the sociocapitalism

The Sociocapitalism For a Better World Paulo José F. Valente @pjvalente 2009

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Sociocapitalism is a term that has been fallaciously stated by Peter Drucker in his book, "Post-Capitalist Society, published in 1993."The book The Sociocapitalismo - for a better world, depicts the real economic system intuited by Drucker, the result of convergence between capitalism and socialism, now under way in the world.The global crisis we live in is a time of adjustment and transition to this new post-capitalist economic system.


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The Sociocapitalism For a Better World

Paulo José F. Valente



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"Who understands love, and who understands works for a world better ".

Francisco Candido Xavier


"I dedicate this book to all workers who

one way or another working for a

better world”.

The book The Sociocapitalism for a Better World - is a independent

work. This book was translated from the original Portuguese into

English automatically, with the help of Google translator. Therefore, it is natural

that differences of interpretation occur and thus translation. If that hinder the

understanding of the reader, I am available for any clarifications that may be


Paulo José F. Valente

@ pjvalante



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INDEX Presentation 4 Chapter. I – The Natural Evolution of Capitalism 12 Chapter. II – Convergence: Capitalism & Socialism 27 Chapter. III – The sociocapitalism 43 Chapter. IV – Sociocapitalism & Better World 76 Chapter. V – Conclusion 107 Annex I – Pyramid of Power 112 Annex II – Sociocapitalism:

The ultimate convergence of the do Capitalism & Socialism 113 Annex III – Commandments of Citizen Globalized 116 Annex IV – Key questions about the Fund's Capital Worker – FCW 117 Glossary 120 Biographical references 125 Bibliographies 128


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The origin of this book

After the 70's, the world had clear signs of improvement in its troubled political

and social framework. U.S. president Jimmy Carter who ruled from 1977 to

1981, had signed the SALT-2 treaty with the former Soviet Union and that

was an important event because addresses the reduction of nuclear

weapons between the two superpowers. The treaty was not the best of all worlds,

because even nuclear weapons still exist, but the chance of the world turn to

dust overnight considerably reduced.

Carter, against the previous Republican administrations, also worked extensively in support of democratic openness in Latin America. So much so that in 1977, met with General Geisel, then president of Brazil, to discuss the democratic opening in Brazil. Later, President Geisel conservative opposition to the summit military, General Figueiredo was able to impose his successor as the President of the Republic. Figueiredo was the military style of the time that the media loved to mock. A General untimely had come to say that he preferred the smell of the horse "Smell of the people." After all, Figueiredo was really determined to make the transition to democracy in Brazil and did so, although I do not bet a penny on it, because this was a difficult and time unclear where the soldiers lay down and rolled, promoting disappearance of People, censoring the press, abridging the freedom of expression and inhibiting economic initiatives.

However this scenario black and intolerable, it was not characteristic only of

Brazil and in many other countries, especially in Latin America, the situation was

same or worse. The Latin American dictators on duty chased communists and

their enemies "abominable" ideology as the cat

chases the mouse, without truce and without mercy. This absurd persecution

killed thousands of innocent people who paid with their lives, not to mention

of so many more orphaned or traumatized.

In contrast to the "left" bellicose who fought for an ideal some what

obscure, fought back practicing more terrorist attacks, kidnappings and guerrilla

warfare intensified. How to throw fuel on the fire. And this picture of exaggeration


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And intolerance on both sides resulted in so-called "dirty wars". An "anything goes"

of trying to bomb, torture, betrayal and death of innocents. Dirt that the

parties engaged and hid.

In fact the "dirty wars" were chess pieces of the strategic global game of "cold

war". Somewhat ironic expression used to describe the contest waged

by nervous military hegemony between the former Soviet Union and the United

States; superpowers who were always willing to start a preventive nuclear war,

which could reduce the world to a ash heap.

In the fall of the U.S. arms insane, who considers himself "the pillar of world

democracy," supported friendly dictators with weapons, money and information. On

the other hand, the Union Soviet, which controlled and persecuted its citizens with

"iron fists", did the same supporting dictatorships and socialist infiltrated dissident

groups in capitalist countries. And as a social cancer of the damned

“Dirty war" spread to the world. It was like that in Brazil, Argentina, Chile

and elsewhere in the world.

Well, it was foggy at the time of our history that I joined the faculty of economics

and, like all idealistic young man tried to read books that addressed the issue

of social justice. After all, what was at stake on the planet at that time, was the

struggle for supremacy between the two economic systems: capitalism and

communism, led by U.S. and USSR respectively and I wonder what would be


The confrontation x capitalism communism was masked by several

other conflicts of interest, eg, the North against the South, the rich against

the poor, the developed countries against developing countries, or even

between nuclear powers and non-nuclear countries. However the polarity in world

affairs capitalism and communism was always involved.

I remember that time that students took a radical stance on the subject. Or were

pro-capitalist or purple were pro-communist staunch. There was no middle

ground. Fortunately I tried to analyze things in a more free as possible, because,

for any prospect that the world was observed, it was possible to note from ills of

capitalism or communism in politics, economics and other social aspects. So it was

always possible to blame the enemy side by troubles in the world.


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I remember that time that students took a radical stance on the subject. Or were

pro-capitalist or purple were pro-communist staunch. There was no middle

ground. Fortunately I tried to analyze things in a more free as possible, because,

for any prospect that the world was observed, it was possible to note from ills of

capitalism or communism in politics, economics and other social aspects. So it was

always possible to blame the enemy side by troubles in the world.

To do so just check the history of time: the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the

Soviet Union, the Americans committed atrocities in Vietnam and the performance

of dictatorships sponsored by the powersleaders.

The story also reported the sad massacre of the people in which Cambodian

communist dictator Pol Pot killed more than a million people between 1975

and 1979.

The massacre of civilians occurred in the Heavenly Square in Beijing, committed by the communist regime in 1989, was another fact that also stained red the history of mankind. And also what about the Cuban dictatorship that holds people captive and oppressed today? As if notices in these cases is impossible to separate politics from economics and political economy. In Brazil, for example, was easy and convenient to blame the United States and International Monetary Fund by our monstrous foreign debt and for our tardiness. However the biggest culprits were our politicians corrupt, which unfortunately are still in the bowels of power today.

Far from the passions by either radical economic system I studied some of the

world's leading economists: Keynes, Marx, Hengel, Samuelson, Milton Friedman,

Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Krugman, Adam Smith, Malthus, Ricardo, Amartya Sen,

among others. I studied also the father of modern management, Peter Drucker.

Mostly his work - "The Post-Capitalist Society," written in 1993, which served as

reference for writing this book.

In fact, the idea of writing the book germinated in my mind in the first year of

college, more precisely on the day I participated in an event where two big shots of

the Brazilian economy were talking about the giant Brazilian foreign debtand on

the external account imbalances the country, which by then had dismal economic

performance. Those "big shots" were renowned masters of Brazilian schools and

had different approaches of economics.


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The big shot was the first teacher and a doctorate in

economics João Sayad, University of Sao Paulo - USP, in the eyes

of school students excel in "cold economy" of numbers and their results. The

other was the big teacher and also a doctorate in economics Luciano Coutinho, the

University of Campinas - Unicamp, an institution that takes into account the human

beings behind the numbers on the economy. That was the big difference in our

eyes. What is the economy beings humans are considered a bunch of

numbers and figures? And what about social justice?

After a barrage of numbers, diagnoses and prognoses of the Brazilian economy,

opened the session of questions to students. And, intuitively sought understanding

between the two antagonistic economic systems treading the "middle way" did the

following question to the panelists respond:

- You diagnosed, essential and predicted numbers cited about the Brazilian

economy, but Brazil is considered Belindia; a mixed country of Belgium developed

and underdeveloped India. And I say that the government enter sand leaves the

government, economic policy remains the same and always serving the interests of

part of "Belgian" in the country. I ask: what should be done to develop the part

of "India" of our country?

The dour Sayad understood my question as a criticism of him and refused

to answer it, saying that the issue was notraised topic of the lecture and gave the

floor to another student. However the teacher Luciano Coutinho intervened, saying

that my question was very important. He also said that in his opinion, the

government was not doing much to develop the late part of Brazil. To

Coutinho government does not do enough to address the issue of poverty in

which millions of Brazilians live up to.

I was happy with the words of Professor Luciano Coutinho, yet not

getting an adequate response to what the "political-economic system

ideal "to contemplate a fair social and economic development sustainable:

capitalism or communism? This was the crucial issue for me.

On second thought maybe the teacher could not answer Coutinho what

interested me. For the military regime of coercion and censorship still prevailed at

the time and many people were arrested just for saying in public things

that displeased the government. In any case, it was from that day I endeavored

to discover the answers he sought.


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The global transformations

After I graduated from college in economics in 1984, much water has passed under

the bridge. The world changed and changed quickly. I considered the following

year as a positive landmark in Brazilian history and world. In our country the

military returned to barracks and civilians took on the presidency through

democratic elections. Out side the Iron Curtain, was named as the former USSR by

his enemies, economic reform initiated by newly appointed Mikael Gorbachev,

signaling better times come.

Horever in 1987 was the fall of the Stock Exchange of New York,

almost surpassing the 1929 crash, a fact indicating that shook the world something

was wrong with American capitalism, considered the vanguard of world capitalism.

The crisis of 1987 also showed how global capitalism was interdependent and it

was so vulnerable, because a sneezein a powerful country could turn

into pneumonia in a country underdeveloped. It also reveals the supremacy of

capitalism and volatile financial over productive capital, and how

dangerous this was speculative financial supremacy. These facts have

motivated many

economists seeking formulas to regulate international financial transactions in

order to reduce risks and avoid cascading breakers, the so-called domino effect.

However not everything was bad in That year of 1987,

considering that the U.S. and the USSR signed a treaty Providing for

the Reduction of Their nuclear arsenals. Although the treaty was not ideal as it best

that would end once with all nuclear weapons, but it was a

good start and humanity had this perception.

Further, precisely in 1991, Gorbachev resigned from power in a crisis and

this important fact marked the dissolution of the USSR, for worldly

happiness. Henceforth there would be only one hegemonic superpower: the United

States of America. And that was not good for humanity, because the imbalance of

power, as history shows, always whets greed and war. And that was clearly

demonstrated later with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which are still in



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The fall of the Soviet empire and the supremacy un

challenged U.S. caused an excitement in the capitalist world. It was at that

time so that the magician of modern management Peter Drucker launched

the book - "The Post-Capitalist Society" where mentioned as pension funds were

revolutionizing America. Drucker aptly wrote that capitalism was in the process of

"metamorphosis" and that "capitalism of the few "transformed into

the "capitalism for everyone."

Across the planet, Communist China who wisely made some important

economic reforms in 1978, transforming its rigid "centrally planned economy,"

in an "open economy and market-oriented" in order to leverage his then-stagnant

economy. At that time was beginning to reap the fruits of success, to grow

with impressive annual growth rates around 10% per year, causing envy in many


In fact, the bold transfusion of "capitalist blood" into the socialist system has enabled China to return to a giant of the world economy, we all respect and admire. Ironically, when Communist China powers the economy, converging to the "prescription" capitalist, implementing the "market socialism", the United States converged on the so-called "socialization market "mentioned by Drucker, indicating that there was a convergence between these economic systems. Whats truck me with new questions in mind, imagining the future of "post-capitalist society" mentioned by him, which divide the capital among the workers would be commonplace and very lucrative.

At the same time also imagined the profile of the "post-socialism" in Russia,

China and other "communist countries", where rich became glorious.

In this context I tried to study the transformations occurring in the world after the

great cyclical financial crises, due to the globalized world; imagine

the consequences that would have on the convergence of economic systems.

However lacked a theoretical model that would serve as a benchmark to

analyze these changes and explain where convergence would come. And

the worst, I could not find any books in bookstores that dealt with

the matter. So this prompted me to develop it.


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Then, from the issues mentioned above, I started to work intensively on

the development of the model, from the ultimate convergence between

socialism and capitalism, substantiate the "post-socialism" and "post-capitalism,"

as a political-economic system only one of the 21st century.

To name the new political-economic system that emerges embraced the

term "sociocapitalism." Not the poor "fund socialism pension, "by

Peter Drucker mentioned fallacious. But the "real sociocapitalism," which mixes the

best practices correctly of capitalism and socialism.

Book Contents

To display the "sociocapitalism" that appears in the world to transform our lives

and contribute to a better world, tried to write this book in a clear, simple

and without many economic numbers, that we could reach a different audience:

students, housewives, workers, teachers, retirees, businessmen and

others. So divide the contents of the book into five chapters

In the first chapter - "The Natural History of Capitalism" approach

the development of capitalism, as a result of natural evolution of other economic

systems that took place throughout the history of humanity.

Lightning also deals with the emergence of socialism that emerged in

opposition to the injustices of the capitalist system. Citing the tension

caused between these two antagonistic economic systems, e specially during

the "cold war" and the dire consequences that resulted to the world.

In the second chapter: - "The Convergence: Capitalism &Socialism" point

out the conceptual and practical changes that occur in

capitalism and socialism, indicating that both converge quickly to a new

political and economic system called sociocapitalism. Especially after the end

of American empire in 2007, which, In turn, enabled

consensus among nations that "global problems require global solutions"

adopted by the UN. For all these reasons

sociocapitalism certainly prevail in the 21st century global society, supported

by a United Nations New, powerful, active and fair.


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In the third chapter: - "The Sociocapitalism" mention the facts that indicate that

the true sociocapitalism emerges in the world and it will bring prosperity and social

justice for all. Also present sociocapitalism fundamentals, which will no doubt

revolutionize the 21st century global society.

In the fourth chapter: - "Sociocapitalism & Better World" aboard the positive

contribution that this system has to offer to humanity. Especially in terms of

prosperity, social justice and global sustainable development.

In this chapter we also mention the crucial role that this system will for the

emergence of a "new UN", more just, representative and active.

Finally, the fifth and final chapter, I present the “Conclusion"

on sociocapitalism and its important contribution to building the New United

Nations, in search of a better world for everyone in the the planet.


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Chapter I

The Natural Evolution of Capitalism

Capitalism was not born overnight, it is the result of long evolution of other economic systems that preceded it over the history of mankind. Therefore, the roots of capitalism today are steeped in the early days, when early humans still lived in the darkness of ignorance and ceased to be nomads. At that time our ancestors produced obscure in their own lands all they needed. However, over time, this was not always possible, because they produced the goods were scarce, but human needs have no limits. Perhaps for this reason that envy, quoted a cardinal sin in the Bible, is a powerful source of dissatisfaction and unhappiness that has plagued man today.

Given the limited productive mentioned, humans sought to change

the seniority of their surplus production, for desired goods that belonged to

his neighbors. This is how it came the mode of production Mankind's oldest,

called barter.

Those were difficult times of "barter", because the currency did not exist and

this fact severely hinder trade, generating long and

tiresome disputes with respect to the values of commodities exchanged. Imagine

for example, the difficulty of exchanging grain for sheep?

So to facilitate the exchange of products and commodities, the ancients

had a brilliant idea and invented the coin, which at that time meant money,

because paper money was only invented in China thousands of years

after the appearance of it.

In reality, the coin was a brilliant idea was, as well as facilitating trade, it allowed to hoard wealth for future use. Before the appearance of them was impossible for a producer of perishable fruit or fish, for example, store it as a store of value for a very long time, inevitably rot because these products. As the currency is not practical and that can be stored for an indefinite time, its use became widespread. Note that money, wealth and property, which are common tools in the present capitalist system, are not creations of this. Anyway, trade and currency were important for the development of ancient cities like Babylon, Thebes, Jerusalem, Carthage, Athens and Rome, which flourished and prospered, propelling the arts, sciences and civilization.


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Those first cities that emerged and prospered in the land, resulted in nations that used agriculture and animal husbandry as basis of their economy. So that the fields were so important to the development of cities, a fact summed up the popular saying: "If cities are destroyed and their fields preserved cities tore build. However, if cities are preserved and destroyed their fields, they will not survive. " Despite the great importance of agriculture and animal husbandry at the time, in the cities the craftsmen were producing a wide variety of utensils and tools used in domestic, military, medical, among others. What happens is that these tools demanded products manufactured mineral or organic that sometimes were not found in the country and had to be imported from other nations, and this greatly boost international trade and also the wars. To the extent that the exchange of commodities caused sharp conflicts of interest.

Modern archeology has revealed that in ancient Egypt and Babylon,

many centuries before the birth of Jesus Christ, there were veritable factories of

mass production, especially of military artifacts. And workers also received

payments for services performed. Just do not know for sure if there was then the

"division of labor." A important part that make up the board of capitalism today.

However, it is very likely that at that time there was also a "division of labor"

as a craftsman always left the less important tasks for their learners and tiresome.

The type of economy that prevailed in the early civilizations of the Earth

was called "Asian mode of production." A

system that was used biblical pharaohs, emperors and kings, who represented

the power of God to the people on earth; supported by powerful armies. It was

thus in the Middle East, India, China, Africa, Europe, and even

in pre-Columbian America, especially those empires: Mayan, Aztec and Inca.

That glorious time when the gods ruled the skies and powerful "protected" the

emperors who ruled the earth, there were the poor peasants, retained ownership

of the lands of representatives, on a "collective servitude" that allowed them taken

off the land and their livelihood of his family. However, excess production was

"taxed" by the nobility. So, so divine nothingness of social relationship, the hard

work of the people in the field supported the life of luxury and good

priests and nobles who lived in cities.


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To worsen the situation of the poor peasants, they also needed to sustain the

military, and they were numerous, as the more famous was the

city, raise the most greedy invaders and adventurers

spoils or sought to dominate the government and people, in order to receive taxes.

Hence the need for wealthy nations possess powerful armies to defend

themselves. The dark side of this issue military practice is its high

cost, and people need to work hard to pay it. This fact is due to a difficult

problem, the government strategists must consider. An

army is an underestimated danger to the survival of the nation, an army on the

other hand is an overrated waste that must be avoided, because someone

always pays the bill and this one is the people, which ultimately may rebel at the

situation and overthrow the government. So the solution to this complex problem is

to find the "size" of the military ideal in terms of cost, technique and efficiency,

and the maintenance does not displease the people.

The fact is that the "Asian mode of production", with its many agricultural communities, supported the development of big cities in the past. And that made possible the emergence of the first class societies, and the consequent tension between them, as the social relationship involved exploiters and exploited, with different and conflicting interests at stake. Centuries later the conflict between the classes of exploiters and exploited, oppressors and oppressed, was dealt with brilliantly by Karl Marx. After the Asian mode of production arose in Greece another system whose name says it all: slavery. And interestingly, there also we find another deep roots of capitalism, perhaps its strongest pillar: democracy. Ironically, at the political-economic system "suis generis", "democracy" and "slavery" lived side by side. To get an idea of this aberration that history tells us, 20,000 free citizens, those who were entitled to vote in the "democracy" dominated 400 000 slaves who had no voting rights, as well as the wives of free citizens.

Yet Greece's famous generals strategists knew very well use the power of its "democracy", joining it to the slave labor and its powerful army. So once dominated a large part of the ancient world and can spread their culture, which is currently one of the main pillars of Western civilization.


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The story also tells us that empires do not last forever, and the Greek rule was no exception. He was overwhelmed by the Roman Empire and this occurred in two stages. Rome conquered the first step in the domain of the Western Mediterranean, Carthage won, then a prosperous Phoenician city in North Africa. This occurred in the third Punic War (150-146 BC). In the second step, Rome conquered the eastern Mediterranean, won successively, Macedonia, Greece, Syria, Asia Minor, Palestine and finally Egypt in 30 BC. There around the fifth century AD did another interesting production system called feudalism. What contributed to its emergence was the destruction of the Western Roman Empire: the numerous barbarian invasions and bad economic policies implemented by the Roman emperors.

As a result of the fall the Western Roman Empire, Europe began to experience low population density and little urban development; arising from deaths caused by wars, disease and public insecurity in the regions weakened by poverty. Because of these factors the noble Romans withdrew from the cities, for fear of being enslaved or robbed. On the trail led them to places far from their servants and goods, thus contributing to the birth of the feudal economy of the West, based on a self-sufficient economy, predominantly agriculture and low circulating coins. The backbone of that feudal agrarian society was composed of three social groups: the nobility, clergy and peasants. The nobility was composed of feudal lords, their families and relatives, and they had considerable political power over the other classes. For the king gave them land, considering the wealth of the time, and they in turn, in exchange, military swore loyalty to him. So the feudal lords were regarded as "vassals" of the king.

The clergy exercised a considerable political power because of the religiosity of

the people. So in the name of God and the popular faith, he negotiated its support

for the feudal lords, to discourage revolts against them, who in turn rewarded in

many ways.

History shows that when the powerful confabulate; is always the people

who suffer and pay the bill. So the poor peasants,

considered the "serfs" in the condition of virtual slavery, had to work hard to sustain

the social oppressive feudalism that required it.


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The oppressive feudal scheme worked as follows. In exchange for permission to

use the land and military protection, the servants were obliged to pay various

taxes. If nothing else, they were also required to provide a service to the nobility for

a few days during the year.

In the feudal lords of the lands were divided into three parts. The gentle master, for the exclusive use of the feudal lord; the meek servant - the land leased to the servants, and finally the gentle communal, that the Commons were the nobles and peasants - the pastures, woods and forests. It really was not an easy life for the people at that time because the number of servants needed to fulfill obligations that they cost a lot of sweat and when not, the nose. To get an idea of the size of the holding that the servants were subjected mention some obligations that they must meet:

- Compulsory labor in the land of the feudal lord some days


- Paying for use of property of the manor as mills, kilns, barns and bridges.

- Each member of the family of peasants should pay a tax to the feudal lord.

- The servant should pay 10% of its production (tithe).

- Free people, the so-called "villains" who lived in villages, should pay a

tribute called "census."

- Serfs and villains should pay to the feudal lords to be tried in the courts of the


- When a noble or a relative was getting married, every servant was obliged to

pay a fee to help with the wedding.

- The servant was obliged to host the feudal lord and his family if necessary.

With so many fees, taxes and duties, the help they received from the

noble clergy to keep the people "lamb" was understandable and useful. But even

so there was always a latent social tension between the nobles and serfs exploited.

Over time, many European cities of the Middle Ages have become free from the

yoke of the nobility. These cities were called "boroughs" and its inhabitants were

called "bourgeois." Over time, the bourgeoisie began to count on the support of the

king, and so they came into conflict of interest with the nobles. Later in

history these rich bourgeoisie and began to explore large-scale labor-wage

labor. While the nobility, in turn, went into decline,


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which is not to say that many current capitalist not descended from those noble, for

the rich and powerful always adapt to the cyclical situations at any time in history. It

must be also consider that the "nobility" is still a reality in many countries in the

world today, especially in Europe, where it has very great wealth and social


Mercantilism slave allowed to accumulate wealth to Europe from the colonies in

the Americas, especially gold and silver, which boosted European prosperity and

enabled emergence of capitalism due to the industrial revolution in England

second half of the eighteenth century.

With the English industrial revolution serving as a powerful leaven,

bourgeoisie gained the top of the economic chain. And capitalism can

flourish so overwhelming, promoting material progress and

technology unprecedented in human history.

Capitalism can be analyzed in different optics; capitalism commercial, industrial

capitalism and financial capitalism. In any , the search for maximum profit is

present in any of these stores. However, the boom in stock markets seen in

the world, especially after the second world war, promoted an excessive

concentration of wealth in the hands of financial capitalism, dominated by large

Banks. And this factor led to serious distortions in trade and production

world. The proof is in this current global financial crisis, which has

"merit" unprecedented shake up both the capitalist countries as the

countries considered "socialist." And this financial chaos was only possible

result of the globalized world interdependence. Making very current

the statement that "we are all in the same boat."

The Crisis of Capitalism

It's important to say that the economic crisis and its disorders are part of human

history. No economic system became immune to them, because their causes are

due to various factors such as revolutions, wars, social instability, religious riots,

among others, that come with human development since time immemorial.

In ancient Rome, for example, there was a great revolt against slavery, led

by origin a Thracian gladiator named Spartacus (120 BC to 70 BC), which became

known as "war of the slaves." And this war was for real, because Spartacus was


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able to lead a strong army consists of more than 100,000 ex-slaves, and this was

not all, see what the writer Plutarch mentioned about him:

"Spartacus was a man intelligent and cultured, more Hellenistic than barbaric." However, despite the unparalleled courage and great intelligence strategist, Spartacus was defeated by the Roman imperial army and slavery continued for many centuries more.

In terms of instability and crises, capitalism also does not escape rule. Fact is

that in 1873 there was the first great capitalist crisis

also called the "long depression" due to the fact that it last until the year

1896. Well, this crisis occurred with the collapse of the rail industry;

until then grew at a breakneck pace and provided good profits. However, when the

railroad industry has consolidated, there was a break

sharp in business that brought down prices and profits, which has led many

companies into bankruptcy. The crash in the railway sector induced an

cascade that has infected other sectors of the economy, causing bankruptcies

generalized and mass unemployment.

The tragedy of the "long depression" was great. of the 364 existing

railway companies in the U.S., 84 of them failed. And the crisis is not

was restricted to American soil, the economies of England, Germany and Italy

were severely affected. How disastrous consequences

of international bankruptcy, in addition to mass unemployment and

numerous bankruptcies of companies arose that monopoly capitalism

tried at all costs to control to the detriment of competition consumers.

Another great capitalist crisis occurred on October 24, 1929 – the called "Black

Thursday" when the New York Stock Exchange crashed,

causing a monstrous mess.

In that fateful month the New York Stock Exchange fell40%, causing a cascading bankruptcies, where thousands of companies were ruined and 1 / 3 of the American population has lost their job in the following year.

Later the U.S. crisis has infected Germany as they emerged from the first world

war, with American money. France in turn, he received the German

war reparation, also accused the U.S. thud.


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The "Black Thursday" also made great havoc in Brazil, for the U.S. were

big buyers of our coffee. With the U.S. market in crisis the amount of

coffee exported fell and downed the price of this product. The perverse

combination of the reduction in the amount of coffee exported with the price

drop significantly affected the Brazilian economy.

To combat the crisis the U.S. government of that country implemented the

"New Deal", a mega economic project that sought to increase public spending to

create jobs and solve the crisis.

On the Brazilian side the government sought to buy large stocks of coffee to recover the price. So after the 1929 crisis the Brazilian state became more interventionist, with a strong direct presence in economy, especially after the creation of the National Steel Industry and Petrobras. It is worth mentioning that at that time, forced by economic circumstances, government intervention in the economy has become a worldwide phenomenon. Later in the timeline occurred in 1973 the famous "oil shock" when the price of the product shot on the international market, affecting almost all economies, since our civilization is extremely dependent on this product. Making perverse effects side affect powerful economies like the U.S., Europe and Japan for inflation that triggered, significantly affecting trade international level. As a positive development of the oil crisis in Brazil, the Brazilian government sought alternative sources of energy and ended up creating the pro-alcohol, which drove the Brazilian automotive industry to produce more fuel.

Japan, which also relies heavily on imported oil, decided to invest in the

electronics industry, to produce high value products aggregate intended for

export, the intention to carry out foreign trade surpluses and thus

promote prosperity for its people.

In 1987 came another major financial crisis in capitalism, when the

Dow Jones of the New York Stock Exchange recorded the largest drop in its

history. In a single day the Dow Jones, which is very important to the global

financial market, tumbled 22.6%. But what caused this traumatic slump?


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In fact there was a combination of three factors potentially dangerous: a slowing

economy, the weak dollar and fears of default on bank loans. these factors

combined caused panic in the U.S. market and polluted Europe and Japan As a

result of widespread panic, Brazil broke and so was forced to suspend foreign debt


So to combat this massive financial crisis, the central banks of

world quickly lowered their interest rates for businesses back to normal, which

ended up happening. No one before we leave great lesson, because

it demonstrated the potential of rapid spread in globalized financial

markets, hitherto neglected.

A decade later, more precisely in 1997, was the Asian crisis. And it all started

with a rapid process of capital flight, combined with a devaluation, which occurred

between the so-called Asian tigers: Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia,

and Philippines. Then again entered the world market in a panic, because that

market was considered solid and reliable, causing the overthrow of stock

exchanges around the world. However, Brazil was able to leave this crisis relatively


Reflecting the Asian crisis, commodity prices collapsed in the

world. What profoundly affected Russia in 1998, as she was very dependent on

exports of commodities such as gas oil and natural. So the Russian

government had been severely affected by falling international prices, it

gave defaulting on its foreign debt Private short term. This drastic

measure spooked investors international and they are avoiding emerging markets .

After spending the Asian crisis without having felt its effects, Brazil was affected in the quake filled with Russian, and had to face a serious crisis of U.S. dollar drain. But the Brazilian government acted quickly to avoid the worst, raising the interest rate to a stratospheric level of 45% per year, in early 1999. A "remedy" bitter that the Brazilian people is feeling the side effects today. How evil never comes alone, the monetary authorities of the time were forced to weaken the currency, which until then had parity with the dollar, thus a measure traumatic for the Brazilian public accounts. Continuing on the timeline of capitalist crises, in March 2000 broke the "Internet bubble". The history of this crisis is simple. The high-tech companies grew rapidly since 1995 and so were the prices of their shares overvalued.


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Until one day the price of these shares have plummeted and caused a big crash. It was a mess quite large. For the end of 2000 the company had lost $ 1.7 trillion in market value of their shares. And included in the package of the many companies that failed due to the bursting of that "bubble" was WorldCom, the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history until then. The year 2001 was a milestone for world history, because of the terrorist attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center and other strategic centers of the U.S.. In fact this reprehensible terrorist attack could undermine U.S. credibility in the eyes of the world. As a direct result of this attack, sequinte week there was a decrease in the rate of violent actions of the New York Stock Exchange. Thus investors lost lots of money. Some where around $ 8 trillion, or 10% of the total stock market. In 2007 came the "housing crisis in America," also called "credit crunch or liquidity." And she quickly crossed the borders of the country, and became the monster now, which is the "global financial crisis." Most have occurred after the "great depression of 1929." It is known that big fires start from small sparks, so that one component of this crisis was the abundant credit policy implemented by President Bush (the son), to reheat the economy traumatized by the attacks of Osama Bin Laden to the United States. What happened thereafter was a rush of Americans to borrow cheap and buy real estate based on mortgages. And as U.S. banks have been very generous in lending, they turn a blind eye to the risks of default by customers. However this procedure wrong was costly to the U.S. and the world. Back in the real estate loans, U.S. law is rigid and if the borrower does not pay the mortgage, he will lose the property. And it was precisely what occurred in that year black mass of 2007 when real estate prices plummeted, forcing thousands of to give Americans default on loans to banks.

The wave of defaults caused widespread heavy losses on U.S. banks, culminating in the collapse of Lehman Brothers, one of the largest that country. Thereafter, the crash of American companies soon spread in the world market thus consolidating a crisis of "lack of confidence "in the international financial system. This catastrophic results soon appeared, when the sound bank sand fearful, wiped away the money market, pushing the serious problem of liquidity to other sectors of the economy. This fact demanded urgent government intervention, so that the international financial system were not for the bottom.


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Government interventions in the U.S. and much of the developed capitalist countries have formed a unique wave of nationalization in the history of modern capitalism. To get a glimpse of this wave statist, the U.S. government owns 60% of the share capital of the auto company General Motors, already at Bank of America he has Citigrooup 50% and 36%. By now you've probably noticed that this global crisis is quite different from previous crises, and that capitalism is changing the "plain sight". Then you can even question the claim of former minister brazilian Delfin Neto mentioned that: "The emerging markets better and more efficient every crisis." Of course the statement of former Minister Delfin Neto is not completely true nor completely false and, considering the magnitude of transforming the current global crisis is providing, to use the nationalization of strategic and trade regulations, economic and financial measures to alter the profile of capitalism forever. Anyway, despite the sad disorders caused by the capitalist financial crisis, it certainly will improve the market because it is irreplaceable. However, going forward it will no longer "the Almighty".

The truth about the Stock Exchanges

With the global crisis on the agenda of the day there are few people who criticize the role of stock exchanges, branding it a great villain's cruel game speculative capitalism, in which millions of investors lost fortunes overnight. And this is true, but only partly true, because the stock markets have a much more important and beyond the alleged casino, which is to promote efficiency of markets, whether they are productive, financial or economic. It is an essential role in the generation, accumulation, distribution and control of wealth, from which everyone benefits: Investors, borrowers, government and people. In today's world stock markets are the major sources of resources that promote the overall socio-economic progress. Therefore, it is hard to imagine a world without them, so much so that China is using the innovative "market socialism" to promote its progress.


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The reasons that made the stock markets in the major sources of funds that promote material progress are simple: first by the fact that for the borrower of funds the cost of capital is much lower compared to banks. Second, for the lender of financial resources (the investor) is always possible that it performs tempting profits that attractive "market game" that provide grants. Thus, these mechanisms confer attractiveness to them a special dynamic that certainly contributes to boost the productive and social progress of those countries that have it. It is worth noting that the "market game" is for experienced professionals, this does not mean that an investor with limited resources layman and can not participate in it, because the Internet enables access to millions of small investors to the stock market. In any case they should be assisted by experienced financial people, not to lose money. That's all.

The Birth of Socialism

The industrial revolution and capitalism became the most efficient and effective means of generating wealth and promoting prosperity in the history of humanity. Wherever you look, you can see inventions arising from the successful partnership that was the industrial revolution and capitalism: computers, light bulbs, refrigerators, television, movies, cars, planes, trains and everything. However, you know quote some important invention arising out of the socialist system, unless the satellite Sputnik? Not quite heaven and not so much land, so that the birth of capitalism, despite its material successes, it was not as glorious as you might imagine. We must consider the fact hat workers in the early days of capitalism were also exploited as much as workers in other economic systems earlier. For working all day and gained little, their rights were limited and could not go on strike. In plants, many of them unhealthy, even children worked, and so on. It was in this tough environment for the working classes that Karl Marx wrote in 1867 a book entitled "The Capital", where he made a harsh critic of the capitalist system. In the book Marx makes a correct diagnosis of the problems of capitalism, focusing on the exploitation of working class (the workers) by the bourgeoisie (capitalists).And he was brilliant when he said that "all wealth comes from labor." One could refute this assertion, without God in their use argument? So that, according to him, capitalist exploitation is through the appropriation of surplus value generated by the work


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in relation to the amount paid to workers in the form of wages. In this surplus value, Marx called "surplus value" - the capitalist's profit, which the workers are unfairly excluded until today, despite advances in working conditions and labor laws. And that obviously needs to be changed.

Socialism in practice

The practice began in the socialist experiment in Russia through a bloody revolution, which took power in 1917 of Tsar Nicholas II, still in the midst of the first World War. In fact the armies of the Czar did not were working satisfactorily and that the war has generated a great popular discontent against his government, contributing to the socialists to take power. The victorious socialist revolution in Russia in 1917 Ied Lenin, Stalin and Trostsky to power, ushering in a "one-party dictatorship" and culminated with the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - the USSR. Certainly a dark period of socialist history, especially after the death of Lenin, when Stalin took power. For his rule was marked by corruption, persecution, political enemies to death, besides the citizens banned from leaving the country. Trotsky himself had to escape this insane scheme to Mexico and there was murdered, probably by Stalin's secret agents. It is estimated that millions of Soviet people died black under the regime of Stalin. Because of all that the USSR was nicknamed "Iron Curtain". The communist revolutionaries wanted to apply in practice what he preached Marx and other socialists in theory, namely that the means of production should belong to the state. Thus the relationship between exploiters and exploited, the so-called "class struggle" would be extinguished. However, the ills that were occurring in the USSR and other socialist countries indicated that something was not right, as the saying goes: "the theory in practice is another."But what had gone wrong?

Causes of Failure of Socialism

Between theory and practice there is a gap to be bridged, because the reality is not always what we imagine. So that the sciences need evidence and logical explanations. So capitalism has emerged as a natural evolution of other systems that preceded it in time, so he passed the test of practical experience, that only the time allow us to verify and improve. Unlike socialism emerged as an ideology that is opposed to capitalism, which began with the English industrial revolution, where the rich capitalists took advantage of the laboring classes, taking the surplus wealth produced by wage labor.


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The revolutionary socialists took power in Russia to change this reality. So forcibly confiscated private property, taking advantage of one-party dictatorship, endowed with a powerful framework repressive government, with "right" to concentration campsin Siberia, persecution and summary executions of government opponents. The glorious socialist revolution that had begun to defend the rights of the people had turned against him brutally, demonstrating that in practice the socialist government discourse was very different, which caused deep dissatisfaction. After the year 1917 the Soviet dictatorship was consolidated, with the farms and factories moving to control government, which obviously caused resistance from the former owners. Of so that in later years that "resistance" caused the death of millions, and thousands were arrested and sent to Siberia as well Solzenizin portrayed in his book "The Gulag Archipelago." Not only the violent political persecution Communists turned against religion. Then began to persecute religious at all the country as the devil persecutes the poor souls. At the time retrograde and obscure, many churches were closed or destroyed. Only the people Soviet who is very religious, never relinquished his faith, and worship continued to be conducted in secret, as were the early days of Christianity. With the widespread nationalization the Soviet state took over all production of goods and services. And from there the socialist system began to show in practice its serious defects. mainly by fact that the "overall planning" done by the dictatorial government emphasized the production of weapons, rather than the products that the population really needed, such as foods, medicines, appliances and other items. So in this period was a general shortage of goods, forcing the population to face long queues to buy something, especially if it was bread and meat. Alongside the hardships that the Soviet people lived on account of deviations productive, the nomenklatura disproportionately enriched. To make matters worse, that class did not see an inch beyond his nose that were not their own interests. Thus the nomenklatura pathetic accomplished the feat of replacing with "inefficiency astonishing "the odious bourgeois class. As the saying goes: "there is nothing bad that can not get worse," so that the nomenklatura accomplished the feat of being worse for the Soviet people than the actual capitalist bourgeoisie of the Czarist regime. And this was the central point which subsequently led to approach socialism from capitalism.


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Overall the main negative results obtained with the nationalization of the means of production in the former USSR and other socialist countries were as follows:

- Inefficiency of production; - Scarcity and poor quality of products and services; - Termination of entrepreneurial dynamism; - Low production technology and scientific; - Low competitiveness in production and trade, and - Obsolescence of the industrial park.

Certainly we can summarize the causes of failure have three socialist: 1 - The dictatorship of a single party, which never correspond to the popular mood. Communism may have been relatively useful to take the socialist countries of the delay of the past, but will not be useful to place them in the future progress. 2 - The widespread nationalization was inadequate and failed to raise the standard of living. Because of this there as subsequently a selective privatization in many communist countries. 3 - The socialist system did not resolve the conflict of classes, just changed its type. The bourgeois class that exploited workers was replaced by the worst so nomenkatura. So this kind of exploration is still in socialist countries such as China, despite its impressive "success" is finding the global political and economic scenario. Because of these failures mentioned, socialist economies have adopted some capitalistic practices, such as stock exchanges, the private property and market economy. These issues will e adequately addressed in the next chapter.


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Chapter II

Convergence: Capitalism and Socialism

After the Second World War the United States of America emerged with the greatest military and economic power on the planet. Of course, Europe was devastated by the war Hitler's insane. Japan was destroyed and its people feeling the catastrophic effects that the two atomic bombs made in the cities of Hiroshima and Nakasaki. A barbarity consider a holocaust of the Japanese people and for which the U.S. needs to apologize. Russia also had its cities destroyed and his people mourned their twenty million killed during the war. On the other hand in America had not dropped a single bomb. The American people felt the effects of the cruelties of war, when an enemy external destroy whole cities and kill women, children and old people as happened in Russia, or when day and night bomb cities, such as occurred in London, or even in Dresden - Germany, where the Allied firebombing did more than one hundred thousand civilian casualties in less than a week. Due to the preservation of its territory and its people, the U.S. became a haven for world capitals. And it was not only the money that flowed there. Important people and scientists, like Einstein, were also attracted, further boosting the vibrant U.S. economy. In the dirty game of war there is always a beneficiary country, and the second world war has clearly benefited the United States. He left her rich, strong, and as the greatest defender of the free world. For who dared openly defy the United States, after Hiroshima and Nagasaki? With a peaceful and prosperous built environment, U.S. companies could spread to the four corners of the planet. The same occurred with its military bases, power symbols of American economic maximum. In this context militarized after the war, the military radicals who move with ease in American power, devised a complex and ingenious strategic plan, aimed at provoking an arms race with the USSR. The central idea of the plan was simple. As the U.S. economically stronger, he could develop weapons Strategic powerful and expensive. Of course the USSR would not want to fall behind in this race, and also seek to develop other equally powerful weapons and expensive. Until at some point, the weak economy of the USSR collapse, and further sacrifice his suffering people. Then he rose up and overthrew the communists from power. This was the result of planned and expected by Americans.


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The plan went ahead because it had the support of billionaire capitalist military industry, who headed a powerful political lobby in Congress. And as expected the Soviet Union had taken the bait, because he U.S. leaders considered dangerous because they had used pumps atomic Japan killing thousands of women, old people, children and everything else. Barbarities that are responsible for the distrust that world has about the U.S. today. Over time, the U.S. plan to use the arms race under President Ronald Reagan, if proved effective and it paid off. The Soviet economy already crippled, lost breath in the government of Mikael Gorbachev. Then in1987 he wisely started some economic reforms to save the integrity of the USSR. But even so, things are still bad. Until the year 1991, Gorbachev resigned from power. And this year was a very important landmark world, it marked the demise of the USSR and the emergence of a hegemonic superpower, the United States of America. Despite the great American economic and military progress the world worked in silence. The Japanese economy has recovered rapidly in post-war and became the second economy in the world. In turn, Europe has also recovered and joined to form the "economic community European "entitled to a single currency called the Euro and a common passport for their citizens. Few believed that the European community to succeed, because of the enormous differences cultural, but it really did. So, with the recovery of Europe and Japan, there was an intensification of the "international trade war." Fact that caused the miracle of uniting even most Europeans against the economic might of the U.S. and Japan, especially with the entry of Eastern European countries for the community European economic.

Market Socialism

Across the world, Communist China had prudently started major economic reforms in 1978, deploying "socialism market ", thus making a major shift in philosophical socialist ideology, which later proved correct. For as Deng Xiaoping said, "no matter the color of the cat, as long as it catches the mouse"; meaning that China is converging to some successful practices adopted by capitalism, as the inclusion of the Stock Exchanges for investment and business broker. She also began to accept foreign investment risk and to remit profits to the abroad. Recognized the importance of private property and other provisions capitalists.


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It is certain that these economic reforms have worked, and China began to develop rapidly, with growth rates around 10% per year, something unique in the world. The success that China has achieved in the economy and politics, coupled with its large internal market consists of1.3 billion people, made it the most important pole of attraction business world. Which no capitalist intends to stay out of sight, because the progress there is so amazing, that the economic projections indicate that China will be the first economic power in 2030.

Vulnerabilities of socialist China

Every giant has its "Achilles heel", the Chinese juggernaut is no exception. China is a giant vulnerable because it has no democracy. So you can offend at any moment and cause major disruptions to damage his own people and the international community. Dictatorial regimes like the Chinese is a heavy burden for the people, that a day may get tired of this situation and rebel, a fact that causes concern to the world. After all dictators never have good intentions, not to his own people and not with its neighbors. History proves this. Thinking about these issues 300 Chinese intellectuals launched the "Charter 08" on the internet, then won over 8,000 signatures. In fact it is an important manifesto as it proposes fundamental changes in Chinese policy. In practice, if these suggestions are adopted, would certainly result in the end the tyranny of the Communist Party of that country. For among the changes proposals are direct elections, political pluralism, separation of powers and freedom of religion, expression, association and expression. The "Charter 08" presents the picture faithfully the "Achilles heel" of China. And needless to say that its signatories were cruelly persecuted, mainly Gao Zhisheng, the lawyer who gained fame defending members of the religious sect Falun Gong and Christians. Despite being persecuted by the Chinese authorities, is tipped to Zhisheng win a Nobel Peace Prize because of his correct political action. If nothing else the tyranny that the Chinese government submits its people, he does the same with the Tibetan people. For Tibet, which is a highly religious country and that is embedded in the Himalayan Mountains, which has immense natural resources, fundamental reason for China


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to occupy the force in 1954. The occupation of Tibet by the "forces of materialistic Chinese" was so brutal that it caused the destruction of many Buddhist temples and persecution of thousands of priests. Forcing the country's top leader, the Dalai Lama fled to India, where he lives today with his court. In the recent words of the Dalai: "Tibet lives hell on earth under the control of Beijing." Eastern Corporate Success A pleasant surprise occurred after the Second World War, precisely between the 1960 and 1990, was the emergence of so-called "Asian tigers": South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. The word reminds Tiger "grab and aggression" and the idea is the same, since these countries love an aggressive stance in the industrialization and international trade. To achieve its goals the Asian tigers have adopted a simple strategy aimed at leveraging their economies: cheap labor and disciplined, strong incentives to attract foreign venture capital, tax exemptions and finally, the low cost companies to install. And it should be noted that this strategy was followed to the letter by the government and entrepreneurs. This resulted in a mega success planetarium. Part of the success of the "tiger" is also explained by the Japanese economy, booming and that was crucial to create a unique dynamic Asia. The success of Japan as well as leveraged as an example the development of the "Asian tigers". For Japan signed an agreement for commercial and business partnerships that block. Of the countries that make up the tigers, the most striking success is what happened with South Korea, which in the 1960s was a relatively poor. Currently South Korea is an economic giant that owns the famous economic conglomerates such as Samsung, LG and Kia, which are present around the globe. The fact is that Japan, mainland China and the "Asian tigers" in Asia became important center of industrial production in a planetary scale. It has attracted lots of money in venture capital from the rest of the world, significantly altering the flow and composition of international trade. However, this success is that all will in fact benefit the workers as proposed by Marx? In fact is not and will comment further on the cause.


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Turning our attention to the "Asian success", there are other factors that also explain the current boom in the region. The first is the existence of Centralized states and sometimes dictatorial, which make investments in infrastructure and education, to attract foreign venture capital. Another important factor to be considered in the Asian success refers to distribution of income in these countries, which is more balanced in relation to others, and therefore attractive to international investors. It is important to note that Asian workers have little social protection, reduced holidays, reviled and salaries are excessive workday. Factors that make up the shortage of raw materials from those countries, and need to be imported on a large scale. The remuneration of debased Asian workers is a clear example exploitation of workers by capitalists, in spite of the fact that these Industrial countries are making progress enviable. Continuing the analysis of the "Asian success," these countries guided their economies to the outside world, practicing "competitive prices" for their goods; demeaning wages of their workers, something what the French call "social dumping". Certainly the "social dumping" and "protectionism", contain the agenda of World Trade Organization - WTO with a view to the regulation and standards of luxury international trade in the near future. Considering that it is difficult to stem the financial crisis that the world interdependent through if countries step up "and protectionism social dumping, "which neutralized a significant competition in international trade. So much so that the wise words of the leader Mahatma Gandhi summed up this spiritual question:

I hate privilege and monopoly. For me, everything that can not be shared with the masses is taboo. " The humble people is certainly the Biggest Loser in the occurrence social dumping and protectionism in the international market. That is why the issues involved will be fully addressed in a future UN the next. Therefore, a better world is inconceivable to prevail protectionism and social dumping.

Another important factor to explain the "Asian success" comes from the ethical steeped in Confucian East, crucial for the establishment of a model high socioeconomic social balance centered in the hierarchy, discipline and nationalism. In which large corporations are seen as large families, orderly, productive and indispensable. He also noted that Asian countries have made efforts to raise awareness companies and governments of the U.S. and Japan, to conduct business with


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them. And this effort paid off, because the U.S. needed strengthen the region based on capitalism, to turn it into a important barrier against socialism. Especially against socialism China, which since 1978 had begun to gain "muscle" and that economic very concerned about American intelligence, as soon as China soon become a giant and would affect their interests in the region. Above all related to Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and Taiwan.

On the other hand, Japan had a different view on China. there are times Japan dating to the huge Chinese market, willing to do that a country supplement their economy. And with this intention invested there billion, as did other promising regions of Asia. In fact Japan and the U.S., competing fiercely for economic and political spaces in the Asian region since 1950, when the Japanese economy began its economic miracle, betting that the Asian region would be dynamic, prosperous and profitable within a few decades. And the bet was correct.

The Japanese Economic Miracle

The so-called economic miracle of Japan was an event globally important and therefore deserves to be analyzed. For he was shortly after World War II, when that country began to receive pulpy injections of U.S. capital in search of cheap labor and educated. This fact has initiated the recovery of the industrial Japanese destroyed in the war. So the American money was crucial to recover the family business conglomerates – the Zaibatsus. On the other hand, Japan had a large merchant fleet that facilitate imports and exports of goods. The Japanese government's industrial policy instituted in 1950 was consistent and was based on markets overseas, particularly North American. As the Japanese people and hard-working and disciplined, the result did not take long to appear. In 1980 Japan became a economic giant and reached second place in the capitalist world, is only surpassed by his "sponsor", the United States of America.

Today Japan produces almost everything, establishing itself as one of the leaders world in the field of science, technology, production of light machinery and heavy equipment, medicine and many other industrial products. It should also highlight the important contributions in Japanese high-tech areas such as electronics, industrial robotics, optics, semiconductors and nanotechnology. Japan is the single leader of industrial robots, because their companies use more than half of the robots in the world. Fact that gives the country a high productivity, and allows companies to raise workers' wages without causing inflation.


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Another crucial factor that helped a lot in making the "miracle Japanese ", was the large investments made in people's education, without the accelerated industrial progress which the country would not be possible. Wisely, Japan managed to educate and instruct his people, based freedom and creativity in order to face the competitive world of today. Without that the country would not have gained the leadership technology. In fact, the Japanese, as well as instructed, also values much work. So the country is so rich, though not many have natural wealth. Japan is a collective and practical confirmation of the maxim of Karl Marx that "all wealth comes from labor." The people and their Government know they need to work and study hard to produce products with high added value, which will generate foreign exchange to import goods needing like oil, for example. They also know that economic development policy demand high investments in education and strive in that direction. making the education and work great competitive advantage of the Japanese people, that so greatly increases the national wealth.

The other side of the miracle Industrial automation can intensify the class struggle The wages in Japan are relatively higher when compared with other regions of the world. However, Japanese workers are also exploited by the capitalists. For in that country there is also the class struggle. And if nothing is done in the near future, this struggle between exploited and exploiters tend to intensify, due to increasing Automation of the Japanese economy. For automation in their heyday affect the circular flow of Japanese domestic economy. In other words, affect the 'ring money "among economic agents. Not is difficult to understand how this could occur.

Didactically there are three economic agents participate in the flow circular internal economic country: government, business and workers. And such a maelstrom of money works as follows: the workers receive wages or working for companies to government and their salaries they consume goods and services produced by companies. The companies in turn pay taxes to the government and salaries for its employees. In the end they realize profits, with which they make new investments and remunerate its executives and investors, which in turn also will demand of goods and services companies and also pay their taxes to the government. It is observed that in all economic agents involved in the flow circular economy, there is something in common. All they need to win money to meet their needs, spending it on goods or services they need. In other words, earn and spend money to each other, and any changes that these agents were to suffer, for example, due


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to changes in the level of jobs and salaries affected by Automation certainly cause imbalances in the circular sieve money.

That said it is then ask an extreme example of automation business in society, "companies will sell to whom and who”? Using this same reasoning, as workers and government will receive your money to spend on your needs? For this reason, the sociocapitalism fruition in the 21st century, considering it will solve these issues raised about the circular flow domestic economy, from an excessive and automation scenario widespread, among other important issues.

What happened to the USSR?

After the 1970s, while the Asian economies took off and Brazil held its world-renowned "Brazilian miracle", the USSR began to show clear signs that its economy was not going any better. The Soviet people were impoverished, their factories were obsolete and discouraged their workers. To make matters worse products Soviets were of low quality and therefore neglected in the market international level. What most irritated the Soviet consumers were long lines they had to face when they wanted to buy something. And the reason for these queues is always missing on the shelves of products markets and shops. A chaotic picture that Marx never assumed that occurred in communist countries. The desperate situation of the Soviet people in the government reached its peak Gorbachev, and he had to act fast to avoid a major popular revolt against the communist government of his country. So he defended brilliantly before the Soviet Communist Party, which was necessary reshape the Soviet Union (USSR), targeting it to thrive effectiveness and efficiency and would be respected by the world community. Of course, Gorbachev followed, with a hint of envy, Chinese success with its "market socialism" started in 1978.

To the authorities of the Soviet government of Mikhail Gorbachev, the reality was evident. The USSR was falling behind in the military and economical, and it affected their global influence. In fact, the USSR began to falter in the early 70's, when economic indicators clearly showed a sharp drop in worker productivity and life expectancy of the population. Finally, the Chernobyl nuclear accident, which occurred in 1986, demonstrated to the world and confirmed the Soviets themselves, how much USSR was obsolete and poor. Something must be done quickly. It was so then that Gorbachev, with the endorsement of the Soviet Communist Party, went into action with its strategic plan for restructuring based on two pillars: perestroika and glasnost. The Perestroika consisted of a series of economic reforms to boost the socialist economy, including that contained the decrease the military budget of the USSR. This resulted in drastic cuts in spending on armaments and culminated in the


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evacuation of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, who then waged war useless and silly, that it should not have begun, for the story that no foreign power managed to dominate that country. And the Soviet Union was no exception, it lost the war and his troops were expelled from the country so humiliating.

The disarmament policy of Gorbachev was a positive example for the world. Unfortunately the U.S. went in the opposite direction, finding to overwhelm the enemy of the Soviet time. However the growing U.S. weapons have raised the suspicion of the world relation to the purposes and aspirations of the American government, considering that only one superpower clearly affect the global balance. Distrust this compounded by the memory of the atomic bombs released in Japan by the United States, a fact which is reflected in the consciousness of humanity today. From that point of view would be better for everyone and also for the recovery of the American image, if nuclear weapons were eliminated from the planet. It makes some sense the United States continue expanding their arsenals, considering that it is by far the most powerful country militarily? Did they want to intimidate or cause the world?

Continuing the analysis of the USSR, glasnost was the government's plan B Gorbachev, to give freedom of expression for the Soviet press and provide greater transparency of government actions to the population. So the strong censure the government imposed the press was withdrawal.

The new situation of freedom in the USSR allowed the slowdown in she sponsored dictatorship to other communist countries. And the result most obvious was the correct policy of weakening of the pact Warsaw.

The wise policy of Gorbachev made the East and West to seek ways peaceful understanding to resolve their disputes. However, as the saying goes - "What is good, lasts a long while.", then when the Bush family seized the White House, the militarists in the government on duty gained greater power and projection, and thus began a new period black American and world history.

The international community was quite apprehensive about the return of Republicans in American power, that somehow she awaited the unfortunate results that insane militaristic policies that damn Hawks bring. And they were not slow to appear. Rivers of money were roasted uselessly with weapons and the U.S. engaged in two wars misleading, contrary to international public opinion. And as direct consequence of these dubious "wars to fight terror," which even managed to capture Bin Laden, the militaristic hawks have to intimidate foreign countries like North Korea, Syria and Iran For a new war would certainly be profitable for these military belligerent, and further to their associates of the powerful billionaires U.S. defense industry.


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Alongside those situations belligerent, the U.S. economy walked to the bottom and his people did not even realize, that dominated by the corporate media is corrupt. Currently the U.S. go through a devastating economic crisis in reason of those misguided policies, especially those who encouraged the exacerbated arms race. Now Americans pay a heavy account so their costs and share with the world.

The root of the current crisis in the U.S. - the arms race

The bitter medicine of the arms race that the U.S. planned and imposed on the former USSR, also caused a "side effect" unwanted, and it is behind the current American crisis, although the corporate media hide the fact. So watch out for the "half-truth" aired in the media regarding the mortgage crisis that began in 2007 in the U.S., and soon spread to the world. Basically the same as already mentioned, the U.S. crisis is direct result of misguided policies and permissive for the U.S. military-industrial complex, after the Second World War world. So the root of the current crisis is the growing deficit U.S. Treasury, because of uncontrolled military spending, which will excessively accumulated over the years. For this reason the U.S. have an enormous debt, something around U.S. $ 10.9 trillion, appointed on March 9, 2009 by the critic "Clock National Debt. "Signaling that the American people will still pay a lot dearly for this irresponsible hole occurred in the U.S. Treasury on behalf the arms race, which even cost him the loss of empire.

The empire of U.S. bases

The aggressive foreign policy of the cold war involving American and Russians also suspicious of each other, fueled paranoia American who came to make the U.S. the "empire of military bases in abroad, "for the happiness of his billion dollar defense industry. Somewhere around 1000 bases around the world, and that account for 95% of the total bases of all countries on the planet. Only in Germany are more than 227 U.S. military bases. And all this military bases consume a mountain of money corresponding to $ 100 billion annually. Allied to this, it is known that the arms race American spending has exacerbated huge, something around U.S. $ 500 billion a year. However the U.S. is not as safe as can be imagine.

History shows us that with the fall of the USSR things seemed well to the U.S., so the only hyper power in the world. But things are not always what they seem. Until the day September 11, 2001 the terrorist attack occurred in Al-Qaeda to the U.S., led by Osama Bin Laden, a bastard son of the cold war and cruel and policies misleading the world into regions sharing their influences, prepared by the


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superpowers. So the bastard Bin Laden led surprising and devastating attacks on the U.S., the world can watch live on television. After all who can forget the moment the twin towers imploded, killing thousands in a few seconds?

Those Islamists did what any country able to Then, bomb the soil of America. Worse, the bombing occurred means of airliners full of passengers. These attacks were the pretext that ambitious radical ideal Americans would use later to further increase spending military "defense". Taking advantage of the strong popular emotion fear generalized further attacks. Then the infamous "hawks" promoted "preventive wars security "against terrorism by attacking Iraq and Afghanistan. In Truly the "military government" and "lobbying arms" worked behind the scenes in Congress, aiming to sell weapons and hold of the riches of those countries, especially Iraq's oil. After all the interest of the U.S. military-industrial complex is not intimately connected with the interests of powerful oil industry by chance. It is a perfect marriage, which boosted the blatant "Blood for oil war" in Iraq. But that was waiting for international community, considering that top Bush administration was committed to the neck with the oil industry.

When President George W. Bush started those wars, he ignored considerations contrary to it the UN itself, which demanded that the U.S. present evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, to give its approval. However, the U.S. ignored the UN and began wars, tentatively supported by some allied governments, as England and Spain. Truth be told, the Iraq war was a huge fiasco, and the weapons of mass destruction that the Hawks co-opted by industry alleged arms exist, were never found. It was clear that the wrong war against the Muslims only benefited the capitalist military industrial and oil, to the detriment of working poor Americans. For the budget of any country is as a short blanket if covers the foot finds the head and vice versa. Of so that the money that is being roasted in those wars wrong, now it is missing for the Americans, considering that the country's economy is in financial collapse, with millions of the unemployed. Things got so black to the U.S., everyone understood that that country alone could not recover from the crisis, requiring emergency with "global solutions and coordinated," on account of the whole community international law, including even the "socialist" countries. Otherwise the U.S. would go to the bottom and drag the whole world with you.


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It is this shared way of global economic power that is experiencing the twilight of American empire, already without the economic means and financial resources to continue supporting its military exacerbated called by many the "imperialism of military bases." But one thing is certain, that weight that Americans are highly patriotic, they will have to accept the fact that the irreversible decay of his country. You can not stay forever at the top of the power and history proves it. Therefore the government of President Obama must work wisely in to negotiate the contribution of the still important role U.S. for the construction of a new UN fairer and active. For only so world does not descend into a black future scenario of regional wars and can promote social progress and fair to all the inhabitants of the planet.

Radiography of the American Collapse

The collapse of the U.S., the country stronger and richer world, exposes the fragility its economic model based on neo-liberal capitalism arms; that transformed the country, then the world's largest creditor after the second war, the world's largest debtor. By an irony of history, the largest creditor is the current U.S. socialist China, an opponent's weight, which has in its possession $ 1 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities issued. Without the continued funding of this "adversary", the U.S. economy once would have gone into the hole. It is for this reason that the Secretary of U.S. State Hilary Clinton is redoubling diplomatic efforts with the Chinese government, for it to continue financing the huge deficit U.S. Treasury, estimated at U.S. $ 1.75 trillion, representing 12.3% U.S. GDP, the highest since World War II. A potentially dangerous situation for both countries; mainly because the U.S. was too dependent on capital Chinese, considering that they are your major opponentspolicy in East Asia. In turn, China runs a serious risk of a default by the government to take American and lose your money invested. Also, China depends much of its exports to the U.S. currency as it must receive the abroad to pay its rapid economic growth. Hence occurs a very interesting mutual dependence, in which the giant capitalist captive giant socialist and vice versa.

Interestingly, countries like China, Japan, Britain, Brazil and other Bulk buying U.S. Treasury bonds, "finance" the misguided American policy arms colossal deficits, for years followed. Thus extending the decline of American empire possessed the uncomfortable and threatening military bases throughout the world.


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The American crisis made it clear that the potential of misguided policies put in place by the Republicans of the Reagan and Bush eras, if sold out. No longer works for the government to continue on the path of excessive indebtedness to finance the deficits of the treasure, great of them due to the heightened arms race, which only benefited some companies in the oil industry, military and banking.

The same policy that served American arms to disintegrate USSR in 1991, with time also made the U.S. into a giant with "feet of clay," mired in debt astronomical, although the people U.S. has not fully aware of this fact. However, certainly the account will pay the price resulting from this mistake. Once America was considered a safe haven for global capital contribute and prosper. So, at that time could be found easy financing for the deficit of U.S. treasuries, used to sustain the massive U.S. war machine. But things changed and even Communist China by Wen Jiabao indicated that diversify their applications from the outside, in other words to say it will dramatically reduce the purchase of U.S. Treasury Bonds, for fear of future default. This means that the "binge" U.S. military suffer a severe blow.

Fortunately for the world U.S. President Barak Obama, as mentioned, said substantially cut military spending to save money. A wise decision and that will force a restructuring U.S. strategy, which will certainly have to give up its unilateral military to deal with a globalized world interdependent. This fact would greatly help in the recovery of global confidence in the country. In this case, to further increase trust and respect world an apology for Japan detonated atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, would be a good start for the Obama administration. For as the saying goes: "before late than never". But things will not be easy for the U.S., the UN itself because studies a way to diminish the importance of the dollar in international trade. His idea is that some hard currencies serve as a reference and not just the dollar. A very interesting proposal, but that is not new. in the past Keynes had already proposed in the past the launch of a global currency whose value would be based on the average of the values of a basket of currencies strong international.

China itself concerned with the melting of the mountain of U.S. dollars which has proposed the creation of an international currency, disconnected from a given national currency, which is able to remain stable over time. No doubt the launch of a new currency with acceptance universal in the international market is very complex because it involves many interests. However it is inevitable that this occurs in the near future. But one thing is certain. The proposals of the UN and China demonstrate the as the vanished American power. But that's not bad for the U.S. and or to the world, quite the contrary. The time will confirm.


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The wise example of Gorbachev and the End of Empires If the U.S. had followed the wise example of Gorbachev that promoted disarmament, would certainly be better off than today, both in terms of economic or military. Should also be better insurance against terrorism and must have had greater confidence world. It requires only give greater political autonomy, military and economic for the UN. And in parallel, discouraging the race arms of the national armies. With the right attitude and practice, much money would be left in the world in order to apply it in combat poverty, hunger, ignorance and corruption, which both delay promoting real progress based on global sustainability, peace and social justice. In this context, the election of Obama had a special significance for curbing the arms race, not only for Americans, but also for the international community, considering that a world better, peaceful and everyone's expectations. Obama's messages are clear in this regard:

"The long-term deficit and debt we are unsustainable. Not we can continue lending (money) from China or other countries. " And he continued: "This means we are mortgaging our children's future with more and more debt”. Finally, Obama made a statement that sums up his view of importance of collaboration America to have a better world: "I assume so convinced the U.S. commitment to peace and security in a world without nuclear weapons". President Obama has a clear vision and objective of the arms race exacerbated their country is sucking blood work and money from the American people. Because of this he gave way in a plan to reduce military spending, including providing for the closure of many U.S. bases abroad. These measures taken by the U.S. government correctly portray faithfully collapse of American Empire occurred in 2007, the year the U.S. financial crisis sweeping the world and showed Americans themselves, the huge hole in the U.S. Treasury is unsustainable. Therefore, cuts in government budgets will be next to be made, especially those with useless spending and military weapons.


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The collapse of American has a historical importance odd because it suggests that the era of empires is over. In today's world the "global solutions" need to be shared with all countries. From now on no longer there will be more space for hegemonic powers, dictate their will to force of arms. In this sense, the U.S. was the last empire humanity. The list below notes the precipitous drop in time duration of hegemonic powers, the imperial is terminated:

Empires Timeline length / year

Chinese 2000 BC to 1911 A.D. 3911

Egyptian 3150 BC to 30 BC 3120

Roman 753 BC to 476 A.D. 1229

Ottoman 1281 A.D. to 1918 A.D. 637

Portuguese 1495 A.D. to 1975 A.D. 480

Spanish 1519 A.D. to 1898 A.D. 379

British 1600 A.D. to 1945 A.D. 345

Soviet 1922 A.D. to 1991 A.D. 69

American 1945 A.D. to 2007 A.D. 62

In the current global context, the decline of American empire is especially important for the strengthening of the New UN. So that from now on prevail on the consensus of countries rather than the will of a particular empire. Accordingly, no war can be declared unilaterally, because otherwise represent an insult to the other UN countries, and certainly the aggressor country will receive heavy retaliation the international community. I believe that U.S. President Barak Obama is aware order that the strategic arms race necessarily result strengthening of the New United Nations, with a consequent reduction of forces national armed. And it will help a lot in promoting sustainable and equitable global prosperity. I also believe that the president Obama and other presidents who succeed, will spare no efforts to New help in the consolidation of the UN. And so they help you write most important pages of contemporary history.

The Transforming Power of Emerging Countries in the 21st Century

While U.S. power is declining considerably, with country mired in a severe economic crisis and two wars and faces cruel; other countries stand out in the international arena. Are "Emerging" that belong to the G-20: China, Russia, India and Brazil – the new powers of the 21st century. These countries which together with South Africa South, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Canada, South Korea, France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Turkey and the United States makes up entire G-20. A group that has an economic, political and considerable cultural, it represents 90% of world GDP, 80% of international trade and two thirds of the world population. a power enough to influence other countries in the rest of the globe and New redesign the UN.


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The Transforming Power of Emerging Countries in the 21st Century

While U.S. power is Declining considerably, with country mired in a severe Economic crisis and two wars and faces cruel; Other countries stand out in the international arena. Are "Emerging" that belong to the G-20: China, Russia, India and Brazil – the new powers of the 21st century. Which Countries These together with South Africa South, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Canada, South Korea, France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Turkey and the United States makes up Entire G-20. That the group has an Economic, political and Considerable cultural, it Represents 90% of world GDP, 80% of international trade and two Thirds of the world population. the power Enough to Influence Other countries in the rest of the globe and New redesign UN. the other countries of the globe and New redesign the UN.

The Convergence of Capitalism & Socialism

Convergence between the socialist and capitalist systems is understood easily, as "things that work in a given system, so they are exploited by another. "This is not currently observed permeability new in history, for the acts of copying improvements, concepts and inventions have always existed in mankind. It has been so since the discovery of fire, metallurgy, armaments and manufacturing processes. History attests to the good, beautiful and functional is quickly copied by other. Strange as it may seem, this process of "copy, improve and create "is necessary for the development of things and makes part of human ingenuity. So that the actual facts show that socialism and capitalism are also going through the process of "Creative copy" because of the adoption of "market socialism" and nationalizing banks or other strategic companies, which have necessary, especially now with the world in crisis.

The facts show that government intervention in the economy, the countries affected by international crisis was a blessing. no doubt some of these interventions avoided the "rock bottom" for them. Hence for front, not many years after the crisis passes, socialism and capitalism, now in the process of convergence, have formed a single system political-economic sociocapitalism called. And it will still take place this century. But no one sociocapitalism fallacious "fund pension "mentioned by Drucker in his book -" Post-Capitalist Society", published in 1993. But a single political-economic system resulting from ultimate convergence mentioned above.


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Chapter III

The Sociocapitalism

The expression sociocapitalism appeared in the book by Peter Drucker "Company Post-Capitalist "published in 1993, to designate the" capitalism of many members' pension funds to provide. For Drucker sociocapitalism occurs through the capital markets use these funds to make their applications. in the words it in his book: Pension funds are a curious phenomenon and doubtless paradoxical. They are the investors who control the capital and its investment. But not even the managers who run their owners are 'capitalists'. The pension fund capitalism is the capitalism without capitalists. " Drucker later adds: "Pension funds are 'owners' but only legally. In First they are healers. The owners, future pensioners, are the ultimate owners. "

Indeed, Drucker's statement that "the pension funds is a capitalism without capitalists

"is a fallacy. For the pension funds are pension of civil societies and non-profit; constituted

from corporate sponsors for their employees can reap the benefit of pension paid

complementary. Drucker himself mentioned this fact:

"Pension funds are being suspended wages

accumulated to provide the equivalent of wage income people

that no longer work".

In fact, the retirement plans offered by funds pension plans are reducing

salaries, which are intended to finance retirement and economic security to the

worker when he unable to work. Of course this plan is to reduce wages beneficial

to the sponsoring companies as mentioned below.

In general the sponsors come in with 50% of capital funds Pension, which are usually tied to a given percentage of the leaf salary of its employees. The remaining 50% out of pocket employees receive the funds. How are the sponsors that are pension funds, they reserve for themselves the best part of executive power, which in theory is divided "half-a-way" with employees participants. So the nominees sponsored occupy the Boards more strategic pension fund, for example: the Presidency, the Board of Directors and Equity Investments.


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Note that with all this power in their hands, the sponsors use the power of pension funds in the stock market, own income. Thus they achieve huge profits for their investors capitalists, in spite of the fact that pension funds do not have commercial purpose for the sponsors, which also does not cease to be a fallacy. In fact that "capitalism without capitalists" that Drucker mentioned there. You may not see these capitalists, but they exist and are very powerful.

With these explanations make it clear that the definition of sociocapitalism adopted in this book is not the same definition adopted by Peter Drucker. For the sociocapitalism expressed by me, as already mentioned, refers the new political-economic system that is formed at the end of convergence that occurs between capitalism and socialism. In a sense that the sociocapitalism true and is based on the following pillars: - "And e-direct democracy," - Capital Fund Workers - CFW, and - Strategic intervention in the economy. As I mentioned earlier the real emerges sociocapitalism in the world because of powerful transformations that occur in the system capitalist and the socialist system, with each system allowing in practice the best that exists on the other, thus reducing the antagonism between both. For this reason I use the term "convergence of systems" to explain this historical fact observable in the world today. Later I will make a deeper analysis on the essence of this new system, which undoubtedly prevail in much of the world by the end the 21st century.

It is known that every democratic nation is proud and struggle to maintain maximum of democracy, "all power emanates from the people and on his behalf shall exercised ". In particular the U.S., who arrogate to themselves the title of "homeland of democracy and freedom. "And no wonder, considering that the Democracy is one of the pillars of capitalism. Then I cover these pillars, comparing them with the pillars of Socialism, for thus we can draw certain conclusions indicate the occurrence of convergence of these systems toward the sociocapitalism. The other pillars of capitalism that will be discussed below are: private property, free speech, free enterprise and the economy the market.


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The indirect democracy harms the people

Democracy maintains that "all power emanates from the people and in its name be exercised ", that is the major cornerstone of advanced societies. in theory this maxim is great, because through the democratic tool people can exercise its power and thus reap the fruits from their own work. For who can question the assertion that Marx "all wealth comes from the work "? So, in theory, the people in democracy is who has the power, and through his work is that wealth is generated. But something went wrong, because the people are either injured in his power, when in wealth he creates through his work for the bourgeoisie. then the basic question is to know why this happens? First the people are composed of different segments, which have conflicting interests. Among the segments are the employees who are the great majority of society and capitalists themselves. In any case, as the winner is democracy most votes, then the workers should have the power, which not happen because of the distorted model of representative democracy. And distortion begins when political candidates elected by popular vote, once they take power, they legislate in favor of companies and own cause, damaging the real interests of the people. mainly the employees, who are the overwhelming majority of the people and so should have a considerable political weight in society.

Looking more deeply the causes of distortion of democracy representative, an election is very expensive. It's a game "political-economic" where you can win or lose much money. For a successful campaign requires resources that only the rich and companies can afford. Therefore, usually the political power is in fact exercised by the capitalists and for capitalists, who through their company financed political parties and their candidates, which in reality are mere puppets of their economic interests. Another great tool that corporate capitalism to account keep the people under its yoke, is the enormous cultural power they wield the masses, relying on the corporate media vassal. In fact, companies themselves are part of the communication sphere capitalist enterprise, which unabashedly appropriates the wealth generated by wage labor. So is "natural" that they defend their own interests.

This "logic" corporatist selfish then results in a "freedom" to press committed to the business interests, uninformed or omitting certain information with the intent to manipulate the people in favor corporate interests. They manipulate public opinion especially in sensitive social issues such as the recognition that the generation of profit capitalist performs the work and therefore workers have right to a fair and real part of this appropriation of wealth, without prejudice to their wages.


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Thus, politicians who are really interested in changing the consolidated state of capitalist exploitation, and thus provide greater income distribution and promote genuine social progress, and are soon demonized by the corporate media, committed to the neck with this situation of exploitation of the working class. The corporate media likes to label "populist" or even derided as "communist", those politicians really interested to improve the situation of employees. So, help poor to the corporate media has become corrupted a great sin capital. Because the government should help the poor is what counts for companies media is the profit they will gain a millionaire as their sponsors capitalists who always suck tits fat in government corrupted? This global crisis is a significant example of the distortion of indirect democracy. Especially with respect to the massive financial aid companies who managed the money of bad clients and investors, and that were later rewarded with billions of government aid. A Hobin Wood averse version of "taking from the poor to give to the rich." Or noises as the media itself corrupt: "socialize losses and privatize the profits ". Note that these distortions are occurring in various parts of world, especially in the U.S. because of the disunity and the omission of working classes, which are the big losers of the global crisis. Do not feel bad the government intervene to save the economy companies in financial distress, when this intervention is made really necessary, as happened today, which contradicted the desire Liberals, especially the American republican arms. On However, when such intervention cyclical, it is crucial that the government becomes a partner of these companies, to prevent "damage really are socialized and profits privatized, "so fashionable in USA. So when those profits back to business, government and people can benefit from it. In any case, it is necessary that the government to monitor the application of government financial contributions, so that not the negative example of AIG.

The government should not omit to intervene in cases of companies ailing giant, whose failure could undermine the economy as a whole. In these cases it should act quickly, otherwise occur "effect domino "a speedy bankruptcy of enterprises, which can reduce the dust economy of any country. And what is worse, considering the interdependence among nations, the crash may transcend border of the country infecting the rest of the world. And it was just that the what happened to the American crisis, due to the irresponsibility and incompetence of the Bush - father and son. Because of the distortion of representative democracy, the power corporate America is very large. To get an idea, that he was prevented that the U.S. government signed the Kyoto protocol, which is a treaty very important because it


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aims at reducing pollution and climate global. So it has been validated by the vast majority of nations. A leader should always lead the other nations by example and moral force. But that's not what happened in environmental issues. The omission U.S. government was a bad example and certainly a setback overall political control of pollution and global warming.

I believe that if the American people had access to e-direct democracy he certainly would have ratified the Kyoto Protocol, for the air breathe is common to all the world and pollution does not respect borders. For those who are crazy in the near future you want to breathe black smoke? The American people are not. So it should be more attentive to the environmental matters. For the profit of some polluting firms American, not worth considering the billions of inhabitants of world, including Americans, would have affected his health. The city of Beijing in 2008 clearly showed us, as a undemocratic and unsustainable development is harmful to people. That city is so polluted that their industries had to shut down the days Olympic Games that occur there. Then everything returned to "normal" again in that city where the tyrannical Communist Party.

The above examples demonstrate how the politicians capitalists and socialist usurp the power belonging to the people. So the "power that emanates the people and that will be exercised on their behalf, "which is just a social principle; was corrupted by corporate power that always makes its override profits need to succeed on the real needs of the people. Unfortunately, in these cases, the power that emanated from the people are used against him, how great the power of magic money and the corrupt media can do. It is clear that the model of indirect democracy is exhausted. And that is due to widespread corruption of elected officials, that abusing the "Representativeness" popular, they disproportionately benefit the capitalist exploiters, to the detriment of workers who are Most of the people. Therefore, this perverse model of "democracy indirect, "which is the base for the exploitative capitalism, with its known class of bourgeois enterprise, must suffer profound changes in this century. She does not meet the interests of the people and he is aware of this.

In communist countries like North Korea and Communist China It's even worse, because people do not have "democratic freedom". Just have to swallow down their throats decisions are not always wise and fair the Communist Party.


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Every tyranny has a privileged class. The "socialist" countries also have theirs. It is called nomenklatura, a class government bureaucrats that permeates the communist state machine, which as capitalist vampire, also sucks the profits from the work employee. These vampires are similar to contemporary "Drones", those wealthy individuals described in the book "The Republic" – the Plato, who eat the labor of others. So, for the bourgeois capitalist enterprise and the bureaucrats of the nomenklatura, the more people are out of power better. As an inverse mathematical equation: "the more indirectly the people exercise their power more directly capitalists enterprise and exercise of the nomenklatura and their benefit own ". In one version a little better, but also plundered, the feudalism.

So the worker must pay attention to the type of democracy that convey political bias in corporate media. For cat can lead a hare. That is why workers and unions should work together to put pressure on politicians and political parties in order to enable "e-democracy direct", as occurs in Switzerland and elsewhere. Have you ever wondered if you can take money from machines bank placed anywhere, with all possible security; because people do not have similar electronic facilities for exercise their democratic power in real time, via "e-direct democracy"? because the government complicates both the people exercise their power directly, if the other hand facilitates both exercising their capitalist? The "e-direct democracy" is a gift to the people, as will enable the voter, at any time, anywhere via the Internet, participate in:

- Cancellations of political mandates; - Participatory Budgeting; - Popular initiatives, - Referendums, and - Plebiscites.

And do not tell me that this is impossible, because the current stage of technology information already allows people to exercise direct democracy effectively and in real time. Proof of this, the President of the Court Brazilian Superior Electoral, Mr. Ayres Britto revealed that in the next elections in the country, a chip card will replace the old voter registration. And it will allow the voter to vote on transit, or even vote they are outside their precinct. The ballot title is an electronic progress towards so-called "e-democracy direct ", whose implementation will depend exclusively on the popular will and nothing more. Therefore the people must demand and fight for it to be implemented as soon as possible.


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The "e-direct democracy" will allow workers united and well informed fully exercise the power. And it is through this way democratic and peaceful that they share the capitalist profit. in that If the class struggle is practically extinct, because the wealth that comes of wage labor will be shared between workers and capitalist. And this will occur in the major nations of the world later this century.

The transformations that occur in a globalized world are joining the workers so ever. Mainly because they reach unbiased information, which are carried by independent sources in Internet, thus minimizing the manipulative power of corporate media corrupt. The union workers toward "e-direct democracy" and social justice; also explains the changes that occur in the actual world enterprise, where the aggregate value of intangible assets and high technology, especially the service industry and information technology, are reaching levels important for human progress. And this sophisticated production increasingly require skilled workers, informed and well paid. They're called brain workers. Opinion leaders par excellence.

So the brain workers allied workers less qualified but also well informed about social issues and relevant policies, and political parties certainly choose who will serve towards the working class. Especially the implementation of "e-direct democracy " and the fair distribution of wealth generated by the work. Surely they will also be aided by strong unions, representative and active. The political struggle of the working classes of the 21st century will result in a "New social contract production" to replace the old and wicked social contract based on the "power of money capitalism" that become the working class to its vassal. The "new social contract manufacturing", legitimate son of "and-direct democracy," legally recognize that labor and capital and also important. In this respect, no government should benefit from a class over another, a fact which will promote social progress without sociocapitalism equal and consolidate the 21st century. Once settled in the new social contract production, capitalists and workers are legally recognized partners and will have all rights and obligations arising from such a relationship. Mainly regarding the appropriation of profit. Thus balancing the relationship social life of the capitalist class and the working class. Thus, an important conceptual advance, to the extent that workers do not sell more of your work, but the yield upon receipt of wage and profit-sharing which may arise from the project economic sociocapitalist.


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The model sociocapitalist bring consistency and fairness in social relationships productive, in that it recognizes that all wealth comes from work, but that also respects the private equity and property particular, as important tools used in promoting the rich human. That is why the parties involved in the project sociocapitalists, have preserved their rights before the legally Productive New Social Contract. Under these conditions there will be a progress life for all.

However, the new social contract will not fall from heaven like a gift, for politicians and capitalists benefit from the "mediating power of the people," to plunder their wealth, will offer strong resistance against any change that alters this situation. Since then it has a strong popular mobilization to implement the "e- direct democracy"and establishing the New Social Contract. However, the disposition of the people for change is coming, this is because the global crisis caused by corrupt governments, which exposed to the world capitalist exploitation. After all, how to hide these things now, with so many free media like the Internet and mobile phones? Certainly the Internet will contribute significantly to the development of "e-democracy" and the new social contract manufacturing, this century 21. Thus, a peaceful and orderly manner, the people exercise its power effectively, it will include information, appropriate and in real time for decision making. And they come from independent sources such as blogs, as a great democratic wave information, which may hold any dictatorial government.

To cite an example of the strength of independent media in the 21st century, the Iraq the U.S. military occupation government made a rigid censorship of the journalists and war correspondents. In general accrediting only those who are docile to the government and only disclose "official versions"; which in reality are "official manipulation".

In reality many soldiers are dying in American patriots Iraq, because of that dirty war and illegitimate "blood for oil"; censored by the military at the behest of a lobbying arms, for whom the war is certainly very profitable. However, the corporate-military censorship to no avail, because the soldiers themselves transmit in real time by mobile phones or the Internet, details of the "front", recounting the atrocities that the soldiers Americans make every day. Therefore, it became impossible to hide Typical cruelties of war, with these new positions corresponding to on the battlefield.


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Yet the military and the radical Republicans are still trying mislead the American people, policies inconsistent with arms, because they are always hungry for profits that the weapons and the wars they bring. But you can not fool many for long time. Then the devastating financial crisis that the American people and the world now pay the bill became evident that the political arms is a mistake. That liberalism is a financial mistake. Since there is no evil that lasts forever, this monstrous crisis helped elect Barack Obama and made him go down in history as the first president American black, with the promise slogan "Yes We Can" (yes, we can). Fortunately for the world, no longer warmed more American political and economic unilateralism, based on its power disproportionate and costly military.

The expectations that the world has the Obama administration are many.Human rights, the Kyoto treaty, nuclear disarmament, aid to poor countries, peace in the Holy Land to Palestine turned into a country sovereign apologize to Japan for the infamous bombs and so on. Particularly I think Obama is aware that it takes restore confidence in the U.S. in the world. He himself said later that the strength of America lies not in weapons, but in their principles, including freedom and democracy. Therefore, I believe Obama that the world will hear the complaints and do not establish wrong policies of unbridled arms race, which always generate distrust and conflict. The examples cited above indicate how well informed people, you know correctly decide their future. The Collapse Representative Democracy

Representative democracy practiced by selfish capitalists comes distorting popular power over time, insomuch she currently walks towards collapse total. And basic reasons this decadence widely observable are:

- People not represented worthily; and - Representative democracy not promotes fair prosperity for all. Perceives so the capitalist bourgeoisie always deludes people to usurp your power. To this she acts as a talented pilferer that overtakes portfolio one unwary without his Account addition. But it's good that say popular power itself not the objective main this bourgeoisie selfish. What always stakes are wealth that worker produces; she always robs. This is certainly largest goal which bourgeoisie corporate and politicians corrupt in general crave directly or indirectly.


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And one thing is certain. Not everyone is rich and powerful is not all powerful rich. So how do the rich and powerful do not naturally greedy, they unite in mutual benefit, against the interests of the people. Thus they government corruption drive to absurd levels, which much harm society. For both the capitalists make use of handouts that democracy representative gives them, and so without causing a deterioration equal in the modern democratic state. And it does not escape any of the powers that constitute democracy: the executive, legislative, and judiciary. Certainly the degree of degradation of representative democracy varies country to country, no matter. None of them is free from this evil. In Brazil it is so severe that even speaks of a "republican pact" to save the so-called "rule of law", which as we know is based on "harmony" among the three branches mentioned. Many analysts have commented that the main cause of deterioration of such "Rule of Law" is corruption. An evil that accompanies humanity since the beginning of civilization. But truth be told. Corruption is caused by exacerbated this tyranny of corporate democracy indirect, which legislates on behalf of themselves and robs the people.

Among the many evils that cause for corporate tyranny society are: - Public money wasted or diverted to private accounts; - Laws that undermine the people's interests and promote the destruction of nature; - That justice is done for the rich and that does not reach the people effectively. This is the sad picture of reality that corruption is present in three powers reveals, due to the inefficiency of the bankrupt democracy representative. The thing is so severe that the president of the Brazilian National Congress, the Mr. Sarney said the following to the magazine "This is" 23.4. 2009:

"The great crisis of representative democracy is. What is society is the best press, or the parliament? This conflict came to stay. And there is a tendency in society to democracy direct. The parliament has lost its cunning. The institution is threatened by a mechanism of direct democracy, even by the Internet. Do not know what to do. The Congress has become more vulnerable. It is seen as a government office and the parliamentarians as public officials".


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And Sarney went further: "Before the emptying, the Parliament is to discredit and target disinterest, which is also reflected in the quality of their human resources and quality of the parliamentarians themselves. This is the origin of the current distortions. "

Sarney continued his testimony to the magazine discussing bankruptcy Brazilian representative democracy by stating: "He fell to the level of Congress reached a discredit I have ever seen.But remember that a weak parliament is synonymous with democracy weak. " And President Sarney complemented its argument with the following statement about the Supreme Court: "The crisis of the Congress is already extrapolated to other powers, such as found himself in the Supreme Court". The words of the President of the Brazilian Congress to illustrate brilliance failure of representative democracy, which no longer meets over the desires of people in this 21st century. The e-democracy will be a direct gift to the people

The e-direct democracy allow the people directly exercise their power fully in real time. Allowing people control effectively the government, political parties and politicians. For the elections electronic as it is today, will be fast, reliable and widespread; with polling stations everywhere, as are the ATMs of banks. That way people can make decisions and direct active regular, rather than adopting a passive stance of only vote in elections officers, only useful for the ruling classes. Note that direct democracy is nothing new, because it already exists in Switzerland and Sweden. Electronically, as I mentioned, elections may be held, cancellations of mandates, referendums and plebiscites. As a result, the importance of political intermediation will be minimized, and the power based on corporate political money will be significantly diluted. Of so that the worker can also reap the fruits of wealth and social progress, provided by your own work.

It is worth mentioning again that these things do not happen by chance. It is for the people to fight and get their rights. And this is one of the reasons basic that inspired me to write this book. I hope he serves as north to the people exercise political power and charge, effective actions that lead to the deployment of true


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sociocapitalism, a known political-economic system fair and socially efficient, blending what Best of capitalism, with proposals for fair distribution of social wealth and progress arising from socialism. With the implementation of collective interests sociocapitalism will be in the first place, rather than corporate interests. So governments, parties and even the politicians will have to meet the real needs of the people, without waste of resources or delays. For companies and governments exist to meet the needs of people and not vice versa. In this context, the elected officials need to provide consistency in its programs or government will have no future. In the environment "and direct democracy," say something and then do another will certainly be out of the question. The people will not forgive parties politicians and people that you do. The "e-direct democracy" will realize the greatest democratic that "all power emanates from the people and his name shall be exercised"; allowing the intensification of holding referendums below signed cassafdes, or promoting new elections. Drawing on Internet resources the people exercise the power and control the public machine in real time and from anywhere.

The philosophy underlying the dynamics of "e-democracy" is quite simple. If people are not happy with the performance of a particular politician, he may revoke the power delegated to him. To do so simply simply that voters start a movement to official "Popular initiative" with the Superior Electoral Court. For this purpose it should having a predetermined minimum number of registered voters, so that you can open a voting procedure for the revocation of mandate directly by the people. Thus, the "e-direct democracy" would prevent similar future cases the former mayor of São Paulo, Mr. Celso Pitta. For those who do not know the story, he was mayor of Sao Paulo, and had a process prevented the Board of Aldermen of the city. However, he co-opted many council members, and thus can be absolved from the cancellation of mandate. Despite being accused by the Federal Police have diverted millions of dollars in public funds to private accounts in their abroad.

When Pitta was acquitted by the House was outraged the people from São Paulo, but to no avail and he continued in power until the end of his turbulent term. This remarkable fact to the city of Sao Paulo indicates how the corrupt power dominated corporate power the city government. Thing that still occurs today. If the "e-direct democracy" was in effect, certainly Mr. Pitta would have been revoked by the city's population dissatisfied with their acts of improper conduct. In the near future "and allow democracy" that citizens control effectively the activities of politicians. And if any of them are committing irregularities or contrary to the views of voters; any voter can start with the consent of the Superior Electoral Court - TSE, a list of "petitions" electronics and request cancellation application of


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political and legal action if necessary. in that case, depending on the amount of legal digital signatures required, the TSE execute the request, it being within the law. In e-democracy to be exercised in the near future, people will not accept more political mediation on issues important to society as:

- Increase of an immoral and outrageous their own salaries, as at present,

practice rates much higher than receive ordinary workers. - Use of public funds generously for their own representation. - Regulation for its own sake or "corporate lobbyists". - Nationalize or privatize widely. - Create or increase taxes to their rates too. - Deciding the budget related to education, culture and science. Of course one should not expect these things to happen by miracle, or to be granted by a government coming from the "corrupt and corporate indirect democracy”. It is necessary that the workers, unions and fight for body and soul to the "e-democracy direct "is exercised in full, for promoting the true social progress that we all want.

It will be a lot of dedication, patience and effort, so that e-democracy happen quickly. But rest assured that arguments against and implementation of direct democracy, will be enough and incisive. they will of the privileged classes and will be constantly touted by the media corporate corruption. However the people will be victorious and e-democracy revenge, and she will give birth to the New Social Contract Production, for good and prosperity of all. Be sure of that.

The Corporate Manipulation of Freedom of Expression

There is no true democracy without a real freedom of expression. And this is true in both capitalism and socialism, considering both systems, to a lesser or greater degree, keeps people away of power. In capitalism with its "indirect representative democracy," the people have their power usurped by the bourgeois politicians and the corporate corrupt. Under socialism the people or dignity is recognized as a source of power. In both cases the representation of people are killed on behalf of interests of "bourgeois capitalists" and "socialist nomenklatura." Then something occurs urgently need to change this situation "New feudalism" where are the working classes. Indeed this is already happening, as the global crisis ravaging the planet shows existing economic models that are outdated and need reforms.


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In fact, the global crisis is also a window of opportunity, which opened for the working class be able to negotiate their rights, within a general consensus that "global problems require solutions truly global and democratic". For it is certain that among these solutions Global must also find the deserved and fair sharing capitalist profit by workers. And that's great.

But rest assured that the unhealthy political usurpation of popular power, practiced under capitalism and under socialism still further. So, no more convenient to censor or inhibit free speech. And furthermore, capitalism led by greed and marketing without ethical limit, promoted a trivialization of tremendous cultural and artistic our society. . And corporate greed goes beyond bourgeois, promoting media subservient campaign invisible to unsuspecting ignorant, that misinformation, misrepresents or omits crucial information for the classes workers and people in general, with the clear objective of perpetuate itself in power by keeping the people subjugated.

In the recipe ideal corporate manipulation of the masses, given the indirect

democracy; used on a large scale for the appropriation of wealth produced by the

work of the people, using a legal facade and "Democratic."

So pay attention to the skill and mastery of the system capitalist, whose

essence is the profit for the few, and threaten freedom creating, manipulating and

uninformed, so that the people being eternally alienated from his power and his


In general, the dominant politicians, corporate media, the power religious and

bourgeois and corporate power of the nomenklatura, do not want to finger on the

wound and change the social order of things. They do not want return power to the

people and not modify the relationship between explorers and explored. Workers

make much less members of the capitalists. Here the crucial issues for the working

classes in this century, for all most of them arise.

For the capitalists and the bureaucrats who dominate world politics current fight

poverty effectively is far more of their plans, the that is the moon from the earth.

And this is reflected in the cultural scene, which is a distorted mirror of the

dominant classes. Occasionally one comes out film or other dealing with the misery

and poverty worldwide, but without any proposal aims to change this situation. as if

recognize that social problems exist, but that does not really want to solve,

because solutions certainly contradict their materialistic selfish interests. So the

question is as follows.


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As there is really freedom of expression and cultural development capitalism, with

a known media biased and pro-business.

Who correctly analyzed the issue of freedom of expression in capitalist media, Noam was Chonsky. One of the most respected and important Critics of this "tyranny of private enterprise," caused by deviations from "Representative democracy". In which companies, using the power of money, dominate the democratic system and enslave the people. when the Indeed, should serve the interests of the people. Chomsky brilliantly explained how the corrupt capitalist undertake media and freedom of information it links: 1 - Most mainstream media, those who reach the masses, large companies belong. 2 - The fact is that the media receive most of their through advertising revenues arising from other companies and not its readers. 3 - The media rely heavily on large companies and government institutions as a source of information for Most of the news. This creates a "filter system" against society. 4 - Pressure groups are powerful corporate and financial processing companies in the media, if mention facts against their capitalist interests.

With so many manipulations of the "dictatorship of indirect democracy" in the media corporate, it is not surprising that corruption is their biggest natural byproduct. This society in general suffers greatly. Because beyond the usurpation of popular power, and the unilateral appropriation of profit by bourgeois capitalism, there is also to be considered public money stolen from the state machine. Therefore, in the context manipulative corporate results could not be other. Widespread corruption in all government agencies, not regardless of the party that will assume power. What can vary but is the size and scope of corruption. Because corruption is an anomaly that grows very well in "representative democracy". Given these facts the scenario that is observed in the present society is amazing. Corrupt judges who do not judge properly, doctors corrupt that do not heal and corrupt teachers who do not teach or give bad examples. Certainly corruption may vary in degree and number according to particular country. For the poorer a country is, more corruption probably will. For corruption and extreme poverty go hand in side. In any case, corruption always leads to a multiplier effect negative ends up permeating the society as a whole.


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And last instance, she ends up hurting the poor and needy. on account of all the evils that can emanate from corruption, it is the great scourge of mankind, a summary of the main cardinal sins.

With the corrupt governments on top of legislative power in favor of privileged classes and corporate power, which could be expected, but social and environmental irresponsibility, soft law and biased towards the "white-collar crimes" committed by bureaucrats, politicians, and entrepreneurs, that always benefit the wealthy and hurts the most poor? What can you expect but a justice unreliable, time consuming and inefficient in the eyes of the people? This is the stark reality that the "tyranny of indirect democracy "provides. Perpetuating a productive situation unequal and unfair, based on the relationship between exploiter and exploited, as Marx aptly stated.

There is no freedom of expression in Socialism

In fact the situation of freedom of expression in socialism is very worse than under capitalism, considering the brutal physical coercion against opponents of the regime. Who would be crazy to criticize openly in China the massacre of the people in the Heavenly Square in 1989? Thus, the lack of freedom in China seriously affect the culture and creativity that country. And it is observable fact. Against facts there arguments because the truth always prevails in fact and not in the argument. In any case, China is moving rapidly toward the top of the country more economically powerful in the world, something expected to occur around 2030. Contrary to their strides towards progress, China holds a situation of lack of freedom of expression, where even the Internet government censorship. If China wants to give full power to engines boost their social and economic progress, will have to embrace the freedom of expression and creativity, without which the word progress makes no sense. The equation that involves progress, freedom and creativity, to be resolved quickly by China, due to two aspects. The first is that the lack of freedom and creativity can hinder the development competitive economy. The second aspect, the most important, is that there may be social unrest that could topple the government, as occurred in the former USSR.

Unfortunately, socialism treats people as if it were a tutored children, with limited freedom, and can not know for certain forbidden things and so on. The government is all powerful and above any suspicion. Woe to those who question their authority or their actions. He is the lord, the people of his servant. In this relation of vassalage, the Social media has an important role, since it serves as an instrument of government propaganda in an


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attempt to hide the people's power and usurped justify tyranny. With this tyrannical socialism corrupts the information independent and trusted that every good citizen should have access. By Therefore, the media does not differ much from the socialist capitalist media corrupted. And as such handles information, omits important facts, disseminates untruths, denigrates people and so on. A negative example of socialist media manipulation occurred during the nuclear power plant accident Chernobyl in the former USSR, when the authorities were slow to inform the population of the real extent of the accident. And this blunder has cost thousands lives and many serious diseases in the population, which could be avoided.

Therefore, it is no surprise the fact that socialism also have the his tyranny exercised by corporate nomenklatura. In fact most cruel and vindictive, that to maintain their privileges, persecutes dissidents system even outside the country, as was the case of the former agent Litivineko, poisoned with plutonium in London by Russian KGB agents. Like the nomenklatura capitalism has no interest in return the usurped power to the people. Rather, it makes everything so that this does not happen. Thus, the prisons in Russia, China, North Korea and other communist countries that are packed with protesters need "social rehabilitation" a euphemism for socialist transform them in "lambs" system. That said a big question hangs in the air. Even when the nomenklatura able to keep tyrannical face of a globalized world interdependent, in that the rule of law is a fundamental imperative to occur good human relationships, which is the basis of all social progress? The full freedom of expression in sociocapitalism

The condition of freedom of expression is in sociocapitalism completely different from that found today in capitalism and socialism. And this will occur for three reasons, first is that the people exercise their power directly via "e-direct democracy", and this circumstances, it will not let the politicians violate the interests of citizens. The second reason is that people will be more informed, because of the free information transmitted on the Internet, and also on account of business investment in intellectual capital of its employees. And finally due to the coordinated action, persistent and effective labor unions. That will spare no effort to clarify the opinion public and voters, with a view to a better world for all.

Therefore, the working people will know to separate the wheat from the chaff and will not fall more on the siren song of some political parties, which, to entice their supporters, inserted into their party acronyms and buzzwords "Labor, social, and socialist." But deep down working towards bourgeoisie or capitalist nomenklatura.


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When the moment of truth arrives, the people will know to choose good political parties and candidates, especially those who embrace the sociocapitalist ideology.

I emphasize, however, that ideology should not be sociocapitalist exclusively a single party, and no one should monopolize it. therefore, any party can and should embrace the socialist cause. As a result, a party that fights for the preservation of the environment, or sustainable development, such as the Green Party can and should adopt the ideology sociocapitalist. If you have also some concern for the working and dare to ask for your vote. Then the moment of truth is coming for workers; in as the global crisis the sacrifices too poor; without offering them a fair return. Of course then they will fight for their democratic rights of power and wealth. And this decisive moment of history that is approaching, and not spare political parties who always want the people to vote, but then overlook. Much less the unions, because if they really fight for labor claims, then they must engage in body and soul in the project sociocapitalist, to bring up a new world best for everyone. In fact the moment of truth is approaching for all citizens, for the gaps in capitalism and socialism, only sociocapitalism fill going forward. Furthermore, because also "who makes hours do not expect to happen. "

Transparent governance

The sociocapitalism will bring greater transparency in government decisions and companies and certainly the people will be at the top of their concerns, the that does not occur today. Take the example of AIG, the largest American insurer, nationalized in September 16, 2007 by the U.S. government to save it from bankruptcy because of their poor credit billionaires, that made their assets turn to dust. The case showed again that the AIG market until then all powerful, does the miracles that promises the neoliberals. In this case, if the U.S. government did not intervene as early as economy as Keynes preached, disaster was inevitable not only for the U.S. and the rest of the world. Transparent governance Government intervention of the U.S. government in its economy is one in March of paramount importance for indicating the convergence of capitalism towards a new economic system. As is also the "market socialism" Chinese. So that both economic systems, walk quickly towards a new political and economic center of gravity common: sociocapitalism.


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Unfortunately, as the sociocapitalism still did not work in the U.S., government had to spend $ 182.5 billion to bail out the company of AIG; of which no less than U.S. $ 218 million went into the hands of 73 company executives as bonuses. The granting of bonuses is a corporate practice to encourage executives to achieve good business results, which in short, will bring good profits. Now, AIG had good results? This deviation is not public money? Even the conservative American media and thought it strange put your mouth on trombone; caused widespread indignation. Hence the government U.S. had to act fast and "issued" a law charging 90% tax on the value of these bonuses improper. For very little aberration that corporate harms people did not pass unscathed. I find it very strange capitalist media also does not have alerted the their readers, viewers and the general public, that the disaster was imminent, as I regurgitated some experts behind closed doors.

Such cases are rare in sociocapitalism; by the fact that the people will access to reliable information about the companies and governments, from content providers, cultural and informational independent. And these providers will be supplied with information produced by the people. To do so will make use of all the paraphernalia of computing: blogs, websites, mobile devices with Internet access, YouTube, Orkut and others. If you hide inside information before the people gave a lot of money for some, that time is now ending. For this reason the corrupt corporate media have to be reinvented or die. Of so that the hour of truth has arrived for them too. The financial crisis has warned people that they need information reliable, and that for this to happen it is necessary to elect governments reliable, since it depends on something else. What is not easy, but so just impossible. Fact is that going forward the people - workers, unions, students, teachers, among others, will join the efforts. Then, using the "e-direct democracy", global society can fiercely fight corruption, and all the evils that it brings. Thus ending an era of insider information, unscrupulous speculators, corrupt politicians and businessmen irresponsible.

The market is not all powerful

Adam Smith was an educated man, the kind thought, "God in heaven and Market on earth. "Well, Smith published "The Wealth of Nations in 1776, claiming that the government should not intervene in the economy, while she was in crisis or not. Smith thought that if the market entered crisis will self-regulate through a great


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and mighty hand invisible. However, this invisible hand did not show up in the crisis of 1929; or even to lend a hand. Result, millions of people were unemployed, impoverished and desperate. A chaotic picture that repeats present in the U.S., Europe and other regions of the planet. How dead king is king post. After the crumbling of the theory of Adam Smith gave place the theory of economist John Maynard Keynes, one of the most notable economists that the world had. Keynes wrote his famous book "Theory General for Employment, Interest and Money "published in 1936 in England where he defended intelligently state intervention in the economy because wanted to save capitalism from its excesses, greed, selfishness, crises cyclical unemployment, poor income distribution and other disorders, that No invisible hand would help. And in particular he was brilliant. Lord Keynes believed that government intervention in the market, when necessary, make the economy more prosperous, since she promote an improvement in standard of living. Despite the Keynes disdained the fact that socialism, he defended the idea that free market alone will not "self-regulate," and he was right. The cyclical crises of capitalism are every economist knows, what did not expect was a full remake of the great and equally damaging Depression occurred in 1929. And that's exactly what happened in 2007 exploded when the mortgage crisis in the U.S. and spread to the the world. Again the invisible hand of Adam Smith did not appear and the Governments around the world had to intervene in the economy to save it. Releasing billions of dollars to provide liquidity to the market and help major insolvent companies, especially financial and automotive sector. Ironically, the massive state intervention in the economy occurred in U.S., the great advocate of non-intervention in the market. And what is worse these interventions, such as the Nobel Prize for Economics Mr. Paul Krugman says: "socializes losses and privatizes profits. "In other words the people pay the bills of corporate corruption and lose their jobs, while the bourgeois capitalists are responsible for it with the profits and bonuses, as was the case referred to AIG"; and he was right.

The Strategic Intervention in the Market Capitalist

Because of the crisis, on September 7, 2008 the U.S. government took control of mortgage institutions Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, pumping $ 200 billion in the two companies. In the same month he intervened in the American International Group - AIG, then threatened with bankruptcy; granting him a loan of U.S. $ 85 billion in exchange for control of almost 80% of the shares.


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This maelstrom of government interventions to benefit friends repeated in other parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. What major country to emerge unscathed from this crisis? Nationalization now underway in the U.S. and other parts of the world Western, was shot in the foot caliber of neoliberal capitalism. Now the advanced capitalist world is accepting the fact that the government should intervene strategically in the market when this is necessary. That indicates that capitalism seeks to "the middle way" to meet again, in which there is no room for radicalism and intolerance. Especially in the respect for individual rights, freedom of expression and private property. Intervention in the "market socialism"

The global crisis did not spare the socialist countries, but China acted quickly and disbursed $ 585 billion to provide liquidity to its the internal market. Notably for the productive sector oriented abroad, which suffers from the collapse of international trade retracted. Once China was a great enemy of the U.S., second only title to Russia, yet the old enmity is behind us, with the government Chinese declaring that cooperate for economic recovery America is fast. But what was the cause of the shift strategic spectacular Chinese government towards the U.S.? In fact China has a relationship of economic complementarity with the U.S.. It depends greatly on the U.S. domestic market for sell their products and collect dollars that will promote progress the Chinese people. To sum things up, China's trade is extremely surplus, a fact that causes some discomfort in the USA.

In turn the U.S. rely heavily on China to finance its deficit monstrous treasure, so much that it became the largest purchaser of U.S. Treasury Bonds. This left the community stunned world, since most of the world capitalist power the U.S. was "hands" of largest economy in the world socialist - the socialist China. The thing is so complex that if China decide to stop buying U.S. Treasury Bonds, those who finance the government deficit, the U.S. will be facing the financial abyss. However, for the sort of government American, this would not be interesting for China, at least in the short term, because mountains of dollars in Chinese hands would turn to dust American debacle. What would not be good for them.


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In any case, the Chinese already indicated that they diversify their investments abroad, thus hampering the placement of securities Americans in the global market. In fact the Chinese are dying of American fear of a break, as they have many "Americans eggs" in the same basket. Therefore, the Chinese authorities are acting prudently, so that the accumulated fortune with the successful "market socialism" do not turn dust. And this caution is well regarded by the world.

The Socialist Economics of Privatization

It's an interesting thing happening in China, Russia and other socialist countries. This is the easing of excessive regulations, coupled with a decrease in the presence in the economy. Currently socialist governments allow and even even encourage the presence of private companies in the economy. Something unthinkable in the early days of socialism. So that the economic opening of "market socialism" caused a race of world capitalism, towards the most populous market on the planet, China. No business plan to stay the weight out of a market this size. The "market socialism" is an economic model used in China, which allows the existence of private companies, thereby stimulating corporate existence of various types of enterprises: state, private, mixed and cooperative employees. And this composition was very productive successful, stimulating the economy to levels never seen before. In Actually China has become the locomotive of world economy, with an economy so vibrant, that the world believes it will contribute significantly to the global crisis will end soon.

By analyzing the X-ray of Chinese success, it turns out that a strong reasons for the success of the Chinese, is the fact that the opening of Chinese economy to private companies from abroad was intelligently planned by the government. And this careful planning aimed to accelerated progress and generate many jobs. Therefore, the government only allowed to settle in the country those companies to collaborate in achieving the goals set by Chinese Communist Party. Therefore, any company that was not authorized the government to installed there. In contrast, the weight of the state was widely used for ensure that foreign companies to open their doors in the country, count on an adequate infrastructure, with primary commodities abundant and a huge labor market. Moreover, the manpower China is cheap, trained and disciplined, which in itself is a powerful attraction business.


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In turn, companies should take technology and beyond knowledge, so that the industrialization through foreign capital was not predatory for the country. Moreover, the attraction of venture capital abroad, has helped China build a huge foreign exchange reserves, and this helped a lot in promoting the material progress, and that the spring global middle class benefited handsomely.

The smart political strategy implemented by the Chinese government, especially after the great reform occurred in 1978, allowed the country that a huge leap in economic development; turning that poor and populous agricultural country, the beginning of the revolution Communist led by Mao in 1949, in an industrial power emerging, with the right magnetic trains and everything. Ensure economic projections that China will reach the top of world economy in 2030, or perhaps earlier, depending on how the rest the world will react to the global crisis. No doubt China with her "Market socialism" is an economic giant that has awakened. To get an idea of the enormity of the Chinese companies, Petrochina that is a mixed economy company, a capital that has reached the historical value of $ 1trilhão in 2007. Certainly the success of this company is part of corporate strategic context established by pre-government.

However, not all flowers are in progress in China. Despite the dizzying progress of his socialism, China still has significant social issues that demand urgent solutions. For example, take the misery the 700 million poor peasants marginalized progress that such "market socialism" both provided for the middle class Chinese. Another important point to be considered in the Chinese economy, is the fact that its main production base for export of goods employs labor-intensive. Industries are textiles, shoes, tools and toys, among others. And with the ongoing global crisis, many foreign companies are closing down and laying off in China employees. Here is another powerful reason why the Chinese government cooperates with the other capitalist countries to the global crisis will end soon. It is known that the great global crisis "merit" without distinction of affecting capitalist and socialist countries now participating in the hands of crazy global economic maelstrom. So, you're a worker must pay close attention. If nothing is made by the working classes, the "bourgeois capitalist" and the "nomenklatura socialist, "will be victorious and strengthened from the crisis again. Do not be doubt it. Hence, the big losers will always be workers, will continue exploited and oppressed by these privileged classes.


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Surely, when the government intervenes in the market, largely the money goes into the pockets of the capitalists and bureaucrats. this is Indeed, despite the capitalist media noise that the government squandered money to preserve the employment of, a fact partly true.

In stark reality, the governments promise to crisis generation of workers to new jobs. However, these promises not realized, and the workers end up bearing the brunt of the crisis: unemployment, lower wages, higher inflation and services and so will. On the other side of the story, and the bourgeoisie out of the nomenklatura crisis strong and rich, at the expense of those poor workers who lunch once a day and may not have more to eat in the future. Sociocapitalist the system, as currently occurs under socialism, there will be a harmonious coexistence between state enterprises, companies private, joint ventures and companies' own employees. There will also be more productive and financial regulations to minimize risks. And of course there will also be regular interventions government in the market when necessary.

However, the two possess full sociocapitalism differences fundamental for the

other two economic systems. The first one is that the workers actually exercise

sociocapitalists power that emanates from the people, via "e-direct democracy."

The second difference is the fact that workers also have their part fit of capitalist

profit, the nomenklatura bourgeoisie and snapped in full.


No capitalist rule out the fact believes that its primary purpose is profit. For the capitalists are ambitious, practical, creative, entrepreneurs and necessary. Because of this "natural ambition" they commanded the world into the economic, technological, scientific and cultural, unique, especially since the 20th century. From another point of view, greed and selfishness of the capitalists and bureaucrats have excluded millions of human beings that "progress" based on profit at any price, that resulted in major problems social. Paradoxically, while millions of people are miserable, ignorant and hungry, there is a great waste of resources, which saved and applied correctly, would be enough to eradicate poverty and ignorance in the world. This waste of global resources all sorts, has caused a depletion in natural resources and damaging the environment in a swift and overwhelming way. Of so that if this unsustainable development is not arrested in timely, he certainly affect future generations, especially in access to safe drinking water and breathable air.


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Once the profit in the socialist system was considered taboo. Ideology Marx was clear on this and proposed an economy without entrepreneurs without profit and without the conflict of classes, whose central focus was a government production of goods and services, which should meet the needs of the population. Over time, the reality of the facts showed that the socialist system was a large gap between theory and practice. So the products and services state available for the population under socialism were scarce and of poor quality. And as little misery is nonsense, if you installed a corruption widespread in the midst of a privileged class of bureaucrats, who as voracious termites in wood, eroded throughout the system. These facts that generated great popular discontent. To summarize the situation, while the socialist system was rotting, the government authorities roasting a lot of money with arms race, fearing an imminent attack from the dangerous enemy of capitalism. Across the international strategic game, the capitalists were even against the hated "red."

In fact, the socialist economic development in the primordium was slow and costly. And while consumer goods were scarce for the population, Socialist mountains of wasted natural resources may not as much as capitalism with its rampant mass consumption. And to worsen the global situation, the socialist governments also pollute the nature of rampant and dangerous, as occurred in nuclear plant disaster in Chernobyl. The dark side of the socialist environmental issue, is also China, which is a dramatic example of unsustainable development, the which the great rivers and even the air we breathe in large Chinese cities, are sacrificed. The tyrannical Chinese government should treat its citizens better. Indeed they will only be respected in fact, when exercising their rights democratic that all civilized people should have, mainly through "e-direct democracy". However, considering the governmental resistance, Chinese people have to fight hard until it happens.

Income in capitalism

Karl Marx may have been wrong enough with respect to capitalism, but a thing he nailed it by saying that "all wealth comes from labor." He was convinced that the historical context of human socialization is only possible to generate wealth with work. Well, work as a source of all the wealth produced in human society, so clear in the head Marx, and so obscure in the minds of capitalists, perhaps for convenience and Greed, is undoubtedly the great "weakness" of capitalism.This highly effective system for producing wealth, but extremely poor to distribute it to workers. Thus establishing a perverse relationship between exploiter and exploited. An old contract society in which only one party takes advantage of the capitalists. Fitting the workers the burden of vassalage.


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Marx explained this state of vassalage irrefutably. And there at this point is his

brilliance, and preserves the history. In practice the capitalist exploitation works

simply. After payment of wages to workers, capitalists sell their products, a price

higher than the wages paid to workers and other expenses, and so gets the profit.

The Marx called this difference "surplus value", the "capitalist profit" is not shared

with workers.

On this issue of exploitation of man by man Pope Benedict XVI stated categorically: "Karl Marx described dramatically the alienation of man. I have not achieved the true depth of alienation, because only in the context reasoned material, provided clear picture of a man victimized by bandits. " Marx also drew attention to the fact that capitalists can use two strategies to increase their rate of profit on the farm of wage labor. The first strategy is called "surplus value absolute ". What is to extend the working day, keeping the wages constant. The second strategy is called "relative surplus value" which consists of increasing labor productivity through mechanization. This process of exploitation of the working classes will be changed when workers directly exercise the power that is yours, without the ill-fated policy of corporatist intermediation biased. Realizing the maximum of democracy that "all power emanates from the people in his name will be exercised". The maximum performance of democratic will certainly help to correct the exploitative situation in which the working class lives. And there will be away from the day that workers can appropriate part of the "added value" capitalist who fits them for justice.

Direct democracy will enable the realization of this desire to work even in this century, and note that direct democracy is no fiction. It is already used successfully in some cities in Switzerland and Sweden. It is worth noting that under socialism the "exploitation of man by man "is much worse, because of the dictatorship that is imposed on people who are heavily exploited by nomenkatura, which does no more than one perpetuate itself in power, even if this policy lay hands inconsistent as to enable a sustainable development does not occupy neighbors and not to democratic freedoms for their people. For China to return to the list of civilized nations of the world is need it urgently solve this social equation. And with sure these issues will be resolved with the adoption of sociocapitalism.


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The appropriation of wealth by the worker

Why do not all men are equally rich? This is a important issue raised by Allan

Kardec in the book "The Gospel According to Spiritism "to which he replied:

"It's because they are not equally intelligent, active and industrious to acquire and

to keep sober and provident".

And Kardec was right, considering the effort of the individual itself. But Marx

approached the formation of wealth from the perspective of the collective, the

social. To him "all wealth comes from labor," but unfortunately the capitalists are

always with the substantial part of the wealth generated by workers. All the

productive social relations distorted and unfair where one class is favored over

another. Fact that generate important social strife and therefore need to be

resolved. Thing that socialism and tried to solve with its proposal to abolish the

class struggle, but in practice he was not happy. And this fact upset the socialists

in the outside world.

I remember that for every problem there is a solution, as complex than it may

seem. On the other hand, the solutions are apparently simple, but nobody sees

them. They are "egg of Columbus." And My proposals to solve these social issues

are so crucial also, simple and yet comprehensive: sociocapitalism.

The Capital Fund Workers - CFW

For the worker to the appropriate share of the capitalist profit, which it can for justice, it is necessary to set up a fund called Capital Fund Workers - CFW. Whose resources would compulsorily net income of the undertakings or their payrolls, whichever is greater, and deposited on behalf of each employee.

The formula for calculating the appropriation of profits by companies employees must observe the following proportion: 10% of net income business or your payroll, whichever is greater. The employee may withdraw the money it deserves CFW every three years if the like.

To avoid manipulations and deviations in the purpose and operationalization of CFW, I describe below some suggestions that I think fundamental. Although the people that is expected to submit final suggestions and endorse the establishment of the CFW.


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Therefore, for greater security the CFW shall be bound to the Bank Center of the country, and be administered by a Board composed representatives of workers, representatives of the federal government and Representatives of business, making a total of ten representatives. Keeping the following proportions: six representatives workers (60%), two representatives of the federal government (20%) and two representatives of employers (20%). Obviously workers have greater representation, because the money is theirs CFW. Therefore, the President of the Board must also keep one of the employee representatives. All representatives of the Board are required to be fifty years and notorious knowledge in the economy, has the title of Doctor, and possess more than five years of proven experience in the area economic. After all, as the representatives will deal with a lot of money others is vital that they have maturity, experience and wisdom.

Workers' representatives are chosen through elections national, promoted by the Trade Unions federalized. And all unionized workers are entitled to vote. The cost of representation will be funded in apportionment, the unions who underwent election. Government representatives will be appointed by the Minister of Finance and necessarily be career civil servants (competition) and their names will be submitted to Congress to approval. If Congress must manifest itself in a maximum of 2 months indication of the Minister of Finance. If this does not occur in this term, nominees will be automatically accepted, provided they meet the basic requirements for the position described. The cost of representation will be funded by the Ministry of Finance. The representatives of entrepreneurs will be chosen through elections national federalized Business promoted by the unions. And all members entitled to vote. The cost of representation will be Business federalized funded by Unions who underwent election. The resources of the CFW shall be applied in the stock market and government securities in the following proportions: 70% of funds invested domestically and the remaining 30% in the Internal Market. Since the total resources involved in domestic and foreign markets the following proportions of application should be observed: 50% stock preferred, 25% in shares, debentures and 15% in 10% government bonds.

The money will be taxed CFW only when a worker withdraw capital, in whole or in part, which correspond by law; which may be done every three years. What is a time of need required for worker's capital can be invested in economic activities and thus multiplied.


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The CFW is a venture capital fund investment and risk of workers and should be viewed as such. So, the CFW has basically two important functions. The first is that it will serve as a tool for that a worker can get your share of the capitalist profit. The other says about the fact that the CFW constitute itself into a powerful instrument dynamic economy, creating new jobs, making profits, and promoting the progress and well being of the people. Thereby strengthening the popular decision-making power in economic affairs, balancing this way the social scale production, which once hung unfairly favor of entrepreneurs. The fact is that with the implementation of the CFW, the worker will no longer be a mere disposable wage, but also a partner capitalist. Hence the expression sociocapitalist, in which the worker this process will benefit doubly: as a salaried employee and sociocapitalist as an investor.

CFW is a democratic and flexible so that each country can deploy it to "fashion house", but preserving the concepts strategic underpinning ideology sociocapitalist (and CFW). In the social context is not intended to CFW only that the worker can receive its share of the capitalist profit. He has a role that will as well. Give employees a considerable economic power in society, thus countering the economic power of capitalists.

Advantages of CFW The CFW is an ideological model practical, just, harmonious and progressive that allows classes to work properly the share of profit capitalist who produces the work.

It is a practical tool because there is something approaching this concept in the world. See what Della Rosa Fernanda wrote in his book "Profits or Results - The competitive advantage", published by Editora Atlas in 1999, about the Profit Sharing or results in the world:

"In Chile, the base is the net profit of companies. The formula is defined as follows: 30% of net income or 25% of worker's annual salary with a maximum of 4.75 wage minimum. The distribution is proportional to the salary and is compulsory for companies with a legal obligation to keep the ledger. "

The crucial difference between the Profit Sharing in or Results Chile, which is compulsory, with CFW, is the fact that the latter is more that mere participation, for the CFW will deal with financial applications powerful and wide-ranging social. In fact, it will contribute to a better correlation of economic forces and political relations between the classes labor and capital, thereby contributing to progress social fairer, consistent and balanced. And promoting better distribution of wealth.


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The CFW is just because it recognizes the right of workers to appropriating the portion that fit them the most value. Thus the dispossession of wage labor, would be considerably minimized. And causing a substantial decline in the struggle of classes; in as the old antagonistic social relationship between productive bourgeois and workers, is replaced by an associative relationship based on fair distribution of profits. So, consequently, the CFW is also smooth.

You should already be thinking that the capitalists will lose money on implementation of CFW, or that the business will be inhibited, causing unemployment and affecting progress. Nothing is more erroneous than to think so. In fact, a considerable part of the profit appropriated by million workers will turn to consumption, so that cause a virtuous circle of economic growth in the supply, employment and finally, in the very capitalist's profit. Therefore, the CFW is a model no one loses. Including the government, for increased production and consumption will provide more tax revenue. With all these economic players getting their fair and deserved portion, society as a whole also will win, and then there will be great and true social progress for all. Below I listed some advantages of CFW for workers and to society:

1 - To provide a better distribution of wealth generated by work. 2 - Give employees a greater power of decision in matters economic, labor and business. 3 - Easing the struggle between workers and capitalists, as both are legally recognized as partners. Thus facilitating labor negotiations mainly in time of crisis and layoffs. 4 - The productivity and improve business efficiency.

The Virtuous Circle of the Capital Fund Workers - CFW The adoption of the Capital Fund Workers (CFW) causes a substantial improvement in income distribution, which provide workers increase the consumption of goods and services. It is precisely this consumption extra will start a virtuous circle for the real economy as a whole, in which there will be benefits for both workers and for capitalists and government.


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Depending on the economic size of the country concerned, this circle virtuous would extend far beyond its borders, regardless of whether the affected communities have instituted CFW or not. Now imagine if all the G-20 countries adopting the CFW, the enormous impact that would benefit the world economy. Returning to the virtuous cycle, increased demand for goods and services causes a positive business response to meet it. Thus, the offered by firms will also increase and they will profit greatly. The government in turn be able to collect more taxes, without increase their rates. As if it can even reduce them, and thus encouraging further economic progress. And the multiplier effect of CFW in the economy does not stop there. with the level of aggregate demand expanded entrepreneurs hire more workers, which in turn consume more goods and services business and raise tax revenues of the government, so that may invest more money to the welfare of the population.

The above demonstrates how the circle will focus on beneficial CFW economy, providing generalized increases in consumption, supply, profit, productivity, investment, government revenues and, finally, the level of employment. All this will boost the development economic, social and cultural progress for so-called social development, comprehensive and fair that we all desire.

With the buoyant economy and rising wages on account of gains productivity, aggregate demand is again reheated, but not will be out of control, to cause troublesome inflation increases. For the world is integrated and certainly no shortage of product will be supplied by the world supply. Precisely because of that countries do not be protectionist. For protectionism makes the business costs high, which hinders the dynamism of international trade and progress of mankind. Continuing the analysis of the multiplier effect of CFW in the economy, heating demands of the national heats also the global demand; What does drive corporate profits. And much of that profit returns the CFW and the pockets of workers. However, a substantial part of the aggregate corporate profits also goes into the pockets of the capitalists and corporate executives, and also to the government coffers in the form of tax revenues. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, no one lost with the implementation of the WCF, the model in sociocapitalist. Again, everyone wins: employees, employers and governments. The adoption of CFW countries becomes even more interesting if consider the overall corporate concentration and the effects it causes in politics, economy and world society. To get an idea of corporate concentration in the year 2000, the second Source World Bank, 35 000 transnational companies dominate 51% Global World Product (GPW). Those companies, only 500 of them dominate 40% of the GPW.


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So the global workers that can not be alienated important asset they own produce business and generate colossal wealth for the capitalists. One should also consider that the capitalists who dominate these global companies have the firepower to economic and technological build and operate highly productive plants, and some operate the line production with 100% automation. So do not use workers in the production process show.

Yet these companies will also contribute to the CFW, on behalf of employees working in support areas. Avoiding so that their employees "automated" are wronged again. How were the workers of the past that capitalists helped these companies "Grim Reapers workers" to enrich, and who are now alienated from the current wealth, which was multiplied after the ouster of wage labor past.

The reality is hard for these workers. After what they have today, unless their mere pensions, funds from the Pension, which they sponsored, via "reduction plans salary? '"In the end, they can not leave something substantial inheritance to their children, as do the capitalists with their actions of Stock Exchanges or other highly liquid assets, from appropriation of the wealth generated by these workers in the past. By this I mean that while the workers of the past were alienated from the corporate profit, the capitalists as opposed to enriched their expense. And now they can build factories that do not employ people in line. From the above it is clear that the CFW should be implemented urgently to correct this aberration to the system capitalism produces. But it is not easy, considering that the capitalists are corrupt politicians in his hands, as well as corporate media biased and manipulative.

The global crisis has made it clear that the social relationship that benefits both capitalists is untenable and must change soon. However, for that happens, the workers and people need to walk together and toward certain sociocapitalism. And the victory will be sure and Since then, capitalists and workers become partners. Then the old productive relationship "win-lose" will be replaced by harmonious "Win-Win" In which workers and capitalist will also winners, and the class struggle will be abolished or greatly attenuated.

Questions about the CFW

Although the CFW presents many advantages for all involved: governments (Federal, State and Municipal), workers and entrepreneurs, he not be deployed without the struggle and dedication of persistent workers. For the implementation of CFW is a monumental task, considering that will shake the established power, and hampering old concepts rooted. Especially with regard to work employee, who


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is seen by capitalists as any product available on the market, that he may acquire and dispose of when convenient. Not considering that behind the wage labor is a human being worthy, and the true creator of all wealth.

We consider that, although the capitalists have an additional profit with the implementation of CFW, due to the virtuous circle that I mentioned, they can not view this detail. So they cause many difficulties from time to accept this new productive relationship, which give rise to a "new social contract." In which workers are considered by law as members of the capitalists. So that for overcome the difficulties in the implementation of CFW, I repeat, workers need unity, commitment and persistence. I tried to anticipate some questions that inevitably occur in part of the capitalist bourgeoisie and corporate media bias, which certainly try to form an opinion contrary to the CFW and sociocapitalism; to influence voters and candidates in favor of their old eaten causes. Such questions are at the end of this book (Annex II).


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Chapter IV

Sociocapitalism & Better World

The world is changing fast

The global financial crisis that the U.S. exported to the world, caused a domino effect of defaults, losses, bankruptcies and unemployment. This chain of evil has also brought a great insecurity popular, people were afraid of losing their jobs and thus saved money thinking of a dark future that lay ahead. The widespread fear caused a considerable drop in production economic, and fueled unemployment. In turn, employers were fearful of losing money with their business and because of that they cut spending, delayed or dismissed emptively investments those employees who idle thought. Sure that the actions of "prudent" by both consumers and by entrepreneurs only make things worse. It is clear to fire petrol. So the downturn in the economy caused by the caution by consumers and entrepreneurs in the end greatly affected the flow of international trade, due to the interdependence among countries, doing great damage.

The leak caused by the global financial crisis was enormous. only in U.S. government has injected about $ 1.9 trillion into the financial system, since mid-2007. And there is a huge hole to cover estimated $ 3 trillion, making the hole a real American "bag without background ". Beyond the borders of American banks have yet to take a default $ 1.6 trillion. At this point you might be wondering "where we stop "with this crisis? Very quiet at this time, because history shows that capitalism has always gone through cyclical crises and none of them was the "end of the world". Ultimately countries emerge stronger one, given the innovative and creative presents that this economic system. This global financial crisis hit four important facts. The first and most obvious marks the end of American empire, which lasted from 1945 to 2007. The facts in themselves prove the assertion of the decay of USA: the size of its crisis, the huge deficit spending and treasury military on high, that the American people can no longer support.


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The second result refers to the rise of the Chinese empire his unusual "market socialism". Interestingly, this "former enemy" of U.S. is currently its largest creditor, with more than $ 585 billion U.S. government bonds. Surpassing Japan which has U.S. $ 573 billion and the United Kingdom with U.S. $ 338 billion. This unexpected US-China economic alliance, made a singular cause. Each is "economic hostage '" on the other. A powerful indicator of convergence that occurs between two economic systems: capitalism and socialism. Trend unthinkable in the past. The third fact is also of paramount importance, although not as evident to many people; concerns the acceleration that the global crisis Because the convergence "sociocapialist" that will culminate with the end birth of the "sociocapitalism" later this century. The fourth and last important fact refers to the public that graduated from the "global society", contrary to widely empires, dictators, corrupt, terrorists and criminals. And this awareness has helped enough in mobilizing efforts to solve or minimize the global problems such as religious conflicts, environmental pollution, poverty and ignorance among many others more.

The global citizen will spare no efforts to global problems above are solved in time. You also know that they only will be resolved through diplomatic negotiations and multilateral peaceful. Thus, this interdependent context it is necessary to emergence of a New United Nations, so that it presents a model fairer global governance, shared and active. That respects and dignifies all its member countries. And all this is that the community world really craves. The Twilight of the American Empire is Good for the World

When the former Soviet Union was demolished in 1991, many thought Communism had rotted, but that does not explain everything. Indeed this decrease was also a result of U.S. military-strategic move bold, whose central idea was simple enough. The U.S. government cause a mad arms race with the USSR and costly, in which the U.S. will certainly be victorious, having an economy considerably stronger.

In practice the plan would work like this, try to keep up with the USSR spending Americans not to "eat dust" in the path of militarization, that at any moment their economy would collapse. Then, when the Soviet economy deteriorated, the Soviet people suffered one would enormous pressure on the government for a democratic opening. Hence the opening inevitably force the democratic government of the USSR to cut their spending the military. Thus, with declining Russian military the U.S. would exert a world leadership alone.


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The U.S. strategic plan was followed to the letter, so that the Union Soviet actually collapsed, and the global media ended up electing the U.S. as the only hyper power, implying that henceforth the world would be at their feet. However, forward in time, the reality showed a different face, because the United States that have not been left unscathed mad arms race. So much so that the country is currently the world's largest debtor. And much of this debt is related to military spending made by Radical Republicans of the past, who have always defended the race American arms. Very fact that contributed to the emergence the large deficits of the U.S. Treasury, which silently undermined the over time, the then-vibrant economy. To make matters worse, the attacks took place then practiced by al-Qaeda to the U.S. in September 11, 2001, immortalized by the implosions live television celebrated the Twin Towers in New York. a harbinger the decline of the U.S. economy, already battered in the race arms. So American consumers were fearful about future of the country and reduced spending, making the U.S. economy goes into "Slowdown". As the saying goes that "little misery is nonsense," so that for boost the economy, then President Bush took a series of measures wrong, which later also helped lead the U.S. to the bottom. Among these measures were wrong to release abundant credit, and at high risk of default in the future. It is known that "good" President Bush's intention was to boost economy U.S., providing easy and cheap credit to consumers. in practice their measures were like "time bomb", which now undermine the country. Another measure of Bush was wrong to increase military spending instead to cut them. Making the U.S. engage in two costly wars, for happiness of the "pressure group" arms. So these measures the President George W. Bush has considerably increased the vulnerability the U.S. economy, rather than decrease it. In summary, the hallmark of American decline occurred in the crisis of mortgages started in 2007, in which the U.S. is plunged so far, accompanied by much of the world he dragged along. The U.S. decline is especially analyzed by Andrew Bacevich, a retired colonel and professor of international relations at the University Boston, who wrote the book: "The Limits of Power: The End of American exceptionalism. "

Mr.. Bacevich argues the thesis that the losses on U.S. crisis pose a threat to U.S. sovereignty. And he is adamant about this:


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"A country that depends on other countries for much of their need for fossil fuels and has a debt of more than $ 10 trillion and much of it in the hands of foreigners as China and Japan, has compromised its sovereignty. And people need to examine the implications of this loss on foreign policy American".

Bacevich goes further and addresses the crucial issue of the U.S.: "The U.S. has not only reached the limits of their economic power of course, but also are at the limit of its military power, at least on top of important military power in the 21st century". Colonel Bacevich was even more daring to comment on the need for cutting military spending: "We need to reduce our military presence in the world and the obvious place to do this is Europe, which can take care of their own security". In fact Professor Bacevich is correct in his analysis, because the U.S.have expensive bases all over the world, one still wanted to do more in Paraguay, not taking into account the views of the people against South American. The analysis made by Bacevich American decadence is not an isolated case.It became clear to the world. So much so that the Russian Dimitri Mendvedev also aptly expressed on the decline of the U.S. saying:

"The time of domination by one economy and one currency was relegated to the past once and for all".

This thought is also shared to some extent, on the other weight heavily on the international scene, the German minister Peer Steincruck, that also provides for the end of U.S. power after the crisis. surely these generalized opinions are echoed by the four corners of the planet. Analyzing the American debacle in the light of historical facts, we find the crazy arms race imposed at the time the USSR was a tremendous shot in the arm, so that the U.S. experienced its own poison. And this error, together with many others, cost the U.S. loss the empire. Since there are evils which comes much, the collapse is American contributing significantly to the strengthening of the UN, which until then was in their hands. And the most obvious result of this will be the strengthening emergence of a new UN; to meet satisfactorily increasingly complex demands of society and contribute to Global a better world.


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The powerful China 21st Century

When Mao Zedong took over the Chinese government expelled the elite capitalist to Taiwan, that great and populous country was continental almost rural and backward. It was a difficult time of misery socialized, persecution of dissidents and political stagnation economic. But it did not matter to the Chinese people. he trusted blindly that the leader of the country, the "great helmsman" as it was Comrade Mao called, would lead China back to glory days the past, when he was a powerful and rich empire respected by all peoples of the earth. A country of great sage who gave humanity important inventions such as gunpowder, paper, compass noodles, among other. The Comrade Mao was "hard line" and inflexible, and that time required to be so. Since China went through great hardship and was surrounded by enemies who always coveted their wealth. So the biggest challenge that Mao was urgently needed to tackle feed that hungry people, which is the most populous of the Earth. And in this he was successful, but China remained poor and rural. . However, facing the great progress China occurred in 1978 flexible-when Deng Xiaoping began the great political reform that the country so desperately needed. Political reform that led the government to do a economic openness, which, among other important things, dismantled the rural communes, enabling farmers to cultivate their lands property to sell surplus goods and turn a profit. Begins so the shift in China toward capitalism, the Chinese called "market socialism".

Because of the reforms mentioned the rise of China in the scenario world was fast, especially here in 1984. To get an idea this progress, the state enterprises in 1978 amounted to 78% of Chinese industrial production. But in 1993 this percentage dropped to 43%. This means that non-state enterprises are responsible for more than half of the industrial economy (57%). A very significant drop in state participation in the economy. The "market socialism" China did not stop there. In 1980 the degree of opening of China's trade with the world that was 12%, and 2000 jumped to 42%. A considerable and profitable economic openness for international trade. It became evident that the awakened giant China to progress, whereas reaching the third place at the top of the world economy with a GDP of $ 3 trillion. Surpassed only by Japan, which has a GDP of U.S. $ 4.8 trillion and the U.S. that has the GDP of around U.S. $ 14 trillion.


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China currently produces more cars than the U.S., and worldwide hopes that her success will continue. Since that is the main locomotive that pulls the world trade at this time. If not for the Chinese industrial development very expressive, the global crisis would be much worse.

So it is no wonder that powerful capitalist countries as U.S., Japan, UK, Italy and many others that are in recession, highly dependent on the success of "market socialism" in China, which the decades growing around 10% per year. If Mao was the "great helmsman" the Communist revolution of 1949, Deng-Xiaoping was the "great driver" of the meteoric rise of China, toward global economic leadership. Because of economic growth without unprecedented in the world economy.

X-ray of "success" Chinese In brilliant article called "Success in China's Socialism," newspaper published in the State of São Paulo on July 6, 2008, the Trevisan journalist Claudia makes a balanced assessment about the success of this country, which currently pulls in global growth.

The article by journalist Trevisan concluded that the spectacular growth of "Socialist market economy" is explained less by the reforms toward the free market and more for what it is socialist. Statement this, which although not to the liking of Western corporate media, is consistent and based on facts. So I agree fully with her. China with its strategic enterprises is the most striking example that epitomizes the convergence of economic systems that once were antagonistic: socialism and capitalism. Despite the controversy about which economic system would responsible for the Chinese success, the fact is that socialism and capitalism are merging. And this is occurring not only in China but also in many countries. Indicating that there is not a near future, a new and unique economic system, the sociocapitalism. In any case, the article explains Claudia Trevisan China's success focused on socialism, based on teacher explanations Cui Zhiyan School of Public Administration of Tsinghua University, the China's most prestigious. Therefore it is appropriate to mention them:

1 - The emergence of collective factories in rural areas has become the main driver of industrial growth in the 80 Chinese and 90.


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2 - In the "socialist market economy" in China, the government retains control of strategic

and this enables:

a) The government influence over certain areas of the economy.

b) Allows the state to increase tax collections based on receipts of dividends from

government participation these strategic companies.

c) Contribute to the government has less need to raise taxes, since it receives an

additional income coming from dividends strategic companies. This left more money for

the people consume goods and services, attracting investments in the sector international

private, that will generate more jobs, profits and extra revenues to the government.

Professor Cui also stressed that public ownership of land was a key factor that

enabled the attraction of investments funds from abroad. For foreigners who invest

in land now can occupy it for a period of 40 to 70 years depending on the type of

enterprise. This entry of foreign investment allowed cities to finance their

infrastructure, so the streamlining labor market and consumption.

To get an idea of the progress China, in 1978 employees who worked in factories amounted to 28 million rural people. In 1996 that number took a giant leap and went to 125 million employees. Thousands of new rural enterprises started to compete with companies in the state, which once monopolized many sectors of Chinese economy. And competition has forced a restructuring of the sector state, causing a reduction in prices of industrial products, influencing the increase in consumption, which in turn demanded new investments. Thus creating a multiplier effect on the virtuous Chinese economy. Despite all the progress made by China, it is a giant has the "Achilles heel". So the Chinese government needs urgently resolve some internal strategic issues, and so exert a significant global leadership. Among these problems we mention three: poverty, lack of democracy and development do not sustainable.


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The much misery and

China now has a Population of 1.3 million inhabitants and the middle class Estimated at 150 million people, Which According to consulting MC Kinsey Institute will grow to 600 million by 2025. However, the Chinese Population Will Also Increase During this period, including the number of poor Chinese Already quite expressive; Currently Estimated at 800 million, consisting Primarily by Excluded from the miserable farmers benefits That "socialism market "Provides. Democracy is fundamental

China is still far from Being a Democratic country and the wound Caused the massacre of Tiananmen Square in 1989 have not healed in global awareness. This is the harsh reality of China. These facts coupled with negative, the Chinese Authorities still Pursue dissidents Arrangements and Autonomy would Consider giving to Tibetan people under the yoke ITS. To make matters worse, the Chinese government said that if Necessary, will use the Incorporate strength to the "renegade province" of Taiwan. That One Separated from mainland China in 1949, when there was a revolution communist.

If this should happen certainly destabilize Asia and the world. For Taiwan relies on U.S. support, and all the world does not want is a war involving these countries. But who can predict the what goes on in the minds of Chinese leaders who have usurped power the people? So it is especially important for the world and also for Chinese themselves that the rule of law is restored in their country. That is essential for a better world. On the other hand, the process of political reintegration of Taiwan to China Continental should be conducted through diplomatic negotiations and democratic, and not by those tyrannical actions they intend to leaders usurpers. In order that the issues of Tibet and Taiwan, tests will be hard for China's leadership in the future, toward democracy. One should also consider the scientific, cultural and moral, the creativity, freedom of expression and free enterprise; found in democracies ideal conditions for development and improvement. Without the guarantees of freedom that provides the rule of law, as is Progress can be a social fact? And how can the people reliable information to exercise their full rights in a country like China and Iran as many more, where even the Internet is censored, contrary to the rest of the world?


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In short, so there is steady progress, sustainable and fair in China, it needs to make urgent democratic reform. So such as Russia did, to the Chinese people to fully exercise their rights in a civilized manner. So it is with democracy, especially direct democracy, the people will have their needs met in fact.

Development is sustainable? China's economic growth is causing serious damage to the environment, directly affecting his people and the rest of the planet. The pollution from Chinese factories made the air unbreathable its capital, and contributing significantly to global warming. The pollution is so great in China that the Olympics to be held in Beijing in 2008, Chinese authorities have ordered the stoppage of polluting industries until he finished the event. Completed events Olympic pollution returned as before.

Chinese progress at any cost, not only affects air quality, because the major rivers of the country also have indices remain pollution. And the Chinese arable land, which is small in relation to area the country, suffers from the effects of intensive agriculture, pollution and drainage of the rivers. Therefore, it is crucial to the Chinese people that current progress does not harm future generations. this recommendation proclaimed by the UN goes for all countries. Remember there only China is polluting the world, the U.S. and other countries too powerful are indebted in this matter. Finally, if China resolve serious internal problems mentioned, it certainly will gain confidence worldwide, and thus may exercise, with wisdom, its important role in world leadership. A New UN

The so-called G-20 countries reached consensus that "problems require global solutions, coordinated and monitored by a new United Nations". It's time to retire the old UN, then dominated by the U.S. with its optical obsolete time of the Cold War. The world has changed a lot after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and especially after the fall of the USSR in 1991, which because of its bad economy at that time, had to reduce their spending defense. Measure this well regarded in the eyes of the world. Unlike the U.S. Soviet military spending rose dramatically, reaching the point of inventing a megalomaniac plan militarization of space; called "Star Wars", was an architect with the nonsense militarist Republican Ronald Reagan.

The question that I do about these militaristic adventures costly is this: what pumps can contribute to a world better?


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The U.S. military supremacy in this age of asymmetric warfare is a fallacy. And you can not fight also against the whole world: for no country has made such a feat in human history. So what you're getting the U.S. with this militarization exaggerated and that does not necessarily gives greater security? Beyond the guns, a leader must have moral force. Need to sew alliances, strengthen friendship and trust, things that successive U.S. governments have neglected. This is the harsh reality President Obama found time.

Surely Americans would not leave without the help of world crisis. Both President Obama called for global help to tackle the crisis, that the very American capitalism began. Fortunately its appeals were heard, and China itself, which is the largest creditor of the government American, volunteered to work towards this goal. Indeed the world has changed a lot and frankly I think that old UN also need to change fast, to keep up with the times and new challenges. Especially with the fall of American empire, that leaves behind an era of unilateral decisions and abuses economic or military. In these modern times who has enough clout to wage war unilaterally, without reasonable grounds and without the support UN, as happened in the Iraq war? As everything has its good side, the global crisis is no exception. In fact it it is forcing the U.S. government to cut military spending. with this the U.S. will be forced to share their "police power global" with other nations. And of course the cost as well. What will strengthen the UN and inaugurate the new era. In fact, the global crisis and the consequent end of the American empire is a good time for the performance of this New UN. Especially if it expand the Security Council, including in it all the G-20 countries. Why not? If the global financial crisis the international community needed to act rapidly and coordinately, because then it can not be better represented at the UN, through an enlarged Security Council?

Surely the present crisis is a good time for reflection, for it indicates that something is wrong and needs to be resolved. Thus, it has the merit to demonstrate that capitalism is in crisis and existential needs of rapid change to survive. Barak Obama's speech the day January 20, 2009 summarizes this need: "This crisis has reminded us that without vigilance, the market can spin out control and a nation can not prosper long when it favors only the rich”. This short excerpt of Obama's speech is very important as in that it addresses two fundamental aspects. The first is that he mentioned that surveillance is


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necessary is a deadly shot in "Market fundamentalism", with his conviction that markets are always universally beneficial, and that any interference in free market process decreases social welfare. However, those who now in their right mind is against government intervention in the system Financial? That's why we are witnessing the emergence in style Keynes was the intervention in the economy to save her, to the dismay monetarists and neoliberals.

The second important aspect of the short stretch of the speech Obama says regarding the distribution of wealth, the greatest weakness of capitalism. So it needs to be rethought beyond the short-term, this liquidity crisis proved. The harsh reality is that under capitalism workers produce all wealth and prosperity, but they are not just enjoying it all. It is this issue that the citizen should reflect worker before voting elections, not to lose your vote with candidates who do not corrupt meet their needs and expectations. The words of Mohammad Yunnus, Indian nicknamed "banker the poor, "illustrate the issue of poverty and crisis: "The poor are the losers. The rich bankers continue after the current crisis in the system". And the bad things for the poor do not end there. The Organization International Labour Organization - ILO says that corrosion in the salaries of working poor will be much greater than the contraction of the economy. To summarize the global crisis is causing a dramatic drop in the level of employment and also eroding the purchasing power of workers employees, because of lower wages. And to worsen the lot of workers, their needs do not decrease, rather, they always increase.

Allied to the foregoing problems is the further problem of the increase population. All these factors combined will cause strong claims popular for governments to resolve the situation in that the more people is humble. Because of all the people that fight for sure sociocapitalism deployment and thus achieve their desires. For this system will bring more happiness and prosperity. So, what the people really need to be able to realize their dreams? One can summarize this issue in three things: 1 - Exercise your democratic power fully. 2 - Working with dignity. 3 - The ownership share of the profits that the capitalist wage labor provided.


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It is worth noting again that in capitalism nor "socialism market" fully meet the above requirements. And those desires not fall from heaven, so workers have to fight obstinately by them. However, the people's struggle toward sociocapitalism should be organized and peaceful. It must involve unions, neighborhood associations, student unions, NGOs government, political parties and many other associations representative. In any case, the decisive battle will be fought within the popular awareness about the ideology sociocapitalist. And will be for it means that victory is certain. For when the people really want it can, historical examples prove it. However, due to awareness is necessary to use independent media in order to neutralize the effects that the manipulative corporate communications vehicles do in public. The global crisis has shown us clearly that we are all in the same boat and how interdependent we are to produce, market or even to fight global warming. It also showed that global problems require global solutions also. So, between many common problems that nations face, and what it takes address, below the most important ones: - Creation of a Global Governance - Disarmament - The Global Financial Crisis - Global Warming - The Free Trade - The World Security - The End of Poverty - The Religious Intolerance Certainly these global problems will be solved only if the New UN actually engage in these issues, mainly practicing a global governance more representative, fair and active.

Global governance is also a major concern for the Pope Benedict, in his encyclical "Caritas in Veritae" cites the need for UN reform, suggesting the creation of "world political authority" that with full power to promote disarmament and peace, resolve the financial crisis, regulate migration, combat protectionism, to food security, protect the environment, among other things. Creation of a Global Governance It is not my intention to present solutions to global problems, however comment on the issues already mentioned, considering that they are related to the emergence of the new system politico sociocapitalist and New UN.


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It is true that the global financial crisis requires extra care and urgent by the UN, because it is the worst global crisis in the last 70 years. And obviously affects the economies of many countries and especially their millions of humble workers. People like Jeffrey Garten, a professor at Yale University find that the UN also needs a "global monetary authority" that among other things act as a central anti-crisis reinsurance. And more, this authority would also help to monitor risks on the verge of international crisis; advance warning countries members. This would preclude international contagion, such as occurred with the American mortgage crisis, which eventually became the major international financial crisis. Other good suggestions keep flowing, especially the G20 concluded a round of negotiations and prepared proposals for reform IMF to cover the following aspects:

- The IMF should make supervision reports from all countries. By Amazingly the U.S. does not comply with these assessments. That means that the IMF should also monitor rich countries, with to mitigate risks. - The IMF wins new powers of supervision, control and regulation to prevent the exacerbation of economic cycles and promote global stability. Also contributing to the promotion of global financial stability, Nobel laureate economist James Tobin suggested the adoption of the "Tobin tax" for international transactions. The basic idea of this fee is to discourage the short-term speculators in the international market to channel sound investment based on long-term.

Another good idea is stabilizing suggested the creation of a currency universal by the UN. She would have its value pegged to a basket of currencies Strong international, as Keynes mentioned in the past, but bumped the power of the pound and the dollar, and thus was not developed further. Now Keynesian idea emerges with much more strength, and even mighty China condone it. Either way, the world dominance of a single currency as the dollar is in its days as the President of Russia Medvedev wisely prophesied.

Disarmament Even with the end of U.S. empire this country still has a role predominant in the new scenario of the 21st century. In this regard the government U.S. will have to rethink their old strategic concepts formulated the Cold War. President Obama himself, when in political campaign, had made it clear that the changes would necessary. And if he really does, there will be a significant advance in American foreign policy, which certainly will influence the architecture of power New UN. Especially with respect to the question of enlarging the Security Council, whose ideal is that all members of the G-20 part of it, to give greater consistency in strategic decisions world.


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In these new times the dialogue must always prevail over any type of conflict. This is one of the main pillars of the UN redesigned so that any country has ever start a unilateral war on any pretext. Otherwise it will be rejected by the community international and bear the consequences of this barbaric act abhorrent. Therefore, the New UN will work hard for the race arms, nuclear or conventional, should be avoided at all costs. Because just so the military will eventually spread once on the planet. In the context of war is necessary to clarify that no smart weapons there. They can be more efficient or not, but in reality weapons are always weapons, and can cause destruction and pain. Especially if stop in the wrong hands. It is for these reasons that governments command these weapons need wisdom, and especially popular legitimacy. Note the inconsistency arms, a cruise missile "smart" costing millions of dollars

does not serve to create some wealth. Serve only to destroy it. Then compare this

missile with a large and efficient agricultural tractor that generates wealth and jobs

in many fields and in the city. Moreover, the tractor cost much less and has a life

more. So intelligence is to invest in weapons and minimally maximize investments

in education and agriculture, for example. That are important areas, which form the

basis of prosperity nations in the world.

It is known that the spread militarist begins when a country becomes a weapon

quickly and without apparent reason. This causes suspicion in your neighbors or

those countries with which diplomatic relations are difficult. For which government

would be happy with a neighbor of temperament difficult, knowing that he is


Well, this mistrust in neighboring weapon that causes the other countries also should arm themselves, thus causing a mad rush the military superiority. Each trying to overcome the potential opponent. So the role of New UN will disarm the country militarized and concomitantly inhibit the militaristic adventures countries potentially belligerent. For New UN can put into practice the strategy of deterrence militaristic, it certainly will have a powerful consortium armed composed of men and equipment to countries that make up your Enlarged Security Council. Fact that the military will national irrelevant, so that national forces can be maintained with minimal budgets and strong oversight in the world. Thence then countries will save lots of money and the additional savings can be used in promising areas, creating new wealth national, which among other things, serve to fight poverty world. And in the end all countries will gain. Because there will be a great global prosperity, based on peace and justice life for all its citizens.


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The Global Financial Crisis

The global crisis is so deep that capitalism is going through a crisis identity ever seen in your entire history and it will surely come undergo substantial changes. In fact the current economic climate is black. The IMF estimates that the toxic assets, those assets that are difficult to reception, held by banks and insurers in the world can get to astronomical figure of $ 4 trillion and they still make a lot of damage in countries seriously affected by the crisis. Especially in the U.S. where damage from toxic assets could reach $ 3.1 trillion in 2010. The hole is so huge that the author of "The Bubbles Alan Greenspan, "Mr. William Fleckenstein, mentioned the following:

"In fact I would say the crisis is so severe that it can be solved by any package of government measures. It is the capitalist system itself that will have to reinvent themselves and pursue a out. " And that is what they are trying to do in the world. The words of French President Sarkozy in his speech of 23 September 2008 at the UN also summarized what the world needs to do in a short period to exit the financial mire that stuck: "I am convinced that evil is deep and we have to rethink all financial and monetary system, as we did in Bretton Woods after World War II, to create instruments regulatory world that globalization of the world demands”. However, the rules mentioned by Sarkozy will not solve the two serious problems of humanity arising from inconsistencies capitalism and socialism. Because they require long-term solutions. The first major problem concerns the exploitation of workers by bourgeoisie or the nomenklatura. The second problem is also important, concerns the manipulation of people's power by capitalists for their own benefit, taking advantage of the loopholes that democracy representative offers and manipulations of the biased media enterprise makes the public. The case of socialism is much worse, considering that the tyrannical nomenklatura popular usurped power by force, with persecutions, and deaths intimidation. As I mentioned the solution of crucial problems not will fall from heaven to the people and will not be resolved by the privileged classes. As Marx himself said - "The emancipation of the workers should be the workers themselves”. And of course this only emancipation occur with the implementation of the ideological model that already sociocapitalist emerges in the world, though few will see it clearly.


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The Good Side of the World Crisis

The crisis represents a major milestone in the history of capitalism. It is a turning point from which capitalism and Socialism will not be the same. And this course of history can not be reversed. The strong economic evidence now indicates that the convergence in way between capitalism and socialism and accelerated quickly consolidate completely. Probably not many years after the global crisis finish. From this arise the political-economic system sociocapitalist that predominate in the world this century. Fact is that especially important for the poorest. For the people get exercise its full power and also have the legal right to receive its share of the profits that the capitalist wage labor provides.

Thus, this model through fair and progressive world poverty will be drastically reduced, and humanity will have a political, economic and social than ever before.

The global crisis is certainly the agenda when the UN, but ultimately what she needs to solve it? First there is a consensus that UN via the IMF, need to rethink the international financial system and regular global financial institutions, especially those with greater weight in their home country or abroad. It is also necessary that there be a regulation that keeps agencies on risk control, to mitigate the risks arising from conflicts and other anomalies of interest arising from these policies in order to avoid underestimation of the extent of the risks involved in financial affairs, that affect both investors and cause harm to all. How could the rating agencies fail, as occurred in case "Goldman Sachs", which made huge mortgage losses? The case "Goldman Sachs" has become an academic example, because this If this important agency has missed twice. one in erroneous prediction he made for his clients and the other when he lost lot of money by managing the portfolio of investors. According to the president of Brazil, Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the risks and agencies, large international banks like to give "Guesses" about the lives of others, but they do not take care of itself. And President Lula is right. And it is precisely the repetition of these facts that the UN wants to avoid.


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The UN is also addressing a critical issue is that the performance of "Tax Havens" that so trouble the global economy to "wash dirty money "from sources contaminated by corruption, theft, smuggling and other heinous crimes. At a sensitive time like this, in spite of the conservative beliefs expressed in the headline in The Economist: "Now economic liberty is under attack "is a consensus that the state's role will be stronger; mainly in the financial sector, where institutions "and lay rolled, "and this caused widespread crisis that now disturbs the life of all. In other words, the strong regulatory role in the economy means that there may be more nationalization in the financial sector and in many other. But this is really bad? Such an event was bad noises as neo-liberals, entrepreneurs themselves would not dare ask for government intervention in economy to save it. What can not happen in reality, and this is also the opinion of Paul Krugman (Nobel Prize in economics), they "socialize losses and that privatize profits. "For those who do not know Mr. Krugman is a well known advocate the nationalization of institutions that are "in bad shape". In fact the nationalization may cause damage to the economy when is a 100% nationalizes industry. For example, nationalizing 100% banking sector is a serious mistake. But that does not mean that a particular company can not be 100% nationalized. However, this should only happen in a few strategic situations for the government. For a 100% nationalized is affected by serious diseases corporate. to quote a few: - Foreign interference that affects the interests of the CIA and the citizens; - Chronic lack of resources; - Lack of creativity, - Lack of administrative flexibility, and - Difficult to consolidate the long-term planning.

So the government should only participate in the control of a company if it target progress and long-term strategic benefits for the the population. What's more, government intervention should not exceed the 50% of the shares. For so the state can exercise also the beneficial role of entrepreneur, and promote progress sustainable fair to all. Norway is a good example of state intervention in strategic economy and this has enabled the country to enter the ranks of large marine oil explorers.


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To exploit oil marine the Norwegian government set up a company that has capital government and private named Statoil. Promoting mixed benign government and private capital, which gives the company a huge competitive power, and at the same time, it benefits considerably Norwegian people. The Brazilian company Petrobras is another important example of intervention strategic government in the economy and also the partnership and successful between the public and private capital. So Petrobras contributed significantly to Brazil would reach self-sufficiency in production of oil and found the giant pre-salt reserves, which now the world by surprise. It is worth noting that companies that the government owns interest, should not dominate more than half of the market where they operate, be it of what nature is. For it is not healthy for the economy a single firm to dominate more than half of a market. Those precautions aim to prevent damage from monopolization of market, which have a severe impact taxpayers and consumers in their interests. Thus, the model of partial nationalization of companies aiming at strategic development of a country, is one of the strong reasons explain the "success" of "market socialism" Chinese, basing positive convergence of capitalism and socialism that occurs today. In any case, the UN is with a progressive regulatory agenda, and it should look closely at the issues: protectionism, relationships labor, social dumping, remittance of profits abroad, among others. In order to prevent further economic turmoil, shake with gravity "Global society". Mr. himself. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF Managing Director in revelation to Le Monde, said that that institution prepares a Plan Global Regulatory, which includes the following points:

1 - Financial Regulatory Standards. 2 - Recapitalization of banks that are in trouble, since the crisis is not just cash (no loans), but also solvency (financial institutions in trouble and that can fail). But the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said that "the era of irresponsibility must end. "He suggests, correctly, that the international community must work together in the regulation from the following financial principles: 1 - transparency, efficiency and banking regulation. 2 - Integrity in business. 3 - Control of the credit bureaus to look after the interests of investors. 4 - Control the flow of investment capital.


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Like Brown, other world leaders are presenting other salutary proposals for the global economy grows again. among them is the adoption of a universal currency, so that the world is free a dominant national currency and decadent as the U.S. dollar, which no longer serves the interests of the international financial community. this idea that before the current crisis and the decline of American empire, is gaining momentum. Global Warming

Global warming is another issue that needs to be equated with UN emergency. Especially with respect to pollution caused by burning of coal, fossil fuels by cars and burning of forests. That are causing harmful climate change on planet, whose negative effects are felt by all: - Air quality poor in large cities, causing numerous diseases that reduce life expectancy of the population. - Thawing Antarctica and the Arctic, which affects the whole eco-system planetarium. - Prolonged droughts in some regions of the planet, and others occur overwhelming flood. - Unbearable heat wave in Europe and in Australia (over 40 degrees Fahrenheit), killing old, sick and children and ignite the woodlands. - Certain areas in Northern Europe winters are presenting rigorous and harmful to the fauna and flora. Fact that will affect food production significantly in the near future. For these reasons the New UN needs to be more active, and require all countries of the world meet the Kyoto protocol, including the U.S. which unfortunately have not yet signed. For our comfort humans have offers technologies that solve most of these issues. Lack only the involvement of nations, that these problems are resolved as soon as possible. For the development of generations future can not be compromised by the neglect of this. Therefore, the destruction of the environment is a big headache that UN needs to address now. Otherwise a bleak future lies ahead. there are consistent forecasts that many regional wars may occur in near future due to lack of fresh water. So, it will be the New UN combine efforts and resources to prevent the crisis from worsening drinking water and turn into serious regional conflicts.


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The production and disposal of toxic waste is another strategic issue that the United Nations needs to consider and resolve. For the products made by human beings need to be discarded conveniently in nature, when they can not be recycled. thus, in this context of the environment clean and healthy, the industry recycling of scrap materials and products will be very promising in Century 21. It employs millions of people and movements billion U.S. dollars in the world. And is this direction that will serve the New UN cooperatively.

The Free Trade

Globalization either wanted or not, is an irreversible fact. The more world progress moves forward, increasing interdependence among nations. Resulting in further globalization. But it has its enemies, which are those selfish ever, who use protectionism to ruin people. Then, on account of the evils of protectionism behind, since it is an attack on the progress of humanity, he is criticized even by Pope Benedict XVI. Historical examples show that globalization is the oldest and beneficial than you think. Did the discovery of iron was confined to the found that the Hittite? And the invention of gunpowder, the compass, paper and noodles were confined to China, and not benefited the world? On account of human relationships, products, inventions, discoveries, ideas and concepts are spread around the world. And that basically happens in two ways. A civilized way, which is performed by international trade. And the other, so barbaric and belligerent; performed by wars and conflicts. In the past progressive diffusion could take years or decades. Today technological progress spurred globalization, making that whatever comes, good or bad, tone the world with a speed fantastic. See the examples: Internet, mobile phones, medicines, and the global crisis narcotics.

However, with capitalism in check and the global crisis battering the world, there is an impetus for protectionism makes many fans, and this great concern to the UN. When asked about the risk of countries to adopt policies protectionist, because of the layoffs that are occurring in mass world, Dominique Strauss Khan - Director of the IMF, said: "The risk is really great. Not traditional protectionism increasing tariffs and things like that. Many governments have learned the lessons of the past that it does not work and can leave things that are worse. But there may be a protectionist entering through the back door, especially in the financial sector. To give an example, when governments provide more resources make or recapitalization of resources, can add some comments, saying the money should stay at home.


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Or into separate packages, there may be some comments or amendments stating that the money should be used to purchase national products. This kind of protectionism may come back. Therefore the risk of a policy of 'beggar-my-neighbor' is great. In a global crisis, in no way can be a solution home. We need a global response".

The resurgence of this "protectionism entering by the back door," Strauss is mentioned as a concern. And Brazil through its President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has adopted a clear stance contrary to protectionism, what it is. When asked about whether we should have also protectionism French economy minister Christine Lagarde said dryly: "Protectionism is not the path being followed." The minister Lagarde know that the growth of protectionism will be detrimental to the global economy. A path that should not be followed. And she is correct. In fact protectionism is not good for any country. this is also the opinion of Szajman Abram, president of Fecomércio of Brazil, and convinced that said: "Protectionism is not a medicine, but poison. Can relieve unemployment in a particular country at a certain point, but worsens the overall situation”.

Therefore countries should resist the temptation of immediate nature protectionism and work for a broad trade liberalization, ensuring anti-crisis packages that do not undermine international trade. Well now is the ideal time for countries to intensify international trade, not the opposite. Well, certainly the contraction of world trade will result in widespread unemployment in all countries.

Because of this, an important medicine to end the crisis financial world is the intensification of international trade. Reinforcing its representative body, the "World Trade Organization Trade - WTO. "So the country to venture toward the protectionism will suffer reprisals from the world community, represented by the UN. And what the country today can afford to become an outcast from global society?

The World Security

Global security is an issue of paramount importance to the New UN. I speak not of economic stability that the global crisis may give rise. I say but about the instability that the arms race and terrorism cause in the minds of global citizens and, especially in "intelligence" government, that end up adopting costly and ineffective strategies public safety.


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Distrust, fear and insecurity that the arms race and terrorism cause in the world, could amount to ignite the third world war. What is bad for humanity, considering that the nuclear powers have more than 26 000 nuclear bombs, which would certainly reduce our planet to ashes. The nuclear danger began when the U.S. set a precedent history used nuclear bombs, detonating two cities Japanese. Thus began a dark period for humanity, in which we are immersed today. Wondering how long until appears that use other crazy again, giving rise to the third world war. Of course, nobody swallowed that explanation absurd and barbaric U.S. government, justifying the use of atomic bombs sprayed thousands of civilians in Japan during World War II. Therefore the world and especially Japan, waiting in silence incriminating, the apology by the U.S. government. Because addition of humility is also wisdom to recognize mistakes and to apologize. For true progress is thus learn from our past mistakes and try not to repeat them. with the nations is no different.

In this context, the story is the most appropriate tool to assist reflections of this nature. And it is precisely because of this fact, it should not be deleted and a lot less censored. A people without history is a people without light and direction, a ship without a rudder. So the American people should think hard about their mistakes and ask apologize to the world, because despite any pretext, the Holocaust Japan was a serious mistake made by the U.S. government. a previous evil that can happen again in any nation, including the U.S. itself. So, logic suggests that to improve the global security is necessary that nuclear weapons are banned from the earth. And the New UN must tread this path so that future generations will not take unnecessary risks and prosper with happiness.

When it comes to nuclear disarmament, should mention the good example that President Mikhail Gorbachev led the world in 1985, implementing perestroika, which reduced defense spending and cool down the arms race. And the wisdom of Gorbachev went further, when the then USSR, for relief of the world, vacated Afghanistan. Region where the troops U.S. are mired in a cruel war, face and no future; repeating the same mistakes of the Soviet past. Gorbachev already visualizing a better future for their country, not interfered in the politics of other communist countries, a fact which allowed the union of Germany, then divided by ideologies and hatreds without limits. And brilliantly to finish its management policy, he finally negotiated the reduction of armaments with the United States.


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The magnificent work Gorvachev policy is an example of global disarmament production, accompanied by cuts in military spending. Thing that even then the U.S. also should have done but did not. On the contrary, they increased further such expenses. To get an idea of the magnitude of the military, the U.S. today account for 45% of the planet's military spending, according to the latest survey by the Stockholm Institute for Research on Peace International. The second place in the list of countries that spend more on weapons are China and Britain tied with 5% each. Note the large difference between them and the U.S. that have 45% of expenditures. With this disparity in weapons, one wonders how long the American people be willing to spend your money unnecessarily to these absurdly disproportionate military spending, and that necessarily not bring them more security? In a world where wars are asymmetric, with innovative tactics employing guerrilla tactics treacherous, low cost, where the enemy even have uniforms; advanced military power is no longer guarantee of victory, or even preventive security.

When It Comes to nuclear disarmament, Should mention the good That example President Mikhail Gorbachev led the world in 1985, Implementing perestroika, Which Reduced defense spending and cool down the arms race. And the wisdom of Gorbachev Went further, When the then USSR, for relief of the world, vacated Afghanistan. Region where the troops U.S. are mired in a vicious war, and face the future; Same repeating the mistakes of the Soviet past. Gorbachev Already visualizing a better future for Their Country, not interfered in the politics of other communist Countries, Which allowed the fact union of Germany, then divided by ideologies and hatreds without limits. And brilliantly to finish STI management policy, he finally the Negotiated Reduction of Armaments with the United States. The magnificent work Gorvachev policy is an example of global disarmament production, Accompanied by cuts in military spending. Thing That even then the U.S. Also Should have done but did not. On the contrary, Increased They further queries such expenses. To get an idea of the magnitude of the military, the U.S. today account for 45% of the planet's military spending, According to the latest survey by the Stockholm Institute for Research on Peace International.


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The second place in the list of Countries That Spend more on weapons China

and Britain are tied with 5% each. Note the large Difference Between Them That

and the U.S. have 45% of expenditures. With this disparity in weapons, one

wonders how long the American people be willing to Spend your money

unnecessarily to These absurdly disproportionate military spending, and That

Necessarily Them not bring more security?

In a world where wars are asymmetric, with innovative tactics employing

guerrilla tactics treacherous, low cost, where the enemy even have uniforms;

advanced military power is no longer guarantee of victory, or even preventive


However, the military always ask for more and more military weapons sophisticated and expensive, to try to overcome their enemies. But this policy paranoid has enormous economic and social cost. These military extremists and greedy, they forget that success in solution of a conflict or even the practical issues of security country is more in the possibility of good relationships in the community international, that the strength of their weapons. Germany's World War II, led by Adolf Hitler, is a classic example of a country's defeat by the international community, even possessing undisputed military supremacy. The "Emperor" Nazi taken by his megalomaniacal dreams of greatness, along with Italy and Japan, to dare to fight against the rest of the world. The result is not could be another. Germany was defeated, the country was devastated and its people humiliated by the occupation of foreign powers. Italy and Japan were not spared by cruel fate reserved for those who dare to face the world. Americans need to realize that military spending stimulated by the greedy and paranoid defense industry of the country, is also responsible for the crisis in his country. And sooner or later, need to make choices: either weapons or social progress indeed. If President Obama is wise enough to really enjoy the current historical moment, it will encourage the strengthening of UN particularly with respect to the expansion of the Security Council, which encourage the sharing of global military power and its inevitable costs. A simple idea and beneficial to everyone, because the increase in power UN political and military certainly discourage countries to spend money with their national military forces.


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With the performance of this powerful New UN and fair, the race between military countries would not have any sense. With that much money to be left countries can invest in productive economic and social sectors and beneficial. That will provide substantial increases in employment; which ultimately will cause a positive multiplier effect unique the economy. And all in all, global society will win enough, with a fantastic progress. In this context progressive sociocapitalism if already involved, then the global society will be doubly benefited the reasons already exposed for me.

The International Fight against Organized Crime Global security relies heavily on effective crime fighting international organized, such as terrorism, trafficking in weapons and drugs, corruption, embezzlement of public funds and money laundering from illegal other. Therefore, within the context of enhanced global security, the New UN should make further efforts, and combat crime more nefarious all, which is corruption. For he is the root of all the other ills of humanity. She is an octopus that has many tentacles, but one is especially dangerous; government corruption in the first step the government. Because of her dictators perpetuate themselves in power and people does not come out of misery. And as always significant examples occur top-down, government corruption was just spreading the social fabric as an uncontrollable cancer, hurting everyone. However, corruption is not only the economic nature of which must be countered in society. But the moral corruption, corruption of values and character. In this sense, the radical Israeli government gave a bad example of moral corruption, when it started wars without consent of the UN against the defenseless Palestinian people. In fact, such "preventive wars" are nothing more than "state terrorism" and are so abominable as to terrorism by radical Palestinians who viciously victimize Israeli civilians. The "Israeli war against the Palestinians do not make Israel more insurance, to the contrary. Attracts the ire of 1.6 billion around the Arab the world. In fact, these wars are just the wrong interests of some Israeli capitalist: only interested in land, water and other Palestinian wealth. Obviously, these capitalists are also linked to the Israeli arms industry, which in addition to thell in a "holy land", are also sold worldwide; like seeds of hatred, of which many of them will stop at the wrong hands of terrorists who fight themselves. By the way, has sense a tiny country like Israel has 200 nuclear warheads, contrary to world opinion?


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The greatest proof of the folly of government was the radical Israeli war Gaza, which began in December 27, 2008, which lasted little more than twenty days. Enough to make a hell and in both the civilian population Palestinian. The insane and disproportionate Gaza war initiated by Israel killed more of 1300 Palestinians, of whom 400 were adolescents under 16 years, to the indignation of world public opinion. With the deaths are not suffice Israeli state terrorism destroyed about 4,000 Palestinian homes. On the Israeli side only four civilians died. Not this also would be a "mini holocaust" Palestinian? The civilized world where the government asks to radical Israeli you want. Do definitely wants to steal the land of the Palestinians? Because not heed the UN resolution and vacate Palestinian lands? That would be the first step towards lasting peace in the region, so that the world craves.

For all the evils that cause, the moral corruption of government should be fought without respite, but not through the old security council UN, orchestrated by the U.S.. But through a new advice contains representatives of 20 or 30 richest nations in the world; taking advantage of the current motto that the United States, England and other powerful countries noises: "global crisis, global solution." Because in the military issues philosophy needs to be different? Again, that country can afford to go military against the world? The enlarged Security Council and representative of the New UN may act fairly and promptly, capitalizing on the support and confidence the world in their decisions. And is not that they want, the countries members, representative body of this world? In fact, besides the global financial crisis which undoubtedly affects the life and everyone's safety, should also be part of the package of solutions global strategic themes the following:

- Strengthening the armies under the command of the UN, aimed at decrease the power of the national armed forces; to end the absurd arms race worldwide, and enable a dignified and progress sustainable future for humanity. - Fighting corruption, poverty, ignorance and slavery. then the worst social ills of mankind. - Combat international organized crime, terrorism, trafficking in weapons, drugs and people, and piracy in general, among others. - To promote direct democracy in the world. For in addition to enslaving the people, dictators and radical bourgeoisie and the capitalist nomenklatura, like wars and conflicts, because they are sources of profit for them. Ignoring the opinion of the people, which is usually contrary to the wars.


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- The New UN should also curb the activities of corporate groups political pressure to act in the government sphere (the lobbyists). In Generally, these "pressure groups" encourage corruption and crime, and conspire against the interests of the people.

The End of Poverty on the Planet

Poverty and ignorance are the primary sources of most miseries that degrades the human conscience: war, disease, corruption and many other social ills that plague the "civilized world". Unfortunately, there are billions of people excluded from the benefits that material progress brought some. What makes this fact "Progress" inconsistent and unfair, because the true social progress and material, the man should not enslave man, let alone delete it of opportunities. These crucial issues will require urgent solutions this century. In the global view of humanity can not be separated, politics, economy and religion, because they are intertwined in our daily lives. when the moral and ethical and religious values are neglected as in the Communism, with its brutal religious persecution, the society as a whole is corrupt and deteriorate. In this sense the New UN should engage in body and soul to the great religions of the earth, through their leaders, leave their differences aside and help to eradicate the evils that affect both body and soul. So treat the religious issue in the next topic. Anyway, the UN must act to eradicate stubbornly poverty and ignorance of the Earth. And contrary to what most people think, is not an impossible task. Financial and technological resources already exist for this. What is lacking is commitment and interest from governments and companies. However, do not expect to end the corruption overnight. It need with another mentality that politicians are elected to act with ethics and strive to obtain the true social progress; mainly through the progressive ideology sociocapitalist as mentioned in chapter 3.

In fact, the sociocapitalism have an important role in this century, as with the people wielding power directly, governments will be forced to redesign their priorities, mainly by cutting military spending and investing in the elimination of world poverty. For which the people of the world you want war, misery and insecurity? To get an idea that solutions to social problems are difficult as they seem, with the billions of dollars that the U.S. is roasting in the Iraq war, it would be possible to eradicate the poverty of many countries. And if that happened there would be a multiplier effect on economy world, which in turn would generate new jobs and new


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demands industrial type "positive domino effect" that in the end also give profits to the U.S., and Americans will be seen as well promoters of peace and world progress. Because of everything mentioned American voters should consider seriously before voting in future elections. Mainly on the exacerbated the issue of arms race that does not necessarily bring greater security for the country, and even makes the world safer and more prosperous, tough as politicians representing the interests of defense industry disclose the corrupted media. That's why voters should vote against any country in the arms race, and work hard for the misery and poverty are eradicated wherever it is. Always believing that a world but better is possible; sociocapitalism and will be key to this goal is achieved.

To strengthen the global community and make the world better, it is essential that poverty is eradicated. What can be achieved with New UN coordinating aid to poor countries, especially with reference to the following questions: a) Technical, scientific, economic and cultural. b) Rich countries must eliminate barriers and buy agricultural products of poor countries. c) promote direct investment in poor countries, especially those sectors that create more jobs. These proposals are logical, however you may question where will the resources for this enterprise? They come from a Fund to Combat Poverty countries components of the enlarged Security Council, should form; using part of the money saved in the reduction of armed forces national. This will be no money to spare.

So the investment to be made through the UN in New poor countries will cause a huge positive multiplier effect on world economy, generating a new cycle of prosperity, which, considering the interdependence of nations, will benefit both poor countries, how many rich countries.

Religious intolerance

Ever since man started living in cities and started to use money, the dilemma between material progress and spiritual progress. In fact, the needs of flesh and spirit are not mutually exclusive, when guided by the ethical, moral and religious balance. For what is the major religion in the world crease the misery?


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Which one is against progress and prosperity, since its fruits are achieved within the ethics and conveniently distributed? In a sense that prosperity must be based on justice, religious and moral commitment to human dignity. It should serve all alike, if you want to be worthy of the name. So the true human progress is in fact only when there is a appropriate mix between material progress and spiritual progress. Hence the ancient maxim "are spirit body". And this motto is valid for society as a whole. Religions are important as caring for the spiritual health and material of the individual and of society itself. In addition to serving as a bridge between these two human progress. In ancient Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Aquenaton, was a fact important historic involving religion and economics. It all happened when Pharaoh decided to install the first monotheistic religion that has news, ignoring the tradition of the Egyptian people and their ancient gods. At that time, the priests had a formidable power on the people. The temples were very rich and accumulated treasures and knowledge. They were real "universities" of antiquity, where promoting education, education and knowledge, although for some lucky few who made up the religious elite of the country. It may seem strange, but the temples also acted as powerful sources of raising money for religious classes. Aquenaton was against this religious group, and set up a religion of a one God, which of course greatly affected the economic interests of priests, who thereafter became his mortal enemies.

After the death of Aquenaton, the old religious regime of many gods and many privileges to the religious class was restored. So that the Pharaohs succeeded him tried to ban it in history, taking its name from the public monuments. But in vain, for that Pharaoh "sun worshiper" survived the public persecution of the time and today is remembered as the establisher of the first monotheistic religion of humanity. Pharaoh Aquenaton example illustrates how unproductive, but impossible to tamper with the traditions and the religion of the people. Thing the Communists tried centuries later in the USSR and also failed right, based on the materialist philosopher Karl Marx, who had mentioned to concerning property in his book "The Poverty of Philosophy": priests who from then on became his mortal enemies.

"Historical Materialism means at the same time, relations materials form the

basis of all relationships that men hold in society and that these relationships as

real and materials are necessarily transient".


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Historical materialism that Marx sought to disqualify the talking Church and

religious power of the people have faith in God and other beings

religious, which constitute the cultural basis of any people.

In reality, "materialism" was a radical Marxist who contributed considerable error

for the sinking of socialism. Yet Marx was brilliant to diagnose the disease of wild

capitalism that settled in society from the English industrial revolution. However he

missed squarely on the prognosis in tackling this disease.

From the Marxist dialectic the world witnessed a brutal persecution churches and priests by the Communists. And how many did not die in reason for this pointless "war material"? Worse is that this harassment occurs today, the Chinese government. The same development that China implemented the "market socialism" and who opened to foreign capital, is still too conservative with regard to opening religious. Logic any civilized explain the cruel persecution of Tibetan monks who suffer from Chinese authorities. Unless the strong popular support that they have, and so are considered "dangerous." Because Tibet is a "rich province mineral" that China illegally conquered by force of arms, and they "Could" encourage revolts against this occupation. With the fall of the empire atheist Soviet Russia also made their religious openness. And he did wisely, for religion is the basis of moral and the tradition of a people. How can a people confident to walk a future without a spiritual light to guide you? A people deprived if your faith religious people is an unfortunate and certainly is enslaved by an elite Materialist, cultural and historic whose vision goes no further than an inch of own nose.

It follows that the religious alienation imposed by materialistic Chinese government is not mindless. They arrogate to themselves the owners of wealth provided by the work of the people and do not want to share it with anyone; especially with the Tibetan religious, the Communists accused of "Exploiters of the people." Despite the fact that religions receiving tithes of the faithful, they are important for the material and spiritual progress of the people. The former Minister Tony Blair of Britain, understood well the importance of faith and religion, so he wrote a great article published in "Global Viewpoint" and in the newspaper "O Estado de Sao Paulo" on December 21, 2008, entitled "The role of faith in the success of globalization."


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I personally did not like the unconditional support that Blair gave the President George W. Bush at the beginning of the Iraq war, endorsing so the lie Bush stated categorically: "Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction and is therefore a great danger to humanity ". Well, on behalf of the U.S. big lie departed to war with England, contrary to the public world and the UN itself. After all, Blair's article is suitable to give to a U.S. religious New UN in solving strategic problems globally of humanity. Here are some important points of the article by Blair: "The pressures of globalization lead people to join ignoring the borders, trade, travel, telecommunications and mass migration. When in a world so interdependent religious faith has the power to remove people she becomes a force of disruption and conflict. This is bad for everybody. But such an outcome is particularly bad for those who have religious faith. Meaning that faith is not synonymous with reconciliation, compassion and justice, but of hatred and sectarianism". Blair goes further and shows the interdependence between religion and economics by stating: "If we do not find a way of reconciling faith and globalization. The world will not only be a dangerous place, as the globalization will have much less chance of success in the spread of prosperity". Blair's article cites other important points about religion and faith, which I find it important to describe them. They are:

1 - "Religious faith is very important. Like it or not, billions of People are motivated by them". 2 - "To work effectively, globalization needs values such as trust, faith, openness and justice".

3 - "Faith and values are very important. Its integration defines the crucially the

prospects for success, priority, and peaceful coexistence of the global society we


The text of Blair's rather plain, a true north by which New UN and

sociocapitalism should be guided, in order to a Better World.



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Chapter V


I tried to demonstrate in "The Sociocapitalism" that the capitalist system is result of the natural evolution of other economic systems, the preceded over time. Was also tried to demonstrate that the capitalism that was a scientific and economic progress without precedent in human history. Where did numerous and important inventions such as electric light bulb, airplane, computer, telephone, television, among many other films. However, even in the progressive system man is still "wolf man" because of a social relationship unequal and unfair, as in other times in history. It was in this context of human exploration capitalist who came in contrast, the socialist ideology, as a great alternative to extinction of the perverse relationship between exploited and exploiters. However, socialism is over "failing" for not passing the sieve time necessary for the development, experience and improvement require. Failed at least the way it was originally designed, and has not been able to produce inventions weight. It is therefore difficult to name any great social invention. Do you know any, except be the Sputnik? In practice, the resounding failure of the "pure socialism" as conceived by Marx and Engels began crumbling in 1978 in China and consolidated in 1991 in the former USSR, forcing those countries to adapt their economies to market and capitalist profit, the media kindly calls "market socialism". With the demise of "pure socialism" it appeared that capitalism would be the big winner and always come out unscathed from the turmoil economic and social changes that come. However, it was not just that has occurred. Exacerbated because the field of speculative financial capitalism and immoral about capitalism production was one of the causes of the crisis global financial we are currently experiencing. And it all began with the crisis of U.S. mortgages in 2007, contaminating the entire world as an "effect domino "perverse. For all the evils that caused the crisis in the world, and U.S. itself, the year 2007 went down in history as the end of March American empire, begun in 1945.

The lesson we can draw from this crisis is the fact that the governments of countries capitalists understand the need for governments to intervene strategically in the economy, and thus promote prosperity again. Unthinkable in the not too distant past, especially in the U.S., considered the great bastion of liberal capitalism of the 20th century.


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In turn, the Chinese socialist in 1978, were already seeking what is best in capitalism, thus inaugurating the so-called "Market socialism", which is leading quickly to the top of China the world economy. It is historical fact observable in the world today is that capitalism converging to socialist practices and vice versa. And this process was accelerated by the ongoing global financial crisis. Notice how the this convergence is important for humanity as a result of her new economic system, the sociocapitalism. And this will occur in the main countries in the world this century. Also tried to demonstrate that people are still alienated from the power political, economic, and this is the crucial point for the final consolidation of sociocapitalism true. To the extent that neither capitalism with its "democracy-oriented" or the "market socialism" with its dictatorship "face-to-stick," worthily represent the people's power. However emphasized the important role that democracy has in days today, in spite of its distortions. For it is essential to avoid tyranny, and to promote a more just human progress. She is so important to our civilization that its maximum must be satisfied when:

"All power emanates from the people and in its name it is exercised". But not so fully in a world dominated by classes inside, where the power of money overcame the power of the people. Of so that the capitalist bourgeoisie is true corporate embezzlement politicians. To use this money, the media and the corrupt corporate "representative democracy" to legislate for its own sake, thus leaving popular interests aside. Under socialism the situation is even worse for the people, since this scheme favors only the dictatorial bureaucratic elite, the nomenklatura. And she dominates the iron and fire the political and economic power, which should belong to people. So the nomenklatura that ever attacked the bourgeoisie capitalist and ruthless as the great explorer of the popular work; became equal, if not worse. Something that the philosopher Marx never anticipated.

Interestingly, the people who live under the dictatorial judge has increased awareness of their oppression, because he feels in the flesh their disorders, and is therefore more prone to revolt against the government. After all, who does not know that a pressure cooker explodes if it has its outlet blocked? It was precisely for this reason that Russia has deployed wisely "Representative democracy" after the year 1991. And, despite the significant inefficiency of this "democracy" is a good start. Sooner or later, the tyrannical Chinese government will have to do the same.


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The so-called "democratic opening" Russia also leaves much to be desired and not meets people's expectations. For politicians in general, not worthily represent the power granted to them by the people. If "Forgetting" that are just representatives of the people, and have no full powers to subdue him, much less to steal it. So what we see in Russia today also with its "opening democratic "is a very distanced from the political class representation decent and ethical people, and whose main concern is to act on behalf own, focusing on corporate groups that sponsored. The result of the political-economic gap provided by "Representative democracy" in Russia, appears in the social gap and economy of the Russian people: a growing proliferation of organized crime, an overwhelming government corruption and the perpetuation of the status of servitude of the people, in which he is doubly robbed. You steal the power and the wealth derived from their work. All this because of the abuses that the indirect democratic representation "Provides" to the corporate political manipulators. So if religion There is the maxim "watch and pray" the people of any country "democratic" should pay attention to the democratic practice of "delegate and supervise." And that just is entirely possible with the implementation of "e-direct democracy."

Therefore the people must mobilize and fight for the parties politicians and trade unions to make commitments for the cause sociocapitalist. And now is the moment to separate the wheat from the chaff. Because parties and trade unions who really fight for the causes labor, should also include in their political struggles of the implementation "e-direct democracy "and the ideology sociocapitalist. For surely the people and workers informed of the 21st century will be aware of it. Anyway there is "no evil that lasts forever" and capitalism Socialism will soon no longer be the same. So the "exploitation of man by man, "which is as old as our existence on the planet will end. And it certainly will occur under the wings of the new system economic - the sociocapitalism, based on the "e-direct democracy" in which the well-informed people exercise their power directly and effectiveness. So then he will get his fair share in the surplus value - profit capitalism, is emerging as the sociocapitalism to correct these deviations.


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I remember that the good and lasting only arise many persistence, dedication and hard work. Nothing happens on social issues by accident or fall from grace from heaven. So the people and the working classes must walk together, towards the true sociocapialism. Considering that the road will be long and have many drawbacks. In addition to more dominant corporate elites will do anything to prevent the people actually exercise power. They know that the "e-direct democracy" allow the people to appropriate its share of the wealth generated by wage labor, and do not want. The elites will also know that through the "e-direct democracy" that people will be able to elect a government ideal envisioned by Plato in ancient Greece: fair, honest and progressive indeed. What contradicts their selfish interests. So make a considerable resistance. But is useless, for it is impossible to stop the course of history. And everything comes together for this. So that in a short time, will be successful and sociocapitalism bring a just and comprehensive progress in humanity has ever seen. So then the working classes must redouble our efforts and spread the sociocapitalist ideology in the world, to hasten the "steps" of history. And Now is the opportune time for this, when the capitalists and governments ask workers to sacrifice and serenity of the world, before the crisis angry that no one unscathed. When executives of bankrupt companies pocket public money via bonus millionaires, like real prizes for their irresponsibility. When we ask lower wages in return for maintaining jobs, promises are not always effective. It is being touted by the governments of rich countries' problems global demand global solutions. " And this statement is true consensus the G-20 group of countries representing two thirds of the world population and control approximately 90% of the world economy. So, by logic and law, the sacrificed working people does not fit only the burden of this global crisis caused by political, business and irresponsible governments. He wants not only the generation of new jobs as promised. The people will fight to fully exercise their power and change their luck. Building a new and fair "contract social ", which is legally recognized as a member of the capitalist, and not just a worker and disposable. Remembered only elections in times of crisis or when they demand more sacrifice and patience. Only in this way the worker can actually participate, as provided Membership of the capitalist, profit produced by wage labor.


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A better world is possible but

Admittedly, governments are practical and corporatist. They just want tackle the global financial crisis as quickly as possible, in order to continue profiting at the expense of wage labor. So governments and political commitment will not make the slightest effort to deploy the "e-democracy direct". It would be like shooting yourself in the foot, because in the first place the "e-direct democracy", will substantially reduce the power delegated to them. Second, representatives of the bourgeoisie that business permeate governments, parties, politicians, media and vassal, are not interested in changing the "status quo", which gives it supremacy in appropriation of the wealth created by workers. Hence it follows that Workers should not raise expectations that this class solve important social issues. However, the time is right to require workers to implementation of "direct democracy and" mobilizing unions and parties politicians interested in the cause, that success is guaranteed. Hence then the convergence now underway between the capitalist and socialist systems will be completed, and the sociocapitalism appear. And he will bring a new UN and a progress without equal.



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Pyramid of Power Capitalism > Sociocapitalism:

Convergence of Capitalism and Socialism

< Socialism

Field of democracy indirect

Field of direct democracy with voting by Internet (e-direct democracy)

Domain of the dictatorship of Communist Party

Companies performing Power

O povo exercendo o Poder The Communist Party exercising power

The people serving Business bourgeoisie

As Empresas servindo o povo The people serving nomenklatura


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Annex II Sociocapitalism: The ultimate convergence of Capitalism and Socialism

Capitalism SOCIOCAPITALISM Socialism

Power: The power emanating from the bourgeois capitalists, who have a corporate tyranny, by the representative democracy (indirect). Politicians are elected to the popular vote, but to legislate behalf of businesses, detriment to the interests and needs of the people. That What happens: 1 - The companies sponsoring the election of politicians to they defend their corporate interests Bourgeois. 2 - Companies rely on the complicity of the media enterprise, since they spend mountains of money in advertising. as a result of it is invisible in a censorship media, leaving the people hostage to the uninformed and business interests capitalist.

Power: The power emanates from the people - Direct democracy. In this system the elected work on behalf of the people, meeting their needs and expectations, why: 1 - the internet allows placements of information actually free of censorship government and corporate. 2 - the people better informed exercise its power with fullness of controlling near real-time by the performance of Internet parties, politicians and governments. Therefore, the Politicians who do not meet popular expectations or will be disenfranchised boycotted by the people.

Power: The power emanating from the nomenklatura that has a relentless tyranny of party only Politicians are elected to the popular vote, but to legislate favor of the party, to the detriment of real interests and needs the people. This is why: 1 - There is only one party and this is very bad. 2 - The strong censorship of information, including the Internet. 3 - Lack of freedom of expression, prisons and persecution of dissidents.

Appropriation of profit for worker: - It is the appropriation of profit of fact. Only bourgeoisie benefits from this system.

Appropriation of profit for worker: Occurs ownership of earnings by the worker, the non-traumatic, bringing prosperity fair for workers and capitalists.

Appropriation of profit for worker: - It is the appropriation of profit of fact. Only Nomenklatura is benefiting from this system.


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Capitalism SOCIOCAPITALISM Socialism Ecology: Degradation nature.

Ecology: Conservation of nature.

Ecology: Degradation nature.

Media: Biased and pro-business. Not in fact serves the interests of the people. There is strong censorship and corporate manipulation.

Media: Responsible and committed to truth. Meets interests of the people. Real possibility freedom of expression.

Media: Pro-government bias. Not in fact serves to interests of the people. There is strong censorship and government manipulation

Development: Irresponsible and unsustainable that can harm the generations future

Development: Responsible and sustainable not detrimental to the future generations.

Development: Irresponsible and unsustainable that can harm the generations future.

Companies: 1 - Focus: profit. 2 - Products and Services: no meet the real needs of the people. 3 - Encourages consumerism and wastage.

Companies: 1 - Focus: profit, the real needs of the people and socio-environmental responsibilities. 2 - Products and services : meet the real needs of the people. 3 - Encourages consumption responsible and recycling of materials or and wastage.

Companies: 1 - Focus: Production as planned government centralizer. 2 - Products and Services: insufficient, without quality and not meet the real needs of the people

Culture: Promotes the trivialization cultural and artistic (mass negative). Freedom of establishment and expression undermined.

Culture: Promotes a culture and the arts to the people (positive mass). Freedom of establishment and expression of fact.

Culture: Promotes a culture line established standards. There is full freedom of expression and creation.


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Capitalism SOCIOCAPITALISM Socialism Corruption:

- Environment "Corporate tyranny" that leads to corruption The bourgeoisie usurps the power of people, and He causes the following disorders: - Does not meet the interests of people. Government and non-transparent corrupt: - The employee does not get part capitalist profit; - Unequal distribution of wealth; - Justice and ineffective laws biased, and - Progress and unsustainable socially unjust.

Corruption: - Environment representation and control popular works against corruption The people exercised directly their power on issues strategic, thus obtaining the following results: - Assistance to popular. - Transparent government and not corrupt: - The worker gets part of the profit business; - Fair distribution of income; - Justice effective and just laws; and - And sustainable progress socially just.

Corruption: - Environment undemocratic, which favors corruption. The nomenklatura usurped power the people, causing the following disorders: - Does not meet the interests of people. - Non-transparent government, dictatorship and dictatorial; - The employee does not get part the profits of "socialism market"; - Bad distribution of income; - Justice and ineffective laws biased, and - Progress and unsustainable socially unjust.

Market: 1 - Government does not intervene in the market. 2 - Harmful deregulation Market (Neoliberalism). 3 - Field of Business private

Market: 1 - Government does interventions strategic market when necessary. 2 - Regulations markets and necessary efficient. 3 - Coexistence of private companies (the capitalists or workers themselves) joint ventures and state enterprises.

Market: 1 - Government intervenes excessively on the market. 2 - Excessive Regulations market. 3 - Coexistence of companies private (capitalist or workers), business mixed and state.


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Annex III Commandments of Citizen Globalized Sociocapitalist 1 - "All power emanates from the people and his name shall be exercised." Therefore, strategic issues in the citizen must exercise their democratic power without the intermediation of politicians using the "e-democracy direct ". Support or political parties that advocate the implementation of "e-democracy direct "as soon as possible. Well just so you can: a-effectively exercise his power, taking part in referendums, referenda and low-signed, in an objective, rapid and constant. b-appropriate portion of surplus value (profit business) and; c-enterprises and governments subject to the real interests of the people. 2 - "Work is the source of all human wealth." Therefore, the employees should be recognized legally, the tenth or part of the capitalist profit-tenth of the payroll, the whichever is greater, in proportion to the salaries received. So fight for workers to participate in corporate profits, through the Capital Fund of the Worker - CFW. 3 - To support the parties or politicians who fight for the implementation of the "e-democracia direct ". To search for both reliable information and independent, especially on the Internet. Then watch the election candidates and elected governments to you can: a - combat and reduce corruption; b - reducing waste and inefficiencies of the government machinery; c - make the government actually works in favor of the people; primarily investing heavily in education. 4 - Fighting for a tax burden is not abusive. You spend your money better than government. So fight for the tax burden does not exceed the maximum value of 25% of GDP. Value more than enough, which if implemented honestly and intelligence, and gives plenty to promote a fair and sustainable progress for everyone. 5 - Support the existence of strategic state-owned enterprises - to they generate added value for the country and cause a multiplier effect the economy. 6 - To spread the ideology sociocapitalist.


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Annex IV Important questions about the CFW:

1 - their opponents will say that the capitalist model is a CFW experimental, costly and difficult to implement. - It is not true, because the Chilean practice something like the model mandatory participation in profits or results of companies. In Brazil, the implementation of CFW can make the structure technology and knowledge that the government already has administered the Guarantee Fund for Length of Service - GFLS. 2 - his detractors will say that the companies already distribute Participation in Profits or Results - PPR. - In fact some companies only distribute the PPR because it is not mandatory. You should also consider that the PPR is not actually a share of net income. It is an incentive incorporated into paid and unpaid wages for employees motivated and achieve goals set by the High Administration, which ultimately will provide an incremental profit greater than the incentive given to employees, increasing the profit Net business even more. And this net income workers receive no participation whatsoever. One should also bear in mind that this incentive to come cheap companies because of the "distributed profits" as the burden does not fall Fund for the time of service, for example. therefore the CFW should be implemented without prejudice to the PPR. 3 - Some critics try to undermine the CFW, alleging that the Fund already exists Time Guarantee of Service - FGTS / Brazil. - As the name suggests the employer is a guarantee program Employee while weakest part of the capitalist productive relationship; especially in relation to unemployment. Anyway, CFW should be adopted without prejudice to FGTS. 4 - Critics say that time is not right to deploy because the CFW the intensity of the global crisis. - Critics of the CFW will never an opportune time to deploy it. The time is right for unions to educate workers on the need to implement e-democracy and direct CFW. deployment.


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5 - Confuse the minds of people saying that the Pension Funds already fulfill the role of the CFW. - The Pension Funds are plans to reduce wages promote a future income to the retired worker; CFW is already a fund that allows the worker to appropriate its share of the capitalist profit. Therefore, the Pension Funds not fill the role of CFW. However, in both cases, the funds are important to workers and the economy in general. 6 - will argue that the uses of funds in the market for CFW capital will be exposed to high risks from sieve caused by financial speculators. - People make a mistaken idea that the stock market is a speculative casino game, whereby they can earn lot of money. And that's partly true. The "game of the purse" is for experts, is not for amateurs. For this reason applications financial resources must be prudently diversified. That versification understand the applications of financial resources and profiles of these applications (profile high-risk, medium risk and low risk). In fact the stock has an economic side too important. They act as a powerful source of fundraising Flights to companies. To the extent that when companies launch stock market they only pay their investors in end of the accounting year, and if there is profit. And if they needed borrow money from banks to play their businesses certainly pay higher interest rates, which could derail the deal. - Certainly the capital market applications always involve certain risks. Therefore, from the standpoint of internal applications, the CFW should be well regulated and supervised to avoid risk exaggerated in the application of its resources. On the other hand, the point Externally, the global crisis has forced governments to regulate financial markets, to prevent companies or individuals are deluded to acquire assets illusory. The regulations, in itself already rather decrease the risk of investors, and by analogy, the risks capital applied to the worker's CFW. In short, the stock, despite its risks, are invaluable in promoting economic progress.

7 - inquire slick as the CFW will act with respect to companies where workers are the capitalists? - The CFW is a program that has a beneficial social purpose and extended to all workers in the country. Therefore, firms in workers are also "the owners" also should contribute equally and severally for the CFW.


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8 - CFW will act in the case of those companies whose line of production is 100% automated as some existing in many parts of the world, especially in Japan? - As answered the previous question, these companies should also contribute to the CFW, considering their employees in the non-automated. In addition they contribute to strengthen the CFW, which ultimately benefits the all workers. 9 - How to be treated under the law of CFW workers self-employed, professionals and domestic workers? - These professionals are also workers. so they CFW may voluntarily participate, at its own expense. The basis of calculation in such cases, the income will be obtained in the exercise of his profession or the pay. 10 - And the question of safety with respect to the risks involved in application of resources CFW? - A professionally-managed CFW, coupled with diversification of long-term investments as described in Chapter III; become minimal risks. 11 - The Stock Exchanges are trusted to invest the resources CFW? - Yes, considering the long-term investments. It should be also take into account that, from the current global crisis, the markets Financial will be better regulated to avoid large future surprises. 12 - As poor countries apply the proceeds of the CFW, considering that their financial structures for investments are weak? - May invest the proceeds of the CFW externally, as Sovereign funds do. 13 - How to be treated under the law of CFW workers employees in government? - The government gazetted employees participate in the CFW, proportion to the salary received. In this case, the base payment shall be the payroll of the government and charge it. In the case of workers in positions of trust, or occupying elected officials, participation will be voluntary CFW and their own expense.


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Added value Is the term used by Karl Marx to describe the disparity between the salary paid by the capitalist for their employees and value of the work produced by them. The gap mentioned according to Marx, is the profit of the capitalists. Marx says that exploitation of workers by capitalists is the basis of Capitalism.

Bourgeoisie As Karl Marx it is the ruling class mode capitalist production.

Capitalism Is an economic system, political and social, based on private ownership of means of production, in the free market, free initiative, freedom of expression and democracy.

CFW Capital Fund Worker: This is a Fund Financial on behalf of workers to participate in them corporate profits. The CFW is the result of a "New Contract Social "constitutionally recognized through voting direct democracy. The management of this fund has principles hard to avoid distortions in its mission.

Cold War A period of great tension between the military and capitalist countries Communist countries after the second world war, which lasted from 1947 to 1991.

Convergence of systems

Capitalism assimilates certain practices Socialists and socialism vice versa. For example, the U.S. nationalizing certain strategic companies for its economy and China adopted the so-called "market socialism", which allows existence of stock markets, foreign investment and remittance of profits. The convergence of systems now under way will help the world the emergence sociocapitalist system described in the book.


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e-direct democracy Democracy in which the people exercise their power directly to strategic issues, using systems computerized voting. The "e-direct democracy" allows constant achievements of plebiscites, referenda, recall of mandate (repeal), petitions and other instruments. Thus the people exercise their power directly, without those traditional distortions promoted by corrupt politicians and vested interests that worth of representative democracy.

Fallacy According to Wikipedia - "a logical fallacy is an argument inconsistent, invalid, or failed to prove the ability to effectively he alleges. "

G 20 Group of countries that dominate 90% of world GDP and 80% of international trade. They are the G-20 the following countries: South Germany, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, UK and USA .

Glasnost a policy measure was implemented with the perestroika by Mikhail Gorbachev, who gave new freedoms to the Soviet population.

Globalization The process of deepening global integration economic, social, cultural, political, with the less expensive means of transportation and communication available to countries and their citizens.


The process of deepening global integration economic, social, cultural, political, with the less expensive means of transportation and communication available to countries and their citizens.

Nationalisation conjunctural

Intervention short-term government under business, aiming to restore or strengthen the economic order. 121

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Nationalization strategy

Long-term intervention of government in business, aiming to create added value for the country and boost its development. However government intervention in economy should not be detrimental to the economic freedom initiative, harm competition or establish monopolies any type. The strategic state enterprise in the circumstances should open its capital to private initiative, without prejudice to the stock control government.

New Social Contract Political and economic agreement approved by a vote direct popular democracy and the voters of a country, by which recognizes the right of employees to participate in profits generated by wage labor. After all wealth grows of work. The agreement recognizes the equal importance of capital and work for the commercial enterprise to generate wealth. Thus both classes, capitalists and workers have the right to participate the profit generated productive enterprise. In politico system which will run in the 21st century workers will be recognized as fundamental for the generation of wealth of the country. Therefore they shall be legally treated as members of capitalists, entitled to the tithe of the profits.

New United Nations The end of American empire, plus the demands of globalization drive the emergence of a new UN. And she will an enlarged Security Council, which will help in promoting global governance, fair, active, representative and effective. Here some crucial questions that the New UN will have to solve: disarmament, birth control and pollution, harmony religious, combating poverty, free trade, promoting democracy direct and sustainable economic development, among others.

Nomenkatura Privileged ruling caste and the former Soviet Union and other socialist countries like Communist China.

Participatory Budgeting:

A strategic part of the budget is voted directly by readers. 122

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Perestroika: One of the policies introduced in the Soviet Union by

Mikhail Gorbachev. The word perestroika means economic restructuring.

Popular Initiative A minimum of proposition to voters has direct approval of the other voters.

Productive Old Social Contract

Agreement engendered political-economic and imposed on people by the capitalists, the preponderance of consecrating capital in generating the wealth produced by wage labor. Of way that capitalists get all the profit generated in the productive enterprise. In this model the unfair and obsolete employees are considered mere commodities disposable, available in the labor market, not having right to profit from the business.

Recall Mandate: The mandate of a legal representative is by submitting to a direct vote of the voters who decide the forfeiture or not the mandate.

Referendum: This is a consultation with the people before a law is made up of order to approve or reject the options that are proposed.

Referendum: This is a consultation of the people after the law was made in the people ratifies ("sanctions") the law already approved by the State or reject it.

Representative Democracy

A system in which elected politicians represent the people. In practice parliamentary representation popular is corrupt, politicians end up legislating for the benefit own the business elite, damaging the interests of the people.

Social dumping Unfair trade practice and unfair by some companies, consisting primarily of salaries and reviled unworthy to employees to reduce costs of products and win the competition. Social dumping is harmful to trade international level. 123

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It is an economic system characterized by political and social absence of private property. The ownership of the means of production by the community make it possible, in theory, that social inequalities were reduced to a minimum, since the production would be distributed equally to all workers. Of way it was designed in theory, socialism has failed in practice.

Sociocapitalism This is the new political-economic system that predominate in the 21st century, was the convergence between capitalism and socialism. Sociocapitalism basics: a) "All power emanates from the people and in its name it is exercised. b) "All wealth comes from work." Pillars of sociocapitalism: a) e-direct democracy, b) strategic and nationalization; c) Capital Fund Workers - CFW.


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Biographical references: Coutinho, Luciano: He has a Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell University (USA) and visiting professor at the University of Campinas - Unicamp. Currently chairs the BNDES - National Bank of Economic and Social Committee, a federal bank for economic and social development. Coutinho won the award in 2008 Economist of the Year, awarded by Order of Economists in Brazil. Chomsky, Noam: Born in Philadelphia on December 7, 1928. He is Professor of Linguistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and become one of the more prominent leaders of the political left American. Chomsky is deeply opposed to the system of "tyranny of capitalism great company, "practiced by the United States of America and its allies. In "Manipulating the Public," a book written jointly by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky, the authors hold forth on the manipulation of means of communication on society. Dalai-Lama is the religious leader of Tibetan Buddhism today represented by Tenzin Gyatso, who was born on July 6, 1935 in Tibet. Doctor of Philosophy Gyatso received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, and has been awarded more than 100 honorary degrees. In 1959 Dalai-lama doTibete fled to India when their country was invaded by People's Republic of China. At the invitation of the government of Jawaharlal Nehru, install it in Dharamsala, where he established the Tibetan government in exile remaining there until today. Drucker, Peter Ferdinand, was born on November 19, 1909, in Vienna, Austria. He died on November 11, 2005 in Claremont, California, USA. Drucker was a philosopher and economist, considered the father of modern administration. He is recognized as one of the largest thinkers about the effects of globalization on the economy in general and particularly in organizations. Among other books he wrote "The Society Post-capitalist "in 1993, where he mentioned the term sociocapitalism. Keynes, John Maynard: Born in Cambridge on 5 June 1883 and died in Firle, East Sussex on April 21, 1946. Keynes was a brilliant British economist. His innovative ideas have caused enormous impact on political theory and fiscal policy of many governments. It was a the most influential economists of the twentieth century. Keynes defended the role regulatory state in the economy through monetary measures and tax, to mitigate the adverse effects of economic cycles – recession depression and economic booms. Keynes is considered one of the fathers of modern macroeconomic theory.


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He wrote the important book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, "published in 1936. Krugman, Paul Robin, was born in New York on 28 February 1953. Krugman is a Keynesian economist found that in 2008 received the Nobel Prize in economics for a work that dealt with the dynamic range (amount of production) in the exchange of goods between countries. He is currently Professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University. He is also author of several books and since 2000 writes a column in The New York Times, where he excelled as known critic of the administration George W. Bush. Marx, Karl, was born in Trier, Germany, on May 5, 1818 and dia14 died in London in March 1883. Marx was an intellectual and revolutionary founder of modern communist doctrine, which served as economist, philosopher, historian, political theorist and journalist. He wrote "The Capital ", first published in 1872 in Russia. Roubini, Nouriel, is a graduate of Bocconi University in Milan and received a doctorate from Harvard University under the guidance of economist Jeffrey Sachs. He distinguished himself internationally in the field of Macroeconomics and was one of the first economists to warn in 2006 to explosion of the housing bubble and the disaster it would cause the U.S. economy. Sayad, John, Secretary of Culture of the state government of Sao Paulo, is trained economist from the University of Sao Paulo and a doctorate in economics from Yale University. He is currently a professor in the Department of Economics Faculty of Economics at USP. Smith, Adam: Born in Scotland in June 5, 1723 and died on July 17, 1790, in Edinburgh. Smith is an economist and philosopher considered the most important theorist of economic liberalism and the father of modern economy. His most famous work is known for "The Wealth of Nations ". Smith proposed the non-intervention in the economy. Stiglitz, Joseph: Born in Gary, Indiana, on February 9, 1943. He is a prominent American economist who in 2001 received with A. A. Michael Spence and George Akerlof, the Award Economics, to create "the foundations of the theory of markets with asymmetric information. "Stiglitz is a blunt and harsh critic the "free market fundamentalists."


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Figueiredo, João Baptista de Oliveira, born in Rio de Janeiro, on January 15, 1918 - and died on December 24, 1999. He was a General of the Army and the last president of the military regime that prevailed in Brazil between 1964 and 1985.

Spartacus: He was a gladiator of Thracian origin, who lived in 120 BC to 70 BC He was leader of the most famous slave revolt in ancient Rome, known as the "Third Servile War," "War of the Slaves" or "War of the Gladiators. "Spartacus led, during the revolt, a rebel army attended by almost 100 thousand former slaves. Valente, Paulo José Fernandes: Born in Brazil on 26.03.1954 in the town of Assis. Economist and author of the book: “The Sociocapitalism - for a Better World”, which sets out the foundations of the economic system mentioned by Peter Drucker in his book “Post-Capitalist Society”, published in 1993.



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