the nanjing massacre - the chinese holocaust

The Nanjing Atrocities - The Asian Holocaust

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Post on 12-Nov-2014




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This is a write-up I did one night while I was bored, and finished watching a movie about the Japanese atrocities against the Chinese during World War 2. Most know of the Nazi genocide, but few know about what Japan was doing to China while the Jews were being eliminated in Germany.


Page 1: The Nanjing Massacre - The Chinese Holocaust

The Nanjing Atrocities - The Asian


Page 2: The Nanjing Massacre - The Chinese Holocaust

This is a write-up I did one night while I was bored. It is about the Nanjing Massacre. Most people don't even know what that is, and this is why I felt it important to let anyone who will listen know about it. 90% of people who begin reading this won't finish, I know, but if at least one person finishes, that's one more person that knows of the atrocities that mankind is capable of.

Before I begin, I must stress that the Japanese of today are nothing like those of the past. They feel the same anger and sorrow that the Chinese feel in regards to their shameful behaviours. This is by no means meant to foster hate towards the Japanese. I have a few Japanese friends and I value them very much, and I do not at all intend to make them feel shame or that I am holding their country's past against them.

The reason I am writing this is because we all know about the German Nazi genocide and war crimes, but very few of us know about the Nanjing (or Nanking) Massacre.

We all know about the Germans during WWII.. the atrocities against the Jews and other minorities... the experiments, the torture, the massacre and the genocide.

But there is a story that is as horrifying, if not more horrifying than that of the Germans. It is of the Japanese.

I realize that comparing 2 atrocities against each other will somehow downplay one over the other, and I'm not saying which was worse. What really upsets me is the fact that very few people know about the conduct of the Japanese against China during 1937 and 1938.

Nanjing was declared the capital of China in 1928.

Japanese children born in the earlier 1900s were raised to hate China. This of course was beyond their control, just as I was born and raised Christian. I had no control over what I was taught, because it was all that was put in front of me.

It was the duty of every Japanese citizen to obey the emperor, who was declared the son of heaven. In 1868 the religion (or 'sun cult', but not to use the word 'cult' in the sick, twisted way that it is today) was declared the state religion, headed by the emperor. The moral code of this religion is that of the warrior, meaning each citizen was to be raised to fight. To die for the emperor was seen as a path to eternal life. (For more information, look up Shinto at )

In July 25th, 1927, the Tanaka Memorial was presented to Emperor Hirohito. This declaration laid out plans for world domination. This parallels the German mindset during the second world war. The memorial presents 4 sequential battles to overtake the world via Asia, and then to the west. They are:

1) Conquest of Manchuria (North-Eastern China)2) Conquest of china

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3) Establishment of bases in the Pacific4) Conquest of the United States

For more information on the Tanaka Memorial, check .

So now, we've got a plan for world domination in a war-bred Japan.

China is a MASSIVE country in comparison to Japan. In order to take over such a huge country, Japan would have to use some serious methods to psychologically as well as militarily cripple its enemy. Since the Japanese Emperor was a God, him only ruling Japan would mean that his power is limited only to Japan, which wouldn't make him a God at all; only the God of Japan.

August 13 1937, Japan invaded China at Shanghai. They started with bombing civilians in Shanghai and Nanjing, in order to terrorize their enemy. 700,000 Chinese troops were ordered to defend Shanghai.

Obviously, widespread panic ensues. Imagine you're walking to 711 for some beef jerky and a bunch of bombs start blowing the fuck out of everything around you. For months, civilian targets were bombed, killing tens of thousands of innocent Chinese. Eventually Chinese defenses began to crumble, and after 300,000 men were lost, along with 10 generals, retreated back to Nanjing. All soldiers who were captured or surrendered were rounded up and murdered by the Japanese. Of course, Japan reveled in their taking Shanghai, and the Tokyo stock market soared.

Moving onto Nanjing, the Japanese army raped and tortured innocent women and CHILDREN, and burned villages. The City of Songjiang, with a population of 300,000, was completely cleared of all civilian citizens. The Japanese tactic was to move into large cities and villages, burn them down, and kill anyone trying to escape. Mothers, grandmothers, and little girls were raped and burned alive. Young or attractive women became nothing more than sexual slaves to serve Japanese soldiers in their quest. On their way to Nanjing, these women were raped brutally and repeatedly, and when they became too weepy or diseased to serve their purpose, they were killed and left along the roadside. They hadn't even reached Nanjing yet, and the worst was yet to come.

The bombings continued on civilian targets, including hospitals, with their large red crosses painted on the rooftops.

This was no ordinary war, but a war to exterminate and terrorize the Chinese as intensely as possible.

December, 1937, Prince Osaka took over the siege on Nanjing. He was the uncle of the Emperor, and therefore also devine and God-like. His first order was to kill all captives. The Chinese were allied with Nazi Germany at the time. There became a 'safety zone' within Nanjing where the Nazi flag was flown, where several protected German military

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officers were being kept, as well as about 200,000 refugees. The Nazi flag served as protection because Germany was also allied with Japan, and Japan would not want to attack their allies. The Chinese eventually lost Nanjing.

Chinese General Tang, who was leading the defense of Nanjing, was ordered to retreat the city, while the Chinese were completely surrounded and fighting a hard battle with the Japanese. Once the troops retreated, the Japanese made their way into the protected zone, and began firing on all civilians with machine guns. Unarmed men, women, children, and soldiers were all killed. Canons, machine guns, rifles, and grenades were all used to kill them. The killing continued until every citizen was killed, even while retreating.

The Japanese demanded that all citizens and soldiers surrender, and they would not be harmed. Those who did surrender were brought to places convenient for their slaughter and burial, and were killed. These were the lucky ones, because they were mostly killed by shooting. 269,000 civilians were killed from December 1937 - March 1938, with more killings continuing throughout China.

Fine so far, this is a war after all, and awful things happen, right? People are killed, innocent or not, much like other past wars. Keep reading.

December 17, 1937, the Japanese soldiers made their entrance into the heart of Nanjing and rounded up men and boys and killed them, usually by mostly painless execution via a bullet to the head. This is where it gets ugly. They began opening fire on civilians. They would murder large groups, and torture individuals and leave their mutilated corpses for all to see. The rotting corpses were left for weeks and months in order to further terrorize any Chinese left.

As if the torture and murder (of surrendering and innocent civilians) wasn't enough, they would use civilians for bayonet practice. The Japanese would capture groups of people (men, women and children), tie them together with barbed wire, pour gasoline on them, and set them on fire, still alive while the Japanese soldiers laughed.

"When the gasoline caught fire, their burning bodies quivered from head to toe causing the whole scene to flicker from the fires on their bodies. The Japanese soldiers stood by laughing hysterically"- Liu Rouyuan, citizen of Nanjing

"Japanese soldiers stood laughing... and watched the victims jump and struggle in the fire, being burned alive."- Daikichi Shikikawa

"We had fun killing Chinese. We either burned them alive, or pushed them into a fire... or we beat them to death with clubs... When they were half dead, we pushed them into ditches and burned them, torturing them to death. Everyone gets his entertainment this way. It's like killing dogs and cats."

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- Asahi Shimbun, Japanese soldier

Ever burn your finger on the stove? Ouch.

At night, Japanese soldiers would sneak into the homes of Chinese civilians, pour gasoline on their faces, and set them on fire. They would force young Chinese boys to chase pigs, and those who weren't fast enough were bayoneted. Chinese men, women, and children were buried alive, hung by their tongues, and beheaded.

Women from the ages of 3 - 80 were being gang raped and killed. Thousands of women were forced into sexual slavery, some being tied to beds with their legs forced apart in harems to allow for repeated raping. Women were forced to expose themselves in front of soldiers before and after they were raped. The Gingling (sp?) college was stormed over a dozen times to harvest what they called "Public Toilets" - women to be continually raped and abused, often in front of family members and spouses. This college was designated as a 'pleasure college' for Japanese soldiers. The prettiest ones were kept tied, naked and legs spread open, to be raped by over 100 Japanese soldiers every day. Raping and bayonetting little girls and young women became a game to Japanese soldiers. The soldiers would often penetrate the females vaginas with their bayonets, knives, or bamboo poles.

While women and children were being repeatedly gang raped, the emperor knew this was going on, and made no effort to stop it, saying that these acts were helpful in boosting morale among Japanese soldiers.

Pregnant women were cut open, and the fetus was torn from their bodies. The fetus of a Chinese woman was presented to a Japanese commander on a bayonet, who responded with laughter. Japanese soldiers took delight in killing babies by clubbing, shooting, or blunt force in front of their mothers, before their mothers were killed. Some were even killed in their mothers' arms.

Thousands of infants had their eyes gouged out, before being killed by Japanese soldiers.

"I've seen all kinds of horrible scenes... headless corpses of children lying on the ground... babies with their eyes gouged out."- Hiroki Kawano, Japanese Military Photographer

Again, all commanders knew about these crimes. They were all approved by the Japanese Emperor and government.

This is what the Japanese planned for all of Asia, and the rest of the world, in their pursuit of world domination.

Hirohito (Emperor of Japan at the time) became allied with Hitler and the Nazi's in order to further secure his place as ruler of the world. Hirohito and Hitler were partners.

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However, all responsibility was absolved to Hirohito and his officers by the US (let's not get started there), and could not be tried for war crimes.

Hirohito then created Unit 731, which was a secret testing program to test diseases and biological weapons such as bubonic plague, anthrax, flesh eating bacteria, and other forms of diseases and chemicals in order to analyze their effects on living humans, including Russians, Chinese, and Koreans. They were dissected alive in order to see what effects these diseases and chemicals had on LIVING organs. Sound familiar?

Unit 731 was directly funded by Hirohito. Torture and rape of women and children continued across Asia by Japan.

To this day, Japan has not apologized or acknowledged the Nanjing Massacre.

"The Nanjing Massacre is a lie made up by the Chinese."- Ishihara Shintaro, Japanese Cabinet Minister, 1990.

"The Nanjing Massacre is a fabrication."- Nagano Shigeto, Japan's Justice Minster, 1994.

"The Americans brainwashed the postwar Japanese into believing they had committed terrible war crimes."- Nobukatsu Fujioka, Professor of Education, Tokyo University, 1997.

"Japan was forced to go to war by American oil and other embargoes."- Hosei Norota, senior member of Japan's ruling, Liberal Democratic Party, 2001.

"There is no evidence that Japanese soldiers took women by force."- Japanese Textbooks Reform Society, 2005.

The best predictor of the future is the past. Those who deny the past, and those who do not learn from the past, are condemned to repeat the past and suffer the consequences.

Japanese history books make no mention to the Rape of Nanjing.

For more information about the Naning Massacre, visit: <---- Watch this documentary. I think everyone should see it.

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Chinese infants dead in the streets

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The victim of a ʻnight burningʼ

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Dead and raped children in the streets

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The Japanese designed special ʻrape chairsʼ so that the women could be raped repeatedly, hundreds of times, until they were too emotionally broken or diseased to be

attractive, and then they were killed. Some Japanese politicians still claim that the women were willing participants in group sex, when really, they were gang-raped


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Emperor Hirohito and Adolf Hitler

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Bodies of dead Chinese infants, who were often brutally tortured and raped before being killed

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A Japanese soldier laughs while watching Chinese citizens being burned alive.s

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The eyes of infants were often gouged out while they were still alive.