the opelousas courier (opelousas, la.) 1857-01-31 [p ] · 2017. 12. 14. · v -.opelousas, parish...

V - .OPELOUSAS, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, (Louisiana,) JANUARY 31st., 1857. NO. r- JOEL I. 1ANN a &JJ hiNt, ITwee e63bt t eh. thllwg della p f a o s aror l- IlO A n will be re.ahved fr a period I. the I fapeat. A uueairibr iabvwl tb dia- e.Imae mIjtpv7e i e s t4il lks a at ect and settle upei sl ragas ofn. quasw not ezeeeding the space of ten lines. one dollar io the drt lmwtioo. 6.4 fi eeabla neeinsqesbsent inserion. Loner adeergsi s be e aeeu A~ue beA dfrench etaia um a .e& s audm N n the ed toe mb is s itew aaiem to diarra the peli. A'Iib ral~dmume a sihe, Ia Tad lM tiu w IabI e pint- a matdm.4 iebe&w Tee eila in wo ill iu be eaF L, ieirs Kfril ry-rua~il~ahLi-- frib1) C %aw-iniU for LIste. VU9KE uiYswuiued oemrs for m!e h. &w ;;kl;taituia : 4ou Bayou Qesue Tortte, is he ParA~ of E1I. 1,604q, a m Sass " ll ie tirdg sew ; 400 ip.t. Of he rsPe had i atmeh.St to om i jtaseiu ld also Z00OwO00 logs serif to be MW+r. Mere e 1rea to p Issbe app'y 4. Da.udseetibe 0 T NilrVCl lilla LI. *bssmeo.AgN i$.mp IDOSDII~ F. r-n~~l~AWL Le dpifir to ?"i84 of Si. X4M* . Hisnea is t Chatagier. st Ladry, November Lt, a--4.. PVDLZC ALJCT1QNEAE.S jNa w I th1Pu.e O SL Lo y. GEO. N. BOGUs, A. 3. THOMPSOYI. Dec 27 i , .- - `o* - 'bk ~I4iEbw 1p I c~l~p~camill;.r uaaminumo. wke-1 lit~A- IrOi f~d Ir Ti~rc Uri sSS u ,r-~~18~ EI";~3-~ ~ i~ II-3EVI Qw1r -m so ""~t; ulrtitit~t~i~i~itit~t ~ .4JI_ jI '_ waft as*R I1S ; iI r )- `_, ? itdn~s a .. the S.r. u heest tc iank Lu frienda sad ynasjuat received ? e uiemereltaen t he *d , f 8.u w~EdA6 mA~ au-.-Plain mid fctaqmidsreh I 8w Ni~PPia J~arC ioN Fiwo.tam s ing ss 4 ,vmA Jaar sri.a &MIA ' T JLr sauaY, Embrroiietad ei alkim. sla aoe Imp aamu sent of A he~ay f aGueehmatsl a. auaya be *md at iis dare. , atiaap. i f.,a BOW F. KALYF.F; Grand CGet.., Apral 19th, 18$6. SFraaecS, 19i54 Dry Geds. " # srimie st so t an Uinnu ims kern iTw $ Where aisre aup p and a residnt Ir, rin 3kiier wiuSda . tmo tbeep lipear wowds ~a. as* in evumy O os of the buee &Bhstbw mmaiye. A:cbaha. b the abum* tey w1l bop: a thed id a d auwr IhjeL u 3i? arat I ee as4 girt. kuiabidgG.od.q t fil couutwymserditrmhmM auwt, ad ate a attrr i s ees f bsesr Ikar adt is t - Ids RZILLFa C.., Caa get, IWO. }tow. ns~1Palw~E~ ~~ . sm.6 ey, qI k..r " h s smt .(b. limheassp. FRAN E LA R UA. Sy 4 8. 8s. 31. ;8i 131 L N _ .,.ehst sc . ii. - I lit fOar tt3 b a Ira doomsa tes& t. 11*1 g,, if'. iJIM, 44iW ;i:7I ta:~~ i MIscelIneoW. CONVENT AIND ACABEIY DIIICWLITt CONtEPTION, l pebmums, Luihuiasoa. r @WEB Ianst dor wl be opened by the ladies of .R. e "Wely Cronees in the beginning efdcaeer, I elir 'wre & Opelens, foi- the edgation of th Ime e L f the hriah and of s aheighbring noTheloee anetdeightfnl , and oea do the eerioradvantag whih parentos may desire ir their children. The styteni of d- lcation will em- beace ad the branches I:gt i.: the best Intitutioms - oef medaesLurepe: Reading. peling, rammar, Cumald PaRhetoric, &oeution, appled to the Sihr i singk ges, to both of which the will be paid, and bot of whik the w lasLt earefully be trained to speakand write eatetw, elegance and fluency,--Writing, esliy sae and prolne, ancient and modern y, Ytholgy, Arit:hatese, Book-Keeping, the d of Algbr af d aecoietry, atra Phil mono- ply, Nat iry, Lomesei Economy, sewing, Ehoid y Ar+tificial flo"ere, Drawing, Painting Vi and Inrumaut aliec--This las branch will e bh dit b tingulahed Artist just arrived from t i be emittedto knladle •the pupiOa va fori leing;R the greaest atsenion wE ahe opaid to develop their mind., kAe their Shemt, and elevate their character. They wil have ri g to her from evil examples or evil aoci. I les., rma g at all timerwithin the encloasure of Sthela, ek ad ander the eyea of kind teaches who will t sl rhIir morls with mritad asction. They imeepive visit exceptfrom their parets Smt va who will be adminsed to see them in the pasr, n Thrsdays after the morning claes and meuIndpn aa•r the high tamse The Um tetie• will be paid o te helth of the ppil, the diet ill be whleome and aband- ant, the lek wi bq nrued with maternal vigilance lhsi•le the ground work of education. The titud• a hl a Catholic; however, young Iee wiho - le'i h dnambe ndkteaswR be received lte cnly di io o o onezmi• g to the public ezaemei house. e to send their children at an earlier ge a. sele-e child may prsi fromr the age of save or eight, and even ooner,-to keep them lon- ger, andand several of them at once, the most mod- mi pikes have been adopted:-For Board and r , U per sehouestic ymr of ten months, pay S ose yin advance; Dayecholae will pay 20, s attend. Mine an the Sthe Gitar will be charged $d pqr moth, R pl e w• eas r the e of the Plano;- , per he wscal meai. .ly ta wll have to empply teir cildrea with beit sad paper, and provide for the washing of thi ate; expeses incurred In icknes will also trac, with a mn quito bur, a uficient quantity of h.i.b blaakete, towels, and every day clothes; thermst also hbring the uniforia, consisting for the whoale year i a bhie dress, with cape of the * trimmOer weith black velvet; two sn 1b l of brown ~ine,; two veils, I blue, i2 yl white, yde; aspoon, fork, timbler and le ; ' a esmall bucket, brushes, combs, a peaterof the Church of Opeloeas. Opdigana Avgepath, 186 4 I •rAVE the honor of informing the pub- Sli, said parents in particular, that, from tie telfJaly next, my lastitution will be removed toL d tof thete Mr. Jacques Lastrapes ; that date, I shall be seedy to receie tLa Jwhom parents will confde to my ean. That own position, at a ahortdistance from Opleams and WashiaCton, being uquest;onably aimbdet iamC b e laihy parttof Parish, and mot expoed to annual maladi, will emse to p 1 - seats ha l th of their, whees will ever be interrupted. So •r as seaet instructie• and education, I hall nglet nothing to merit a eetiansace of the kind p g with whic I e•_ beehu hmoemed asre. heot a se s t Service; ever ua- X made for a ce, ercase imase 1a dm L a Ie ltmet ,hsn, em m. ade ) r Quarneere. alit T. VALAD t, : 'luar Priorhire j t .t r m arit 1 fr. !rL4uenar ieid for ~r~as ses u }W tITOI, ~hil.atttio. of the mueb6ab at dumwdg.qi med4.t ped , "eiw awrissr .ad 8 C.&g..due, Aa~inmm~, Temp sad -p Laalrrr rDc t P- m h ai uswdd mot 014 atlwway. * e r~L i~lrrId M .9. OWL Ica w4*bi Cl)Whif~h 41r' .aqwur&eo, eAIN :"~#I IC~IC afire dl)d LFOL~ iii d i'is u ht, I~e4lclrIY~ ile and soar.:li~L 78dk 40 U 1 OWN* Air l i stellantMeo us. AYER'S PILLS. *u rtI. - m aw FAMILY PHYSIC. Tnas has lo eslsted a puble dmand 1r an ective •aive phih .eA be roled a a M ensT to eat tat ert amean . ev a. a itd us e m uiksr b doou.,ws higC wt iee ta me It the alistr d i makethe btof eI pillam-one hould bmn Rs of the oMatistbut an thes advaatage, vre oha. -h - bn h be eee, Id wit wht mooem we would rspeoefit a t to tih pMui deeion•. It ha t human ek, the hither that almot every purpawti Vola(tud toaara out the ha,.o i s erhicn.d r anolfd in _pollae a w i the good Ito b drived im them. These pil produce no ritation or pain, hala it ai hm a peeim einhlnaobei o noiim can arise rom am• ar mE Imss ; b it i etter that any eline shoal Stasrdiomally. Mtinate desretiom o tier ae in seveal diasm to which thqey plai ae given n the ba. o the i em planto wae havre been i cared i ewe of mal Id er , Lgea ad Lm ofAp tin, Luiaane, InrirWity, 3liB Bea Ham, lai Feer, Feer sagd Aea , Pais the side a Leas; or, in terth, themb are but the can- sequnce of diseased action in the lier. A an Eset asled prompt and um relief aCe. tl aoso o, Colic, Dyene, H Sme"s and err, Culs with soranem of the bod, mer and lahy of the blood, Irregularies; m short, wl earee in Rheumatism, float, , n el rpe, pibtl of tthe Heat7 inthe hoks steac atd idoe. a eThey aa be reely tskeain the ing of the year, to purify the blood ad psar the yatem fa the change d Rncem. An ocamlfhl doh stimulate the im ae ad beuul into heathy acoionand retorm the s a~bad1t rdbr a aedstbeyt etasb>i ai tihe mgth of the body, and enmre te weetod or dieme.d fine whole o a gr. Houseam m s advsukegeous, even theh seis derangeammt amits* but a , should amver be too woa eto exam. The thosaaa cas is la a pbysin in requhied emaot beinamtd here, bat aed tha eme tin the Flumn ofe' rar ~; od is ct utll aly believed thin pill hitheato SaPicm sth n mhabe frte ame aonce known, thei pubia will a ar bt what remery to employ when in need of a eetmortidiein ne. Bang sgr-wappdthey m )amtt b kte, d hunt pue abl no is c asadL bm their m any q n For iat diectioes, sec wrapper a athD. MILLENEIY STORE. Iew- lau,18 Cmk IL uwall's hid~iag IRI. PION, HaIS te hornor to iam the ladi o Ofeo mas, that she has aeaenea Mi umey and ~&msy Stor at K. 18, Cead6 et, New O nm% whate am always be fsud the m emo Vde, and - iL a instpueat of CspW~. Steaw and wiatet Donneb, Uaatilla E~huoidseBiew Jumii Flwwwssad all artkes foeh id in the 1toa=ta a do at orduo A Sesm esamhas ben engaged by the Drs. MPmu dIbsa eaahfel to te ladies of Opeloarss, for a satiauaAe o thai pberagse ofwhiab she bees hummed by Una s amig ils I.. OPelem New tfbd. (hasher 1111 1866. ISreedy bythe i . awine .wmuu ss. 131 Pwao fam , - k& lt jpl.. IWII +'s heJrtdu dumai, m *Egiei w fashva~lmyet. 41 sT m ws is tti a ,r tlusd e a imflh am h wit lw-hif e now _ x. 18.r- -- ~~i ~y rdr ~ tiiij~ kb. Iii Judicial Notices, &•c State of Iousttaxg~a. DISTRICT COURT, N PAsEe or Sr. LANDrY, No. 8008. Estate of John K. Pickett, deceased C HARLES C. PICKETT, of the Par ish of Pointe Coupee, Administrator of the Estate of John K. Pickett, deceased, late of the Parish of St. Landry, having Sled a Final Account of his administration of said Estate, and a Partition of the funds thereof, accompanied by a petition praying for the homologation of the same;-And whereas the prayer of said petition has been gusd by, i order of Court dated January 2nd 1857. Therefore, notice is hereby given to all in- terested, to make opposition, if any they have, within thirty days from the date hereof, why said Account shbould not be homologated, the Administrator authorised to day acoordingly and his bond caneelled. L. LASTRAPES, Clerk. Opeloums January 3rd 1857. Atatr of tIettana ISTRICT No. 8004. Parish of St. Laosdry. No. 8004. Estate of Victor Lataste, deceased. ANDRE MEYNIER AND ELODIE POIRET, of the Parish of St. Landry, Administrators of the Estate of Victor La- taste, deceased, having fled a Final Tableau of Distribution of the funds of aid Estate, sc- companied by a petition praying for the hom- ologation of the same;-And whereas the prayer of said petition has been granted by order of Court dated January 2nd 1857. Now therefore, notice is hereby given to all interested, to make opposition, if any they have, within thirty days from the date hereof why said Tableau saould not be homologated, the Administrators authorized to pay accord- ingly and their bond canceled. L. LASTRAPES, Clerk. Opelouss, January 3, 1867. Sundersigned hereby notify planters and others that from and after the 1st of November next 1856, the storage now existing will hnceforth be charged for mer- ehandise and other articles laying in their warehouses fr the period of one asn., and for every additional month or part of a month, the same additional rates will be charged. Nothing will be delivered until the gDBAILLON & CARRIERE. Washingtoa, October 11th, 1856. Pulbic Sale, On .mee.smmat ••Aep.mrer•. T HE a nders ed will eses to be eo by ar ametoneer, o Tueeday, 17th February nret, 1857, before the Court House dthis Parish, his property, situated in the town of Opeblous, boundedd East by Main street, West by Court street, by the Free-Masons Lodge and the property of Mr. J. Petit, and North by Vine street, consist- ingim A GOOD D WELLING HO USE, KiteLen, Stable, etac., being the samme that he now eeespies sdiis Payable at one and two years credit; purehaser furnishing security to the amti4aEtio of the vender, and the pmotsy remain ing speciallymuotpged; the motes hearig interne eight per cent er ann•mt, from the ~s they be e due. The no witbll be dico tad ast eight per eat if some one wishes to pershes a before them sa. y t the underigned l Op loass,or to variste Debaillon, in Washing toe. ,. ACHER. Opelosas, Jeanuary 17,1867. Psblic fSae. the viiihis d tothiroi asmd hiheet bidder, by_ a dais coriaaiiia ne aeiaaareer, at the rmaa fs nss bo, iae, yes ig dew Bridge, in thi Parimah honlay, the 9th ef February next; 1857, the hliog deuhribed ProPety b emazgothe emalty tesweliu betweesn idt Foatinb and Celeste Gemsr, hi. &wed wire to, b'w: hemir~ tLbL)r re id r ieeiaei~t; ea, ::i~t atadin thise Patu, atnh ieath seaied Cutuim, -w Blr's BridEsge, u ha two hufidnedmdi tensad f arpemtu upa emeasre, teber witLh the m IMP ft tleh M ed an *uvs -e SLAVES. A dhith uwsesAiovm ate One oz-cart, 3 ia,., one mu ed 4 work oxten, 6 getee mitch cows, 4 yearlings, 1- cala asod I gum The teris adaid umdhinm.v wh i s di bti pue ) rrsb.. be saim hamma + the day eshMi Opaht jM11 y 2thj, 140. c.eii vi i # f ss~e a rit a to. it L rin7. li nb hk Air . 80t.iaas. tijdsYw~ a,. ~"k~GO. e I b k . .87--31 . Judicial Sales, &c. Public Sale, By the undersigned PdubCt Auctioneer, in and for the Parish of St. Landry. SIFtHE p ublie are hereby informed that there will be sold at public sale to the last and highest bidder, by the undersigned auctioneer, on a Tuesday the 17th February next, 1867, on the following described plantatien, at Chataiger, in the Pariah of 8t. Landry, being the las residence of HonorE Fuaelier, * deceased the following described perty 7 behnging t hesatet of the late Puselier, deceased toewit : .1 PLd IT.T. TIOt , r situated in Prairie Chataignier, in the Parish a of St. Landry, I three arpents front F by forty arpents in de , bounded North by Henry Jean B. Soileau, South by widow Valery Guillory, East by Valmont Gabriel Fontenot, and West by the Bayou Marron, " together with the AND IMPROVEMENTS, thereon erected. I S~LAYEI of both sexzs sad divers ages. Eight head of gentle horned catte, two borses, one mare, a lot of hogs, one ox cart, one Calash, Loom, plantation implements, household furniture, kitchen uten- sils, and many other articles too tedious to enumerate. Terms and Couditi•s -All lots of fie dollars or under, payable in the month a of April eighteen hundred and fily-eight, t sad all lots upwards of fve dollars, payable a dme half in the month of April 1858, and the otherhalf in the month of April next fol- e lowing 1859. Purchasers giving security in solido to the satisfaetiom of whom the right, sad all sums mt paid at maturity to bear in- Y terest at the rate of 8 per cent per annam i from time due until paid. And moreover, the land and slaves remainin~g pecialy mortgaged unto the Estate until fl and - tire payment of capital and interests which U PaymentB to be made to the administra- tor of the Estath, Dor Laleur, at his domieil, in Prairie Chataie, in maid Pa iah. DOBSIN P. AFLEUR, Opeloueas, January 17, 1857. By the udersig,bed, uctio•ere ia sd for tie Parih of St. Ldwdry. l Y virtue of an order from the Hoa. the Fifteenth District Court, in and for the Parish of S I•andry, to s direeted, the public are hereby iaformed that there will be solMd at public e, to the lat ad highest bidder, before the Coaat eise dcer, in the Town of Opelaome, o Tuesday the 10th day of February 1867, the d ' Ie'ribd p rty, be longng to Adleht lately inter., ed Iy Jundgment of the Ho. Fifteenth adi& ci"l Didris Court to wit : A METMA NEEMUSWA nmed AIME, aged about 2 years, wth her .ild, saed .. ,An za aged about 5 Ana ale the fiRowht desiribedp esr belging ondividedl to said Adii gosand to N, a s Taneeout, to wit: TWO L OI ef ER@DN3, ituated in the Town of Opel , at the ear asr of Bellevae and Liberty streets, and den. nete the plan d town ao lo Nos. . •ad- 8, tog e rE with. the IMRO VBMBNTB thereim reet1 bei the lst ueidece .Mr Widow (hsh•e.rrige Srms waMd CW.ed . . The to ltes of gpond with the baShas sad laspsroe saents,, pay" eseh;and m sieve Aants and her pableN one and two yeese credia feum th b y efqIl. Puaremer her- saecaarity to the sishaesion of wos. the ' and morees the abse resiling wm i Ml andeatie pay- meet of t sand lw s iterests whisch ay eeorns thereon at the rat ofeight per st per usta frtom tie ds un&La p ]OGWa8 IM 4)Ar Opelehss, Iamrmy 1ta, 28g. wis to t6 I" Md cla soThwwdq rq to f ie lelaAraif ucadilh Altd of l Coo&. Hardwarem C~rockery, e , etc. AL?1 UEflKfl-ON atr A ~U3a0 PUWI Is p rPhtim w rlib tbs uwb- I ;spidL -rd a k riar drr TL ; l&v & r - ree iap.o.mb s10 ui I au of thm -lif as ATW rtheu~ haD g- sall. fkr thE u o wi alt d al d iB iat jarre atbs~ &*u h. h tiM Nt. 1. A. TAYLOI, Opeloaimm, liOV.. Sih, 1816. Judicial Notices, 'mac. tUIFP$ SMIE. STA TE OF LO UISIANA. Thoe. C. Anderson, 1 District Court, vs. Parish of St. Landry, Eliza M. Parett, & at., No. 7715. SY virtue of ar writ ot IL ., imsed in the ab ore entitled enit, by the District Coart, is san for the Parish of St. Landry, uad to me dimeted, wil be eXpseed te publie re, for cash, at the Court House of this uman&at.r ady, the 7th day of Febrahru next, 187. corn- naEcia a at the bour of It veelC, A. N., and continuieg from day to day, if ac v, ll the right title, interest and demand of Eliza M. Par- ratt, & ale., in sudto the he aiqnde.riha pop: A certain tmact of lad striated in fou Parish, and lying about three miles from the town ofOpe. asa in Bellevue, containing about sixteen hundred arpenta more or les bounded above b lands of Stephen W. Wiktof and South by lands of Jean Fabin Richard, and on the East by the bRyou Teason, and beia the ame on which Eliza M. Parrott, wife, resides, with the buildings and im- provements thereon, alm the following described slaves for life : FRANK, nero man aged about thirty. DAVE, agedbeout 45 years. CHARaLOTTE, aged twenty-two. MARIANNE, aged fteen WILLIAM, aged about twenty-twa. LUCINDA, aged eighteen. GEORGE, aged about twenty. OSBURN, aged thirty-four. ELSY, aged thirty years. DINAH, aged about fourteen. EDWARD, aged about twenty Ave. LIZZY, aged eighteen. ADAM. aged twenty-five. DELP/INE, aged about faen, with all their ineese. L V. CHACHERE, Sherit Sheriff's oee, St. Landry, Jenuary 3d, 1857. SNERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF LOUISIANA. Pirr cabrs, ) iatrict Cout, vs. Parish St Lad,. Pierre Ndaat. No. 768. B Y virtue of a writof d f., im d i . the above entitled sit, b the Dibuiet Cortt in and for-the Parish of St. Lad,, sa to me directed, wilt h eposed to pblic Late, for cab, at the Cert Boeam oft M. Paih, n Saturday, the 7th day of February mlet, 167, meooiism g at the hawr of 11 &clock, A. M. end continuing from day to day, i neesry all the right title, istesra and dared of Pient kdnt isn and to the hllowing dearcsitd peoperty, eidad b satiy said writ to wit: A aep.aea uamsaded eheetd trty year, with her three Children named VYA osy-, aged ten year. Fsaagors aged eight years, Eu- ra-cuarm, aged three years A ae$a.wma aned CELINA, aged tw ty two years, with her two childrenu emed aged thee yassd e , e two yers. A a -ma eased NARCI SE, agzed e thirty L J r, A gro-mm ained CESI•. aLed ft yaeas L. V. CHACHAEZ,&e erira ,Si. Landry, January 3rd, 81. IIFF' $ALL S2'ATB OP LOUiSIANA. Nrida D.'e~auz (.eC LeO" vis l, ) Ms4U. Liy D ,i utue eflAardo @dSegelumY and msal, edin above led suit, by theDbeft Coev 1 aed k, the earitsh of&t. Le mebr auk at the Coot ie or this Parisiap, 8day, e'Ith dayorer 0r.z nest, 1867, e- audg at the hmweslof o 1 . NL., atd con- deg em iday to day,. it neoRy, alD the right, Spis la atwaid dnmnd o Lash King, wire, In satidT grid gwq, seined s t ter . 4 ol Arem ind nae d bay med Semmn, aged about gw e L.V.ry, 4 w, bs$$ sIusl~b& Ltmdrl,i~ Jen 5, 185' UIWS SAI STATEF OP 1OZ1&AA. Jesm . Tam DiiwetComtL Va. Pwi~Eb O Lumby, imp .p ljOSilld Ou 9. lb 1 Ii~itla~k i iad in fire a bove otxr'r SAW b the District Court, im and far the Patho 8k Landry, ad to me directed, will 1. eIpean to pubic a~ t the Court Has. e( a tt pta Saturday, t 'th day d7.brir t, 184%, a twetle month' cidtt, buaag cmaed and ag sinenex. Pwchbm eta pvie th with iacm at eight pew ceat, aer the y o a al pe, all tbl h r, title, iragsraa, 4 lana Itaks L. Peiod a bamdthe feUkwieg deaeribe peapertf, to m ash *0 to.~l wit: The Lnd or P slauals what. ad Plseaata Eerie. an as . 3 ch3ap sad nirprmrmrrrb waa dt..tstiv 131 girptrami Pvafrls 7 hed.Ecrrtha.t~~ r~ PIe, Kmhbylbrin sad Wmh b lauds of Jelss ~Iv m Shati1''e.&. St. Laay, Jos.b 1W. Vhcsp tWr Ca. J P. ) MRu , *- !&o }iiir I, ~ u tl- I Lt oi~trr is ooh . fa oIIbIbr rl L-~i~ g; is.. Dinai:&i O~uw Nar,uinL Spiib11 V wed ds cosse piMw Imo u. hee s s _ .1& 18t..f a ll, iii All VILon. oaia h i-in mea aalooh, ides sad we.? a t uke e a uiM ,, hr am or &raft on New Othsmi opj* DeUXs" Op~~a~~w6 iBM~r~, ~. trciimeet ! s to- -1 d Lear it arCI G u ad Cooted " u ,d L 8 L b J a a. 1 2 a . 1 85 i7 . KYTE. CABILLZ. ALEXAIDIER H. CABTILLI. 4 air-~- 04qtj~tl~i:15~l 2K l a w.rrr~ I.aelumw.r~ ~i,4.s ~,~. -- y and Magt e tb PUFUND ET DR, IJAM S C. AYUR, Pnt N a" lalydmltitr ClwmirS LOWELL, MASS AYER'S COY PE q"JL4LI IZSUTIUL5, NABit~g Ciur, *SiiU tai coasuEIThe Tm. -as bow. wen Ow mh umbelely fr. t ate..m of ovuaq Yal~ of mkmiy &uin 0*~t it it mefroly inOmy to .ea the Mb&o Amoees of its fts in wny siit 'bu_ it km bern msloyud. So wide is trate folt of it. u hbm, ant iw aamn tie - o its awn% mbbdy 8do'a tbhlottrr 0*1 abeel of lb. e.tiye ea sb ofth bepa pumumal - rr-' rbs bor i mado m ass at rnEinpmataas &ummaa of the hugs by be -a Whr mum we tt id r as: way olbw mosdo of US mtl . to qpf. .sot s maaps obmeoti., andwhwe it. virttesmm am, Lb. pubis u s hqmhatstwhst nUsts b_ is tihe &bu.g ad deami, d le of- lwbs rr op which - irnt > - Not a*l 13 iSomibbi tB lab ur lbs huge, 803 !e 0* r iw raeinih of Qmo.CowoHrn, Kainins k;~ll As It kmhu bu rn be r ~ -rrI 0his seotism,n rum med 30 &a &Amr~~ mmub its qualy i his apti b.buf tbtaita., John Poesy and P L. Hbsard & Ca., Opsiou- S. D. Aliwi t o ir gheqsmiJ. N& PW~lnu, Oxata Aemm- JIM 06h 1S6-it

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Page 1: The Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) 1857-01-31 [p ] · 2017. 12. 14. · V -.OPELOUSAS, PARISH OF ST.LANDRY, (Louisiana,) JANUARY 31st., 1857. NO. r-JOEL I. 1ANN &JJ a hiNt, ITwee

V - .OPELOUSAS, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, (Louisiana,) JANUARY 31st., 1857. NO.

r-JOEL I. 1ANN a &JJ hiNt, ITwee

e63bt t eh.

thllwg della p f a o s aror l-IlO A n will be re.ahved fr a periodI. the I fapeat. A uueairibr iabvwl tb dia-e.Imae mIjtpv7e i e s t4il lks a at ect andsettle upei sl ragas

ofn. quasw not ezeeeding thespace of ten lines. one dollar io the drt lmwtioo.6.4 fi eeabla neeinsqesbsent inserion. Loneradeergsi s be e aeeu

A~ue beA dfrenchetaia um a .e& s audm N n the ed toe

mb is s itew aaiem to diarra the peli.

A'Iib ral~dmume a sihe, Ia

Tad lM tiu w IabI e pint-a matdm.4 iebe&w

Tee eila in wo ill iu be eaF L, ieirsKfril ry-rua~il~ahLi-- frib1) C

%aw-iniU for LIste.VU9KE uiYswuiued oemrs for m!e h. &w;;kl;taituia: 4ou Bayou Qesue Tortte,is he ParA~ of E1I. 1,604q, a m Sass " ll ie

tirdg sew ; 400 ip.t. Of he rsPehad i atmeh.St to om i jtaseiu ld alsoZ00OwO00 logs serif to be MW+r. Mere

e 1rea to p Issbeapp'y 4. Da.udseetibe 0

T NilrVCl lillaLI. *bssmeo.AgN i$.mp

IDOSDII~ F. r-n~~l~AWLLe dpifir to ?"i84 of Si. X4M* .

Hisnea is t Ladry, November Lt, a--4..



A. 3. THOMPSOYI.Dec 27 i , .- -

`o* - 'bk~I4iEbw 1p

I c~l~p~camill;.r



lit~A-IrOi f~d Ir Ti~rc Uri sSS

u ,r-~~18~ EI";~3-~ ~ i~



-m so

""~t; ulrtitit~t~i~i~itit~t ~ .4JI_jI '_

waft as*R I1S ; iI r )-


? itdn~s a .. theS.r. u heest tc iank Lu frienda sadynasjuat received ? e uiemereltaen t he*d , f 8.u w~EdA6 mA~ au-.-Plain midfctaqmidsreh I 8w Ni~PPia J~arC ioNFiwo.tam s ing ss 4 ,vmA Jaar sri.a&MIA ' T JLr sauaY, Embrroiietad

ei alkim. sla aoe Imp aamu sent ofA he~ay f aGueehmatsl a.

auaya be *md at iis dare.

, atiaap.i f.,a BOW F. KALYF.F;Grand CGet.., Apral 19th, 18$6.

SFraaecS,19i54 Dry Geds." # srimie st so t an

Uinnu ims kern iTw

$ Where aisre aup p and a residntIr, rin 3kiier wiuSda . tmo tbeeplipear wowds ~a. as* in evumy

O os of the buee &Bhstbw mmaiye.A:cbaha. b the abum* tey w1l bop:

a thed id a d auwr IhjeL u 3i? arat

I ee as4 girt. kuiabidgG.od.q tfil couutwymserditrmhmM auwt, ad ate

a attrr i s ees f bsesr Ikar

adt is t - Ids RZILLFa C..,Caa get,


ns~1Palw~E~ ~~

. sm.6 ey, qI k..r "

h s smt .(b.

limheassp. FRAN E LA R UA.

Sy 48. 8s. 31. ;8i 131 L

N _ .,.ehst sc . ii. - I lit

fOar tt3 b a Ira

doomsa tes& t.

11*1 g,,



44iW ;i:7I ta:~~


DIIICWLITt CONtEPTION,l pebmums, Luihuiasoa.

r @WEB Ianst dor wl be opened by the ladies of.R. e "Wely Cronees in the beginning efdcaeer,I elir 'wre & Opelens, foi- the edgation of th

Ime e L f the hriah and of s aheighbringnoTheloee anetdeightfnl , and oea

do the eerioradvantag whih parentos may desireir their children. The styteni of d- lcation will em-

beace ad the branches I:gt i.: the best Intitutioms- oef medaesLurepe: Reading. peling, rammar,

Cumald PaRhetoric, &oeution, appled to theSihr i singk ges, to both of which the

will be paid, and bot of whik thew lasLt earefully be trained to speakand writeeatetw, elegance and fluency,--Writing,

esliy sae and prolne, ancient and moderny, Ytholgy, Arit:hatese, Book-Keeping, the

d of Algbr af d aecoietry, atra Phil mono-ply, Nat iry, Lomesei Economy, sewing,Ehoid y Ar+tificial flo"ere, Drawing, Painting

Vi and • Inrumaut aliec--This las branch wille bh dit b tingulahed Artist just arrived from

t • i be emittedto knladle •the pupiOava fori leing;R the greaest atsenionwE ahe opaid to develop their mind., kAe theirShemt, and elevate their character. They wil have

ri g to her from evil examples or evil aoci.I les., rma g at all timerwithin the encloasure of

Sthela, ek ad ander the eyea of kind teaches whowill t sl rhIir morls with mritad asction.They imeepive visit exceptfrom their paretsSmt va who will be adminsed to see them in the

pasr, n Thrsdays after the morning claes andmeuIndpn aa•r the high tamse

The Um tetie• will be paid • o te helth ofthe ppil, the diet ill be whleome and aband-ant, the lek wi bq nrued with maternal vigilance

lhsi•le the ground work of education. Thetitud• a hl a Catholic; however, young Iee wiho- le'i h dnambe ndkteaswR be receivedlte cnly di io o o onezmi• g to the public

ezaemei house.e to send their children at an earlier

ge a. sele-e child may prsi fromr the age ofsave or eight, and even ooner,-to keep them lon-ger, andand several of them at once, the most mod-

mi pikes have been adopted:-For Board andr , U per sehouestic ymr of ten months, pay

S ose yin advance; Dayecholae will pay 20,

s attend. Mine an theSthe Gitar will be charged $d pqr moth,

R pl e w• eas r the e of the Plano;- , he wscal ta wll have to empply teir cildrea with

beit sad paper, and provide for the washing ofthi ate; expeses incurred In icknes will also

trac, with a mn quito bur, a uficient quantityof h.i.b blaakete, towels, and every day clothes;thermst also hbring the uniforia, consisting forthe whoale year i a bhie dress, with cape of the

* trimmOer weith black velvet; two sn1b l of brown ~ine,; two veils, I blue,

i2 yl white, yde; aspoon, fork, timbler andle ; ' a esmall bucket, brushes, combs, a

peaterof the Church of Opeloeas.Opdigana Avgepath, 186 4

I •rAVE the honor of informing the pub-Sli, said parents in particular, that, from

tie telfJaly next, my lastitution will be removedtoL d tof thete Mr. Jacques Lastrapes ;

that date, I shall be seedy to receietLa Jwhom parents will confde to my ean.That own position, at a ahortdistance fromOpleams and WashiaCton, being uquest;onablyaimbdet iamC b e laihy parttof Parish, andmot expoed to annual maladi, will emse to p1 -seats ha l th of their, wheeswill ever be interrupted.

So •r as seaet instructie• and education, Ihall nglet nothing to merit a eetiansace of the

kind p g with whic I e•_ beehu hmoemedasre.

heot a se s t Service; ever ua-

X • made for a ce, ercase imase1a dm L a Ie ltmet ,hsn,em m. ade ) r Quarneere.

alit T. VALAD t,: 'luar Priorhire j t .t r m arit 1 fr.

!rL4uenar ieid for ~r~as ses u

}W tITOI,~hil.atttio. of the mueb6ab at

dumwdg.qi med4.t ped ,"eiw awrissr .ad 8

C.&g..due, Aa~inmm~, Temp sad-p Laalrrr rDc


P- m h ai uswddmot 014 atlwway. * er~L i~lrrId M .9. OWL Icaw4*bi Cl)Whif~h41r' .aqwur&eo,

eAIN:"~#I IC~IC afire dl)d LFOL~iii d i'is u ht,I~e4lclrIY~ ile and soar.:li~L 78dk

40 U 1OWN* Air

l i stellantMeo us.


*u rtI. - m aw

FAMILY PHYSIC.Tnas has lo eslsted a puble dmand 1r anective •aive phih .eA be roled a a

M ensT to eat tat ert amean .ev a. a itd us e m uiksr b doou.,ws higC

wt iee ta me It the alistr d imakethe btof eI pillam-one hould bmnRs of the oMatistbut an thes advaatage,

vre oha. -h - bn h be eee, Idwit wht mooem we would rspeoefit a t totih pMui deeion•. It ha t human ek,the hither that almot every purpawtiVola(tud toaara out the ha,.oi s erhicn.d r anolfd in _pollae a

w i the good Ito b drived imthem. These pil produce no ritation or pain,hala it ai hm a peeim einhlnaobei

o noiim can arise rom am• ar mEImss ; b it i etter that any eline shoal

Stasrdiomally. Mtinate desretiom o tierae in seveal diasm to which thqeyplai ae given n the ba. o the i emplanto wae havre been i cared i ewe

of mal Id er , Lgea ad Lm ofAptin, Luiaane, InrirWity, 3liB Bea Ham,lai Feer, Feer sagd Aea , Pais the side

a Leas; or, in terth, themb are but the can-sequnce of diseased action in the lier. A an

Eset asled prompt and um relief aoso o, Colic, Dyene, H Sme"s

and err, Culs with soranem of the bod, merand lahy of the blood, Irregularies; m short,

wl earee in Rheumatism, float, , n elrpe, pibtl of tthe Heat7 inthe

hoks steac atd idoe. a eThey aa be reelytskeain the ing of the year, to purify the bloodad psar the yatem fa the change d Rncem.An ocamlfhl doh stimulate the im ae adbeuul into heathy acoionand retorm the sa~bad1t rdbr a aedstbeyt etasb>i

ai tihe mgth of the body, and enmre teweetod or dieme.d fine whole o a gr.Houseam m s advsukegeous, eventheh seis derangeammt amits* but a

, should amver be toowoa eto exam. The thosaaa cas is laa pbysin in requhied emaot beinamtd here, bataed tha eme tin the Flumn ofe' rar~; od is ct utll aly believed thin pill

hitheato SaPicm sth n mhabefrte ame aonce known, thei pubia will a arbt what remery to employ when in need of a

eetmortidiein ne. Bang sgr-wappdthey m)amtt b kte, d hunt pue abl nois c asadL bm their m any q n

For iat diectioes, sec wrapper a athD.

MILLENEIY STORE.Iew- lau,18 Cmk IL uwall's hid~iag

IRI. PION,HaIS te hornor to iam

the ladi o Ofeo mas, thatshe has aeaenea Mi umeyand ~&msy Stor at K. 18,Cead6 et, New O nm%whate am always be fsudthe m emo Vde, and - iL a

instpueat of CspW~. Steaw and wiatetDonneb, Uaatilla E~huoidseBiew JumiiFlwwwssad all artkes foeh id in the

1toa=ta a do at orduoA Sesm esamhas ben engaged by the

Drs. MPmu dIbsa eaahfel to te ladiesof Opeloarss, for a satiauaAe o thaipberagse ofwhiab she bees hummed byUna s amig ils I.. OPelem

New tfbd. (hasher 1111 1866.

ISreedy bythe i .

awine .wmuu ss.

131 Pwao fam , - k&

lt jpl.. IWII +'s heJrtdu dumai, m*Egiei w fashva~lmyet.41 sT m ws is tti a ,r

tlusd e a imflh am hwit lw-hif e now_ x. 18.r- -- ~~i ~y rdr tiiij~ kb. Iii

Judicial Notices, &•cState of Iousttaxg~a.


Estate of John K. Pickett, deceasedC HARLES C. PICKETT, of the Parish of Pointe Coupee, Administrator of

the Estate of John K. Pickett, deceased, lateof the Parish of St. Landry, having Sled aFinal Account of his administration of saidEstate, and a Partition of the funds thereof,accompanied by a petition praying for thehomologation of the same;-And whereas theprayer of said petition has been gusd by,

i order of Court dated January 2nd 1857.Therefore, notice is hereby given to all in-

terested, to make opposition, if any they have,within thirty days from the date hereof, whysaid Account shbould not be homologated, theAdministrator authorised to day acoordingly

and his bond caneelled.L. LASTRAPES, Clerk.

Opeloums January 3rd 1857.

Atatr of tIettanaISTRICT No. 8004.Parish of St. Laosdry. No. 8004.

Estate of Victor Lataste, deceased.ANDRE MEYNIER AND ELODIEPOIRET, of the Parish of St. Landry,

Administrators of the Estate of Victor La-taste, deceased, having fled a Final Tableauof Distribution of the funds of aid Estate, sc-companied by a petition praying for the hom-ologation of the same;-And whereas theprayer of said petition has been granted byorder of Court dated January 2nd 1857.

Now therefore, notice is hereby given toall interested, to make opposition, if any theyhave, within thirty days from the date hereofwhy said Tableau saould not be homologated,the Administrators authorized to pay accord-ingly and their bond canceled.

L. LASTRAPES, Clerk.Opelouss, January 3, 1867.

Sundersigned hereby notify plantersand others that from and after the 1st

of November next 1856, the storage nowexisting will hnceforth be charged for mer-ehandise and other articles laying in theirwarehouses fr the period of one asn., andfor every additional month or part of amonth, the same additional rates will becharged.

Nothing will be delivered until thegDBAILLON & CARRIERE.

Washingtoa, October 11th, 1856.

Pulbic Sale,On .mee.smmat ••Aep.mrer•.

T HE a nders ed will eses to be eoby ar ametoneer, o Tueeday, 17thFebruary nret, 1857, before the CourtHouse dthis Parish, his property, situatedin the town of Opeblous, boundedd East byMain street, West by Court street, by theFree-Masons Lodge and the property of Mr.J. Petit, and North by Vine street, consist-ingim


KiteLen, Stable, etac., being the samme that henow eeespies

sdiis Payable at one and twoyears credit; purehaser furnishing securityto the amti4aEtio of the vender, and thepmotsy remain ing speciallymuotpged; themotes hearig interne eight per cent erann•mt, from the ~s they be e due. Theno witbll be dico tad ast eight per eat ifsome one wishes to pershes a beforethem sa. y t the underigned l Oploass,or to variste Debaillon, in Washingtoe. ,. ACHER.

Opelosas, Jeanuary 17,1867.

Psblic fSae.the viiihis d tothiroi asmd hiheet

bidder, by_ a dais coriaaiiia ne aeiaaareer,at the rmaa fs nss bo, iae, yes igdew Bridge, in thi Parimahhonlay, the 9th ef February next;1857, the hliog deuhribed ProPety b

emazgothe emalty tesweliubetweesn idt Foatinb and Celeste Gemsr,hi. &wed wire to, b'w:

hemir~ tLbL)r re id r ieeiaei~t; ea, ::i~tatadin thise Patu, atnh ieath seaiedCutuim, -w Blr's BridEsge, u ha twohufidnedmdi tensad f arpemtu upaemeasre, teber witLh the

m IMP fttleh M ed an *uvs -e

SLAVES. Adhith uwsesAiovm ate

One oz-cart, 3 ia,., one mu ed 4work oxten, 6 getee mitch cows,4 yearlings, 1- cala asod I gumThe teris adaid umdhinm.v wh i s

di bti pue ) rrsb.. be saim hamma+ the day eshMi

Opaht jM11 y 2thj, 140.

c.eii vi i # f ss~e

a rit a to. it L nb hk Air . 80t.iaas.

tijdsYw~a,. ~"k~GO.

e I b k . .87--31

. Judicial Sales, &c.Public Sale,

By the undersigned PdubCt Auctioneer,in and for the Parish of St. Landry.

SIFtHE p ublie are hereby informed thatthere will be sold at public sale to the

last and highest bidder, by the undersignedauctioneer, on

a Tuesday the 17th February next,1867, on the following described plantatien,at Chataiger, in the Pariah of 8t. Landry,being the las residence of HonorE Fuaelier,

* deceased the following described perty7 behnging t hesatet of the late

Puselier, deceased toewit :

.1 PLd IT.T. TIOt ,r situated in Prairie Chataignier, in the Parisha of St. Landry, I three arpents frontF by forty arpents in de , bounded North by

Henry Jean B. Soileau, South by widowValery Guillory, East by Valmont GabrielFontenot, and West by the Bayou Marron," together with the


thereon erected.

I S~LAYEIof both sexzs sad divers ages.

Eight head of gentle horned catte,two borses, one mare, a lot ofhogs, one ox cart, one Calash,Loom, plantation implements,household furniture, kitchen uten-sils, and many other articles tootedious to enumerate.Terms and Couditi•s -All lots of

fie dollars or under, payable in the month aof April eighteen hundred and fily-eight, tsad all lots upwards of fve dollars, payable adme half in the month of April 1858, and theotherhalf in the month of April next fol- elowing 1859. Purchasers giving security insolido to the satisfaetiom of whom the right,sad all sums mt paid at maturity to bear in- Yterest at the rate of 8 per cent per annam ifrom time due until paid. And moreover,the land and slaves remainin~g pecialymortgaged unto the Estate until fl and -tire payment of capital and interests which U

PaymentB to be made to the administra-tor of the Estath , Dor Laleur, at hisdomieil, in Prairie Chataie, in maid Paiah. DOBSIN P. AFLEUR,

Opeloueas, January 17, 1857.

By the udersig,bed, uctio•ere ia sdfor tie Parih of St. Ldwdry.l Y virtue of an order from the Hoa.

the Fifteenth District Court, in andfor the Parish of S I•andry, to s direeted,the public are hereby iaformed that therewill be solMd at public e, to the lat adhighest bidder, before the Coaat eise dcer,in the Town of Opelaome, oTuesday the 10th day of February1867, the d ' Ie'ribd p rty, belongng to Adleht lately inter.,ed Iy Jundgment of the Ho. Fifteenth adi&ci"l Didris Court to wit :

A METMA NEEMUSWAnmed AIME, aged about 2 years, wthher • .ild, saed .. ,An za aged about 5

Ana ale the fiRowht desiribedp esrbelging ondividedl to said Adiigosand to N, a s Taneeout, to wit:

TWO L OI ef ER@DN3,ituated in the Town of Opel , at the ear

asr of Bellevae and Liberty streets, and den.nete the plan d town ao lo Nos..•ad- 8, tog e rE with. the


thereim reet1 bei the lst ueidece

.Mr Widow (hsh•e.rrigeSrms waMd CW.ed .. The to ltesof gpond with the baShas sad laspsroesaents,, pay" eseh;and m sieve Aantsand her pableN one and two yeesecredia feum th b y efqIl. Puaremer her-

saecaarity to the sishaesion of wos.the ' and morees the abse resiling

wm i Ml andeatie pay-meet of t sand lw s iterests whisch ay

eeorns thereon at the rat ofeight per stper usta frtom tie ds un&La p

]OGWa8 IM 4)Ar

Opelehss, Iamrmy 1ta, 28g.

wis to t6 I" Mdcla

soThwwdq rq

to f ie lelaAraif ucadilh

Altd of l Coo&. HardwaremC~rockery, e , etc.

AL?1 UEflKfl-ONatr A ~U3a0

PUWI Is p rPhtim w rlib tbs uwb-I ;spidL -rd a k riar drr

TL ; l&v & r -ree iap.o.mb s10 ui I au of thm

-lif as ATW rtheu~haD g- sall. fkr thE u o wialt d al d iB iat jarre atbs~&*u h. h tiM

Nt. 1. A. TAYLOI,Opeloaimm, liOV.. Sih, 1816.

Judicial Notices, 'mac.tUIFP$ SMIE.

STA TE OF LO UISIANA.Thoe. C. Anderson, 1 District Court,

vs. Parish of St. Landry,Eliza M. Parett, & at., No. 7715.SY virtue of ar writ ot IL ., imsed in theab ore entitled enit, by the District

Coart, is san for the Parish of St. Landry, uad tome dimeted, wil be eXpseed te publie re, forcash, at the Court House of this uman&at.r

ady, the 7th day of Febrahru next, 187. corn-naEciaa at the bour of It veelC, A. N., andcontinuieg from day to day, if ac v, ll theright title, interest and demand of Eliza M. Par-ratt, & ale., in sudto the he aiqnde.riha pop:

A certain tmact of lad striated in fou Parish,and lying about three miles from the town ofOpe.asa in Bellevue, containing about sixteen hundredarpenta more or les bounded above b lands ofStephen W. Wiktof and South by lands of JeanFabin Richard, and on the East by the bRyouTeason, and beia the ame on which Eliza M.Parrott, wife, resides, with the buildings and im-provements thereon, alm the following describedslaves for life :

FRANK, nero man aged about thirty.DAVE, agedbeout 45 years.CHARaLOTTE, aged twenty-two.MARIANNE, aged fteenWILLIAM, aged about twenty-twa.LUCINDA, aged eighteen.GEORGE, aged about twenty.OSBURN, aged thirty-four.ELSY, aged thirty years.DINAH, aged about fourteen.EDWARD, aged about twenty Ave.LIZZY, aged eighteen.ADAM. aged twenty-five.DELP/INE, aged about faen, with all their

ineese.L V. CHACHERE, Sherit

Sheriff's oee, St. Landry, Jenuary 3d, 1857.


Pirr cabrs, ) iatrict Cout,vs. Parish St Lad,.

Pierre Ndaat. No. 768.B Y virtue of a writof d f., im d i. the above entitled sit, b the Dibuiet

Cortt in and for-the Parish of St. Lad,, sa tome directed, wilt h eposed to pblic Late, forcab, at the Cert Boeam oft M. Paih, n Saturday,the 7th day of February mlet, 167, meooiism gat the hawr of 11 &clock, A. M. end continuingfrom day to day, i neesry all the right title,istesra and dared of Pient kdnt isn and to the

hllowing dearcsitd peoperty, eidad b satiy saidwrit to wit:

A aep.aea uamsaded eheetd trtyyear, with her three Children named VYA osy-,aged ten year. Fsaagors aged eight years, Eu-ra-cuarm, aged three years

A ae$a.wma aned CELINA, aged tw tytwo years, with her two childrenu emed Car.auaged thee yassd e , e two yers.

A a -ma eased NARCI SE, agzed ethirty L J r,

A gro-mm ained CESI•. aLed ft yaeasL. V. CHACHAEZ,&e

erira ,Si. Landry, January 3rd, 81.


Nrida D.'e~auz (.eCLeO" vis l, ) Ms4U. Liy

D ,i utue eflAardo @dSegelumY and msal,edin above led suit, by

theDbeft Coev1 aed k, the earitsh of&t. Le

mebr auk at the Coot ie or this Parisiap,

8day, e'Ith dayorer 0r.z nest, 1867, e-audg at the hmweslof o 1 . NL., atd con-deg em iday to day,. it neoRy, alD the right,Spis la atwaid dnmnd o Lash King, wire, InsatidT grid gwq, seined s t ter .4 ol

Arem ind nae d bay med Semmn, aged about

gw e L.V.ry, 4 w, bs$$sIusl~b& Ltmdrl,i~ Jen 5, 185'


Jesm . Tam DiiwetComtLVa. Pwi~Eb O Lumby,imp .p ljOSilld

Ou 9. lb 1 Ii~itla ~k

i iad in fire a bove otxr'r SAW bthe District Court, im and far the Patho 8kLandry, ad to me directed, will 1. eIpean topubic a~ t the Court Has. e( a tt ptaSaturday, t 'th day d7.brir t, 184%, atwetle month' cidtt, buaag cmaed and agsinenex. Pwchbm eta pvie thwith iacm at eight pew ceat, aer the y o a

al pe, all tbl h r, title, iragsraa, 4lana Itaks L. Peiod a bamdthe feUkwiegdeaeribe peapertf, to m ash *0 to.~lwit:

The Lnd or P slauals what. ad Plseaata

Eerie. an as . 3 ch3ap sad nirprmrmrrrbwaa dt..tstiv 131 girptrami Pvafrls 7

hed.Ecrrtha.t~~ r~ PIe, Kmhbylbrinsad Wmh b lauds of Jelss ~Iv m

Shati1''e.&. St. Laay, Jos.b 1W.

Vhcsp tWr Ca.J P. ) MRu ,

*- !&o }iiir I, ~ u tl- I Ltoi~trr is ooh . fa oIIbIbr rl

L-~i~ g; is.. Dinai:&iO~uw Nar,uinL Spiib11V wed ds cosse piMw Imo u. hee s s_ .1& 18t..f

a ll, iii All VILon.oaia h i-in mea

aalooh, ides sad we.? a t uke e a uiM ,,hr am or &raft on New Othsmi

opj* DeUXs"Op~~a~~w6 iBM~r~, ~.

trciimeet ! s to- -1 d Lear it arCI

G u a d Cooted " u ,d L 8 L b J a a. 1 2 a .1 8 5 i7 .KYTE. CABILLZ.ALEXAIDIER H. CABTILLI.

4 air-~-

04qtj~tl~i:15~l2K l a w.rrr~

I.aelumw.r~ ~i,4.s ~,~. -- yand Magt e tb


DR, IJAM S C. AYUR,Pnt N a" lalydmltitr ClwmirS



Ciur, *SiiU taicoasuEIThe

Tm. -as bow. wen Ow mh umbelelyfr. t ate..m of ovuaq Yal~ of mkmiy &uin0*~t it it mefroly inOmy to .ea the Mb&oAmoees of its fts in wny siit 'bu_ itkm bern msloyud. So wide is trate folt of it. uhbm, ant iw aamn tie - o its awn%mbbdy 8do'a tbhlottrr0*1 abeel of lb. e.tiye ea sb ofthbepa pumumal - rr-' rbs bor i madom ass at rnEinpmataas &ummaa of the

hugs by be -a Whr mum we tt id ras: way olbw mosdo of US mtl . to qpf..sot s maaps obmeoti., andwhwe it. virttesmm

am, Lb. pubis u s hqmhatstwhst nUstsb_ is tihe &bu.g ad deami, d

le of- lwbs rr op which - irnt> -Not a*l 13 iSomibbi tB labur lbs huge, 803 !e 0* r iw raeinih ofQmo.CowoHrn, Kainins k;~ll

As It kmhu bu rn be r ~ -rrI0his seotism,n rum med 30 &a &Amr~~mmub its qualy i his apti b.buf tbtaita.,

John Poesy and P L. Hbsard & Ca., Opsiou-S. D. Aliwi t o ir gheqsmiJ. N& PW~lnu, OxataAemm- JIM 06h 1S6-it