the renaissance 1485-1660. means “rebirth” refers to a renewed interest in classical learning-...

The Renaissance 1485-1660

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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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The Renaissance


Means “rebirth”

• Refers to a renewed interest in classical learning- the writings of ancient Greece and Rome

• People discovered the Greek and Latin classics

• People read, wrote, and spoke Greek and Latin

People became more curious about the world than they were during the Middle Ages.

Where did it all begin????

Italy: 14th – 16th centuries

• Wealth generated from banking and trade with the East.

• Leonardo da Vinci

• Michelangelo

• Christopher Columbus

• Galileo

Why are these people notable?

•Leonardo da Vinci


•Christopher Columbus



Humanists went to the classics and asked questions….

What is a human being?

What is a good life?

How do I lead a good life?

Desiderius Erasmus(1466-1536)

Thomas More(1477-1535)

Protestant Reformation

• Rejected the authority of the Pope and Italian churchmen

• By the 1530’s, an open break with the Roman Catholic church was evident.

His wives…..

• Catherine of Aragon

• Anne Boleyn

• Jane Seymour

• Anne of Cleves

• Catherine Howard

• Catherine Parr

The Fates of his Wives…

• Divorced

• Beheaded

• Died

• Divorced

• Beheaded

• Survived

Queen Elizabeth I

• 1558-1603

• One of the most brilliant and successful monarchs

• Ruled after her half-sister the Catholic “Bloody Mary”

• Returned England to a Protestant state

The last great writer of the Renaissance was John Milton. He lived in an age where educated people were becoming more worldly in their outlook.

The English Renaissance was over.