the price of beauty

The Price of Beauty Animal Testing in the Cosmetic Industry Are They Worth it?

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Post on 16-Jan-2015




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The Price of BeautyAnimal Testing in the Cosmetic Industry

Are They Worth it?

Animal Testing

Animal testing is a multi billion dollar operation, using millions of animals each year

Animals are used for the purpose of testing cosmetics and household products

It is an antiquated method that causes immense pain and suffering

What’s Wrong with Testing?

Dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, mice and monkeys are all used as test subjects for cosmetics.

The pain and suffering they endure is limitlessly horrific

Inexpensive, and more accurate testing is available.

Animal testing in the cosmetic and household product industry is completely unnecessary

Why is Animal Testing is Wrong?

3 different types of testing are used for cosmetics and household products; Draize Eye Test, Draize Skin Test, and Acute Toxicity

Inaccurate results Inexpensive, effective, and more

accurate methods of testing available

Who Cares about Animal Testing?

I’ve done countless hours of research, as well as actively avoided purchasing products that test since childhood

Animal Testing has been the focus of attention for animal right’s activist groups for many years

Ie. P.E.T.A. – People for the Ethic Treatment of Animals

Could you?

Imagine allowing someone to pour Clorox in your pets eyes

Imagine allowing someone to dose your cat with a lethal injection….

…. Could you allow that? Would you allow that?

Draize Eye Test

The Draize Eye Test used since 1944 substances and chemicals are placed in the animals eyes’, the subsequent deterioration is recorded

The Draize Eye Test often causes swelling, inflammation of the iris, ulcers, hemorrhaging, and blindness

The test can last from 72 hours up to 7-18 days Medications to control pain are rarely if ever

used, the animal is left to suffer

Draize Skin Irritancy Test

The animal is first shaved and then the skin is abraded by taking tape and applying it to freshly shaved skin, and ripping it off repeatedly until several layers are exposed

The substance is then applied to the abraded skin and plastic film is wrapped around

This test can last up to 14 days As will the Draize Eye Test, pain control

medications are not used

Acute Toxicity Test

The substance is pumped through a tube forced down the animals throat, injected into a vein, into their food, or inserted in the eyes, rectum or vagina

Acute toxicity testing is used to determine how much of a substance it takes to kill the testing group

The toxins often produce convulsions, diarrhea, laboured breathing, emaciation, constipation, bleeding from eyes, nose, and mouth, and ultimately death

No pain medications are used to control the animal’s suffering

How Accurate are the Results of Animal Testing?

Many scientists argue that because animals, though similar to humans, are not identical to humans and therefore any results obtained through animal testing can not be accurately applied to human use.

Millions of rabbits are used in testing each year, most often for the Draize Eye Test

Rabbits do not have tear ducts preventing the substance from leaving the eyes

Results obtained are not accurate as a rabbits’ eyes and a humans eyes will react differently

What are the Alternatives?

Inexpensive and more accurate testing methods are available;

Tissue Cultures Donated corneas Computer based and mathematical models Human volunteers

Where do Research Facilities Acquire Animals?

Many animals are bred specifically for research testing

Certain states allow facilities to seize animals from local shelter

Animals that have gotten lost, or put up for adoption end up in the hands of researchers instead of reunited with their families

Others animals such as monkeys arrive from zoos, or other forms of captivity


Animals held in captivity for the purpose of research are:

Often mishandled and abused by the “trained” handlers

Not offered any form of exercise or companionship,

Not offered accommodations that resemble their natural habitats

Most animals become depressed, withdrawn, lonely, and will begin patterns of self destructive behaviour or become insane

What’s the Bottom Line?

Animal testing is cruel and unusual With the availability of inexpensive alternatives it

is unnecessary Millions of animals are subjected to torturous

procedures every year Animal testing is not limited to “just rats and

mice” it includes monkeys, domesticated dogs, and cats

The dogs and cats which can be and are made readily available to research facilities for cosmetics and household product testing from state shelters

What Can I do?

As audience members, you may feel that animal testing does not affect you, or your family, that there is no reason for you to worry about the products you buy… If it was your beloved family pet being subjected to these tests, would you feel differently?

Companies such as Proctor & Gamble make millions each year off the products they test on animals

If consumers refuse to buy the products because of their testing practices, the company will be forced to stop testing on animals

As consumers it up to us to put a stop to cruel and unusual animal testing










Animals don’t have a voice, and can’t say no, but as a consumer YOU can!

As consumers, we make the choice to support animal testing every time, a product is purchased by companies that actively test on animals.

There are far more effective, inexpensive, humane alternatives that do not require animal test subjects