Sept. 3 and 4 showtotal .a 131,414.80. oi thin latter amount thei'ti- Treasurer professes to have Htld to I ountyTreasurer Klngsland I1S.00U on a nut ofcounty taxes, Th- - books. In conclusion, showthat th- - City Treasurer should have lunl onblind in th- - Flint National Hank ol Hoboken, oni' t. B, 183,403.(4. If an expenditure of 84.383and an Item ul 19.0(a) on lnier,st for bonda .t-- al ulated, tin.- amount ii. bank tin. uM be ul.out

7(I.U00,Tn- - report of Chairman Prissy of the Finance

Committee shows that Mr. Kamena ha.ia.i--po- ltyeet-rd- qr ot IftSO.flt. and that the -- hooks

..f i ity Clark Ducker have i n repeateitly dis-honored, Th- - report aim. nln ws lhal tn- -

tbediffereni committees in re-lation to strset lmprovemeuts have been over- -drawn.

Councilman Crlssr. lifter th- - report had beenread, offered a resolution that tho City Traa-Ure- r

i'- - summoned belt ire the Council in Com-nu- ll

'f th" Wind- - and directed to answersuefa qunatione a shouM bo put i ' kJsj reward-In- n

bin disposition ol tho ettt funds. This r so-lution was opposed by Coundlmen F.llts.

h. unit, and Piunkett It was. however,adopted.

till I t MOW OOt s; .Ml Hill l

I.) Keltber Mr. Roosevell nor Mr. C'owUlatan I. 4 .illr. i.,r ul lit.-

It was ascertained, yesterday, to tie' t

llei ..I th- - Custom House rumor-mongsr- s, ti .tCollector Arthur's t. Home was u. 't a iallto Benator li.-- Conkllng.

The poiitlclani In Waahlngtoncontinue lo insist that either Mr. TheodoreRoosevelt ..r Mr. Elliot ('. L'owdln in to be madeColled t. forgetting thai neitherol those gentlo-man ean lawfully take th- - offl - und r a sectionoftheaetol Congress oi Mai hii.lT'JU OS tublows:

Si. i n smplnyi 'i aadi r ttu- sstbsrtty uf Ihs Pnlb tSt.,l.-- ill tin' ..111. ti.. a ..1 .lull, a in. rt- - of.'tin.i uao r in wl i In part, say n i, ur s t

ni. allorM y. or contutn tot tii owurr or uwuvra otany vrasrl. or t snv or Udtm on bnsru lbssain, aur ansll aurh psrann iiaborl or la rcn i nr- to ur on in. to in th- Import ol an, pit . hudia.. torMis into ti- - i i. a, .. t.vt-r- prs..ii wbw vtutauistin . cUvn ai. a, i iiv llabb to i naiiy oi Suuu

Tim paction Is the one under which SenatorBuinner had tii- - ii iiatn.n th- - it" Ah'Xnn- -der T. st. wait an t. tan ot tin- Treasury

in H- i- Benute in inn. i. Air. often dto iraw froni active partnership m thelinn. ut us II uld ii 'l take hi- - Rp tal out olthe business, he was deelared Imdiglhlo tn th-- -.-

ol of the Treasury. Mr. House- -veit and Mr. Cowdin bay- - ' n Importers, andhave r. i ri t from busiuess oiili within ayour, but it - undorstood thai their busin-s- sban not l ii entirely wound up, and it m Iw- -Moved thai their cnihlul fs tml n wtit- -ilruwn. It Is known that Mr. Kvarls fuvors Mr,liiHiiuividt for Col lei tor, I ii t IS said III rovntlU"and more intil l. - lhal lie with g I

gruc- - intorfere in th--- ulout HoU. p itron ige,at he hits tuken Imavj iis oiina- -l fromlu- -r htttiit, ngtiinst whom suit for iriuids ontb- - I'liMoins revenue uru pi udiug in lii- - L'liitibi..i --ourts.

mi hRooklvs 11 la vi.ooitf.n,

PtlVetls BrH'srs Burallus nn4 Ovcrgeulngin lh- - Keeoul .

Tho si irm of night boforo lasl provodn(ran. ..ii l- i- defitive sewer system if llr... iklyn.The sewers were alrendy filled uii wntur.ilbidng blah tide, and tho torrent of raincuusedmi uverfluw in many places.rAl Waahington amiFiiinhlng nvenuee th- - sewer burnt, causing uwut r hi .ut of groat power. Thosewerutyiuah-in- g

iiveuuu nin I ItyarsoQ street also burst,throwing water several feet high. The streetsa1 ut Puttiiim and Kostrand avenue wore filledwith Wat- r. th- - sowers lieing unable to properly

.111 1' off j and from Mitr-- y aveuuu to the Citypark thu water wits two 1. -- t de-- p. The manycellars Which Were deluged by th- - previousgr-- al rain at' ' mi, and which were partlylain p.-- out, Were roil I led. rii- - defect Tn lho

m mi .1 I., l- i- that they bave no materialIii-- Ii nation tow ard 1- .- emptying point, no thatth - tid it ebb nn I flow in tht ni as In the river.

At III" lust II I tig ol tho Aldermen 11 reeolU"1. 11 wan fi rred appropriating .nu lur HmI'liijiloyinenl of an oxpi rt I'lialneer to - xn in in- -mid on the n-- n m ' ti it v. Itwas H .1 by Al b i n. 1111 l!:y i'nal ol 140.0110 tin-li-

ut. tor new sewers.'H.oOO was spent Innilliuiusiiurgh.nuil lhatihe syst-t- nnot ii h li- r- -l hi H- i- After lasl w k'sstorm si ti i th- - strei tn u'-- t have bin n ira.v. 111 ii gomlolu, T n' pant tigers on tb"South H ndstreid .'ait were lor I lo standon rtn- in passing throughthul ntr t. The

- Ii i nl millions of dollars, and it willi i.i i n uuy ihous .mis moru tu i riu t ih- m.

Ilenrlvlta Nnilth'i mmii.ii .I .nn smith, IS, who waa employed

Its li ii poltaluir in tin- I' taciury ol Wuit. r bork-woo-

in w it. urn i. Hrouklyo. in Juiuj lt. in ilooplniI.- up k uii a bruah, bad in r toiut, HowinH bslr osusnl iniin- i. ni, which - rvolvlns ..' tb rst -- i t oi ri'vilutiuiia ,i ubi. ti - a. sum i utuh . tbs tstav, si thrr bs.'k wsa lirokii a -r mu torn loii-- ahill I III IWSt dSl VvaU'rd'lJ. Kla idlt'll nn ill. In r lalln r.

l W I...' ia lo rjiini - ,r tin- lnal ..IIn - a iijiiht! Tb' di ii lin aa lliui Ul-- a Siidtli lisd rpi all II, a timl Hint .tn- tdlollltl llol la i in .In- la. n i V

Hill, hsir liuwlns - i iiinuiili ra. but - i

t. ink. A irillti'd llnlii' wna in ill not. .ii antin- mi. wsriiiai tn ni. ii .. 'ii,i jury U I urmsuiSisaisd v, ni,i i no. a. oi tuns,

'rnioniani 'a lli lila Mill In hs FlSldiTim Dai ruts a III holdth-- lr

Counts "a ho tia I Ti ti in-- Ik in '

Poiivslitions on Ha' UOltit A r in. nn. hnIrtlki. smi tb t'niiveiiiloas lorUi iluiulii'ibu Iioin--a .... I. mi ii. i 'i nil. Th iirittisrioa lor lb rlni'll n i

, u. Un a Cnio i nUi.aa an- lo bi In nl ua II. i- IjIIilusb

iin ef Iks aierss's Vlollsssi

The body of a sailor, sutiiioti'd to have boondrio.ii.'i in i. in- ol ilu- nt ssfea. ws waatail s horsin ii I'll N J , li nliiy. Iin- Illsa'aViuUlIII .... uisrssd "J II T Tom'- - lloi r, N- J."

PrlSSSaI Ri nd th- - advertigemuBl un lasl page. rAthk

IBPgOtl PSVMI NT IlKHUMRD. -- Tho beat lino oulUi'l- in 11 01111. JJa.

Si;iZlN( ; A C. UK AT STLA MSIllP.

Tin: KXQt llfB t v Tilt' BAltlttorCVt'm i inn si; orm isits.

Knninra float lllhrr Vaarle nf th rtllnnalI. In nrn It, b .,.,, a Itrrnklnc up Milk

Mmutciiiitf Ppesssllsa r.r DayH. Bmsltalt.The etetnieblp Kngluinl of tho Matlong

Company's line was lelecd on ii- -r arrival fromLiverpool yestorday, the oharjra being thai thohat brought smuggled go. ids Into the port ol NowYork. Tim selcure had been ordered by thet olltor and lb- - Sury-y- r. umbT iBatrttetlOBB(r un s nshlngton. Custom Rouse Officers Regil- - and West brook took command aftorths

th- - passenger! nt Pier Mi Northriver, and will hold until a libel la pro-nr-

ignlnal th" vessel, The United States Marshal'sofficers will thon take poeeeeeton,and will datain hat r.' until bonds are given for her. valued at B7oo,000, Sim is announced to Milon Saturday but h- -r clearance will bewithheld until hor owners lib1 bonds iiitijo.uooor 1800,000,

Deputy Collector Phelps says thai the tekraregrows out "f tin- searching Investigation thatwas liiad- - i.y Bpeclal Treasury Agent Braokettin tho tilk smugKling Irauds 'iirn-- d mi (oryears i.y officers ..f the National Company'ssteamships, In complicity with manufacturersum i agents In Knglnnd, and capitalists, sue--

Honours, oxprcssmoni and others in this elty,Thomas 0. Owens, the purser of th- - England,

was r ntly arrested at one ol the principalsin H- i- smuggling! and Is a prisoner In Ludlowstreet jail. Me has confessed to 8 IslAgenllira ketti exposing ail ill- - smugglers'

He says that his first smuggling of silkwas f. r John Bcott.a speculator, who lives laDrooma street, near Varlck, Tho latter paidhim twenty percent, ol the vslue of th- - goodsthat he smuggled, smuggling was to profitablethat he n ion -- iiiliarki'd in :'. m.i t.n.l"tit oiS tl. and devls-- il a now for I iodwlnk"log Hie New lork Custom House. ad allhis tukt shipped to " ord-r- " in Liverpool, bywi.i h means ne avoided diwcnblng the goodson thu steamship's man I feat 11- -r vedtoureaaesol eeatly sTIks, and th-- v were entered onth- - manifest, with tii-- ir marks ami numbers,as four eases of merctiandlao, On th- - voyage,Purs rOwonsenipl iyed tbs storekeeper of thetnglnml make op four small eaeeapf oat-meal, worth a few cents each, and mark letters and numbers like those on th- - pack-e- g

t oi tilk. tu th- - arrival of lh- - inti. . t in- - ha.i th" esses oi silk landed andsmuggled Iroui th- - wharf unknown to Hi" I ll

II ni-- "". I irs.Ahin lirair, tin- pier snt rlntendenl of th-- N

itioual i n- -, and James Towers, th- - wharf de-livery clerk, ossIsUmI him in getting th- - g ini it. They were tuken n express ofncfl mI rnnklln street, nisir ncsl nroa.fwny.nnd therereiwieked in other cases, and suIsm quentiv llieywere delivered to an auction house in whitestfeetto be sold, Th- - cases of oat al were

-it untouehed .a the steamship, to correspondwith the entry of four cases of merchaiiidlse "ttth- - mnnifeat When that lush m House offleersres ined tlo in. seeing Ibe word order" markedon them, thei sen) (hem lo n gt'nera orderbonded warehouse, There thnywern un-claimed, and after a yeur had elspaed they w.-r--

nt I ' the Custom H un.' sail' of unclalinodg. Is,

purser Owona sars that be paid Buperlntend- -nt iir.,!T. i rk Towt r- -. th- - rtorekis-pe- r "f the

lii 1, und others v- -: y li' .'rally -r th- - partthey took In th- - smuggling. He Ian. -1 over1 1 50,000 Worth of silks, and n every dollar'sworth i- t- delrauded th- - ilovernmenl of alxtycents, th- - aggregute ul his Iruu in amounting toabout llWiOOO,

Importers ami dealers in American silks Intint city sav that in- - frauds have alinosi deBtriredth Irtrade. nonce tbey have appealedto Washington t. have tb- - tuiuggb-rt- ringprosecuted and sent to prison.

Itisaaid i n lit to- - selsursof th- - steamshipsItaly, t'ainola sud Hpalp la eontemplated somenf tnetr ofllcers Laving ueen guilty of extensivetmiiggling. Tho -- hi"f authorities ul the Clis- -t House aver thai tin- v "l-- ti - a- - iiinulnt- !by th- - Treasury ofBtvrs i ufil - run- -

demn th- - entlM Iin- - if th" suits ar-- pr- 'UUhI,John Meott. one ot ti rlglnnlors of Ibe gi-

gantic frauds, saw th- - Distrl- -t Attorney a fewdavn llg", It it nai l, and told hull What In- km Wa'-- . in H- i- operations u I'll- -. St. ml Agi i.tIlril-ke- tt, who w it the Ural t" expose l mug- -glors, Una been otlet I proliiotlou at IhulliuiuSof tb- - Secretary of u,- - Tre isury,

11(1.1 I X M I I It Hilt M.' I .

Tiii' si i i una I'm ion in lissom basstto A it -- in.lot Hi Prohibitive liefest.

BrisTOK, Oct. 0. Th- - Woman RufTragoStat.- Ci UVCht! n lii- -l here being -- a! mlto ord- -r by T. '. litlirop "t Taunton. Mi.- -.

Lucy St' ti- - wan eloctod PresidentHesolutlons were priwiited led trlngthnl the

Woman BufTroge party has no faith In Repub-licans -- r Demo rat- -, slid an n deals exelusivelywith the rights of women, there Isnon nnityof making nominations, Another r utionwas Introdu -- ' re nmmendlng tha frien Ista- - party tot ip for It. C, Pitiuan.tue Prohibi-tion I'lllldldilt",

At the niiornoon aoaslon the oommlll uii d .i. favor of Hie Pilnian

ft solution and an leldltioliul ribs ilution urgingt.n- noiuiliulloii "i rloltul ra and lpr-- t litil- -

lives favorable t" n ause, The resolutionswero ink a up seriatim and H- i- firsti i otidian third were ndoi ted ithout debate.

Ull tho fourth, jo tlie itiuxpedien volmaking uouiinatiotis, Mr. Kane "tinov-- d lo amend, so that it ahould apply only toBtale ofll-er- a, Tiie ituiendmenl prevailed, andupon lit" adot'ti ii"i Hi" resolution asnmeml- -

it Mr. N, 11. I'rh no "I lh mmlllen look th"fiisir and oipoS'Hl the ion on the groundthat whim w "i.i in suffrage was a constitutionaliiuestiott. prohibition Was only pulley, H" didi, .a believe in prohibitionists, and did not wantlo Imi tho tail of Hie prohibitory party. "" wanivilling t" yotu i"r Ju'lge I'itniiin, o- --

ua hu I li wan an hotteel man. bultl.- - i -t of th- - prohibitory ticket ouhi lo be

d .1. lln- w.iM" bank-- t.i lie IP v. j.. . v, iisoti of Maiden said it

would i nslst-- ul to rofralii from makingiioiuinaiiona mi i go i.vor to tb- - Probtbiioryi ni rt v. uiid u hi the moral loreo ol their action of

Ktyouru i, iis their entire vute was en. .i.t- --- d to the lirohlliillotusts,

AH r .in . ii- -.i ii tin r solution piunn-- d.

mi I ri ill I iiy nil. UTUIIM.

What Is Thought is llsvs nsAtllsa on 113a.PilSillj In lh.- OalS,

Mr. Joint Hm l it, u colorod man, residedwilii inn wife and thr children In 11 Sfnililhouse mi thu Newark bay shore at Pamrapo, N,j. bliortly after midnight yesterday morning,when the storm was nt its height. Commodoremisworth of H- i- Uuyonno Vaclil Club wasaroused from sloop by a rapping m his door.II-- t Mr, Harris's youngest son, John, whotold him that H- i- storm had enrrind lln 11 houseout into th- - hay. and that he WHS the only onwho naeupod, Th- - boy add". I that lie wannrouseil by the shaking ol tin house, and s.ainb 11 it pipble over. II- - rushed lor the r, ntnlin th- - blinding wind and ruiQ escaped, li sfather w in bohind bun.

Commodore Ellsworth hastily gathered theneighbors together and went in sear--h ..f 11."

house and the missing family, no sign of fheIn. an il.l bo seen along tho shore, and bonisWere Sent Ollt to look th" missing persons,The house was found off the K)m Park steam-- I

ml landing, nn Utter wr- - k. It it believedby many thai Harris, hit wife, and Iwochihlrenlouud nh-i- t-r ou Htiiten Island. Harris was onuysturman. and well known m Dayunnu.

1 a. CummlMtonsrs gaspesdsdiIt iii" intention of th- - Law and Order Asso-rliuo- u

ul v nki-r- to viols sll barrooini nd is that thiauudsv las ii ubasrvsd. not only by all lUjsof assloraI. nl nl... i) Ihl I'lllSI 101. 111t1.l v al.'l.a. gs)or IllbSolttm- - M!pitdi'd John s Whit, John w in hii-- Sainu.'l

JoIlL', I' o rlsi'iHi, th) I'"--slilioul suthuiily, ... ii, a in nr uai ul lhI. i 1. , .. v.. ri mo. t, slauta . n in 11,1 fiavi a r.i 1. ta. . - in ', u tn..' not a 'iii n. a 10. nilI.. NIIMI III. Inn il Itlllkl l' - II. lo. - .1 ...1..v Ilu -i iiaial) t. ' l irvtn n' una .. ., .

llol 1 uik in 'I U" ' -

Aii .ti.iu.-ii- uff felulsn Island.In Hut gal- - ol Monday night th- - hdmon-- r

Abbott, ii 'ia ti.., 1. ti inr lUi'huioiid, Mthlio al surhorotlSlut. lalalldi vt .- 11. k lo Ilu- A iin inn lit. - .11- all nil,jr.. a. n. ary, nin. h liuililrsian-- her sisilmr Tin a..

..11 lnal aiit mid nil iirarSllij it....... .... On- .11. .il.. had In r tail .0 k . - .11

Slid 'a r I....I dalllBKl l. boaidtfl tu rbouiu.

.n I... .... Wessaa's Usstk.Patxiison, N. J., ti t. u.- - Maria OruseJio, n

I' ti ti usUi'nl In Ua i' Aayluui si MorrisPlaint, was loatlrd sssinM by inuUisr patiiu yt n o. iy.a ua 1. a .Ii .id nn.- vv a- - luia... ana n ... ilu l"'i bl sisal


Ituaalnn Uiitrmrnli that InSIl aa ArtWSAalwms imsiiii.

London, Oct. 2mra' Pttctf.rWtIpedal says the RuselSM have la gun theirparallels before Plevna under the superintend-neoofOe-

TodtoheB.The heavy masses ol tmopB which are being

lent to Buhraria oertalnty Indicate tksk pur-poa- e

to prosocute sotlve operations during theautumn, as the Ruaslsat do nol need th-s- o

to retain tholr present positions.Tim nmet' Belgrade oorreeponderd says he

bears from a diplomatic souros that tho Porteha demanded explanations regarding h nia'apttrpol - in arming uud DOgotiatlng with ltustlnami lioiiniiitila.

Th- - l'ort- - declares ii will bs obliged to "nd asi lui Commissioner t" Helgrnds to Inquirewb-H- i-r Its hu.. nil 11 rights urn not bnlng d

with.aii first-cla- ss militia brlgadoa, escara moae of

Hhalaita, and vallovo, have uatn-hn-

I., th- - frontier. Tin, seepgd oIsm will followIII davt,

ore money and several noses, ol nhoos liavr.arrived irt m RusslSa

negotiations with Bussla nave nt lat e.,mr toa aatisfaetory close. A Cabinet council has

upon warlike measures! though notbefore tin- middle "f N ivel r.

Rusalan nstinistu plaees Mukhtar raahaiions on th- - Id aud Bd oft) Itober nt 6.000

aoma uomk tuhovom i BsTrTra,

An Employee vrbs ivas n, ,1 tn t.,, i,,atfettrprlslso Tfcss in SesrsS si 11 in.

intoimo oxcltornenl was crew tod inlyn hmt evening by th- - rumor that Robertit- rrv. an employ f th- - Board of City Works,who was nt w..rk inspecting the sewers ol theoily, had been lost. His tallow workmen, whoentered the lewcrln Atlantic avenue, began tosearch th- - main that leads 1 Platbush avenge,They missed Berry, and whon they oama oulthey waited f "r him to appear, and ss be didnot soma to tii" surface Ihey spread the storythat he was lost, Rwss supposed that ad

been overcome by tb- - noxious gases, and it wasfeared thai th- - next tide would -- airy his IrodyIntptne riv--r-

Th- - workmen. In greni iemcnt. cot s

and poles, and iu in lo Inapaettheaewersat th- - dljfi r ni mnnl Th 1 supposed he had n- -t n Sistn m lit- - Platbush av-n- u-

I raii h. pnssttl through th" Huyiin inlr.triv"t mniti, on- - of the sewers in the"itr. Theyentered this sewer at Ds Kulb avs- -

Raymond str t.and an a pntn-n-

search vv it ii UtnternSa which they h Id aloftoupolos. Th-- v waded knee de-- p In wat r,

crying out. "B.b H rry." As th- -r

w a.-.- --up d ,n this work. Berry, dress-- 1 in 11

t Iry suit "f -- lollies, pushed Quo the thronaiiin.nt th- - manhole, and nsked, ' What tin- d--

m nintter with yes nil v"When told thai lho exettemegl was all about

hlmt if. an I that he w.i- - SUpp sed to I'" losti hesaldi An can't a man go through th" sewsrto Ms home at Well n through th- - str t?"

he bad inaported the Raymond strei-- t sewer,and. knowing that it wan marly time b.stoowork, he - ni 'ti -i not logo back wh-- r- ho -ft

hit comradee, bul loleavelhs ar Til-lnr- y

-- tr.-. t. vi I, r- li" I' v d. and go hoiti" for dry-- 'thing. He pushed off the cover of tlifl man-- b

tb- - tti-'- In iiirrliHl. 11ml, bailing apasaing wagon, gota man to help him out, ua

;iint storting oul for a walk w in nth- - throng With lunt-r- nt urrouudibg th- -


Btlsfel OlaS lo Tsask Awerlraa Soil AnrrsansiMer in Bump,

Among ti.- - IBB saloon passengers by lhoBotbnlai which arrived yeaterday, irsrs Gov.mid Mrt. t. a. Hendricks, Th- - Oovernor

ik d strong and hearty, mid smiled pless-Sntl- y

ua ne deseunded Hi gang plsnk andgreeted tb" frlsBds win. bad gmhersd loglvshim a kindly, ii informal, welcome borne, Mrt.Hendricks, plainly attired in blue, ' modheartily glad lo t. ai-- h Ian-- again. " I'm gin it..See rou I ." Said n 'r. nd. "N it ball aglad nt I am to tie home, wat the renlr,

v-- had 11 boiiutllul vovac" oul In theS ythia." tho Oovernor mini, "but thejoynge was terribly temiiestuouSi Whv. Mrs,II- lidrn-k- ut-- d l" nay that III- - ivav- -t inoliut. dclean ovr th- - smoke sbvks. It wnsone rolli roll, Irom th- - .lav we start--d un-til we got into Ann wnt'TS aga-n- I bk"Iran Ibtig iilsi u l. aud I dou't like :t. I like thocliuugu ..nd 11- 1- moveniHhti and th- - exeib m--

and tn- - seeing ..f strange things nil nov- -islumes, but I don't tike lo It baggag-- inur-t.--

In la t. 1 d in I know hi vv. I'm- n ...i a .v.truvnllod you -- 111. t o U" ivo What a botherbaggage it."

1 1- .- Oovernor dev. the flrsl woeis of hisEuropean tour to r.ugland, Ireland, nt -land,Diing es laiiy ebnrmed by t..- sceneryin tii- - hmt nat country,

Tn- - V'.iiig ! n t iienio ratleClub Lave len-der, d lo- - Oovernor u serenade.

; 1 tun 1 trim johkvu'm

Tlir I'Msudlsn Pallrr Asked in Prevent Bll-lln-s

Hon fress Crosolss Ifes

Chicago, Oct. 0. Tlio concluding portionof th- - report ol Col. Miles ol the engagomenlwith Joseph's ' ml, th- - tlrnt ..f which was si Sun lay n. glit. hat jutt I u received, thew r- -a having I n repaired. It is aa follows!

"To keep th- - companies with linn anotherescort wan it. v Thin lasl isjcort will nowbo u - I I nvev a train -- I wagons whl"h will

in in- - morning i".- Hnnke Creek w ih sup.p. 1. 1. I hare nnaumod ill. reeainaibildy of

Cut, M' l.uod, lho Coniinission- -i ..f theCanadian Poli.-o.o- f t..- - situation, anti invitingl.m ati. nt. mi to the iintirtun I

Hitting Hull ami inn followers Irom crossing thebn -- .'

Th- - T' 'a p ltd fr m F rt V nt "i.tana, dat-- 't t I. says tb- - t .nil who hrotlgiiltb- - report "I in- - hit- - light .1 tseiih'sband an I the United Btul s tl lit say Hint h

was a nrisiiner in Mihts's liands. but wasI'T Lli'Ut. Jeron f id- -

i aviilfy, wl. had boon II pt rod by lln- lad. aim.Tn- story Uvitidseonllruiiitiou.

i in: I.r A FH.tSriHCO nt u I mi nr.

riiiii -- i iin- Managers IVurrastsnn i rur i in-- Air.--:-

svn FBAXcraco, Oct. B.-- Warrants haveI. ii Issued tor H- i- artesl of Joseph C. Dunean,manager of the Pionee r Hunk, and th- - prlit

stockholder in the Bufo linpoall Company,and linnjumiu V. Le Wnrne, Buoruiary -- t theSafo Heposit Company, who are charged withtl verlaaue of stock of Hie Bute Com-pany. The amount ol tb- - fraudulent Issue inhot y t usocrtnitii .1. but t kiiown lo be large,Th" overissue wat ninnfpulab'd by Lo Wurnsiwhile nin an li) potiiei al-- d the tto-- k. Th- - du- -ii. .t in iii ti.- - vault ..( th- - company ur- - all right.N- ither I nin nn nor Lo Wm u- - have I n seensineo Hntttrday. Thopolleeol ml thotaiwiislnth- - Slat- - bav" li "id'-U'- lo hi' on tho look-out lor the fugitives.

Thres School bo jri SlabhsS.Charles B 'hetlng, aged it, of a rand itroet,

s sUldsnt in tin' Hurl, i mil Mm-- mailt lchou, wnaItSbbOd tu On- I. a. k la-- l lima- Tin .ti. - M "(It) im an--

J.... i. a gcOlyiin Slid - - ra .a Inr buya win- ,t.n. hiu inin. iii i.t S West Thtrti-rnt- ilrosl whsn BohsUni

tin iii Si in hint purtaas'ly an in a tin- t. ulynaboys They lhB ittarki'd Schetliis, Stnnrssnd pbnrsioi wood win thrown i.aiii n uoiii' .iti-.-- i.i p. uii.t,aii.t tin' ii. lo Ullhsui bowury, wniaa tin- ut aluiio, said ilisl in iin- Ilittit kiuv, - lunl t. i n andthat he lisd draws lo- - In .111... II then wslkedsws) i. t ir ti.iii avvnue II.- - lather kei'iii a k

tun. uii nivtit ivoaiie si'hrtitii aaid a.'iii.i notklioH dial In' lul l Ktalila-i- until la 1. It lln hloiairuiniitis duwa In- - bai'l. The wnuiul - luur lut'lir itiIi 1111. Itllli - tl IlltllS WSI Mllll lolln- I nil . nth nin ,1

win- - Tl - in. o. MS Msdlann street, to Mii'liail Buid In. ni Hul Uadi-n- ii io.t,Wer laaiiius out ol ttu M nllaoii Hi. ai-r-

an k. a to aeiersl buya nt lb curlier -- Jai kaoh tnA imi ...... .. atsbbud Uivull slid ShevbaU 1'bivv uuuda 111, l.ut - lull.

l.iiiuor in Vaiistl Thsalres.Mr. Juke llerrv, Um proprietor of thaColum-ki- i

upvia lloaasi a - timl Uis wcupiiit of privsu. buiesthere sro nut .ii-a.-i sith drltiki Mr Herry ssyi thaito- iii give ssu in say nuo whu .u iruve thst hevei luriU-- d Willi oiiytbilii lo drink m .1 .u. si bul inl... Itniuni Ua in ...

Ml i..l- - pslla, iinui.o. of ) tinil Una, ttlsodl- -nn a li i.'.r is sold ill bis

llaiujlug lllmssiriu a IVIL

Prank dried of 71 street, Williams-bttfh,- s

hobsd besit irrsalod lor tin Ibinl Uuie toi beaUotiin- - site. eisiunUUvd sulci t yssttirdsy u n il a Uisn.atti el.-- uni Puliui SUiUoa by hsnsihi nunauli wnabiablarl.

InUlstsd rur ISmbssslssianl.Nvvi-s- . Oct S of tho Ib.-k-

laii.i'. .-.- Hank, lis u mii.-- .....itSad but boud lorisihsi. iKiiaaUiu oatiia tu ni.oou




Th Herrtses-Hlaskha- ni prnpi.aiiton Or.SffWlly I i. r. Cm

Il A UVSly PNffel Tor (ha Irl kahlp.

Wabrihoton, Oct, 9, Then la no changain th- - Bpeakershtp contest. An effort has beenmnd" by n lew of th- - bitt-r-- st opponents ol Mr.Han. tall lo g- -t the opposing candidates toogron to nllow n OOfflmlUSS to dsddc who Is lhostrongnst man to set Ui against him. Thisdevice B""in to have bSOII proposed by Mr.Bpiingsr of Illinois, one of Morrison's mostactive friends, l ima been generally laughedati however. Msmberswho um in tho ofexercising tholr own lodgment object to havinga candidate selantod for tbem by s

commlttcsi They tnv that if the ndi-datce

opposed to Mr. Randall think they eandictate to the caucus in this manner they willfind themselves mlstakeni A facetious friendof Mr. ltntidnll. wh-- n told of tills propo-sition to app dnt a committee to sol t an oppo-t- n

lit P r him, Mid that it Work would bo In thonature of a certain legal Inquiry rli raaatlcofagufren in. or - timl out whether or not nil theambHtous gentlemen who have s- -t tbemsslvesui. ua candidates were oos oompot meafia, Tho'"'"""r.t tiiad-- ' lum sir. Baylor una telegrspneu

hi - insenl to I hit committee arrangement watunfoundedi li- - bat more sense, and so lmsMr. Q le. Mr. Olnckburn ami Mr. Morrisonappear to be th- - only candidates who oonsentedto the arrangement. Indeed, it originated withMr. M a r on. w ho.aeolng lb" eff"- -t th" publi- -

catlonol it hat bad. now dsnlcs Hmt ha everagreed tolt Mr. ": ahw says that ho is noparty to any arrangement as to n unity of forcessgalnsl Mr. Randall. Ho has no desire totransfer any of bis friends, if bs had Ihs power,an i ii nt bis colleagues appear and ho --anadvise with tin tu ii" kss strenuously avoidedsit complications. Thi statement shows thatMr. Cox had been approached ami urged toagree to tint MorrlsonBhsimburnDpr!ttgercommittee pion.

At to Mr. Cox pnlrlne with Mr. Bcwltt, hemskes tbo following staternenti If- - baa

d bit desire to fair bimsull with Mr.II w ii in esse snothei Is th- - competitor "f Mr.Randall. If tin r- - are many npetitors Mr.Cox expressed hit senseoftha unfairness olpairing Mr. Bewltl with a Cox man. Timehan - remsri in Mr. C .'a letter to Mr.ti. .! Mr. itt might ! pair--. I w th n

waa simply a blocs of pleasat TbitStatement does ind impugnthe ir .as "fthe atatament of Mr. Cox's agreement .tbMr.Cooper to f "are a pall or Mr. Hewitt, aiad"in t'-- 't despatches hurt night, Mr. t'-- '

Intends I .do the proper thing, but hoSppnrently did n- -t t th- - ui.falrri-- h of liia Mr. I'-- rt ntil todis iver that CoX tm it Were s nr-".

Th" light for th- - Cli rktiiip i decidedly moreliit-- i- thiui Ihl ht'-t- for th- -tbi.. The two csndldates, Mr. Adams snd Mr.i Iwell, are pretty equally matched, and theirfrlemts sro making strenuous effortii Thusfar Mr. Caldwell appears to be gaining groundrapidly, although th- - alwenoe ol so many msm-bar- s

makes ii'tilt to sstlmats liio reuistr- iigth of either of th- - candidates.

Tl sndldatea for Doorkeeper are vsry nu- -mtvrous. Maryland West Virginia. Virgiina.North i 'ar- li ti a. andueorgia baveomi each, andti... in tumbent, Mr. PaPrson from Hew Jeraey,it also in th- - Held, For Bergeant-at-Arm- sThompson it th- - only candldatq vol in tin.although it in Mini that i.uv-- u fiiriiiiil-nh- l

iMmpetltor, but just Who he will be is notmud- - ku-w- u.

HI'OUT turn tiie i its.

An i x.liliiu ( i llroir.-- lh andIhi Arammiilii llunl t lull.

The Nereid Boat Club of Brooklyn lunl Itsannual regatta yesterdsy afternoon. The mootint-- r. t ug part of It wna the gig race with theArgonaut at "I Is. rg. n Point f.r a set of colors,i nmu a four-ourc- d g.g race between thetoll .wing rrewst

f Horn-- How, H w- V"-ri- v . W. S ft '.I.t; 3 r T.!'.- rt k,C M II I'oai Hioii

How, P I, ii . i i: M Waidi; a Kra.,k B Ton y:alrok. Uywoial f Broun: ensawain, .1 a I'hllllpa.I 1. glddlriuni II It n tii, a w 0,w atroii w v to an. 1. tl Uonard,PuikIi Mow.'I w b vml J v Bunii'i B, O. A. i,

w i Johuaon; . H s MorruoB.Th ra e was for g M ba Igoa, and th- - En. lorn

and Cm p" also bad a side contest tor a set ol-- .dors. Tb- - eourse wat from stakeboata inii snnus buy to the Manhnttan Bsaeh Railroad

a dintaii i two miles, vlaspsr T.Ooodw.n w n ami William Ulaikie siarter,I'm- --rows --a ug i.t tn- - -r nil. bowevt r. np lathing badly, They rowed along very

i:i r .1 n Inn- -, vvln-- H- i- Punch crawshoved their how tip to the front a ti ill". At thain lethe Dion" "r"W wan out of Hie race, whichwas a hot one ti,.- other three. At th-in. - and a I. iif ih- - Puuoh erew had over twoleugtha lend, whlidt Ihey maintained 10 the tin- -ith. It w;in n. a dead heal between thePun p ai i I.uilora crews, th- - fornn-- wiunittiith lore i.y a load of Inehes,

Th-- ra - l.t.."ii Hm Argonauts and Nereidu - a. f. two in In straightaway from

landing ba. k t th- - starting point oftin- lirst race. Th- - crews weret

Arsunaula How S'sluti Hantnlt, Bd Smith iS 11 V R.Senin t atrob, 1 K Dunhaf eosawshi I". M BentnaNereid How, .tsa H -. II - K I KlehoU; n WlUUniin.: rlmkr I". Kai . sawaln.J Kserton

Tn.- r.:-.- is won y night lengths in ISminutes "tJ t hda.

In iaiiaeiiii"h I lh" liimpv wat-- r nml gath- -: iIii-- k, it 1'oliiiulttocwun UUUOUU' -- d thai

lh- - singles olT.All-rt- hu ri n there waa a collation at Ilia

oliii. house, und afterward the steamer Idlewihlmad- - imtiiillglil trip up the Uinlsou with thomumbers and their friends.

i 11 IKK'S ill tun It BI.KCTtOS,

l ln- It. .t. 1. . an IV In I.y a OlSSll BsgWSSgUsmocrallo Uulus.

S'ewaiik, Out. 10, The vote in tho Charterelect n In this city yesterday wss light. HenryJ. Villi's, Republican, wns r- Bleated Mayor by amajority ol ini over Win. v.. Pine. Demoerat,Tn n in a g.iu ,.f j,093 over the vote in 175,wh-- n Vales waa elected bys majority ol d. iT.l.

Th- - Demo rain wade the Presidential frauds nleading Issue, and m this they attribute thisgreat r- - l a lion. Th- - Dei rats elect tlol theI.i tblerni-- n, gaining nnn each In til" He end.Iiiurih, I'.lth. and Tenth Wardt. Th- - xi

Coiiiluol) Couii-- il will stand HiII "in- i nt- -. Tb- - also

gam fniir M hmd Coniinlsalojiers milFreeholders. It Imi I J Ward. II, the

Workiugmeu's cniidiilute Mayor, polled,6tM mainly in tho Uerman wardt

Tenth, and Thirt-elit- h. In lh- - U'baiiin r wards, the Bitvenlh and Twolfth,

th- - vote ivns light, at least 1,000 voters not sppenrilui I'"' polls.

Th- - llepubl loans eoneeda Hint th" r.'tnlt isdamaging '" th-- ir Iuhh-- s i..r Noveniber, uud lliulioiiio'-riit- now say that will give

in n niaiorlty i.t liov-rno- r. Newark ban umi d- -i Itepublieuu majority of l.too ou uparly vote.

V l.'li. rv Air an AmSrlrSS IforSO In rnulmnl.I.oniiov. o.vt, (I. M. II. Banford's br. t. Btart,

to huporuid lUeaels oul of SUinpa by Utsinilon, iiir.-

v. to. won tin- tu i Waller llsndn hi- at Hu- Ns ... r

k. i hs "i"i ib i"i" r nisoUns rish rosy trotn twslvi couvneulers Tlie ttetltns wsa - to I lis I nat St srt, I ail 9 toI asstiisl bord fctaiiuurd's en r i. to rruiniieUtr..ut ... Bsrniiea, three years .1.1, sod Mr. wliiijiker'sM. ii .. Usndi ik- nut "' rtirtreaa, three yesra wi

I'll rsee lor i... t an .t. a tiak. lor ihree-yesf- .

uia- - snd utiwsr.1, took place st Mte Newuisrkej mlr llleettlljl Slsl vvn- - vv,.u lo It

llila loiia, Willi Ur Hersrd'a gaoatoou Hivuudi iill..a.lllarhaib n'l aslpnuilM tin. a

Tin. Uoalh ut in n. Ueiidla,Oen. John Ei Uendlx dla in hit b 77

It ink on t. a Sun lay ih- nil red tin b'atioual inmrda - ii urlvate in ni7. beeanie t !otonel 01 Ibe Soli t.t't KSPan ta ... It. i. arsaconutuaalitiii .1 II I'olflli. nl the mhVoiuiitei'i - in trill vv.i-- i. In ilu .. .a... il - ahrii toll' iii IMiit ana m.i' Hrev.'t Hriaiidit-- inp.. .nl iv - ii, i led Htls.idli-- Ib'lli-u- lie .ill.II Ussi'd iu isou lie wsi bU yt ir ol se,

UvsreruH'iled Bd kaolaPrln dpnl It. ii. Ward, of s i No. II, Jersey

(Illy, declare Ihlt Ihe inpili an breidtns dlai'sts froma is t.r.'i ... vsitlilittnn ind riutai i hwe i in i

met lorij rfiildreii al ideil Inlii iniuil ipui;e,iudiin i'laa roonii srs not ..v.-- Ulte, a li t Uusrs.

Illsen Ai'uulttsg ul MurUve,PHIPOPTOM, N J0 't. lb Tb- - tin v In th. trial

of Jstii--a III loll lor ki' in. lisrlea Prsitela l in- in- ill, I verowil oi guilty yoiWrdsy.

fctisoa aspt inr joy.

Tlir Kogiairatlea.Thirty two thousand 'our hint li-- d and fl'tv

nun t u ... tin- - ilk)- yvaU'ldsy, Slsl ".aoovwo Ian alaU-li- Ui lirwosnu.


BKSATOH ItroKHtSSKVS OiMAa t im. u or Arm li, i.m. ii,,u AlarraeS

hla I'lii.l. Inn.Bona tor .li.lin Ti.niRoy in lying sorlottsly

Hi in ids residence in Enat Twenty-seooa- d

Stroct, For ninny yean h" lint suffered with nnaffection of the throat, nml been peculiarly suaesptible to bfonehlal oomptalntai On Mondayho mail-h- is usual round of Visits downtown,and osilsd on several of his political friends Atnoon he complained of pain tn bis throat, andby the advice of frb nils h- - took nenrrlag-nn- d

rode homo. Townrd evening in. began to egparlance a difficulty in breath Ingi ThlsdlfS-cult- y

Increaslngi be inmmoned hit phyaieian.Dr. Edward Bradley, Mr. .1. Hurry F. r.l. andon-- or two other Intimate friende. When theyftrrlv-- d nt th- - reeldeaos ho wnscoughing vlolently,gnsplng for breath, and giv-

ing evt ry Indication Hint the bronchial tubesWere filled up. Ba made strenuous efforts tospeak, but his voice wat think and unusuallyhusky, and his so lnditin I that his

w words worn bandy beard,Tim physician comprehended nt on that tho

senator's trouble wss s severs attach ot acutebranchltla,acoompanlod by a passive oong-ttio- nor th- - lung llsetlt a. A v- that pneu-monia might set in, llr. Itradl-- y

large doses of Hm medicines moateffective in brohehlBl tflsesses. For torn- - Hm-t- ho

iti. .nt.. resisted the rsmedvand for twoCon oours ths airuggie between itis atju

Went on. Hi" strong frame of Mr. Horrlssoyn.Hially intiverliig uuib-- his violent efforts tobreathe.

At about ! o'clock th- - rem-d- y got the better ofth- - malndy, nml ih- - Benator experienced somerelief. All through th- - night be was rest has,nml at Intervals the difficulty of breathing re-turned, but nvery time in ii milder form.

Tho senator's wife, who It herself r- coveringfrom s severe slckni tn with which si-- lum Is -- uiirontrat-- d sines lb- - death of b- -r son, nervedby tim knowledge tbsl h- -r buslsAnde Illness

iirtt nil ntlon, snl by hitmost of H- i- night 'ring t hi want.

Bat ly yesterday morning Mr. Horrlssey, an thout by tno shoes Hoit his nervous aystoin hadreeelved, sans Int.. .. deep sleep. He iiw .knref by his rest, but almoal as week aaachild. Hit phyalclan sdmlnJaterid mild ntinni-liuit- s.

nml Inst evening Mr. M-- ri Issey bad to farrmoveredas lob- - ablfl lo nil up fi ran hour.At a bit- - hour hint night lr. Bradley pro-noun I hi in ..tit of tl'ing-- r. nnd nxpr-n- n f themillion that if tho to it no rulspse lie w.iiboetitir-l- y well in u fi w dan.

Mr Morrlssey s friends saythsl ho has notbeen well .'or many months. The desth of hlaonly a- ti In T latl wat n severe blow tohim. and from that day hit Wife hat been a con"staut i-". th- - having been taken on the day ofh- -r son s desth with a n 'km nn Irom which th- -bas n. t yet r vered. li t strong pbysi al constltution battled su ssfullyWljh bis troublesuntil Mnnday night, when, at be tm i to hisfri-t- nl Mr. Ford, "Nature gave way," on holltnl to ti"-uin- b.

Mr. Charles Walsh, onn ol bin oldest friends,snid Mr. Morrlssey bad i ti unusuit In- -

of late in the preparations lor the al

campaign, and na i overworktMl himselfWhon Im should bav- - been taking earn ol hit

wdi i It b- - liin-- lf kin vv h ul n im-paired by hit unmiiiittuig attention to bis sickwife. He added, ss a sure indication Hint tlieBenstor Is iii a fair Way to roeover. that niu.-it- t

thing that he said, after be had arisenfrom ins i.- -.i hmt evening, was that Tammanywould not elect one oi tit candidates ut the oomlug election.

Th- - veteran politician. Tburlow Weed, calledon Mr. M. irrissey at lo o efock btst evening, andexpressed hit grutill-'iitioi- at lludnig liewu itkidy to reoover from bin uiu


Th r'raneb r.iltlt.-M- I nnialn (jjamtieltaAk-i- o I'i nn . iii a.

PAWia, Oct. 9. Tim ministerial rnp-- i j an-nounce Hint of the 303 RepUblloaO thowinning by the Cio"rnmint of 117 is v-- ry

probablo, fndoed, ulunvat -- urtain, wbil- - Inmonths prospects are lavorable. so that theOovernmsal will have a majority of at leasttwenty. Th- - Left, however, still reckon eonfldently on tOOsests.

M. Oambctts in prosecuted for placarding hismanifesto to the electors of the Twentieth Arronduwemeni on the stroets, not for itt publtoa-Ho- n.

The printer of tint manifesto bssbcensummoned before Ibe Correctional Tribunal.

M. Oamhetta w.n address a great meeting thisevening. Six thousand cards of admissionbavobeen Issued, Every precaution has I utaken by the organd r.n..f tho meoifng to pre-vent disturbance, Tho military authoritlea. onth-- ir part, have taken, special measures. Theybav- - stationed detaehmenta of troops in thePlains Chateau d'Eau, wbl eh la eloss to the pin-- ..

of meeting, und posted s guard oi police ill theneighborhood.Th- - great Republican meeting passed "fr

Without uny disturbance. In bit i h M.Qambetta said that the exislen. f universalsuffrage wa at ntak", and pointed "lit Hi" dan- -ger win d, t nt Institution would iti-- ur If, ntu rbat ing at th-- :.m: lions pronoun i in favorof th- - republl", it should noa give itt- It tit- - liein ti-..,n i; - of Ooverumentul pressure. Intiml -- nt- Hi- - publiu - would ll pro-mised, for uniyeranl suffrage was possibly itsonly defenoe. ltn tall would involve thedevatl- li - and death ol H- i- ' uiurv.

H. Oarnbettn g:.--- M. flr-v-y aa the mani" m iiit-- d tor continuing the a'ork oi iitn-or- d,

conciliation. and rcsj t tot Hm law, ami dm.claimed anrdeslre lor r wer for himself, i.enncluded hit ni It with n violent stttiek miHi tri a!n. wh i, he said, excite l th- - fearsBur ipe by tlio preseucooi miooalitioni


Tn BiiSnSutBsnnn soil i iirafinny! ll-- minilo HrSUMS VV ink.

VV ixkkhbAJtRE, pa., Out v. Yostorday ata meeting of tit- - miners employed bytheSus-gu- t

Uanon Coal i' impuiiy a' Naulicoko the m-- n.

i.y a unanlmi us vote, decided to r sumc w.n k,Th-- v will roeelve .. ten p r nt. inlvan .

begin n soon ii Hie iniu.-- Ooput iii .rder,

vVkst 1'ht-to- x. I' t.. O t. p.- The min-- r ofthu Lehigh Valley Railroad Company held ameeting ut which thu problem nl a eon- -H nun n i th- - strike was spiritedly ilisi'iiasi'd.'i'ln- feeling ajratnal (ho iomptniy wat niuuifesl- -lv Intense, Those in favor of m.t Ilittii re- -sumption pleaded for coneervntivu m. uudsiHUretl a p atHnement oi i. Unite a tlon until

In the iii-- au time, tfley in arnert- -Iv at work to nitlti ii - ii rid uru to work up- utie- tortus in ta- - Company,

miii; n'Amnsoro.y roi'icM,

Tim Varssl kiiiii-i-iiu- JudgrshlSiWasiiimiitoKi i '. ih-- It it well undersbiod

ti.-- tin- Preiidvni hssdeeldml upon gio sppoinlim in tolln- ttu. re. ti.- JuilleitllPi but it i, illUllllUtd tu tho snuoutwsuieni ihervui will nol i.e uin.ii miniiter Ih enintraUnn at Cnnyrris Otreull Judii Wat

n Wouii is the riiili tliMlleisI laturt Umore aironslvsisinnniernuily reeoiiiiuended -r ths ih a anyother person tlie South Ml cireuii Itielude UisBuUsi ot ih'ursis, I' -- ii int.. nni. MinattMlppi,an in. snd Teas an InUinstiuni howsvvr, hsi yctlnoori ua lo tin prebsbiu sppouiies.

aiephsss sad Teomlii oi in tviiiie n .....WASRINOTOg, U t. lb Th- - II ot. A. 11

Stsphsm drove hi ths gsscuUv Ningnn loalsy to payHat..- - Ovvln. tu Mr. Slrpliens'i

Mr lliyoa went dawn pi hti esrnsse, aherv Imarm tiut'-l- ii n. tin. Him Bohorl Ttsanhs, whnsiiirianpsiued Hi Swollen Tho thrva. slb-- a ahurtcoU'in i' ni au a um. t. pleiisd ana i a. ii otusri

Tlie Kallosal I'oeiioi N.ii Plregrsof,v asuimit.iv, Oct, B, Jiiartcrmaater-Oe- n

irsl Moiyi in s coiiuuuuicitlou )ui publlahed iiiyi u at...rl I. a at ilu root itt Ut" SrlWOiH tin- ITsitlttil slid irus

pari ut n ut ol iwtral I' nn- - an- imtiie tu i

ibv buiidiuis sro uut Uivroiurs nreprooti

'I'll.' A lO. rl. an I I. ig In I mil l.nn- - Brown took lodging in Congr as fTa'Mn

ntdUlSIS a. ali-- rill up it in. Pill, Will I. v.-- .

huwovt r. Ion larje lor llllll 1" ny. Hlltloll'll h lit "

preprlrtoii put liim mu snd fcepl in- - iruiik. I nti'llsllurin Uierenpoii ipta sred ind rdsluu ' Inn IsonisAiuerieait Baa ol Isne pritiiirioa, ind worth f Mil, Mistwa... ir Broa n'l effeeta. Imi tbit lie elsl I a lila. ou .... .. lv vv'i I. In- lie I. ..v. n III. nv

loj'ii ...i ii mi ,t,.n. to aiirreinlit i, il lln llni ... I. .i.i Inill a" aled Ilu il ' ore Issm i v. til til' II u aaa ik il slonu UlllUI'b'il, llui i Inn. -i- i" I of tile III... Ill In Ilu' II , Ii I't ill I llllll-li- til ttl an lie,l ii. J.i.l. . .to; "- - nl n ijiit atioii Iwiore linn la sti AraI. ..ui h.i'l. iiiiabl dune, lh- urdi rod Hie "I Hiseouri tn take ebsme ol the Hal iiuhls urj deetdea whui.vMiH it, slid nu Hiilime relesaa-- tin lireurivlur ul tloukiiaa Hal, in ai inn "' lit

Urqueilsg lo BISS AwagiMr. ,I"t"ili ll. ilinnte, Prosldenl ol ths

I' ui-- Isinus i ..a., sssoiajlilsd Saai ssois the ipssk'- nt in. llayesaeinoiiatrsUoii Uiissvsuuii, hul it aria on

linuneed yealsntiy Hill in- bsd Hlddenb deehnrd In parlielisle Ho- explihlUon siven wsa UihI be bud soliletier iriau hlalsw ini r.ihe iloii. wihiset M Kvarla,reniiealiiul In... tu ,u ....... ... uiu on iUo lot tinauku ol III 11 iyi a.


airisa a tlKMOCHATtC MAJOBXTt oMOM lo.txto to 13,999,

Ann Heeiirlag nnlhr llemoeralle llttal- -.

KmWhatlS I .,n.lmnatli,n of Ih FraaSKtiat Triumphant In Amrleita llUlorr.

CisriNSATi, Oct. 9 9 M. Tbo Dom- -0- - rats nr- - jubilant. They OlalB to hnve privateadvices from forty-fo- townships w

n Democratic gain of 1,118 as eoinpared withHm vot" for ami llarn-- t in !s.Th ih gain thronghoul th- - stat- - would electltishop by over 15.000 majority. T-- n out of is?voting pln-t- n Iii Hamill m -- ..unty indicate DMhVOcrtltlc gain.

10:18 '. If. Throughout the ItatC- gains oontlnue about th- - same, nml liithop's

election by ov- -r 90,000 it olaimed by the Dantocrnts. Tho Republicans nro depressed nn.imnk" no olalmsi Th- - Democratic legislative;

.'t in thit (Hamilton) county i ondonbtedlfsleeted, whleh, with no other "hang" in thaHint", wouiii gve the Democrats the Legtshrtureby eight majority ; but nil Indloatloni are u itthe Democrats gain also in other parts of tintHUite. It is bsllgyadjmy Bjshop's majority inHamilton --ounty will BS lolly l.issj. but It Ishard to nnik inipartsons on seoounl of theehnnge In tAO Vol ng places, hia ! oy rudiatri-- U

Ing Hp; OOUntV, lines Ih" bint -- I Hon.0 t. :15 A. M. Returns are still sags

Incomplete, but enough are in to inture thsel Hon of Blanop mi l n Democratic

In this county, at midnight, only vj outof 1 1" voting places have boen heard from.

These give Bishop I.6T1, West 1933, r.. .r.41,00(1, The worklngmon's vote oomes mainlyfrom th- - Republicans, Ths Kloventh, Beventhtami Thirteenth Wards, carried by the workIngmen, are all Repubilnan wards. PssV' sstpmates put Bishop's majority at 10,000,

Returns to midnight from 81X) voting ptsoea,scattered over mi parte of the Mtato, show Damo "rati" gains of 7.OO0.

This Indicates the eleetlon of th- - DemocratHBtatetieket Iry over 10,000 majority, Tho Cbm

i. in in-- puta it at aboul thai flgurSi whil- - thsfysxrffi stlmab s it b igh-- r.

l li.l III s FROM I in. IV HIS.

Large Dr ml le l.nlna Hull lii.lli-at- ..ooeII nt. l y 111 lho StMtOi

I'm. 'Mitt s, Oct, 9. The day ban ltnpleasant throughoul Ibe Mat- -, which it uaualtfconsidered favorable - th- - ReDubitcansi buttb- - fair Weather it ll- -. t y apathy and ..f lb piil li an v. -n to the Work- -

Ingmen'snnd (ireunbnck tickets. The returnsnr-- - mlng In slowly, nnd Indleato DemocrstMgain-- . I.i th compilation of th- - Vote no BO

couni Is tuken of tho or Workingsmen's vi b Itbough t1'.. latter llckel taid tohave ro i .. heavy vote in Hamilton inly.Comparlr tia na to n im. rat--o- Renublloagginimw .i 1. a v. a i the vot" forof M lie in O 'tola r,

'I'h- - elettion ui tint city paaaed off morequietly than for years, s ..r--- ly m.y attentionwan pnld to the reniatry law, bnl itt provlalonsrequiring sub division of words was generallycommended, at tending t" keep ohjedtonablscrowds nwny troublesome pre-cincts, A fair vote has been po II I. Put it isvery badly scrat bed on the local ticket. It willIm int.. Hi... lul.r nuns of --an boobtained.

Returns received Irom seventy votingt uit ritu: thr Ugh ul th- - M.t- -. but not

tin.ny loin -- in. s, allow ugain ol ITfOfJk

At lltM P. Mi retnrna had bean received,from 800 pr- - n it. in duding sonu from n urlyevery portion ot the Huite, Tii t Demo-- rati" gain In these Is A. Its. In ,,,

g un in ih- - nl su.tksi ,md thur loot ion oi Bishop, Democrat, i : liovornor,bi 25,000 major ly,

ToMCDfl. CM. B. Alight is polledpr ibeblv twenty p rt'onl. li nn than that ..I

hmt your. Th- - nail 'hill luirty develiiiMal unlook st r ngt it i i d -- f t.i.i th- - Hon of apart of ibelr couni y ti ket,

in t.i v irlous polltleal rlrees. atan early hour Is in tlie IT I that thui;- publicans hnve : I tin ir Treasurer.oorder, ami one It'tpf-o- hi t v , with th- - re-mainder of the tli'k t divided between the Denti. nin ami Natn nalSi

U turns Irom thirteen warda, townships amipt in In in Iowa give the following aggr-ga- te

ol votes: Ueiir(ltp ,2,220! sh 0 m. ). 1,863)JessuplProbOiition.) 4 pi ! nnd Htiiblsj lOroen;ba k. n',7. Tw-t.iy- -. ai- - other precinetS andtownships and oi r iw untrics give mslorfties for Oenr 1.H1H nml ftr Irish 585.

'I'h- - vol t lor s- natoi-- and 11

laid y hut do not van greatly lh- - r u:t on the Governorship.

The other Btatu officers scorn to be ruiinlngpriity evenly,

ti. i. in i .i. V. The Dcmoerntlot ommitteeclaim n 1'ftiou of Bishop by from 10.000 to25. l, und also u maiority in ili hrancheaota ii- ral Aseenibly.

Th- - Rnpuhll an ommlttoe con -. Bishop'seleetlon by over 10,000, bul srolu doubt aboulti." Assembly,

There is no basis f r computing tho numbeiof votes east by the two Wot ingnteit'a partu-s-hul it is mi). on I to i ntnl. table, as il isclaimed ih ii they i ust volt in II itmlltoacounty

It w ill i. notl I Hint th- - Demn rntiegainiCouie largely Roptiltll an strongholds "Uthe S'l'St-r- il In ..a- towttslilp iii iti rlln ii.- - Dei 'uts uiiiiiotl 325 votes, Thillopiibiiean t 'ommittee, In giving rnnei ut for Hnjlulling ..rT in their vote, any thai u wiuieausngby Rnpubllouna who ahsUtllieil Iroitl voting,Ihey Intending in this wav t" alii w their dissutiafaetiun with tho Prosldont's kouihurapoliey.

TIIE IOWA I I l i iins.Rulny v in her nml a I. lulu Vat ThsBtuM

Urpuhlleau bj u Hsduced ii.m iiy,CHIOAOO) i' t. 9, Reports from Isolated

points iii Iowa Indicate thai a light vote is beingpolled, and that rainy weather prevails isnearly every section ol th- - stat- -. There anfour tickets in th- - field, heuded by Oenr. Itpubliean, f"i- Oovernori Irish, DemoeratiStill Im. Ur : and Jesstip, ProhibltloQi

lonat'iiietitly tit ere it an iihitsuul nmounto n rat di'iig. ir- aaiimmari ol lln day' workw ,11 fje mint d iul".

M irshall ot t u gives Oonr Rep.) from l.isiep. I,!!'' mil it i v.

tit im l'. nil.-- , - pr ibnbly Don rath" bv 104to 150 majority. Irish ruim --oiinnl. r.ibly liebind.

Returns from ir towns. ling Si..urim v. inili.'iit- - n It i ul l in illusorily oi irom idp. "oo ii. w.i idbiiry ounty.

in r. I" i .i. 1 (..wu returns eorno In slowly, nrd figures ciuinoi be gly-- u morstin. ii npproxilliut-l- v, Th- - Oreenbnek vol.. ushowing up lirelly heavily! thus, in Centotownship, the Ro) '. an leglsluiivu tlekel liaj020, th- - tii - 2U3i -- nd H- i- Democratic ilv uteSt

Tlie aSSlSgleaFn nt t'n. r v. .r kv Wllkf tIl I; Hail Jim t.i.i lluiiiholilt, Uiatauicil I line

i Wa, It , .' Ii - '"- -

tin ... it eliai .proline i I

Pisuis'y, J, J. Buahaiiavker. a. I. I - - aan 2 liellunl f rot-- Pol t il elsii. MssenU. I 1.1 illeitdsls

I., j... i... , ni ... i a rim. - - . - '

It ralhrr OIBi s lroUli lien.K .rhw-ti-rl- v. slllfl llg to warmer SOUthaSBt

er.v winU- - .... .. linrlly iini.i Wsakuvr, luin. lotluvv. ..v ..nana MSrouteltir.


Ur ."kiyn in to have im first rollor skating Mm01 ii i ii ill a- III ik I. lit a ..vv i

Thu Adiatiy day boats Hatti-- I Hr-- w and 0f i IllSke II. II t.i ll.,.llnlU UlU i it j '.l

ii iu nun row.

The Colored llnpuhllouns if III" K- -v Aa- -a. nihil plallii I Will .en II S. Ital-'- I't ItKill at tillyilltl Avi inn II .'ti on Iii. i -- t eVl lllllJ

Inaa- - Henderson, ii v l ran ofTl-- er nt tillPrint tri el .uhti it If irom i'ltlriil al U u blot li )v.lentil) luortiinii sisl ibetl ihoi tij s terasril.

lira, lui n M I. .1 87.1 I Ith uv nun cnmn... o 'I.- t ne l ni. ra .vealeoily llliit UM

i I...-- - a. lint) niuUl io t slsl r'UUi SIVUIW arIII. I' I.

John I.uav, irntnp, wishing totssnl tot' awork honw 'ur tin- aim. - n vv n pavini lion a o.--

al.1".... -- .ii ni I. ot rweltlll alreel lisllllll luali. Morssll III wa. tai v oig

Culiill mi l John ' igitn were expolletlfroiu the raiuinaiiy ileuersl l.uiiiiurtti'1 ilie Kiri IhsiIn-- 1...I . v. 11104 Mi I'stilll, Who wsas in n... i o .ahlnli Unllilllltli i, i, In a. .iiii-- i Mi II gldil at UlSSpliaj ua pievioui to tin- Suui Uoiivonuoii

A well dr ami wotnnn who, it In lupnusedasnlered a Kss tiav. Kstlr. i si hniiaei-or- sSo n lav, nut um i Noiillt Korwulk, lesvnm su liiulesa,in .in..-- - nhl I. a.'.- ana a lie nl I. a n ell mi ua misot the - . a. .... trVu4uisa took Uts seas Is listPouiv, Ueutril ou- - o.