the sugar dis-connection€¦ · why we crave sugar? sugar actually lights up the pleasure and...

16 The Sugar Dis-Connection -Gabriel Method Nutrition with Heather Fleming, C.C.N. (Nutritionist & Gabriel Method Coach)

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Page 1: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child

The Sugar Dis-Connection -Gabriel Method Nutrition

with Heather Fleming, C.C.N. (Nutritionist & Gabriel Method Coach)

Page 2: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child


Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child bond, even falling in love.When we are stressed out either physically or emotionally we have a high level of a hormone called cortisol, and we crave sugar because if we eat some sugar, we will actually get another hormone called serotonin, which is calming and relaxing.

Page 3: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child


Page 4: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child


Page 5: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child


Page 6: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child


Sweet Builds tissues Fruit, squash calms nerves Sour Cleanses tissues, Sour Fruits, yogurt increases absorption fermented foods of minerals

Salty Improves taste to food, Natural salts, sea lubricates tissues vegetables

Bitter Detoxifies & lightens Dark leafy greens & tissues herbs and spices

Pungent Stimulates digestion & Chili peppers, garlic metabolism herbs and spices

Astringent Absorbs water, Legumes, raw fruits tightens tissue, dries fats vegetables, herbs


Page 7: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child

▪ TAKE 5 VERY BIG & DEEP BREATHS to calm down your Cortisol. (please practice this, I have people breath for me and it takes them to #3 to actually get their first deep breath)

▪ Drink water: either room temperature or warm, ice cold can cause a bit of stress to the organs at this time.

▪ Check to see if you are hungry, if so then EAT!: You may need a nice meal with extra proteins & Omega 3’s & Essential fatty acids. Your body does need glucose to support organ function.

▪ Add in a Visualization: Check in with the underlying emotion behind the sugar. Feel into all the sweetness and gratitude of life. My example of Easter (connection)

▪ EAT the sweet with love and acceptance: Whether it is dark organic chocolate (try 72% or higher), or raw, organic honey, or your favorite fruit. Enjoy, Guilt FREE.

What to do when we are craving Sweet?

Page 8: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child

Is this You? ▪ Get your second wind @ 9 pm?

▪ Wake up to the use the restroom between 1 to 3 am?

▪ Wake up exhausted and not hungry every morning?

▪ Low energy from 2-6 pm?

▪ Blood sugar crashes daily

▪ Crave sweets, especially with or right after meals.

▪ Need Caffeine or stimulants to stay awake?

Your body’s natural rhythm is OFF and out of balance

& It isn’t just about the food….

Page 9: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child

If your organs are confused▪ Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

▪ Blood Sugar Issues

▪ Liver Congestion

▪ Fear around being hungry and eating from a place of control

▪ Nervous System Stress

Sugar is like throwing water on your computer.

Page 10: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child

▪ Autonomic Nervous System: Acceptance vs. Rejection.

▪ Eating does NOT need to be another stressful experience. Let’s shift our perspective.

▪ Less reactive is A GREAT thing!

▪How & What do you notice when you feel calm?

▪What can you do to feel calm?

Why to Calm your Nervous System?

Page 11: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child

What to do to get ahead of your body▪ Lemon water & Ginger

▪ Chia Seeds soaked in Kombucha

▪ Celery juice

▪ Veggie Juice

▪ The Best smoothie ever!

▪ Whole Avocado….

▪ Other ideas?

Page 12: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child

Page 13: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child

Before You Prepare a Meal…

▪ Step 1: Take 5 Deep breaths and put your hand on your heart. Relax your nervous system.

▪ Step 2: Tune in to your body: Are you craving hot or cold? Sweet or savory?

▪ Step 3: Use The Big 3 to make an amazing meal for you to nourish your body, mind and spirit

Page 14: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child

How do you know you are Eating Enough of the Big 3 & Omega’s for your Nervous system?

▪ Detoxification is happening: Quality Bowel Movements, Clear urine, Fat burning zone, Sugar is balanced, strong cravings are reduced, cells are oxygenated

▪ Nervous System is back to its natural rhythm. Sleeping through the night and waking up with energy. Noticing that your body is naturally hungry and you are not having blood sugar crashes.

▪ You should feel energetic, mental clarity, no bloating and calm, especially after meal times

▪ You are absorbing vitamins and minerals. If you do not break down your food properly in the stomach, it can ferment causing heartburn, gas, bloating, and other digestive issues.

▪ Your body is becoming less inflamed and your gut is healing.

Page 15: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child

Listen to Your Body▪ Body check: “How does my body feel?”

Energized? bloated? stressed?

▪ Ask yourself: “What have or haven’t I done yet today?”

▪ Don’t beat yourself up over a brownie: Guilt is extra challenging to your nervous system.

▪ Give your body quality—you deserve it!

Page 16: The Sugar Dis-Connection€¦ · WHY WE CRAVE SUGAR? Sugar actually lights up the pleasure and reward center of our brain, the same way if someone’s giving you a smile or a mother-and-child

Learn to Trust Yourself ▪ Turn your knowledge into inner wisdom by

experimenting with different food combinations to observe how your body responds.

▪ Enjoy new foods and learning what your body craves may offer information on what nutrients you are needing.

▪ Learn how to decipher what YOU need

▪ Create a new relationship and freedom with food

▪ Create a loving journal to observe patterns and gather information.