the pretender video analysis

The pretender- music video analysis LOUISE WILCOCK A2 MEDIA

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: The pretender  video analysis

The pretender- music video analysisLOUISE WILCOCK A2 MEDIA

Page 2: The pretender  video analysis

The Opening The opening starts with the lead singer of the band walking over to the microphone. The colour scheme in the room is red and white. The colour red is a common colour

used to represent this genre of music.

As he walks across the room the lights turn on as he walks. This represent his power which is supported by the low camera angle followed after this shot. The lights also turn on in time with the rhythm that the guitar is playing.

Page 3: The pretender  video analysis

Close ups Record companies demand that there is close ups of the band in there music video. This will make the band more recognisable to the audience. However there is more closes up of the lead band member compared to the other members of the band giving him the most attention.

Page 4: The pretender  video analysis

Product placement Product placement is used by bands to promote their product. By showing there product in a music video the audience will be influenced to buy the product because the band is using the product. The brand of the product will be associated with both the band and the audience, the product could be suited to the genre of music which will also be suited to person watching the music video. In addition to this the product will appeal to them.

Page 5: The pretender  video analysis

Playing instruments Trevor Millum studied how men are represented in the media. From his research he found out that men are represented either as: Seductive Carefree Practical Comic Catalogue In this music video men are represented as practical because they are skilful in playing an instrument. This is supported by a long shot of all the band members playing instruments as well as there also being several close ups of the band members playing which further supports Trevor Millum’s theory.

Page 6: The pretender  video analysis

Editing During the opening of the song the camera has captured the action in several long takes, which gives the video a more calm and laid back feeling to the video. However as the video continuous and the band and the band starts playing the editing becomes faster and the editing is done to the rhythm of the song. The frequency of the shots is also increased which makes the video more upbeat and suited to the style of music as well as it fitting the conventions of this genre.

Page 7: The pretender  video analysis

Camera movement

Before the band starts playing the camera is kept steady, but when they start playing the camera moves quickly and does sharp camera movements. This has been done to add to the genre of music. The genre of music can be thought of as aggressive and powerful, the way the camera is moved which is fast and sharp supports the idea of this and gives use an idea of what the audience for this music video is like.

Page 8: The pretender  video analysis

Narrative During the music video the band is performing. Later on in the video riot police come lined up opposite the band. From looking at he lyrics of the song I picked out certain words that were associated with the riot police, these were surrender and enemy. Also in the video it shows them fighting against each other which shows that both groups are enemies, and the word surrender is supported by the band still playing while they are running at them.

The band playing there instruments is a common convention for this genre of music.