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Bangladesh International School & College DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka Cantonment Final Revised Syllabus for-2017 Class: Nine (Nat’l) welq: evsjv cÖ_gcÎ Class Test Half Yearly Annual cÖ_g K¬vm †U÷ t 1| eBcov| 2| wbixn evOvwj| 3| Rxeb m½xZ| 4| cÖvY| wØZxq K¬vm †U÷ t 1| D‡cw¶Z kw³i D‡Øvab| 2| wk¶v I gbyl¨Z¡| 3| Avwg †Kv‡bv AvMš‘K bB| 4| Avgvi cwiPq| M`¨ t 1| †`bvcvIbv| 2| eBcov| 3| AfvMxi ¯^M©| 4| wbixn evOvwj| 5| Avg AvuwUi †fcy| KweZv t 1| K‡cvZv¶ b`| 2| Rxeb m½xZ| 3| cÖvY| 4| AÜea~| 5| SY©vi Mvb| mncvV t Dcb¨vm ÔKvKZvo– qvÕ m¤ú~Y©| 1| Dcb¨v‡mi msÁv| 2| Dcb¨v‡mi Avw½K I MVb †KŠkj| 3| Dcb¨v‡mi †kªwYwefvM| 4| evsjv Dcb¨v‡mi msw¶ß cwiwPwZ| bvUK ÔewncxiÕ m¤ú~b©| 1| bvU‡Ki aviYv I msÁv| M`¨ t 1| gvbyl gyn¤§` (m)| 2| wbgMvQ| 3| D‡cw¶Z kw³i D‡Øvab| 4| wk¶v I gbyl¨Z¡| 5| ggZvw`| 6| cqjv ‰ekvL| KweZvt 1| gvbyl| 2| †mB w`b GB gvV| 3| cwjRbbx| 4| Avwg †Kv‡bv AvMš‘K bB| 5| †Zvgv‡K cvIqvi Rb¨ †n ¯^vaxbZv| 6| Avgvi cwiPq| mncvV t Dcb¨vm ÔKvKZvo–qvÕ cybiv‡jvPbv| 1| evsjv‡`‡ki Dcb¨v‡mi msw¶ß cwiwPwZ| 2| ÔKvKZvo–qvÕ Dcb¨vm I Jcb¨vwm‡Ki msw¶ß cwiwPwZ| 3| ÔKvKZvo–qvÕ Dcb¨v‡mi mgvR m¤ú‡K© msw¶ß Av‡jvPbv| 4| Dcb¨v‡mi PwiÎ cwiwPwZ I mv_©KZv| bvUK ÔewncxiÕ cybiv‡jvPbv| 1| evsjv bvU‡Ki msw¶ß Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 1

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Bangladesh International School & CollegeDOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka Cantonment

Final Revised Syllabus for-2017Class: Nine (Nat’l)

welq: evsjv cÖ_gcÎClass Test Half Yearly Annual

cÖ_g K¬vm †U÷ t

1| eBcov| 2| wbixn evOvwj| 3| Rxeb m½xZ|4| cÖvY|

wØZxq K¬vm †U÷ t

1| D‡cw¶Z kw³i D‡Øvab|2| wk¶v I gbyl¨Z¡| 3| Avwg †Kv‡bv AvMš‘K bB|4| Avgvi cwiPq|

M`¨ t 1| †`bvcvIbv| 2| eBcov| 3| AfvMxi ¯^M©| 4| wbixn evOvwj| 5| Avg AvuwUi †fcy| KweZv t 1| K‡cvZv¶ b`| 2| Rxeb m½xZ|3| cÖvY| 4| AÜea~| 5| SY©vi Mvb| mncvV t Dcb¨vm ÔKvKZvo–qvÕ m¤ú~Y©| 1| Dcb¨v‡mi msÁv| 2| Dcb¨v‡mi Avw½K I MVb †KŠkj|3| Dcb¨v‡mi †kªwYwefvM|4| evsjv Dcb¨v‡mi msw¶ß cwiwPwZ|bvUK ÔewncxiÕ m¤ú~b©|1| bvU‡Ki aviYv I msÁv|2| bvU‡Ki Avw½K I MVb †KŠkj|

M`¨ t 1| gvbyl gyn¤§` (m)| 2| wbgMvQ| 3| D‡cw¶Z kw³i D‡Øvab|4| wk¶v I gbyl¨Z¡| 5| ggZvw`| 6| cqjv ‰ekvL| KweZvt 1| gvbyl| 2| †mB w`b GB gvV| 3| cwjRbbx|4| Avwg †Kv‡bv AvMš‘K bB| 5| †Zvgv‡K cvIqvi Rb¨ †n ¯^vaxbZv| 6| Avgvi cwiPq|mncvV t Dcb¨vm ÔKvKZvo–qvÕ cybiv‡jvPbv|1| evsjv‡`‡ki Dcb¨v‡mi msw¶ß cwiwPwZ| 2| ÔKvKZvo–qvÕ Dcb¨vm I Jcb¨vwm‡Ki msw¶ß cwiwPwZ|3| ÔKvKZvo–qvÕ Dcb¨v‡mi mgvR m¤ú‡K© msw¶ß Av‡jvPbv|4| Dcb¨v‡mi PwiÎ cwiwPwZ I mv_©KZv| bvUK ÔewncxiÕ cybiv‡jvPbv|1| evsjv bvU‡Ki msw¶ß cwiwPwZ|2| evsjv‡`‡ki bvU‡Ki msw¶ß cwiwPwZ|3| ewncxi bvUK I bvU¨Kvi cwiwPwZ|4| bvU‡Ki PwiÎ cwiwPwZ|

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 1

mKj K¬vk †U‡ói cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb tK| 02wU m„Rbkxj cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e 102= 20L| eûwbe©vPbx 5U M`¨ I c`¨ Ges mncvV †_‡K 10 1= 5

‡gvU = 25

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 2

mKj mvgwqK cix¶vi Rb¨ (†evW© Abyhvqx cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb)

m„Rbkxj cÖ‡kœi Rb¨ 70 b¤^i Ges eûwbe©vPwb cÖ‡kœi Rb¨ 30 b¤^i eivÏ Av‡Q| cÖwZwU m„Rbkxj cÖ‡kœi b¤^i 10 Ges cÖwZwU eûwbe©vPwb cÖ‡kœi b¤^i-1|m„Rbkxj cÖkœ t11wU cÖkœ _vK‡e (M`¨ †_‡K 4wU, c`¨ †_‡K 3wU Ges mncvV Dcb¨vm †_‡K 2wU I bvUK †_‡K 2wU)| M`¨ †_‡K 2wU, KweZv †_‡K 2wU, Dcb¨vm †_‡K 1wU I bvKU †_‡K 1wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| evwK 1wU cÖ‡kœi DËi †h †Kv‡bv wefvM †_‡K †`qv hv‡e|

710= 70eûwbe©vPwb cÖkœ t30wU| (M`¨ †_‡K 12wU c`¨ †_‡K 12wU Ges mncvV †_‡K 6wU) cÖkœ _vK‡e|me KqwU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| 1 30= 30 ‡gvU = 100

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 3

welq: evsjv wØZxq cÎClass Test Half Yearly Annual

cÖ_g K¬vm †U÷ t

welq e¨vKiY gvbeÈb 05K| YZ¡ I lZ¡ weavb L| mwÜ (¯^imwÜ) M| cyiæl I ¯¿xevPK kã N| wØiæ³ kã O| cÎ wjLb 10P| Aby‡”Q` (wk¶K KZ©„K wba©vwiZ) 10

‡gvU = 25(we.`ª.: cÖ‡qvR‡b welq wk¶K wba©viY Ki‡eb|)

wØZxq K¬vm †U÷ t

welq e¨vKiY gvbeÈb 5K| k‡ãi †kªwYwefvM L| c` cÖKiY M| wµqvc` N| mvivsk/mvigg© 10P| fve-m¤úªmiY 10 ‡gvU= 25

1| e¨vKiY :(K) fvlv (L) evsjv e¨vKiY I Gi Av‡jvP¨ welq (M) aŸwbZË¡ (N) aŸwb cwieZ©b (O) Y-Z¡ I l-Z¡ weavb (P) mwÜ (Q) cyiæl I ¯¿xevPK kã (R) wØiæ³ kã (S) msL¨vevPK kã (T) ePb (U) c`vwkªZ wb‡`©kK

2| weiPb :(K) evK¨ ms‡¶cY/GK K_vq cÖKvk| (L) evMaviv (†evW© cÖKvwkZ eBmn mnvqK eB †_‡KI Abykxjb Ki‡Z n‡e)|

3| cÎ wjLb t e¨w³MZ I Av‡e`bcÎ ev `iLv¯Í, msev`c‡Î cÖKvwkZ cÎ| (†evW© cÖKvwkZ iPbv m¤¢vi I mnvqK eB †_‡K)|K) HwZnvwmK ¯’vb åg‡Yi AwfÁZv Rvwb‡q eÜz‡K cÎ|L) MÖvg‡K wbi¶iZvi Awfkvc †_‡K gy³ Kivi †¶‡Î wb‡Ri f~wgKvi eY©bv w`‡q eÜz‡K cÎ|M) m¤cÖwZ cov GKwU eB m¤ú‡K© gZvgZ Rvwb‡q eÜzi Kv‡Q cÎ|N) QvÎKj¨vY Znwej

1| e¨vKiY : mgvm, DcmM©, avZz, K…r cÖZ¨q, Zw×Z cÖZ¨q, k‡ãi †kªwYwefvM, c` cÖKiY, wµqv c`|2| weiPb : evMaviv, wecixZv_©K kã, mgv_©K kã, cÖev` cÖePb|3| cÎ wjLb t e¨w³MZ|K) QvÎRxe‡b wk¶vg~jK md‡ii DcKvwiZv eY©bv K‡i eÜzi Kv‡Q cÎ| L) cix¶vq K…wZZ¡ cÖ`k©‡bi Rb¨ eÜz‡K Awfb›`b Rvwb‡q cÎ| M) moK `yN©Ubvq AvnZ eÜz‡K mg‡e`bv Rvwb‡q cÎ|Av‡e`b cÎ I msev`c‡Î cÖKvwkZ cÎ tN) wk¶vmd‡i hvIqvi AbygwZ cÖv_©bv K‡i we`¨vjq cÖav‡bi Kv‡Q Av‡e`b|O) `ªe¨g~‡j¨i EaŸ©MwZ †ivaK‡í RbgZ ˆZwi Kivi Rb¨ msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ cÎ|P) eb¨vZ©‡`i mvnv‡h¨i Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ cÎ|Q) gvbcÎ : L¨vwZgvb e¨w³i AvMgb Dcj‡¶¨ GKwU gvbcÎ cÖYqb| 4| Aby‡”Q` iPbv t welq wk¶K KZ…©K

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 4

n‡Z mvnv‡h¨i Av‡e`b Rvwb‡q we`¨vjq cÖav‡bi wbKU `iLv¯Í|O) Av‡m©wbK gy³ cvwb mieiv‡ni e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi Rb¨ †cŠimfvi †Pqvig¨v‡bi Kv‡Q Av‡e`b|P) we`y¨r weåv‡Ui Avky cÖwZKvi †P‡q msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ cÎ|Q) e„¶‡ivcY mßvn cvj‡bi cÖ‡qvRbxqZv D‡jøL K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ cÎ|R) ‡Zvgvi GjvKvi `vZe¨ wPwKrmvj‡qi `yi Ae¯’vi K_v Rvwb‡q h_vh_ KZ…©c‡¶i `„wó AvKl©Y K‡i msev`c‡Î cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ cÎ|4| Aby‡”Q` iPbv t welq wk¶K KZ…©K wba©vwiZ|5| cÖwZ‡e`b cÖYqb t welq wk¶K KZ…©K wba©vwiZ|6| fvem¤cÖmviY tK) mK‡ji Z‡i mK‡j Avgiv .............|L) ‰kevj w`wN‡i e‡j D”P Kwi wki ................|M) ‡hLv‡b ‡`wL‡e QvB DovBqv †`L ZvB ................|N) MÖš’MZ we`¨v Avi cin‡¯— ab ..................|O) cwikªg †mŠfv‡M¨i cÖm~wZ|P) wk¶vB RvwZi †giæ`Û|

wba©vwiZ|5| cÖwZ‡e`b cÖYqb t welq wk¶K KZ…©K wba©vwiZ|6| fvem¤cÖmviY t (†evW© cÖKvwkZ iPbv m¤¢vi eB †_‡K)K) bvbvb †`‡ki bvbvb fvlv .............|L) ¯^‡`‡ki DcKv‡i ‡bB hvi gb ................|M) c‡ii Awbó wPšÍv K‡i †hB Rb ................|N) KZ eo K‡n Avwg bKj nxivwU ..................|O) cÖvY _vK‡j cÖvYx nq, wKš‘ ........................|P) `yR©b weØvb n‡jI cwiZ¨vR¨|Q) AvZ¥kw³ AR©bB wk¶vi D‡Ïk¨|R) ‡fv‡M bq, Z¨v‡MB cÖK…Z myL|S) cy®ú Avcbvi Rb¨ †dv‡U bv|

7| mvivsk/mvigg© t (†evW© cÖKvwkZ iPbv m¤¢vi eB †_‡K)mvivsk t K) evj¨Kvj nB‡ZB Avgv‡`i wk¶vi mwnZ ..........................|L) wK‡m nq gh©v`v? `vwg Kvco, Mvwo ...........................|M) kªg‡K kª×vi m‡½ MÖnY Ki| Kvwj-a~jvi ....................|N) fwel¨‡Zi fvebv fvevB Ávbxi

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 5

Q) `yb©xwZ RvZxq Rxe‡bi mKj DbœwZi AšÍivq|R) KxwZ©gv‡bi g„Zz¨ †bB|S) ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q ¯^vaxbZv i¶v Kiv KwVb|7| mvivsk/mvigg© t (†evW© cÖKvwkZ iPbv m¤¢vi eB †_‡K)mvivsk t K) AvR‡Ki `ywbqvUv Avðh©fv‡e A_© ev we‡Ëi .................|L) gvby‡li Rxeb‡K GKwU †`vZjv N‡ii ...........................|M) AZxZ‡K fy‡j hvI| AZx‡Zi `wðšÍvi ....................|N) gvby‡li g~j¨ †Kv_vq? PwiÎ, gbyl¨Z¡ ..................|O) Af¨vm fqvbK wRwbm| G‡K nVvr .............|P) wb›`v bv _vwK‡j Rxe‡bi †MŠie ..........|mvigg© t K) ‡Kv_vq ¯^M©, †Kv_vq biK ....|L) ZiæZ‡j e‡m cvš’ kÖvwšÍ K‡i ....................|M) c‡ii gy‡L †kLv eywj cvwLi gZ ......................|N) ‰`b¨ hw` Av‡m AvmyK ........|O) ab¨ Avkv KznwKbx, †Zvgvi gvqvq ...............................|

KvR ..................|O) RvwZ ïay evB‡ii Hk¦h©m¤¢vi, `vjvb‡KvVv .............|P) gvbyl m„wói †kªô cÖvYx, RM‡Zi Ab¨vb¨ ..........|mvigg© t K) emygZx, †Kb Zzwg GZB K…cYv .................|L) mv_©K Rb¥ Avgvi R‡b¥wQ GB ‡`‡k ....................|M) wb›`y‡K‡i evwm Avwg mevi †P‡q fvj ......................|N) nDK †m gnvÁvbx gnv abevb ........................................|O) `wÛ‡Zi mv‡_ `Û`vZv Kuv‡` h‡e ...............................|P) ‰kk‡e m`yc‡`k hvnvi bv ..........................................|Q) gnvÁvbx gnvRb †h c‡_ K‡i Mgb ............................|8| cÖeÜ iPbv t (†evW© cÖKvwkZ iPbv m¤¢vi eB †_‡K)K) Avgvi Rxe‡bi j¶¨L) kª‡gi gh©v`vM) wkóvPviN) gvZvwcZvi cÖwZ KZ©e¨O) K…wlKv‡R weÁvbP) AvšÍR©vwZK gvZ…fvlv w`emQ) RvwZ MV‡b bvix

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 6

P) GK`v wQj bv RyZv PiY hyM‡j ..........................................|8| cÖeÜ iPbv t (†evW© cÖKvwkZ iPbv m¤¢vi eB †_‡K)K) evsjv‡`‡ki FZz ˆewPΨL) ‡`kMV‡b QvÎ mgv‡Ri f~wgKvM) Aa¨emvqN) eB covi Avb›`O) gvbe Kj¨v‡Y weÁvbP) Kw¤úDUviQ) evsjv‡`‡ki gyw³hy×R) bvixwk¶vS) ¯^‡`k ‡cÖgT) e„¶‡ivcY ev mvgvwRK ebvqb

mgv‡Ri f~wgKvR) msev`cÎS) kx‡Zi GKwU mKvjT) we`y¨r I AvaywbK Rxeb

mKj K¬vm †U‡÷i cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb tK| iPbvg~jK cÖkœ: 20L| eûwbe©vPbx cÖkœ: 5


cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb (mKj c‡e©i Rb¨)K| iPbvg~jK cÖkœ : 70 b¤^i 1. Aby‡”Q` iPbv - 2wUi g‡a¨ 1wU 102. cÎ - 2wUi g‡a¨ 1wU 103. mvivsk ev mvigg© - 2wUi g‡a¨ 1wU 104. fve-m¤cÖmviY - 2wUi g‡a¨ 1wU 105. cÖwZ‡e`b cÖYqb - 2wUi g‡a¨ 1wU 106. cÖeÜ/iPbv wjLb - 3wUi g‡a¨ 1wU 20 ‡gvU = 70 b¤^iL| eûwbe©vPwb cÖkœ : 30 b¤^ie¨vKiY Ask Ges wbwg©wZ As‡ki †Kej evMaviv, evK¨ ms‡KvPb I cÖev` cÖePb Ask = 30 b¤^i me©‡gvU = (70+30) = 100 b¤^i

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 7

Subject: English 1st PaperClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: 1. English for Today -Unit: 3, 42. Paragraphs:3. Completing Stories:4. Informal Letters:

2 nd Class Test: 1. English for Today – unit 6, 7 2. Paragraphs: 3. Completing Stories:4. Informal Letters:

1. English for Today: (for similar passage)a. Unit One: Good Citizensb. Unit Two: Pastimec. Unit Three: Events and Festivalsd. Unit Four: Are We Aware?e. Unit Five: Climate Change.2. Paragraphs:a. A Village Doctor.b. A Rickshaw Puller.c. Your Favourite Pastime.d. Environment Pollution.e. International Mother Language Day (And as done in the class) f. A Rainy Day.3. Completing Stories:a. A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.b. A Poor Farmer and His Goose.c. The Honesty of a Woodcutter.d. Two Rats and a Monkey.e. Unity is Strength.f. A Liar Cowboy and a Tiger. (And as done in the class)4. Informal Letters:a. To a foreign friend describing the natural beauty of your country.b. About how you have celebrated the last 21st February.c. About your preparation for the ensuing exam.d. About consoling your friend on the death of father/mother.

e. About the celebration of Pahela Baishakh.f. About your visit to a historical place.

1. English for Today: (for similar passage)a. Unit-Six: Our Neighbuorsb. Unit Seven: People Who Stand Outc. Unit Eight: World Heritaged. Unit Nine: Unconventional Jobse. Unit Ten: Dreams2. Paragraphs:a. A Street Beggar. b. Computer. c. A Railway Station. d. A Winter Morning. e. Your Best Friend.f. A Street Hawker. (And as done in the classes)

3. Completing Stories:a. The Devoted Son, Bayazid Bostami. b. The Dove and the Ant.c. Grapes are Sour.d. The Hare and the Tortoise.e. What is Play to Cat is Death to Rat.f. The Grasshopper and the Ant. (And as done in the classes)

4. Informal Letters:a. Thanking a friend for his hospitality.b. Congratulating on a brilliant result.c. About foods and food habits of Bangladeshi people.d. Describing the co-curricular activities of your school.e. Describing your country to a foreign friend. f. Describing the experience of making a train journey.

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 8

(And as done in the classes)5. Dialogues:a. About your aim in life.b. About the necessity of reading newspaper.c. About climate change.d. About the importance of rising early.e. About the importance of games and sports.f. About importance of tree plantation. (And as done in the classes)

6. Describing Graphs/ Charts: (selected by the subject teacher) (And as done in the classes)

5. Dialogues:a. About buying books.b. About an exciting football match.c. About proper use of time.d. About copying in the exam.e. About unemployment problem in our country.f. About bad effects of smoking. (And as done in the classes)6. Describing Graphs/ Charts: (selected by the subject teacher)(And as done in the classes)

N.B: Subject teachers may practice writing parts according to his choice.

Marks Distribution of all Class Test:1. MCQ 1 × 5 =052. Answering Question 1 × 5 =053. Writing part (No option) =15 Total =25

Marks Distribution of Half Yearly and Annual Examination

Section -A: Reading Test, Marks: 50Similar passage 1. Multiple Choice Question 1 × 7 =072. Answering question (Open and close ended) 2 × 5 =103. Gap filling without clues 1 × 5 =05Passage: 2 4. Information Transfer 1 × 5 =055. Summarizing =10Other questions: 6. Matching 1 × 5 =057. Rearranging 1 × 8 =08

Section – B: Writing Test (Marks - 50)8. Paragraphs: answering question (no option) 10×1=109. Completing a story (no option) 10×1=1010. Describing graphs/charts (no option) 10×1 =1011. Informal Letter (no option) 10×1 =1012. Dialogue writing (no option) 10×1 =10 Total=100

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 9

N.B: Subject teachers may select the topics for writing part according to his/her wish.

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 10

Subject: English 2nd PaperClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: Grammar:1. Right form of verb 2. Changing Speech 3. Completing sentences 4. CV with cover letter

2nd Class Test: Grammar:1. Sentence connectors2. Completing sentence3. Changing sentences4. Paragraph writing

Section-A. Grammar (Marks: 60)A. Grammar:1) Gap filling activities with clues (preposition, articles, parts of speech)2) Gap filling activities without clues (preposition, articles, parts of speech)3) Substitution table4) Right forms of verbs5) Narrative style (direct to indirect and/or voice versa)6) Changing sentences (change of voice, sentence patterns, degrees)7) Completing sentences (using conditionals, infinitive, gerund and participle)8) Use of suffix and prefix9) Tag questions10) Sentence connectors11) Punctuation

Section-B: Composition (Marks: 40)1. Writing CV with Cover Letter:a. For the post of an English teacher.b. For the post of an Officer in a bank.c. For the post of a Nurse/Health Worker.d. For the post of a Receptionist.2. Formal Letters/E-mails:a. Suppose you are a student of BL High School. There is no computer club in your school. Now write an application to the Principal requesting for a computer club.b. Requesting for literary clubc. Requesting for a leave of absenced. Complaining against the short supply of books.

e. Complaining about insufficient water supply in your locality. f. Suppose you are the Headmaster/Headmistress of an

Section-A. Grammar (Marks: 60)1) Gap filling activities with clues (preposition, articles, parts of speech)2) Gap filling activities without clues (preposition, articles, parts of speech)3) Substitution table4) Right forms of verbs5) Narrative style (direct to indirect and/or voice versa)6) Changing sentences (change of voice, sentence patterns, degrees)7) Completing sentences (using conditionals, infinitive, gerund and participle)8) Use of suffix and prefix9) Tag questions10) Sentence connectors11) Punctuation

Section-B. Composition (Marks: 40)1. Writing C.V. with Cover Letter: a. For the post of an Accountant.b. For the post of a Reporter in a daily. c. For the post of a Personal Assistant.d. For the post of a Representative in a company. 2. Formal letters/E-mails:a. Requesting for an English daily.b. Requesting for a debating club.c. Requesting for a canteen.d. Complaining against the frequent failure of electricity.e. Complaining on the indiscriminate use of loud speaker.f. Suppose you are the manager of a club. You are going to arrange a package tour to the Sundarbans. Now write a notice about it.g. Write a letter to a book seller

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 11

institute. Due to severe heat you are going to hold morning school. Now, write a notice about it. g. Write a letter to the Manager of a book selling firm for book list/ catalogue.h. Write a reply to the acceptation of an invitation.i. Write a reply to the order of purchasing books.j. Write an e-mail to your father in Singapore telling him that you have done well in the final exam.k. Notice for admission in your school.l. Notice for collecting writings for the magazine.3. Paragraphs:a. A Village Fair You Visitedb. A Railway Stationc. School Libraryd. Annual Sports Day of Your Schoole. Your Native Villagef. Country Life and City Lifeg. Eating Habit of Village People and City People4. Compositions:a. Visit to a Place of Historical Interest.b. Childhood Memories.c. Your Most Memorable Day in Life.d. Recent Flood in Bangladesh.e. Arsenic Problem in Bangladesh.f. Your Future Plan of Life.

to send some books per V.P.P.h. Write a letter to the Manager to AB Bank for cancelling a cheque.i. Write a reply for your failure in attending the marriage ceremony of your friend’s sister.3. Paragraphs:a. A Street Accident. b. Your Favourite Sportsman.c. Deforestation. d. The City You Live in.e. Eastern and Western Culture.f. A Day Life of a Farmer and a Fisherman.4. Compositions:a. A Journey by Boat. b. Wonders of Modern Science.c. Tree Plantation. d. A Journey by Train.e. A Village Fair. f. Your Hobby.

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 12

Marks Distribution of 1 st Class Test 1. Right form of verb 0.510=052. Narration 15=053. Completing sentences 15=054. CV with cover letter 10 1=10

Total = 25Marks Distribution of 2 nd Class Test

1. Sentence connectors 15=52. Completing sentence 15=53. Transformation of sentence 15=54. Composition 10 1=10

Total=25Marks Distributions of Half Yearly and Annual Examinations:

Section: A – Grammar (Marks 60)1. Gap filling activities with clues (Article, Preposition, Parts of Speech) - 052. Gap filling activities without clues (Article, Preposition, Parts of Speech) - 053. Substitution Table - 054. Right form of verbs - 055. Speech Narrative Style - 056. Changing sentence (Voice, Sentence, patterns and degree vice-versa) - 107. Completing sentences (Conditionals, gerund, infinitive, participle) - 058. Use of suffix and prefix - 059. Tag Questions - 0510. Sentence Connectors - 0511. Punctuation and capital letter - 05Section - B: Compositions (Marks - 40)12. Writing CV with cover letter - 0813. Formal letters /E-mails (complaint, letters, notice, purchase order, response to an order/request etc) - 1014. Paragraphs (listing/narrating/comparison and contrast/cause and effect - 1015. Composition - 12 Total -100

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 13

Subject: MathematicsClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: Algebra : Ex: 3Trigonometry : Ex: 9.1, 9.2 Geometry : Ex: 6

2 nd Class Test: Algebra : Chapter: 5, Trigonometry : Ex: 10Geometry: Chapter-8

Algebra : Ex: 1, 2 and 3

Geometry : Ex: 6 and 7

Trigonometry : Ex: 9, 10

Mensuration : Ex: 16.1, 16.2

Statistic : Ex: 17 (1–20)

Algebra : Ex: 3, 4, 5 and 11

Geometry : Ex: 6,7,8

Trigonometry : Ex: 9,10

Mensuration : Ex: 16.3, 16.4

Statistic : Ex: 17 (Whole)

Marks distribution and type of question for all Class Test:1. Creative question (02) : 102=202. Multiple choice question (5) : 1 5=5

Total: 25 marks

Marks distribution and type of question for Half Yearly and Annual examination:1. Creative question 70 marks and objective 302. The marks of each creative question is 10 marks and the mark of each objective

question is 01.3. Creative question:

* 7 creative questions are to be answered out of 11.* Among 11 questions 3 question from Algebra, 3 question from Geometry, 3 questions from Trigonometry and mensration, 2 questions from Statistics.* Each question will have a stem and three questions will be set on the basis of the stem as follows.

4. Multiple choice questions:* 30 questions will be set all the questions are to be attended.* There will three types of question as (Simple, Multiple, Completion and Situation set).

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 14

Subject: Higher MathematicsClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: Chapter- 1, 2and 8.1

2 nd Class Test: Algebra : Chapter-5, Chapter-12

1. Theoretical:Algebra : Chapter-1 and 2Geometry : Chapter-3 and 4Trigonometry : Chapter-82. Practical:a) Draw the graph of one-dimensional function. Exam: y=3x+1, 4x+9y=10b) Draw the graph of two-dimensional function. Exam: y=3x2+3x+1, x2+9y2=144c) Draw the circum circle of a triangle whose sides have lengths 6.5 cm, 7cm and 7.5 cm. Measure the length of the radius.d) Base of the isosceles triangle is 5cm and equal sides are 6cm. i) Draw the triangle ii) Draw the in circle of the triangle and measure its radius. iii) Draw a circle which touches a point P, whose radius is equal to the circum radius of the above triangle and which passes through the point Q, outside that circle.e) (nx Trigonometrical ratio of angles 0<)

1. Theoretical:Algebra : Chapter-5, 6 and 7, Repeat: Chapter-1 and 2Geometry : Chapter-11 Repeat: Chapter-3Vector : Chpater-12Trigonometry : Chapter-8 repeatProbability : Chapter-142. Practical:a) Solve with the help of graph. Exam: 3x2+3x+1=0, x2-5x+3=0b) Draw the graph and find their inverse function. Exam: y=x3–1, y=4x.c) Draw the graph of function and find the domain and range. f(x)=3x, f(x)=ex, 2<e<3d) Find the area and perimeter of the triangular region.e) The formula of determining the area of pentagon and Hexagon.f) Determine the area of quadrilateral: A(1, 2), B(–4, 3), C(1, 3), D(4, 0) etc.

Marks distribution and type of question for all Class Test:1. Creative question (02) : 102=202. Multiple choice question (5) : 1 5=5

Total: 25 marksMarks distribution and type of question for Half Yearly and Annual examination:

1. Creative question for 50 marks. MCQ question for 25 marks.

Practical question for 25 marks.2. Each creative question 10 marks and each MCQ question 1 marks.3. Creative question: a) Algebra - 3 questions b) Geometry and vector - 3 questions c) Trigonometry and probability - 2 questions

Out of 8 question answer 5 question, at least 1 question answer from each group.4. MCQ: * Out of 25 question answer all question. * Three type of MCQ.

Subject: Islam and Moral EducationClass Test Half Yearly Annual

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 15

1 st Class Test: Chapter- 1 & 2.

2 nd Class Test: Chapter-4 & 5

Chapter-1 : Aqaid and Moral Life: Islam, Iman (Faith), Tawhid, The Identity of Allah, Kufr, Shirk.Chapter-2 : Source of Shariat: Shariat, First Source of Shariat, Preservation and Compilation of Al-Quran, Makki and Madani Surah, Tilawat: It’s Importance and Excellence, Sura Ash-Shams, Sura Ad-Doha.Chapter-3 : Ibadat: Ibadat, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, Hajj, Employer-Employee Relationship.Chapter-4 : Akhlaq: Akhlaq-I-Hamida, Taqwa, Keeping Promise, Truthfulness, Courtesy, Amanat, Service of Humanity, Fraternity and Communal Harmony, Respect for Woman.Chapter-5 : Model Lives: Socio-Cultural Conditions of Pre-Islamic Arabia, The Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (Sm.): Birth, Childhood and Adolescence, Hazrat Mohammad (Sm.) His Youth, Prophethood and Preaching of Islam, Madani Career Of Hazrat Mohammad (Sm.), Hazrat Mohammad's (Sm.) Conquest Of Makkah and Fare-Well Pilgrimage, Ideal Lives of Khulafa-I-Rashidun, Hazrat Abu-Bakr (R.), Hazrat Umar (R.).

Chapter-1: Aqaid and Moral Life: Nifaq, Risalat, Risalat and Nabuwwat for expending of Moral values, The Revealed books, Role of Revealed books in Moulding Moral Life.Chapter-2 : Source of Shariat: Sura Al-Inshirah, Sura At-Tin, Sura Al-Maun, Second Source of Shariat: Sunnah, Hadith-1-10Chapter-3 : Ibadat: Ilm (Knowledge), Characteristics of Learner, Qualities of teacher, Student-Teacher Relationship, Education and Morality.Chapter-4 : Akhlaq: Patriotism, Dutifulness, Cleanliness, Frugality, Self-Purification, Commanding Good Deeds and Forbidding Wrong Deeds, Akhlaq-I-Zamimah, Fraud, Ghibat, Jealousy.Chapter-5 : Model Lives: Hazrat Uthman (R.), Hazrat Ali (R.), Muslim Scholars, Imam Bukhari (R.), Imam Abu Hanifa (R.), Imam Ghazzali (R.), Ibn Jarir At-Tabari (R.).

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 16

Marks Distribution for all Class Test:1. Creative Questions (02) : 10×2=202. MCQ (5) : 1 5=5

Total- 25

Marks Distribution for Yearly and Annual examination1. Creative Questions (7 Out of 11) : 107=70 Every question will contain four parts a) Knowledge based- 1 Mark b) Comprehension based- 2 Marks c) Application based- 3 Marks d) Higher ability based- 4 Marks2. Multiple Choice Questions (30) : 130=30 a) Knowledge based- 16 b) Comprehension based- 12 c) Application based- 8 d) Higher ability based- 4

Total- 100

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 17

Subject: Hindu Religion and Moral EducationClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: Chapter OneChapter Two

2 nd Class Test: Chapter 6 and 9

Chapter One : Lesson One

Chapter Two : Lesson One

Chapter Three : Whole

Chapter Five : Whole

Chapter Seven : Whole

Chapter Eight : Whole

Chapter Ten : From lesson (1 to 8)

Chapter One : Lesson Two

Chapter Two : Lesson Two

Chapter Four : Whole

Chapter Six : Whole

Chapter Nine : Whole

Chapter Ten : (Lesson 9-16)

Marks distribution and type of question for all Class Test:1. Creative question (02) : 102=202. Multiple choice question (5) : 1 5=5

Total : 25 marksMarks Distribution for Yearly and Annual examination:

1. Creative question (07 out of 11) : 107=702. Multiple choice question (30) : 1 30=30

Total : 100 marks

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 18

Subject: Bangladesh and Global StudiesClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: Chapter-7 : The Organs of Bangladesh Government and the Administrative systems.Chapter-9 : The United Nations and Bangladesh.

2 nd Class Test: Chapter-8 : The Democracy of Bangladesh and the Election.Chapter-10 : The National Resources and the Economic Systems.

Chapter-1 : The political movement in East Bengal and the Rise of National (1947-1970)Chapter-3 : The solar system and the Earth.Chapter-4 : The configuration of land and the climate of Bangladesh.Chapter-6 : The state, citizenship and law.Chapter-7 : The Organs of Bangladesh Government and the Administrative systems.Chapter-9 : The United Nations and Bangladesh.

Chapter-2 : The Independent Bangladesh.Chapter-5 : The Rivers of Bangladesh and the Natural Resources.Chapter-8 : The Democracy of Bangladesh and the Election.Chapter-10 : The National Resources and the Economic Systems.Chapter-11 : The Economic Indicators and the Nature of the Economy of Bangladesh.Chapter-15 : The Financial and Banking Systems of the Government of Bangladesh.

Marks Distribution of All Class Test:1. 02 creative questions have to be answered : 102=202. 5 M.C.Q’s : 1 5=5

Total : 25

Marks Distribution of Half Yearly and Annual Examination:1. 07 creative questions have to be answered out of 11 : 107=702. 30 M.C.Q’s : 1 30=30

Total : 100

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 19

Subject: Physical Education Health Science & SportsClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: Chap One: Physical Education for healthy life.Chap Eight: Team Game (4, 5 & 6)

2 nd Class Test: Chap four: Health Science and Health ServiceChap Nine: Athletics and Swimming (lesson 4, 5 & 6)

Chap one: Physical Education for Healthy life

Chapter three: Mental health and Fatigue

Chap Five: Nutrition For Health

Chap Eight: Team Game

Chap Two: Physical Fitness

Chap Four: Health Science and Health Service

Chapter-Six: Drug Addiction and AIDS

Chapter-Nine: Athletics and Swimming

Marks Distribution of All Class Test:Answer two creative out of three questions: 102=20Multiple Choice Question: 1 5=5

Total=25Marks Distribution of Half Yearly and Annual Examination:

a. Answer any five at least one from each group out of eight questions. 105=50 (Physical education 03, Health Science 04, Sports 01=08)b. Multiple Choice questions 125=25c. Practical(Game-08, PT-12, Viva voce-05) 25


Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 20

Subject: Career EducationClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: Chapter-1 : Me and my career

2 nd Class Test: Career Building: Quality and Skills

Chapter-1 : Me and My Career

Chapter-2 : Career Building: Quality and Skills

Chapter-2 : Career Building: Quality and Skills

Marks Distribution of All Class Test:1. Definition/short answer, assignment and M.C.Q’s : 1 25=25

Total : 25Marks Distribution of Half Yearly and Annual Examination:

1. 25 M.C.Q’s : 125=252. Practical: Assignment/ Project/ Practical (Minimum 5) : =203. Viva voce : =05

Total : 50

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 21

Subject: Information and CommunicationClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: Chapter-2

2 nd Class Test: Chapter-5 (Page: 62 to 72)

Chapter -1Chapter -2Chapter- 3

Practical: MS Word 2007 and MS Excel 2007Chapter-2 : Software Installation and Un-installation, Computer Troubleshooting.Chapter-3 : Internet Browsing, Download files from website etc.

Chapter-4, 5

Practical: Power pointChapter-4 (MS Word 2007 and MS Excel-2007)Chapter-5 (MS Power point 2007 and Adobe Photoshop)

Marks Distribution for all Class Test1. MCQ (25) : 1 25 = 25

Total = 25Marks Distribution: For Half Yearly and Annual Examination:

(According to SSC Exam)1. MCQ (25) : 125=25 2. Practical : =25

Total = 50Theoretical Part : MCQ=25Practical part : 25 * Assembling of Instrument / Instruction/ Steps/ Information/ Drawing/ Identify/ Exercise.

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 22

Subject: PhysicsClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: Chapter-1Chapter-2Chapter-3

2 nd Class Test: Chapter-4 Chapter-5

Chapter-1 : Physical Quantities and Measurement.

Chapter-2 : Motion.

Chapter-3 : Force.

Chapter-8 : Reflection of light.

Chapter-11 : Current Electricity

Chapter-4 : Work, Energy and Power

Chapter-5 : Pressure & States of Matter

Chapter-6 : Effect of Heat on Substances

Chapter-7 : Waves and Sound

Chapter-9 : Refraction of lightRepeat Chapter : 2 and 8

Practical:Chapter wise investigation (Selected by the teacher)

Marks distribution and type of question for all Class Test:1. Creative question (02) : 102=202. Multiple choice question (5) : 1 5=5

Total : 25 marks

Marks distribution and type of question for Half Yearly and Annual examination:Creative (Time: 2 hours 30 minutes)MCQ (Time: 25 minutes)Total Marks: 100Theoretical part: 751. Creative question (5 out of 8) : 105=502. Multiple choice question (25) : 1 25=25

Total : 75 marksPractical part: 251. Experiment: Instruments/ Materials combination and uses/ following the correct process/ Data collection and analysis/ Observation/ Drawing/ Identification/ Exercise. 152. Presentation of result with explanation 053. Viva 05

Total : 25

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 23

Subject: ChemistryClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: Chapter-4, 5

2 nd Class Test: Chapter-8, 9

Chapter-1 : Concept of chemistry

Chapter-2 : States of matter

Chapter-3 : Structure of matter

Chapter-4 : Periodic table

Chapter-5 : Chemical bonds

Chapter-6 : Concept of mole and chemical calculation

Chapter-7 : Chemical reactions

Chapter-8 : Chemistry and energy

Chapter-9 : Acid Base Balance

Practical:Selected by the teacher

Marks distribution and type of question for all Class Test:1. Creative question (02) : 102=202. Multiple choice question (5) : 1 5=5

Total : 25 marksMarks distribution and type of question for Half Yearly and Annual examination:

Creative (Time: 2 hours 30 minutes)MCQ (Time: 25 minutes)Total Marks: 100Theoretical part: 751. Creative question (5 out of 8) : 105=502. Multiple choice question (25) : 1 25=25

Total : 75 marksPractical part:1. Experiment: Apparatus/ Materials/ Combination and Uses/ Following the correct process/ Data collection and analysis/ Observation/ Drawing/ Identification/ Exercise 152. Presentation of result with explanation 053. Viva 05

Total : 25

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 24

Subject: BiologyClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1 st Class Test: Chapter-3Cell divisionChapter 9: Firmness and Locomotion

2 nd Class Test: 5th Chapter: Food Nutrition and Digestion10th Chapter : Co ordination process in animal

1st Chapter : Lesson on Life

2nd Chapter : Cell and Tissue of Organism

3rd Chapter: Cell Division

8th Chapter: Human Excretion

9th Chapter : Firmness and Locomotion

Practical :Selected by subject teacher (According to Text Book syllabus)

4th Chapter : Bioenergetics

6th Chapter : Transport in Organisms

5th Chapter: Food Nutrition and Digestion

10th Chapter : Co ordination process in animal

11th Chapter : Reproduction

12th Chapter : Heredity in organisms and Evolution

Practical Examination :Selected by subject teacher (According to Text Book syllabus)

Marks distribution for all Class Test1. Creative Questions (02) : 102=202. MCQ (5) : 1 5=5

Total= 25Marks Distribution for Half Yearly and Annual examination:

Time: Creative Question - 2:30 HoursMCQ - 25MinutesTheoretical:1. Creative Question (Out of 08 Questions 05 questions to be answered) : 1005=502. MCQ (25) 1 25=25

Total : 75Practical:1. Out of 03 experiment, 01 is to be answered = 115=152. Result / Precaution /Practical Notebook : 053. Viva Voce : 05

Total : 25

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 25

Subject: Home ScienceClass Test Half Yearly Annual

1st Class Test:Chapter-1Chapter-6 Chapter-10

2nd Class Test:Chapter-3Chapter-8Chapter-12

Chapter-1 Chapter- 2Chapter-6 Chapter- 7Chapter-10 Chapter-11Chapter-14

Practical:Topic will be selected by subject teacher.

Chapter-3 Chapter-4Chapter-8Chapter-12Chapter-15Chapter-16 Chapter- 17.

Practical:Topic will be selected by subject teacher.

Marks Distribution of All Class Test:1. 02 creative questions have to be answered: 102=202. 5 M.C.Q’s : 1 5=5

Total : 25

Marks distribution Half Yearly and Annual examination :For theoretical 75 marks and for practical 25 marksTheoretical part:Creative questions 50 marks and MCQ 25 marks. Each creative question carries 10 marks and each MCQ carries 1 mark.Creative questions:Five creative questions have to be answered out of Eight.MCQ:25 MCQ have to be answered out 25.Practical:Experiment : 15 marksShowing result : 05 marksViva : 05 marksTotal : 25 marksThere will be no group distribution.

Final Revised Syllabus for Class: Nine Page: 26