the m. a. c. m. a....

The M. A. C. RECORD. \"OL. 17. THE AT HLETI C CARNIVAL. The annual athletic carnivlll, held last Saturday 011 the drill grollllll, was a hugh success in c\'cry way. A good crowd llttcmie d, :tml was very with their money. Th e big parade , wh ich started at the Ag. building, w:,s thl' main at- traction in the early afternoon. Starting at I Z :30, it w ended its W;I)' lhrollJ.ih the campu s ami dowII Michigan in East LlIlsing, giving everyone a fine Ch:IIIo.;L" to sec it ;tl1. Some of the flouts alld at· tractions were the hest that hal 'e be .... n seen at any).!. A. C. carnival. T he music fLlrtlishcd for the OCC:I- sion by the college uand all\1 Lact:y's clown band oUldid ;m,rthing- cI'er hC:lni heTl', Some hal'c wondered why ',Fat" Scriber h:ldn't been before. Immediately af\l'r the parfltle, the title for the hOllc clappiu)::' W:IS out bl'tWt'Cn Professor J v:<hus Lon·ju) :mu Ilerr Dr. Fr,ulCiscn , and >Ifter several trials, including" thu"e for speed, time ;uul ell\lur· the metlal was g i"el1 10 I'rl.'· fessor L ovejoy . .A II shnw;;. :llltl anHlse,ncnts started abollt ;30, ;11\(1 thc regular h,lrke rs rlwl1l1t1sic Ih,lt is heard on the mid· W'ly S of shows was soo n in progr.:"s. The dcpartment of puhlic 500 11 got into lrim, :lIlt! the re was nl.' pick pocketing: or loati ng allo\\"l!d, aud it \\"'15 no! long unti! el·er.\" on ... · had t.he "pil1ched" sign h;mging: au\. T hee sollthc:rn pili)", "Uncle Tom's Cabin ," was soon in prog"rcss, with little Eva ,lI1d AllntUphdia ail the main attractions. El'l.<q' aile hOld a chancc to prepare for the first of 1hty by :It!ending tht· Ilomelike plllCl', which had ;1 Ji..:ensc and w:tS fre e from Every (:oncoction known was poured out the re, and no one went dry. The dance prol'cd the main attraction, and frOIll the time th e music started the floor was cove red with dancers tripping" the lig-hl fantastic, ami when every· thing- else was dosed the strains of music still came from the annan'. As all the duhs and fl."staurOlnts of the CO llege and \"icinit), closed up, the eating' place hcld in ont: pa rt of the armory prol'cu to be a popular place auout suppe r time. amI the class of catablcs handed out proof positi\ 'c of thc value of our science dcp:lrtmcllt . The popular minstrcls held forth ill a i:lrKc tent , "n{l proved to be one of the main attractions on thc :\lidw1I)'. The character of Ulcir jokes and fun was \'en' cntertaining 10 c,·c r ODe who themselvcs of the oppo rtulli ty to hear them . All students who had any grudge agaillst a Prof. had 1'1 g?od ch all ce to get evell by th rowulg at thc dummies, and b\· the looks of some of them in a slior t time it secmed that not 8. few had mude the of the ch allce and played hard UpOIl them. The games of ch: u1ce run at the end of the armory drew a crowd, and between the wheel of fortune , the dice,aud ringi ng boxes of cand)" gave eve r yone all t he chlln ces to MICHI GAN AGRICULTURAL C OLLEGE . EAST hll CH IG.L'\'. T UESDAY, .AP lllL ao, Hl12. gamble that he wished, and was :1 \'c ritable Monte Carlo. The [lIu· sive Lavinrac L oaf was all right, hut at night he was capturc:d and the season baseball tickct given up. [\'cryone abided by the g-round fllics. and hcncc there w:!s not mild, trouble . Some of the advice Ollt by these rulcs would pllt to slHune t he bl'·laws of any city chnrter. T he weather was ideal for sllch an event. and ,,\though a sh:'rp wind ble\\" :l1!d it ue("<l!lle cool in t he evcning, the c rowd still st:,),ed. sho\\"inx great in te r est in the one biK circuS at A. C. While it is not known for sure how much was ltlude, about $700 \\,:I S taken in, so tllHt there should he :t f:lil"iv good balance for the Athletic Assoti"liul1. MEMORIAL FOR GUY L. STEWART, '95. hal'e h C1;1l taken Capt. h} J, O. illner, president of the Jefferson Coullt.l· (Ark.) Re:t1 Estate Ex. ch:lIlg"c :1l1d ot hers to s tarl a memo· rial for GUI L. whose tragk <ieath iJas ;llready bCt:n note(1. C:tpt. I\lillrler was a:;sociateci with l\Ir. !::itcwart ill the preparation of sOllie of his exhibits which the Col. tall Belt li :.ilw;!y sent out. A committee at F'ine Bluff will co·operate \\ illt a committe!! :It work ill C:llm!cll where r. S t ewa rt spent the greater parI of hi", tillle whcll not on the rourl. Th:1\ he was a general fa\'o ri tc with t he peoplc of th:!t cit.", :llld sur r ound· ing count ry as Wt'\!, is readily \HI ' t.lerstood from lhe man)' splendi,l trihutes to his life :lIId work co n. t:lin€od in the cummittc:e's repOrt \0 C:lpt. 1\1illner and published in the Pine Bluff CI)/IlIII<'rcia/of . April 16. The following- laken from the :I],o\"e report gil'es sOlllethinu of :111 idea of whal is planned: "it hail seemed particularly fitling that here (COllll(k'n) in Ihe mid· IVa\" of his la test life's work :md amo ng a people who C!itcemcd him !{really. 11 monumcnt should be erected th,,' will ,1111":\1"5 recall the memor)' of his c areer and our 101'e. "It is the uesirc of his friends to cr ect a suitable n:membr:mce. It has heen suggested that a beautiful 1l1ell'lorial fnllllt(lin properly in· sc riited be e re(:tcd in the plnz!! S\1r· r ounding the depot of the COttOIl Belt railro: ld w i thin a plot of living grass and Howers, to be C\'cr ill ch argc of the city and of the ladies of Camden. "It is the wish of the committee i ll ch:lrge of tht: movement ti);!t sub· scriptions be solicited from those who werc fricmls of the late Gu)' L. Ste wlIrt , labored with him or admire his IOlbors and wish to keep his InClllor), g r een." A line from E. E. Sours, '13e, s tates th1lt he is kept busy so far (Ioing su r veying in his home cou nty (\Vexford) and has plenty of work ahead for seve ral weeks to co me. His is Cadillac. WESTERN RESERVE BEATEN. Anothe r victory was adde\1 to the list ill base b:11l Friti:ty, whel! 1\1. A. C.'s te:tm won f rom \\'eStern Rese r ve,oll the home field, 5 to I. 1\1. A. C. W11S s trong :dl the way through, and at no time \\":IS the ollt conle questioned. Dodge pitched his first big game of the se:lson, and bnl six sC:ltl('red hits. 1\1. A. C. bUllched in the secu r ed en01l"h 10 win the game . T hree hv Bradle,", Dodge :lnd R og.;!'e, ;J1II1 a' sin;.:-Ie I;y Grigg:s in tilis inning were respun· sible for four run s. Thr ... ·e siflj.!"les i ll the sixth added :lllother. The visitors sec ured OIIC ill lilt!. fourth afte r 11 hr:lce of .!>i rrg:lcs amI a wild pitch by O od];(e . Tlw ,g:lI!lC W:IS well attenJl·{J, 1111\1 the arc ,g reatl)" plc:ascd with the in which "!acklin 's mcn :Ire halting-. On \\ . ednest!ay aftt'rnoon ()hi o \\"l' S\( ' V;lI\ comes hl're for it j.!":tnle, Hlld oli Saturda) Ihe lir.!>l game of the se(ISO ll wit-h :'-lidliX(lIl wII! he pl:t)'CI] on the honll' fil'ld. The game 011 \\"c dncsd:l)" wil! Ile c alled at -I p. Ill., ,!llli the :-:atllnb.\ XHlIlC at z ;30. Both nrl' strong: tetuns. and the (:ontcsts will 11 ... · good . On Ihe ulOrning- of .\\:t\ ,. :It 10 o'clock, the 'lIlulI,,1 dU:l1 meet he· tWCC:1I the frl·:;hll\(11 :tnd sopholl1ores will h ... · Iwld. SOlne g:ood 1ll:lteri:t1 is slww in:; III' in both cl:1s"c"" :111(1 tIl\.' lIlec! will Ill' a good O ll l·. FORESTERS' CLUB. The Forcsters had n m eet · in g last !::i"pe r. \' iso r Dor r of the Kootcn:li :-JatiOllal Forest , was preselll, ( md ;. "ery t:llk on "F..,rcs tr y as a Profc:>siOIl." lie spoke of the al'tivities of gr:1t!uale forestcrs ill the neld, ;Jntl sank of the esseu tial points of tcdlllic:tl tr:lil1ing which were inlo actual pract ice during the lir"t few ye1lrs :tIter graduation. [I e sp{,ke of the gr eat necessity of gradu:He foresters beillg good t:ngineers , and hHl'ing trni lling ;llon,t:: the Jille of engim:<:riuK combined with the tech· ni c:!1 work of a fores!l'r; ;tlso the g:reut opportunity in the dcmaml for mCII capahle of going: into the employ of pril'Rtc logging concerns and working: up :IS mana· gers of 10g"ging operations, 1l1illing plants, etc. :\1r. Skeels al sn spoke of the For.:st Sen ' iee;ls sim· ply ;I stcpping stone in the Iraining of th e te ch nical forester, ami fell th at the growing would soon bl:! created for foresters ill pri- I' at e work in large companies t arry· ing 011 t:xtensive logging ope r ;.tions, After the meeting, ;1 feed was participated in and gener:\1 discus· sian of fore stry topics. Supervisor Skecls will t:l\;e on seve ral of the junior foresters in re· connaissance work 011 the J.;:ootenai National Forest du r ing the coming summer. Prof. Coons will address th e H art, club Wedn esday evening. :\0. :10 AL UMNIll '9 2. L. L'.Brooks,of S chellec(adv, N. Y., arr;\'ed in L:Ills ing, Frida" of \aSt \\cek with Ihl.' bod, · (If h1$ father, and interment WII S' ll1:1tle at :\It. !l upe:. Brook s. who died :It the home of hi" SOli, WIIS forlllerh' a college re side lll and OWlled at tlt;!t time that portion of 1:11111 " 'i ll" w est of the Della :llld known :;s llrooks .\dditioll. The SOli is COllllected with thl." Gem' ra l J.::icctric L'o., with otlices at Sdll'ne c. t:ul.\. ',)s. L. E. \\" u"tI.l,I[ I:: ... · d:lss of 'oS. is now lI"ilh th e :'IJi!wllukee Lo co· 1110ti\ ·c :\lfK' Co., of XC \\ York City. a subsidiary ,ompa,,)" of the :"\at iolllli BrHke :1II{! Elo.:drie Cu., with \Ihi ch Ill' ell" ploycil. This tIUti1Uf;. C". tun'" !o!,1I:;' fill.1 :.I cohlll \lJ("omotile!> fOf m;e ill Inill!!S, illtillstri:\1 pl:lIlts. l'te. ;..! r. \\' l1od I,. loc:lled at 30 Church R oulu 1.1:0. '" .\. :'II. II f the :lhtn e d:IS .l', is ;1\ to h\lil,J II llt'W ", teel plall\ :It .\li,IIHlld. I'n. Ili-'> :ultl n::s'- is 350 I rl)1j!I!)is 1'1 :lce, l:Ca I' er , I' .1. 'II. .;\Ir. mId :'Ilr" .. \ Ifrcd Ilemi l'kson annotHl("e thc birth of a dau",hll'r. I [dell BcmiCl·. TI ll April 8. ,\1 r. ll cnricksoll. who is f;tnning: Hcnr Shell". II a s a 1I1!!lIlher .... f ..,lI r last Ch,S S, I Z. D. F. Fi " lll'r write s frolll Cmn . ,kn . Del., follows: ··Th c re is C\'ery fo r :1 1} in111Wn"' ... · fruit crop he re. :Hld they thi" is tht: on ly place Il orth of <.; ... ·" r'.!ia where there \1 ill he full aop of peachcs. My work will beexperill\\!llt;11 ing of peaches and I neVl' r saw such a vi hloom ill :UII kind of frui t as II C' ha\ l' here no·w. f:t.r I hal'c ollly co mpleted ;lrr:HlJ.,:clllc!1l:; f <Jr the "e;t:iOIl's \\ ark, hu t I expect 10 11 ... · ;.,:-il1 " prayin g: oper. ;llivll:i il) the \\ ' illi:l111s c;ttll' reu apples on ;"IOl lllay (.\pril- :::2)," '\fr. Fisher \I ill he C;Ull. rle ll for the summer : 1I least. J:.ek hl1e c ht, ' I!, 11';1", a college visitor on:r SUllda\,. j ack is now with lhe City R:.ilw"ay Co., of Grand Ibpi(J s, :\1 ich. The grn,luating cI:1 SS of 191 wil l he by far the largcst iu ollr history. !-'rC\ 'io us 10 the yt"Olr 19{ 1 lIone of the classes rC:lchcd the 100 mark. Lnst year's class lIumbered Iz8. while the present indi cflliolls are that the re will be a class of approx· im ately 16.f the coming JlIne. This number is divided about:1S follows: 66 agriculturalists (including hort.), 6-f e n gince r s, 13 f oreste r s, ,md 30 women. Thi s will bring the gra nd totOlI up to 18-10 nlen and wome n gr aduates since the o rgani za tion of the college.

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Page 1: The M. A. C. M. A. C. RECORD. \"OL. 17. THE ATHLETIC CARNIVAL. The annual athletic carnivlll, held

The M. A. C. RECORD. \"OL. 17.


The annual athletic carnivlll, held last Saturday 011 the drill grollllll , was a hugh success in c\'cry way. A good crowd llttcmied, :tml was very libcr~l with their money.

The big parade, wh ich started at the Ag. building, w:,s thl' main at­traction in the early afternoon. Starting at I Z :30, it w ended its W;I)' lhrollJ.ih the campus ami dowII Michigan a\'cnut~ in East LlIlsing, giving everyone a fine Ch:IIIo.;L" to sec it ;tl1. Some of the flouts alld at· tractions were the hest that hal'e be .... n seen at any).!. A . C. carnival. T he music fLlrtlishcd for the OCC:I­sion by the college uand all\1 Lact:y's clown band oUldid ;m,rthing- cI'er hC:lni heTl', Some hal' c wondered why ',Fat" Scriber h:ldn't been {lrumlLlill~ before.

Immediately af\l'r the parfltle, the title for the inten:olle~iate hOllc clappiu)::' ch~lllIpionship W:IS fot1~ht out bl'tWt'Cn Professor J v:<hus Lon·ju) :mu Ilerr Dr. Fr,ulCiscn, and >Ifter several trials, including" thu"e for speed, time ;uul ell\lur· allCl~ , the metlal was g i"el1 10 I'rl.'· fessor Lovejoy .

.A II shnw;;. :llltl anHlse,ncnts started abollt ~ ;30, ;11\(1 thc regular h,lrke rs rlwl1l1t1sic Ih,lt is heard on the mid· W'ly S of shows was soon in progr.:"s. The dcpartment of puhlic s~lfdy 50011 got into lrim, :lIlt! there was nl.' pick pocketing: or loati ng allo\\"l!d, aud it \\"'15 no! long unti! el·er.\" on ... · had t.he "pil1ched" s ign h;mging: au\. T hee sollthc:rn pili)", "Uncle Tom's Cabin ," was soon in prog"rcss, with little Eva ,lI1d AllntUphdia ail the main attractions. El'l.<q' aile hOld a chancc to prepare for the first of 1hty by :It!ending tht· Ilomelike plllCl', which had ;1 Ji..:ensc and w:tS free from :Irn~s\. Every (:oncoction known was poured out there, and no one went dry. The dance prol'cd the main attraction, and frOIll the time the music started the floor was cove red with dancers tripping" the lig-hl fantastic, ami when every· thing- else was dosed the strains of music still came from the annan'. As all the duhs and fl."staurOlnts of the COllege and \"icinit), closed up, the eating' place hcld in ont: pa r t of the armory prol'cu to be a popular place auout supper time. amI the class of catablcs handed out W~IS proof positi\'c of thc value of our dOlll es~ic science dcp:lrtmcllt . The popular minstrcls held forth ill a i:lrKc tent, "n{l proved to be one of the main attractions on thc :\lidw1I)'. The character of Ulcir jokes and fun was \'en' cntertaining 10 c,·cry· ODe who :\V~iled themselvcs of the opportulli ty to hear them .

All students who had any grudge agaillst a Prof. had 1'1 g?od challce to get evell by th rowulg at thc dummies, and b\· the looks of some of them in a sliort time it secmed that not 8. few had mude the ~st o f the challce and played hard UpOIl them. The games of ch:u1ce run at the end of the armory drew a crowd, and between the wheel o f fortune , the dice,aud ringing boxes of cand)" gave everyone all the chllnces to


EAST LA~SI NG, hll CH IG.L'\'. T UESDAY, .APlllL ao, Hl12.

gamble that he wished, and was :1

\'critable Monte Carlo. The [lIu· sive Lavinrac L oaf was illusi~'e all right, hut at night he was capturc:d and the season baseball tickct given up.

[\'cryone abided by the g-round fllics. and hcncc there w:!s not mild, trouble . Some of the advice h~'I.dcd Ollt by these rulcs would pllt to slHune the bl'·laws of any city chnrter.

T he weather was ideal for sllch an event. and ,,\though a sh:'rp wind ble\\" :l1!d it ue("<l!lle cool in the evcning, the crowd s t ill st:,),ed. sho\\"inx great interest in the one biK circuS at ~ 1. A . C. While it is not known for sure how much was ltlude, about $700 \\,:IS taken in, so tllHt there should he :t f:lil"iv good balance for the Athletic Assoti"liul1.


~tcp;; hal'e hC1;1l taken Capt. h} J, O. ~I illner, president of the Jefferson Coullt.l· (Ark.) Re:t1 Estate Ex. ch:lIlg"c :1l1d o thers to s tarl a memo· rial for GUI L. ~te\\'ar t, whose tragk <ieath iJas ;llready bCt:n note(1. C:tpt. I\lillrler was a:;sociateci with l\Ir. !::itcwart ill the preparation o f sOllie of his exhibits which the Col. tall Belt li :. ilw;!y sent out.

A committee at F'ine Bluff will co·operate \\ illt a committe!! alr~'ad)" :It work ill C:llm!cll (Ark . ~, where ~I r. S tewa rt spent the greater parI of hi", tillle whcll not on the rourl. Th:1\ he was a general fa\'ori tc with the peoplc of th:!t cit.", :llld surround· ing count ry as Wt'\!, is readily \HI '

t.lerstood from lhe man)' splendi,l trihutes to his life :lIId work con. t:lin€od in the cummittc:e's repOrt \0 C:lpt. 1\1illner and published in the Pine Bluff CI)/IlIII<'rcia/of .April 16.

The following- laken from the :I],o\"e report gil'es sOlllethinu of :111 idea of whal is planned:

"it hail seemed particularly fitling that here (COllll(k'n) in Ihe v~r)' mid· IVa\" of his la test life's work :md among a people who C!itcemcd him !{really. 11 monumcnt should be erected th,,' will ,1111":\1"5 recall the memor)' of his career and our 101'e.

"It is the uesirc of his friends to c rect a suitable n:membr:mce. It has heen suggested that a beautiful 1l1ell'lorial fnllllt(lin properly in· scr iited be e re(:tcd in the plnz!! S\1r· rounding the depot of the COttOIl

Belt railro:ld w ithin a plot of living grass and Howers, to be C\'cr ill chargc of the city and of the ladies of Camden.

"It is the wish of the committee ill ch:lrge of tht: movement ti);!t sub· scriptions be solicited from those who werc fricmls of the late Gu)' L. StewlIrt , labored with him or admire his IOlbors and wish to keep his InClllor), g reen."

A line from E. E. Sours, ' 13e, s tates th1lt he is kept busy so far (Ioing sur veying in his home cou nty (\Vexford) and h as plenty of work ahead for seve ral weeks to come. His addr~ss is Cadillac.


Another victory was adde\1 to the list ill base b:11l Friti:ty, whel! 1\1. A. C.'s te:tm won f rom \\'eStern Reser ve,oll the home field, 5 to I.

1\1. A. C . W11S s trong :dl the way through, and at no time \\":IS the oll tconle questioned.

Dodge pitched his first big game of the se:lson, and ~llowo:tl bnl six sC:ltl('red hits. 1\1. A . C. bUllched in the secu red en01l"h 10 win the game. T hree doubl~s hv Bradle,", Dodge :lnd R og.;!'e, ;J1II1 a' sin;.:-Ie I;y Grigg:s in tilis inning were respun· sible for four runs. Thr ... ·e siflj.!"les ill the sixth added :lllother. The visitors secured OIIC ill lilt!. fourth after 11 hr:lce of .!>i rrg:lcs amI a wild pitch by Ood];(e. Tlw ,g:lI!lC W:IS

well attenJl·{J, 1111\1 the f:ln~ arc ,g reatl)" plc:ascd with the W(.~ in which "!acklin 's mcn :Ire halting-.

On \\. ednest!ay aftt'rnoon ()hio \\"l'S\(' V;lI\ comes hl're for it j.!":tnle, Hlld oli Saturda) Ihe lir.!>l game of the se(ISOll wit-h :'-lidliX(lIl wII! he pl:t)'CI] on the honll' fil'ld. The game 011 \\"cdncsd:l)" wil! Ile called at -I p. Ill., ,!llli the :-:atllnb.\ XHlIlC at z ;30. Both nrl' strong: tetuns. and the (:ontcsts will 11 ... · good .

On Ihe ulOrning- of .\\:t\ ,. :It 10 o'clock, the 'lIlulI,,1 dU:l1 meet he· tWCC:1I the frl·:;hll\(.· 11 :tnd sopholl1ores will h ... · Iwld. SOlne g:ood 1ll:lteri:t1 is slww in:; III' in both cl:1s"c"" :111(1 tIl\.' lIlec! will Ill' a good O ll l·.


The Forcsters had n r..,u~ing- meet · ing last ~I ollday e\,(~llillg. !::i"pe r. \' iso r Dorr ~keels, of the Kootcn:li :-JatiOllal Forest, was preselll, (md ~:l.\·e ;. "ery illt crcstin~ t:llk on "F..,rcstry as a Profc:>siOIl." lie spoke of the al'tivities o f gr:1t!uale forestcrs ill the neld, ;Jntl sank of the esseu tial points of tcdlllic:tl tr:lil1ing which were hrotl~llI inlo actual pract ice during the lir"t few ye1lrs :tIter graduation. [I e sp{,ke of the great necessity of gradu:He foresters beillg good t:ngineers, and hHl'ing trni lling ;llon,t:: the Jille of engim:<:riuK combined with the tech· nic:!1 work of a fores!l'r; ;tlso the g:reut opportunity in the g row in~

dcmaml for mCII capahle of going: into the employ of pril'Rtc logging concerns and working: up :IS mana· gers of 10g"ging operations, l:tr~e 1l1illing plants, etc. :\1r. Skeels alsn spoke of the For.:st Sen' iee;ls sim· ply ;I stcpping stone in the Iraining of the tech nical forester, ami fell th a t the growing d~'maml would soon bl:! created for foresters ill pri­I' ate work in large companies t arry· ing 011 t:xtensive logging ope r;.tions,

After the meeting, ;1 feed was participated in and gener:\1 discus· sian of forestry topics.

Supervisor Skecls will t:l\;e on several of the junior foresters in re· connaissance work 011 the J.;:ootenai National Forest du ring the coming summer.

Prof. Coons will address the H art, club Wednesday evening.

:\0. :10

A LUMNIl l '9 2.

L. L'.Brooks,of Schellec(adv, N. Y., arr;\'ed in L:Ills ing, Frida" of \aSt \\cek with Ihl.' bod,· (If h1$ father, and interment WIIS' ll1:1tle at :\It. !l upe:. ~lr. Brooks. who died :It the home of hi" SOli, WIIS forlllerh' a college residelll and OWlled at tlt;!t time that portion of 1:11111 " 'ill" west of the Della :llld known :;s llrooks .\dditioll. The SOli is COllllected with thl." Gem'ral J.::icctric L'o., with otlices at Sdll'nec.t:ul.\.

',)s. L. E. \\"u"tI.l,I[ I:: ... · d:lss of 'oS.

is now lI"ilh the :'IJi!wllukee Loco· 1110ti\·c :\lfK' Co., of X C\\ York City. a subsidiary ,ompa,,)" of the :"\at iolllli BrHke :1II{! Elo.:drie Cu., with \Ihich Ill' I'a~ forll1erJ~ ell" ploycil. This ~'Oll1pHII~ tIUti1Uf;. C". tun'" !o!,1I:;' fill.1 :.I cohlll \lJ("omotile!> fOf m;e ill Inill!!S, illtillstri:\1 pl:lIlt s. l'te. ;..! r. \\' l1od I,. loc:lled at 30 Church ~1., R oulu 1.1:0.

'" .\. :'II. ~Iillcr, II f the :lhtn e d:IS.l', is ;1\ pr~'se llt helpill~ to h\lil,J II llt'W ", teel plall\ :It .\li,IIHlld. I 'n. Ili-'> :ultl n::s'- is 350 I rl)1j!I!)is 1'1 :lce, l:Ca I'er, I' .1.

' I I .

.;\Ir. mId :'Ilr" .. \ Ifrcd Ilemil'kson annotHl("e thc birth of a dau",hll'r. I [dell BcmiCl·. TI ll April 8. ,\1 r. ll cnricksoll. who is f;tnning: Hcnr Shell". II as a 1I1!!lIlher .... f ..,lI r last ~t;tdu~till;::' Ch,SS,

I Z.

D. F. Fi "lll'r writes f rolll Cmn . ,kn. Del., ;l~ follows: ··Thcre is C\'e ry pro~pe.;t fo r :1 1} in111Wn"' ... · fruit crop he re. :Hld they ~:Iy thi" is tht: on ly place Il orth of <.; ... ·" r'.!ia where there \1 ill he full aop of peachcs. My work will beexperill\\!llt;11 spr~y' ing o f peaches and appl~·!!. I neVl' r saw such a proiu ~iol1 vi hloom ill :UII kind of frui t as II C' ha\ l' here no·w. ~o f:t.r I hal'c ollly completed ;lrr:HlJ.,:clllc!1l:; f <Jr the "e;t:iOIl's \\ ark, hu t I expect 10 11 ... ·;.,:-il1 " praying: oper. ;llivll:i il) the \\ ' illi:l111s c;ttll' reu apples on ;"IOllllay (.\pril- :::2)," '\fr. Fisher \I ill he 10l~:lted ;1\ C;Ull. rle ll fo r the summer :1I least.

J:.ek hl1echt, ' I!, 11';1", a college visitor on:r SUllda\,. jack is now with lhe City R:.ilw"ay Co., of Grand Ibpi(J s, :\1 ich.

The grn,luating cI:1SS of 191 ~ wil l he by far the largcst iu ollr history. !-'rC\'ious 10 the yt"Olr 19{ 1 lIone of the classes rC:lchcd the 100 mark. Lnst year's class lIumbered Iz8. while the present indicflliolls a re that the re will be a class of approx· im ately 16.f the coming JlIne. This number is divided about:1S follows: 66 agriculturalists (including hort.), 6-f engincers, 13 foresters, ,md 30 women. This will bring the grand totOlI up to 18-10 nlen and women g raduates since the organi zation of the college.

Page 2: The M. A. C. M. A. C. RECORD. \"OL. 17. THE ATHLETIC CARNIVAL. The annual athletic carnivlll, held

The M. A . C. RECORD "U. ~I." ~" In~ Y Tuuon ""., .... T", "OUID.

UA . BY Too •• 'CH''' • • n An "" . 'CULTU" .. COLU".

11 0 G I:NT S "'" VI"""

Entered It. < 5o!«IJld-e!n~~ ",,,,II ","tt ... III LAMlnll'. ~!\ cb.

Addr"," all lIub."rl"tu>n_ '''Id ad,·"rU.'nll' milner ~o the ~1. A I'. ItKC()"O, K.lSt t.Mu-• 1"11". Mich. ." dlltts!! aU oontritoutlollli to t he ,\1,,,,, •• 11111 K,lItor.

Remit to) P. O. ~Ione". Order. 1',...1\ or RelJhllllro:d Ltott~r. 1.\0 nOl .entl st .. mg~.

Rl:uLlle" oml* .. '1111 "" .... t'lU'" ... \ 1'1.1\ Sur .. " P.houtl, 00" ~1Q..~t:1 Ur"ntl.'\.\" ... ~'(I .• Lantlnlt. ~lIch.

TUESDAV, APRil 30, 1912.


J. Y. Clark, '85·

In the .\pril 15 issue of ,I/"d,'ro­IDr- 7(,/lio is pUOlishcd au cscdlclll article Iw J. Y. Clark of the ellIS9 of 'S5, of Orion. ?>lich. on the suh­jecl of" \\' liy .\gricuhun: :trnl Kin­u red ~uhjcct~ Shotdd Ih,· l';lllgbt in the lliJ..rh ~ehool:'

~Ir, Cl;lrk bcliel-e.;, that Gnll,those who :lrc ill direct touch 1\ iih hoth school and farm c:U\ n:::llize how hr the high school ami the fllrnll'r 11:ls d riftcJ :Ip:lrt anti th"t the hi):h schools of ~lichiJ.tall h:lve un I)' just hcglln to soh-c the educational p rob, lem of the brill, Tht'rc is:. ccrt;'\in i:lc k of eOllfidcllCC on tilt: part o f the br',wr ;"'W:lfJ ~he hig-h School 'I' '" '"ltiIiIlC to c'l:j~t tlillil Clrl.llll thlll~S arc hl1plalltcd in our high sC'llOol courses \\'hidl will trIor~' !lead)" an!oWe r th .. n .. ed", of the rUnl1 communil, .

~I r . CI;;rk hdie,'e" that if there he a "pol vII earth whcre the cle,:uiIlK inl1u~' I H"e of :In ellm·ate.1 l11all i ... needed. it is the fur,,1 ,01l1ll11lIlil\', but ul1{lo.: r preSl'nt .:omlilions the (Iuickesl \\ :1,\ to lose such :1 1111111 is by W:ly o f the high school. It I completi ng the t.! !!r;\(les too UftCII the h:lbit of ..:1o"e application to stlltl)' becomes tixed with Ihe result that an :{Version to m:mual l:1hor becomes a5 c(lllally fi»e(\. Ag-ain Ihe subject-mauer ;.:-i\'(·11 is COIII­pletely ou l of touch with the rural life su rroundin:.!; il. The lifo: o f the avef:lg'e school pllpil :sholll,1 he bOlh cultur:ll ami vocational for Ihe brmer that is to he,

The writer p:I)'!>:1 line tribute 10 th.:: drorts of ou r M, .-\. C. ntld other I!rc:'1 institutiol1;;; a;;; well .\5 :'lcknowledg-ing- the wllrk of the agri.;ulturOlI prt:s~l experiment SI:IIi,)1I bul\t.otills, Clc,. in ailling (he f:lrnlers, bill 10 illterest Ih.: g reat hOlly of ) Oll ng people wh() ;::bolll.! take up this work in the futt:rt:',:Is \\ell "" to hrillg educalioll:ll training- dos('r to thost:: :Ilready eng-a),:('ed in :I~ricul, lurt,! . shOUld he oue of Ihe aill's o f each :1tI(1 e\'ery hij.{h Sdl001.

F'or the SOhlijOIl of the prol'lctll ]\1,. Cl:i rk offers lile f()llowin;.:::

'· T he logie of Ihe Si1 1l111 i"l1 cHlls fo r II fou r,)'earl'ou rsc ill :,;.:' r i..::uhu rt', as all electi\'e SllIdy, il1lhe l'urri':l1· 111m of e\'e ry high s..::hool, whether rural o r otherwisc,embr::r..::ing wilhill its natural jurisdiction ;\ rl'a~Ollable Humber of primary schools: sitch cou rse 10 be eomlucte(l, not as a make-shift, bill ill charge of a speci:llist \\ ho has had expert train· ing, ~othing c(luld be done for th" grt!:tt farming cl asses of Ihe s tate, which would so inst:lIltly lind effeclivel), ~n!:rage their unanimous patronage and support, not ollly of

The M . A. C. RECORD .

our high schools, but of our pri­m ary schools as well, rlS the estab, lishment of the cou rse sug-j{estcd . And 110 mOI-e could he mmle mo rc lasting-Iy bt:nefi(; i;~l or ref1CCti l1~ more honor and saKlIcity b~- th..:: high s.:hools lhemseh'es."


The last 1\\ (I regular mcelin~s of the duh wero: of UIlu5tttli i ntere~t . hOl\ing been addr .. s"c.1 b,\' alumni mCUlt.e rs. J!r:~dll :! te" of other ilHHi ­tllliol1S, Dr. Bou\,oltcU!;, from Ihe: Cornell CosOlopo(itan Cluh, ~:I\'e ~t very inlcreslitlg talk Oil the 11':\;\­

ities o f the orgtH1il.:tIiOI1 :1\ Corllcll. ]\Jr. lIcrn:lt' r, of the Lansit1~ high, a U, of .\1. Cosmopolite, told o f the history:tnd experiences of the chap­ter in Ann Arhor, Both speake rs arc <Juite el1\husi;lsti.: I"lld helie\'e that Ihe :\1. . \ . C. ..:.haptc r will in time be ablo: 10 hO:15\ of a sixl) -fhc thollsautl dollar ch:lpler house 'l.Sdocs Cornell. T he members assembled e\idenced Ihe surnl' enthusi:tSJI1 :tnd 11:1\"e taken UI)()11 themselves :1t least 10 sec that the chapte r "h;tll have decent club roomsin the neHr future,

The hig C\'elH of the YCllr,lhe open met'ting, is he ing II rrrtllge(1 for :tnd it is to lak(' place \I hbin a month's time. _\n exccptiol1:1l l\' !otroog prOgr:l1ll \\ill m:lke th ccveti ­iug: olle of 11I3tiu!;, ill1pres~iol1. Tlli; eH~nt and somc changes ill tile run· lIin:; o f Ihe cluh arc expected to sti r "I" some life, and make its value recognized b)' e\'cry member o f our colic;,!;,! f:tlllil~.


Jl:sse D:1Vis t l>Bllcipal of the G~al1d Rapills III).('h school, ad· (]ressed Ihe Edu..::ut ioll;ll Cilib on Moml:l.\' e\'enin;r, , \ pril '5. I [is subjcct wa,,"\·ocatiOital GuiLlallC(',"

:.1 r . 0>\, is outlitll:d thc plnu now ill ope ra tion in Ihe G r;lnu Rapids Il i~h, :Hld in some olhe r places to a~Sisl }oun~ men 10 lIelerl Iheir life \\ork. This is IlolI l' I,), sp .. cial applic:ttiol1 ill 1::IIKlish or litef:,n wolrk :lIld it} reading" :\IIll cOllfe~. enCC5 between studctHS :",,1 Ihe high school principal.

This is ;In cntirely ne\\" mo\·c· 1Ilt'1lI :lIltl Prim::i!,:!l O:l\is is thc orig:inator of the pl:tn, It i~ heing taken up h-, Il an'n rt! :ll1d SCI crill other iustilutiotls in Ihi!! count ry, and .Mr. D:l \·is will ;.:-i\'(: all address ,tlOIl~ this line 11t the ;So E . .A. meet, ill:; 10 be hcltl ill Chic,,).:"o the conl­itl:; ~lIl1ll1le r, I I is add ress here \\":IS espeeiall\' fine nnd was sureh' apprcclatL'{1 Ii}' those who heM.1 ii.


The ;"1. A. C. \ ·c.\crinar \, ~lcdi­c:tl Ass'n lIlet in Ihc \ -et. hUi lding Tuesday cn·ning April :!3. +\fter :1 b r ief husineS$ meeling, the fol· lowing prOj!ran1 Wfl,S retl th: reu:

.. l log Cholera From the \' eter· in:lrlll ll'S \-iewpoint," hy ~Ir. Louis \\,ilt·den, ~Jr, \\'ile(letJ h,IS been assisting the local experiment sta ­lion in this br,\Och of rese:l rdl sillcc he has been at the college. lie showed a complete klowledge of lhe subject :Hld handled il like a m:lster,

li e tlis..::ussed in detail the ca usc of the disease, its hislory, symplurns, il5 differential dillg-Bosis, the ..::ourse and h: rmination of Ihe malady :lnd

the hygiene. Also detailed the post mortem changes. J Ie briefh' OUI­lined lhe mel hod of \'accitHtlion against the disease :tnd explained the process of m:tnUfaclu ring: hog cbokr a ~erllm :1nJ van:ille.

~Ir. Kurl ~ followed with a series (I f cllrren t CI "Ilts. He b rought fo rth many topic; o f recent publica. tion, dealillg \Iith \'clcrin:1ry and s tock prohlellls, This phase of the proKam is r,,~t g:,ining f:1\'or wit h the st udents. In:ts1l1uch as it affords all OpporTUlltiy for Ihe :;1U(lenls to kt'cp in 10l1ch with the progress of the scienCe. II is II well (,51ahli;;h('11 f:KI that cn.' lIlhc HlOSt rccell t text hooks are behind thl' linles, and it there, fore beho",>,!.'!! C\'ef\' lil'e s\tuleut 10

keel) "hrC!lSI with ihe curr('n t hup' pelltllgs,

Gener"l discusl>iotl follo\\'cll Ihe reguhr p rogram. Refreshments were sen'ell.


DEAII EIlf'\'vtl: From com ment::! whidl h:t\'e

reachCl1 me. it is evillcnl that so me persons Ilid tlol fully HtltierSt;Hld th e \iews held h.Y Dr_ Cyril G. llop. kins, o f the Illinois l::x perinw llI St"tion, reg;mli u:! Ihe use of r"w rock phosphllte, liS expn:ssl'd hy him al Ihe \lichiKan H ound ,up Illsti,ule 11151 ;\larch, \\'hik it i:. true Ih:lt he flweh very slron.l{"I~· up-011 the v:l lttc of this m"teri al as;1 sou r..::e for pho:;phorie :lci,!, he \\ :IS very c:l rciulto qtt:l!i fy his rell1ark!' l1S :1 jlplyi uJ;:" to ..:Iny 10:,," Buib ,'011· lainin;..:: all " bulld"JICe of d('c:t~ jlt~ ur~!ll1ic Illatler.

From the m:tnu",cript of hi~ a(l· dre:.s UpOIl ··Econnlllic ~Ial crjals for Soil I mpro\'enlent" I qllOte :." follows: "II -;,ho\lI,1 he- (li ... tillcth unde r~lOod. howe\ er. that rep<:,'te~1 experime nt:. ha\'C shO\\"ll that Illis m!lleri:d ( non.:leid nlatClI. tiud \' ).:"rouml rock phosphat ... ) gi\"(~s p rll':, ticIIll) no irnme(li:He returns if U~l'<l in the "hSC tlC'e ,)[ decaying t.J r;:,uJi..:: mattcr, On the olher h:uHI, \\ hcn us~'d in intimal': c0 l1neO:li011 wilh liberal :UIlOUtHS of brill manltre, o r green tll:lllur<:s, o r hoth, \\'e h,u'c {'onclllsi\'e e\'idencl' Ih at it is one of the tn~",1 ('collomic:l1 :u\{1 p rollta"lt,! forms \l( phosphorus. e~pc\'ially wher..:: the crop returns for" se ril's of 'JC;lr~ a re to be t:l kell into account ."

. \ Iso, "If o ne 's interesls arc lim. ite(1 to thc lirst {' rop, I shoul,1 cer, t:tinly advi~e llilll tu usc aeid phos. phate rat her thal1 lhe raw fock: :lIld on soils \ ,'n' delicielll in llcc,II" iug: org,utie "!:Itier, I al\\,ll~'s :ldl i~e Ihe USe of ,. Ienml·,1 hOlle meal or :lci(l phosphfilc in p rdcrence to r:\\\ rock phosph:tle:'

Antl , .. 1t is true Ih:1I for inun edi· :I\e re.sults r:lw rock phosph:Ut: is pr!lctic!llly worthies!! for usc :IS :t

fertilizer UpOIl most of the worn soils."

From Ihc ahovc i~should be cleal' to atl\' OtiC tll1J\ \\"Ilile under cc rtain COJl(li'iolls Dr. Il opkitl~ fal' o rs Ihe usc of finely ~rolll1d raw rock phos . phate as more economic~1 than acid phosphate, he woultl not Ill<lke use of il IInlcss it is finely ground anti whell it C:111 be:tpplied ill counection ",:ilh stable m:tnure or deca~'ing orgallic matte r , or Whl., j itlllllediah.· results arc desired.

L. R, TAf T,

T he botsn ical (Icpa n ment has jusl received a number of ncw dis , secting microscopes fo r clllSs use,


By E . A. Be:ssey.

lit the s ummer of '90~ I was senllO Russi:1 :Ind Ccntr;d Asia. by thc L', S. Depar~H1e tll of . \griClt!, lure :1S an :lgncttllural explo rer. The foliowillK is all :1..::e01lIli of a trip m,1de from Tashken t ill Rus­sian Turkestan lIorthward 100 miles or morc beyond the end of the rail . \\ II).

.\cn)lt1p:u]i~'d h~ Illy in terprc\(: r I cngaged pasi;:Ig"c frOtH T a"hkl'nt to Chimkcllt, a dist:tth:e of i5 or 00 mileS. The route I r:1\ ell'll WitS 0\ er " !!O\l.:rIlHtent post roall with fl'l a}, sta tions fOr supplies of fresh horses C\'C fY 15 o r 20 mileS. The itJlpJe_ tllel1\ of tonure ill which Ille ,](-li\HS "re transported_ in other words utI(

earri :l;,!c -was n "\":1(;l\lIa:;5." If :111\' machine on e:trth is atl i!l\'en­tio'1\ of Ihc e,'il Ol1e. the tllr,U1t:1S~ is 111lt! machine, at lea"t Ihe form em· pl()reri 011 Ihat poSI rout!, T here are no spril1~S, thl' theor) hcill/.:" that Ihe platform of poles eXIt:nding from Ihe frOllt to th .. re :< r wheds furni sh :;priug cnouJ{h, But :IS the. pok- ;:; were well seasoned, werc some two o r three incht,s ill (Ii "tllet c r. and less than six feet in IcI1~Ih. it Cil l1

he n:ndik tltlderstood Ihal thl.' :11110111l! o f springi lless ,,:IS not ex. (;'l'ssi \ e,

The w:,~on ht)x is sll:lped 1Il0re or less likc a ('ntlet! hoat. :tIlt! hll" 110 sellts_ tho.: paS"ell~erS ,;itlillg" 011 !he hotlo", o f Ihe h(,x. :\ se:1t i" pro\ ided for the d rill' r. The 11Il'. I~ too ]011g' 10 pt'Tlllit une !II ~jt

upri!,!'ht Hnd brace ht:;. feet a ~ ai l1st th.: frOnt, an.1 is 100 short fur Olle 10 he :l l, fulllen).:"th. e;;;pl'ri:tll~ tf Olll' h:t~ a \'altse " r 1\\ o . :\ sll1:l11 :tm'Hlllt of h:ty j" usuall~ "llppli~d for Ihe JI!l~' Sl'l1g'c r to sil upcm, btll not l'nOI1~h to ,l"pril"e the anin)"ls h1 :U1\ ex· tent. ::;Oll1e uf 11ll.' t:ir:mla""l·s·h,1\ e :1 killJ of cover, while soml' !enH' Ihe \-ic tilll:; exposcd to tht: fury of till' clCIll"IHS, in this e"so.: bl'iu:.: th~ te rri ble douds of Illt"t. 'l'hrcl' hor"e" pull tho,;taraUlllss, IIH' llli,ldk' 011" lrnuill).:" Hnt! the oulcr ones ).:" :11 -lupin){. ~ill"l' Ihe 111:-1 r:!il1fall had Ol'clt rrl'll .;Ome Ii I'e mOllths pre\ i,)\J~, ;tIlll thi~ i~ a 1\1;.il\ Ira\'cled road, th!.' dust \\ II" f rom six 10 ci;.:-hl iuche=- in ,lcplh, ,:o\crin~ p"rf"ctl., the ,k~'p rU15. "tOlll''', ctc, 1I,,1f h in:.: :lUd half sitlillt-: liS \\'e were ilt lIie wag-Oil hox, \\ h"n thc wheel st ruck a stOIlC, w i1l1 the horses g'oitlJ..:" at :1 g:I1JOP, we usuall.\· shot up inlo the :1ir alH l :H!";tin I[ttl,k-d Oll SOllIe frcsh portion of our anatomy, therehy ,\\:\kill); !tl1olhe r sor~' spo\.

,.\ dUH cloud enl"e1opo.:d It!l til slt,h :\11 l'xte11l that hcfore we 11:t(1 },:"one h:tlf;t mile the (JIIly k:Hurl'~ I i~ihle Werc en's :11Id 110strils, the rem:!i". tier hei~'~ CO\{'fell \1 ilh lJ Ihick 1:1\ (:r of bro\\11 tlin, It """ not :111 .... x­Icrna!. either. for it \\"S impossihle to lu'oid inh:tlitl!!" l:trJ.,'l· qtt:1I1titil'~ of it.

r\fter:t (ouple of hnur" t, f 10nure wc rl':l r hl',1 the fir:.! POSt s la ti') 11 :lIId Ih",e found that \\'l' !lOt 0111\ h;HI 10 l"Iwng:c hOrl'c3 but I'ehiclt's':ls wl'i!. \\' 11"\1 we I ... trucd tillS we cooh' proee(,l]ell 10 "ppropri" ,,: the h:l) which Wl' could lind in other wa),!"­Oil" st:lI1d illg h\' . in or(\c r to ha\'e some son of cushioll ulwll whkh to rid e Ihe remainder of Ihe dislanc('. r\s preced ing t ravc!ers h:ld fo llo wed th e s:lme t!lctics we did 1101 find nny g-rel!.l amount o f m:lte r ial fo r ctljlh­ion.

}\ Her horses had bee n pm,:\lred lind our ticke ts s tamped and rccorded

(Oon u nued 011 DfI"e ~, l

Page 3: The M. A. C. M. A. C. RECORD. \"OL. 17. THE ATHLETIC CARNIVAL. The annual athletic carnivlll, held


The M. A. C. RECORD.


oUR FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE FOR A visit to our Women's Dep3rt(!leDt will help you to lIOh"e the perplex.

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Announcements, Programs, invitations, Etc. Sk-irts or \VP,iSt8. Each day adds many rresh bright things to ou r collec· tiOD. Early spring buyers always find the best IIoSSOrtments..

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E,"er-Rt!lIll.y","d Ellden , is leave your measure. We will do the to se lec t from

rest - fit and satisfaction guaranteed. HODes and Strops Cot s Folding Beds Saws Hammers Matresses 4J Spring line o f H t!ici Caps now ready H atchets

for your inspection . Chisels Book Cases D~sks Screw Drivers

4J Always find late things at I n fact, anything you need in hardware you will find _ and at prices to suit - at ALL GOO DS DELIVERED fREE

MIFFLIN'S Norton'S HilrOwilr6 M.J.« B.M. BUGK


1:wo ball games this week-Oh io \Vesleyan on \ Vednesday aftemoon and l\Iichigan plays on April 4. M. A. C. will win both \~ith propt!r support. I _

O. \V. Schleussner, j12, writes from C aldwell, N. J., that he is happy and as bus)' as cal, be gecti ng in his vegetable crops. l\f r. Schleu­ssner has the managcmebt of a fine f ruit and truck farm, is in an excel­lent location and will witljlOut doubt make a success of this work .

-j-b - I . I -I F-d e mUSIC;! reclla g iven ' fl lIy evcning was wio\o\,c question one of the vcry best p rograms yet given. It was necessary to use the large hall in addition to the parlors to accommodate those who attended . \ Vhile c\'ery l\\Imber on the pro· gram was thoroughly el\jo)'cd, the viol in solo by Miss Peck and the " D anse Mah-re," the duct by Miss F reyhofer and Miss Scott called forth special p raise by the audi­ence.

Everyone of the membe rs of the present junior foresters have been recommended for a~si~ent to summer work. T he class numbers twenty-one. Part of the men will go to Cali for nia, part to Colorado and some to Montana. They will take up practica l work' in fo rest sun"eying, including: rapid recon­noissance work. These men will each receive $;0 per month and ex­penses w hile ou d uty ill the field . The em ployo\en t starts in J une and las ts un til about Oct. I. This mak es the third season in w h ich the entire jU llior class has been taken care of.

Mrs. A. P. Andrews, of Salina, Kan., is spending a few weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. S. },·lcDaniel.

The Poultry D epa rtment has in­troduced new bloo(1 in certain pens by purchasing \Vhite Leghorn stock of Mr. Fuller, ncar the college, and Rhode Island R eds from .Mr. Cox of SI,Joseph.

The Hort. department force was busy the p:lst week spraying cer­tain trees lind shrubs 011 the campus. The brush and leaves arc also being taken ca re of, and clean up t ime is surely at hand.

Dean Bissell, Prof. \' c(hler :Hld some twenty.five engineering St!ll­iors leave Lansing today at 4 :47 for their .alluual inspection trip. I t was fouud necessary to give lip the New York t rip as was at fi rst planned, as the !lumber who found it possi­ble to g-o was reduced from 40 to _y \Ve hope to have a hill account of the trip l:lte r.

C. A. Tyler, of Coldwater, has been appointed as Field Agellt in Forestry by recent action of the Board and is already at work. Mr. Tyler, who is· a practical forestry man, has secured a list of SO!!)C 100

men who have set out forest seed· lings from the college nu rsery and will investigatc the conditions SU T ­

rounding same. He will s tudy methods of both those who have sucCeeded and those w ho have fa iled . By acquainting himsel f with condit ions throughou t the state he w i.ll be in position to offer valuablc suggestio lls to those interested.

The plot of ground east of the 1ll,lin hospital has been b roken up and will be set to ornament-'ll trees which will be a decided impro\'e­ment to that portion of campuS. Thc work of transplanting began on Frid:!y of last week.

On Satunlay of last week the Lansing Agency of the Rumeley T raction Co., of Laporte, Ind.,gave a demonstration in plowing in field No. 10. A 30 H. P. kerosene burn· ing tractor was used, pulling four plows. The demonstnlion was in charge of Mr. Musselm.lII, of our farm mechanics departmenl, who was anxious to tryout olle of these machine!!. It is the samc type ~ I S that used in the \Vest and Oil prairie lands and they a re coming- into quile general use, several h:lving beCl! sold in this pa rt of Michigan.

Prof. 13enjamin Bailey, of Ann Arbor, spoke before ce rt:!in engi­neering stlldents Thursday after­noon Oil some phases of the induc­tion motor. At 6 :45 Thursday evening he addresse<1 the engincer­ing students in general 011 the sub­ject of elect ric propulsion of ships, or lhe short distance electric trans· mission as disti nguished from long distance transmission of which so much is said of late. The lectu re was well uttended and very mu ch apprecia ted by everyone present. It is to be h oped that this is but the begi nning of illterchanges with our electrical department, ami that a number of speakers w ill find it possible to come to M. A. C, dur­ing the term .

Profs. Sawye r and \Vilson took an auto trip to Detroit Saturday returning Sunday afternoon iii the rain.

Xeil \ -an I-lome, '11, i ll enjoying his work at Hamilton, Minn., liS manager of the estate of a )'Ir. Burtiss. I lis work includes fruit, poultry and forestry.

Ralph G. Kirby '12 has recein:d his appointment to a position as asSistlint in spraying experiments to be conductt!d by the Bureau of Plant J ndustry in the vicinity of HentOIl Harbor and will repOrt for duty May 1st.

~Iichigan has acceptecl the ;ll\'ita­tion to join the Nacional Corn Show at Cohlmbia, S. C., to he held in Feb. 1913, ;md lUIS uskcd for 30 feel of space for an exhibit. This exhibit will not necessarily be corn alone l but will consist of all grnins and forag-e crops of !l.l ichignn. The Michigan exhibit will be in charge of F. \Y. Ruven, College Field A gent.

Mr. C . R. D ooley, education:!l di.rector of the \Vestinghouse Elec­tnc l\'lfg. Co., a college visitor re­cently, was presenting the mt!rits of the technical appreutice cou rse offer.ed by his company for engi­neenng graduates, 1llld while ht:re making the :lcqua;ntauce of sev· eral. engineers. :Mr. Dooley de· sir es to inlere5t at least two engi. neers f rom ~l. A. C . in the \\·est. inghouse p roposition. H e was ac­companied by 1\1 r:---Salyeate, of the sales department of th~ same com­pany.

Page 4: The M. A. C. M. A. C. RECORD. \"OL. 17. THE ATHLETIC CARNIVAL. The annual athletic carnivlll, held

The M. A . C. RECORD .


It completely covers the field of local news, poli t ics, and the worlll of sports.

Bec:lUse its telegraph :II U.1 correspondence service enable i l to give i ls rCOlders the J,ltcs t general news of the (b y in ad­nlllcc o f any other ne wspape r coming into Lansing .

Have THE STATE JOURNAL de live red to y ou r home by ca rd e r

AN ALF ALF A HUNTING TRIP . (flonllnn~>(1 from fllllI'C ,,)

the first dri,"cr WIlS tipped so that the second wOlll~1 trellt liS properly , alld we sta rted on OUf journey again. \\"e kept this up all d Ol), the Irip being varied by occasional cnfon:cd \,,;.iI5 at ;1 post s \:ttioll fo r lack of horses. \r c hHtI intended \ 0 tni\d :Str ai~ht th rough :tnd rcw.:h Ollr dCSlill'llio ll the S:11l1C night , out Ihese IId:l}s !it'P! liS hnck un lil . thout t('n o'clock we n :;lchcll :, pOSt ,,[:\Ii(ln whtn: "c w e re informed th;lt we cOllltillet\lr.· I1Q mure horses unlil HIIlrnin:,.(. \\·c lltlen'pted to s!t:e[l !;Ill the hellchcs pr(1I ided ill lite \\ailill:,.( room, 11\11 the Ileas left h~ prl'I"i""" tr!lI'clcr" Wl'rc 011 tbe juh So that then' II;IS lery little sleepi!!:,! d,me by l'ii!1l'r of (I';.

\\'e \\('re l'o "lJ)ll1<:J 10 Hlk t· ull r own prollSluns with \I ;:;, the 0111)

thill): p'I""il>l,' fOr II!' to g:l·t lll·ing: :1 ·'",in1l,\·:".'· Tlti" i,,;, 1>r;ls;; kl'l1]l" II ilh .' ('l'111r;[1 ,'hillme,' in which l\ ,·h;tn:u;\l tire i~ burllin~: T his lien ('S HI k""]l IIH' watl'r 1,oilin:-; ill the k,'lI1". It I" 11ll' llJli"er~:tll,' \I~l'jl

\ltell~iJ fur ka 11laking:. \\·c ~'arricd IIltt (HUI Il'lI ;1Ilt! slIg" r, hUI \\'en: ;t\,

II:In; ahl., to g-l'L a sanl(,,'''r ami te:t pllt. ~in(o..' .'It'r., I( u""ian Lln li) , ha" Ilt.·"" IIC\,)I1:,!ill.'.!".

\\' e n::.chcd Chilllkctl\ Ih~' mi.l­.II.· o f tll" Ill-XI ;,fterno<;ltl , :md ;.\ "thl: loukl'd up uur 1<.1\:><;;;111 friend. lie pro\'id~'d u" \I ilh :1 ~(Jod ~UpPt'r ;mu a ro,,," \ \\ he r~ \\'1.' c(,llld ~Ieep

ul\\li~lllrl,l'<t. :IIlU the 1lC-~t Il\onl itl~ \\'e SI;lrled uut 011 :lIlOther tar .. llta$~ . this time " pri,,,te 011e-, for :-;:.i r :'m, t akinj..( with 1I~ tilt' Russian II) ;lCt It;;

illtl' rpr<'lCr for the Ilmin! !.'n~\lll;":t.: , and lily t'" l\ 10 l r ;lI)slal" the ',-us­si:m into J;:ni!lisil . _.\\ Slliralll WI.'

routled Out tilt' ht'at! lI1"n o f the lil­I:l~e, aud visiled '"!triou!'. br~c alfot1fa h<.'lds, t:tki ll \! note-s 011 thc-se alit! ' Ilak· iug arratlg'ell1ent5 for p:uku,!{t's of se!.'ds. Thi" ItC;HI 1)11111 ill\'iled liS to dille with him, \\·c s:tt"~t·{l on thc il,~nr around a SqU;.f(· table ;thOUI IWO fel'! ill Jiamclcr and d)..!"!tt inches hl::.:-h. Thl' h.::1 ;jnd dessert was St: r 1'l.0 fi rst as is Ihe <.'11,,10111 ill Ih"t count r\', The de"sert cOIl"i"Lcti of nl1t s. r:li"ins.lillie Cilkes ;Ill,) l';mdies. Thl';' c;nne the tl1aill dil!ller which WitS ·· ploff." Th is is a tlli;-.IIJrt· of ric ... , COllkt'II ill Ihe f:11 o f ShCl'PS' tails, " il ll cub,,;; of mutton, lIllli mixc,1 wil" raiSins.. Ollr host gal'e <,;tch of 11" ;t ,.pm'II, hilt :Itc his ' por· tion with his 1i 1 1~l·r.". Bciore e;[til1g" ht! c!lrefull\' di,i(\c{l the ploff inl n four pa rI s . '1l5i!l~ hi;; hands, ;11111 we thell fell to, Oll r host llnished his portiun lir"l. :Hld rl'llI:trkitlj( "nol throug-h .'leI" bunched alJ rl'lll aining food 109-eth{'r <lwl pfocl'eded 1o ag:lin dividt· it illto four pariS. Th is w;[;; rcpealcil the lhirj\ lime as he always fillislll'd firSt.

(To I.Je concln(["ull"H WI'"k,)

),Ir. Floyd F og-It: act'Ompanied the bm1y of his fa lhe r to :Sunfield, o n !::;al urday o f las t week, whe r e inLe r­m ent was IlHlde near his old h ome. The falher died at th<: home re ­cently plln:h:lsed by i\'fr, Fogle , easl and north o f the eoll£'gc,

Hart. Shaffner &

Marx Clothes

Spalding Sweaters

Imperial and Knox Hats

Heid Caps

on' Men 's W ear that proves

itself the world ove r .

The Mapes Co. l 01. 2011 S<o"lh Wu hlnll l o a ..... .

For yeuTs Lansing's L,adillg C{Oll:iers,




THE RIF'LE)"t (;R.-l}' I'RI.\'TI.\'C COJ/?_-JY}' Printers St.I;o n" ....

! .. I.'\ - .. \'· .l11' Hl'~..1.Y

Dr, L\ :.l'.I1l will ~ ;jl'"k bd() r e IIle \ ·/:wril.,;n .'Iic,ih..;1 A~~I~li:u i .. ')!1 ,

Tuesuay . - i ;()IJ p. 11l,_ ~l a.\ /. 1)1\

"OhSktr;,,;;,..- .\11 -Tude!1t" uf lil't' sLuck oug:ht II. I:d ..... ac!,antal!(: of this ojlp{JnulJil~ , II i~ of c( Ollomic itl1pon'11l";C' 10 th/: :'\(ICktll:\I1 . Re­Ill,,;mh('r the dat<: :tlJd thl' htltlr. En·r\,!Joi\,· i~ indtn!'

InSl rlletf)r Lilllon was 111 Kenl Cill' ~atur~b,.. wht·rc he g;"'c a ta lk on illl:uh;;liull l\l~d brood ing: of chicks bdor(- tht: Illembers of till' hen[ Cit,· l' rlUltrl' Associ;Jlioll . T hi" is olle ti f tile SlrOIl\!Cst nsso..:i­alions in the ~t:lte, h;I\' illg O\'e r 100 memhers. ,\ "feed" W:lS held ill cOIHlcction with the mcctim.:.

The Cosmopoli la'l Cluh h:l,. sub· scribe.l for the C r,f lll"t,,/if(111 .1,'111. .loti fur the lI~e of thc libriln·. T his i~ Iht: oflicial orj.!!l1l tlf tl;c S" tion~ll A"50cialiol1 of L'o:<ll1opuli. Irlll Cluhs, ntH1 ole!tls wilh ~llIdell1

life rill t'1I(.' r the ""rld . alld Ihe t;llikd Stitt..:::> Pllfli l· lIl:lrI.', All Ihose interesled OW\' find s;ml" 011 Ihe norlh shel f of th"c r.,,,olin ;..: mum.

:\1 lhe mCClin;; u f the Y . \\'. C. A . T!wrsd;IY <:"el1in;:, the -suhjN:r discussed w all wh<'lhCr Islam in Afri c!I, o r C h ristianity WOIS \Iilgill):

the greateSl w:lrf .. r .' . \\ 'hal enri",· lillnil \' fwd aJrclld" dotle fo r the people o f that conti"nelll aml the op­port unilies I1O\\' open Wt'rl' qllcsliorl s of inte r<:st. O n the other hand, it was shown tha t, l:l kill~ into consid· e ration the cha racIe r :lIlll lIg:)..!"fessi \'e­t1<.' SS o f the school s,' lhc l'II ohammed rcli).{io n f<lils lItterly lo meet lhe de­mands o f th<: peo ple. ~Iiss Alida Dearborn and Miss Aurelia P o lls were the s peakers .



Women's Black S ilk Lisle H06e with do\,ble cotton sole-l1igh spliced heel. ,. 25C pai r

BIII ~k. \\'blte "l1d co l or~ ,

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HI""I;, ".hlte "ml tll il.

Women's fi lle summe r weight Union Suit-Rie heHeu rib. Lace or ri bbon trimmed . .. . , . . . . 50c

)Ien's Open ~Iesh Union SUit-shor~ sle.."<'es-ankle length 59C

)le l1 's Silk Lisle Half H ose-d(lu ble sole. h igh spliced heel: n·g u· lar 25c quality : special. :1 pro 50c

Glo ves a nd Neckwear in a ll t he lates t novelt ies for t he Spring and Summer Season.

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l1:1t1 E are especially well equipped fl!1 10 supply YOll with anything

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Lawrence & V an Buren I Printing Company

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_\n.' the 11Irg-cst mauufaCIIlTl,'r" of COLLEGE UNI FORM S in the l ' l1ited :-;t:l tCi:' , :llltl han; \\011 alld m;tiOtain rhe 1!11si· 11('$;; 1,\' ~Ill'~'r force of meril.

The L'niforms \I OTIl 111

michigan }lgritultural eollege ;trc lillishl.'(1 t'x:lmplc~

flf mlr prOd{Kt.

J acob Ree d 's S o n s Jf"t.:,-s .ff

.. Gold Mcdal Uniforms"

1424,26 Chel taut St. Philadelphia

D I RE CTORY LA::\'Sl:"\G 13US'~ES::i A:"\D


Tile "(un~$ 1" thl8 \)I"ec(un', '" ... dl II. 1 1Io~~ of " " our • .IIIl .... ,,<1,· .. rllst"·'" "re or rellllhl€' PI"tle~. We hOO\! It)J!~ II", fllcut!y ", ,,11 st"'I""!~ " 'Ill tllk~ pfllllS to Ofilronize thO .... \\'110 pntronhe Us.


"l~\(\' 'I'H~~ !'EW B .... "~:I:Y- \\' It'·r~ )'( '" ,'ltn ".'1 ! I .,,,,,· ~l" ,h' IIp',,Il . t'I.·,. ,',,1;."".

n~'ki,·_. ,""I I ~"IIlII .. "I"- lv-t lik" !tIo,l"" ""tk .. •. "'h,' 1"''''llI'" , ~'I,·.t " .. ,.,. "lI'! "r 1 .... 11111'1,11,. ~~" ·1 I~,",'ltll lI"kHY .


C 0[,/.~!(J ~~ IMIOH~I{ "H' II'. III H"th HOI"". \'·"'''''"-I1'·,,r)'-,-\,,<I),. y,,,, It.' t U'" I.·S! "',,'k hen' . T ,'y II 1111,1 ~t' .. .

'\. TEW 1 : .'l1H~:H "1I'U·. III ~ ' hn'" 1t,,1),1· .I. " 11l1t . • "",." H"I"''''' I\rtllt "ltd !il'OeH)' " I ''''', I r )''''' "hit" <Iyll_h h~1 ,. c"l "".,' 'b <I '·'Itl. ~~. ~:, H' ·J·"""O"""" cl.·"",.,,,,,.c..~~~_~


A M . Y.~I~:j{Y. lJ~WII$I,.A "".:-:-. Book". , Fhl~ t<IIIlIO"€'ry. K nl',nn <l (',. Ii!Jl I'

O,.f(b, ~'o"nt"'Jl P~,,~. l'll·lurt' •. t·,·IIme • . F ine t-.,,,, ,I,", "Sl"'cllll t)·. I.-P-to·tlMe ~tyl"~. I'ut r,hl" ~~('"ut In t.",,~lnJr .


G ~; IJ, U. IlLI' I' "~ ''' U ,\ ('0. FIook hlndCf~. J "etou,,' tlOOk mAker~. pttper ruJlIl I! .

Ubrflry " nd nne " n hIIllJlrur~, Ille t>o""S. rnRp ",oumlnll' , .. Jhum~. POckel bo(Ik~. e f r , UIUzen~ ' II b(l"" )i1 0.~. I n CI ty SIItl0llll1 Bftn k Bulld l nll


ELGI!' MIFF I.I r;:. I ... dl~1 find Geotle· men'8 F u,nlsh!" 11 Good~ . See "d.

T Ht: I\! .... I'~;S OO. HIHt.Shfll'lnerot Mflr" lIl (lthes lind M en'~ Furnlshl" Ii'~. ~~ Wn~llln lrto" A'·~ . ~"th.


H H . f.,\IU.t;n, ('blna. (;]A$! .I: I ... ", po. , 110'; WfI."hlnICIon A,·e. S.


N II, ~I' "'RE. P. \l . ". (lmc!.' .11l.1l~ "1 1)1_ , 1l.IH Hulld"' lI . I~ln>'nll. M lch, " III '

~"'" j)honr. ,--I 'l,o'-'-"l1k ~IM'

D t~. I"AIl~IEt.]·~ t~ . l'tutli'!. J]olo l\'/lSh· , l1'lC1<llI "\Vf'. !' .. l.ln~h'lC. ~(I{'hllf1"l.

Automatl,· p"""e. oll1c~ ;lUr.1; '·~ . I<l ... "~,,. ;jIW.

J 1::. :< T('F~·~;lt. I', II. K '11\11·,·,.." .. ,,('11)' • :\ " llollnl lIa,lk HI,\IC, ",u'("nltlle Phone

.';111; k,,1J pl"l11~ ,II. Fun, ... r ~1. ,\. t·. "mle"I ,


J W. Ii::"AI'I' , '''. I',",' < C,~- ,C.-"~".C,-.C.C,,-,. • ,,1·h]III<-. ""~:"2! \\''''''111''111'''' ,\1,· ),,, ,

'[ 11.1." I IBY (;I"II.t< ("'. I"T ",~~I< .\ ,,,,,"-,1',,",,, \\'AI_I_.,\,·, ""· .. 'II,·WVl'k, ~;I<·. 1"'-11" \",,-loI'u;n,," .~w' .... "utl,.


C .... P ITOf. EU;, 'TKI" ~::"r:I:"~: ~:IlI:"(; (;n.- h'll )1",· 01 Io:l<'l'Irll''') ""ppll.·~.

ludl),I II"r ,I,.d,·.,b· ~1t",1~~ 11,,,1 ,·,.rd_, t'IIr· h",,,. 1"'"1,,111'" "'HI "'''~,I'' ,·,.,,,11,0,,, I"mp, . Il' ~;, .11I,·I,lltll l1 .~"". --



NJ,)HTO!"')ol I!.~HI'\\'AIH~. (;~l1l'r .. 1 II ... nl" ~ r ... Til,,, n I~". (j ralt IIc' ,,'flo r~, ('m·

IHY. "")1' ,'!. e t... til WfI .• hl"II'('" A,. .. . ~ . S~" K'I.


i\1 H.~. I). T . ( '"\"~:. ~l .. nultt{'l"'·l.,,,. ";""'''I1""III''' .~ H "I"(\r~_'lnl< I"Hrlu"~.

5","<.,,,,,,, 11",,1,· "r elll I",\r or combJn lt~. AI". (·,'1",,·,1 ",,,I n'n","I"11 to I<~Jk ," It. w n, ''''''". 1'10 .. ~·'·A'leo-.\,,,. ,'Icull J1Ylllt'ule T,.l h· L H"QI11-1t.,~ ., ~~"l·I.\I.T'· . • \Ulomll,le ph""" :.; I. ?!,,'" \\' lI'hl'''1I0'\ .\ n". ".


G H L" !' ~:r.L Po H' 'So .. " kltl"" n·· 1."",lIn" ~I'''I'' II .. "·,· ... 111><10 "(H(I ... 1'\1,,'08

nnd " I".f,·'· I'I~ H'''. ,(,Id On e"u"·r.h-ut 1t'",II', ~:""nthl"lt In ",,,.10' "lid ","·1I'>lt '""I'I'!"""J1,,': I.II"~I'I~ 11r"",,!1. "". ~. \\'",hl"<1",,, ." ".


D H.. ">iI'AH H, Hl:l·~:(;~:t.. HlIuu. j 10 ~"J ' tt.n'. ;t\"'I"lI(t; IO~p.l!]. Sun ·

"ttyir. I~ {O 1 " "([ ~ 10 (, 1'. Ill . t :,,_1 1 .... ",.1" .. ~lld'. {·jli.~n. phon,· I;!.II .

D H. H . \\" T..\!' I "'~. t:,,~t Ln"~I"I<, ~IlCll. om"" II",,,,·,,: ; In ~::JU R. 111.. I~~" \0 ~

li nd ~::" II) ~ P,III. i'U"'(II3'''' I" I'" II;:.' II . Ill .. ; to 8 o. ,", ('llh,'",' pll<"'~ \<'!:!" ,


A r.t. t: :-:- l'HI!'T\:"n "0. 11 1 r;,nlld A .... •• nlH'."'Ulh, ';,~~L, r>rlnllnlT . ,>!tk,' ~np,

plit'S. ~;nlt!'ll"~d l'I"'!T;'" "ruIH""". ~1I"'ey 110011_. '()O"~ II'M l'oOOk" r"'''lIlnlll II<.'II~. Be ll pho'le l".I~. A ntonHlI1c l1~o"e ~' Wl(i,

ROHt:HT )ol ~11T II I'Te:. t:(l.--( __ ()~. \"".11' Inll:tOll AI·~. Olld tOIlIIl)'I .


1-B), Kt:SD.o,L t. ·!; SlInl' lor Shoe R e_ pIII,I,,\;. A1I "'ork ICUllrantt''':\' ~I"­

~h!nt!.Qr Hllnd Se w ed sole~ . Hubbl< r H eeJ8 while you "," tt . l"IIIe llne ",f Oonfectlone r y Wfl)ter'~old otl,,,[f. :.I lI'hl ltRn A"e~'

UNIFORM" S",.:,.,:;-;:==

JA OOB R~~ ED'S SO~~ . 1~2~~:!fi Ohestllut SI .. l'hlllldelphi li. P" . ~Ittk e,·ti or "Oold )J ed ,,\ Uniforms.·