the oboe in vivaldi's instrumental music t florence, italy oljoe lv vivaldi's...


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Page 1: The Oboe in Vivaldi's Instrumental Music T Florence, Italy OljOE LV VIVALDI'S 1N.STRUhIEh'TAL !Il/.SIC ~p- pp~ -- - - 14) Concerto in G minor RV45.9. for oboe, strings and continuo;

The Oboe in Vivaldi's Instrumental Music

by Sandro Caldini Florence, Italy

T h e large quantity of compositions left by Vivaldi caused remarkable confusion in their cataloguing. In spite of t h e numer- o u s d e t r a c t o r s ( t h e g r e a t S t rawinsk i

among others) it is important t o s tate t h e fact that there a r e plenty of catalogues of compo- s i t i o n s b y Vivaldi w h i c h a r e c o n t i n u a l l y brought u p t o d a t e by n e w d iscover ies a n d at t r ibut ions tha t a r e m a d e in many l ibrar ies scattered nearly everywhere in Europe. In fact. the greatest part of t h e instrumental composi- tions of "prete rosso" is situated in Italy (about three hundred works located in t h e libraries of Turin, Naples a n d Venice), b u t o n t h e o t h e r hand t h e remaining ones (over two hundred) are scattered in Switzerland, France, Germany, England, Sweden and Austria. It looks therefore clear tha t there was t h e existence of a kind of s t ruggle b e t w e e n I ta l ians a n d E u r o p e a n s t o c a t a l o g u e b e t t e r t h e e n o r m o u s a m o u n t of Vivaldi's works. Unfortunately we should admit that t h e most referred t o catalogue has been d r a w n b y t h e D a n e P e t e r R y o m t o t h e d e t r i m e n t of Fanna , Ricordi a n d P incher le . According t o that catalogue there a r e less than 76 compos i t ions including t h e o b o e in the i r organic. Among t h e m t h e r e a r e 52 concer tos with s t r ing orchestra , 13 concertos without it and 11 sonatas.

Sonatas - Six of t h e e leven s o n a t a s a r e included in t h e collection I1 pastor fido op. 13. The great biographers (such a s Michael Talbot) have serious doubts about the true authorship of these marvellous sonatas. In fact it seems that they should b e at t r ibuted t o t h e French com- poser Michael Corrette (1 709-1 795) who submit- ted th rough Jean Marchand a n application of letters patent to be allowed t o publish a s well as opus 13 of Vivaldi, opus 14. 10 of Valentini and o p u s 10 of Albinoni. Italian Institut "Antonio Vivaldi ," t o o , l a y s s t r e s s o n t h e d u b i o u s a u t h e n t i c i t y of t h e s e s o n a t a s w h e r e a s t h e famous oboist Bruce Haynes considers just the last one composed by Vivaldi and attributes the first six either t o Marchand o r even t o Corrette. Finally, it is worth noting that all the sonatas a re composed on plagiarized materials from works by J. Meck (1690 - 1750), the Italian G.M. Alberti (1685-1751), and even from compositions of his own (concertos of op. 4, 6 and 7). The remaining five sonatas are: a) Sonata for oboe and continuo

in c minor (probably written for t h e Dresden v i r t u o s o J.C. Richter s i n c e i t c o n t a i n s h a r d passages such a s chromatic ones); b) Sonata a uiollno, oboe et anco se piace il salmoP (in which t h e salmoP doubles the bass of the organ in the upper octave). This sonata has been recently found again in t h e Sachsische Landesbibliothek of Dresden and was written by Vivaldi for t h e girls of t h e o rphanage (Prudenza, Pellegrina, Lucietta and Candida); c) Sonata in g minor for two oboes and continuo (probably written for the D r e s d e n o b o i s t s l ike t h e o n e in c m i n o r ) included in a manuscript in t h e Universitats- biblioteket of Jund, Sweden; d) The oboist Burk- hard Glaetzner h a s recent ly pointed o u t tha t two other sonatas (RV 28 and RV 34) although f resh ly publ i shed a s s o n a t a s for violin a n d continuo, should undoubtedly b e attributed t o the oboe for the kind of texture used by Vivaldi (who was a very good violinist and knew well the use of double bow strings). In short, we have:

1) Sonata in B flat major RV 34, for o b o e and continuo)published a s violin sonata).

2) Sonata in B flat major RV34, for o b o e and continuo (published a s violin sonata).

3) Sonata in C n7inor RV 53, for oboe and continuo.

4) Sonata in C major RV 54, for musetta/viella/flute/oboe/violin and continuo (by M. Corrette; in t h e collection I1 pastor fido).

5) Sonata in C major RV 55. for musetta/viella/flute/oboe/violin and continuo (by M. Corrette; in t h e collection I1 pastor fido).

6) Sonata in C nzajor RV .56, for musetta/viella/flute/oboe/violin and continuo (by M. Corrette; in t h e collection I1 pastor fido).

7 ) Sonata in G major RV 57, for musetta/viella/flute/oboe/violin and continuo (by M. Corrette; in t h e collection I1 pastor fido).

8) Sonata in G minor R V 58, for musetta/viella/flute/oboe/violin and continuo (by M. Corrette; in t h e collection I1 pastor fido).

9) Sonata in A major RV 59, for musetta/viella/flute/oboe/violin and continuo (by M. Corrette; in t h e collection I/

Page 2: The Oboe in Vivaldi's Instrumental Music T Florence, Italy OljOE LV VIVALDI'S 1N.STRUhIEh'TAL !Il/.SIC ~p- pp~ -- - - 14) Concerto in G minor RV45.9. for oboe, strings and continuo;

pastor fido). 10) .!Sonata in C major RV 779, for violin, oboe,

organ, salmoi. (ad libitum) or for 2 violins, oboe and continuo.

Chamber Concer tos - These are concertos without accompariiriient of string orchestra.

1) Concerto in C major RV 87, for recorder, oboe, 2 violins and continuo.

2) Concerto in C majorRV88, for flute, oboe, ' violin, bassoon and continuo.

3) Concerto in D majorRV90, for flute, oboe, violin, bassoon and continuo or for flute, 2 violins, bassoon/cello ancl continuo; Del Gardellino.

4) Concerto in D major RV94, for recorder, oboe, violin, bassoon and continuo.

5) Concerto in D major RV95, for recorder/ violin, oboe/violin, violin, bassoon and continuo; La Pastorella.

6) Concerto in Frnajor RV.97, for viola d'amore, 2 horns, 2 oboes, bassoon and continuo (tutti sordini [rurlrle il fagotto).

7) Concerto in F majorRV98/43.3, for flute, oboe, violin, bassoon and continuo; La ten~pesta di nlare (?) (according to Talbot).

or Concerto in F major RV 570, for flute, oboe, bassoon, strings and continuo (in the first movement a violin as soloist); La tempestu di mare.

8 ) Concerto in F major RV99, for flute, oboe, violin, bassoon and continuo.

or Concerto in Fmajor RV 571, for violin, 2 oboes, 2 horns, bassoon, strings and continuo (in the first movement a cello as soloist).

9) Concerto in G major RV 101, for recorder, oboe, violin, bassoon ancl continuo.

or Concerto in G major RV437, for flute, strings

and continuo. 10) Concerto in G minor RV 10.3, for recorder,

uboe, bassoon (and continuo). 11) Concerto in G minor RV 105, for recorder,

oboe, violin, bassoon and continuo. 12) Concerto in C minor RV 107, for flute, oboe,

violin, bassoon and continuo. 13) Concerto in C major RVAnh. 66, for flute,

oboe, bassoon and continuo.

It is important to notice that in the concerto RV 97 the role of solo instrument is given to a string (viola d'amore) and the orchestra is made up of a wind quintet (!). There is finally another

concerto, not included in the catalogues by Fanna, Ricordi and Pincherle, numbered RV Anh. 66 by Ryom. Its full score includes flute/oboe, violin/oboe, cello slid harpsichord. This concerto has been attributed by mistake to G.F. Handel since the harpsichord score contains the annotation DeI Sigrlore Haendel (i.e., by Mr. Haendel). Probably that is an error and Haynes a lso a t t r ibu tes it proper ly t o Vivaldi. The manuscript is situated in the Bibliothek des Freihern von Fiirstenberg in Herdringen (private collection managed by Deutsches Musikges- chichtliches Archiv of Kassel).

Concertos with String Orchestra - These are 52 and range from soloistic concertus for oboe to others for more instruments. It is difficult to say whether the number is correct or not since another concerto originally for violin has been recently attributed to the oboe. Let us have a look, first of all, at the concertos with oboe as soloist:

1 ) Concerto in C majorRV446, for oboe, strings ancl continuo.

2) Cor~certo in C major RV447, for oboe, strings and continuo; similar to RV 448 and RV 470 (for the bassoon).

3) Concerto in C major RV448, for oboe, strings and continuo: similar to RV 447 and the same of RV 470 (for the bassoon).

4. Concerto in C major RV449, for oboe, strings and continuo.

or Concerto in C major RV 178, for oboe, strings and continuo.

5) Concerto in C major RV450, for oboe, strings and continuo; originally for the bassoon (RV 471).

6 ) Concerto irz C major RV451, for oboe, strings and continuo.

7) Concerto in C major RV 452, for oboe, strings a~irl continuo.

8) Concerto in D major RV453, for oboe, strings and continuo.

9) Concerto in D rnirlorRV454/236, for oboe, strings and continuo.

10) Cor~certo in Fmujor RV45.5, for oboe, strings and continuo; dedicated to Sassoniu.

11) Concerto in F major RV 456, for oboe, strings and continuo; the same as concerto N. 5 in Harmoniu Mundi.

12) Concerto in F major RV 4.57, for oboe, strings and continuo; the same as bassoon concerto RV 485.

13) Concerto in FmajorRV458, for oboe, strings and continuo.

Page 3: The Oboe in Vivaldi's Instrumental Music T Florence, Italy OljOE LV VIVALDI'S 1N.STRUhIEh'TAL !Il/.SIC ~p- pp~ -- - - 14) Concerto in G minor RV45.9. for oboe, strings and continuo;

THE OljOE LV VIVALDI'S 1N.STRUhIEh'TAL !Il/.SIC ~p- pp~ -- - -

14) Concerto in G minor RV45.9. for oboe, strings and continuo; incomplete.

15) Concerto in G minor RV 460/334, for oboe, strings and continuo; all the movements in RV 334.

16) Concerto in A ~ninor RV 461, for oboe, strings and continuo.

17) Concerto in A minor RV462, for oboe, strings and continuo.

18) Concerto in A minor RV 46.7, for oboe, strings and continuo; also for the bassoon (RV 500).

19) Concerto in B flat major RV464, for oboe, strings and continuo.

20) Concerto in B flat major RV46.5, for oboe, strings and continuo.

21) Concerto in C major RV 184, for oboe, strings and continuo; or for violin (?).

Let us finally have a look at the concertos with more than one solo instrument. At the present time these are 3 1 :

1) Concerto in G major RV 151, for 2 oboes (only in the third movement, ad libitum), strings and continuo; Alla Rustica.

2) Concerto in C major RV 534, for 2 oboes, strings and continuo.

3) Concerto in D minor RV 535, for 2 oboes, strings and continuo.

4) Concerto in A minor RV 536, for 2 oboes, strings and continuo.

5) Concerto in F major RV 543, for violin, oboe, strings and continuo; (oboe and violin in unison).

6 ) Concerto in G major RV 545, for oboe, bassoon, strings and continuo.

7) Concerto in B fiat major RV 548/764, for violin, oboe/violin, strings and continuo.

8) Concerto in C major RV 5.54. for violin, organ/violin, oboe/cello, strings and continuo.

9) Concerto in C major RV 555, for solo violin, oboe, 2 flutes, 2 violas all 'inglese, salmoit (or English horn), 2 trumpets (in the third movement), strings and 2 harpsichords.

10) Concerto in C major RV ,556, for 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 trumpets (in the second movement), 2 flutes, 2 violins, bassoon, lute (in the second movement), strings and continuo; Per la solennitci di S. Lorenzo.

11) Concerto in CrnajorRV5.57, for 2 violins, 2 oboes, 2 recorders (in the second movement), bassoon (in the second movement), strings and continuo.

12) Concerto in Crnajor RV5.58, for 2 violins, Tromba marina, 2 flutes, 2 mandolins, 2

salmoi: (or English horns), 2 theorboes, cello, strings and continuo.

13) Concerto in C rnajor RV 559, for 2 oboes. 2 clarinets, strings and continuo.

14) Concerto in C major RV.560, for 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, strings and continuo.

15) Concerto in D major RV562, for violin, 2 oboes, 2 hunting horns, strings and 2 organs; Per la solennita di S. Lorenzo.

16) Concerto in D major RV 562a, for violin, 2 oboes, 2 horns, timbales, strings and continuo; (other version o f the concerto RV 562 with a different second movement).

17) Concerto in D major RV.563, for violin, 2 oboes, string and continuo; (probably this is a mistake! It is for 2 trumpets, violin in the second movement, strings and continuo; RV 781).

18) Concerto in D major RV564a, for 2 violins, 2 oboes, bassoon, strings and continuo; (other version o f the concerto RV 564 for 2 violins, 2 cellos, string and continuo).

19) Concerto in D minor RV566, for 2 violins, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, strings and continuo.

20) Concerto in F major RV 568, for violin, 2 oboes, 2 hunting horns, bassoon, strings and continuo.

21) Concerto in Fmajor RV 56.9, for violin, 2 oboes, 2 hunting horns, bassoon, strings and continuo.

22) Concerto in F major RV 570, for flute, oboe, bassoon, violin (in the first movement), strings and continuo; Ternpesta di mare.

or Concerto in F major RV 433, for flute, strings and continuo.

23) Concerto in F major RV 571, for violin, 2 oboes, 2 hunting horns, bassoon, cello (in the first movement), strings and continuo.

24) Concerto in Fmajor RV572, for 2 flutes, 2 oboes, violin, cello, strings and continuo.

or Concerto in FmajorRV.544, for violin, cello, strings and continuo; I1 Proteo, ossia il mondo a1 rouescio.

25) Concerto in F major RV 573, for 2 oboes, 2 horns, bassoon, strings and continuo.

26) Concerto in F major RV 574, for violin, 2 hunting trombones, 2 oboes, bassoon, cello (in the third movement), strings and organ; dedicated t o "S.A.S.I.S.P.G.M.D.G.S.M.B.".

27) Concerto in G minor RV576, for violin, 2 hunting horns, 3 oboes, bassoon, strings and continuo; dedicated to Sua Altezza Reale Sassonia.

Page 4: The Oboe in Vivaldi's Instrumental Music T Florence, Italy OljOE LV VIVALDI'S 1N.STRUhIEh'TAL !Il/.SIC ~p- pp~ -- - - 14) Concerto in G minor RV45.9. for oboe, strings and continuo;

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I. D. R.S. JO1

28) Concerto in G minor RV577, for 2 flutes, 2 oboes. 2 bassoons, violin, strings and continuo; Per /'orchestra di Dresda.

29) Concerto in B flat major RV579, for violin, oboe, saImo6 (or EngIish horn), 2 vioIas all 'ingIese, cello, strings and continuo; Concerto Funetie.

30) Concerto in D n~ajor RV 122, for 2 oboes, bassoon, strings and continuo; (the parts for winds probably added by Pisendel).

31) Concerto in B flat major RV 162, for 2 oboes, bassoon, strings and continuo; (the parts for winds probably added by Pisendel).

There is finally another concerto in C minor for vioIin, oboe, strings and continuo recently attributed to Vivaldi by mistake. The copy of the manuscript is located in Lund, Sweden and bears the writing "Wiwaldi" (!). This composi- tion is very IikeIy by G.P. Telemann and the real title should be Concerto a sette.

From what I have expounded it's only fair to expect an up-to-date cataIogue as far as possible besides a complete edition of the compositions by Vivaldi a s t he re a re plenty of works not published yet in the Ricordi Edition.

Comparative Table Each work is listed by the progressive Ryom

number ing (RV), followed by t h e Fanna numbering (F), the Ricordi score numbering (PR) and the opus numbering (Op). RV FANNA PR OP 28 XI11 n.5 1006 - 34 XI11 n.16 1024 -

53 XV n.2 1025 - 54 XVI n.5 1142 13 n.1 55 XVI n.9 1146 13 n.5 56 XVI n.6 1143 13 n.2 5 7 XVI n.7 1144 13 n.3 58 XVI n.10 1147 13 n.6 59 XVI n.8 1145 13 n.4 Anh. 66 - 8 1 XV n.8 - - 8 7 XI1 n.30 680 44 n.22 88 XI1 n.24 593 44 n.24 90 XI1 n.9 307 10 n.31

44 n.15 94 XI1 n.25 594 44 n.23 95 XI1 n.29 679 44 n.4 9 7 XI1 n.32 848 25 n.1 98 - - 44 n. 16

99 XI1 n.26 597 44 n.17 101 XI1 n. 13 339 - 103 XI1 n.4 265 44 n.3 105 XI1 n.20 553 44 n.12 107 XI1 n.6 305 44 n.24

XI1 n.45 XI n.11 XI1 n.44 I n.31 I n.146 -

I n.52 VI n.12 VI n.16 VII n.20 VII n.6 VII n.7 I n.31 VII n.11 VII n.4 VII n.17 VII n. 10 VII n. 1 VII n.2 VII n.16 VII n.12 VII n.18 -

I n.52 VII n.5 VII n.19 VII n.13 VII n.15 VII n. 14 VII n.3 VII n.9 VII n.8 XI1 n.35 IV n.5 XI1 n.36 XI1 n.16 XI1 n.34 XI1 n.23 XI1 n.14 XI1 n. 17 XI1 n.37 XI1 n.2 XI1 n.1 XI1 n.47 -

XI1 n.31 XI1 n.39 XI1 n. 10 XI1 n.28 XI1 n.40 -

Page 5: The Oboe in Vivaldi's Instrumental Music T Florence, Italy OljOE LV VIVALDI'S 1N.STRUhIEh'TAL !Il/.SIC ~p- pp~ -- - - 14) Concerto in G minor RV45.9. for oboe, strings and continuo;


779 XVI n.11 - - P.S. A speciul thanks to m y pupil Ariannu

Cbrboni for helping m e in the trar~slution o f tllis article.

About the writer: Sandro Caldini graduated in oboe from t h e

C o n s e r v a t o r y of Mus ic "L. C h e r u b i n i " in Florence and specialized in Chamber Music a t King Alfred's College in Winchester. In 1984 h e won, together with his brother Fulvio, t h e third prize at the International Competition of Stresa and gained the first prize for chamber music in 1985. In 1989 he taught oboe and English horn at the Federal University of Kio d e Janeiro. In the same year and in 1991, h e received, as a teacher,

t h e "Honoris Causa" diploma a t t h e National Cornpetitio~l in Genoa. He has collaborated with t h e weekly "Toscana Oggi," Maggio Musicale F ioren t ino ' s O r c h e s t r a , P r o Musica S tud ium Orchestra of Rome, Corale Coradino of Arezzo and, from 1982 t o 1984, h e was solo oboe in the C h a m b e r O r c h e s t r a of F lorence . He played concerts in Italy. Germany, England and Brazil and teaches oboe at the High School of Music in Arezzo. In 1992 h e qualified a s oboe teacher in the Conservatory of Music. Address: Sandro Caldini

Viale Europa 179 50126-Florence FI ITALY

Phone: 055-653 1443