the suez crisis

The Suez Crisis Was it a colonial war? Was it a part of the Cold War? Was it a border war?

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The Suez Crisis. Was it a colonial war? Was it a part of the Cold War? Was it a border war?. Middle East between 1948-1956. Border raids. A contentious issue with Jordan Palestinian Arabs shot at 1953 Qibiya massacre by Ariel Sharon’s unit 101 1+2 = 50 +15 + houses and property - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Suez Crisis

The Suez CrisisWas it a colonial war?Was it a part of the Cold War?Was it a border war?

Page 2: The Suez Crisis

Middle East between 1948-1956

PalestiniansIsrael Issues

Border Raids and incursions by Arabs and Israelis

Regime Change in Egypt

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Border raids• A contentious issue with Jordan• Palestinian Arabs shot at• 1953 Qibiya massacre by Ariel

Sharon’s unit 101• 1+2 = 50 +15 + houses and property• Israel’s policy: disproportionate

force to intimidate and deter• Similar situation on Israel-Egypt


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CausesArab Nationalism?

Israel’s border war?

Israeli saber-rattling?

A Cold War issue?


Break point or trigger:

Nationalization of the Suez Canal

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Charles.D.SmithNasser’s nationalization of the Suez Canal set in

motion a series of events leading to a joint Israeli-French-British attack on Egypt. His action was not so much the cause of the aggression as the excuse for it. All had expressed before nationalization, separately or jointly, the desire to invade Egypt and destroy Nasser….

Ben Gurion was determined to attack preferably with French alliance or even without it.

Nevertheless Israel was left out of discussions in the immediate aftermath of the nationalization because of British objections to their inclusions the French kept the Israelis involved

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Charles Smith on Ben Gurion’s motives• Elimination of Nasser was his first

priority• Partition of Jordan with the West bank

going to Israel• Fixing of Israel’s borders with Lebanon• Suez canal would come under

international control• The Straits of Tiran to come under Israeli


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Palestine Israel Conflict: Gregory Harms and Todd M. Ferry

• According them the influence of the Cold War in Middle Eastern politics a key factor

• There was a pronounced Anglo-American initiative to establish alliances as buffers to Soviet interest in the region

• It was feared that the Arab states would turn to the USSR

• Hence Baghdad Pact of 1955• Members were Iraq, UK, US, Turkey, Iran and

Pakistan ( northern axis to contain USSR)

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Gregory Harms and Todd M. Ferry• Nasser was unwilling to co-operate in the

arrangements.• He saw these pacts as attempts to sustain

western control in the region• This conflicted with Nasser’s view on

Pan Arab nationalism– Therefore he supported Algeria in its bid for

independence from France– Had contempt for Israel as he saw it as an

instance of western imperialism.

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Nasser: the new leader• 1954 took over and President• Pan Arab outlook and anti colonialist

– Arab world should become independent and free of foreign controls

– It was right to topple regimes of countries under foreign rule

• Dependent on the USA for aid but gradually relations soured over Lavon affair and US refusal to upgrade defenses for Egypt

• Nasser plays a key role in Bandung Conference of 1955

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Suez facts:

• Suez Canal opened in1869( 99yr lease)• Britain and France were the major share

holders in the Suez Canal company• Since 1882, Egypt and Canal zone under

British military control• Britain the major share holder by 1955• 1/3 or of all ships passing through were


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Significance of Suez Canal• Middle East provided 80% of

Europe’s oil• 45% of that oil passed through the

Suez• 1955 British made an agreement with

Nasser only to withdraw military from bases around the Suez

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Israel’s reaction• Did not want British withdrawal• Israeli leaders Ben Gurion saw it as a threat• Lavon affair.. Bombs set off in British and

American embassies in Cairo and blame to be put on Egypt to force termination of the agreement

• Lavon affair discovered Israel’s links established

• Lavon affair not known by PM Moshe Sharett

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Massacre at Gaza Feb 1955• 11days after the discovery of the

Lavon affair• Followed low level border conflicts• Fedayeen ( arab terrorists ) sponsored

by Nasser• Nasser claimed this was necessary

because of Israeli actions• Israel saw this as a threat to her


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USSR and Nasser sign an arms pact

• September 1955• Arms deal with Czechoslovakia

worth 400m• USSR basically had made inroads

into the Middle East security cordon• Follows French and US refusal to

help Egypt until it stopped supporting regime change in Northern Africa

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USSR motives?( Ian J Bickerton)• A convenient way to embarrass and challenge

the west and to outflank the NATO• USSR wanted a shift in the international balance

of power• Initially Israel supported by the USSR• Israel support of USA in the Korean War soured

relations• Russian attitude to anti semitism• US and Israel Defence pact sent USSR into an

arms pact with Egypt.

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Impact of USSR’s presence in the

region• USSR and Syria sign an arms deal• Jordan and Cairo forced into a deal• Only Iraq remained within Baghdad

Pact…but increasingly isolated

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USA blocks funds• Even after arms deal, USA willing to supply Egypt

with loans to build the massive Aswan dam project• Nasser initially not interested in US offer of help• Finally USA withdrew offer under intense

domestic pressure and pressure from Nationalist China

• Nasser decided to recognize Republic of China• USA cancelled loans• Egypt decided to nationalise the Suez canal

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• the Suez Crisis

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Why did France get involved in this war?

• Anti colonial movements• Arms build up

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The countdown to war : Sevres Conference 22nd -24th October 1956

• Sevres Protocol a secret document• Parties involved Israel, France and

GB• Blue print for the attack drawn up• Israel to attack and move up to

16miles of the canal and force and Egyptian withdrawal

• Egyptian refusal would lead to UK and France involvement

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The attack….• 100,000 Israeli troops mobilized and

attacked across the Sinai• Halted 10 kms away from Suez canal• Israeli attack unopposed as Egypt

was taken by surprise.• British planes from Cyprus attacked

the oilfields. Nasser had to withdraw troops from the Sinai to protect the oilfields.

• Rout by Israel of Egyptian troops

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Map of the Suez Crisis

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• Egypt refused British-French orders to withdraw from Canal Zone

• GB and Fr. Responded with air attacks on positions in the Suez zone

• GB called upon population of Egypt to overthrow Nasser

• By joining the attack British and French neutrality a clear sham

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Role of the UN• Matter discussed at the UN on the

30th of October• UK and France vetoed resolution

calling for ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli troops

• Invasion continued. By 5th November Israel in control of most of the area up to Port Said

• British landed troops in Port Suez

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USSR & USA• USSR threat to use force brought the

campaign to a halt, if the Israelis did not withdraw and GB failed to cease operations

• US furious at not being consulted. US did not like Nasser but did not agree with Brit-French action

• US condemned the action as well and threatened to cancel subsidies worth 1m USD to GB

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Britain• For Britain it was a humiliating climb

down• Eden the British PM had clearly

underestimated Arab solidarity• Led to Eden’s resignation in Jan 1957

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UN Role

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Outcome of the war

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Winners or Losers?

Israel? Egypt?

UK and France



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Israel• Upset USA which threatened to impose

sanctions• Even threatened to expel Israel from the UN

for its adventurism• Demanded Israel's withdrawal from the

Sinai• Israel lost a total of 231 troops in all• Held the Gaza strip and gained control of

Sharm-al Shaikh the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba

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USA• Its plots in the region were pre-

empted by the war• WAS able to enforce its will on the

crisis and effect the withdrawal of the UK , France and Israel

• Proclamation of the Eisenhower Doctrine in Jan 1957

• March 1957 the USA joins the Baghdad Pact

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