the principles of peace the centrality of marriage and family

The Principles of Peace The Centrality of Marriage and Family U P F

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The Principles of Peace The Centrality of Marriage and Family . U P F. The Primary Human Institution . The family is the most important human institution. Without it we would not exist. Through it we transmit language, culture, ethics and core values. The Primary Human Institution . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


An Introduction

The Principles of Peace The Centrality of Marriage and Family

U P F1The family is the most important human institution. Without it we would not exist. Through it we transmit language, culture, ethics and core values.

The Primary Human Institution 2009/12/102The quality of character, and the quality of the love of the man and the woman, as husband and wife and as father and mother, makes them the pillars of the family.

The Primary Human Institution 2009/12/103

UPF emphasizes the balance between Spiritual and Physical / Religious and Secular MindBodyTruthBeautyGoodnessLoveFoodShelterWealthComfortInnerSatisfactionPhysicalWell-beingHappiness

4When the personal life is cultivated, the family will be regulated; when the family is regulated the state will be in order; when the state is in order, there will be peace throughout the world.The Great Learning

When the family declines, ancient traditions are destroyed. With them are lost the spiritual foundation for life, and the family loses its sense of unity. Bhagavad-Gita 1.40

Religions Honour the Family 2009/12/105When a man honors his father and mother, God says, I regard it as though I had dwelt among them and they had honored me.Talmud

If a man does not know how to manage his own household, how can he care for Gods church?I Timothy 3.5

Religions Honour the Family 2009/12/106Lord, give us joy in our wives and children, and make us models for the God-fearing. Quran 25.74My father, thank you for petting me; my mother, thank you for making me comfortable; thank you for robbing me with wisdom, which is more important than robbing me with clothes. Yoruba Nuptial Chant (Africa)

Religions Honour the Family

2009/12/107What Makes for Peace ? The statistics in this presentation are drawn from data in the USAAt this moment we do not have the information regarding the sources for this information we will send this information to you as soon as possible It would be better to substitute information from your national statistics


9A world of complementary pairsNothing exists independently. Everything is created to exist through reciprocal relationships as part of a pair system.Without such relationships nothing would be able to exist or develop or multiply


The Pair System - Male and FemaleHuman Female Male AnimalPlant MineralMale Female Stamen Pistil NegativePositive Very brief explanation just to establish this fundamental principle. This is true of all existing beings in terms of male and female or positive an negative10

The Pair system Mind and Body Human AnimalPlant MineralBodyBodyBodyMindInstinctPlant MindInherent NatureMatter & Energy Very brief explanation just to establish this fundamental principle. This is true of all existing beings in terms of an outer form (body) and inner quality (mind)For example in human beings the body is a visible expression of the invisible mindCharacter can be read from physical form emotion can be read from facial expression and body language

11RespondingGivingThe Pair system - principle of interaction SubjectpartnerObjectpartner

The body resembles the mind

Teacher and pupil These dual aspects of all existing beings relate to each other as subject and object partners.For example in (effective/healthy) human beings the body resembles the mind and moves according to its directions so that it can sustain life and pursue the minds purpose. The teacher gives the pupil responds. 12

Education The pair system - centres on a higher purpose Purpose to maintain life

The bodys systems respiratory, vascular etc The education of youth 13SubjectpartnerObjectpartnerUnionHigher PurposeGive & Take Action(living for each other)Good Result joy / Peace / happiness GOD Higher PurposeThe Pair System - higher purpose DevelopmentRealise the purposeThe quality of those pair relationships determines whether or not we live in peace and happiness. Explain: That the relationship should be centered on a higher purpose (the purpose of the creator - Gods purpose) That subject and object are created to live for the sake of each other under that higher purpose

14Husband WifeHuman Being EnvironmentGovernment PeopleParent ChildMind BodySubjectpartnerObjectpartnerUnionGOD Higher PurposeThe Pair System Living for the Sake of OthersThe pair system and living for the other applies to the natural world, our own mind and body and also to all social relationships 1516Mind/body unity - integrityGrowth in character - maturityCloseness to God higher values

16MindBodyGodTrue PersonIndividual Peace and happiness 161617

Peace and happiness in Family and Society Family SocietyNationWorldhusbandwifeGodChildrenThe FAMILY is the building block17True Ownership,Responsible StewardshipPeople Natural World GodHarmonyPeople/natureUniversal Peace harmony with nature

Dominion through loveCare for the environmentMaterial prosperity for all Science and technology benefit human beings and the natural world181. Individual PeaceMindBodyGodTruePersonHusbandWifeGodPeopleNatureGodHarmonyPeople/nature2. Peace in Family & Society3. Universal PeaceFamily SocietyNationWorldTrueFamilytrue ownership-responsiblestewardshipThree Foundations19This is just to show the 3 foundations together and how each is the foundation for the nextTrue (mature) individuals make true families true people become true owners/stewardsThis will launch into the detailed explanation in the following presentationThe central role of the family in learning to love Peace in the Family and SocietyFamily SocietyNationWorld2. Peace in Human SocietyTrue LoveTrue LifeTrue LineageGods LovehusbandwifeGodtruechildrenFoundation for Lasting Peace and Happiness21Marriage joins the life of one woman and the life of one man. In time, through children, it joins the lineage of the man and the lineage of the woman. It thus begins a history, a nation, the world and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Sun Myung Moon

Love, Life and Lineage The School of Love - nurturing heart and character, the primary training ground for relationshipsFrom our parents, as our first teachersThe Family is:

Where do we learn True Love?23The School of Morality the basis of societal norms and proper conduct in the wider worldIn relating to brothers and sisters, parents and grandparents The Family is:

Where do we learn True Love?24As husband and wife; and from seeing God in our partnerThe Couple is:

The Image of the Creator living for the sake of each other, the family and the wider world; being a model of True Love to their childrenWhere do we learn True Love?25Strong families have a focus higher than self

Altruistic PurposeService to CommunityThe Family living for the society, nation and world 26Childs LoveSiblings LoveSpouses LoveParents LoveExperienced and learnt within the family

The Four Great LovesGODCHILDM FGODM FHusband Wife ParentsBrother SonDaughterSisterParents LoveSpouses LoveSiblings Love Childs LoveThe Four Great LovesHusbands loveWifes loveGodsLoveA mans sexual love belongs exclusively to his wife and a womans sexual love belongs exclusively to her husbandManWomanThe sanctity of sexual love To grow spiritually human beings need:

To receive love, truth and example from true parents, teachers, leaders and elders representing God.

To respond and grow by living for the sake of others, developing the heart and conscience to guide the body to act in love and truth

In this way we balance increasing freedom and responsibility and participate in the creation of ourselves as mature children of God

Gods responsibility + Human responsibility >> True PersonFormation stageInfancy Growth stageChildhood

Completion stageAdolescenceBirth2. Maturity of heart and character True Teacher, Parent and Owner 1. Mind and Body united in a life of lovefor God and othersThe Growing PeriodhusbandwifeGodchildren3131

What is our role as Ambassadors for Peace? Individual - True Teacher Be of benefit to others by words and exampleFamily and Society - True Parent Establish a marriage and family of true love - Have a parental heart towards all Environment True Owner Exercise good stewardship and dominion over nature 3131Why Conflict ? IndividualWholeThe IndividualLives for the WholeThe Whole supportsthe IndividualLiving for the sake of others pair systemI exist to benefit the whole higher purposePeace Living for the sake of others 34

Reality is tragically different a world of conflict 2009/12/1034IndividualWholeSelf- centred, not higher purpose - centredOthers exist for my benefitDiminish the value of the wholeThe Cause of Conflicts Original Nature UndevelopedSelfish Nature Well-developedThe reality of Human Nature Evil or selfish thoughts, words and actionsImmediate body dominated

Evil GoodUnselfish thoughts, words and actionsEternal Mind led Our thoughts and actions determine our nature

There is a battle in the mind of each person whichmanifests as conflict in the family, society and worldThe mind is two-fold: the pure and also the impure. Hinduism, Maitri Upanishad 6.34I do not do the good that I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do. Christianity, Romans 7.15

Every person has both a bad heart and good heart. Native American Religions, Mohawk Tradition

The Conflicted Self Not intended as scientific historyIntuition about the human conditionReligious traditions believed to be revealed from a divine source

The Origin of Conflict clues in traditional stories Greek Mythology Pandora, the first woman, opened the jar and let out a multitude of plaguesPersian Scriptures The first man and woman, Meschia and Mieschiane, were seduced by Ahriman, in the form of a serpent, and commit the carnal sin which then taints their descendantsThe Talmud What was the wicked serpent contemplating at that time? He thought, I shall go and kill Adam and wed his wife, and I shall be king over the world.The Holy Quran O, Children of Adam! Let not Satan seduce you in the same manner as he got your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their clothing in order to expose their private parts.


Cain and Abel: the first murderAdam and Eve: illicit love

Conflict in the Family 4040Eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil was not merely eating a fruit. Love became corrupted and misdirected within the relationship of Adam and Eve.Afterwards, they covered their lower partsOne of their children murdered the other The impact of sexual immorality

It is better to die than to indulge in partaking of forbidden lustful pleasure. Uttarangasutram 22.42

The man who goes to the wife of another digs up the very roots of life. Dhammapada 18.247

Do not come near adultery: for it is a shameful deed and evil, opening the road to other evils. Quran 17.32

Flee from sexual immorality. he who sins sexually sins against his own body. I Corinthians 6.18

Self-centredManSelf-centredWomanSelf-centredChildrenSelf-centredFamily & SocietyFalseParentsFalseLoveFalse LifeFalse LineageEvil, selfish purposeSelfish viewpointIrresponsibleExploiting othersMultiplying EvilConflict in the Family GodPeople1) Separation from GodMindBody2) Individual-level Conflict(Spiritual)(Physical)WholeOthersSelfThe root cause of conflict MindBody2) Individual-level ConflictBrotherBrotherHusbandWife3) Family-level ConflictThe root cause of conflict MindBodySelfishPersonFamily SocietyNationWorldSelfishPurposeHusbandWifeFalseLineageSelfishPurposeSelfishPeopleEnvironmentFalseOwnershipSelfishPurpose1. Conflict within the Individual 2. Conflict in Human Society3. Universal ConflictSelf-serving ExploitativeThe expansion of conflict Restoring Peace and Happiness47Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.

UNESCO Constitution Preamble

Where does peace begin ? 2009/12/1047

I see no hope for permanent world peace. We have tried and failed miserably. Unless the world has a spiritual rebirth, civilization is doomed. Dag HammarskjoldSecond UN Secretary-General

We need spiritual renewal Humility in front of God, respect to parents, fidelity in marriage, loyalty, public servicePersonal discipline, sacrifice and control of physical desiresRestraint, patience and forgiveness in relationshipsLove others as you love yourselfLove of neighbours, and even enemiesTrue religious practice seeks to restore the original ideal of peace and promotes:Religion: a restorative vehicle

LostRestoredOriginalPositionCurrentRealityIndemnity = Spiritual RestorationAn effort to reverse or restore something that was lost.

Taking responsibility by taking actions to correct flaws, weaknesses and bad habitsHow do we change our nature ? For example honest person > lies > becomes a liar > change of heart > confesses > a period of honest conduct > recover status as an honest person in the eyes of others

Adulterer >>>>50

Prayer and meditationOfferings to GodStudy of ScriptureSexual purity, celibacy, separation from the world Submission and obedience to God

Step 1 : reconcile with God and higher values If you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.ChristianityMatthew 5:23-24Step 2 : reconcile with each other Gods WordHigher Values Learn, believe and practice Practice in relationship with others.

Success in both areas is needed to move closer to the goal of peace.+Honour God and higher values + Love each other The Providence for the Restoration of the FamilyHCWGodA + EHow can we as fallen people : regain our original value? fulfil the purpose of our life? bring joy to God?Realise Peace and Happiness HCWGodHCWSFSWEmbody Gods word Believe and practiseReceive Gods word (love)Selfish relationshipsSeparated from God

Change of direction self God, othersRepent, confess - receive Gods grace word (love) 2Re-dedication New start 1 The Religious path 55PastFuture

Unresolved problems will be passed on to future generations, and in most cases be bigger and more difficult to solve.Our Choice resolve or repeat past conflicts 2009/12/1055Take responsibility for ones contribution to the conflict.Consider how one might have dealt with the problem differently.Self reflection and reorientation

Conflict resolution in marriage 2009/12/1056Address whatever caused the other to feel hurt and violated.Be open to reconcile.Seek to correct past injustices as a priority.

Take actionConflict resolution in marriage 2009/12/1057Reconciliation and Renewal

Give up the urge to retaliate.Forgive, and accept forgiveness.Resolve to change oneself, realizing that this is the only way to help the other to change.Conflict resolution in marriage 2009/12/105859We never get rid of an enemy by meeting hate with hate; we get rid of an enemy by getting rid of enmity. Martin Luther King Jnr.

Loving our enemies 2009/12/105960When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won.

Mahatma Gandhi

Loving our enemies 2009/12/106061Jesus did not condemn any of his enemies. His power was the power of love. Sun Myung Moon

Loving our enemies True Father in Danbury his heart to America also to Kim Il Sung etc 2009/12/1061The World Peace Blessing Dates can be changed for future use 62The reason God does not punish even though he may see an enemy, is that he is thinking of the enemys parents, wife and children, who all love him. When you really understand such a heart of God, could you take revenge on your enemy?

When you know all these things you would even go and help that person. In this manner one comes closer to the Great Way of Heavenly Principle, that Great Way which tries to embrace everything centring on love. When that happens the earth will shake and induce even God to shed tears.... Sun Myung Moon, 30th March 1990

Early HistoryWhile deep in prayer on a hillside near his home, on Easter morning, Jesus appeared to him.April 17, 1935

I feel pain.When I judge peopleit is impossible.When I hate people,there is no value in my life.Yet if I believe, I am deceived.If I love, I am betrayed.Suffering and grieving tonight, My head is in my hands;am I wrong? Crown of Glory

Wipe away your tearsand welcome with a smileThose who know nothing but deceit and those who betray without regret.When I loved those who acted against me, I brought victory.If you have done the sameI will give youthe Crown of Glory. Crown of Glorywritten aged 16HistoryEach ten-man team had to load 700 bags in an 8 hour working day.

Supper was a handful of boiled grain and salty soup

The skin of their fingertips peeled off from exposure to the fertilizer.

People died even while eating.

Rev. Moon spent 40 days in Pyong Yang to let his followers know he had been freed.

Together with a young follower and a former prisoner who had a broken leg, he left for the South.

History69fa-(21)39After an arduous and dangerous trip he arrived in Pusan, South Korea, on January 27, 1951. History


The shack Rev. Moon built with ration boxes in Pusan in 195171fa-(23)42The Holy SpiritAssociationfor theUnification of WorldChristianity

HSA-UWCUnification ChurchSeoul, Korea, May 1st 1954


World Tour 1965Reverend Moon established120 Holy Grounds around the world 73fa-(33)85


USA - Madison Square GardenSept. 18, 197475fa-(37)93

Yoido Island Rally1.July 1975, 1.2 Million people 76fa-(39)95

Washington Monument Rally, 197677fa-(43)107


International Clergy Conferences Ministers pray at the Rock of Tears in Korea79fa-(64)188



Father and Mother Moon on their World Speaking Tour to launch UPF in 2005The significanceof the World Peace Blessing

The Blessing is a ceremony for allIt is a re-dedication of marriage for couples loyal to each otherFor some, it is their wedding dayIt deliberately transcends boundaries of race and religionA major international World Peace Blessing event will take placein Korea, and around the world on 14th 18th October, 2009Dates can be changed for future use


The Blessing affirms marriage and family, and links families together As One Family Under God beyond difference of race and religion The World Peace Blessing 84Co-officiators:Buddhist, Sikh, Muslim, Native American, Hindu, Christian and .

The World Peace Blessing 85Igumen Antoniy (Ukrainian Orthodox Department of External Church Relations)Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo(Vatican City)Sheikh Al Amin Osman (Grand Mufti of Eritrea)Swamiji Sri Devendrakeerty Bhattarakji (Spiritual Head of Jains)Rev. Earl Barrett (General Superintendent of the Church of God in Christ)Venerable In Gok Hong (President Korean Buddhist Taegogh Order).

The World Peace Blessing movement started amongst Rev. and Mrs. Moons own religious followers

Origins of The World Peace Blessing 36 Couples Blessing 196186Family Federation for World Peace and UnificationExpanded to become Inter-Religious through FFWPU

30,000 Couples 1992 Olympic Stadium Seoul Korea 87Universal Peace Federation Reached Opinion Leaders and Ambassadors for Peace Through the Universal Peace Federation

UN New York 210 international married couples in 2001 88

The World Peace BlessingRev. and Mrs. Moon offer the blessing prayer, asking God for His unchanging and eternal love and protection for all the couples.To save the family and save the nationTo realize unification and reconciliation between races, religions, nationalities and culturesTo build One Family Under God

The Goals of the World Peace Blessing 90The World Peace Blessing Vows To resemble the nature and love of God in marriage To be faithful to each other To raise our children to maintain sexual purity before marriage To help other families do the same beyond racial, national, and religious boundaries 1)The Holy Wine (Nectar) Ceremony signifying a renewal connecting to Gods true love, life and lineage

The World Peace Blessing signifying that we are One Family under God beyond race and religion Blessing donation

The Ceremony to remove resentment to acknowledge and overcome historical, ancestral and personal misconduct between men and women

A period of purification and renewal 40 days of sexual abstinence for a new beginning

The World Peace Blessing During the 40 day period after the Blessing there will be additional opportunities to study more deeply which will support couples to make a deeply meaning new start 92The Blessed Family Tradition On-going support and education for couples Faith in the home and community Blessed Family Associations Workshops for children Public life living for the sake of others Explain the need for further education during the 40 day period after the World Peace Blessing. This will be the time to teach more deeply and prepare for the 3 day ceremony 93

The World Peace BlessingMr. Parvez and Mrs. Ellu Manzoor of Stockholm, Sweden, rededicating their vows after thirty-five years of marriage

The World Peace BlessingDr. Wihelmus Bertens and Mrs. Lidwina Bertens

The World Peace BlessingDr Jagjit Singh Taunque MBE and Mrs. Taunque

The World Peace BlessingMr. Hydajet Hyseni and Mrs Mina Hyseni Kosovo

The World Peace BlessingThe newly blessed former first couple of Sierra Leone, the Hon. Alhaji Ahmad Kabbah and Mrs. Isatu Jabbie Kabbah.