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  • 8/6/2019 The Open Door Tabernacle


    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective



    By Kelvin J. Brown, D. Div.

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st

    Century AD,

    Jewish-Christian (or Ancient Hebrew, Jewish Christ-Follower) Perspective

    Copyright (c) 2011, Kelvin J. Brown, D. Div., Supreme Well Ministries, [email protected] *All Rights Reserved Page 1

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  • 8/6/2019 The Open Door Tabernacle


    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD,

    Jewish-Christian (or Ancient Hebrew, Jewish Christ-Follower) Perspective

    By Kelvin J. Brown, D. Div.

    The First 120 Disciples (Students), and Apostles (Co-Leaders) of the Christ were

    'Israelite Hebrews' of African-descent who became Members of the Christ's,

    1st Century AD, Jewish 'Nazarene Sect' of Reformed Ancient Judaism

    The Christ went about 'Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God' throughout

    many Cities of Northeast Africa (Middle East), which was the same 'Gospel of the

    Kingdom of God' that the Earliest Jewish Christ-Followers were Commissioned to

    Preach throughout the Old World. Today, the 'Good News' about GOD'S

    KINGDOM must be Preached in all the World, but many 'Ministers' do NOT know

    what the 'Good News' of GOD'S KINGDOM is really all about, and therefore they

    do NOT Preach what the 'Good News' of GOD'S KINGDOM is really all about. This

    Ebook serves as a very clear synopsis of the 'Good News' of GOD'S KINGDOM that

    today's True Christ-Followers must Preach in all the World Mark 1:14; Luke 8:1;

    Acts 8:12; Acts 20:26; Acts 28:31; Matthew 24:14.

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective


    Introduction...........................................................................................Page 4

    Chapter One,

    GOD'S KINGDOM: In Earth, as it is in Heaven.............................Page 5

    Chapter Two,

    Old News: The World Has Taken a Fallen Nature.........................Page 10

    Chapter Three,

    Bad News: The World Has Taken a Strong Delusion.....................Page 16

    Chapter Four,

    Good News: The World Has Access To the Gospel Truth..............Page 18


    Summary.................................................................................................Page 28

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  • 8/6/2019 The Open Door Tabernacle


    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective


    It is very unfortunate that the Christ has been so misunderstood and unappreciated

    by so many people of the World, especially, throughout the last two thousand years.

    However, it is far more unfortunate that the historical image of the Christ, whom

    most people think is the Christ, was given a major makeover by the Ancient

    Roman Emperor in order to advance the Ancient Roman World Empire toward the

    World Domination it obsessively-compulsively desired. Subsequently, the successive

    Euro-centric World Empires that followed chose to hide the historical image of

    the Christ and adopt the false major makeover of the Christ, which they

    Institutionalized for the purpose of World Domination. Hence the True historical

    image of the Christ has been hidden from most of the Peoples within the World's

    nations that have been conquered and dominated economically, and, or politically by

    the Roman World Empire, and by successive Euro-centric World Empires. This has

    caused a moral dilemma for many Peoples of the World, because as much as most

    Peoples of the World want World Peace The True CREATOR is the ONLY ONE

    who'll MAKE World Peace work through the True Christ. Morally speaking, World

    Peace is the Right thing to do, however, most of the World covets, directly or

    indirectly, the false things that work against World Peace such as Political-

    Religious Consumerism, Racism, Idealism, Materialism, and Extremism.

    Copyright (c) 2011, Kelvin J. Brown, D. Div., Supreme Well Ministries, [email protected] *All Rights Reserved Page 4

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  • 8/6/2019 The Open Door Tabernacle


    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Chapter One


    In Earth, as it is in Heaven

    The 8-Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM:

    #1.) The Congregation

    The People of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

    The True Worshippers who, worship the True GOD within our hearts (in spirit), and

    (in truth) share the True Gospel of GOD'S KINGDOM throughout our World, are

    those of us that, choose to fully embrace the 8-Fold Organizational Structure of

    GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth as it is in Heaven, and choose to accept and keep the

    Christ's Spirit of Truth inside of us BEFORE, and UNTIL our physical lives are

    over. The Remnant of GOD are those of us who are the True Worshippers who live in

    one of the many nations in the World that, BEFORE our physical lives are over, have

    been entered into GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth inside our spiritual hearts through

    the Christ's Spirit of Truth entering, and remaining inside of us.

    #2.) The Tabernacle

    The Place of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

    For Assembling, Meeting and Celebrating: At the Altar, Sanctuary, Temple-courts,

    Synagogue, Church, Mosque, Faith-Based Community Centre, or Chapel.

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    #3.) The Assembly

    The Plan of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

    The Assembly is a Collective Gathering for the Congregation.

    It involves the Understanding of the Plan of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth through all

    the Hebrew Holy Days that the Christ came to Fulfil, to Observe and to Teach in

    order for all the World to learn how to Follow the Christ to GOD. In addition, the

    Christ became the Feast of the Passover and will become the Feast of Trumpets and

    the Feast of Tabernacles, all of which will always be Observed and Taught by all of

    us who Co-reign with the Christ in His 1,000 Year Earthly Paradise.

    #4.) The Meeting

    The Purpose of GODS KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

    Collective Meditation (Praying), and Instruction (Learning) for the Congregation.

    #5.) The Sacrifice

    The Passion of GOD'S KINDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

    Individuals in the Congregation that, deny self daily, and forever depart from

    the fear-based corrupted Babylonian-type Empires, and Religions of the World.

    #6.) The Celebration

    The Praise of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

    Collective Thanks/Adoration to the GOD of the Hebrews from the Congregation.

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    #7.) The Devotion

    The Partnership of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

    Collective & Individual Daily Surrender to the GOD of the Hebrews WHO, IS

    the True GOD of the Earth, and IS the True GOD of the Universe.

    #8.) The Service

    The Perpetuation of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

    Daily Ministry Work is the True Worship of the Daily Public Service of the

    Christ through the Congregation of GOD. All disciples (students) MUST become

    leaders (ministers) before their physical lives are over, and bear much fruit,

    which GLORIFIES GOD, if in fact we have been saved, because in most cases the

    evidence of a living example, from those of us who have been saved, is our life long

    conclusive commitment to the Daily Ministry Work of the Christ. The True

    worshipper is a person who, has made the choice to believe in, accept and keep the

    Christ's Spirit of Truth inside himself, or herself. The True worshipper has also

    chosen to fully embrace the 8-Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM

    in Earth, as it is in Heaven, in order to do the Daily Public Service of the Christ,

    which is the Christ's Daily Ministry Work to the unsaved, as a responsibility and

    privilege from GOD WHO IS already and always within us, through the Christ

    who must enter in to, and remain inside us (Hebrew, Jewish Christ-Followers).

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Saturday: Celebrating on the Seventh Day of the Week

    Celebrating Sabbath with Joy and Music in every Sabbath-Saturday Assembly.

    Resting from Employment/Business on every Sabbath-Saturday Assembly.

    Celebrating Sabbath with (2 or more of) the Congregation every Sabbath-Saturday.

    Celebrating Sabbath Holy Days of Passover, Pentecost, Atonement, and Judgement

    with the congregation each Holy Day Sabbath-Saturday.

    Celebrating Sabbath Holy Feasts of Unleavened Bread, Trumpets and Tabernacles

    with the Congregation each Holy Feast Sabbath-Week, 3 times per year.

    Sunday: Meeting on the First Day of the Week

    Meeting in every Sunday Assembly.

    Meeting of Prayer and Instruction for the Congregation every Sunday.

    Each Day: Serving on Every Day of the Week

    Serving others every day through the Daily Ministry Work of the Christ.

    Daily Ministry Work is the Christ's Daily Public Service.

    Daily Public Service is the Daily Ministry Work of the True Worshipper.

    The Worship Service is NOT the day for Assembling, Meeting, or Celebrating.

    The Worship Service is the Daily Public Service of the Daily Ministry Work

    that involves forgiving others, healing others, visiting others, teaching others, serving

    others, leading others, ordaining others... in the same Way the Christ did.

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Each Day: Devoting one's self to GOD on Every Day of the Week

    Devoting one's self every day to the GOD of the Hebrews through the Christ is

    the Best Way to find the GOD of the Hebrews with a wholehearted dedication to

    the Christ's Daily Ministry Work/Public Service: NO man, or woman can serve

    two (or 3) masters without ending up loving one and abandoning the other(s).

    A.) Holding Daily family devotionals in one's household.

    B.) Having Daily individual devotionals in one's household

    C.) Daily Quality Time for Positive Motivation, Emotion, Revelation, Inspiration

    and Devotion from one's heart, anyplace/anytime, appropriately.

    Each Day: The Christ is Co-Building GOD'S KINGDOM

    Every Day of the Week, the Christ Continues to, lovingly, Help GOD Build GOD'S

    KINGDOM on the inside of the hearts of the Remnant of GOD. The Christ will

    continue His Daily Spiritual Building until the Time He Appears/Returns to Earth

    with New Jerusalem, which He chooses to land on top of the Mount of Olives in the

    same way, at the same place, He chose to Ascend to Heaven from.

    Every Day of the Week, the Christ Continues to Fulfil the Righteous Requirements

    of GOD'S KINGDOM through the 8-Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S

    KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven. In fact, the Congregation, Tabernacle,

    Assembly, Meeting, Sacrifice, Celebration, Devotion and Service are in the Christ!

    Copyright (c) 2011, Kelvin J. Brown, D. Div., Supreme Well Ministries, [email protected] *All Rights Reserved Page 9

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  • 8/6/2019 The Open Door Tabernacle


    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Scripture References

    Study To Show thyself Approved

    GOD, THE CREATOR: Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 12:2; Isaiah 26:4; THE

    LORD-YAHUWAH (JEHOVAH), GOD-ALAH (ELOHI) Hebrew, Jewish Faith.

    The Christ, The First-Created: Exodus 23:9-33; Revelation 3:7-22; John 4:5-29;

    Hebrew, Jewish Messenger.

    #1.) Congregation: Exodus 16:9; Exodus 35:1; Acts 2:8-11; Acts 2:39-47; Hebrew,

    Jewish Christ-Followers.

    #2.) Tabernacle: Exodus 29:42; Exodus 33:7; Exodus 40:29; Leviticus 1:3.

    #3.) Assembly: Leviticus 8:4; Numbers 8:9; Numbers 10:3; Numbers 20:16.

    #4.) Meeting: Ex. 30:36; Isaiah 1:13; 56:7; John 20:1, 19; Acts 20:7; 1 Corin. 16:2, 8.

    #5.) Sacrifice: Exodus 5:3; Exodus 20:24; Exodus 29:10, 11; Jeremiah 33:11;

    Amos 4:5; Jonah 1:16; Jonah 2:9; Romans 12:1; Hebrews 13:15.

    #6.) Celebration: Leviticus 23:32; Psalm 149:3; Psalm 150:4.

    #7.) Devotion: Psalm 119:38; Luke 2:25; Acts 2:5; 10: 2; 17:4, 17, and Acts 22:12.

    #8.) Service: Genesis 29:27; Exodus 29:44; 30:16; 31:10; 35:21; 36:1, 5: Numbers

    4:19, 30, 47; 8:24; 1 Chronicles 16:15; 28:20, 21; 2 Chronicles 8:14; 12:18; Acts 6:4;

    Acts 20:24; Romans 9:4; 1 Corinthians 16:15; 2 Corinthians 5:18; 9:12; Ephesians

    4:12; 6:7; Colossians 4:12; 1 Timothy 1:12; 4:5.

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Chapter Two

    Old News

    The World Has Taken a Fallen Nature

    Phase One of the Old News -- 1stDamnation

    Satan, the Devil, and all his fallen angels chose to fall to Earth (they were NOT

    sent to Earth), and they came with a fallen nature that, Transgressed against the

    8-Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM in Heaven and in Earth,

    which caused them to lose the Heavenly Glory of their Original Spiritual Body

    they had in Heaven before they fell to Earth, and were Damned to Hell.

    Phase Two of the Old News -- 1stCondemnation

    Adam and Eve were sent to Earth (all human beings are sent to Earth) as

    spiritual beings, but Adam and Eve chose to accept Satan's fallen nature into

    themselves, which caused them to, Transgress against the 8-Fold Organizational

    Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth, and lose the Heavenly Glory of their

    Original Spiritual Body they had in Heaven before they were sent to Earth.

    Adam and Eve also chose to allow the Christ's Spirit of Truth (holy, Word) to

    leave their spiritual hearts, which caused them to be Condemned to Hell.

    Adam and Eve, genetically, passed down the devilishness of the fallen nature

    (which they had accepted from Satan and his fallen angels) to the entire one,

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    human race through physical birth from a physical womb something that Adam

    and Eve had NEVER experienced (Adam and Eve were NEVER physically born

    from a physical womb), but Adam and Eve DID experience the earthly shame of

    having the Heavenly Glory of their Spiritual Body hide on the inside of their

    physical body. That is, exactly, why every human being makes the choice to, reject

    and kick out the Christ's Spirit of Truth (during our time of troubled teens), and

    Transgress against the 8-Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM,

    because we've all fallen short of GOD'S GLORY, at some point and time during

    our physical lives, and because we've all lost GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS without the

    Christ, which causes us to lose sight of the Heavenly Revelation Knowledge that

    helps us to Know that GOD'S KINGDOM was Organized and Structured, exactly,

    the same Way in Earth (starting with the First Adam), as it is in Heaven.

    The Angel Messiah of the Old Testament, or the Angel Christ in the Old Testament,

    constantly Visited the Ancient Hebrew Peoples in order to help Save them from

    Satan's kingdoms of men, World Empires they had allowed themselves to be

    conquered and oppressed by (captivity/slavery), which were established and

    expanded, deceptively, throughout the World through Satan's Pagan Trinity.

    Phase Three of the Old News -- 1stAbomination

    Adam and Eve made the choice to worship another god other than the GOD of

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    the Hebrews. The god that they chose to worship was Satan, the Devil. They

    began worshipping Satan by allowing themselves to be entertained, confused

    and divided through their lengthy inter-conversations with Satan. Adam's, and

    Eve's disobedience toward GOD, and rebellion against GOD'S KINGDOM

    allowed Satan to convince Adam and Eve to worship other gods. Adam and Eve

    did not realize that Satan had set up his own kingdoms, which are in opposition to

    GOD and contrary to GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth and in Heaven. Adam and Eve

    chose to become deluded in their thinking as they began to accept the lies of Satan.

    Satan was able to take away the First Adam's Dominion in GOD'S KINGDOM in

    Earth, and then Satan sat himself up on the Throne of the First Adam's

    Dominion in GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth which GOD gave to the First Adam.

    Satan later set up his earthly kingdoms of men as he pretended to be the GOD of

    the Old Testament, and the GOD of the New Testament. Satan picked one of his

    fallen angels to be the king of his earthly kingdoms, and picked another one of his

    fallen angels to be the priest of his earthly kingdoms. Therefore, Satan's Ancient-

    time Pagan Trinity had already found its way into Ancient-time World Religions

    through many Ancient-time World Empires, long before Satan's Ancient-time Pagan

    Trinity ended up in Modern-time World Religions through many Modern-time

    World Empires.

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Satan picked a priest from his crew of fallen angels and renamed him the father

    (Second Beast = False Prophet/Last Pope). Satan also picked a king from his crew of

    fallen angels and renamed him the son (First Beast = Anti Christ). Satan then

    renamed himself the holy ghost (The Dragon = Fire-Breathing Angel of Light).

    These 3 persons have deceptively made their way into the New Testament Hebrew

    Scriptures within the Gospel according to Matthew, but these 3 persons are NOT

    GOD, and these 3 persons are NOT equal to GOD! Don't be fooled by the Gross

    Transliteration, in the name of 'the father', and in the name of 'the son', and in the

    name of the 'holy ghost'. It looks similar, but NOT the same as, the 'FATHER', or

    our 'FATHER' created many 'daughters'/'sons' of GOD through 'HIS' First-Created

    'Son' of GOD, who is also the First-Created 'Holy Ghost', or Holy Angel of GOD.

    The FATHER and the Son are 2 people NOT equal!

    The FATHER (GOD) IS ONLY ONE PERSON, and HIS First-Created Son

    is only one person, but the FATHER (CREATOR) CANNOT BE the First-

    Created Son (Christ), because the FATHER is greater than the Son!

    In Ancient Times, the Hebrew Peoples often referred to GOD as the FATHER,

    and they referred to the Old Testament Angel Messiah, or the Angel Christ in the

    Old Testament, as the First-Created Son of GOD. In the Ancient Hebrew Bible,

    within the Book of Genesis, there are Two Beings that its author wrote about. The

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    ONE BEING is the FATHER, or THE CREATOR, and the Second Being is the

    First-Created Son, or the Christ, but the FATHER is NOT the Son. The

    Son/Christ is ALWAYS lesser than the FATHER/CREATOR. Therefore,

    the Son/Christ CANNOT EVER be equal to the FATHER/CREATOR!

    The Ancient Hebrew Peoples also referred to the Old Testament Angel Messiah, or

    the Angel Christ in the Old Testament, as the First-Created Angel of GOD, or

    First-Created holy Spirit of GOD, or First-Created Holy Ghost. The Ancient

    Hebrew Peoples, already, Knew that the Old Testament Angel Messiah, or the

    Angel Christ in the Old Testament, is one person in 3 forms of the Word of GOD,

    but is NOT GOD the FATHER, and is NOT GOD in 3 persons! The Ancient

    Hebrew Peoples, already, Knew that the Old Testament Angel Messiah, or the

    Angel Christ in the Old Testament, is the First-Created Son of GOD along with

    other created daughters/sons of GOD. The Ancient Hebrew Peoples Knew

    that the Old Testament Angel Messiah, or the Angel Christ in the Old Testament, is

    the First-Created Holy Ghost (The First-Created Angel Being, some were afraid

    of, that didn't look like a human being). Most Ancient Hebrew Peoples chose to

    worship ONLY ONE PERSON WHO IS GOD, and they chose to follow the Old

    Testament Messiah, or the Christ Angel in the Old Testament, to GOD. Many

    Ancient Peoples throughout the Old World often referred to the GOD that Most

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Ancient Hebrews worshipped as the GOD of the Hebrews WHO IS ONLY ONE

    PERSON! It wasn't long after, that some of Adam's and Eve's offspring couldn't tell

    the difference between the GOD of the Hebrews and the god of this World.

    Later, some of Adam's and Eve's offspring couldn't tell the difference between

    Satan's king (Anti Christ/Counterfeit Christ) and GOD'S King, which is the

    Angel Messiah/True Christ who is the Second Adam. Eventually, most of Adam's

    and Eve's offspring would begin to worship Satan's Pagan Trinity, which is an

    Abomination unto the GOD of the Hebrews!

    In order for Adam and Eve to, be Saved BEFORE their physical lives were over,

    and be Redeemed AFTER physical death, when the Christ Returns, they each had

    to choose to 1 believe in and fully embrace the 8-Fold Organizational Structure of

    GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth, again, as they did before in Heaven, through their

    willing choices to 2 believe in, accept and keep the Christ's Spirit of Truth inside

    themselves BEFORE their physical lives were over. Unfortunately, many of Adam's

    and Eve's offspring do NOT believe in, accept or keep the Christ's Spirit of Truth

    inside themselves. They, also, do NOT believe in, or fully embrace the 8-Fold

    Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth BEFORE their physical

    lives are over. They'll be Trapped in the backward re-cycling of physical life-

    physical death, Hell in Earth, until they choose to believe in both 1 & 2.

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  • 8/6/2019 The Open Door Tabernacle


    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Chapter Three

    Bad News

    The World Has Taken a Strong Delusion

    Phase One of the Bad News -- 2ndDamnation

    The Enemy of GOD are NOT begotten again, BEFORE their physical lives are

    over, because they do NOT accept and keep the Christ's Spirit of Truth inside

    them, BEFORE their physical lives are over, which causes them to reject the 8-Fold

    Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth as it is in Heaven.

    The Enemy of GOD are NOT aware at all that the kingdoms of men (corrupted

    Babylonian-type Modern-time World Empires) are being controlled by Satan (the

    god of this World), which causes the Enemy of GOD to be easily brainwashed,

    and easily fooled by the kingdoms of men into making the choice to reject the 8-

    Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth as it is in Heaven.

    The Enemy of GOD are, obviously, NOT aware at all that Satan, the Devil, has hid

    the Truth about the 8-Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM from

    those who disbelieve in, and reject the Christ's Spirit of Truth out of themselves,

    BEFORE, and UNTIL their physical lives are over, which Dams them to Hell.

    Phase Two of the Bad News -- 2nd Condemnation

    The Enemy of GOD do NOT want to Learn how to FREELY SHARE Well-Being

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    with others, because of the fallen nature they've kept, which disbelieves in and

    rejects the Christ's Spirit of Truth, and disbelieves in and rejects the 8-Fold

    Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth as it is in Heaven. In this

    way, the Enemy of GOD chooses to turn away from the Best Way to GOD, because

    of their disobedience, and their rebellion against the 8-Fold Organizational Structure

    of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth as it is in Heaven that causes unbelief, which

    Condemns them to Hell.

    Phase Three of the Bad News -- 2ndResurrection

    The Enemy of GOD will NOT be born again, spiritually, AFTER their physical

    lives are over, in a Spiritual Body. The Enemy of GOD will be born again,

    physically, AFTER their physical lives are over, in a physical body again. At the 2 nd

    Resurrection, after the Christ's 1,000 Year Reign with the Remnant of GOD, the

    Enemy of GOD - all those who did not believe in, accept and keep the Christs

    Spirit of Truth inside themselves, and all those who did not believe in and did not

    fully embrace the 8-Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM - make the

    choice to join Satan in a place called Armageddon, and wage a war against the

    Christ and the Remnant of GOD.

    [Which side will you be on? Will you be on the side of the Enemy of GOD who lose,

    or on the side of the Christ and the Remnant of GOD who WIN?].

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    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Chapter Four

    Good News

    The World Has Access To the Gospel Truth

    Phase One of the Good News -- 1stReconciliation

    The Remnant of GOD (from the days of Adam to the days of Noah, and from the

    days of Noah to the days of Moses, and from the days of Moses until the Day that the

    Christ Returns) are begotten again, BEFORE our physical lives are over, in a

    Spiritual Womb through our choice to believe in, accept and keep the Christ's

    Spirit of Truth in to us, which helps us believe in and fully embrace the 8-Fold

    Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

    The Remnant of GOD can become the Righteousness of GOD through our choice to

    accept and keep the Christ's Spirit of Truth in to us, which allows GOD to build

    up a Righteous Relationship with GOD in us through the Christ we let in to us

    that, adds us in to the Spiritual Aspect of GOD'S KINGDOM, BEFORE and UNTIL

    our physical lives are over, and helps us make the choice to fully embrace the

    Physical Aspect of the 8-Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM.

    Fortunately, the Angel Messiah of the Old Testament, or the Angel Christ in the Old

    Testament, became the Israelite Hebrew, Jewish Minister named Yahshua Ben David

    (aka. Yahshua Ben Joseph Ha-Nazarene) who was an Israelite Hebrew Prophet

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    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    that was sent to Earth in order to live a human physical life, die a human physical

    death, resurrect from human physical death, and ascend to Heaven with a Spiritual

    Body in an Angel-Human Spiritual Life, and Return to Earth for everyone to see

    the Return of the Christ Angel-Human, coming down from Heaven, which will be

    soon [Jesus - the son of David -- born from the Royal Lineage of Africa's/Eden's

    Jewish Israelite Hebrew Tribe of Judah, through Jacob whom GOD named

    Israel]. Hence we can gain the Righteousness of GOD in the Christ, and be

    Reconciled with GOD within the Righteous Relationship of the Christ!

    In addition, the Old Testament was Reconciled with the New Testament when the

    Christ Angel, which was sent to Earth to live a human physical life, arose from

    human physical death unto Angel-Human Spiritual Life. The Old Covenant, which

    had been Renewed Seven Times before the Christ Angel came to Earth to live a

    human physical life in Earth, became the New Covenant through Him, which was

    the Eighth/Final Time the Old Covenant would be Renewed. The Old

    Covenant was Renewed for the Family of Shem and Ham through Abraham. The

    Family of Japheth was not included until the Old Covenant was Renewed as the

    New Covenant through Yahshua (Jesus). It now includes the Family of

    Japheth/Gentiles. The Family of Noah (Ham, Japheth/Gentiles and Shem), was

    Reconciled with each other and with GOD through Yahshua (Jesus).

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Phase Two of the Good News -- 1stRehabilitation

    The Remnant of GOD can Learn how to have, and to share Well-Being (Better

    Health, Better Wealth, Better Happiness, Better Relationships) in Unity, BEFORE

    our physical lives are over, which is the Best Way to GOD through the Christ.

    The Remnant of GOD can Learn how to Overcome Transgression against the 8-

    Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth as it is in Heaven

    through our choice to accept and keep the Christ's Spirit of Truth in to us that,

    helps us to Renew the spirit of our mind, and helps us to Grow, spiritually,

    TOWARD (in the direction of) the Heavenly Glory of our, FUTURE, Spiritual

    Body awaiting us AFTER our physical lives are over, at the Christ's Return. The

    Christ's Spirit of Truth, also, helps us to fully embrace the 8-Fold Organizational

    Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM, BEFORE, and UNTIL our physical lives are over.

    Phase Three of the Good News -- 1stResurrection

    The Remnant of GOD will be born again, AFTER our physical lives are over, in a

    Spiritual Body through our choice to accept and keep the Christ's Spirit of

    Truth in to us BEFORE, and UNTIL our physical lives are over. The Remnant of

    GOD will Experience the Perpetual Perfection and Illuminated Immortality of the

    Christ. The Remnant of GOD will also fully embrace the 8-Fold Organizational

    Structure of GOD`S KINGDOM in Earth as it is in Heaven that, will Overflow

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    throughout all the Earth, and will cause a greater number of people to make the

    choice to fully embrace the 8-Fold Organizational Structure of GOD`S KINGDOM

    in Earth, forever, as it is in Heaven. The 1 st Resurrection will take place at the time of

    the, final, Seventh Trumpet when the Christ Appears in Earth's Sky, from

    Heaven, for everyone to see! The remnant are those who will have accepted and

    kept the Christ's Spirit of Truth inside them BEFORE, and UNTIL our physical

    lives are over. The Nation of Israel will be restored to the remnant of the 12 Tribes

    in the Nation of Israel (144,000) at the time of the Christ's Return. All of the other

    nations throughout the Old World and New World will be restored to the remnant

    of all the Many Tribes in their respective Nations. All of the remnant will journey

    to the New Jerusalem, in the Christ's Millennial Nation of Israel, three times per

    year to Observe the Feast of Passover, Feast of Trumpets, and Feast of Tabernacles

    in the same way that, the Christ did in the past when he was a human being, and the

    Christ will do as an Angel-Human Being in the future! He is the same yesterday,

    today and forever: NOT GOD, but 1st Created Word of GOD.

    Therefore, there must be a falling away from Mystery Babylon that all the

    remnant of GOD will experience through the infilling and indwelling of the

    Christ's Spirit of Truth. However, many people will fail to realize that the Christ is

    only one person in three forms (Angel Form became human form, which became

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Angel-Human Form), and therefore, many people will fail to believe in, accept and

    keep the Christ's Spirit of Truth inside them, and many people will also fail to

    believe in and fully embrace the 8-Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S

    KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven that, the Christ did Fulfil, Observe and

    Teach, and the Christ will always Fulfil, Observe and Teach (whether in Angel Form,

    human form, or Angel-Human Form) in Earth, as it is in Heaven!

    Unfortunately, many people will choose to not believe in, accept and keep the

    Christ's Spirit of Truth. Many people will make the choice to not believe in the 8-

    Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven.

    All spiritual beings, including human beings, have been made by GOD through

    the Christ. Therefore all human beings start our lives in Earth with the indwelling of

    the Christ's holy, Spirit. However, all of us, some time during our troubled teens,

    cause the Christ's holy, Spirit to leave us. This is, exactly, why you MUST believe

    in, accept and keep the Christ's holy, Spirit (Spirit of Truth) inside of you

    BEFORE, and UNTIL your physical life is over, for your Improvement/ Salvation

    in this life, and for your Immortality/Redemption in the afterlife.

    A, You must be his Disciple:Study about GOD'S KINGDOM. B, You must be his Co-

    Leader: Preach about GOD'S KINGDOM. C, You must Evangelize: Duplicate

    GOD'S KINGDOM, World-Wide, so that you can Confide in him as a Friend!

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    The True, Three-In-One

    The True, Three-In-One is NOT the Pagan Trinity: 3 persons, in One God.

    GOD IS NOT 3 persons, in one God: Pagan Trinity is in most Bible Translations.

    GOD IS ONLY ONE PERSON, in 3 Dynamics: GOD + God + gods = ALL in all.

    There are 3 Dynamics in GOD'S KINGDOM: The True, Three-In-One.

    1st DYNAMIC: GOD = THE CREATOR BEING WHO, first, created The Christ

    Being, and then created all other beings through The Christ Being.

    2nd Dynamic: God = The Christ Being through whom all other beings were created.

    3rd dynamic: gods = other created beings (angel beings and human beings).

    1st DYNAMIC: GOD = THE CREATOR of all, outside and inside of all.

    2nd Dynamic; God = The First-Co-Creator, inside of THE CREATOR of all.

    3rd dynamic: gods = other co-creators, inside of THE CREATOR of all.

    1st DYNAMIC: LORD = THE RULER/LEADER of all, outside and inside of all.

    2nd Dynamic: Lord = The First Co-Leader, inside of THE RULER/LEADER of all.

    3rd dynamic: lords = other co-leaders, inside of THE RULER/LEADER of all.

    The Christ Being is NOT THE CREATOR BEING, and The Christ Being is NOT


    and The Christ Being Is the First-Created Son. Hence the FATHER WILL

    ALWAYS BE GREATER THAN the First-Created Son, The Christ Being!

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    The LORD'S Day

    The LORD'S Day is NEITHER the Sunday Meeting of the Congregation of GOD,

    NOR the Sabbath-Saturday Celebrating of the Congregation of GOD! The

    LORD'S Day, or the Day of the LORD is the Day that the Christ, and the

    Remnant of GOD will judge the Enemy of GOD, after the 1,000 Years that the

    Remnant of GOD Co-reign with the Christ in His Millennial Earthly Paradise!

    The Sunday Meeting of the Congregation of GOD is NOT the Sabbath Day of

    Rest! The Sabbath Day of Rest is the same Saturday Celebrating of the

    Congregation of GOD! NEITHER is the Sunday Meeting of the Congregation of

    GOD, NOR is the Saturday Celebrating of the Congregation of GOD the Day for

    the Worship Service of the Congregation of GOD. The Worship Service of the

    Congregation of GOD is the Daily Ministry Work of the Christ's Daily Public

    Service through the Congregation of GOD throughout the lives of all different kinds

    of people in our Community and in our World at large!

    People can lose their Salvation, found in GOD'S KINGDOM, in this life, and they

    can lose their Redemption, found in GOD'S KINGDOM, for the afterlife when

    they choose to NOT believe in, accept and keep the Christ's Spirit of Truth in to

    themselves, causing them to choose to NOT believe in and NOT fully embrace the 8-

    Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM. Their unbelief keeps them out

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    of GOD'S KINGDOM, and the Christ's Millennial Earthly Paradise!

    All Ten of the Old Testament Mosaic Law Commandments are Morally Sound

    Guidelines for those who've been added into and remain in GOD'S KINGDOM in

    Earth, as it is in Heaven BEFORE, and UNTIL our physical lives are over. The

    Ancient Roman Church, of Roman Emperor Constantine, decided to change the Ten

    Commandments by exchanging the Saturday-Sabbath Resting and Saturday-

    Sabbath Celebrating with the Sunday Meeting in order to merge the day of Roman

    Pagan Sun Worship with the Holy Day of GOD'S Hebrew Fourth Commandment.

    The Ancient Roman Pagan Sun Worship was the fear-based Pagan Daily Public

    Service of the Ancient Roman Peoples that obeyed the dictates of the Roman

    World Empire in its Political-Religious Institution for World Domination. Their fear-

    based Pagan Daily Public Service ended up in all the successive Euro-centric

    World Empires, each forming a fear-based Political-Religious Institution for World

    Domination. The Pagan Daily Public Service of the World Empires (Mystery

    Babylon) must be abandoned for the Holy Daily Public Service of the Christ's

    Daily Ministry Work that Overcomes the Oppression of World Empires through

    the Christ's loved-based Commandments of GOD. The Holy Daily Public Service

    of the Christ's Daily Ministry Work is for the Ancient & Modern Hebrew, Jewish

    Christ-Followers who obey the Christ's love-based Commandments of GOD!

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    The Christ's loved-based Commandments of GOD

    The Christ in the Old Testament Angel form was El Elohi Israel, Angel Eliyah.

    The Christ in the Old Testament Angel form was also known as the Angel Eliel.

    The Christ in the New Testament human form was Yahshua, human Jesus. The

    Christ in the Last Testament Angel-Human form, when he Appears/Returns to

    Earth, will be Eli-Yahshua (Eli el shua), or Eliyah-Shua. Truthfully, Eli is

    Coming to Earth soon. The Christ in the New Testament human form came to

    Earth in order to put an end to the curse of the Law of sin and death, which

    stated, the soul (human) that sins will die a physical death. The Christ did NOT

    put an end to our physical death involving our spirit-soul leaving our physical body

    whether we are dead before the Christ Appears/Returns, or alive at the time the

    Christ Appears/Returns. The curse of the Law of sin and death was replaced by

    the Law of faith which states, we are saved by Grace through faith. The Christ

    did NOT put an end to the Law of Morality including all Ten, loved-based

    Commandments of GOD given to Moses through the Christ. The Christ did put an

    end to the Law of Ceremony including the water washing of Ministry Utensils

    and Garments, the blood sacrifices of unblemished animals, and the Spirit Help

    of Angels. The water baptism, blood sacrifice and Spirit Help of the Christ replaced

    the Law of Ceremony, at the time the Christ arose from physical death.

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    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective



    The first 120 Hebrew, Jewish Christ-Followers of the 1st Century AD were Israelite

    Hebrews of African-descent, from the lineages of Adam (Africa/Eden), Noah, Jacob

    (Israel) and Judah (Whose lineage is of Canaanites) all of whom were Black

    People by today's standards (Gen. 38:2; Mark 3:18; Luke 3:38). 50 days after the

    Christ Ascended to Heaven, the Christ's Spirit of Truth was Transmitted to

    Earth on the Day of Pentecost, which is a Hebrew Holy Day that the 1st Century AD

    Hebrew, Jewish Christ-Followers observed. In addition, there were many Northeast

    African Peoples, and Arabian Peoples (Both of whom are now called Middle Eastern

    Peoples), African Peoples and European Gentile Peoples (Greeks and Romans) who

    had made the choice to become Jews that adhered to Ancient Judaism prior to that

    day, which was why they were in the Hebrew Holy City of Jerusalem for that

    Hebrew Holy Day of Pentecost. Some of these Africans, Northeast Africans,

    Arabians, and European Gentiles that, earlier, had become Jewish Pharisees, Jewish

    Sadducees, Jewish Scribes etc., and adhered to Ancient Judaism, made the choice to

    become a Jewish Christ-Following Nazarene that adhered to Ancient Hebrewism,

    which was the Christ's Hebrew Reformation of Ancient Judaism. On that Hebrew

    Holy Day of Pentecost there were several thousand Jewish Peoples from several

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    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    different ethnic groups (Acts 20:16) who made the choice to, believe in and accept

    the Christ's Spirit of Truth (and Fire which descended like a dove), inside of

    themselves, and fully embrace the 8-fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S

    KINGDOM in Earth, as it is in Heaven, in the same Way the Christ had done

    earlier! Each one of these 1st Century AD Jewish Christ-Followers who became a

    Nazarene chose to Evangelize the Christ's Gospel Truth around the World from the

    Afro-centric, 1


    Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective, the same Afro-centric

    Jewish-Christian Perspective of the Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever!

    Therefore, there is NO need to change from one religion to another religion!

    There is NO need to join any religion! Regardless of what your religion is or

    isn't, you MUST believe in, accept and keep the Christ's Spirit of Truth inside you

    BEFORE, and UNTIL your physical life is over, and you MUST believe in and fully

    embrace the 8-Fold Organizational Structure of GOD'S KINGDOM in Earth, as it is

    in Heaven! When, we choose to accept and keep the Blessing of GOD'S Grace,

    which is found in the Righteousness of the Christ's Water Baptism, Blood Death

    and Spirit Resurrection made available to us through our 7 Works of Living Faith,

    we are Saved, from the curse of the Law of sin and death (poverty, sickness and

    misery) and from the Law of Ceremony before our physical life ends; and we are

    Redeemed from our physical life with a Spiritual Body after our physical life ends!

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    The Open Door Tabernacle:

    Knowing GOD'S KINGDOM from the Afro-centric, 1st Century AD, Jewish-Christian Perspective

    Kelvin's Well-Researched Ebooks

    Sovereign Truth Revealed:

    Are You Really in the Know:

    The Gospel of the Christ:

    Unlocking the Abrahamic Code:

    Secrets of Heaven's Kingdom:

    Serene Poems of Inspiration:

    Additional Hebrew, Jewish-Christian Online Resources: