the jacob rader marcus center of the american jewish...

,.. 260 5 ' ¦ vS fllk -1 1# %1 fr^jPy, ¦ , . _ __ VgM]E j : ^ ' ^ Til l? T^^AffliMPl ? 7 Did i hea p Seia S?Sii^ll tbe wo- ' M^w^S^|^%»B* Mt <»iTOt PericxKhiBtory. The reli gious revolutiou -L U JUJg|lgMJ. JU . men th at JeBU^^^ Jisal^ia^HiB him- «9 «"» ¦ ^ ac^5*j^|h,gM j^ saw: Jesus which Zoroaster jrfoddced; \l 80 ori g in at ed ^o. 3* w*t ^st^ ,b^^ a, d jm. * r actaa^ia#l» jl W first , *"?SS^^^ lP^' ^ ^P^P^f " ? P ** ?* " serous ^ .i.™-™ :-,^^.. - __ -... .- that Jesus was risen; one , twoftfcw e or more Inthiaos*™ ' W & ^ V ^ ¦ ;_' ' . ;, ¦ ¦ ; 0f <he Bible^Sre " also the nrodnot nr n, Prld ay M<j rnln S,... FeTJrnftTy 18, 18S0. rtm » ¦ : ^' - •** ,-; i ^' ¦ " < - , •-*4*ffcV§&i. ^.^jto ^-W.* ,., . V ^^7$^ a £*V e prPl'tCt of th ose Ih mmmi&M Adtim; We 8 ^ 8 W%^^p^ earth^ ¦^^^^^^^ : ^^ ^. f t ^^^ &?»& ^-ever , of Prll ttHv^tnnnndei] ' * quake ,whj eb B^fctho^ ^|gMl, thi 8 oc- ^^^^^f^MM^011 of?0808 , * 0 Judah^PTep hete ,Jsreiniah^ekiel and the n, V ^Tv ' I P P ; T . , c»6ion, of wJHch^he^ei^^ nLv ~^3£5" - ^f" ivST -f' cthw P°int of fojm^- Mm. ** ' *?' ¦** ^PO^n ^^ nl^n^eraBiClein ,) he . andMicab opened thetfra of^rop heti c Ife. Cbrishanu^ If .t is not true, Cbntbtauty. ^ ^^ u^jr^^^^ 0 ^ , wasf&ei«^|j feirtS^^d sat on the: ^tare . ^d^econd JsiMafcclosed this pe- 13 w.thOutratiy evidence of Judaism, ^ Jean s ^ theo^nd^l^LO V ^1^^^f puWalerj tos huts , 'riod. . After bim th> pro phet l yre resound, anpVmirat . return to it ; For nothing ela<M * a Br B ^ (re ^ V0 ^tf«d^3Snd ho told <*<»** and-attbj gndoii nptifee ofit. ; ^ 8ft^ : notW!l;fe.^WBjrra1|y ia^. -handa of th, J sufficient -demonstration of a second -revela- ^ ^ ^ and , ^^ ^ ^ "And it came to pass - whileWblessed them, las* prophe$a; Haggai , Zecbariah and M.L> turn, Paul always point* to these allie d .^ &c Acco^n - ,^^g^ a ppe„. (in Bethany,) ^ was parte d fro m them and chr; - Inihe midst of u crashing world there facta as the principal evidence ot Ins doc- ed fifgt ^ Mary Mag daleti^ Spat of s whom «U3kd up intO'heayen. '' Neither of the* : 8 tands tha ^gantic Jeremiah , the weep in* * trmes, so do ^ those who are called the fatU,. - ^ h ad ^ ^ devi ^ q ^ ai a noth . mentions the chcu instances attending so , patriot; Hj a . so ft , mejapchol y and plain- ers of the Church and so do all orthodox . ^ to ber ^ nor did 8he ^ori b%Ihrm : Luke marvelons an act, nor do they say who saw tlye voice sonnds through the,n(,i8e of war- theologians up to this day. kn0w8 nothing ot the ^ a g ea ^ e of j e8U8 it , nor 3o ^ ag^lon^he^p lace whe^ U fore , like, ; the ' silvery notes of. thcni gbtio* It must , t^rgfor^ be expected, hat these fc ^ ^^ and ^hnTwlel greei ng in •«? Both the anther of Acts and Pan!fel^ alo tbroogn-a . stormy ni ght BtokTri th e facta be ^eco^ led by the Evangelists With ^^ r^cular ^ th j i^^e8 a8 \_ this remarkftble^e^enCy; tn;th0 narrative, stern- Bery^niof truth , the pillar of 6re to the utmost care, predion, an| critical eS, ^ ^ ^a^^L eouirl and tried to hnproye it but neither of the^ S»he uispbr^ed ^Ons 6f his x*tiop, the solitary actness especially if they were cotempora- ^ g^^^noToMfn%rJ§ persons, having : .been aa eyewitness , their testimony 8tar in a . etbtfdT.^ that^guides the marl ries qt ^s , ? or , were (imneiy inspired. In ,- d j to - 1 ^ worda whieh Jesasj oke on-this ' is precariOuB. . Here tbe questtons arisen feover^ mpetuoti s billows-speaks to his eitherof these cases their reports must agree. v? , ; , ' . + , * - - - ^vS^ „, ts- j t •j i l j t ™>,ni» i; u «<•« *-. ^ n * , t , .? ssi V ¦ ¦> ¦ i ¦ ¦/\ ,. ,. . oceasion, bat.also in this particular : " Jesos 18. Did Jesus ascend bo heaven,; and if sa people Jike a-father does to a wise son who, not onJy-m all essential points, but in every ., , ; * >& W&: . u; a ; mn ,„j nM i ,^ A ¦ *. - ic - .. ¦ particuWf ibe fact Strange as it is that Baid ^utp her totoh MB ^p* for|[^m not as- wh y did the two Evangelists , not mention ^ h ^ »P«adi»^^«.grf^ mmaelf into the l skla.historian of tho^ has the <-^ d yet » ^ Here^^esjpns arise , the f act? ; Sis S^ ^^^ TV" least account of £he numerous miracles re- ft-»HF«^N». «flS^- <^^ 19 Why do theirs nientionit so brie^ S^ho^:^ t g tv : f ST^ «ordei in the Goapels ^ not a word of the re- or more women, or' to . none-aVaU , as Luke ] yj without 8aying wh0 saw it, or the circum ^ thrQug ft.hW wo rds.and. form into crystahV Burrection^ ^hs.on^f J^sus; s trange leaves us to suppose ? ;..;---;.; stances aifcending it ? ed tears, ^he^neficent^un of the spring, TJ^?J^K£& - ^ .^^P^ ^dM he not , 2a Did Je8U8 ^ ceIid toIieavert froffi Je . ^^^^h^ ... ,^ J ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ,., •; as is evident from the account of Mark ? , ¦»* r r d »u Bleep, the angel ot consolation ' that sounds waa' obliged resort to an unlikel y excuse, ' ' ^: rusalem as Mark says , or from Bethany as ^. ^. ¦*¦ f? ¦^¦ ¦ ¦ iM -.^ - : ^v. ^ . . «\latlh w -i' x^r^il- - tol5^W ' a1t' the na n 11- »i<l they hold him^ymfeet es Mat- T Va aawo 7 . - the trumpet.of resurrecHon; tne g lorious ^l aUbow OTt^ltoia ,} that . a»I tho .peo- ^ ,je v . , , Luke says ? harbinger of approachinz bappiness ; the plQ C6uld,l,a mbeen deceived by a few cun- tbew says , or not touch y as John mils 21 How could Mark know, that he sat at messenger of gr^co and g ioristanda the se- ning men , aad> to ^ W. not «£ honest it? . ,> *o& ^ r band ^ Q ^ wbat ^ ,QDd .^ ap^the ^^ Zj^and in- man amo . n-Jl |ie ^nedte , phar?seBs and ' AccorcUdg to Matthew/! tK^el even disci- f ,- ^-^ -^ ^ ^Titm ' in a^aiUi^nvvanto'of^is i^ fo. -W 8oWh3rs :|^ h^ a.^ed ge the ^ . .. tnrn ^graspibe^^^mM^Mi la. atrao^^ow^er^^.|act , that the four .^J. 4^^ ™am|^m b y ,, hfl It must be, ajftj M *a^ unprejudi- .^ ^^^^ ;d y^ ^ jj; , E vange^^i^y ^ disagree , Q i their a* women^^hW U O^a^ealkeW MaVk cedinan^ading the four different accounts penetratittg ^ ,V^^eeVtlrt^nal^iUinp h ^^^t^^^ ^V^ ^^ notice^e^l^and^f Jesutlp^disc^ ° . r'*» ^S^'^;$^ *&' ffi of truih ' aiid^rae^andlia^entim^^ ^ ^W^^ f 1 ^: Hencert^unin- pl ^ b a | . h J ||| c ^^ it ^^ a IM p i t10 ^ hl iB9 f^ U11 ? 689 ^ ftr * f* 1 ^ as the universe , becom e cry stalled v rock, teUi gibMugo^lbose scriptures Odd pear8 there Qn accouqt -of ithoir disbelief torily^nswere^wluc fc W^V^^^ hei^m^M^m^^ as having bee* writ-) ^c ordia ^to thi9 evang ^liif 1^1 according W,# ^^f r ^'^^ ^^f^?^^ ^^ Uobt of virtae wiUr ^ everifol d^ eaUty, * -ten b^ot^pp whes of Jesus. Bat it is our ^ Luk^ ^n^oi cWnf'IfcSand to are 6uch ; contradictions of time, places and - fte tf j^j tf a t ef oi ^^^ first duty,jto < provo , onr ! as3ertion. , ^ t0 Galilee , J ^s 3 r^ref#two of the P e ™?^f *M¥&£j B^$ *!^™ what did j S^escuVfro^th^ two centu- 1. Contradiction in rcgard to tim^ p laces d^ip l e^^tnV^u^Eln^^ poko to credible altogether, ^^e dp n^^ee^ow pne iJes of^iolentteTOlotions^ ^thateremained , - .;; vmfc; ;. ' them aadw^witb||»tS^ ^^^^^f^f^^W fro^ tH' n^^^ OA compwmg;^tthe>v . «viii ,, Mark xvii, they did^ kfe^imfu^fhfs^t it meat man who is guidcd ^ l or the kw8 of criticism. J ud ^, np ^^ig b^ ^^ ^ ^ tt i d be liuko xvJ^ana -John. . xx and xxi , the wltow- ^ Jt h them ^ -T h^ ' " ;^. . " , . . ;l»8ed ? What^id^the-^peop le^aittsby th» ing^iscrep^aea^^ T jj e g e \\gf a 0 f the prophets of UlC Exile, Beyeri. JfessMB ^W^fihe^ '^W^f ^^^^lS^. ^0*m> Wi it app^n^^^al^j i^^W. »?- A-rey. ohatioB ; of, t^ centurjes and .rnOre ldiig 8trugg 1^?-^tho writte . il ^Onui nents ^"^^W^&^^^f ^M^, W^^^'^S^^lfi^^' .(from 74tt lo l538 M), swept violeritl y^over ^1 those threeiprop hets «lone^an)g i^is a ' ^I^^S^g^ll^S^^ ' "P brald^Wi ^v^te |jb^m tue ^m|ire|^eo^^ye Aiia. iy^^ Tl )^r^». inapt ele- - ^*i^^^pf#^W W ^^4 w 1^if@Sp^l^^^ ^ ' ea^eWAfncaV^ &t4yfe^ ors and ^ulsfedtl^lSi^ a^ j«s- ^0^^^m^rmmm I »t ,^c^ ns,|ogy^^|K^ 8p d and ^^ P oare^u ade&ly ^n the «°e, humanity^hari^rbopSaalvafibo , time- "¦^SiaaS^?^^ grand panommallM&meteorin the noctur. l y aad- everlasting,happipess^lhe^l^f^d * em 't^ftl^?rg ;S ^^ *TT ey t be ^ -M^^lfe^®?^ 09- 1 nal sk y. «a the ^e ^de of the soene, m_ & m^otj m^m^ m must oatne ^h ^^ch^ ; « a^itising of the d e8 believed not >$& they^.a4|een: his behold Egypt * ttnd Ethiopia rise, struggle and inves^g^o.n^tbe?reI^^ r pi ^fo pKe^ 8 f j: t^ ^^I^Sfi^^lJ 1 ^ w»uad8 J ; he ^^' a^^o^b^edyfisjrand peri8h , -while on the other side Assyria, Me- of the exile^re^iajbfrtkiefafld/the/sec- 0f ^ e ' ; Jbc ^^ t fe:™^ tl y all of of boney^mb . " then they, ^ie^ej i^^ he uia , Baby lonia and finally also P ersia emerge ^d .lsabh t and^tfiiS -ilnvestigatioi i is " a per- * em^^^refe^Se : 8 f m ^ i ? C ^* h6 ¦ "^^ J * £% I^h^fep ,||Jh gn^out to fromrth e darknessiof , iiibulOus history^ aOta. *<it responB &.io ;our - ! quefi i^ , ' ¦ ** ' ; first- coimng^f the admi?ors of Jesus . to hfe ^Bethany, near JerusaJem ,,there he^blpssed violent part and exeroj se ' a powerful influ- ' / v . " ' - ' •; ' Wg>' M- ' w ^' 8epulchrev^rS |Iti dajj . moriftng ; but here ' tUn . a^disappea^^hey^^^^ en^tt theirage T untii fiOall ytbe Medo-Persi- ,the-ei^o^Iftraets;^ tfee questWBO are " . * : rusalem and, rema4nej . a^^ an empire qlbsed-thu eientful^ fronr 'their ]b^ri^ arid;>ca^tea/|t|B 1. Did'pao , two, tbre>or more women' first did not go . to; GM iJj@atglJ. fJohn knows no- wher| warfare and f blrf6dsh od crowd die^pa- ^ terj -itpvy-'is pbyious^n ' tbe^^^ oome to vjsit the Bep ^i chre.? thing of the appearance of ^ps ^ ta Jtwoj is- ges of history- The ^ clash of arms resound- esUeiiinosfc.eo in tbe last I«raab j< who «8 tlie 2 ¦¦ ' WaJ 1 S aipmOprJoa nna amon* them ? ci ples :fiicat , tut "j etitU^^ eten beiinforined ed incessantl y from *the Caspian sea to- the- ^bs^opflljtarj . Ja mQrig 4eT pro phe&;: ' AH that o «v^ ~ ^i; - «:;: * ¦ - -r , f ^ h i Maj r> that JeBBS^w aartisen. EEhe same^ Uellespon^ fr omiH e '^ersiang aJf toffie saSd was ^!^#«»^ ^Wi^^ ^ J^ep^ 119 "' ^ d ^ e y co ^^ ta ft BB P n ^re , ^ ^ ^ ay i^h^^iii^appe ^ eJVto tb^gis ^ of the African desert' inereTWas a pet-pet- °/ ^gb'e^Saw vvay^to^Ur^ d vtew^ "began to , dawh ,^ or ' atJ;ke; ' rising of the p ies , shew them ' - his TJOunds, they believed ua l change of emp ires and rulers more so ibroadandwidaprinci ples j abiireraal docirines. eun?" The. . Btn>p teVt , ireader ' . must observe, aad wire br^" aine^^ T -No -mention is made of than in the eifhteeiith^and nineteenth ' cen- ^ that Wflstluhitcd to ai eemja sppt was re- tiiat tlicsa Eltate^nT^Cnegate and exckide the ^h. and^oto|^comb which JeSas ate: tar j e9 None has hitherto done, Jus itice to leased , aVid^assumed a general rialu ' re 1 . This each oti.o* , ? 6hi^ otef if one, can be true But he mentidnsf^e^nbeHever , Thomas , tailt period 0f history, ' centuries ' of viol ent » "^t ™ihle iu ^eir>^ep|ions i ^ God . ^ two i „™ ta ^!iv nlrf n n> * a- 0H a ^ u nM??W^W A H9 > t , appeiirjigaiii revolutions. Th^lab ' Ors ofEtiyara , Kawli- We cOinmeacewrthJheJoft iestconceptiuit iiut we Uav^ to ; poiat out otker contrad i c- ^ ^ dr ^ pi e ^ -kft&e^hn adds ah enti re- 8on ) Benomi and others are . tjp l y the begrn ^ I: » f Ciwi^Br^Eressea by^^apient writer , tions. , ;(f, r a <{ f v;^ \ j ,new 8tory^to , ia^e^cc«rred : 0P Lakte 'i?ib- n ; ng toward a correct^ ^ understanding of¦ ¦ ¦the *he wprda 6f4» ' aiah-:-^.Th||8aitli; Je ftc>tfaA , According to- Jfetjhew ibH akael was sit- erias , '^f which* none-else makes any men- history of that age! *fr e heavens ar^j my throhe, .and tbe earth i* ting on the stone which formerl y covere d tion. Peter ahd"btber8 were ' there fishing,., j n the midst of these, contesting parties ^J fuotsffiol- (Swhith » tlie Louse ; .th^ the sepulchre , .aruL the angel had rolled whes Jesos^^ apfearSSlvfoUKenf , "^ aa fli talk- there stood the petty nations of Hyria , among ¦ can . buili' 'i fle l >qd w^'io n- is |^e (pJaoap f . iny away, lie . , spoke to ^ the women ouxaxnE of ed with them. ;Hfero the following ques-. wh 0m again three were of great importance re8t? ) .^¦ . n .^t* ) 1 th ^ 6 thirjgs;-my hand hatli the sepuJch^i^BBFOitB they entered it , tions arise : ' w to either Empire , ^WenicSVjalt nn^^^ that Jesus^ ^trafs S Tiseii: Tilark , however , gives j^. Did' JcsusEconfmand the disci ples to dah , on account of their commerce and Sheless, 1 look npo^tlj^p^r , and contrita us anotheV a^ uhty this. pan of tbe nar- ^ Galilee ^^^ow and Mark say, or wealth , as also on account of ' . their feogra. ^^Slf^0!1; JS%«^*er t rative. He - eajp,,th e . women first entered j ° . , . : ., m . . . , p bical position. Israel fell at an earl y date ^ J 1SSSL, ^ 8au ^^' l *^ -^ e Mft the se P ulchre, and iarfd^hereof " they 6aw ^ he not, aa^otoers -maintain ? . . H ^ ^ ^^ into^ho.hands^ f jAssy- fi r8t . ^ » ??"?e eiiflartfitoryjrema^s . pn tUi» A TODNO MAH slttibgtohe^lht hand side; U - ©id he appear to them after one or ^ (^R^|) ; b ^j |li ^ Iir^gj ffiS- -- t8ilf, passage^hen^^Will Oshibit^doctrines who told thera.thai^8us was risen. Luke more women ^roug bt them' - the " ne»8i as hQroi^i^ up fo ' 58ft fi t C., theW^^ ppt dll f^ n d 'fh^r^. ' . ' - ^ ;¦' ;-;; agrees with Mark^thai the==womc-n first en- John and Matth ew maintain, or did he first after a desperate strugrf p ;it ! Vell u nder the . Je tii6fttlgm"b¥ Zi6n w^s .calTeaCbyJhe wri- tered the Bep ' olehrP ^efprer they saw either appear to two Sfci p lea , as the others main- cruakng wei ght of B^ y ionM: Israel and >r8 °f ^ose dom '^tbe throne^|>A p»aA , * man or angel; but he tell g^ that xwo mkk tain ? . /,, Judah were no mbre as ' a p Tliti ' i saU^^ ia sh^ing garn^ts appeare^to^em and DidW^a^ ihem in GaSe on a ¦ *& ' Tho M09 ^ 8 t^to aad^y ^r^ no ' ^i | lgp^^ e^^ told thera that^esna-tras nseiu But John , ; . '™ . l Tr . „. ,,„ . w T . , mor& Itini country; political institutions, the prophet T&ie exp&insJheHpart of the as usual , dififera with all of tfem, He «ay6 | "^ntam , w toe Bame mght (Sunday) in Je- , . ^^ LerUo g. ¥rle4i1l0 o d;.;s ac fifices and ^^^^P ^ff^^M^ no woman entered the, sepulchre. Mary j rusalem ? , VL ^ . ' ¦ " . "' - . ' .\ * - . the thousaud u3age9 F ;liopes , Jromis ' e^aiid B^. ^ e ^*^ 8 l^^^^ n ' il«: Th e materi - Magdalene alonesawthe ston e rolled away ] 15. Did tlxey ; beUeve when -the^ saw himi ; : pectttwns coniwcted withvthem had ^eased: alMiverse qai, t^n$ 46>a r n:ot cojitftib the and told it to the diBci p% r when Eeter and j ** only afiec-lT^had shown his woundsfo rl : atmi«^nu^aeln^Bn ornshed into!smalI ^ ;PeitJ. «lthbugh}at/ , renect3 ffisg6ry;t*and several others cime to see , it and foun d the I eyca aft OT .h e ^ «fiflJt»nd h oney^5&With > ' fragments ani^ln^froj a ^a^ousand is . ^^^^^^f ^^^^J ^ sepulehio - eliipte. .Whe^all this- was »v6r tQ ^d' TfiS&VaS^rbne 'd^L nr did if wouh>]s??^Bea^reo^4^r the vast terri^rf mea^flftyi^that^his idea w. a s bn |^^ , Mary rema^ ^^r^ Bipulcbre^^ *^: **5®i^1^ - "^ E^eiie^are tho sam^h e looking in she two ^ in cite , ^ "" . «ome douMasTtfatthew says?,. . -, ; ¦: . ^-^^ 110^0 rivers , 'Vbo thai tW y- > r0 ' ne ^hich Ee K df 8 ||p% k alsp the u.i- who aaid nolh^^W^i^ ffWBfeitioy. . ;: 16 - Where^idJtEgyllle Jesus JfaVin&ft ju8fl^ej cclaTiaed, '^Our bones a^ xlrj ed %f ^nSd^$^^)xW^m'^ h& - of Jeeui . Her«;agai fl w^must ask . ; , . lilee om a molinilitt^MatThew Bay^-irlKi our hope i^ost , we are out o^T entirel y. 1 ' P rea8ed ,^J a M ea W$$$ *I& w e r ^ 4. Who efteTed the ^pujoTire first , . tbp; rusalem tej $££ sly^n C Beth ' an} as tful Great and sstormy ages ^reproductive of U eVl<l6nt *** '^^^" g^of^ women or the disCipUs wijLii.J* eter ? * : says, or oa^CakO Tiherias as Joh n says ' i extraordinary minds. The piniona, grow Sa ot or f raphete hada ^ pft^ popoeptioa o as 5. Did they see oae. p^or.two , one W 17. A3tef^iiey saw him lasL did they re- the ^a^s fli ght ^anget ^t^ers tfa ^ ^raUelpas^age lsai^ lyii, .^- ¦ ¦ Mlff ; m . „„ 0 . ., . ¦ ju!;^! .^,. ' ..^ ^ ;. -^r^. ^- ' very. Oppression fertihjiea thO energy of *Comp:Jeremiab 'ii^U; j av ,. 12; ivn , U, rJZ ' ¦ ¦ "V ^^ m tb' Temp1 ^ ™^^ <" * m resistanct " Ste^ecess^is ^ioloirtwice ^^'^5^^ * . ¦ cx^i G. mere oUd fter^and hear^em , ^^ jo r% ; the do^^ side or.?oajwd« tKesepalchre ? The . autbor of 'Ante (olwptot |,) ' bas , asaAf t J ; ebaW* a ? scienc!^ wd;^rt haif -iwtn that ! tlsaiah: vi , 9| Jeremiah xx . ui;.28 , :24. .

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Page 1: The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish · * emt' ^ft l^?rg ; S ^^ *T T ey tbe ^ -M^^l fe^®?^ 09-1 na sky. «a

,.. 260 5 ' ¦ vSfllk -11# %1 fr jPy,

¦ , . _ __ VgM]Ej:'

Til l? T^^AffliMPl? 7



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S?Sii ll tbe wo- 'M^w^S^| %»B*Mt


PericxKhiBtory. The religious revolutiou-L UJUJg|lgMJ. JU. men that JeBU^^^Jisal^ia^HiB him- «9 «"»¦

^ac^5*j^|h,gMj saw: Jesus which Zoroaster jrfoddced; \l80 originat ed

^o. 3* w*t ^st^ ,b^^a,d jm. * r actaa^ia#l»jlW first , *"?SS ^ lP ' P^P f

"? P **?* "serous

• — ^.i.™-™:-, ^..- _ _ -....- that Jesus was risen; one, twoftfcw e or more Inthiaos*™ ' W & V ¦;_'' .; ,¦¦ ;0f <he Bible^Sre" also the nrodnot nr n,Prld ay M<jrnln S,... FeTJrnftTy 18, 18S0. „rtm »

¦ : ^' - •**,-; i '¦ " < - , •-*4*ffcV§&i. .^jto^-W.*,., . V ^^7$^a£*V ™e prPl'tCt of those

Ih mmmi&MAdtim; We 8^



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^-ever, ofPrllttHv^tnnnndei] ' * quake,whj eb B^fctho^ |gMl,thi8 oc- ^^^^^f^MM^011 of?0808,*0 Judah^PTephete,Jsreiniah^ekiel and the

n, V^Tv 'I

P • P;T. , c»6ion,of wJHch^he^ei^^

nLv ~^3£5"- ^f" ivST-f' cthw P°int of fojm^-Mm.**'*?' ¦** ^PO^n ^^nl^n^eraBiClein,) he. andMicab opened thetfra of^rophetic Ife.Cbrishanu^

If .t is not true, Cbntbtauty . ^

u j r^^^^0 ,wasf&ei«^|jfeirtS^^d sat on the:

^tare. d^econd JsiMafcclosed this pe-13 w.thOutratiy evidence of Judaism,

Jeans theo^nd^l^LO *»V ^1 ^ f

puWalerj tos huts, 'riod. .After bim th> prophet lyre resound,anpVmirat .return to it ; For nothing ela<M * a Br B^ (re^V0 tf«d^3Snd ho told <*<»** and-attbjgndoii nptifee ofit. ;^8ft :notW!l;fe. WBjrra1|y ia^.-handa of th, Jsufficient -demonstration of a second -revela-

and , ^

"And it came to pass-whileWblessed them, las* prophe$a; Haggai, Zecbariah and M.L>turn, Paul always point* to these allied . &c Acco^n-, ^g appe„. (in Bethany,)

was parted from them and chr; - Inihe midst of u crashing world therefacta as the principal evidence ot Ins doc- ed fifgt Mary Magdaleti^ Spat of swhom «U3kd up intO'heayen.'' Neither of the* :8tands tha ^gantic Jeremiah , the weepin* *trmes, so do

^those who are called the fatU,. -

had devi^q^

aia noth. mentions the chcu instances attending so , patriot; Hj a .so ft, mejapcholy and plain-ers of the Church and so do all orthodox .

to ber^ nor did 8he ^orib%Ihrm: Luke marvelons an act, nor do they say who saw tlye voice sonnds through the,n(,i8e of war-theologians up to this day.

kn0w8 nothing ot the agea^e of je8U8 it, nor 3o

ag^lon^he^place whe^ U fore, like,;the'silvery notes of. thcnigbtio*It must , t^rgfor^be expected, hat these fc ^^ and hnTwlelgreei ng in •«? Both the anther of Acts and Pan!fel^ alo tbroogn-a .stormy night BtokTri th efacta be ^eco led by the Evangelists With ^^ r^cular ^th j i^^e8a8\_




narrative, stern- Bery^niof truth , the pillar of 6re tothe utmost care, predion, an| critical eS, ^a^^L eouirl and tried to hnproye it but neither of the^ S»he uispbr^ed Ons 6f his x*tiop, the solitaryactness especially if they were cotempora- g^^^noToMfn%rJ§ persons, having:.been aaeyewitness, their testimony 8tar in a.etbtfdT.^ that^guides

the marlries qt ^s,?or ,were (imneiy inspired. In ,- djto- 1 worda whieh Jesasjoke on-this ' is precariOuB.. Here tbe questtons arisen feover^ mpetuotis billows-speaks to hiseitherof these cases their reports must agree. v?, ; , ' .+ , *- -- ^vS^ „, ,« ts-j t •j i l j t ™>,ni» i;u «<•«*-. „n * • ,

t , .? ssi V ¦ •¦>¦ • i ¦ ¦/ \ , . ,. . oceasion, bat.also in this particular: " Jesos 18. Did Jesus ascend bo heaven,; and if sa people Jike a-father does to a wise son who,not onJy-m all essential points, but in every ., , ; * >& W&: . k» u;a ;mn,„j „nM „i , A ¦*.- ic - .. ¦particuWf ibe fact Strange as it is that Baid ^utp her totoh MB

p*for|[ m not as-

why did the two Evangelists ,not mention ^




into the

l skla.historian of tho^ has the <- d yet »

Here^^esjpns arise, the fact? ; SisS ^^^ TV"least account of £he numerous miracles re- ft-»HF«^N».«flS^-<^^ 19 Why do theirs nientionit so brie^ S ho^:

tgtv:f ST^«ordei in the Goapels

^not a word of the re- or more women, or' to.none-aVaU, as Luke ]yj without 8aying wh0 saw it, or the circum^ thrQugft.hW words.and. form into crystahV

Burrection^ ^hs.on^f J^sus; strange leaves us to suppose ? ;..;---;.; stances aifcending it ? ed tears, ^he^neficent^un of the spring,

TJ^?J^K£&- ^.^^P^ ^dMhe

not, 2a Did Je8U8^ceIid toIieavert froffi Je. ^ ^ h^... ,^ J ' ¦¦ ¦¦ "' ¦ ,., •; as is evident from the account of Mark ? , ¦»* r r d »u Bleep, the angel ot consolation ' that sounds

waa'obliged1» resort to an unlikely excuse, ' ' ^: rusalem as Mark says, or from Bethany as ^ . ^. ¦*¦ f? ¦ ¦ ¦¦iM-. - : ^v. . .

«\latlhw-i'x^r^il--tol5^W'a1t'the nan 11- »i<l they hold him^ymfeet es Mat- T Va aawo 7 • .- the trumpet.of resurrecHon; tne glorious

^laUbow OTt^ltoia,} that .a»I tho .peo- , j e v . ,, Luke says ? harbinger of approachinz bappiness ; theplQ C6uld,l,ambeen deceived by a few cun- tbew says, or not touchy as John mils 21 How could Mark know, that he sat at messenger of gr^co and gioristanda the se-ning men, aad> to

^W. not «£ honest it? . ,> *o&

r band Q wbat ^ ,QDd . ap^the

^^Zj^and in-

man amo.n-Jl |ie ^nedte, phar?seBs and ' AccorcUdg to Matthew/!tK^eleven disci- f , - ^-^ - ^ ^ ^Titm 'ina^aiUi^nvvanto'of^isi fo.-W8oWh3rs :| h a. edge o£ the

. .. tnrn ^graspibe^^^mM^Mila.

atrao^^ow^er^^.|act, that the four . J. 4^^

™am| m by,,hfl It must be, ajftjM *a unprejudi- . ^^^ ;dy^ jj; ,

Evange^^i^y disagree ,Q i their a* women^^hW U O^a^ealkeW MaVk cedinan^ading the four

different accounts penetratittg^,V^^eeVtlrt^nal^iUinph

^^^t^^^^V^^ notice^e^l^and^f Jesutlp^disc^ °.r'*» S^' ;$ *&' f f i of truih'aiid^rae^andlia^entim^^^^W^^f1^: Hencert^unin- p l ba

|.h J||| c ^ it ^^ aIMpi t10





* f*1

as the universe, become cry stalled v rock,teUigibMugo^lbose scriptures Odd pear8 there Qn accouqt-of ithoir disbelief torily^nswere^wlucfc

W V^^hei^m^M^m^^ as having bee*


^cordia^to thi9 evang liif 1 1 according W,# ^f r^' ^^^f^?^^ ^^ Uobt of virtae wiUr

^everifold^eaUty, *-ten b^ot^ppwhes

of Jesus. Bat

it isour

Luk^ ^n^oicWnf'IfcSand to are 6uch;contradictions of time, places and - fte tf j j tf a t ef o i ^^first duty,j to<provo,onr!as3ertion. , t0 Galilee, J s3r^ref#two of the Pe

™?^f *M¥&£j B^$*!^™ what did j S^escuVfro^th two centu-1. Contradictionin rcgard to tim^ p laces d^iple^^tnV^u^Eln^poko to credible altogether, ^e dp n^^ee^owpne iJesof^iolentteTOlotions^ thateremained ,- .;; vmfc;;. ' them aadw^witb||»tS ^^^^^f^f^^W fro tH'n^^^OA compwmg;^tthe>v . «viii,,Mark xvii, they did^ kfe^imfu^fhfs^t it meat man who is guidcd

^lor the kw8 of criticism. Jud^, np ^igb^

ttid beliuko xvJ^ana -John..

xx and xxi, the wltow- ^

Jth them^

-Th^ ' ";^. ." , . . ;l»8ed ? What^id^the-^people^aittsby th»

ing^iscrep^aea^^ Tjje ge\\gf a

0f the prophets of UlC Exile, Beyeri.JfessMB^W^fihe^' Wf ^ ^ lS . 0*m>Wi it app^n^^^al j i^^W.»?- A-rey.ohatioB; of, t^ centurje s and .rnOre ^« ldiig 8trugg1 ?- tho Onuinents^" ^W &^ f M , W^^^' S^^lfi^^' .(from 74tt lol538 M),swept violeritly^over ^1 those threeiprophets «lone^an)gi is a '

^I^ S^g^ll^S^ '"Pbrald^Wi v te |jb^m tue^m|ire|^eo^^ye Aiia.iy^^ Tl) r^».inapt ele- -^*i^ ^pf#^W W^^4w1 if@Sp^l ^ ^

' ea^eWAfncaV^&t4yfe ors and ^ulsfedtl^lSi a j«s-^° 0^ ^m rmmm I»t , c ns,|ogy^ |K 8p d and^^P

oare^uade&ly n the «°e, humanity^hari^rbopSaalvafibo, time-"¦ SiaaS^?^ grand panommallM&meteorin the noctur. ly aad-everlasting,happipess^lhe^l^f^d*em't^ftl ?rg ;S ^

*TT ey tbe -M^ lfe^®?^ 09- 1 nal sky. «a the e ^de of the soene, m_ ™& m^otj m^m^m must

oatne ^h^^ch ;«a^itising of the


believed not >$& they^.a4|een: his

behold Egypt*ttnd Ethiopia rise, struggle and inves^g^o.n^tbe?reI^ rpi fopKe^8f j : t ^I^Sfi^^lJ1 w»uad8 J;he^^'a^^o^b^edyfisjrand peri8h,-while on the other side Assyria, Me- of the exile^re^iajbfrtkiefafld/the/sec-

0f ^e';Jbc^^

tfe:™^ tly all of of boney^mb." then they, ie^ej i^^ he uia, Babylonia and finally also Persia emerge ^d .lsabht and^tfiiS -ilnvestigatioii is " a per-*em^^^refe^Se:8f


h6 ¦ " J*£% I^h^fep ,||Jhgn^out to

fromrthe darknessiof, iiibulOus history^aOta. *<it responB&.io;our-!quefii ,'¦ ** ';first-coimng^f the admi?ors of hfe ^Bethany, near JerusaJem,,there he^blpssed violent part and exeroj se' a powerful influ- '/ v . " '

- ' ••;*¦' Wg>' M-'w ^'8epulchrev^rS|Itidajj .moriftng ; but here 'tUn.a^disappea^^hey^^^^ en^tttheirageTuntii fiOallytbe Medo-Persi- ,the-ei^o^Iftraets;tfee questWBO are". * : rusalem and,rema4nej .a^ an empire qlbsed-thu eientful^ fronr 'their ]b ri arid;>ca tea/|t|B

1. Did'pao,two, tbre>ormore women' first did not;GMiJj@atglJ. • fJohn knows no- wher| warfare andfblrf6dshod crowd die^pa- ^terj -itpvy-'is pbyious^n'tbe^^^

oome to vjsit the Bep ichre.? thing of the appearance

of ^ps ta Jtwoj is- ges of history- The clash of arms resound- esUeiiinosfc.eo in tbe last I«raabj < who «8 tlie

2 ¦¦' WaJ1 SaipmOprJoanna amon* them ? ciples :fiicat ,tut "jetitU^^eten

• beiinforined ed incessantly from *the Caspian sea to- the- ^bs^opfllj tarj.JamQrig 4eTprophe&;:' AH thato ™ «v^

~^i;-«:;:* ¦ --r, f „ ^ hi Majr> that JeBBS^waartisen. EEhe same^ Uellespon fr

omiHe' ersiangaJf toffie saSd was ^! #«» ^Wi^^^

J^ep^119"' ^d ^ey co

^^taft BBPn^re, ^ ^^ay i^h^^iii^appe^eJVto tb^gis^ of the African desert' inereTWas a pet-pet- °/ ^gb'e^Saw vvay^to^Ur d vtew^

"began to ,dawh, or ' atJ;ke;'rising of the pies, shew them'- hisTJOunds, they believed ual change of empires and rulers more so ibroadandwidaprinciplesjabiireraaldocirines.eun?" The..Btn>pteVt, ireader'.must observe, aad wire br^"aine^ T-No -mention is made of than in the eifhteeiith^and nineteenth' cen- that Wflstluhitcd to ai eemja sppt was re-tiiat tlicsa Eltate^nT^Cnegate

and exckide the ^h. and^oto | comb which JeSas ate: tarje9 None has hitherto done, Jus itice to leased, aVid^assumed a general rialu're1. This

each oti.o*,? 6hi otefif one, can be true But he mentidnsf^e^nbeHever, Thomas, tailt period 0f history,'centuries' of violent » " t ™ihle iu


^t w o i„™ ta ^!iv nlrf nn> * a- 0H a^unM??W^WAH9>t,appeiirj igaiii revolutions. Th^lab'Ors ofEtiyara, Kawli- We cOinmeacewrthJheJoft iestconceptiuitiiut we Uav^ to;poiat out otker contrad ic-

dr^pie -kft&e^hn adds ah entire- 8on) Benomi and others are. tjp ly the begrn^ I: »f Ciwi Br^Eressea by^^apient writer,

tions. , ;(f,r a<{ f v; \j ,new 8tory^to,ia^e^cc«rred:0P Lakte'i?ib- n;ng toward a correct ^ understanding of¦¦ ¦the *he wprda 6f4»'aiah-:-^.Th||8aitli; Jeftc>tfaA ,According to- Jfetjhew ibH akael was sit- erias,'^f which* none-else makes any men- history of that age! *fr e heavens ar j my throhe,.and tbe earth i*

ting on the stone which formerly covered tion. Peter ahd"btber8 were 'there fishing,., j n the midst of these, contesting parties ^J fuotsffiol- (Swhith » tlie Louse;.th^l .youthe sepulchre, .aruL the angel had rolled whes Jesos^^ apfearSSlvfoUKenf," aafli talk- there stood the petty nations of Hyria, among ¦ can .buili''ifle l>qd w^'ion- is

| e(pJaoapf . inyaway, lie., spoke to the women ouxaxnE of ed with them. ;Hfero the following ques-. wh0m again three were of great importance re8t? ) . ¦.n. t*)1 th

^6 thirjgs;-my hand hatli

the sepuJch^i BBFOitB they entered it , tions arise : ' w to either Empire, ^WenicSVjaltnn^^^that Jesus^ ^trafsSTiseii: Tilark, however, gives j^. Did' JcsusEconfmand the disciples to dah, on account of their commerce and Sheless, 1 look npo^tlj ^p^r, and contr ita

us anotheV a^uhty this.pan of tbe nar- Galilee ^^^ow and

Mark say, or wealth, as also on account of'. their feogra. ^^Slf 0!1; JS%«^*ertrative. He -eajp,,the. women first entered j ° . ,. : ., „ m . . . , pbical position. Israel fell at an early date ^J 1SSSL,

8au^^' l* - e Mft

the sePulchre,and iarfd^hereof " they 6aw he not, aa^otoers -maintain ?. . H

^ into^ho.hands f jAssy- fi r8t. ^» ??"?e eiiflartfitoryjrema^ tUi»A TODNO MAH slttibgtohe^lhthand side; U- ©id he appear to them after one or

(^R^|);b j |li Iir^gj ffiS--- t8ilf, passage^hen^^Will Oshibit^doctrineswho told thera.thai^8us was risen. Luke more women^rougbt them'- the" ne»8i as hQroi^i^ up fo' 58ft fit C., theW^^

ppt dll f^ n^«d'fh^r^.' .' - ^

;¦' ;-;;agrees with Mark^thai the==womc-n first en- John and Matthew maintain, or did he first after a desperate strugrf p ;it!Vell under the . Jetii6fttlgm"b¥Zi6n w^s.calTeaCbyJhe wri-tered the Bep'olehrP efprer they saw either appear to two Sfciplea, as the others main- cruakng weight of B yionM: Israel and >r8 °f ^ose dom '^tbe throne^|>Ap»aA , *man or angel; but he tellg^ that xwo mkk tain ? ./,, Judah were no mbre as'a pTliti'isaU^^ia sh^ing garn^tsappeare^to^em and DidW^a^ihem in GaSe on a ¦*&

' Tho M09 8t^to aad^y ^r^ no ' ^i|lgp^^e^^told thera that^esna-tras nseiu But John , ; . '™.lTr . „ . , , „ . w T . , mor& Itini country; political institutions, the prophet T&ie exp&insJheHpart of the

as usual, dififera with all of tfem, He «ay6 | "^ntam , w toe Bame mght (Sunday) in Je-, .^^

LerUog.¥rle4i1l0od;.;sacfifices and ^^^ P ff^^M^no woman entered the, sepulchre. Mary j rusalem ? , VL^.' ¦" ." ' - . '.\ * -. the thousaud u3age9F;liopes, Jromis'e^aiid B^. ^e ^* 8l^^^^n'il«: The materi -

Magdalene alonesawthe stone rolled away ] 15. Did tlxey;beUeve when -the^ saw himi ; : pectttwns coniwcted withvthem had ^eased: alMiverse qai, t^n$ 46>arn:otcojitftib theand told it to the diBcip%rwhen Eeter and j ** only afiec-lT^had shown his woundsforl :atmi«^nu^aeln^Bn ornshed into!smalI ;PeitJ. «lthbugh}at/,renect3 ffisg6ry;t*andseveral others cime to see, it and found the I eyca aftOT.he^«fiflJt»ndhoney^5&With

> ' fragments ani^ln^froj a a^ousand is. ^^^^ f ^^^ J^sepulehio -eliipte. .Whe^all this- was »v6r tQ ^d'TfiS&VaS^rbne'd^L nr did if wouh>]s??^Bea^reo^4^r the vast terri^rf mea^flftyi^that^his idea bn | ,

Mary rema^^^r^ Bipulcbre^^ * :**5®i 1 -" E^eiie^are tho


elooking in she *« two


cite, "". «ome douMasTtfatthew says?,.. -, ; ¦: . ^- ^110^0 rivers ,'Vbo thai tWy- *»>r0'ne ^hich EeK df8||p%k alsp the u.i-who aaid nolh^^W^i ffWBfeitioy. .;: 16- Where^idJtEgyllleJesusJfaVin&ft ju8fl ejcclaTiaed, '^Our bones a^ xlrjed%f ^nSd^$^ )xW^m'h&-of Jeeui . Her«;agaifl w^must ask. ;, . lilee om a molinilitt^MatThew Bay^-irlKi our hope i^ost, we are out o^T entirely.1' Prea8ed, Ja M

ea W$$$*I& wer

^4. Who efteTed the ^pujoTire first , .tbp; rusalem tej $££ sly^nC Beth'an} as tful Great and sstormy ages reproductive of J» U eVl<l6nt *** ' ^^"

g^of^women or the disCipUs wijLii.J*eter ? * : says, or oa^CakO Tiherias as John says' i extraordinary minds. The piniona, grow Sa ot or f raphete hada^ pft popoeptioa o as

5. Did they see oae.p^or.two, one W 17. A3tef^iiey saw him lasL did they re- the a^s flight ^anget ^t^ers tfa^

^raUelpas^agelsai lyii,. -

¦ ¦

Mlff ;m .„„ 0 . . , . ¦ju!; !. ,.' .. ^;. -^r^.^-' very. Oppression fertihj iea thO energy of *Comp:Jeremiab 'ii^U; j av,.12; ivn, U,

r J Z ' ¦ ¦ "V ^^ m tb' Temp1

™^^ <"*m resistanct" Ste^ecess^is^ioloirtwice ^^'^5^^ *.¦ cx^iG. mereoUdfter^and hear^em,^^ jo r% ;the do^^

side or.?oajwd« tKesepalchre ? The .autbor of'Ante (olwptot |,)'bas,asaAft J;ebaW*a? scienc! wd;^rt haif -iwtn that ! tlsaiah:vi, 9|Jeremiah xx.ui;.28,:24..

Page 2: The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish · * emt' ^ft l^?rg ; S ^^ *T T ey tbe ^ -M^^l fe^®?^ 09-1 na sky. «a

fflMS R j 3 __^_ vTg H E < I& jtj foE L I T E . 28*""tronom y, not only, because they came in Imaqmmry pic see, Ne», iw»wm.,>t bcta repealed to him. did

"thTvastTe- loves ; it doe^' t.follow that yoVrem STless

contact with Chaldeans , then the greatest BY CAPT CHAS L ^ - ohani sm of the solar system appear to. his to truth , because n't rende ra ll th ings,

^r^ fS *,,,?¦¦

VOloomv cheert es7wint« *<*, *"* ' *' ^ *" Vani8

"cd' ¦*» . *¦ **¦ As the astronom er who can not see '

worshi p of the * tars , was thenjthe prpmi- ¦'S':.! ™-; **"'. thpugh it is a mirncle >it the sun shines the stars with the miked eye when the tele-nen t system pf rel igion Bgain ^t which Urn . £- '' • •«*« tWsnows :

anJ -

y a y fc

• - <^*

J ^prophets could only thea, 8Uccesjfally, rais e Z^™ "[-"f - f» , , ar e here listenin g and thinking, there ar» existences beyond his sight; Itfota M.tta r^i^.r ^.^tf V^^U^» ^dding heads tU

summer day. no

^ler miracI efl than the8C in

uni. ;edge of God^s ' love will make that whichted with, the science of astro nomy. . As r* *ic Nics start , and cherily gp, ver se, and never have been. ~ seems a feint epeck ,*a sun^rds the second ^ial., the, passage above > 8ome crysta l water flo*.; . _ And though God was looked upon as Crea- , Don't be afraid of getting too near God ;quoted shows, that he had tha right view of Shiniog M diamond

tol% there yms a ,ftw „nrruunding al , Ain}gt. don > t feo ftfraidof Wving infiinate .the no worse in- its relati on to the-Creator , Astec.fl famc oa M„ic,8 wallfl , and jhouph there is a law whi ch causes the ly; he k,ns,nenr as the "pulsatio n of yourthe mogt subhnxe evfer exptessed \Vo-only to 8hine ,

;8 another wfaich Miraclos ^e for

those; who do not

need q^to some more passage

this pro- UL i «K,il rtSS ; *** * V > -d. when tho thu nders understand God. .^Knowled ge is for those

phet, «fcg.w th e reader a ^ sig ht into

_ and tUe clou,,

8 rnl , up the 8kj> God ., ndd ^ ;

,.fe to

h H ^.r ^ r^^ar,wb Mh ¦2^~<^B


net angry. W.

simp ly know , wh en the Miracles is Uiat whicMJ gniaes ignora nce.-- -is fully Mosaical. « Lif t up your eyes or J ewels «** « P«en 1 eart nqUllka come9) it ., tue 8afety.valve to Law is that wlUch signifies knowledge.high , and behold who ' hath created these To the rivulet uier ily march , tfe engine of the earth ; that the volcano is -- ¦•. ".&+¦¦—t^s things, bringeth out thei r host by numb er , Fairy lines to angle perch ; not a type of God' s vengeance, bu t one of Tlle *ews '? ^•BJ 'P'. ,calleth them alL .hj . name ; by-ttie greatness Next, a race each maid will crav e, tbe resnlta of natural laws. U ™ useful to ' see' ot^el^es^roia ' time toof his ,might aud powerful strength , not one The birch canoe, the streamlet wave I The same power which gives man power t '™ 6 8 we are depicted ^by

par antagonist*,

faileth. ': . (Isaiah -xl,^.),,Thus , the pro- Luncheon of varieties make- over man , is th« means by .which Deity unaes" 01" this fenaon we mjk^la^ext^gte'fromphet calls attent ion* to-the eveilasting laws Fin ny tribe go ^


witll hi8 childre n, and acts toward th^m- ftn account by a missionar y of;ihe . Je>s ofwhich govern the celestial hosts, the laws

Juices sparklin h ill* ' the capacit y uf the receptive power , and the Be'.i?u ua. The por trait is by^ np ^eansj fti t-

which the Creator ordained for his erea- FnUilg mir th ^ecbniMn y - sour ce from whi ch it receives. Gid s laws terin f-'- Thft 5t tl» featj ircs may to^spnie^-

tureo , in the fulness and supremacy of his * y ' are blessings befor e you continuall y; and tent !,av e ,Jee n distorted ^ is quite possible^power. The last part of this idea is expre s- Now, their horse s they espy, you,, because you can not always r eceive Bti11 the re is too much of the air , of „ truth v

sed also in this passage : "I have made the Rtdert come, all will cry ; them , are given to thinki ng.that God is spe- about themi to cal 1 lu,epicture aVtogethe rV .earth , and I have created - man upon it; I Come, assist to mount the steed , ciaL Were you always In the condition to I caricatare - The Kei* Dr ; Ewuld says :— !w ith my hand have expanded t&e heavens , And gaze upon the courier s speed ; receive health , it is always you rs ; if you are It appears from history tlint the"J ews hadand have commanded all their hosts." Ibid. N()W , gol infoTms approacn o£ nightj aJway a pre pared for moral iniluence s, they 8ett 'ed very °nr

>"u Keilgium ; that th ey were "

*lv- 12-, ; Turn your steeds, differ flight; will always be about you. Miracles are sim- numerous , industrious , and wealth y, till theHaving "thus spoken against Zabeism and. Laug hing chatting not a murm ur Ply naturul l,lwa not understood , and every- J enr 1369, a most cruel persecution deprived

Pantheism , he also speaks against Astrolo AgaiBBl tue pleasures of a summer ' " S h a mimole outside of your compre - them of th.e«r pro perty, t|ieir lives, and theiryy, arid deuies any and* every ibfluence of Hr . Edllor : Thft ob6vo g all PoeM ^^. by hension. Science has taug ht you to under- homes in that land. The cau« ep f the-perse-the/celestial bodies on fclbe fate of man , aside cpL Mogesi last SpEing, wlliD the laBt tnuw VM qpon 8tand Uiat flowers can be cultivat ed in win- cutloa wa8' ns. alleged, the following. Yourof the will'of "God. For instance , the. pass- the ground , »nd hii tbougiit a revori« j to " a good time ter , that heat li«ht and air are necessary readers will know wfiat credi t to give to tlieyage quoted list is preceded by th is ; " Thus a ~m,tt« ^" ,. corb kspoxdent . and J0U do not

°upp ose he haa more to


.Z _ / . \ ; V'

suith God , the holy One of Israel and its Miracles. wj th the growin g of a flower in winter than There was. ta rich J ew, Jonatuan by name ,Former tWeybaTe asked me ffiroa^rA iAe si^na

The Banner of Light contains 'the follow- in summer. residin'

^'at Enghiea, near Bnissels/wno.ha- .

coricerniri p; my sons, and ydu'will command ing fine passage on miracles : Nature can not be improved upon; you ted Christ 'iuiS. hb ,religion with a profoundrue ' cotfcernfcj r the work! of'my hand ? I Miracles , according to the received no- may add to her beauty bv beinain condition hatred , and ^when W'saw how the faithfa lhave made the earth ,' &c. The same idea tion , ar s the result of the suspension of di* to app reciato it The sun is iust as warm adored Christ in the consecrated host, he.ise'xpfessed (xliv, 25:) "He frustra tes the vine power to demonstrate divine majest y yi winte r as in summer , only in winter the became anxlo M tob yS some of th

ese , con-sigilff of^solitary men , (astrologers , sooth- and grace. Miracles are , however , th e re- 'earth i©not in the right place to receive its secrate d hoWjb sJ ln possession, in prdcr to pru-sayers who live retired ,) and lrender s stup id suit of natural law not unders tood The" warmth. 1 f you can direct its rays to a con- cify Christ 'again. * uhe^ gr^atj ifficuity ,>vas,th e divipers of^onsteilatioh sj" Ac.,J against word mira cle is. in itself a misnomer , signiV' "feervatory, God is willing. If an uneducated how to procure t|e hps&f After soinp reiecrwhich Moses alr eady recorded penal laws , fying a something which is mysterious— <v mind for the first time would see a flower tion Jonathan invited to .(Deuterono my sviii , 10.)"' Isaiah also men- 1 divine suspension of natural power. Now crown in winter; he would be likely to claim J ohn of Louyajn ,,a Jew who had embracedtion s astvonoinical instrument s, the H haal , I no . one can draw the distinction between the miracle for God—so when a mind great- the Roman Catholic Beligion, but not from.-Zerelk,i:Shal'Uh, Ph eles$rf lssia.b.xl , 12,) and i natural and supernatu ral law. All laws er than all others , gathers and hands down conviction. J onathan prom ised ,John sixtyconcludes that .passage : ">Who can estab- are natural There can be no such thin g to you the blossoms of love, and gives them pieces of gpk| JHrei *rpni fi,p^ocji re jfor himlish the wild of God , (with all-astronomical as law, unless it is natural , and there need "to you in the winter time of your .adversity, some consecrated hosts. ^ John , ^promised tocalculat ions,) to-whom did he;make- known bo no interpositio n of God to accom plish you are apt to call it a miracle. 'Tis not a obtain them for liinij and Went to; Brussel s,his counsels, whom- did he advise,.''that he one thing more than all things. 'mira cle, when a soul bowed down by sorrow where he stolei aehaOce /cpntainingpne large ,,might make bi m understand and might teach God is the cause of ull life—all law that and remors e for its sin, that in that hour aud fifteen am|jll' hpsts

wliicn he gave\toliim the <way i of jud gment ; that he might \s to be—his' will the- cause of all law that God' s lbvo should ber evealed-any more than Jona than. r . 'teaoh him^>kriowledge, aak p J known W him ever will be. therefore he is Eternit y. If it is to be revealed to a man stretchin s after As soon ,as Jonathan had i recdivefll (heth e way orintelleet V*'r ' ' ¦' -*' ; •- : there is one faculty over the other in Deity, it--.and if he, does not extend ' the. han d ;uf hosts , hei mad e it known tp the

^Je ^sa^Brus-

We~eau ttierefo ref notrsnppos », hnt the ft is that of order— lieaven 's'first law. Or- his love to the lowest condition , he is not a seia,Ttli t he^lia |7flm^|l. p|«Sev| ^ tians"

words , " The heavens "are ihy thr6he ," &c, der being that , which , in the divine arran ger God of mercy—if he does not liva in all life "n his power , and iTday w,aV^d)for; tn ^irare a poeticaPfigu^o with out deeper significa- ment 0f matter , keeps all thin gs in their —if there Lea place dark , without him, and uniting together in the synagogue te

^jin sulc

tion. We ^e it^n-the' full expression of places. Law is that which governs these where men have seen no light , then God is the host, (whi qb was d^^

.the pr oplietVcofoeption of the 'Suprenie Be- things. Law is Uie resul t of mind , and God not omnipotent It is not a miracle that a than ', when tak ing a Walk with .his soni ng. Are^msiy redii^ this 'cOnception to the is the mentor-motor power of the universe , sinner is converte d , any more than him who Abrahanl , was, kill ed by^Bome

^unlnowa per-

fol lowing poM s:. __ ^ ..^a ^ ^.. Creation is in itself a misnomer , for th at' does no sin. It is no exertion for God to apns, at bis country ,f8eat; hw J niuso wasL Gad is.theXreator , Preserver and Gov- which has been for all time can have no love a sinner—it is no extra calling forth of haunted by evil spiri (Bt wbiph induce d his-

ernor of the universe. . '}. '¦ H V - ,: creation. God in himself is the law.' "W e his power. Those who have been converted widow to leave the house, and reside at Brus-2. Th e entir e1 universe . pheys the laws t 0laim tlere is no such th ing as a mirac le in must not forget that every sin, every mean , sols. The widow of Jonathan gayejhe chal :

which God orda ined ^ i the universe. That there has never been a low, contemptible act will follow them until ,1' ce and the hosts to the ^l8raeli tcsr vr ho ( .

3.' TB'e^ 'pbyfidal laws are different from i miracle in the un iverse , and never can be so obl iterated by increased and newer lij rht— laughed at the consecrated Hoists, and .defi-the moral laws ; a. thoruu^h . knowledge of long as God is omni pote ut. A miracle is for God's light comes slowly, as the light of led them , by stobbin g them' wi th th eirthe former gives yet , ng knowled ge of the i that which is in direct opposition to that day streams throug h the stained window s of knives , but , behold .S stream, of bipod iasuedlatter maclt-less of-the ^vvill; of God, the which is natural law. Miracle , as accepted the prisoner 's cell ; if it came all at once, it from the consecrated hosts. The Israelitesfir st oauae of all^^ th esei ^la.wsr-as-tbe—throne- -by-tlteologians and th e world , is imp ossib le, ^would blind hta-eye^—None of you H u - ipub e wer e much agitat ed, when theyrsaw—fee—may convejr ancid^ajpjf (the

^kipg's glory, but If God is immutable , he has a law for every- ,that because the stars are bri ghter now , tha n blood , and wished to send the hosts away,

not of hisVnund.i..' . : .> . ; - . . i „ thing ; and , if there be a law for ever ythi ng, in the day, that the &un does hot shine. You for fear of being discovered |p their crime ,4. God" \k not , absorbed in this physical there is no upsettin g of law to carry out have no knowled ge, but you believe the earth and puni shed. ¦ ¦ . , . , .

nature ; it!Stands in ' relation to him as the anything. To pro ve that miracles are not has tu rned its face away. So in tbe event of' They called , a woman named Catherine , athrone to the kingV.* what theology chums , let us turn to the old- , human affairs , the earth turns its face away Htbre w, who had embraced

ttie jCatfi plic

5. The magnitude of visible creation , be- est hfstor ies and find their origin. The Gre- 1 and you wonder where Gtid is—thinkin g he reli gion. The Israel ites knew ihat khp. didin; : ineonceivab le.-<toJthe hunj ari lmind , also cian and lloman mythology tell as that ev- has timed fro m you -rj while he still shines not believe in the l^man Cathol ^upotrines,to the loftiestiria igination ) the Creator , Gov- ery thing in earth and heaven was endowed the same. You shut yourse lves up in your and they promised her a lar ge Puin of mon-

• ernor and Preserv feifof these immense worlds , wi th light; that the earth and sky were fill- houses , bar the windo ws , bolt your dour a, ey, >1 she wouH take , the .phaj ljcij and thethe essence of all of .them , can not be com- ed with person alities ; that the sun was a and then , in the darkness you engender hosts to the Israelites jat/Cdlpgne , but shepr chended byljuan. . ., (Isaiah xl, 12 to 17. ) vast deity , and that the stars were lesser your self^you pray for God to revea l himself , went to the priest of itho

^parish , and divul-

These iu'p^thp . me doctrines concer ning gods, doing it obedience; therefore , it was a Throw open the doors and windows of your ged the secret r The consequence was , thatGod ns Mosles ^taqght > But they are so miracle for the 'sun to shine; if it were clou- souls, and God's light will surel y find you. — all the Israelites a

^t , Brussels and Lc-uvai n

«learl y and forcibl y expressed in this sec- ded , Godi was angry , and prayer Tag offered You build up granite walls towering way were imprisoned , their goods confiscated ,ond Isaiah , thri t h'e " necessarily must have | —as to-d ay some tlilnk if they pray for rain , above the soul—tear away from one side and shortl y after they were burned alive ,been the last of ^tho ''great prop hets. The j God will send It It was fel t if the thunder bate , from another superstition , from anoth- and the rest pf the Israelites who Hve'd inelder pro phets 'express the saihe idea in ! pealed , or a hur rican e came , God was an- er envy and pr ide — all that makes the roof Brabant were banished foV ever fro m theshort ter ni3,. whj _ch become intelligible by gry ; if a disease cauie , God was punishing ; ' of this .granite structure of the brain , and country. The place where they .were bnrn-the explanations «f Isaiah. ' One of these if a drea d miasma arose , carry ing away mil- - you will find God has been shining all the ed is still shown , and called thei " Israelite sshort terms -t js ^eJJ am a.given to God by rjions, God' was reven ging himself; and if a time. >• sipp a *'* ;^L«;i ¦th e eatly pf^JpKi|Be. >y;g

rpfpt to;the words flower -were snat ched from the wreath of the You will find , that , when a child goes from , /the mir aculous hoste a^| r^eryed to thisJehov ak %ebdblh' ."v}hi<j \l first occur in the family; God was* punishing them for some- your sight, God 'a hand has not interposed , day at Brusse ls, in thpXnurch of St Gud ule,book of Samueij and -Whicb the elder wri- thing d&'They never thoug ht of the cold the but natural law. and are every year exppsea., to the faithtu l

ters expressed -% ^donit. \V"e sbill trea t child iiad taken -which caused its physical Does not .the astronomer feel a greater de- for adoratio n , (the blood, oojing put still ,)on this" subj ect in our next paper . dissorution in-the most natur al w iy. J gree pf awt^ for Him wln5 has fashioned such on tbe Sunday after -ij the I8th of Jply, when


^— ' • ¦ . "Maneles were performed constant ly ; the \ a system, than , the heat hen , who^ considers at the same tiaje, embr pider e^ fepeatiy is

devs'ola^WJ eart lrandsky Were, in themselve s, mirac les. | the sun a gmp hung in heaven to light the hung aro und the ^rcj^pgsenti fig the ^

ble. nna Mlhraid^sh fbne in the Daled is Aetronomy ?fhoweverj began soon R> shed its earth—a flatjurface , resting on the back of whole history of the je^end. hwh^s ca»5u-rendered by th em->sderived from nna when ught^nd;itT*aa ' discovered »thiit tbe planets some UugelBepeQt? Is there not a greater lated tpVep „up .s^^l^f

perae cuion |ndT

^" is f f W^ ^t ^ ''j \< * \*A C: ?were^regtilar , that *bey had the - power of degree of r |yirence for a being who, being i^will toward ^s^tos v

Peatee. ^U not prayer , a btud y of tr uth motion,.-and that they werfr -subj oct to such grent, reyealsJUigreat ness, £han for: pne who and supersU tionampW InQTan ^Ho^-

—a sallyipf the sTparjingi Jthp unfouwi %fif revolutions as evince a constant law. Th e keeps you in blindness? AnA when in fait h ever , I?raeUt ^8e%^^nite r So man.- ever pra jed; hear tily withou t, astronomy of .the anij ients was confined to and love, th py mprj»L system shall be spread the coun{ry;was .rnl'$V AaBfria , mor | so

learning Bomethirjig "{$ ut yrhmf a .fuithfnl the earth , and aa the s^n seemed to rise in out befor e^ou, ap the .love of God imparts wben ^th|cam ,e a Fr ^Qc^provi^Bul es-

t hink er, resolute ' to dftacV every ^bo|ecVfrom the East, and aet in the West, they believed a gra ndeur to^^ ow much grea ter will be pecially ^hjg upited

^to ^ft kingj^ofl^U

his perso nal ' 'relatmns^rt d .' sel it inth e %ht it; and so, with ^at mjs take^they discover- your concepdpn^f Bim; how much more land. ;A| preaen jJeyum ^.aj^nd|pe n -

ol thought , BhiS tte- MiiJ ^fiin'ei kindl e ed , as they supposed , cer tain fixed rules , perfect tfee ppss^aaion than the supposi tion !, dent lfipgdom^nd ruBBeJathe

c| l,where

science with the 'fire dl the holiest affections , Copernic us disepvered that the sun was the But , sayB Oue ^p^i take

away from God and . moat of th> fcraeli ^d|


th en willllo^to iorthranew4to the creation , centre of light , and that earth and stars re- make men ^ualwith God . No! It doesn t 1 arri yed. on;F^d|y f^BpJ tpgb, and went

—R W. EvitrsoTk \ volved around it and as suddenly as if God follow if yoa caalo ys, yoa caa love as God at once to find oat%ct,Bjfnagogtia,.ana wait-