the impact selling behavior coaching report™ 3ikoponen/k1027bi - prosel/h - the impa… ·  ·...

The IMPACT Selling Behavior Coaching Report™ 3.0 John Doe XYZ Position ABC Company 5-21-2004 Copyright © 1989-2004. Use by Target Training International, Ltd. permitted under license agreement. All rights reserved. The Brooks Group 3810 N. Elm Street, Suite 202 Greensboro, NC 27455 Phone: 800-633-7762/Fax: 336-282-5707

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Page 1: The IMPACT Selling Behavior Coaching Report™ 3ikoponen/K1027BI - ProSel/H - The Impa… ·  · 2005-03-04The IMPACT Selling Behavior Coaching Report™ 3.0 John Doe XYZ Position

The IMPACT SellingBehavior Coaching Report™ 3.0

John DoeXYZ Position

ABC Company


Copyright © 1989-2004. Use by Target Training International, Ltd. permitted under license agreement. All rights reserved.

The Brooks Group3810 N. Elm Street, Suite 202

Greensboro, NC 27455Phone: 800-633-7762/Fax: 336-282-5707

Page 2: The IMPACT Selling Behavior Coaching Report™ 3ikoponen/K1027BI - ProSel/H - The Impa… ·  · 2005-03-04The IMPACT Selling Behavior Coaching Report™ 3.0 John Doe XYZ Position

John Doe


This report describes HOW this individual sells. By design, it does not address whether this person CAN or WILL sell. An understanding of this little known difference is a vital key to any significant improvement in sales performance.

The most effective salespeople are those who most thoroughly and accurately understand themselves and, who, are at the same time willing to implement meaningful strategies to enhance their current level of performance.

The Impact Selling Behavioral Report analyzes sales behavior only. It singularly addresses how a person tends to do things in a selling environment. Remember, this report assesses how an individual is likely to act in a sales situation only. It does not report how someone would behave in other, diverse environments.

Any statement can be deleted from this assessment that you feel may not be accurate. However, before doing so, consider consulting with a friend, colleague, manager, prospect or customer to see if it could be a blind spot in the profilee's sales behavior.

The Brooks Group

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John Doe


The IMPACT Selling Behavioral Analysis Summary reflects John's natural and modified styles within each step of the IMPACT Selling System. John's natural style reflects his native, intuitive selling behavior. John's modified scores reflect the behavior that John believes necessary in each step of IMPACT Selling.

The level of effectiveness that John either possesses naturally or is able to modify or "mask" is also shown. The higher the score, the more effective John is at that phase of the sale. The lower the score, the greater challenge John has in terms of delivering specific behavior required for success within that step.

The amount of difference between a salesperson's modified and natural styles is also key. The greater the difference, the greater potential for stress.


9.00 9.25



8.00 8.25



5.25 6.00



8.00 8.75



8.00 7.75



10.00 9.75


0-5.0=POOR 5.1-6.6=FAIR 6.7-7.6=GOOD 7.7-8.8=VG 8.9-10=EX

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Page 4: The IMPACT Selling Behavior Coaching Report™ 3ikoponen/K1027BI - ProSel/H - The Impa… ·  · 2005-03-04The IMPACT Selling Behavior Coaching Report™ 3.0 John Doe XYZ Position

John Doe

NATURAL SALES TENDENCIESBased on John's responses, this report outlines general statements that provide a broad understanding of John's natural selling style. These statements are listed by specific categories to assist in gaining a better understanding of this person. Any statement, however, can be eliminated or modified that may not be accurate at the present time based on previous training or sales experience.

John is good at making cold calls. He likes the challenge and they meet his need of

doing things on the spur of the moment. He sets high sales goals for himself. Basically

he's optimistic and feels he probably can outsell others on the team. He needs to develop

plans to achieve the goals he sets. He loves the challenge presented by sales. He likes to

compete with himself and others. Sometimes competing is not enough, he wants to win.

He feels comfortable in a sales environment with a large product line. The variety,

challenge, and opportunity of a large product mix motivate him. John becomes so busy he

may forget to follow up on potential buyers in a timely fashion. He prefers having many

activities at any given time. He feels that little or nothing can be accomplished without the

pressure of involvement. He is a good verbalizer; thus, sales provide an opportunity for

him to use this great attribute.

John could improve his sales effort by developing more listening skills. He reacts so

quickly that he doesn't always hear the complete story before responding. Some buyers

think John is disorganized in his sales presentation. He often becomes so emotionally

involved that he forgets the proper sequence for his presentation. He may display his

impatience if the buyer is asking too many objections. He prefers they trust his judgment

and get on with the sale. He rarely admits to not having the answer to an objection. His

optimism and creativity will seek an appropriate answer. John may want to win on every

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John Doe


objection, sometimes even to the extent that he loses the sale. He uses considerable

body language with his presentation. In fact, he may use so much that it serves as a

barrier when selling to the conservative buyer.

John can encounter difficulty closing the buyer who wants to consider his decision

before buying. He makes quick purchase decisions himself and has little empathy for

buyers who can't make decisions quickly. He is prone to close soon and often. He likes to

close and the sooner the better. He would rather sell a new account than service an old

account. New accounts present a challenge, while service can be seen as dull and boring.

He is not always precise on how he uses his time. His sales or service calls may take

more time than he expected and he has difficulty staying on his schedule. John likes to

close on the first call. Usually his schedule doesn't allow time for adequate follow-up or

repeat calls. He can be very good or very bad at servicing the customer. Servicing usually

depends on his activity level or the customer potential.

The Brooks Group

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John Doe

STRENGTHS AND ATTRIBUTESThis section of the report identifies the specific talents and behavioral strengths John brings to a sales situation. By looking at these statements, John's best contributions to the organization can be identified. By focusing on these attributes, a plan can be developed to capitalize on John's value to the organization and maximize John's strengths in playing a more meaningful role as a member of the sales team.

• Deadline conscious.

• Humor and entertainment for sales meetings.

• Challenges the status quo.

• Usually makes decisions with the bottom line in mind.

• Creative in his approach to solving problems and selling.

• Initiates activity.

• Thinks big.

• Ability to handle many activities and customers at one time.

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John Doe


Most people are aware of and sensitive to the ways in which they would prefer that others communicate with them. A meaningful way to do this is to ask John which of the statements listed below are most important to him and then use them in daily communication with John.

Be sure to:

• Be open, honest and informal.

• Support and maintain an environment where he can be efficient.

• Verify that the message was heard.

• Put projects in writing with deadlines.

• Be clear, specific, brief and to the point.

• Use his jargon.

• Ask specific (preferably "what?") questions.

• Come prepared with all requirements, objectives and support material in a well-organized "package."

• Provide systems to follow.

• Stick to business--let him decide if he wants to talk socially.

• Give strokes for his involvement.

• Present the facts logically; plan your presentation efficiently.

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John Doe


Read each statement and identify those that may cause communication misfires or breakdowns with John. Left unchecked, these problems may easily lead to performance difficulties due to improper communication. By identifying specific "don't's" many potentially troublesome circumstances can be eliminated or modified. This awareness will better empower you to communicate more effectively with John.

In order to communicate more effectively with John, do not:

• Try to build personal relationships.

• Forget or lose things; be disorganized or messy; confuse or distract his mind from business.

• Ask rhetorical questions, or useless ones.

• Direct or order.

• Forget to follow-up.

• Ramble on, or waste his time.

• Leave loopholes or cloudy issues if you don't want to be zapped.

• Let him change the topic until you are finished.

• Let disagreement reflect on him personally.

• Talk too slow or dwell on details to excess.

• Come with a ready-made decision, and don't make it for him.

• Try to convince by "personal" means.

The Brooks Group

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John Doe


This section identifies the sales environment where John would perform best. If John possesses limited flexibility he will find it uncomfortable working in a sales environment not described in this section. However, if John possesses sufficient flexibility, he will use that flexibility to modify his behavior in order to become more effective in divergent selling environments. This section can be used to identify specific functions and responsibilities that John enjoys and those that tend to create frustration and have the potential to reduce John's sales effectiveness.

• Forum to express ideas and viewpoint.

• An innovative and futuristic-oriented environment.

• Nonroutine work with challenge and opportunity.

• Support team with sense of urgency.

• New products and new ideas to sell.

• Freedom from long, detailed reports.

• Works for a manager who makes quick decisions.

• Evaluation based on results, not the process.

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John Doe


A salesperson's behavior and feelings are quickly telegraphed to prospects, customers and fellow salespeople. This section provides vital information on self-perception and how, under certain conditions, others may perceive John's sales behavior. Understanding this section will empower John to project the image that will allow him to control both normal and stressful sales situations more effectively.


John may ordinarily see himself as being a salesperson who is:

Flexible ActiveEnergetic Pressure-OrientedAlert Impatient


However, under moderate pressure, tension, stress, or fatigue, others (including prospects and customers) may see his sales actions as being:

Intense RestlessDisinterested Hasty

And, under extreme pressure, stress or fatigue, may be seen by others as a salesperson who is:

Hyperactive PushyPoor Listener Impulsive

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John Doe


John sees his current or projected sales environment requiring him to exhibit the following behavior. An analysis needs to be made to determine if these expectations are accurate and consistent with either John's present or future sales environments.

• Coping easily with many concurrent sales activities.

• Alert, active attention to customers or clients.

• Telling clients or customers about the "big picture."

• Reacting quickly to changes in the sales process or product line.

• Using authority and responsibility for completing the sale.

• Adapting easily to changing sales territory.

• Challenging the status-quo.

• Using an informal sales presentation.

• Dealing with customers and clients efficiently.

• Impulsive and eager to keep the sales presentation moving.

• Exhibiting confidence in approaching customers.

• Authority to carry out responsibility.

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John Doe

HOW TO MOTIVATE THIS PERSONThis section of the report was developed by analyzing John's behavioral wants. People are motivated by those things they want. However, when those wants are satisfied, they no longer serve as motivators. By analyzing each statement and then having John prioritize them, it will be possible to create the most positive and productive environment to maximize John's sales abilities.

John wants:

• Opportunity to verbalize his ideas and demonstrate his skills.

• Power and authority to take the risks to achieve sales results.

• A wide scope of activities.

• Freedom from routine work.

• Travel or changing territory.

• Support troops to follow through with his part or detail work.

• To be seen as a leader.

• Opportunity for rapid advancement.

• More time in the day.

• A sales manager who presents the big picture.

• Outside activities so there is never a dull moment.

The Brooks Group

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John Doe

HOW TO MANAGE THIS PERSONThis section outlines specific needs which must be met in order for John to perform at peak sales performance. Some of the outlined needs can be met by John, while sales management personnel must provide for others. It is difficult for a salesperson to perform in an environment where that person's basic needs have not been fulfilled. John and his sales manager should go over the list and identify 3 or 4 statements that are most important to John. This will empower John to participate in the formulation of his own management plan.

John needs:

• An awareness of the parameters or rules in writing.

• To negotiate commitment face-to-face.

• Annual physicals because of his activity level and work intensity.

• A program for pacing work and relaxing.

• To adjust his intensity to match the situation.

• Deadlines for completion of work.

• Appreciation of slower-moving people and customers.

• A work environment with many activities.

• To know results expected and to be evaluated on the results.

• To display empathy for people who approach life differently than he does.

• To understand his role on the team--either a team player or the leader.

The Brooks Group

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John Doe

INTERACTIVE FLEXIBILITYSince customers are different, the needs they have, and that must be met, are also different. The information in this section will help you identify types of customers and provide you with the strategies to meet their needs.

"Improving Your Interactive Flexibility"

When interacting with a DOER who has the following characteristics:

Fast-paced speech Strong personality Impatient Direct Tries to control the situation

Factors that will improve a selling relationship with this Customer:

Minimize features - maximize benefits Help them with details LISTEN Ask specific questions Keep the pace fast enough so they don't become bored

Factors that will create tension or dissatisfaction with this Style of Customer:

Over controlling the situation Telling them what to do

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John Doe


"Improving Your Interactive Flexibility"

When interacting with a TALKER who has the following characteristics:

Warm and friendly Impulsive Uses many hand gestures while speaking Talkative Imprecise about the use of time

Factors that will improve a selling relationship with this Customer:

Be friendly, not dominating Ask for their ideas and opinions Use testimonials Tell how others will benefit Control your impatience

Factors that will create tension or dissatisfaction with this Style of Customer:

Over controlling Displaying your impatience

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John Doe


"Improving Your Interactive Flexibility"

When interacting with a PACER who has the following characteristics:

Patient Easy going Uses few gestures Unemotional voice Reserved

Factors that will improve a selling relationship with this Customer:

Listen patiently Take time to explain Develop more empathy and patience Take a personal interest in them Exhibit friendly attitudes Slow down Give more attention to details Control body language Speak with sincere tone of voice

Factors that will create tension or dissatisfaction with this Style of Customer:

Overselling or stressing new products Dominate with active body language

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John Doe


"Improving Your Interactive Flexibility"

When interacting with a CONTROLLER who has the following characteristics:

Speaks slowly Asks many questions about facts and data Is deliberate Uses few gestures Unemotional

Factors that will improve a selling relationship with this Customer:

Slow down and LISTEN Explain details Be sincere - lower your tone of voice Be conservative in assertions Answer questions precisely Minimize risks

Factors that will create tension or dissatisfaction with this Style of Customer:

Being too blunt and direct Forcing them to take risks

The Brooks Group

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John Doe


The Impact Selling System is a scientific, professional selling process. The IMPACT Selling Behavior Analysis outlines John's performance tendencies within each specific step of the IMPACT Selling System.

Investigate: The first step of the IMPACT System. It is the phase of the sale where prospects are identified, detailed background information is gathered, the physical activity of traditional prospecting is coordinated and an overall strategy for face-to-face selling is developed.

In the Investigate Step, John MAY have a TENDENCY to:

• Overlook small, but relevant bits of information that are important to gathering meaningful information essential to making a precise and meaningful presentation.

• Seize the opportunity to make new contacts. He also enjoys competing against himself as well as against others.

• Not keep detailed records while gathering information on prospects unless he sees it as leading directly to the sale.

• Be premature in judging the value of a prospect. Either good or bad. Sometimes this is based strictly upon a pure surface evaluation.

Meet: The first face-to-face interaction between a prospect and the salesperson, this step is designed to enable the salesperson to display his or her sincere interest in the gain positive acceptance and to develop a sense of mutual respect and rapport. It is the first phase of face-to-face trust building and sets the face-to-face selling process in motion.

In the Meet Step, John MAY have a TENDENCY to:

• Open with a close.

• Launch into a traditional, yet outdated "Demonstration" of his product or service rather than wait for the appropriate time to make an appropriate "Application" oriented IMPACT selling presentation.

• Impose his timing, style and pace on the prospect rather then allowing the prospect to dictate the pace of the sales process.

• Talk and move too fast for the logical and detailed oriented prospect.

The Brooks Group

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John Doe


Probe: The questioning and detailed needs analysis phase of the face-to-face sale, this step of the IMPACT System enables the salesperson to discover what the prospect will buy, when they will buy and under what conditions they will buy. It is allowing the prospect to identify and verbalize their level of interest, specific wants and detailed needs in the product or service the salesperson is offering.

In the Probe Step, John MAY have a TENDENCY to:

• Not understand that listening is a receptive, accommodating skill rather than an aggressive, take charge type of skill.

• Want to get things done immediately while correctly at a level that may be too intense for some buyers.

• Ask abrupt and potentially insensitive questions "off the cuff" rather than taking time in the Investigate Step to develop carefully crafted questions that will empower prospects to verbalize their wants and needs in a sensitive, yet powerful way.

• Not devote adequate time to the Probe, although this step is, by far, the most important step in the face-to-face portion of the entire sales process.

Apply: Much different from traditional "demonstration" or "product presentation," this step allows the salesperson to "Apply" his or her product knowledge in such a way that it fulfills the stated or implied wants, needs, or intentions of the prospect as identified and verbalized in the "Probe" step.

In the Apply Step, John MAY have a TENDENCY to:

• Ten to fifteen percent of his potential customers will feel comfortable with his presentation style which can be fast, direct and sometimes glossing over major points. However, the remaining prospects will feel somewhat uncomfortable with his natural style.

• Present his products or service in a manner that requires the least amount of his effort in terms of any modification or change from his standard presentation.

• Not devote sufficient time to present his products and/or services adequately.

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John Doe


• To try to close the sale prematurely before the prospect is truly convinced. May believe in the outdated "close early and close often" school of selling. In today's world of selling, this can lead to more trouble than to more sales.

Convince: What people believe enough, they act upon. This step is designed to enable the salesperson to build value and overcome the tendency that many prospects have to place little belief or trust in what is told to them. It is this phase of the sale that solidifies the prospect's belief in the supplier, product or service and salesperson.

In the Convince Step, John MAY have a TENDENCY to:

• Loosely "toss around" testimonials of others without providing the facts to support statements.

• Use intimidation and his physical presence rather then third party testimonial data or related materials to allow prospect to be convinced of the accuracy of his claims.

• Believe that the same things that convince him will convince others.

• Make claims that are beyond the belief of certain types of buyers. Warning: Make no claims unless they can be backed by fact.

Tie-It-Up: The final phase of the IMPACT System. This step is asking the prospect to buy, dealing with objections, handling any necessary negotiation and completing the transaction to mutual satisfaction.

In the Tie-It-Up Step, John MAY have a TENDENCY to:

• Be so direct in closing that he antagonizes some buyers. The methodical buyer could be intimidated.

• Become defensive and over-react to certain objections.

• Take objections lightly.

• Close so hard that he causes the buyer to think of objections which may really be excuses or stalls rather than actual objections.

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John Doe


John DoeABC Company



Graph I

Adapted Style



Graph II

Natural Style
























91 51 16 39 86 52 7 50%

Norm 2003

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• Outgoing, People Oriented, Very Friendly Attitude

• Enthusiastic, Popular, Easy To Talk To and With

• Exudes Charm and Eloquence

• Stylish and Trendy

• Positive Optimistic

• Under Pressure - Emotional

• Fears Conflict

• Meet Questions - People/Motivators/Dreams

• Recognition• High Kinetic Energy

• Impatient

• Directing and Dominating, Take Charge Person

• Exudes Power, Authority and Confidence

• Very Competitive and Naturally Aggressive

• Quick, Impulsive, Always Pushed For Time

• Direct and Straight-Forward with People, Very Outspoken

• Under Pressure - Belligerent

• Fears - Unfair Advantage

• Meet Questions - Results/Ego/Bottom Line

• Task Oriented • Less Structured • Prefers Positive Environment • Needs People


TALKERRelates to


DOERDirects Others



CONTROLLERAssesses Others

• Results Oriented • Structured • Prefers Negative Environment • Things

• Easygoing, Steady, Process Oriented, Slower Paced

• Predictable, Consistent, Prefers Routine

• Accepts Others Slowly

• Indirect, Prefers to Suggest

• Accommodating, Willing, Conforming

• Under Pressure - Slows Down

• Fears - Change

• Meet Questions - Family/How does job/Organization Structure • Security

• Lower Energy• Patient

• Cool, Distant, Reserved, Diplomatic Courteous, Restrained

• Thinks Before Acting

• Concentrated About Accuracy, Precision and Compliance to Own Standards

• Objective, Conservative, Closed and Unemotional

• Under Pressure - Becomes Critical

• Fears - Making Mistake

• Meet Questions - Data/Facts/Order

Doer Talker Pacer Controller

High Dictatorial Demanding Courageous Straight-Forward

Zealous Approval Seeking Inspiring Feeling

Inactive Reserved Resists Change Team Player

Precise Data Seeking Procedural Polite



Self-Confident Aggressive Quick Thinking Independent

Friendly Gracious Charitable Counseling

Caring Peaceful Unassuming Steady

Thorough Reticent Exacting Organized


Line Cautiously Proactive Modest Down-To-Earth Assesses Options

Attentive Thoughtful Accurate Rational

Wary Fault-Finding Active Quick Responding

Balanced Flexible Independent Autonomous



Inactive Dubious Dependent Humble

Reserved Doubtful Distant Ill At Ease

Impatient Likes Variety Change Agent Action Oriented

Original Authoritative Stubborn Unstructured


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The IMPACT SellingPersonal Motives and Values Coaching Report™ 3.0

John DoeXYZ Position

ABC Company


Copyright © 1990-2004. Behavioral-Values Research Associates, Ltd.

The Brooks Group3810 N. Elm Street, Suite 202

Greensboro, NC 27455Phone: 800-633-7762/Fax: 336-282-5707

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John Doe


Knowledge of an individual's values help to tell us WHY they do things. A review of an individual's experiences, references, education and training help to tell us WHAT they can do. Behavioral assessments help to tell us HOW a person behaves and performs in the work environment. The PIV report measures the relative prominence of six basic interests or values (a way of valuing life): Theoretical, Economic, Aesthetic, Social, Political and Regulatory.

Values help to initiate one's behavior and are sometimes called the hidden motivators because they are not always readily observed. It is the purpose of this report to help illuminate and amplify some of those motivating factors and to build on the strengths that each person brings to the work environment.

Based on your choices, this report ranks your relative passion for each of the six values. Your top two and sometimes three values cause you to move into action. You will feel positive when talking, listening or doing activities that satisfy your top values.

The feedback you will receive in this section will reflect one of three intensity levels for each of the six values.

• STRONG - positive feelings that you need to satisfy either on or off the job.

• SITUATIONAL - where your feelings will range from positive to indifferent based on other priorities in your life at the time. These values tend to become more important as your top values are satisfied.

• INDIFFERENT - your feelings will be indifferent when related to your 5th or 6th value.


1st ECONOMIC Strong


3rd POLITICAL Situational

4th REGULATORY Situational

5th SOCIAL Indifferent

6th AESTHETIC Indifferent

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Copyright © 1990-2004. Behavioral-Values Research Associates, Ltd. 1

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John Doe

ECONOMICThe Economic score shows a characteristic interest in money and what is useful. This means that an individual wants to have the security that money brings not only for themselves, but for their present and future family. This value includes the practical affairs of the business world - the production, marketing and consumption of goods, the use of credit, and the accumulation of tangible wealth. This type of individual is thoroughly practical and conforms well to the stereotype of the average American business person. A person with a high score is likely to have a high need to surpass others in wealth.

John will protect his assets to ensure the future of his economic security.

Having more wealth than others is a high priority for John.

He uses money as a scorecard.

All attempts are made to protect future security to ensure that his legacy is protected.

He can be very practical.

John will be motivated by his accomplishments.

John has a long list of wants and will work hard to achieve them.

Wealth provides the security John wants for himself and/or his family.

John faces the future confidently.

With economic security comes the freedom to advance his ideas or beliefs.

John will attempt to structure his economic dealings.

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John Doe

THEORETICALThe primary drive with this value is the discovery of TRUTH. In pursuit of this value, an individual takes a "cognitive" attitude; one that looks for identities and differences. Such an individual is nonjudgmental regarding the beauty or utility of objects and seeks only to observe and to reason. Since the interests of the theoretical person are empirical, critical and rational, the person appears to be an intellectual. The chief aim in life is to order and systematize knowledge: knowledge for the sake of knowledge.

John has the potential to become an expert in his chosen field.

He will usually have the data to support his convictions.

He may have difficulty putting down a good book.

John is very good at integrating past knowledge to solve present problems.

A comfortable job for John is one that challenges his knowledge.

John is comfortable around people who share his interest for knowledge and especially those people with similar convictions.

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John Doe

POLITICALThe primary interest for this value is POWER, not necessarily politics. Research studies indicate that leaders in most fields have a high power value. Since competition and struggle play a large part in all life, many philosophers have seen power as the most universal and most fundamental of motives. There are, however, certain personalities in whom the desire for direct expression of this motive is uppermost; who wish, above all, for personal power, influence and renown.

At times John can be very competitive.

The amount of control he attempts will increase if he has strong feelings about the issues involved with the situation. If, however, he has little interest in the issues involved, he will not see the need for exercising control.

He will evaluate each situation individually and determine how much or how little control he will want to exercise.

John can be assertive in meeting his needs.

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John Doe

REGULATORYThe highest interest for this value may be called "unity," "order," or "tradition." Individuals with high scores in this value seek a system for living. This system can be found in such things as religion, conservatism or any authority that has defined rules, regulations and principles for living.

John needs to be able to pick and choose the traditions and set of beliefs to which he will adhere.

John at times will evaluate others based on his rules for living.

John lets his conscience be his guide.

He will have strong beliefs within a system that he feels most comfortable with, and he will not be as strong in his beliefs or approach if he lacks that interest level.

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John Doe

SOCIALThose who score very high in this value have an inherent love of people. The social person prizes other persons and is, therefore, kind, sympathetic and unselfish. They are likely to find the Theoretical, Economic and Aesthetic attitudes cold and inhuman. Compared to the Political value, the Social person regards helping others as the only suitable form for human relationships. Research into this value indicates that in its purest form, the Social interest is selfless.

He will not normally allow himself to be directed by others unless it will enhance his own self-interest.

Believing that hard work and persistence is within everyone's reach - he feels things must be earned, not given.

John will be torn if helping others proves to be detrimental to him.

John's passion in life will be found in one or two of the other dimensions discussed in this report.

He will be firm in his decisions and not be swayed by unfortunate circumstances.

John is willing to help others if they are working as hard as possible to achieve their goals.

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John Doe

AESTHETICA higher Aesthetic score indicates a relative interest in "form and harmony." Each experience is judged from the standpoint of grace, symmetry or fitness. Life may be regarded as a procession of events, and each is enjoyed for its own sake. A high score here does not necessarily mean that the incumbent has talents in creative artistry. It indicates a primary interest in the artistic episodes of life.

He is a very practical person who is not sensitive to being in harmony with his surroundings.

Unpleasant surroundings will not stifle his creativity.

Intellectually, John can see the need for beauty, but has difficulty buying the finer things in life.

He wants to take a practical approach to events.

The utility of "something" is more important than its beauty, form and harmony.

John is not necessarily worried about form and beauty in his environment.

John's passion in life will be found in one or two of the other attitudes and values discussed in this report.

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John Doe


For years you have heard statements like, “Different strokes for different folks," "to each his own," and "people do things for their own reasons, not yours." When you are surrounded by people who share similar values, you will fit in with the group and be energized. However, when surrounded by people whose values are significantly different from yours, you may be perceived as out of the mainstream. These differences can induce stress or conflict. When confronted with this type of situation you can:

Change the situation. Change your perception of the situation. Leave the situation. Cope with the situation.

This section reveals areas where your values may be outside the mainstream and could lead to conflict. The further away you are from the mainstream on the high side, the more people will notice your passion about that value. The further away from the mainstream on the low side, the more people will view you as indifferent and possibly negative about that value. The shaded area for each value represents 68 percent of the population or scores that fall within one standard deviation above or below the national mean.


John DoeTHEORETICAL * Mainstream

ECONOMIC * Passionate

AESTHETIC * Indifferent

SOCIAL * Indifferent

POLITICAL * Mainstream

REGULATORY * Mainstream

- 68 percent of the population - national mean * - your score

Mainstream - one standard deviation of the national meanPassionate - two standard deviations above the national meanIndifferent - two standard deviations below the national meanExtreme - three standard deviations from the national mean

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John Doe


Areas in which you have strong feelings or passions compared to others:

You strive for efficiency and practicality in all areas of your life, seeking to gain a return on your investment of time, talent and resources. Others may feel you always have a string attached and are always trying to gain a personal advantage. They may feel you should give just for the sake of giving.

Areas where others' strong feelings may frustrate you as you do not share their same passion:

People who emphasize the need for beauty, form and harmony in all aspects of their life may frustrate you. You have other priorities.

Your self-reliance will cause you to feel uncomfortable around people who are always trying to help you or be too nice to you.

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Copyright © 1990-2004. Behavioral-Values Research Associates, Ltd. 9

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John Doe


John DoeABC Company


























70 70

65 65

60 60

55 55

50 50

45 45

40 40

35 35

30 30

25 25

20 20

15 15

national mean

Norm 2003



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John Doe


John DoeABC Company








1st6 8












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The IMPACT SellingAttitude Coaching Report™ 3.0

John DoeXYZ Position

ABC Company


Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. Copyright © 2003-2004. Innermetrix.

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John Doe

INTRODUCTIONThe Attribute Index and the Dimensions of Thought

Over fifty years of scientific research has revealed that there are three distinct dimensions in the process of thinking: people, tasks, and systems. These three "dimensions of thinking" are involved in every judgment or decision we make.

The three dimensions of thinking are:

The People Dimension: Intense personal involvement with, concentration on, or investment in specific people. This dimension involves acknowledging people as unique individuals. Examples include love, empathy, creativity, conscience, etc.

The Tasks Dimension: The real, practical world and the things in it. This is the dimension of thinking that involves things as they compare with other things, relative or practical thinking. Examples include elements of the real, material world, comparisons of good/better/best, and seeing people, tasks or things as they compare with other people or things in their class.

The Systems Dimension: Black or white, formal ideas of how things should or should not be, all or nothing. This dimension is the one of definitions or ideals, goals, structured thinking, policies, procedures, rules, laws, oughts and shoulds.

People use all three of these dimensions in their thought processes. It is the ratio with which we apply them that makes us different from one another. We all have different balances of the three dimensions; that's what makes our decisions and actions different from each other's. These dimensions, and how we use them, are at the core of who we are. They are behind our preferences, our strengths, and our weaknesses.

It is this understanding of our individual strengths and weaknesses that will enable us to affect change in our lives and achieve greater personal success. It is only by first understanding something that we are then able to change it.

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John Doe


Practical (High)

Pattern Description: John is above all else, practical. He interprets people and organizational structure functionally, or pragmatically. He understands reality and responds to situations in a practical way. He does not get overly personal, nor does he tend toward being overly dogmatic to certain rules. The rules that drive him are functionality rather than relationships or structure. As a result he is better at implementation, goal achievement and focusing on getting the work done than he is at worrying about what limitations there are to getting those results or any personal needs or concerns. Rules are more flexible for him if by being so the results are more ensured, and people are a little bit more confusing for him when compared to how clearly he sees the objective. People may tend to be a lesser know component of achieving his objectives. Overall development level of the Tasks Dimension is high, while the People and Systems Dimensions are moderate, yet slightly under developed in comparison. Level of development speaks to his ability to "see" a specific dimension. The more clearly an individual sees a dimension of thought, the more able he is to use it; therefore, the better he is at it.

Strengths: Capacity for work, both in terms of the application and operation of machines Brings solid personnel work ethic and talents to work demands Practical thinking Organizational skills

Weaknesses: Communication with others (specifically with superiors and authority figures) Possible tendency to ignore established guidelines and people's needs in favor of pragmatic functionality or goal achievement Striking a balance between people's and organizational needs and those of the objective (less form over function)

Externally Motivated By: Material and financial security Social and peer recognition Status and recognition is the primary motivation for this pattern

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John Doe


Needs For Growth: To develop better people awareness, especially needs to improve understanding of structure and its responsibilities.

Potential targets for reinforcement or possible development: Attitude Toward Others Respect for Policies Quality Orientation

Preferred Environment: Production-orientated climate with the end point of each job segment clearly defined. Performance based compensation and recognition.

External Emotional Bias Description: John's external emotional bias is the degree of optimism or pessimism with which he tends to view the world around him. Each of us can choose to see things in an overly positive or negative light but having a neutral view is preferential.

His emotional bias indicates a person who seeks social or professional relationships over personal relationships. He appreciates practical and detail oriented things more and will expect things to be "right" according to the rules set by the institution or organization. He can be adept at turning concepts into action. His somewhat negative view of the People Dimension, however, indicates that he might view others more as parts of the whole rather than as unique individuals outside of the social structure within which he interacts with them. He places some overemphasis on the Tasks and Systems Dimensions of thought, and this indicates that he prefers to conform to a social norm or standard and can have a higher responsiveness to authority, the organization or system. He is someone who will work extremely hard to do things right and well. Quality is very important to him. (-,+,+)

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Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. Copyright © 2003-2004. Innermetrix. 3

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John Doe


Self-Actualizing (Medium)

Pattern Description: The medium self-actualized clarity pattern is ideally balanced. Although all three dimensions are balanced very well, all three of them are in the 66th percentile of potential development. He is completely balanced between valuing himself for his own true unique abilities and worth, his roles in life and the way in which he carries out those roles now and in the future. He possesses a good internal source of energy or strength. His abilities for self-esteem, handling stress, remaining committed, being persistent and having results orientation are good. He is probably comfortable in a wide variety of situations, both social and business. His overall level of development for the People, Tasks and Systems Dimensions is moderate. Level of development speaks to his ability to "see" a specific dimension. The more clearly an individual sees a dimension of thought, the more able he is to use it; therefore, the better he is at it.

Strengths: Good sense of self-ability Generous, easy going, dependable Good self-awareness Good role appreciation Good problem management

Weaknesses: Trouble with getting easily bored with status in life that fails to challenge all three dimensions of thought personally Overall level of development in all three core areas Self-assessment Personal commitment Sense of mission

Internally Driven By: Self-improvement Material possessions Sense of mission

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John Doe


Needs For Growth: To increase his clarity scores for each of the three dimensions of thought.

Potential targets for reinforcement or possible development: Self-esteem Role awareness Self-direction

Internal Emotional Bias Description: John's internal emotional bias is the degree of optimism or pessimism with which he tends to view himself and his life. Each of us can choose to see things in an overly positive or negative light but having a neutral view is preferential.

He is a person who easily becomes involved in activities on an experimental or impulsive basis while he attempts to crystalize his own direction or objectives. He is unclear as to the best way to achieve his objectives and has some self-doubt. This can cause him to place more importance in how others think of him and his accomplishments since his own guides are unclear. He has not yet formed clear, definite rules for self-organization and may be questioning how he wants to proceed in life right now. Due to these factors he is more prone to be influenced by his immediate surroundings and could be considered more impressionable as a result. (-,+,-)

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John Doe


COMMITMENT TO THE JOB: To what degree does John usually stay focused and committed to a task? Does this motivation come from within or does he require more external motivation or supervision? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

6.9 * 7.1

ENJOYMENT OF THE JOB: To what degree does John feel that his current job or role in life is fulfilling, rewarding and results in a positive and useful benefit? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.1 * 7.6

GOAL DIRECTEDNESS: How well does John tend to stay on target regardless of circumstances, or does he easily become distracted, losing focus on the task at hand? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.2 * 6.3

HANDLING REJECTION: How well does John tend to avoid taking rejection or criticism in an overly personal manner? Does he tend to value himself based too much on his external accomplishments, rather than based on his internal self-belief? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

6.6 * 6.5

RESULTS ORIENTATION: What is John's ability to identify the actions necessary to complete tasks and to obtain results? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.8 * 6.7

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.Rev: 0.89-0.88

EC:F-IC:F: [7.7:6.3-7.2:7.1]

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John Doe


SELF STARTING ABILITY: How likely is John to find his own motivation for accomplishing a task and what is the degree to which he will maintain that course in the face of adversity? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.3 * 7.3

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

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John Doe


INVESTIGATE 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10


MEET 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10


PROBE 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10


APPLY 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10


CONVINCE 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10


TIE-IT-UP 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10


OVERALL QUOTIENT 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10


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John Doe

INVESTIGATEThe first step of the IMPACT System. It is the phase of the sale where prospects are identified, detailed background information is gathered, the physical activity of traditional prospecting is coordinated and an overall strategy for face-to-face selling is developed.

SELF STARTING ABILITY: How likely is John to find his own motivation for accomplishing a task and what is the degree to which he will maintain that course in the face of adversity? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.3 * 7.3

HANDLING REJECTION: How well does John tend to avoid taking rejection or criticism in an overly personal manner? Does he tend to value himself based too much on his external accomplishments, rather than based on his internal self-belief? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

6.6 * 6.5

PERSISTENCE: How likely is John to stay the course in times of difficulty? Does he readily face adversity and obstacles without flinching? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.4 * 6.8

INTUITIVE DECISION MAKING: How accurately does John compile intuitive perceptions about a situation into an appropriate decision or action? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.6 * 7.5

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

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John Doe

MEETThe first face-to-face interaction between a prospect and the salesperson, this step is designed to enable the salesperson to display his sincere interest in the gain positive acceptance and to develop a sense of mutual respect and rapport. It is the first phase of face-to-face trust building and sets the face-to-face selling process in motion.

ATTITUDE TOWARD OTHERS: To what extent does John tend to maintain a positive, open and objective attitude toward others? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.1 * 7.6

RELATING TO OTHERS: How well does John gain personal insight into others, and how effectively does he coordinate that information and knowledge of others into productive interactions? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.1 * 7.6

INITIATIVE: Does John take the lead without being asked to? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.3 * 7.7

SENSITIVITY TOWARD OTHERS: Is John objective about being sensitive to others' cares and concerns? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.3 * 7.6

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

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John Doe

PROBEThe questioning and detailed needs analysis phase of the face-to-face sale, this step of the IMPACT System enables the salesperson to discover what the prospect will buy, when they will buy and under what conditions they will buy. It is allowing the prospect to identify and verbalize their level of interest, specific wants and detailed needs in the product or service the salesperson is offering.

SELF CONFIDENCE: To what degree does John tend to develop and maintain an inner strength based on the desire to succeed and on his belief that he possesses the capabilities to succeed? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.0 * 7.5

ACCURATE LISTENING: How open is John toward other people and how willing is he to hear what others are saying, rather than what he thinks they should say or they are going to say? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.5 * 7.2

EMPATHETIC OUTLOOK: What is John's present capacity to perceive and understand the feelings and attitudes of others or to place himself in the shoes of another? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.1 * 7.6

ROLE CONFIDENCE: How clearly does John see his role in the world or at work? Does he view it as being positive, practical and functional, and does he see himself as valuable in that role? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.1 * 7.6

PROBLEM AND SITUATION ANALYSIS: To what degree can John identify the critical activities in a process? Is he able to break down the process into its component activities and understand what needs to be corrected? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.1 * 7.4

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

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John Doe

APPLYMuch different from traditional "demonstration" or "product presentation," this step allows the salesperson to "Apply" his product knowledge in such a way that it fulfills the stated or implied wants, needs, or intentions of the prospect as identified and verbalized in the "Probe" step.

PROBLEM SOLVING: How good is John at identifying the key components that are causing a problem, as well as choosing the best option available for resolving it and completing the task? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.1 * 7.4

USING COMMON SENSE: What is John's ability to focus on practical thinking, to see the world clearly and to make common sense decisions? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.4 * 6.3

CONCRETE ORGANIZATION: What is John's current ability to understand the immediate concrete needs of a situation, and is he able to establish an effective plan of action for meeting those needs? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.0 * 8.8

SENSE OF TIMING: How good is John at evaluating a situation in such a way that statements, decisions, and actions are the most effective, accurate, and timely? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.6 * 7.8

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

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John Doe

CONVINCEWhat people believe enough, they act upon. This step is designed to enable the salesperson to build value and overcome the tendency that many prospects have to place little belief or trust in what is told to them. It is this phase of the sale that solidifies the prospect's belief in the supplier, product or service and salesperson.

INTUITIVE DECISION MAKING: How accurately does John compile intuitive perceptions about a situation into an appropriate decision or action? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.6 * 7.5

PERSUADING OTHERS: How well does John bring others around to his way of thinking? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.8 * 7.9

PEOPLE READING: How good is John at reading between the lines or understanding the body language, reticence, stress and emotions of others? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.1 * 7.6

UNDERSTANDING PROSPECTS MOTIVATIONS: How well does John understand the needs and desires of prospects, and how well does he use this knowledge to motivate them to succeed? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.5 * 8.0

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

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John Doe

TIE IT UPThe final phase of the IMPACT System. This step is asking the prospect to buy, dealing with objections, handling any necessary negotiation and completing the transaction to mutual satisfaction.

SELF CONFIDENCE: To what degree does John tend to develop and maintain an inner strength based on the desire to succeed and on his belief that he possesses the capabilities to succeed? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.0 * 7.5

PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY: How likely is John to be responsible for the consequences of his own decisions and actions and not shift the focus or blame for poor performance to somewhere else or on others? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

6.5 * 7.0

RESULTS ORIENTATION: What is John's ability to identify the actions necessary to complete tasks and to obtain results? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.8 * 6.7

EMOTIONAL CONTROL: To what extent does John tend to maintain a rational and objective demeanor when faced with a stressful or emotional situation? Will he usually act objectively, rather than impulsively and emotionally? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.1 * 6.9

ATTENTION TO DETAIL: At this time how capable is John of seeing and paying attention to details? Does he tend to be thorough in assessing the finest components of a task? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.9 * 7.7

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

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John DoeXYZ Position

ABC Company


Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. Copyright © 2003-2004. Innermetrix.

The Brooks Group3810 N. Elm Street, Suite 202

Greensboro, NC 27455Phone: 800-633-7762/Fax: 336-282-5707

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John Doe


This report analyzes a person's attitudes toward areas that are most critical to

sales success. Specifically, there are five areas assessed (Motivators, Empathy,

Achievement Drive, Attitudes Toward Selling and Ability to Handle Stress).

Each of these are then subdivided so that attitudes related to 23 very specific

success elements are evaluated. This report is essential in determining the driving or

limiting attitudinal factors that affect an individual's performance.

The Brooks Group

Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. Copyright © 2003-2004. Innermetrix. 1

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John Doe

SOURCES OF MOTIVATIONMOTIVATORS: The values, concepts, or things which cause a person to take action toward achieving their personal and professional goals.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: How motivated is John by a desire to create close personal relationships with others? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.8 * 7.6

MATERIAL POSSESSIONS: How motivated is John by a need to possess financial or material riches? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.0 * 7.9

STATUS AND RECOGNITION: How motivated is John by social status or prestige? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.0 * 8.8

PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT: How motivated is John by a drive to make himself better? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.1 * 7.4

SENSE OF MISSION: How motivated is John by a sense of giving himself to a higher cause or mission? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

6.8 * 6.4

SENSE OF BELONGING: How motivated is John by feeling a sense of belonging to a social group? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.8 * 6.7

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

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Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. Copyright © 2003-2004. Innermetrix. 2

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John Doe

EMPATHYThe ability to see and appreciate the value of others, to see and understand the viewpoint of others, to appreciate the needs and interests of others and the ability to utilize one's knowledge and understanding of others to relate and communicate effectively.

INTUITIVE DECISION MAKING: How accurately does John compile intuitive perceptions about a situation into an appropriate decision or action? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.6 * 7.5

ATTITUDE TOWARD OTHERS: To what extent does John tend to maintain a positive, open and objective attitude toward others? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.1 * 7.6

EVALUATING OTHERS: How realistic and accurate are the judgments that John tends to make about others? Does John clearly see their strengths and weaknesses and understand their manner of thinking, acting, and behaving? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.3 * 7.6

EMPATHETIC OUTLOOK: What is John's present capacity to perceive and understand the feelings and attitudes of others or to place himself in the shoes of another? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

8.1 * 7.6

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

The Brooks Group

Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. Copyright © 2003-2004. Innermetrix. 3

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John Doe

ACHIEVEMENT DRIVEThe ability to focus one's energies on attaining a goal; to maintain a consistency and steadiness in goal-directed performance.

GOAL DIRECTEDNESS: How well does John tend to stay on target regardless of circumstances, or does he easily become distracted, losing focus on the task at hand? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.2 * 6.3

RESULTS ORIENTATION: What is John's ability to identify the actions necessary to complete tasks and to obtain results? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.8 * 6.7

REALISTIC PERSONAL GOAL SETTING: How proficient is John at setting goals for himself that can realistically be achieved given his abilities, the resources available to him and the timeframe within which he has to work? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

6.5 * 7.7

PERSONAL DRIVE: How driven is John? A measurement of how strongly one feels the need to achieve, accomplish or complete specific goals. 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.3 * 7.7

CONSISTENCY AND RELIABILITY: How strong is John's internal need to be conscientious in his personal or professional efforts, to be both consistent and reliable in his life roles? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.5 * 8.3

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

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Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. Copyright © 2003-2004. Innermetrix. 4

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John Doe

ATTITUDES TOWARD SELLINGThe ability of a person to clearly see and value the components of the selling discipline; to value the sales role, the sales activities and the commitment to selling.

ROLE AWARENESS: Is John clear as to exactly what his current role is? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.0 * 7.9

ROLE CONFIDENCE: How clearly does John see his role in the world or at work? Does he view it as being positive, practical and functional, and does he see himself as valuable in that role? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.1 * 7.6

ENJOYMENT OF THE JOB: To what degree does John feel that his current job or role in life is fulfilling, rewarding and results in a positive and useful benefit? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.1 * 7.6

COMMITMENT TO THE JOB: To what degree does John usually stay focused and committed to a task? Does this motivation come from within or does he require more external motivation or supervision? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

6.9 * 7.1

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

The Brooks Group

Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. Copyright © 2003-2004. Innermetrix. 5

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John Doe

HANDLING STRESSORSThe ability to manage anxieties and frustrations; the degree to which a person's stress factors may relate to anxiety, depression, and/or potential health problems.

SELF ESTEEM: How does John value his own self worth? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

6.9 * 7.4

SELF DIRECTION: How clearly does John see the path he must take to achieve his goals? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

6.8 * 6.4

EMOTIONAL CONTROL: To what extent does John tend to maintain a rational and objective demeanor when faced with a stressful or emotional situation? Will he usually act objectively, rather than impulsively and emotionally? 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.1 * 6.9

HANDLING STRESS: What is John's ability to balance and defuse inner tensions and stress? Such tensions, if allowed to build up, might interfere with his ability to perform up to his potential. 0....1....2....3....4....5....6....7....8....9....10

7.0 * 7.4

* 68% of the population falls within the shaded area.

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Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. Copyright © 2003-2004. Innermetrix. 6

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John Doe

DIMENSIONAL BALANCEFor consulting and coaching







Self Esteem


















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Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. Copyright © 2003-2004. Innermetrix. 7

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John Doe

CORE ATTRIBUTE LISTFor consulting and coaching

• Concrete Organization (8.8) • Respect For Property (8.8) • Status And Recognition (8.8) • Practical Thinking (8.8) • Theoretical Problem Solving (8.3) • Consistency And Reliability (8.3) • Integrative Ability (8.3) • Leading Others (8.2) • Freedom From Prejudices (8.0) • Developing Others (8.0) • Realistic Goal Setting For Others (8.0) • Understanding Prospect's Motivations

(8.0) see Understanding Motivational Needs

• Understanding Motivational Needs (8.0) • Correcting Others (7.9) • Project Scheduling (7.9) • Persuading Others (7.9) • Material Possessions (7.9) • Role Awareness (7.9) • Sense Of Timing (7.8) • Conceptual Thinking (7.7) • Attention To Detail (7.7) • Personal Drive (7.7) • Realistic Personal Goal Setting (7.7) • Quality Orientation (7.7) • Initiative (7.7) • Attitude Toward Others (7.6) • Realistic Expectations (7.6) • Evaluating Others (7.6) • Human Awareness (7.6) • Conveying Role Value (7.6) • Relating To Others (7.6) • Role Confidence (7.6) • Sensitivity To Others (7.6) • Understanding Attitude (7.6) • People Reading (7.6) see Understanding

Attitude • Empathetic Outlook (7.6) • Monitoring Others (7.6) • Personal Relationships (7.6) • Enjoyment Of The Job (7.6) • Intuitive Decision Making (7.5) • Surrendering Control (7.5) • Self Confidence (7.5) • Attitude Toward Honesty (7.5)

• Creativity (7.5) • Balanced Decision Making (7.4) • Handling Stress (7.4) • Problem And Situation Analysis (7.4) • Problem Solving (7.4) • Proactive Thinking (7.4) • Self Esteem (7.4) • Self Improvement (7.4) • Self Starting Ability (7.3) • Seeing Potential Problems (7.2) • Accurate Listening (7.2) see Evaluating

What Is Said • Evaluating What Is Said (7.2) • Self Management (7.2) • Personal Commitment (7.1) • Commitment To The Job (7.1) see

Personal Commitment • Gaining Commitment (7.1) • Long Range Planning (7.1) • Meeting Standards (7.1) • Personal Accountability (7.0) • Taking Responsibility (7.0) see Personal

Accountability • Emotional Control (6.9) • Accountability For Others (6.8) • Job Ethic (6.8) • Persistence (6.8) • Following Directions (6.7) • Results Orientation (6.7) • Self Assessment (6.7) • Problem Management (6.7) • Respect For Policies (6.7) • Systems Judgment (6.7) • Sense Of Belonging (6.7) • Handling Rejection (6.5) • Self Discipline And Sense Of Duty (6.4) • Internal Self Control (6.4) • Self Direction (6.4) • Sense Of Mission (6.4) • Project And Goal Focus (6.3) • Goal Directedness (6.3) see Project And

Goal Focus • Using Common Sense (6.3)

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The IMPACT SellingSales Strategy Index Coaching Report™ 3.0

John DoeXYZ Position

ABC Company


Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group.

The Brooks Group3810 N. Elm Street, Suite 202

Greensboro, NC 27455Phone: 800-633-7762/Fax: 336-282-5707

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John Doe


The Sales Strategy Index is an objective analysis of an individual's understanding of the strategies required to sell successfully in any sales environment. It essentially answers the question, "Can this person sell?" Like any profession, selling has a body of knowledge related to its successful execution. It is this knowledge that the Sales Strategy Index measures.

Although dealing with the issue of whether a person can or cannot sell is an essential component in predicting or improving sales success, it is certainly not the only one required for optimum sales performance. Behavior, attitude, and personal interests and values are other areas to consider.

Understanding effective sales strategy can help lead you to success as long as you implement it. However, just knowing it is not enough, you must utilize what you know.

This report will give you feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. From this you can develop a plan to overcome your weaknesses. Knowledge of ones' strengths and weaknesses, along with a desire to be the best you can be, will allow you to target your professional sales growth.

The Brooks Group

Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. 1

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John Doe


Name: John Doe

INVESTIGATE: The first step of the sales system. It is the phase of the sale where prospects are identified, detailed background information is gathered, the physical activity of traditional prospecting is coordinated and an overall strategy for face-to-face selling is developed.

(2/9) 22% of the time you chose the most effective strategy (1/9) 11% of the time you ranked the second most effective strategy as your first choice

22% Primary Effectiveness Rating

MEET: The first face-to-face interaction between a prospect and the salesperson, this step is designed to enable the salesperson to display his or her sincere interest in the gain positive acceptance and to develop a sense of mutual respect and rapport. It is the first phase of face-to-face trust building and sets the face-to-face selling process in motion.

(3/8) 38% of the time you chose the most effective strategy (3/8) 38% of the time you ranked the second most effective strategy as your first choice

38% Primary Effectiveness Rating

PROBE: The questioning and detailed needs analysis phase of the face-to-face sale, this step of selling enables the salesperson to discover what the prospect will buy, when they will buy and under what conditions they will buy. It is allowing the prospect to identify and verbalize their level of interest and specific detailed needs in the product or service the salesperson is offering.

(4/6) 67% of the time you chose the most effective strategy (2/6) 33% of the time you ranked the second most effective strategy as your first choice

67% Primary Effectiveness Rating

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John Doe


Name: John Doe

APPLY: Much different from traditional "demonstration" or "product presentation," this step allows the salesperson to present his or her product in such a way that it fulfills the stated or implied needs or intentions of the prospect as identified and verbalized in the Probe step.

(5/8) 63% of the time you chose the most effective strategy (1/8) 13% of the time you ranked the second most effective strategy as your first choice

63% Primary Effectiveness Rating

CONVINCE: What people believe enough, they act upon. This step is designed to enable the salesperson to build value and overcome the tendency that many prospects have to place little belief or trust in what is told to them. It is this phase of the sale that solidifies the prospect's belief in the supplier, product or service and salesperson.

(6/6) 100% of the time you chose the most effective strategy (0/6) 0% of the time you ranked the second most effective strategy as your first choice

100% Primary Effectiveness Rating

TIE-IT-UP: The final phase of any selling system. This step is asking the prospect to buy, dealing with objections, handling any necessary negotiation and completing the transaction to mutual satisfaction.

(5/8) 63% of the time you chose the most effective strategy (1/8) 13% of the time you ranked the second most effective strategy as your first choice

63% Primary Effectiveness Rating

GENERAL: This area represents an overall understanding of the sales process. Knowledge of the process can lead to a positive attitude toward sales and a commitment to the individual sales steps.

(5/9) 56% of the time you chose the most effective strategy (1/9) 11% of the time you ranked the second most effective strategy as your first choice

56% Primary Effectiveness Rating

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John Doe


Name: John Doe


30 times chose the MOST effective strategy9 times chose the SECOND most effective strategy as #1

11 times chose the THIRD most effective strategy as #14 times chose the LEAST effective strategy as #1


Please review the following questions. In these situations you selected the least effective strategy as the most effective strategy. For each question listed, the most effective strategy is provided for your review.

16. In making a telephone contact, the prospect's administrative assistant says, "Ms. Johnson is not accepting phone calls from potential vendors." You should:

D. Ask the administrative assistant how Ms. Johnson gathers information on new products or services.

23. You send literature to a prospect. In placing your call to gain an appointment, your initial topic of conversation should be:

A. To determine if prospect received and read your literature.

35. The more competition a product has, the more a salesperson needs to:

C. Master selling skills.

36. Potential customers may be afraid of:

A. Making a wrong decision.

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John Doe


The following graph illustrates YOUR understanding of the most effective sales strategy in a series of sales situations. Research validates that understanding and applying an effective sales strategy is directly related to sales success. The higher the score in any particular area the stronger your specific understanding of what is required to be successful in the sales process.

I M P A C T G Total







































John DoeTop Sales Performers

I=Investigate M=Meet P=Probe A=Apply C=Convice T=Tie-it-up G=General

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John Doe


This graph illustrates your overall knowledge of the most and second most effective sales strategies. The higher your score in any segment, the better your broad understanding of the overall sales strategy required in that step of a successful sale.

I M P A C T G Total







































John DoeTop Sales Performers

I=Investigate M=Meet P=Probe A=Apply C=Convice T=Tie-it-up G=General

The Brooks Group

Copyright © 1989-2004. The Brooks Group. 6