the südtirol highlights - valle isarco · the südtirol highlights 2015 biathlon world cup...

The Südtirol Highlights 2015 Biathlon World Cup Anterselva/Antholz 22nd to 25th January 2015 Anterselva has become one of the international sport and biathlon world’s venues most steeped in WUDGLWLRQ ZLWK D KLVWRU\ RI KRVWLQJ ZRUOG FXS UDFHV DQG FKDPSLRQVKLSV JRLQJ EDFN RYHU \HDUV Bolzano/Bozen Wine Exhibition “Bozner Weinkost” 4th to 8th March 2015 7KH HYHQW WRRN SODFH IRU WKH ゙UVW WLPH LQ DV D “wine market” to provide producers and prospec- WLYH EX\HUV ZLWK WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR PHHW WDVWH FRPSDUH ZLQHV DQG PDNH GHDOV ZKLOH WRGD\ LW KDV evolved into the “Bozner Weinkost”. The venue is the sumptuous medieval Maretsch Castle nestling DPRQJ YLQH\DUGV MXVW D IHZ PLQXWHVp ZDON IURP WKH FHQWUH RI %RO]DQR 6RPH 6RXWK 7\UROHDQ ZLQH producers will present their latest harvest releases, along with more mature and “Riserva” wines from earlier vintages. Dé dl vin/Wine-Ski Safari, Alta Badia 22nd March 2015 7KH YHU\ EHVW RI 6RXWK 7\UROHDQ ZLQHV DW PHWHUV IRU D WDVWLQJ DFFRPSDQLHG E\ 6SHFN $OWR $GLJH EUHDG DQG FKHHVH DOO FDUU\LQJ WKH WUDGH PDUN o4XDOLW\ 6リGWLUROp Bolzano Festival Bozen Summer 2015 7KH %RO]DQR )HVWLYDO %R]HQ KDV FRPH WR UHSUHVHQW one of the most multi-farious and interesting HYHQWV RI WKH VXPPHUpV FXOWXUDO ODQGVFDSH 3URPLV LQJ \RXQJ WDOHQWV DUH JLYHQ WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU encounters and exchanges with well established artists. South Tyrol Gourmet Festival, Bolzano 29th to 31st May 2015 6RXWK 7\URO FHOHEUDWHV TXDOLW\ 7KH 6RXWK 7\URO *RXUPHW )HVWLYDO IURP WK WR VW 0D\ LQ Bolzano/Bozen’s historical centre focusing on local FXOLQDU\ GHOLJKWV ZLWK D JXDUDQWHH RI RULJLQ LV D must for foodies. An attractive supporting pro- JUDPPH ZLOO VXSSO\ WKH GHOHFWDEOH DPELHQFH Oswald von Wolkenstein Riding Competi- tion Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm 29th to 31st May 2015 The Oswald von Wolkenstein equestrian event, a picturesque pageant of medieval horsemanship skills, is taking place on in the Alpe di Siusi/Seiser $OP KROLGD\ UHJLRQ RQ WKH KLJK SODWHDX EHQHDWK WKH Sciliar/Schlern mountain. Riders compete in teams of four in events testing medieval riding skills LQFOXGLQJ QHJRWLDWLQJ D ODE\ULQWK VSHDULQJ ULQJV with a banner at full gallop, negotiating hurdles and slalom-like gates. Südtirol Jazzfestival Alto Adige 26th June to 5th July 2015 One of the most important music festivals Europe- ZLGH LV WDNLQJ SODFH RYHU HLJKW GD\V ZLWK WKH ゙QHVW MD]] PXVLF SHUIRUPHG E\ LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ DFFODLPHG PXVLFLDQV LQ YDULRXV YHQXHV LQ IRXU RI 6RXWK 7\UROpV PDMRU WRZQV 7KH PRVW YDULHG FRQFHUWV FRPSULVLQJ D mixture of the traditional and the modern will take SODFH LQ WKH UH゙QHG DWPRVSKHUH RI 6RXWK 7\UROpV castles and manor houses, though also in town VWUHHWV DQG VTXDUHV IDYRXUHG E\ WKH EDOP\ ODWH spring climate. ZZZVXHGWLUROMD]]IHVWLYDOFRP “Maratona dles Dolomites” Road Bike Race, Alta Badia 5th July 2015 The Maratona dles Dolomites is taking place on 6XQGD\ DP VWDUWLQJ DW /D 9LOOD6WHUQ LQ $OWD %DGLD DQG ゙QLVKLQJ DW &RUYDUD F\FOLVWV IURP all over the world (from 35 countries) will compete in the race. “Dolomiti Superbike” Mountain Bike Race, Alta Pusteria/Hochpustertal 11th July 2015 The event, which is renowned for its arduousness, DWWUDFWV PRUH FRPSHWLWRUV WKDQ DQ\ RWKHU HYHQW RI LWV NLQG LQ ,WDO\ DQG H[SHFWV WR VHH XS WR participants. Entrants can choose between two distances, 113 and 60 kilometres.

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Page 1: The Südtirol Highlights - Valle Isarco · The Südtirol Highlights 2015 Biathlon World Cup Anterselva/Antholz 22nd to 25th January 2015 Anterselva has become one of the international

The Südtirol Highlights 2015

Biathlon World Cup Anterselva/Antholz22nd to 25th January 2015

Anterselva has become one of the international

sport and biathlon world’s venues most steeped in

Bolzano/Bozen Wine Exhibition

“Bozner Weinkost”4th to 8th March 2015

“wine market” to provide producers and prospec-

evolved into the “Bozner Weinkost”. The venue is

the sumptuous medieval Maretsch Castle nestling

producers will present their latest harvest releases,

along with more mature and “Riserva” wines from

earlier vintages.

Dé dl vin/Wine-Ski Safari, Alta Badia22nd March 2015

Bolzano Festival BozenSummer 2015

one of the most multi-farious and interesting

encounters and exchanges with well established


South Tyrol Gourmet Festival, Bolzano29th to 31st May 2015

Bolzano/Bozen’s historical centre focusing on local

must for foodies. An attractive supporting pro-

Oswald von Wolkenstein Riding Competi-

tion Alpe di Siusi/Seiser Alm 29th to 31st May 2015

The Oswald von Wolkenstein equestrian event, a

picturesque pageant of medieval horsemanship

skills, is taking place on in the Alpe di Siusi/Seiser

Sciliar/Schlern mountain. Riders compete in teams

of four in events testing medieval riding skills

with a banner at full gallop, negotiating hurdles and

slalom-like gates.

Südtirol Jazzfestival Alto Adige 26th June to 5th July 2015

One of the most important music festivals Europe-

mixture of the traditional and the modern will take

castles and manor houses, though also in town

spring climate.

“Maratona dles Dolomites” Road Bike Race,

Alta Badia5th July 2015

The Maratona dles Dolomites is taking place on

all over the world (from 35 countries) will compete

in the race.

“Dolomiti Superbike” Mountain Bike Race,

Alta Pusteria/Hochpustertal11th July 2015

The event, which is renowned for its arduousness,

participants. Entrants can choose between two

distances, 113 and 60 kilometres.

Page 2: The Südtirol Highlights - Valle Isarco · The Südtirol Highlights 2015 Biathlon World Cup Anterselva/Antholz 22nd to 25th January 2015 Anterselva has become one of the international

Gustav Mahler Music Weeks, Dobbiaco/

Toblachfrom 18th July 2015 onwards (probably 14 days)

famous academics, award presentation of the Inter-

features which encapsulate the Gustav Mahler Mu-

Marble & apricots, Lasa1st to 2nd August 2015

its marble and also for its delicious apricots. The

festival showcases Laas and its two treasures. It

also includes an interesting supporting cultural and

entertainment programme offering visitors the


culent fruit. Both are also available for purchase.

Merano Music Festival, Merano/Meranmid-August until mid-September 2015

The Merano Music Weeks now rate among Europe’s

most important classical music festivals, inaugurat-

maintained its commitment to the highest artistic

demands. Top orchestras and superb interpreters

ensure the most memorable artistic highlights.

Merano Grand Prix SteeplechaseSeptember 2015

been captivating racing enthusiasts since 1935.

steeplechase generates enormous enthusiasm and

Transart - festival for contemporary culture,

South Tyrol9th to 27th September 2015

once again features an inimitable programme of

music, dance, theatre, art and the latest technol-


IMS – KIKU International Mountain Sum-

mit®, Brixen/Bressanone(probably) 16th to 20th October 2015

The IMS-International Mountain Summit® is an

international platform which discusses, celebrates

and casts a new light on the mountains in all their

different facts.

Merano International WineFestival & Culi-

naria7th to 9th November 2015

The annual event has become one of the most

prestigious of its kind world-wide, providing an op-


nomic festival titled “Culinaria”, where epicures can

savour choice and authentic food products from

South Tyrol’s Original Christmas marketsfrom 27th November 2015 onwards

towns of Bolzano/Bozen, Bressanone/Brixen,

Brunico/Bruneck, Merano/Meran, Vipiteno/Ster-

makes this a must-see event.

Ski World Cup in Val Gardena/Gröden und

Alta BadiaDecember 2015

The downhill ski elite competes on the famous

Saslong slope in Val Gadena and the infamous Gran

Risa in Alga Badia.

International New Year’s Eve Boclassic Run,

Bolzano/Bozen31st December 2015

The best-known runners meet in the regional capi-

tal of Bolzano to participate in the best-attended

New Year’s Eve run in the world. The route winds