the islamic revolution of iran - a predicted event

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  • 7/27/2019 The Islamic Revolution of Iran - A Predicted Event


    A Predicted Event

    [Presentation time: 8 minutes]

  • 7/27/2019 The Islamic Revolution of Iran - A Predicted Event


  • 7/27/2019 The Islamic Revolution of Iran - A Predicted Event



    Prophet Muhammad (s): A nation from myummah will come in the end, who will have

    the same reward (for its deeds) as those of

    my ummah who were the foremost. They willkill the mischief makers and will stop the evil.

    [Al Matalib al- Aaliyah, v. 4, p. 337]

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    Narrated by Abu Huraira: While we were sitting with

    the Prophet (s) Surat Al-Jumu'a was revealed to him,

    and when the verse, "And He (Allah) has sent him

    (Muhammad) also to other (Muslims)..."(62.3) was

    recited by the Prophet, I said, "Who are they, O Allah's

    Apostle?" The Prophet did not reply till I repeated my

    question thrice. At that time, Salman Al-Farsi was with

    us. So Allah's Apostle put his hand on Salman, saying,

    "If Faith were at (the place of) Ath-Thuraiya (Pleiades,the highest star), even then (some men or man from

    these people (i.e. Salman's folk) would attain it."

    [Sahih al-Bukhari, v. 6, book # 6, hadith # 420]

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    Narrated by Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger

    (peace be upon him) recited this verse, If you turn

    back He will substitute other people for you and theywill not be like you. (47:38) The people asked,

    "Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), who are

    these people whom Allah has mentioned will be

    substituted for us if we turn back and will not be like

    us?" He struck Salman al-Farsi on the thigh and

    said, "This man and his people. If the religion were

    in the Pleiades (the highest of stars) men from

    among the Persians would attain it."[Sahih al-Tirmidhi, hadith # 1670]

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    Prophet Muhammad (s): We are Ahlul Bayt, God has

    chosen for us hereafter over this world. After me, my

    Ahlul Bayt will have to face severe adversities,

    banishment and isolation..until a nation will appearfrom the East with black flags. They will ask for their

    right, but it will not be given to them, thus they will

    fight for their right and kill and will win

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    and then they will get all that they were

    asking for, but they will not accept it. Untilthey will give all they had to a man who

    will appear from my Ahlul Bayt and hisname will be my name, his fathers name

    will be same as my fathers name,

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    he will become the owner of everything on this

    earth and will fill it with justice and fairness in the

    same manner as it was filled with oppression andinjustice before, thus if you or anyone among

    your descendents finds this situation, it is

    obligatory on him to reach out to them and help

    them even if he had to go on his knees on snow,

    because they will be the flag-bearers of truth.

    [Kanz al-Ummal, hadith # 38677]

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    Imam Ali (a): All the affairs will be in their hands until

    those who were to be killed among them will be killed andthen they will have a competition among themselves.

    When this happens, God will bring few nations from East

    who will kill them one by one and make them harshlyaccountable. By God if they rule for one year, we will rule

    for two years and if they rule for two years, we will rule for

    four years.[Al Malahim wal fitan, p. 21]

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    Imam Baqir (a): It is as if I am seeing a nation that

    has come from East and they are asking for their

    right but it is not given to them, they will ask itagain and denied again When they will see this

    situation, they will take up swords on their

    shoulders (they will fight), and then all that they

    wanted will be accepted. However, they will not

    accept it...

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  • 7/27/2019 The Islamic Revolution of Iran - A Predicted Event



    : -

    Prophet Muhammad (s): (About Persians),

    You (Arabs) have taken over them (Persians)in the revelation of Quran and this world will

    not end until they beat you over itsinterpretation.

    [Bihar al-Anwar, v. 67, p. 174, hadith # 7]

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    Imam Ali (a): As if I am among the non-Arabs and they have their tents in the

    mosque of Kufa and they are teaching

    Quran to people as it was revealed...

    [Al Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 171]

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    Imam al-Sadiq (a): What will be your

    condition when companions of Qaem(Imam Mahdi) peace be upon him will fix

    their tents in the mosque of Kufa, then anew nation will go forth towards him and

    they will be harsh towards Arabs.[Al Ghaybah al-Numani, p. 172]

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    Imam al-Sadiq (a): Certainly God has set Kufa as a

    proof over all other cities and with the believers amonginhabitants of Kufa over people of other cities and set

    the city of Qum as a proof over all other cities and by

    its inhabitants over all the those living in the East andWest from among Jins and human beings, and God

    will not leave Qum and its inhabitants weak but will

    help them and bless them

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    And in near future a time will come when the city ofQum and its inhabitants will become a proof over all the

    creatures and that will be time of ghaybah (occultation)of our Qaem (Imam Mahdi), peace be upon him until hisappearance. And if this doesnt happen then earth will

    plunge in with its inhabitants. And the angels aredefending Qum and its inhabitants from bala(dangers).

    And when someone cruel intends to harm them, thenthe One Who breaks neck of cruels (God) will break his

    neck...[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 60, p. 213, hadith # 22]

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    Imam al-Sadiq (a): In near future, Kufa will beemptied of believers and they will be isolated there

    in the same way as the snake in its pit, thenknowledge will appear from a city that is called

    Qum. And it will become a treasure of knowledge

    and excellence until no one on the surface of earthwill remain deprived of religion, not even the

    women in veil, and this situation will be near to the

    appearance of Our Qaem (Imam Mahdi)

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    And then God will set Qum and its inhabitants

    to the status of His proof (Hujjah). And if thisdoesnt happen then this Earth will sink along

    with its inhabitants and no proof will remain alive

    on Earth Thus the brilliance of knowledge fromit (Qum) will spread to all other cities of East and

    West. And then Gods proof will be manifest on


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    until not a single person will be on

    Earth to whom knowledge and religionhad not reached. Then the Qaem

    (Imam Mahdi) (peace be upon him) willappear.

    Bihar al-Anwar v. 60 . 213 hadith # 23

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    : - -: :

    Imam al-Sadiq (a): to Affan al-Basari..Do you know

    why Qum is called Qum ? I said, God, his Prophet

    (s) and you know it. Imam replied, Certainly it iscalled Qum because its inhabitants will gather with

    Qaem (Imam Mahdi) of the family of Muhammad,

    peace of God be upon him, and they will besteadfast with him, will be firmly associated with

    him and will help him

    [Bihar al-Anwar, v. 60, p. 216, hadith # 38]

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  • 7/27/2019 The Islamic Revolution of Iran - A Predicted Event


  • 7/27/2019 The Islamic Revolution of Iran - A Predicted Event


    The man from Qum recently gathered a strong willed-

    Muslim nation. Despite imposed war, sanctions and all theinternal and external conspiracies, this divinely-predicted

    Islamic Revolution of Iran is continuing...

    Perhaps very soon there will be a final showdown between

    the forces of Good and Evil Imam Mahdi (a) will then

    appear and people of Qum and their adherents will help

    him and finally the world will be filled with peace andjustice as predicted by the Prophet Muhammad (s) and

    Imams (a) from his family (Ahlul Bayt).

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    May God bless us with opportunity to be

    the helpers of this great Islamic Nation andjoin Imam Mahdi (a) in fighting theoppressors and finally bring

    peace and justice to this world

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    Thanks for your time